#and somehow I don’t trust online orders to deliver me the right stuff so.. I make a list and do the shopping myself whenever the stars align
a-very-fond-farewell · 7 months
went to the swedish labyrinth of furniture and dreams today. we only go once every two or three years. riveting experience (get it? get it??). I was finally able to assemble smth to my heart’s content and dad has a new cart for the office as a direct consequence of that. I feel both energized and utterly done for the evening. I hope all of you peeps had/will have a great day 🍀
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oddree13 · 7 years
Dubbelsäng Does Not Mean Twin
Written for NurseyDex Week Day 2: Bedsharing and Room Sharing
Nursey/Dex Week: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
(Read on AO3)
Nursey is standing in the middle of the room staring at the box that just came in from IKEA. When they had argued about furnishing their new shared room, he had told Dex a million times that he could be trusted with the simple task of ordering them bunk beds. Only an idiot could screw it up.
Derek Malik Nurse was that idiot.
Somehow the bunk beds he had ordered were transformed into a queen sized bed, that was flatpacked and staring Nursey right in the face. Dex was going to kill him.
Grabbing his phone, the D-man dials the customer care number he found online and begins the waiting process to speak to a human, pacing the room as he waits. He has one day before Dex comes - he can totally fix this. Right?
An hour later, Derek is finally on the line with a human, being informed that while he could return the queen bed today, he’d have to wait two months to have the model he wanted delivered - it was on backorder and the IKEA outside of Boston was all out of stock. Hanging up, he begins to bang his head against the wall, realizing he was screwed. Better to get this over with now.
“What do you need, Nurse, that can’t wait until tomorrow?” Dex asks as he answers the call.
“So you know how I told you only an idiot could screw up a bed order? I’m that idiot,” he starts, explaining to his fellow d-man the mix up.
“But I’ll totally get an air mattress and sleep in the living room until the bunks can come in,” he assures the redhead over the line, totally hearing the other man mentally counting to ten.
“We’ve shared a bed on roadies, we can share a bed for a few months. Just try to assemble the damn thing without killing yourself, alright?” Dex finally answers, sounding exasperated.
“Umm...I’ll get Chowder to help.”
“Brilliant idea, Nursey,” he mumbles, before hanging up the phone.
It takes a week for them to discover their first problem.
Nursey produces way too much heat in bed, while Dex is basically an icicle. This, combined with frequent blanket stealing on both of their parts, leads to two comforters on the bed - one for each of them.
“I just got a second one because it’s too damn hot under the covers next to you, no other reason I swear,” Dex assures him, holding out the second comforter he pulled out of storage.
“I know you aren’t trying to ‘no homo’ this, I promise. I’m a furnace in bed,” Nursey laughs, endeared by the fact that Dex wants to assure him that he wasn’t homophobic.
Three weeks into it, Dex decides that there is no harm assembling the desk he bought for the room.
“I’m going to need to a workstation to start doing some of the more complex projects and coding on the bed just isn’t going to happen,” he explains from the floor as he assembles the drawers.
“I’m really sorry again, the model names were the same and because I was in Italy it was giving me the Italian site,” Derek explains again for the hundredth time.
“I know, Nurse, I know. Besides it hasn’t been too bad. The extra space is nice for guys our size,” Dex shrugs, not looking at Nursey as he confessed.
“Well the new bunks should be hear in five weeks. I checked the order,” he offers, before heading down to the kitchen to work.
Around week five, they’ve had a grueling week of practices and all Nursey wants to do is sleep, but there is a kegster and the new tadpoles need to be monitored. He doesn’t last long, actually leaving early to go to sleep, the alcohol in his system making him sleepy instead of horny for once.
The morning after the party, Nursey wakes to a dimmed room and an arm slung over his waist. His first thought is to wonder who he took home last night, before realizing that he actually remembers the whole night. Turning his head, he sees Dex snoring soundly beside him and smirks - William Poindexter is a cuddly drunk.
He runs a quick cost benefit analysis in his head and decides that it's worth the potential awkwardness if he gets to be little spoon for a few hours more. So he settles back under his sheets and closes his eyes, focusing on the sound of Dex’s breathing.
A week before the delivery Nursey gets confirmation that the bunks are in stock and are about to be sent.
“Hey, we should have the bunk bed a week early,” Nursey calls from the bed, moving his screen so Dex can see.
From his desk, Dex frowns. “We don’t need them really. I mean we’re using this bed just fine. We can’t return this, and we have more leg room too,” he points out, not looking up from his screen.
“Wait, you don’t want the bunks then?” Nursey asks, a bit confused.
“It’s not that I don’t, I just think that we have a tolerable set up now, and it would be a waste of time and money.” Dex replies, determinately not turning around to face his roommate.
