#and sinus pressure. and achy back muscles.
sage-nebula · 8 months
I'm sick, and I've been sick for awhile, and I don't think it's contagious but I do think it's been getting worse, but I'm probably not going to die from it. But on the plus side, if I did die from it, at least the results of the election in November wouldn't affect me, right?
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brightlotusmoon · 6 months
On Facebook!
Me: Okay, someone with TMJ, trigeminal nerve pain, and sinus pain help walk me through the differences so I can figure out what's happening in my face.
My good friend Becca: OMG SOMEONE FINALLY NEEDS ME!!!!
TMJ is an achy, muscular pain. If you press on the hinge of your jaw and/or the back of your skull where it meets your neck, you will feel intense pain followed by release. Causes headaches on one side, usually in the back. Opening your mouth wide while touching your jaw will produce a “pop” on one side and a feeling of sliding sideways on the other. Helped by: NSAIDS, muscle relaxants, heat. Hurt by: crunchy food, chewy food, jaw clenching.
Trigeminal neuralgia feels like random electrical shocks at the base of your teeth, radiating up into your cheek. One side. No headache. Pain can also be sharp or burning (when mine was at its worst it felt like someone put a flaming fireplace poker between my teeth and slammed my jaw shut), but the hallmark is that “shocky” pain. Helped by: medication that is specifically for nerve pain (like gabapentin). Absolutely nothing else helps. Hurt by: ??? (Mine is kind of related to the cold but…???)
Sinus pain is usually heavy pressure and an ache or occasional sharp pain in the jaw. Headaches bilateral and in the front of the head, in a “mask” around the eyes. Trigger points are at the inside corner of the eyebrow and the outer corner of the nostrils, applying firm pressure there will cause SEVERE pain that will lessen over time. Cheeks and forehead may also be sensitive to touch. Also might present as a sore throat. Helped by: sudafed, antihistamines, NSAIDS, cold. Hurt by: that depends on the person. If it’s unrelenting and doesn’t respond well to meds you should see a doctor to check for infection.
Oh my goodness I feel so useful 🖤
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brightlotusmoon · 8 months
My FB post right now is being so useful:
Me: Okay, someone with TMJ, trigeminal nerve pain, and sinus pain help walk me through the differences so I can figure out what's happening in my face.
My microbiologist friend: "OMG SOMEONE FINALLY NEEDS ME!!!!
TMJ is an achy, muscular pain. If you press on the hinge of your jaw and/or the back of your skull where it meets your neck, you will feel intense pain followed by release. Causes headaches on one side, usually in the back. Opening your mouth wide while touching your jaw will produce a “pop” on one side and a feeling of sliding sideways on the other. Helped by: NSAIDS, muscle relaxants, heat. Hurt by: crunchy food, chewy food, jaw clenching.
Trigeminal neuralgia feels like random electrical shocks at the base of your teeth, radiating up into your cheek. One side. No headache. Pain can also be sharp or burning (when mine was at its worst it felt like someone put a flaming fireplace poker between my teeth and slammed my jaw shut), but the hallmark is that “shocky” pain. Helped by: medication that is specifically for nerve pain (like gabapentin). Absolutely nothing else helps. Hurt by: ??? (Mine is kind of related to the cold but…???)
Sinus pain is usually heavy pressure and an ache or occasional sharp pain in the jaw. Headaches bilateral and in the front of the head, in a “mask” around the eyes. Trigger points are at the inside corner of the eyebrow and the outer corner of the nostrils, applying firm pressure there will cause SEVERE pain that will lessen over time. Cheeks and forehead may also be sensitive to touch. Also might present as a sore throat. Helped by: sudafed, antihistamines, NSAIDS, cold. Hurt by: that depends on the person. If it’s unrelenting and doesn’t respond well to meds you should see a doctor to check for infection.
Oh my goodness I feel so useful 🖤"
My reply: "I love you. I also feel like all of that happened at the same time. But I'm going to call it TMJ, because the thoracic pain and upper shoulder stiffness is specific to the palsy spasticity, which means it'll hit the jaw muscles on both sides in slightly different ways."
Other friends also weighed in!
A. said "TMJ feels like you have the bottom jaw and the jaw joint hit with a hammer. Sinus pain in face feels like you could stick something into your eye or up your nose and it would pop the balloon that growing in your skull. Trigeminal nerve is one of the worst pains you have ever experienced and you would be at the hospital. It usually only affects one side of the face and it feels as thought someone is slicing your face open. (I don’t have it but a friend does but I experienced mild symptoms after a surgery that temporarily inflamed that nerve and even minor pain it was horrid and gave me a much much less accurate idea of how much pain my dear friend deals with cause mine was like 20% compared to her 100%)"
K. said: "TN can be bilateral and can be triggered or exacerbated by the same range of meds prescribed to relieve it.
Sinus pain may respond to pseudoephedrine, but phenylephrine ain't shit, so check your Sudafed formulation before you decide that decongestant doesn't work.
TMJ, you might notice that you're clenching or grinding at night... or other people might notice more than you do.
Also consider for differential diagnosis, these things that can cause REALLY fucking bizarre referred-pain:
Ear infection (look for fever or pain spiking at weird times when you can't identify a trigger, also maybe nausea)
Dental/oral nerve impingement or infection, try swishing with an analgesic like a chloraseptic spray or lozenge, or oragel. See if pan resolves.
Try tapping on teeth and gums. See if any of them feel 'weird.'
Brush/floss/waterpik/whatever very thoroughly and then gargle and swish as aggressively as you can.
I had a poppy seed making me think I was getting shingles one time. Once it was out, I was fine. Weirdest fucking shit... anyway..."
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getthebutters · 3 years
PMS* Rescue 🩸 w/ Sage, Epsom, Evening Primrose
A relaxing cream rub to help with irritability, tummy issues, cramps, excess water retention, tension, hot flashes, sleep issues, and all those disquieting symptoms of hormonal dysregulation.
A relaxing cream rub to help with irritability, tummy issues, cramps, excess water retention, tension, hot flashes, sleep issues, and all those disquieting symptoms of hormonal dysregulation.
Initially made for a friend who suffers from intense cramping, constipation, and insomnia when it's time for their endometrium to rip itself out each month. PMS* Cream has become an invaluable resource for those with wacky endocrine systems, menopause, PCOS, PMS, rough menstruation, folks on HRT, and others.
The idea is that you use PMS* RESCUE along with your heating pad, massage, etc. PMS Rescue simply works to helps smooth out the flow of everything mentioned above. In the immediate, it's incredibly smoothing, soothing, and mood evening. At the very least, you should feel the internal growl of discomfort lose its edge, which can be enough to get you through the day. For many, the topical application of sage, evening primrose, and neem, can also help to balance hormonal issues.
