#and so im not used to being catcalled or even complimented on my appeareance
lostbrazilian · 7 months
I think i've just been catcalled today on my way back from the gym and im having very mixed feelings about it
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 9 months
Hello :3
Soo...here Is another jeff the killer x reader.⬇️
Femboy! Jeff the killer x reader
(Btw i know there may be some misconception, but when i say femboy, i am writing about a boy, who identifies as a boy, and just likes dressing/acting feminine. Im not using femboy in a transphobic way, and ill never use it that way)
TW: Brief mentions of abuse
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Femboy!Jeff x reader
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I would think that Jeff grew up in a very emotionally abusive household
His parents were trying to mold him and Liu into what they wanted as kids, rather than just letting them expressing themselves and figuring out who they are as people
And so because of this, Jeff never really got to experiment with his appearance until he joined Slender's manor
It started off very minor, with things like dying his hair, getting his ears pieced, and wearing more alternative styled clothes
Since he was just always raised with the belief that "Boys don't wear makeup or dresses because that's feminine" the thought to act more feminine never really crossed his mind
So I think that he would have only recently started expressing that more feminine side of himself
It was probably you who helped him realize he could tbh
You guys would be talking in your bedroom, just hanging out and he'd bring up that he always wanted to try being more feminine in his appearance, because he likes to confuse people as to what he even is
He just likes looking genderless idk
And you were like "Ok so do that. No one's gonna stop you"
He got quiet for a moment before going "Oh yeah...I guess no one will stop me"
Because of his pride however, he would not wear those things in public for a very long time
Only you could see him in his makeup and dresses
But you manage to convince him to just go out with you and have a photoshoot where both of you are dressed as the opposite sex
This makes him feel more comfortable and confident, because if anyone sees him, he will at least have an excuse as to why he is all dolled up
And of course, someone does see him
"Woah, Jeff dude, you look like you just crawled out of Jane's closet"
"I'm doing a photoshoot, fuck off"
You will have to help him with his makeup, because lord knows his ass does not have steady hands
It frustrates him to no end when his eyeliner isn't even
Anyways, that's enough of that
I feel like he likes to wear really flowy dresses and big trad goth makeup
He doesn't really like skirts unless they're maxi skirts
When he does eventually get comfortable enough to go out in the manor dressed up, he will get many compliments
And if he goes out in public, you will have to herd him away from all the catcalls
His ego gets such a major boost
Good luck not letting it go to his head
Ben jokes around with him, asking what his drag name is and when he'll be able to bring home money from RuPaul's Drag Race
He's a silly guy, your honor <333
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gastrific-blog · 8 years
yikes so many stuff left unanswered.
Sorry i disappeared guys, the thing is i’ve been dealing with a pretty shitty life (more details under read more if you want to know ) and had no energy to come here or time. I do plan though to bring Gastly back! so expect him to be back in some few days asap i can manage time and energy ! bcs i honestly miss my ghostly playful pokemon fellow! 
the reasons why i honestly have been lacking presence here and on many of my other blogs tbh is because well...how to say this.
i am suffering from narcissistic abuse. and i only realized it recently. Furthermost at the hands of my shitty birth givers. 
Now, for those who don’t have info/ are aware of this, i will just explain it a bit further: i realized that the manner they were treating me was not being overprotective, no. Rather they just want me to not leave their house because they want me to serve them, and since i refuse to do so they treat me like shit. like shit equaling to: insulting me through names like ‘stupor, bag of shit, plague, bitch, attention-seeking whore, selfish , ungrateful...etc.’ they also constantly threaten me with physical violence if i want to do something my way and not theirs, or menace me, even going as far as to humiliate me in public, and spreading ill rumors about me on my back (though tbh I've seen it happen when i was but a mere 8 year old child. my ‘mother’ was speaking ill about how i mistreat her. the thing is even then my subconscious was already defending me from their abuse without me knowing it. ) just for a lost contact lens once, i was hit in the face hard and scarred on my arms as they pulled me with force against the wall. well, of course, i don’t expect people around me to believe me since outside the house they put on the goodie two shoes act, and having their image tarnished is their biggest fear.the thing is the last drop was given as i’ve witnessed them insulting my dog and tried twice to kick them. i will not tolerate that.