“So cancel the order?”
“Cancel it.”
Nursey walks into the room, and starts to take off the blazer he wore to Winter Screw, his date behind him doing the same.
Grinning at the sight, Nursey pushes the other man against the wall and begins to kiss down his neck.
“Couldn’t wait to get to the bed?” the other man asks, a bit breathy as he feels his heart race under his shirt.
“Not when you spent the whole night looking so damn good,” Nursey purrs, nipping at the lower lip in front of him.
Chasing the kiss back, Dex looks at his boyfriend fondly. “Come on, I don’t want to do stuff so close to the door after Chowder told us how much he’s heard,” he explains, despite a frowning Derek.
“Fine. You’re right, as always,” he sighs dramatically, and falls on the bed still clothed.
“Come on, strip down so we can get started,” Dex laughs, staring at the man-child he’s with.
“Such a romantic, Poindexter.”
“You know it,” he grins. Dex begins unbuttoning Nursey’s shirt slowly, knowing he was going to take his time with his boyfriend tonight.
Later on, curled up in the dark of their room, Nursey expresses how thankful he was for the size of their bed for what they get up to.
“One of the best decisions I ever made was telling you to cancel that order,” Dex grins, tracing his fingers lazily up Nursey’s side.
“Did you have this in mind when you told me that?” the brunet asks, turning to face him.
“I’d hoped,” he admits, kissing his boyfriend once more before settling in for the night.
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thefrostfalgar · 8 years
Day 1: Errand
For E U S T A S S kid week.
Kid took a deep breath, then passed through the 5 o’clock after hour rush that crammed in the small pedestrian walk. He fumed under his breath, cursing damn Killer and Heat for making him run the errand to deliver gemstone statue. Kid was usually act as the lapidary. He cuts, polishes, engraves, and all of that stuff while Killer delivers the products to direct clients. Heat helps them both by polishing or delivering when needed. But not today. Heat had this diarrhea that had bugged him since morning, and Killer had this ‘important birthday date’ with the little polar bird nurse he had been wooing the last few months. Seriously, since when did he care about shit? For all Kid knew, the little polar bird would wait for Killer even for a century. He was seriously smitten over his blond best friend.  
So of course, Kid was the only one left to run Killer’s errand today, as Killer so strongly pointed out before he left to catch the bird. It was already delayed and they had three days national holiday afterwards, so it had to be delivered today. By him and him only, because only men from Eustass’ Treasure knew how to manhandle such delicate and beautiful piece of art. That, and because Heat said that this particular client will be one hella bitch if he received his order in less than excellent condition.
Kid wear his most menacing look─amber eyes sparked with annoyance, looking even more malicious with the support of smudging eyeliners from sweat and absent-minded rubbing throughout the day. He even let his hair as wild as they were, not bothering to comb to meet society standard and only tuck them behind the goggles he use for work. Kid even straighten his posture, intentionally showing his muscle mass to back up his threat should he met some persistent bastard who couldn’t be scared away by his stare alone─not that him, or Killer or Heat doubt such guy existed. If they do, they must be a gladiator or something. Or Chuck Norris, but he’s just a work of fiction.
But for people to be scared of even cared, they have to lay their eyes on him first. Unfortunately for Kid, he’s stuck in the sea of stinkin desk monkey who can’t seem to look up from the 4 – 5 inches of LED screen that was their phone, tapping away something that seem to be godly important.
Move, his mind yelled. Then, his mouth proceeding by yelling that out loud. A moment later, Kid decided that he just don’t care anymore and pushed people aside, making way for himself despite the venomous look people directed at him. He simply pulled his scariest look, hoping that Killer was right and he could really scare people with his stare alone.
By the time he arrived to the buyer’s address, Kid had completely furious. He knocked on the apartment door furiously like a set of machine gun, putting as much urgency so he could leave right now.
He almost regret it when the door swung open. Showing a lean, shirtless man with tanned skin covered with weird designed tattoo all across his chest and hands. Kid gulped as he moved from that body to his steel grey eyes (which currently glared dagger into him. If only look could kill, Kid would be in shambles right now). In between the storm of what’s left of his fury and the new found appreciation to the sight in front of him, Kid couldn’t fathom better words other than muttering “Delivery from Eustass’ treasure”. The hot dark skinned man only nod, eyes blinked into a friendlier manner in an instant and lips curved into the most tempting lopsided smirk Kid had ever seen.
Why didn’t he born in a tribe where kissing someone in their first meeting is considered a warm introduction?
The hot man’s expression suddenly changed into panic, as if he suddenly remembered something important. After a series of confusing “sorry”, “I know this sounds weird and insolent” , and “I wouldn’t ask you if I can help it”, he muttered something that sounds like “Can you help buy me a salt? I’m kind of in the middle of cooking right now and it’s almost done so I can’t leave it.”