Typically a 2oz jar is enough for a month of irregular usage.
Shelf Life is 1 Year min.
100% vegan
Compare to The Honey Pot Soothing Body Balm 2oz for $35.99
Suggested usage: Apply over belly, lower back, any achy or bloated area and take a breather. Works well in conjunction with a heating pad or hot water bottle. Also works great as a bath melt.
Ingredients: Aloe, shea butter, olive, coconut, grapeseed, soy & palm oils, neem oil, & evening primrose Epsom salt,+ organic essential oils: peppermint, clary sage, lemongrass; guar bean powder, sea salt, apple cider vinegar, Vitamin E/C, fragrance, polysorbate 80
 How PMS* Rescue Active Ingredients Work:
Clary sage - Helps balance hormone production/regulate the endocrine system. Commonly offered as a treatment for menopause and PMS symptoms. Like basil, thyme, oregano, and other herbs, it’s also known for its ability to increase circulation, support the digestive system, improve eye health, and offer antibacterial/antifungal/antinflamatory properties through a species & region unique blend of fatty acids, vitamins, & other nutrients. Clary sage is also antispasmodic, meaning it smooths involuntary muscle movement, likely due to synergizing effect on the nervous system. This also effects cortisol and related stress levels; blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.
Lemongrass - Used as aromatherapy to relieve muscle pain, externally to kill bacteria, ward off insects, and reduce body aches, and internally to help your digestive system. Lemongrass essential oil is a source of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate and vitamin C. It also provides essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc and iron.
Evening Primrose - can help treat hormone/endocrine imbalances and associated problems in the body thank to its high concentration of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This includes acne, PMS, cervical mucus production (possibly sperm motility - more research needed), male pattern baldness, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), obesity/metabolic function, & spotting. It also helps sooth psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, rosacea, & eczema. It's also a powerful anti-inflammatory and has been used to treat a wide range of aches and pains caused by swelling, such as bloating, breast tenderness and cramping associated with PMS and joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Neem - rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs), triglycerides, vitamin E and calcium. Neem also stimulates collagen production, good for aging skin. Indeed, if used regularly, neem may help smooth wrinkles and fine lines while helping to prevent the signs of aging. Neem oil may prove to be a natural remedy for eczema symptoms — including dry, red, itchy skin — and be very soothing, but it will not cure the root causes for eczema. Neem oil has been used in traditional folk medicine and as a home remedy for acne because of the aspirin-like compound that helps rid the skin of bacteria.
Peppermint Essential Oil - Relieves tension and headaches related to it. Helps unclog your sinuses and works to clear mucus from your airways. Helps relax the muscles in the sinus cavity. Helps boost energy levels, improve alertness and memory. Helps settles upset tummy. Relieves itching and topical pains thanks to natural analgesic properties. Helps increase circulation and brings all the benefits that come with it. Decreases dandruff & skin flakiness. When used on skin, it boosts skins overall health.
Epsom salt - made of magnesium and sulfate - both easily absorbed through the skin and necessary for a healthy body. When used this way, it will help with pain relief,  relax the nervous system, soothe skin irritation, healing cuts, treating colds and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body. It will also help your body release toxins through sweat and on the porcelain throne.
 How The Butters OG Moisturizer Works:
Each of The Butters' ingredients was chosen for their unique properties. For pure, easy to absorb moisture, we have aloe. For extended release moisture, conditioning and protection from ashiness, I add shea. To give your skin essential vitamins and lipids we have coconut and grapeseed oil. To protect from the elements and give your skin time to fully absorb the thinner oils, we add soy and palm oil. To hold that moisture to your skin, balance shine and absorb sweat, we have guar gum. Finally, to make sure your pH balanced, deodorized, clean and shining healthily, I add apple cider vinegar.
 Nothing else you've tried will match the results or harmony that The Butters creates with the body. Inside and out, it works without worry. No one should be forced to choose between being ashy or greasy. Nor should we have to buy a menagerie of products at a hefty markup to help our body do its thing. The Butters works so well because it doesn't try to manufacture quick results; it supports and balances what you've already got.
This is not a menstrual product "for women." This is made for anyone of any, all, or no genders who suffer from PMS or PMS-like symptoms - including those with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), rough menstruations, folks on HRT, etc. This isn't a medication. Ask your doctor if you're concerned about possible interactions.
  “…This for me, is pretty much a holy grail period product for me now and I don’t say that lightly. A product to help period cramps that’s GOOD? Where do I sign up?!..”
-Locks, periods and pleasure – Butters Hygeinics Co. Review – Life of Violet (becomingvioletgrey.com)
“…When I used this, I had some back pain and cramps. When I went to sleep, I rubbed this all over my lower back and pelvic area. The smell of this cream lulled me right to sleep and I slept amazing!”
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Don’t Let Stress-Related Headaches Control Your Day. Physical Therapy May Help
Headaches affect the lives of millions of people every year. There are several different kinds of headaches, including sinus headaches, hormone headaches, and migraines.
Did you know that different types of stress can also play a role in causing headaches? It’s unfortunate but true. In fact, stress-related headaches are considered one of the most common headaches that people have.
It’s important to understand how a stress headache differs from other types, the causes of these types of headaches, and how a physical therapist may be able to help. To learn more about the causes of stress-related headaches and how physical therapy can provide relief, keep reading!
What is a stress-related headache?
During stressful situations, our bodies often go into fight or flight mode. Certain chemicals in the brain can be released during this time that can cause a variety of changes in the body that result in pain.
Stress-related headaches are also called “tension headaches.” When you’re experiencing one, you may have a dull, achy pain along your forehead or through the back of your head. The pain sometimes starts in the neck or shoulders and progresses through areas around your head. Some people also experience aching or pain in the jaws and cheeks.
Causes of stress-related headaches
Anxiety, fatigue, and general stress can all contribute to stress-related headaches.
Certain health-related conditions, including arthritis, can also cause headaches to occur. Even having poor posture at work can contribute to stress-related headaches.
The stress an individual is experiencing can make muscles tense and also cause blood vessels to dilate. This can cause stress-related headaches and may make other types of headaches, such as migraines, even worse.
Symptoms of stress-related headaches
Stress-related headaches that bother you for more than 15 days out of the month for 3 months or more are considered a chronic pain condition. They can vary widely in severity, although they’re rarely as debilitating as migraines are.
Stress-related headaches also tend to present themselves as a generalized ache over a broad region of the head, as opposed to attacking a specific area such as the eye (a trademark of another type of headache called a cluster headache).
