#and solas is just tired and accustomed to his dragon being that way XD
emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
otp asks 1, 4, 9? 👀
My final ask for the night! I'm so appreciative of everybody that sends these, just so you all know! *sends all the hugs and good vibes!* Like, I'm gonna be sappy here for a minute and just say, thank you because I really didn't think anyone would ever be interested in Fane or any of my ideas, so again, thank you! And I will try to reciprocate more often (work bogs me down and then I hop on to ask stuff and I'm like, "Noooo! All of them are taken! D:")
1. What are things they both find funny?
I did answer this in another ask, BUT I have something else! >:D
He wanted to do it. He didn't know why, but he wanted to do it. It was so tempting, so tantalizing. It wouldn't do any harm, surely! Just a quick one. Two seconds tops! The force would be undeniable! A passion unleashed as centuries of yearning exploded with the fluttering and clattering of objects! His body light, his soul flying!
He needed to do it!
"Fane, do not--"
"You don't understand, Solas. I have to."
"No, no you do not."
"It won't do anything harmful!"
"You will destroy the table!"
"It's a table, you old fart! I can buy a new one!"
"I'm doing it. End of discussion. Here I...GO!"
There it was. Freeing, falling, flying until his boots connected with hard wood, a surface splintering, cracking, snapping as the force of his desire split Solas's desk in two. Cleanly, Fane would admit as he inspected his destruction, having vaulted over the railing from the rookery down to the rotunda.
"See? No harm, no foul.", Fane said, indicating with a sweep of his arm to the remnants of the desk as well as strewn about books, candles, and various parchments. "Just a mess. One I will not be cleaning up because you wouldn't let me do this from the battlements to begin with."
Solas stood directly next to where he was surrounded by debris, pinching the bridge of his nose and sucking in deep breaths through it to no doubt calm seething exasperation at his little stunt.
"Why must you do this? What can you not just accept you you cannot fly?", Solas questioned, voice strained and trying oh so very hard not to rise.
"I haven't observed enough to conclude I can't fly. So, I can't accept it until then.", Fane said with a shrug. He thought the mage knew how his nature operated by now.
"You have no wings!", Solas exclaimed finally, throwing his hand down form his nose to level Fane with a blue-grey glare.
"Again, not enough observation to conclude that."
"I..I..", Solas gaped before taking in another deep, steadying breath before methodically and mechanically beginning to clean up his workspace that had become the sight of a dragon attack. "I suppose I see the logic. Yes. Yes, of course. Carry on as you were, ma'isenatha."
Fane watched the mage slowly gather his things, occasionally slamming a book a bit too harshly as an eyebrow twitched and lips muttered incoherently, stormy eyes swirling with a hurricane, but not connecting with his own lest it unleash its true fury. He shrugged a bit, turning his gaze away from the raging storm of his lover to once again inspect the fruits of his desires with silent pride. He had had his release, and it felt good, even if it were just for a moment.
And next time would be the battlements, wings or no.
(Himbo Fane? Very tired Solas? It's more likely than you think! :D)
4. What would be their ship name?
I was thinking about this for a while, not gonna lie. XD But I kind of wanted to take Fane's draconic name 'Aterian' and combine it with Solas' name.
Sooooo...'Solarian'? Or 'Atlas'?! Is this how ship names work? Pffft!
9. Have they made each other cry?
Yes, but not through an argument or anything. It's more that the truth has led them to make the other cry. Fane and Solas don't mince words with each other. They don't placate the other with comforting words because they both know that it isn't the truth. Right now, I'm writing my 'Finding Skyhold' scene for my main fic, and basically, it's a very, very hard time for Fane because everything has come back to him. His memories, his identity, his connection with Solas; all of it. However, between all that, Fane still feels disconnected, lost, adrift, grey. He doesn't know what or who he's supposed to be, even though his memories are saying, in bold letters, 'dragon'. It's the first everyone will read of Fane crying, like I mean crying, and in that moment he just looks at Solas and asks, "Who am I? What am I? What am I?!" and Solas just stares at him, gives him one of those sad smiles of his, and says, "I don't know. Ir abelas. I don't know." and that breaks Fane, but not adversely. It's the truth, and as painful as it is, he wants the truth, not platitudes.
In regards to Solas, Fane makes him cry during the assault on Haven. The least opportune time, I know, but there's a lot of shit that goes down during the transition from Haven to Skyhold. Suffice it to say, the orb that Corypheus possesses, Solas' orb, of course, sends Fane into a frenzy and this frenzy is what killed him centuries before. At this point, Solas has suspicions around Fane's identity, but he's been denying them for fear and from grief. But when he witnesses Fane just break and start destroying literally anything his eyes land upon, it all clicks into place, it all makes sense and Solas is overcome with so many emotions that he breaks while trying to wrangle Fane into submission, to bring his dragon back when he had failed to do so before. However, the real tears don't begin to flow until he sees crimson ebb away from emerald and gold. Fane and Solas are practically body to body as a staff blade cuts into a since then perfect pale cheek, and as blood drips and forms tremble, chests heaving and both wide eyed as they stare at each other in fear, in recognition, in disbelief, the only thing Solas can think to say as tears pour down his sullied face and the weightless one has when falling backwards surrounds him is:
"You're alive." *chef's kiss*
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