they honestly give me no value. when i try to give opinions the sperm donor (forgive my language but you see for me they are no parents or family, they are just creatures that mean nothing to me but pain by now) often tries to shut me down, saying ‘how i don’t matter, my opinion means nothing, or i don’t know about anything’ when i’ve went through hell at school years and now what the house spends and clearly research a lot and know stuff from ebbing informed, clearly proving that i am far more smart than them: they know that and try to make me feel miserable; i could even be pouring milk to my cup and they would be criticizing me by the way i do things when nothing is wrong. 
they even went as far as to omit information for me and make me try to sign a contract of a medical insurance without reading, and half filled without my consent. they tried to hit my dog twice too, and called me or them by awful names.  
as you can imagine this is stressful for both me and my dog, and even when nothing’s happening we fear for our lives, because you never know when they might snap. they’re toxic. it’s making us feel dead inside. i can’t sleep without my door closed now because i fear for my safety, i often wake up in the middle of the night either bcs i can't sleep well, or because my dog wants to go to the ‘bathroom.’
for you to feel even more sickening, that sperm donor even went as far as to say he supported the street harassment i went through when at times i go walking on the streets and there are assholes who catcall me. ...not even for their own ‘daughter’ they have compassion. worse yet they are a former court officer  which is sickening and awfully disgusting. not even after telling them how that makes women feel unsafe and awful for having their bodies and appearances seen as a walking peace of meat, and how we feel endangered walking in the streets like that and how this is the reason many such as myself took defense classes , they understood it. they are one of those many bigoted mysogynistic, sexist assholes who think that is a compliment.
not only that but both of them in public seem friendly with anyone , and in private they even went as far as to joke with my asian neighbors calling them derogatory names, or mocking a woman’s disability with names such as ‘black widow ‘ or even mocking a homosexual acquaintance of them when they tried to invite them for their wedding, asking ‘who’s doing the paper of the woman?’ !  passing it off as a joke. for me a person’s sexuality is not a joke, which makes me realize had i happened to be something else than straight, i would’ve been put out of the house.
they are so ill and sickening, that one time the sperm donor followed my grandma ato the bathroom, to check if after she used it it was left clean . do you find that normal?!
even more the birth giver has returned to her smoking habits and dared to smoke inside the house and me being an asthmatic person, took in the smoke without wanting it, and ended up with my throat burning and coughing for 1 hour to try to expel the toxins, having to see myself forced to open the windows. what did they do? they went to close my windows and screamed at me for ‘ how i was causing a scene and the neighbors were hearing everything! ‘ . their worry was not me or my health, it was their image. which sickens me honestly, i stayed with a burnt throat for 4 days at least if not more - and they knew i was asthmatic and the consequences of this action.
as if this hadn’t been enough i already suffered bullying in all these forms on my school years and they never supported me , even now, with proof after the cyberbullying attack i had they still blame the crime against me. and think i treat people bad. no i don’t, but i will not take shit from assholes.
the worst is i am in a way dependent on these narcs , on these abusers because i am working in the same firm as one of them. i want to move out with my dog hopefully even this month or the next one because this is draining me, no, even killing me inside, day by day. as if it wasn’t enough i have to deal with traumas, ocd, ptsd, and being in a workplace where everyone tries to pull a dagger on my back or to others, since 80% of the people there are narcs or enablers and the worst is that shitty ‘birth giver ‘ of mine allows it all, and condemns me whenever i try to defend myself. 
as you can deduce this is draining me inside and out. i don't feel like smiling at all lately, i don't feel sad but i don't feel also 100% happy, far from it.  i plan to move out this month or the next one, which might mean i might not have internet right away too but... the thing is I've been trying to get my license and i failed the last time i  did the exam because im basically drained. im not giving up but i am drained.
so yeah my life’s been pretty shitty. in one of the imagines blogs i have i opened a donation fund in case you’d like to help. even 1$ would help tbh. there’s no limit date or quantity because i have yet to know how much i will need since i will have expenses for my medications and my dog too but... yeah just so y’know.
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