The tension that stress-related headaches on may stem from emotional stress (if that emotional stress creates chronic neck tightness), but it may also be caused by:
“Text neck,” a strain disorder that occurs if you’re always dropping your head forward to look at your smartphone
Weak neck muscles that become fatigued easily
Repetitive motion or overuse from work or sports activities
Secondary pain problems such as arthritis in the cervical spine
How physical therapy can provide relief from headache pain
Although physical therapy might not be the first thing that comes to mind when considering treatment options for headaches, it’s a viable and excellent pain management option.
If you want a long-lasting solution for your pain, physical therapy is a good place to start! Our physical therapist will perform a thorough examination to see whether you’re dealing with tension headaches or with some other type of headache that requires a specialist’s attention.
There are several specific ways that physical therapy can help reduce stress-related headaches.
Stretching exercises. Stretching exercises can help loosen tight muscles and ligaments in your neck and back that are contributing to your headaches. Certain stretches may also strengthen muscles in your back and neck. You can reduce pressure in your neck and shoulders as the muscles become stronger and more flexible.
Soft tissue mobilization. Massage and other types of manual therapy can often provide immediate relief from pain associated with stress headaches. A physical therapist using the correct massage techniques can help prevent contractions in the shoulders, neck, and head that can cause headaches.
Lifestyle changes. Changing the way you do everyday things can make all the different with your health. A physical therapist can teach you new ways of sitting, standing, and even different ways to complete daily tasks that can reduce the stress and tension that contributes to stress headaches. Over time, even improved posture may be able to decrease the number of headaches you experience.
Stress reduction measures. Yoga is a great anti-stressor! Learning how to meditate and practice yoga can help you relieve great amounts of stress in the long run.
Heat and/or ice compression. Alternating between heat and cold therapy not only reduces muscle strain but can provide immediate soothing relief. It can often reduce the tension and stress in muscles as well.
A physical therapist can conduct a thorough review of your medical history and perform an evaluation of your current physical abilities and limitations. From there, a specific treatment plan can be created to address your individual condition.
Consult with a physical therapist today
Over-the-counter pain relievers may reduce the symptoms of stress-related headaches for a few hours, but they do nothing about the stresses and strains that are making those headaches recur day after day.
If you’re struggling with stress-related headaches an individual physical therapy plan may be able to reduce or even eliminate your headache pain without the use of medications.
Interested in speaking with a physical therapist about the next steps to alleviating your headaches? Contact Physical Therapy & Rehab Concepts today, so we can get you on the path to a pain-free life.
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fanatic-scribe · 5 years
Cherry Flavor
Fandoms: IT
Word Count: 2,222
Rating: Teen
Relationship: Reddie
Ao3: Here
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak
Additional Tags: Sick Character, Sickfic, Some Cuddling
Richie gets sick while on tour and it's up to Eddie to help him feel better.
Richie felt like his head was about to explode. This was definitely not his finest set, it didn’t help that the pressure in his head had grown past the level of comfortable halfway through. He was sick, really sick. The sinus headache has been brewing in his forehead all day and is finally acting its plan to kill the comedian. And it was doing a really good job at it.
Richie was doing his best to power through the set as best he could, the show must go on or some bullshit like that, but he just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. He was cold and achy, but the bright lights and clothes he wore made him feel sweaty and gross. Already having abandoned the idea of standing Richie had decided to sit in the uncomfortable wooden stool normally used for drinks. His normal classic glass of bourbon replaced with a bottle of water. If anyone in the audience could actually see him they would notice how pale and dead he looked. Well, more than usual anyway.
Thankfully, his throat was fine, leaving the impression that he was just a gross, sweaty, lazy man who couldn’t stop shaking. 
Fucking great.
Regardless, he finished his set hearing laughs and thunderous applause. Glad he switched to writing his own material. Even happier to finally be leaving the god damn stage and get to a fucking bed. He moved quickly past his agent trying to congratulate him on a good show, he knew the man was going to try and get him to spend time with fans after the show. Something about publicity or some shit like that. At this point it didn’t matter to him, he needed to lay down and pass out. 
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks, Eds. love you too.” Richie pressed his pointer and thumb against his temple trying to relieve the pressure. Eddie had meet Richie outside the hotel as he pulled up in his cab. With this show being close to where they lived Eddie had decided to spend his last few sets on the road with him. Eddie had not gone to this show because he had already seen his boyfriend’s set and he also wasn’t that big on being lost in a crowd again or the tag along backstage. That had been really awkward.
Eddie had known the moment Richie woke up that morning he was very sick, he had been sick all week but this morning was worse. Eddie suggested he should cancel the show for tonight. Richie refused, saying that his manager would never stop bitching if he let a stunt like that happen. Also, Richie was “no weak bitch” and could “handle anything Kaspbrak” so he didn’t need to cancel. 
He wished he canceled.
Eddie smiled slightly, happy to see that Richie still had a bit of bite to him. Slowly he grabbed the other man's waist before giving him a quick peck on the cheek, “Let’s get you feeling better.”
It was a long grueling walk back to their hotel room, somehow knowing that rest was so much closer made Richie feel even more weighed down by sickness. Once they got to the hotel room though Richie immediately fell face first onto the bed, still fully clothed and wearing shoes. Even though the harsh cold of an unused bed stung at his joints the bed was almost sinfully soft. It could have been the exhaustion but Richie could have sworn it was like laying down on a cloud. 
Richie was almost ready to fall asleep right there and then before he felt a light tug at his boot.
“Being sick doesn’t mean you can get dirt crumbs on the bed,” Eddie grumbled as he sat at the foot of the bed unlacing Richie’s boots. One by one he tugged them off and got up to set them neatly by the door before opening Richie’s bag to look for more comfortable clothes. “You need to learn how to fold your luggage,” Eddie muttered more to himself than anything as he pulled out wads of unfolded clothes, each one more covered in wrinkles than the last. Richie smiled to himself as he watched Eddie wonder in slight horror how many of his clothes were actually washed. 
Finally finding a pair of pajama pants, Eddie made his way back to the bed and ran a soothing hand other Richie’s back. “Babe, you should put on different pants,” Richie whined in response, knowing that meant he would have to move. “Don’t whine at me, you big baby.” Eddie couldn’t hide the amusement in his voice. “You’ll feel better if you're comfortable.”
Logically, Richie knew that was true, but the sick brain was very insistent that changing clothes was the worst thing he could possibly do right now. As much as Richie would have loved to listen to the sick brain Eddie was on the side of logic, gently flipping Richie onto his back and holding up the pants with a raised eyebrow. 
“Help me?” Richie said with a pout. Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Fine,” he set down the change of pants, “but only because you're sick. Don’t expect me to undress you when you’re too goddamn lazy to do it yourself.” Eddie reached forward and unfastened Richie's belt and buttons on his pants. Slowly, Eddie pulled off his jeans, his warm hands a stark difference to the chilly room that stung Richie’s sore muscles and joints. Richie managed to lift his hips to help but was just too tired to help as Eddie pulled the soft pajamas over his legs.
