#and sibyl and Tom are her staunch advocates when she brings back an American wastrel from the desert
hmslusitania · 2 years
You know I wrote out that whole crossover/intersection between the mummy and Indiana Jones once but it just occurred to me there’s another property that would also fit in.
Downton Abbey.
Because as we all know Highclere Castle, the stunning home that serves as Downton in the show is/was owned by descendants of Lord Carnarvon, who, in addition to being one of the primary financiers of Howard Carter’s expedition into Egypt whence the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, was also one of the primary inspirations for Evy and Jonathan Carnahan’s father (and in fact in earlier drafts of the script to the Mummy, their surname was Carnarvon).
So like, imagine it. Jonathan’s quite some years older than Evy, old enough that he’d have been Of Age in 1912 when the Titanic sank, and he’s been off in Egypt with his father and stepmother and baby sister but his father’s recently died, and then gets the letter from a distant cousin, a Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham, that he’s now the heir to the estate.
And besides I think Evy and Sybil would get along splendidly
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