#and she will become the honorary aunt for any of her friends' potential kids because big mom energy
dutyworn · 2 years
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Do you have any Cisco/Kamilla as parents headcannons?
I've got more parent!Cisco headcanons than parent!Kamilla, but I definitely have some thoughts on the matter.
Both Cisco and Kamilla are pretty relaxed, understanding, and kind people. So I definitely see them both as being great parents. I also don't see them wanting to have more than two kids, though they probably only initially intended to have just one. They definitely name their Team Flash friends as honorary aunts and uncles and I can see them making Barry and Iris their kids godparents.
Kamilla loves doing art projects with the kids. So does Cisco, but he's more of a structural artist type - sewing projects, jewelry making, and sculpture type stuff - while she's more of a visual artist - photography, sketching, painting, etc. So they both have their ways of connecting with the kids while they're still young.
Cisco's got a couple of fears related to being a parent, though. His first and biggest fear is that despite removing his powers, his kids will somehow inherit those abilities anyway. As cool as the breaches and offensive abilities were, the visions were a headache and a half. He does not want his kids struggling with that and it's a relief to him each time they confirm the kids are not vibers. They've probably inherited his potential, but as long as they aren't accidentally exposed to dark matter then it's not a problem.
His second biggest fear is one that probably doesn't pop up until they decide to have kid #2. And it's one to do with how he was raised. His parents played favorites with him and Dante; nothing Cisco ever did was good enough, but they treated Dante like he could do no wrong. And it hurt Cisco because he never felt adequate... but it also hurt Dante because he couldn't move forward with his life when his parents were holding him back, putting his past achievements on a pedestal that he felt like his future couldn't measure up to. So Cisco is terrified of turning into his parents and playing favorites, hurting both his kids in the process. But I also see him recognizing this is probably something he could use some therapy to work out and between that and Kamilla's support and how much Cisco loves his kids, it'd work out okay. He'd realize that choosing not to be like his parents is a decision he makes every day. He'll make mistakes as a parent, but as long as he keeps trying to do better then he really will be a good dad.
Since we only got about a season and a half of Kamilla, we don't really know much about her family. So it's hard to gauge what kind of worries she'd have about parenthood. I definitely think she'd have some - certainly most parents-to-be have questions and concerns about themselves becoming a parent - but I think Kamilla and Cisco's love and support of each other is pretty much rock solid. So those concerns are things they tackle together.
I don't really think they'd raise the kids to be religious. They'd celebrate Christmas and Easter, but it'd be more secularized versions than anything else.
While timing their first kid around the time Nora's supposed to be born might be too soon for Kamilla and Cisco to start having a kid - I'm pretty sure when I did the math for Nora's birth year, it would need to be 2023. But I could see them timing having a kid not too long after Bart's born so that they could get Bart's hand-me-down clothing for their baby. (When my nephew was born, my sister had one friend who'd just had a baby a few months earlier and another who was due in a month or so. There was definitely some baby clothes that got passed down from one growing baby to the next for a while there.)
As for baby names? I think at least one of them - probably the first one - would get named after Harry in some form or fashion. Probably a middle name, so it's a little less of a 'dead guy junior' type trope going on. Or maybe they'd use Jesse's name somehow, since that would also be a way to honor Harry's memory too. Alternatively, I can see Cisco wanting to pass on Dante's name - despite how rocky things were with his brother, he never stopped loving Dante. It's less clear to me what names Kamilla might want to pass on to her kids or if she's the type to want to use family names vs the type who wants to give her kids names that are entirely their own without passing forward the baggage of the past. (The controversies of baby naming; thank goodness I only have to worry about naming any OCs I might write or dogs. Which, admittedly, are both kinda like naming babies anyway.)
Honestly, it's such a shame that Jenna is barely ever seen on the show. I do get why, given the challenges that having child actors poses, but having Team Flash babysitting would have been incredibly cute. And perhaps given us a glimpse of what they'll be like when they're finally parents themselves.
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darkkept · 4 years
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👶 Would your muse be a good parent? Do they want to be a parent, if they are not already? (for every single muse on this blog. every single one. why can i ask such a large request? 1) i know what you're about, son. 2) i'm me and u love me : 3c) // @craterkissed​ // symbol meme. // accepting.
Aerith: I mean, canon shows that Aerith can be great with kids, which is something I appreciate the remake for showing. While she struggles with connecting with others, you see the sense of empathy inherent in being a Cetra through her interactions with Marlene, and it adds a nice layer to this otherwise standoffish and emotionally distant woman. That said... That isn’t necessarily maternal? She has no aspirations in that direction, at any rate. Her own childhood spat out someone who bucks at the idea of introducing a child to the world she’s been dragged through. She might settle for being the cool aunt for the children of loved ones, but refuses to have a child of her own or bring up one.