Eddie placed a gentle kiss on Richie’s forehead, “Gee Dr. K,” Richie said in his British accent, it got better with age but it was still terrible, “do all patients get this treatment or am I just incredibly lucky?”
“Alright if you can joke like that then your not too sick to finish changing.”
“Uhhhh, fine,” Richie whined as he sat up in the bed to unbutton his shirt and then pulled the undershirt over his head, he silently cursed himself for wearing two shirts. Immediately after his shirt was off his head Richie fell back onto the bed shifting so his head rested on the plush pillow. Richie felt the blanket and sheets being pulled over his body and tucked around him, as Richie lifted his head to see what was happening he realized he recognized the sheets around him.
“Eddie,” Eddie hummed a response as he riffled through his blue toiletries bag, “are these our sheets?” Eddie looked up from his bag with a deadpan expression.
“Yeah, I changed the sheets before you got here.” He pulled a few bottles out of his bag, “You never know how long ago these were washed, or if there are bed bugs or-”
“Alright alright, I get it. Germs and shit.” Richie lifted a hand to rub at his forehead and temples, “God I feel fucking horrible.”
“Don’t worry,” Eddie moved his hair and kissed Richie’s forehead, “I’ll make you feel better.”
Nobody would have expected Eddie to be this comfortable around a sick person. With his terrible health anxiety, other’s had know Eddie to almost quarantine himself at the first sign of flu season. Yet here he was taking care of a very sick Richie Tozier.
This was partly because recently Eddie had been getting help dealing with his anxieties. Really all the losers had. In a way they were each other's rock, they all had issues they needed to figure out and they would always be there for each other.
Also, Eddie was always the type of person to do anything for the people he loved. Even being exposed to terrible sickness.
The next few minutes consisted of a struggle to get Richie to take liquid medicine. Eddie insisted it was better and acted faster than the pill form, and Richie called bullshit because liquid medicine tasted like rotten ass. Even with Eddie insisting that the cherry flavored one wasn't as bad Richie still called bullshit on the grounds that cherry-flavored anything tasted like rotten ass. He also brought up the argument that he wasn't a child anymore and that flavored trick won't work on him.
Many insults were thrust back and forth, someone was called a “pussy bitch,” “slimy bitch goblin,” and “crotch hound” among other things before Richie finally relented. Sitting up in bed with his back against the bedpost to down three different viscous liquids, with a sour face after each gulp and gag. “Don’t be such a baby,” Eddie scoffed with an eye roll as he handed Richie a glass of water.
“Fuck you, Spaghetti man.” Richie downed the glass before setting the glass down on the nightstand. Eddie quickly grabbed it to take it to the bathroom sink to wash.
“You’re still gonna be a dick after I saved your life?” Eddie smirked before walking off with the glass to refill it. Richie chuckled to himself as he settled back into the bed, still with the sickly sour-sweet cherry taste in his throat. 
When Eddie set the newly filled glass of water on the nightstand before telling Richie he was going to get ready for bed. He handed Richie the remote and channel list before grabbing his other toiletry bag and headed to the bathroom. As Richie turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, pay no mind to the channel list, he could hear the sound of the shower being turned on. He knew Eddie would be there for some time, even with his health anxiety getting better he still had those fears and being around a sick person probably didn’t help. Richie settling on a channel playing reruns of Forensic Files and from the looks of the guide it was a marathon, something he could definitely stay on until Eddie was finished. As he watched the actors move across the screen with commentary from the narrator and those involved in the crime he felt his eyelids grow heavy.
Richie wasn’t aware that he had fallen asleep until a shifting in the bed stirred him. Richie moved to rub the sleep from his eyes to see he had fallen asleep with his glasses on. The TV was still playing the same show but an entirely different episode, as he stretched his arms out he could make out the sound of the narrator talking about DNA. He still felt sore, but he was definitely better than before. The room seemed darker except for the glow of the TV illuminating the small space.
“Did you seriously fall asleep watching your murder shows?” Richie turned his head to see Eddie settling into the bed next to him, Richie could feel the soft silk of his pajamas against his skin. There was something very comforting in that, Eddie choosing to wear his silk pajamas even while sleeping in a hotel room. Richie wondered which pair he had brought.
It wasn’t until Eddie was pulling the covers over himself that Richie thought about how this could make Eddie uncomfortable. Even though he had gone leaps and bounds with his health anxiety recovery it was still there, and there were still things he was iffy about. Being next to a sick person was one of them. 
“Do you want me to move?” Richie asked.
“What?” Eddie looked at him like Richie had grown a second head, his face half in shadow from the dull glow from the tv.
“I'm, like, really sick and I don’t want to freak you out.”
“Richie that’s-”
“I can move to the couch if you want.”
“Yeah, I’ll call the front desk and ask them for another set of blankets.” Richie was about to reach for the phone on the nightstand when he felt Eddie grab his wrist.
“Tozier, don’t be fucking stupid.” His voice more than a little stern the show had gone to commercial as an ad for some fast food chicken played in the background  “Just come here.” Eddie leaned back against the pillows and pulled Richie closer to him.
Followed Eddie’s lead, Richie slowly laid his head on Eddie’s silk-clad chest, one of Eddie’s arms was under Richie as he rubbed up and down Richie’s back. Richie was very aware of how sweaty his skin was from his nap earlier but Eddie didn’t say anything about it. Eventually, Richie relaxed into his lover’s chest, soothed by the steady heartbeat and the feel of his hands running through his hair. Eddie placed a kiss at the top of Richie’s head, “Richie, I love you so much. I don’t care if you are sick, I want to be there for you no matter what.”
“I love you too Eds.” Richie smiled to himself, “I promise to take care of you when I make you violently sick.”
“Shut up, Trashmouth.” Richie could feel the slight bump in his chest from a silent chuckle.
After a few minutes of holding each other Richie could feel his eyes closing again, soothed by the rhythmic sounds of Eddie’s heart against his ear. “Hey, uh, Richie?”
“Hmmm?” Richie hummed in response.
“Can we please change the channel?” Eddie held Richie close as he reached for the remote, “Your murder show is really starting to creep me out.”