Kid blink in confusion, and then in annoyance that come in waves like tsunami.
But between the stranger’s sexy lips making the words of plea and his melted steel grey eyes, Kid found himself actually running the errand for the sexy, insolent customer. He only realized that when he stood on his door once again, carrying a bag of salt in one hand and a handful of WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH ME in his mind.
The sexy human smiled gratefully, thanking Kid and inviting him to a dinner he prepared. Kid declined upon sensing that the other will have some sort of celebration with his family or probably friends, and decided to leave after the customer tipped him─much to his annoyance. He insisted twice as hard as when he insisted Kid to stay for dinner, so Kid had no other option than to accept it and just go home like he initially planned.
On his way to the apartment’s elevator, Kid could feel a stare so strong, it burnt hole on his ass. He threw a glance over his shoulder, only to see the stranger actually check on his ass boldly. He didn’t even turn his head away when Kid caught him.
Kid could feel a blush rose to his cheek, so he skipped the elevator and ran his way to the first floor of the building through emergency stairs.
Ever since that time, the hot customer (whose name is Trafalgar Law─as Kid caught from the business card Killer got on him) seemed to have a hobby to order a customized gem statue. And somehow, that had becoming Kid’s regular errand since Killer refuse to deliver anything on Friday night and Heat is practically scared of that man. He even told a long story about his ugly history with Law since Trafalgar was still co-intern, along with the backstory of why Wire and he called Law “The Surgeon of Death”. Although, Kid didn’t remember that Heat ever suffered any disease that required constant treatment from cardiac surgeon.
Few months later, the surgeon wasn’t home when Kid delivered the statue. So he had to call him if he wanted it delivered the next day, or if he could trust his neighbor enough for Kid to entrust the package with. Law chose the former option, so Kid came back the next day, calling Law again just to make sure that he’s really home this time.
Two weeks later, his mobile carrier told him that he’s running out of Call Plans. Followed by a storage warning from his phone to delete messages in his inbox. Kid managed to gain back 20% space of his phone storage by deleting the messages that was not sent under the name Trafalgrawr.  
Three weeks later, Kid ran an errand of delivering a small Buddha statue to Law, and ended up having movie date with the surgeon. It was raining outside anyway and Kid didn’t bring an umbrella. Plus, he had no plans for the night. The date went well of course, except that Kid never knew the ending of the movie. But he managed to add to his mental note that the surgeon does really have a nice pair of hands.
On approximately their eleventh official date, Kid finally learned that aside of being a surgeon, Law also had a side business; selling customized gem statue online. The profit was not that bad. He can cover most of his monthly expense without even touching his salary from the hospital. “People praise your statue so much,” Law said, smiling with a spark of something that looks a bit like guilt while Kid’s amber eyes glared at him. “It’s easy to sell them with high price.”
Of course they are, Kid thought. He spent more time on Law’s order, making them with love to be as perfect as he can make them be. He was almost admitting it out loud, before deciding against it and instead asking Law, “So what else do you hide, Trafalgar?”
“Don’t kill Heat and Killer,” he grinned. “Because I may or may not bribe them to force you to deliver every statue directly to me after that first time.”
A half baked story I have thought of the last few days and I’ve failed the deadline but at least it’s still January 4th in America continent. But well, I always love it when Law is a sneaky little bastard and Kid the clueless dork sooo 😏😏😏
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not3worthy · 7 years
The State of The Summer
Feels like it's been far too long since I just sat down to write just to write-- not that I haven't been having a blast penning characters and developing engaging dialogue with my friends in Florida playing Dungeons & Dragons 5e over Twitter when we can-- but I haven't really made time to just get my thoughts as they are and not seen through the scope of a character on the page.
In a small recess with said Floridian friends making preparations for BronyCon which starts next Thursday--Friday may be the first official day of the convention, but setup for vendors and getting all of the I's dotted and T's crossed and a lot of what's known in the trade as Day 0 activities occur from when access to venue spaces is given to the setup crews--I now have a window to write in.
"So, Note Worthy, what's all been going on with you since last you wrote... May, was it?"
I used to joke when I would write a blog post after a long pause that I had to clear the cobwebs out or someone stole time, but the truth is I simply do other things... such as the aforementioned D&D on Twitter.  Other times I'll just listen to music or watch the same YouTube videos I've watched a dozen or so times over already.  The highest likeliness that is that is if it's a day that ends in "Y", I am rolling initiative or RPing with my group of characters.  And, again, it's been fun and I enjoy the chance I was given to play with some very imaginative and fun people.  Wouldn't trade it for anything, really... well, maybe companionship.  One day a week would be enough to just spend with someone and then D&D the rest after work.
