#and something like the omen would be EXCELLENT for duchovny
pennyserenade · 1 year
i need to speak with david duchovny's manager and pr team--maybe i even need to become them--because they've got him on such the wrong track its sickening. i understand there comes a point where you can't do much, but do they not understand that they have a 90s heart throb/a rare still kinda liked white man on their roster? lots of the lgbtq community knows of him. before i even knew him as fox mulder or watched the x-files i called him 'the x-files guy.' its just that the projects they put him in are bad, not even objectively. just terrible all around. he wants to do comedy, okay, throw him the bone but make him do something fun. get his ass in the bottoms and booksmarts of movies. he doesn't need to be a main character; he never is. if he's got to be in those movies make him be in the good ones. when you've got his appetite for that effectively suppressed you've got to divert his attention to serious drama. i'm talking about making his ass WORK. a24 horror, maybe. unsettling and odd projects, that clash well with his brand of humor but also allow for him to be able to help with his own character. david duchvony is at his best when he's got room to analyze and add to the project in some way. i hate to sound like i'm up his ass, so forgive me for it for a moment as i say this: he's got a big brain, and more often than that his creative input is both well thought out and correct. i'm sure he could be an asset on the right projects. and you mustn't forget that he is david duchovny. you must make him remember he's david duchovny. in the '90s he got uber famous for chasing aliens and being weird and boyish. in the modern day he needs to cash in on a little bit of that nostalgia while he roots out a spot for himself again
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