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paulasldkjf-blog · 4 years
(scroll down for references)
I’ve heard stories of athletes in their 30s/40s getting extremely sick
seek medical attention if: short of breath, blueness in lips/fingers, choking sensation, persistent pain/pressure in chest, mental confusion
symptoms take between 2 and 14 days to appear after infection
people experience mild symptoms, start to get better, then go into severe symptoms and pneumonia around day 7
mild symptoms: impaired sense of smell/taste, upper-respiratory tract infection that progresses to a lower-respiratory tract infection, dry coughing (from the chest not the throat), sore throat, headache, fever, high temperature, tiredness, aches/pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, diarrhoea
severe symptoms: shortness of breath, blueness in lips/fingers
"Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China"
if experiencing severe symptoms take 1500mg vitamin C every 6 hours (food-sources are not effective at high dosages, only liposome vitamin C will work: https://au.iherb.com/pr/SunLipid-Liposomal-Vitamin-C-Naturally-Flavored-30-Packets-0-17-oz-5-0-ml-Each/90757)
"fatality rate was 14.8% in people 80 or older ... 1.3% in 50-somethings, 0.4% in 40-somethings, and 0.2% in people 10 to 39"
"A new study found the SARS-CoV-2 virus was detectable in aerosols for up to 3 hrs, up to 24 hrs on cardboard and up to 2-3 days on plastic/stainless steel."
home-made sanitiser recipe: "mix two parts 95% non-denatured (denatured contains toxic elements to prevent drinking) ethanol ... with 1 part aloe vera gel"
fabric over the mouth/nose should help against the virus contained in water-vapour in the air
weaken immune system: alcohol, sugar, stress
strengthen immune system:
adequate sleep
moderate exercise (intense exercise temporarily weakens the immune system)
spending time in nature
vitamin D (sunlight (sunscreen blocks vitamin-d intake), organ-meat) cuts risk of respiratory tract infection by 50%
hot bath/sauna
200-500mg vitamin C /day (1 orange contains 50mg or https://au.iherb.com/pr/California-Gold-Nutrition-Gold-C-Vitamin-C-500-mg-240-Veggie-Caps/61866)
vitamin A (fermented codliver oil (1t/day), organ meats https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313.TR10.TRC0.A0.H0.Xblue+ice+cod+liver+oil.TRS0&_nkw=blue+ice+cod+liver+oil&_sacat=0)
fermented vegetables (high vitamin-c content + other)
garlic and onion
bone-broth (boil bones for 3 hours)
saturated fats (butter, coconut oil, meat fats, cream, cheese)
mushrooms (chaga, shiitake, maitake, turkey tail; https://au.iherb.com/pr/Four-Sigmatic-Superfood-Blends-10-Mushroom-Blend-2-12-oz-60-g/82309?rec=iherbtest-pdp-related&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6_vzBRCIARIsAOs54z47x95jolkYlc6bTCbEnxc_5MEJlm14Q1UmX5Okc5rNSqsHLrXnhywaAiiUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)
essential oils
coconut oil
ground flaxseed
licorice root
activated charcoal
oxide therapy
fermented vegetable recipe: 2g salt per 100g water (or 2.5g for warmer climate); fill jar with vegetables up to 2.5cm from the top, add salt-water up to 1.25cm from the top; taste-test every three days (or every day in warmer climates) until the taste is right, then refrigerate; they keep for months in the fridge; it should never smell/taste 'off' or be slimy; to prevent build-up of CO2, loosen/release the jar-lid every few days (fermentation-kit: https://www.nourishmeorganics.com.au/collections/cultured-vegetable-starter-cultures)
======================== SYMPTOMS/SEVERITY OF THE SICKNESS
"About half of the 109 Covid-19 patients (ages 22 to 94) treated at Central Hospital of Wuhan, researchers there reported, developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), in which fluid builds up in the small air sacs of the lungs" [1]
"About 5% of all COVID-19 cases need intensive care, and without it, all of them will die" [3]
"If you're starting to feel severely sick though, if you're getting short of breath, if you're having any blueness in your lips or in your fingers, if the illness just feels like it's taking hold of you, you do eventually have to go in because there are interventions in the hospital that are extremely necessary" [7.1]
"They've also noticed that the progression of the illness to the severe illness seems to be happening a bit later in the course. So, somewhere around that 7 to 10-day range. So, people will often start with sort of a mild upper respiratory tract infection, progresses to a lower respiratory tract infection. Then over the course of a week, progresses to the more severe illness where they start getting the inflammation and the acute respiratory distress syndrome or the ARDS. They've also noticed that the ARDS cases are not quite as bad, and a lot of times, the patients will actually recover from the ARDS, and then it'll actually be the dilated cardiomyopathy that gets them in the end. A cardiomyopathy is where your heart stops squeezing as well, basically. So, it doesn't squeeze as well as it normally does your ejection fraction, which is an estimate of how well your heart is performing decreases severely, and then patients end up dying of basically cardiogenic shock" [7.1]
if choking sensation, call doctor
every morning breath deeply and hold breath for 10seconds. If this can be done without difficulty/coughing all good [30]
impaired sense of smell [15, 44]
cough, fever, tiredness, dry cough, aches/pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, difficulty breathing [39]
"These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually" [39]
symptoms that indicate severity and warrant seeking medical attention: trouble breathing, persistent pain/pressure in chest, confusion, bluish lips/face [40]
symptoms take between 2 and 14 days to show up [40]
"you sort of get better, then it comes back, you sort of get better, then it comes back" [42]
"little bit of cough, headache, runny nose ... for first 36hours ... got a little bit worse with muscle aches ... day five ... fever, muscle-aches, pain everywhere" [42]
"98% had fever, 76% had cough, 55% had shortness of breath" [43]
"incubation period of maybe about a week or two, and then there was the illness that lasted for 8 days, and then there was the shortness of breath" [43]
loss of taste and smell, fever, dry cough that comes from your chest, shortness of breath ("If your chest becomes tight or you begin to feel as if you cannot breathe deeply enough to get a good breath"), persistent pain/pressure in chest, blush lips, mental confusion, headaches, digestive issues, body aches, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat and sneezing [45]
"One possible sign that you might have Covid-19 is if your symptoms, especially shortness of breath, don't improve after a week or so but actually worsen" [45]
"you get better before it gets worse" [46]
"common cold, my nose was was stuffy, I had ear problems, sinus problems ... got better ... got hit with the flu ... headache ... was getting better with the flu and that's when I got hit with the pneumonia ... can't take a full breath like you need to" [46]
"very mild persistent headache ... that was a friday, then saturday I started to feel gradually worse during the day ... got to the sunday ... full flu-like symptoms, weak, achy ... cough at that point and high temperature ... felt like I was starting to turn the corner ... breathing problems" [47]
ibuprofen/advil could make it worse [48]