Aqua: She kind of already is? Like I think there’s a very real sense of her being very motherly and mature in spite of her youth, especially in her interactions with Ven and other youngsters in the narrative. She makes a good mother figure to them, even for all her personal flaws. In spite of that, she still has a lot of issues to work through, so while I think she would like to have a family of her own someday, it’s a long ways off and unlikely to happen before she has a handle on her own problems. She doesn’t want to be the kind of parent her own children have to heal from, like her own father figure was to her, however accidentally. 
Stray: There’s potential there to be a good mom, as she’s already largely taken that role for others in the past. However, that skill was largely born from age-inappropriate parentification, and stands in stark contrast to several of Stray’s other desires and goals. As a result, she’s largely ambivalent to the thought of motherhood, lacking both a partner and a clear future to consider the possibility with. She’s pretty young at the start of the narrative, and has plenty of time in the years to come to decide whether it’s something she’d be interested in pursuing with whoever she might marry. 
Braska: By all accounts, he was a great father. He stood loyally by Yuna  for her early childhood, encouraged her, did his best to make things safe and loving for his child who was going to face so much in life. I truly believe he was a wonderful father in contrast to Jecht -- but he was an imperfect man. He was willing to sacrifice it all to leave a legacy Yuna could be proud of, in the hopes she might live free of the fear and sorrow they had both faced in the wake of her mother’s death. The problem is, he dreamt up a solution that left Yuna lonelier than before. You can read his sacrifice a lot of ways, but it’s effect on his daughter was clear. He was a wonderful father, but he failed where it counted in some regards. 
Crowe: Like Aerith, Crowe would be most comfortable in the role of ‘cool aunt’ over being a mom. There is no love lost between Crowe and kids, who she largely regards as loud and annoying in the majority and halfway tolerable in the rare case one doesn’t earn her ire. She’s definitely down to be the badass rebellious honorary aunt to any children her friends might have, but without being really responsible for them or a good role model. Honestly Kleffy and I have a verse where she’s godmother to a tiny Galahdian namesake and it goes... Poorly. Big Crowe is the voice of impulse that Little Crowe is trying very hard to ignore. 
Eraqus: Just hit me with the hard ball questions, damn. So to preface this, I understand fandom has some STRONG opinions on Eraqus as a parent, and I disagree with both camps. He wasn’t some verbally or emotionally abusive pillar of stone who intentionally set his students up for failure. He also wasn’t some angelic and always right patriarch who did no wrong until Xehanort meddled in their little Paradise. I think he did his best, but was ignorant and had a lot of pride that put him at odds with what his students needed or were, but he tried to love them regardless. What we see in BBS is a worst case scenario in terms of his direct actions past a certain point, and while these do show his deep zealotry for light, I think it’s not totally fair to hold them up as what he was as a parent in general. His flaws lie more in how he put down darkness to Terra’s detriment, how he so coddled Ventus in spite of his want for a life like his friends had, and basically setting up Aqua to follow his path and past mistakes, not in a clearly difficult decision he made thinking the world would literally end otherwise. He was wrong to do what he wanted to do to Ven, but I think his problems as a parent aren’t reflected in that. I have a whole meta about this on my old blog I’ll have to rb because my feelings on Eraqus as a father are really long and complicated having mused both he and one of his kids.
Invi: Invi will be the first to admit she’s got no particular skill with children. She’s a stern leader and demands the best from her union, and shows some deeper understanding of how to communicate with the youths in Anguis, but without the soft moments that can make such a relationship meaningful or deeper. Even with her younger siblings, she tends to push them a little too far, and is downright competitive with them when it comes to having the Master’s time or attention. She lacks the patience or understanding for good parenting, and lacks any interest in being a mother. The most she might aim for is to take on a student of her own someday, but it’d be just that: a teacher and student relationship.
Isa: No. Isa does not delude himself about fatherhood. He has spent too long grappling with the emotional and mental scars his own angry father left behind to even consider becoming that to a child. He knows his temperament and track record do not paint an optimistic picture, or even a halfway decent one. He has no inclination towards the idea, and in fact balks at it. His history with Roxas and Xion alone show he is awful with children. Even allowing for changes as a Somebody, it just means he gains the self-awareness to look back on his actions and his own youth and say the cycle stops with him in totality.
Kokoro: I mean, the kid she’s helped raise the last ten years isn’t complaining. Despite occasional friction that comes with adolescence, Mads clearly adores her adoptive mom, and never really gripes about her as a mother, just a cryptic seeker of knowledge. Kokoro herself understands she can make a lot of mistakes in her life, but parenting cannot be one of them -- Not like her father made mistakes with her. While she’s struggled at times in suddenly being responsible for a complete stranger, Kokoro has overall enjoyed the experience of motherhood. I’d say of my lady muses, she is the most prepared for it, and would ultimately enjoy having more children in the future, whether by adoption as with Mads or trying for biochildren with a partner.