I've been working, sometimes 10 hours in a day.  My route has undergone fluctuations from slow days that lull you into a false sense of security to days where the scanner keeps sounding and you're already an hour behind schedule and somehow someway you manage to get back to base on time to get your truck unloaded and all of its cargo on the plane.  You never question it--it steals the magic and almost guarantees you that right--and I do mean right--at 5:30, you get a stop that's on the other side of town and it closes in 30 minutes.  Fun times.
Sadly, that's a pretty good summary of what I've been up to.  I haven't really gone out anywhere save for the scheduled Mall meets to have a meal and try to catch up with "friends" and some real friends.  My life has become rather pattern based, a rut of constant order.  Oh, yeah, I went to a wedding.  Sort of awkward but I managed to have a decent-ish enough time.
On the D&D front, I've created three characters, deeply developed one and changed his alignment and created two more that I'm slowly figuring out how to play.
I signed up for another online dating site, only to get one person to write me back and say she wasn't interested.  I deleted my profile the other day; little point in keeping "bait" in a location where I'm not getting any bites.
"Wow.  That really doesn't sound all that great.  How are you handling it?"
Primarily by doing this.  I've whined at my friends often enough and heard nothing back from them.  I've clued into the fact that they've tuned me out when it comes to stuff like this and that any further attempts at gaining some measure of understanding of my situation are hopelessly in vain and should be discontinued.
I keep saying what I want, yet unable to communicate it in a way that lets people know that I'm not trying to be desperate, needy or excessively whiny.  I'm being honest about what I sense is missing from my life and trying to wean some insight as to why it's not happening the way I would like it.
As I was driving home tonight, the sweat from unloading my truck and loading the cams to set out to go to our sorting facility in Columbus, Ohio and ultimately on to their destination finally drying, I was allowing myself some time to just get some thoughts out, using a backdrop of My Little Pony music to help filter some of the concepts flitting through my brain.  It was a moment where I wish I had the wherewithal to pick up my phone and try to voice record it so I could get the wording right.  I'll just do the best I can here.
Earlier this week, I had come to a realization; I have been jaded.  I've also been very bitter with people and situations.  Oh, not all at once... just here and there, cold thoughts about people, feeling unloved, unlovable, just... run of the mill crap like that.  So, after that, I told one of my friends... who didn't really react to it.  Maybe because my issue that was going through my tilted mind at the time had nothing to do with the issue of the epiphany of what has happened to me over the last few years.  Then I prayed about it and left it alone.
What I think I was trying to put into words as I was traveling at 35 MPH down Minnetonka Boulevard at around 9 at night was that I'm just... confused.  I've said it myself in tweets before: there is too much in my life for it not to be poured out into the lives of others; and, even as I am doing that, I can't seem to locate the sense of satisfaction that I used to feel when I did something that mattered to me. I feel as a vessel that has been filled and emptied out but not refilled with anything new then left to be neglected and unfilled.
There's a line from a song by Ponyphonic Trusting You that I was listening to... and it kind of resonated with me.  Some of the other lyrics are a little depressing.  I'll give you the quick synopsis of the song: it's about a person who has decided friendship is only pain and the only way to keep yourself "safe"  is to shut every door, close every chat and do everything within your power to manage to get through life by yourself.  Here's an excerpt of the closing chorus:
My heart is crying Neglected and confused
There are days where I simply don't know how I should feel, or I have my feelings swing on a dime from the happiest I've ever been to near homicidal and depressed. It's... really not a lot of fun.
"Oh, man, dude... that's almost unhealthy. Have you considered seeing a therapist or counselor?"
It's on my "I'd love to have the time" list. I haven't investigated the option at all because of my work schedule which has its own benefits and challenges--benefit is I don't start until 11, the challenge of not getting done until 9 PM some days. Don't know the policy on weekend appointments that my HMO has.
Maybe my hesitation about seeing a counselor is that it won't solve the underlying issue of people not communicating with me until they need something (certain exceptions do apply). What I have done in the interim is... sort of turn my friends into impromptu counselors. Which ain't why there are in my life... they're present because we have shared interests and they're pretty cool people.
The biggest thing that becomes a problem is when you want to communicate your desire to be involved in the events your friends do... but not actually be delivered in such of a way of "invite me or else" or "everything is horrible I don't want to be alone". I've tried all I know, and after it proved to be ineffective, I stopped trying. (Which means I should run that sucker through the scientific method again and ask different questions.)
Even in my current frustrated state, I'm still living life.  It's just... emptier than I would like it to be.  There's space available for the ride.  Wanna come along?
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