"this virus has been worse in the elderly and quite mild in children. And we think that's probably due to some immunity that's cross over from the other coronaviruses, which we typically get when we're children. So, that immunity is lost as we become adults and we age" [7.1]
"The people most vulnerable to viral infection and death are the elderly and those with acute or chronic diseases." [7.2]
Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes [33.3]
"fatality rate was 14.8% in people 80 or older" [11]
"1.3% in 50-somethings, 0.4% in 40-somethings, and 0.2% in people 10 to 39" [11]
"The age-related death risk probably reflects the strength, or weakness, of the respiratory system" [11]
"A new study found the SARS-CoV-2 virus was detectable in aerosols for up to 3 hrs, up to 24 hrs on cardboard and up to 2-3 days on plastic/stainless steel." [6]
"It's an enveloped virus (with a thin plasma membrane), so easily broken chemically: killed by soap/detergents" [8, slide 17]
90% of virus dies after 6h of weak sunlight [8, slide 17]
home-made sanitiser recipe: "mix two parts 95% non-denatured (denatured contains toxic elements to prevent drinking) ethanol ... with 1 part aloe vera gel" [8, slide 44]
"20 seconds of thorough hand-washing can take one down" [9]
fabric over the mouth/nose should help against the virus contained in water-vapour in the air [15]
"Covid-19 transmits very early in infection, even before people start to become unwell." [41]
"“I don’t think we know,” said Weiss when asked about the immunity question. “I think they’re going to be immune for a while." Perlman said some other coronaviruses — the four that cause colds and flu-like illnesses — can be caught more than once. He wonders if people who had asymptomatic infection would not develop enough antibodies to be able to fend off the virus on a later exposure but might have a mild infection on a second go-round." [41]
"the less toxins we put in ourselves, the healthier we get our intestines and our heart and our lung, and the more we sleep and the lower our stress, and the more we exercise and we're doing everything to get our immune system and our biology working well, then that has potential to be a long-term strategy of preventing infections. And I would say that has been borne out in my clinical experience." [7.1]
"if you strengthen your immune system you will be okay" [11]
"The common denominator is a compromised immune system. People with robust immune systems have a much lower infection vulnerability and, if infected, a much higher survival prognosis." [7.2]
"Excess alcohol consumption affects booth innate and adaptive immunity, leading to a significant weakening of your defences and heightening the risk of infections. Avoiding not only sugary drinks but sugar in general will also benefit your immune function, while a high sugar intake is associated with an increased mortality risk from all causes" [33.4]
"She covers the role of 5G in weakening the immune system" [14.2]
"I don't know if there's anything that's really going to have as much of an impact on your immunity than sleep" [7.1]
recommends [11]
"Shorter sleep duration, measured behaviorally using actigraphy prior to viral exposure, was associated with increased susceptibility to the common cold" [38]
" immunity will actually be slightly lower when I'm training really hard. So, movement, staying in shape but not overdoing it will be important when you think about exercise" [7.1]
"Exercise boosts your immune system in multiple ways, including causing white blood cells, which fight disease, to circulate more rapidly, allowing them to detect illnesses sooner" [33.4]
"excess sitting is a risk factor for disease in its own right and has even been linked to an increased risk of death from all causes" [33.4]
recommends [15]
"In a study of 20,000 people, a team led by Mathew White of the European Centre for Environment & Human Health at the University of Exeter, found that people who spent two hours a week in green spaces — local parks or other natural environments, either all at once or spaced over several visits — were substantially more likely to report good health and psychological well-being than those who don’t" [22]
"time in nature — as long as people feel safe — is an antidote for stress: It can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, enhance immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and improve mood" [22]
"Worry and panic and stress deplete vitamin A, which we need to fight the virus" [14.2]
stress/anxiety weakens the immune system [33.4]
"increase your own heat shock protein production and enhance your immunity, and that's via the use of frequent sauna exposure" [7.1]
recommends [11]
"sauna practice ... increases the expression of heat shock proteins and also boosts white cell counts" [7.3]
Men that used the sauna 2-3x per week were 27% less likely to get pneumonia and those that used it 4-7x per week had a 41% reduced risk compared to men that used the sauna 1x per week [25]
"Here we discuss the potential benefits and mechanisms of active (i.e., exercise) and passive heating methods (e.g., hot water immersion, sauna therapy) to reduce chronic low-grade inflammation" [26]
"Scientists are not sure why saunas have such a dramatic impact on respiratory illnesses but the theory is that the heat generated by them eases airway obstruction." [27]
(1 orange contain 50mg vitamin C)
"Extra natural vitamin C such as Pure Radiance C – 1 teaspoon two times a day or 6 caps daily" [2]
"I recommend camu camu, a bushy riverside tree. One teaspoon of its cherrylike fruit in powder form has 760% vitamin C" [4]
“People that have more vitamin C are less likely to get the illness, and if they do get it they’re more likely to have a mild case.” [5]
"Only 200mg of vitamin C...reduced the death rate of elderly pneumonia patients by 80 percent.” [5]
"So, there's some studies that have shown that vitamin C, when it was given intravenously, decrease mortality and prevent the organ system failure in patients with sepsis" [7.1]
small studies have found vitamin-c to help with sepsis (life-threatening illness caused by the bodies response to infection) [8, slide 36]
'liposomal' Vitamin C is required, regular Vitamin C will not be effective, even in high doses. 20ml/day [7.2]
"I suggest taking 200-500mg oral vitamin C during cold and flu season" [7.3]
"To find a good-quality vitamin C product, look for an all organic food based supplement, or a USP grade vitamin C, produced in a GMP certified facility. A few good brands that fit these criteria include Whole Foods Food Sourced Vitamin C, American Nutraceuticals and OrthoMolecular Buffered C capsules" [7.3]
"High dose vitamin C was discovered by Linus Pauling to fight disease" [17.1]
recommends [19]
recommends [29]
"Your best source is fermented veggies like sauerkraut" [17.3]
"vitamin C, found in foods like broccoli and kiwi, exerts anti-viral immune responses as well as has antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anti-infectious effects" [33.4]
"Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China" [21]
"said his intensive-care patients with the coronavirus immediately receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C. Identical amounts of the powerful antioxidant are then readministered three or four times a day, he said." [21]
"The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C" [21]
"natural absorption of vitamin C above an intake of about 200 mg decreases sharply by 50%" [49]
