#and sorry that Bastian is. not very soft even w/soft questions whoops
compendiumhistoria · 4 years
🌹🍂🥀💫 for the 2 characters you're vibing with rn!
It’s gonna be Merit, my son that I miss dearly, and Bastian, the latest bastard!
[soft OC asks!]
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Merit: It is still probably his dryadic family’s forest, the Rosewood Thickets. Even after Merit’s party made an... unfortunate deal with his mother Stellaria, and even when she’s been overbearing and mercurial, there’s a deepset bond in Merit’s bones to those woods, and the knowledge that his mother does love and protect him so makes the forest a sanctuary for him alone, at least for the most part.
Bastian: For the longest time, it was on the road with his mentors/adopted family, one of the few ways he had of living safe as an orphan. On the move is still maybe the safest he feels, but if only since every other place in his life is burned, untrustworthy while he doesn’t know who killed his family or if they know he’s still alive.
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others?
Merit: Yes!!! Merit is so very tactile, often placing a comforting hand on a stranger’s shoulder, holding his friends’ hands, pressing a kiss to a lover’s cheek! Please give him affection, he loves it, though he’d be surprised to have it from people he doesn’t know very well or pegged as non-tactile people (which he respects as well, or tries to) 
Bastian: Bastian Hugs and physical affections are very good but VERY rare because he’s honestly usually touch-adverse unless you’re a friend, in which case he’ll deal w/you initiating (and hesitate to let go bc boy is also. Touch-Starved.) With family and S/Os he’s more comfortable but usually just shoulder pats or nudging his shoulder to theirs as a if-you-need-me gesture. Also sometimes head nudges, like a cat.
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
Merit: “The Brightwoods exist, more than in my vague memory of my father’s words years ago. Exciting! Terrifying! And my uncle, my father’s brother, lives a day’s journey from Monalta. I’m a bit we’re running on quite a tight schedule though, so I won’t ask that we delay any longer. Corrin also knows about this, which... I’m not what to think of, honestly. I don’t know what our Lord would do with this information though.” ----Merit’s journal would be personal entries and perhaps a mix of notes, varying from poetic insights to useless thirst scribblings, maybe some aimless swirly designs around writings. In between the pages would definitely be flowers and leaves pressed into place.
Bastian: “Crast, Kett, Atell all gone in hiding. Why? Bigger conspiracy?” [below this are drawings of various symbols such as a knife, a bird with an circle clutched in its talons and a red ink blot. The next page is filled with a jumble of Common and some other languages] ----Bastian would have a notebook, but one so rife with shorthand, iconography and mix of the languages he knows that it’d be hard to discern any real information at a glance. A mix of habit, paranoia, and just Bastian preferring to write quickly than take his time to be eloquent. There would be plenty of sketches and scribbles amidst the pages that add as decoration at least, that only tangentially relate to what he’s actually writing about sometimes.
💫 What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
Merit: I have a lot of Merit Facts and I don’t know which is my favorite, but I did recently get emotional that his favorite color and flower are blue Forget-Me-Nots, and how he loves them so much they have often bloomed in his hair 🥺 And the fact such flowers symbolize memory and loyalty when Merit’s desperate to be loved, to understand his father’s disappearance, to prove loyalty to his Court 🥺🥺🥺
Bastian: Bastian is still in that New Place where every fact I have is 1) my favorite and 2) not that deep/not already known. I WILL say I laugh at myself because Bastian was made thanks to inspiration from very specific performance of a very specific character, and that’s even where he gets Bastian’s voice from, but I’m embarrassed and also refuse to give out spoilers to what that direct inspiration is. So I sit alone and laugh and suffer.
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