Roxas: He is a child. That said, in at least one far future setting my friends and I have, he’s a good Master to his students but clearly disinterested in being an actual dad. He can hardly handle himself some days, why would he ever want to be in charge of another living creature on top of that?
Steria: She has all the skills to be a good mom and the personality to be a really fun, reasonable kind of parent. Steria never really thought about these things when younger, despite expectations put upon her by certain arrangements in her life, but as she grew to adulthood... She was really excited to start a family of her own and give her kids all the time and love that was so touch and go in her own upbringing. When her daughter was born, she had every intention of giving her the world. The fact she never got to be the loving mother and shelter for Kokoro growing up is one of the cruelest parts of her death.
Drautos: This is... a many layered answer. I think he would be a good parent in that he would prepare any child for the world and teach them how to be a better person than he himself is. He would provide stability, comfort, and safety for a child. But when you look at his track record with his subordinates and his ultimate aims, it all falls apart. I could easily see him being a distant but exacting father who makes up for in opportunities what he lacks in warmth. It would be a mess. Thank God this man has no intention of raising children in a bubble like Lucis.
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tigerlover16-uk · 7 years
So, which of the other universe characters introduced for the tournament of power would you like to see brought back for future stories and how?
For one… Ganos, honestly. I think it would be really cool if after the tournament is over and assuming every other universe is brought back, he gained a deal of respect for Master Roshi and asked to become one of his students.
I think it would be a good way to give Master Roshi more to do later on, and would naturally give Ganos a reason to show up and interact with the Z Fighters as a potential ally, and give him room to be fleshed out and developed as a result.
You could also do a subplot with Ganos serving as a spy for Quitela to keep tabs on Goku and friends for the U4 Gods, though eventually starting to question his loyalties as he grows closer to Master Roshi and some of the other characters. Might make for some interesting drama at some point.
Caulifla and Kale are some obvious examples. Aside from finally getting around to having Goku and Vegeta visiting Planet Sadala, I’d like to see Goku actually doing some real training with them outside of sparring. I’ve always wanted to see Goku in a mentor role to someone besides his kids, and since we’re not getting a Post EoZ series with Uub anytime soon by the looks of it, I’m cool with this instead.
Moreover, while I feel Kale’s development could have been much better handled in the current saga at least, I have grown to like the two. And as the franchises first female super saiyans, it would be straight up wrong if they were just written off after the current arcs ends. Fact is the franchise desperately needs more women Z Fighters, or recurring allies at least. All we have is 18, after all. I’d like to see Caulifla and Kale fleshed out and developed some more, and given some more backstory (Kale in particular would vastly benefit from it, since it would give us some proper context for her self loathing and depressive tendencies).
Plus, Caulifla is just fun and kinda adorable in her own way. I want to see how she’d get along with some of the other Z-fighters and supporting cast, like Goten and Trunks. She could be Goten’s honorary big sister/lesbian aunt while training under Goku, how cool would that be? (And yes I know she and Kale aren’t confirmed lesbians. But who cares, I’ll ship what I want!).
Saonel and Pilina I’d like to see fleshed out too, and I’d love to see what universe 6′s version of Namek is like and how it’s culture and people differ from their universe 7 counterparts. Plus it would give Piccolo something to do possibly, especially since we’ve barely seen him interact with anyone of his own race anyway besides Dende and Kami.
I’d honestly really like to see Gohan take Jimeze up on his offer to learn instant transmission and some of his other moves. And honestly I’d just like to see more of the guy in general, he’s got a real Tuxedo Mask vibe going for him and I like that.
Believe it or not, I kind of want Ribrianne to come back too. I’d like to see her undergo some character development following on from everything happening in the tournament of power, growing out of her more selfish tendencies she seems to have and really growing into her role as a champion of love. I think there’s potential for development there.
Kakunsa/Sanka Ku and Vikal getting some time dedicated to showing them as a couple would be really nice. Hey, first half decent LGBT rep in the franchise, so they might as well do something good with them.
And more of Rozie too, because she’s adorable.
Heck, just give the Kamikaze Fireballs their own mini saga alongside the Z Fighters and I’d probably be happy.
I DEFINITELY want to see more of the Pride Troopers in future stories. I’d love if they got their own special or short arc dedicated to them, really fleshing the individual characters out and giving them a group dynamic outside of the battlefield. And come on, they’re a  team of sentai-inspired superheroes. There’s tons of story potential for them. And for the love of god, let Gohan show off his great saiyaman identity to them and have the Pride Troopers go gaga over his poses!
Part of me kinda wants to see more of Katopesla (The universe 3 space cop guy) too. He seems fun. Have him, Krillin and Jaco team up to fight space pirates or whatever, it would be the buddy cop comedy of the year.
No idea how they could be used, but I’d like to see the Trio De Dangers again if possible, same for Obuni.
That’s pretty much all I could think of. I’d be happy with any of these characters coming back if they could be made interesting with further development and contribute to the plot in meaningful ways though
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