"Liposomes are phospholipid containing microscopic spheres that carry vitamin C at their core. Their absorption does not depend on vitamin C transporters like SVCT-1 but rather on direct fusion of the liposome with the small intestinal cells resulting in direct intracellular release of the vitamin C and eventually into the blood circulation." [49]
"allows it to bypass the slow vitamin C transporters present in the gut" [49]
"some products labeled as “liposomal" vitamin C don’t utilize “liposome” delivery at all" [49]
"A good liposomal vitamin C supplement should be  non-GMO and preferably use phospholipids derived from sunflower lecithin" [49]
"Choose a formed liposomal or a well made pro-liposomal supplement that contains vitamin C and a fatty substance (phospholipids or phosphatidylcholine), but does not include ascorbyl palmitate, ascorbyl oleate, or cetyl ascorbate as they offer no advantage over regular vitamin C" [49]
"A good liposomal vitamin C supplement should be  non-GMO and preferably use phospholipids derived from sunflower lecithin" [49]
high-quality liposome vitamin C: https://au.iherb.com/pr/SunLipid-Liposomal-Vitamin-C-Naturally-Flavored-30-Packets-0-17-oz-5-0-ml-Each/90757
high-quality (USP, GMP) non-liposome vitamin C (meaningless to take more than 500mg at one time): https://au.iherb.com/pr/California-Gold-Nutrition-Gold-C-Vitamin-C-500-mg-240-Veggie-Caps/61866
recommends both [11]
recommends garlic [19]
"Onion and garlic are natural sources which are known to possess antiviral properties. It is well known that onion and garlic are rich source of organosulfur compounds. Organosulfur compounds like quercetin and allicin are associated with inhibition of viral infection" [23]
"As far as the research goes, garlic has immensely powerful anti-infective (i.e. suppressing dysbiosis and opportunistic overgrowth of microbes) properties" [33.2]
recommends garlic [33.4]
"when you take [vitamin A and D] together, that can be synergistic" [7.1]
"How vitamin D works synergistically with vitamin A" [14.2]
Vitamin D works with vitamin A to give us a strong immune system. [17.3]
"Fermented Cod Liver Oil – 1 teaspoon per day" [2]
"Vitamin A turns out has a whole diversity of ways that can improve immune function ... You definitely need to have some of it, but you don't have too much [7.1]
"eating liver once per week" [14.2]
"vitamin A (from animal foods) is critical for fighting disease" [14.2]
"egg yolks, butter, liver, and cod liver oil are good sources of vitamin A" [14.2]
"vitamin A is a powerhouse for fighting disease" [17.1]
"Foods high in vitamin A are pastured yolks, beef liver, lamb liver, cod liver oil, mackerel, salmon, pastured butter" [17.1]
"Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, which means if you are taking a supplement, first of all it’s synthetic and not often absorbed by the body, but also can’t absorb if it’s not taken with fat" [17.1]
"Orange foods, high in beta carotene, like carrots, butternut squash, and pumpkin, are powerful vitamin A support as the beta carotene goes to your liver, where it is converted to vitamin A" [17.1]
"Vitamin A is our number one protection against viruses" [17.3]
"Best sources are cod liver oil, egg yolks from pastured hens, butter from grass-fed cows" [17.3]
high-quality codliver oil: https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313.TR10.TRC0.A0.H0.Xblue+ice+cod+liver+oil.TRS0&_nkw=blue+ice+cod+liver+oil&_sacat=0 [50]
"vitamin D deficiency may actually be considered a risk factor for sepsis and inflammatory disorders" [7.1]
"The next one would be vitamin D. They've called it the pro-survival molecule and it's felt to be helpful to the immune system in states of excessive or chronic stress" [7.1]
vitamin d3 every day: between 5000 and 50000 international units [11]
vitamin D/K blend (5000mg daily) [7.2]
UV helps fight virus's
recommends sunlight [15]
"sunscreen blocks vitamin D from getting into our skin" [17.1]
"Foods high in vitamin D include pastured yellow butter, seafood, fish eggs, organ meats" [17.1]
vitamin D (sunlight, meat, egg) [19]
Analysis of 25 randomised controlled trials from around the world found that vitamin D supplementation cut the risk of respiratory tract infections by 50% in people that were deficient and by 10% in people with normal vitamin D levels. [20]
"Vitamin D supplementation was safe and it protected against acute respiratory tract infection overall. Patients who were very vitamin D deficient and those not receiving bolus doses experienced the most benefit." [24]
vitamin D intake may be harmful if not paired with vitamin k [51]
recommends [7.3]
This podcast (40mins) explains fermented foods and nutrition in general. [14.1]
"Drinking home fermented kraut juice or fermented garlic brine are both great options" [17.1]
"People are finding that when they take the maximum tolerated levels of kraut juice daily, they don’t get sick. Each person’s maximum tolerated level is specific to them, the amount just before they see die off" (recipe: https://www.nourishingplot.com/2014/06/02/kraut-juice/) [17.2]
"Fermented foods and beverages, such as yogurt and kefir, are also beneficial. Consuming a probiotic drink has been found to reduce the incidence of influenza in children[vi] while eating yogurt fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus augmented natural killer cell activity and reduced the risk of catching the common cold among the elderly" [33.4]
fermented vegetable recipe:
increasing your nutrition too drastically can cause 'die-off' [17.5]
"die-off ... when these gut pathogens are killed, causing their cell wall to burst open and dump toxins previously contained inside the bacteria into the intestines ... can cause uncomfortable symptoms" [52]
fermented vegetable recipe: 2g salt / 100g water (or 2.5g for warmer climate); fill jar with vegetables up to 2.5cm from the top, add salt-water up to 1.25cm from the top; taste every three days (or every day in warmer climates) until the taste is right, then refrigerate; they keep for months in the fridge; it should never smell/taste 'off' or be slimy; to prevent build-up of CO2, loosen/release the jar-lid every few days. (fermentation-kit: https://www.nourishmeorganics.com.au/collections/cultured-vegetable-starter-cultures)
recommends [7.3]
"bone broth is an excellent immunity booster and detoxing protocol" [14.2]
recommends [17.3]
boil bones for 3hours
"we need saturated fats to keep the lungs working well ... found in butter, coconut oil, meat fats, cream, & cheese" [14.2]
"Coronavirus has an affinity for the lungs, and the lungs can’t work without saturated fats, so eat plenty of butter and avoid all industrial fats and oils" [17.3]
mushrooms (chaga, Shiitake, Maitake, turkey tail). "My favorite way to get a daily dose of immune-boosting mushrooms is through Four Sigmatic’s 10 Mushroom Blend" [7.3]
recommends [33.4]
recommends (herbacetin, isobavachalcone, quercetin 3‐β‐d‐glucoside, and helichrysetin) [33.1]
"Flavonoids, for instance, found in berries and onions, among other produce, reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections" [33.4]
MAGNESIUM recommends [11] recommends [7.2]
ESSENTIAL OILS recommends [11] recommends [7.2]
COCONUT OIL "1 Tablespoon of coconut oil per day" [14.2] recommends [17.3]
"Zinc deficiency we know is associated with immune dysfunction, including some pro-inflammatory cytokines, atrophy to thymus, reduction in T regulatory cells. So, personally, I started taking a zinc supplement, which I wasn't in the past. So, about 15 to 30 milligrams per day" [7.1]
