#and someone being upset that a white man wrote deeply harmful racially insensitive stuff
teaveetamer · 1 year
That guy is like "I don't want to see any harassment towards the person, anyway here's links to all their fics and socials"
Who could have ever foreseen this consequence. “I could have never encouraged any harassment campaigns!!!” as he literally encourages a harassment campaign.
I already left a comment to let the author know what was going on. I’m guessing he thinks this is some kind of “revenge” for BWIIDT critiquing Cap’s fic, but uhhhhhhh I’ve never read that fic he’s trying to criticize. I don’t think any of the “edelcrits” have. Not really into the ship and its fucking long too so I probably won’t either. I don’t really care if he critiques it, as long as he does it without literally sending harassment to the author?
You’d think the author having to delete dozens of harassing comments from his friendos would be a wake up call. Like maybe he needs to change strategy to help stem the harassment, because clearly he’s causing it since people are LITERALLY copy pasting paragraphs from his posts in the comments of the fic, but apparently he’s still linking to the fic on every post and made a master post so everyone could easily find his critiques and links to the fics without searching so like? Okay. So either you don’t actually care about the author getting harassed, or you want the author to get harassed you just want to pretend like you don’t. I can’t think of any other reason you would KEEP DOING THE THING LEADING TO HARASSMENT even after you clearly noticed you were causing harassment to happen.
I think everyone should go read the story, send the author some love, and tell her you’re sorry she has to put up with such childish tit-for-tat behavior over a situation she had literally nothing to do with.
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