if exposed to sickness, dissolve 4 zinc lozenges in mouth per day [7.3]
recommends [29]
GROUND FLADXSEED flaxseed ground (if not ground it can't be digested, 2Tbsp twice/day) [7.2]
elderberry in the form of juice, tea, tinctures, and supplements [7.3]
"Elderberries are commonly used with the onset of of a virus as it stops a virus from mutating inside the body. It is not recommended for the coronavirus due to an increase in cytokines." [17.1]
"Elderberries, small, dark purple berries grown on the Sambucus tree, are well known for their cold and flu-fighting properties" [33.4]
LICORICE ROOT licorice (1500mg / day) [7.2] recommends [7.3] recommends [33.1]
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL recommends [11] recommends [7.2]
"chloroquine works against sars-cov-2 in human cells" [8, slide 18]
"hydroxychloroquine was found to be more potent than cloroquine ... a loading dose of 400mg twice daily of hydroxychloroquine sulfate given orally, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 mg given twice daily for 4 days is recommended for sars-cov-2 infection" [8, slide 20]
"common side effects [of hydroxychloroquine] include vomiting, headache, changes in vision and muscle weakness" [8]
overdoses of hydroxychloroquine are rare but possible [8]
"despite its small sample size our survey shows that hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients and its effect is reinforced by azithromycin" [28]
recommends [7.1]
"The most effective immune enhancement substance I am aware of is the Russian developed Peptide Bioregulator Vladonix (for thymus/immune system)" [7.2]
recommends [7.1]
Dr John Bergman recommends ozone therapy (blood is extracted, oxygenated then injected back in. Vitamin C must be consumed 1.5hours later [29]
Arsenicum album 30C and Camphor 1M as homeopathic defense: First take one dose (about 2 to 3 pellets) of Arsenicum album 30C. If your flu-like symptoms are significant contact your local MD, describe your symptoms, and see about getting tested for coronavirus. If the Arsenicum album 30C helps alleviate your symptoms, continue dosing this remedy two to three times a day, for three days or more. If your flu-like symptoms are not being alleviated by this remedy however… Then take one dose (about 2 to 3 pellets) of Camphor 1M, from two times a day to every four hours (depending on the intensity of your symptoms), for three days or more. If neither the Arsenicum album or Camphor help reduce your symptoms within a few hours, contact me or your local homeopath as soon as possible. Early intervention is crucial. [2]
"Emu oil – 1 teaspoon two times a day" [2]
"CHAMP Pro Plus – From ½ to 1 scoop daily in water (GALT, Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue, regulates almost 70% of the immune system.)" [2]
"NotaSan 4X – 2 drops rubbed over the tonsil areas of the upper neck or snorted up the nose, three to six times a day, to help reduce cold, flu, sinus, or allergy symptoms when they arise." [2]
"Unfortunately, we do not know how long this immunity lasts. We already observe multiple strains of COVID-19, and will see many more, due to the large number of carriers." [3]
'Flattening the curve' is not a viable option. The virus is predicted to infect >40% of people it comes in contact with. In order for the 'curve' to be flattened to a point where our care/treatment facilities are not exhausted, it would have to stretch over an unrealistically long period (the article estimates 10 years). The article considers containment (eradication via preventing the spread until those infected are identified and cured) as the only option [3]
"Why doesn't the government, the CDC, offer any nutritional or dietary advice? Think about it." [4]
olive leaf extract [7.1]
hot soups, ginger, root vegetables, hot liquids, conscious breathing (breath out twice as long as you breathe in) [11]
"All of the nutraceuticals, other than the peptides, can be purchased at the Swanson Vitamins website. It is essential you use the specific products listed (referencing a list displayed below the quote, on the website I've taken it from) as each has the required potency and high-quality ingredients necessary to be effective. This is especially true of the liposomal Vitamin C. Regular Vitamin C will not be effective, even in high doses." [7.2]
beta glucan / beta right (500mg) [7.2]
"His research has shown that a specific combination of micronutrients can support and enhance the immune system. In addition to vitamin C, they include vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, and iron" [7.2]
"What my Chinese herbologist friend specifically recommended was: Liposomal Vitamin C packets – 3x a day, L-Lysine 1000 mg – 3x a day, NAC 1500~1800mg – 3x a day. Be sure all of the above are taken together" [7.2]
"For adults, drink 10 mls Silversol 4-6 times daily; 1-2 teaspoons of Umcka four times daily; 6 squirts of BioCidin LS 4-6 times daily; 1 cap 50,000 units Vitamin D x 4 days; 2 tablets of Iodine 25mg daily for 4 days; 5 ml Silversol 2 times daily if there is possible contact with a virus; 1000mg of Vitamin C daily; Briotech HOCL – use as a spray and you can ingest orally" [7.2]
"Vitamin D/K, Ancestral Supplements Thymus blend, liposomal glutathione, colloidal silver, oil of oregano" [7.2]
Echinacea [7.3]
"John Douillard’s Decoction Tea Instructions: Soak 1 tablespoon of [slippery elm bark, marshmallow root, and licorice root] (you must source these herbs in a chopped, not ground, form) in 2 quarts of water overnight. Boil the mixture down to 1/2 quart in the morning. Strain the mixture through a metal strainer (use a large spoon to push it through. Save the liquid and discard the herbs. Take 1 tablespoon of the liquid every two hours on an empty stomach for one month, sometimes two months if needed." [7.3]
"look for oregano oil that contains a natural carvacrol level of over 80%. The “fake” stuff at the grocery store or bulk supplement website is typically comprised of thymol or is simply an oil harvested from thyme, which doesn’t give you the same potent effect as an oil high in carvacrol. Finally, should you purchase the 100% pure version of oregano, be very careful: it is extremely caustic and can burn the skin or the mouth, so you must mix it into a carrier oil" [7.3]
antiviral: sulfate (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage); terpenoids (cannabis & other herbs, block uptake of virus into cell); glutathione, glycine, selenium; herbs/spices; avoid glyphosate [19]
"selenium, either oral or Iv's" [29]
hot liquids kill it [30]
ensure mouth/throat is always wet (drink something every 15 mins) [30]
"Cistus tea has been found to thwart off viruses" [17.4]
"food-derived substance with proven coronavirus-inhibiting properties: Chameleon plant " [33.1]
"Natural substances which have been studied for Coronavirus infections include: Black Tea, Cinnamon, Resveratrol" [33.2]
"turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin" [33.4]
SARS-COV-2 is the virus that caused COVID-19 (stands for "coronavirus-2019")
"I’m not planning on forgetting that earlier this week Joe Biden told the American public that anyone “not at risk of being exposed to COVID-19” (not a real category of person) should go congregate in public, including in dozens of low-income senior centers, to vote for him"
gargling salt water could clear the throat of bacteria and prevent infections getting worse
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