#and she has pyrokensis
lxinesux · 30 days
yall remember the reader insert from once i sink my teeth and im holding my breath for you?
she’s based off on an actual oc i have lol
her name is nora osborne and shes my mj variant for the tasm verse
if i started posting more about her/her relationship with peter…would yall mind 👀👀
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new-revenant · 1 year
Childhood friends au
Since you weren't sure what to do
Danny's kids would all be rescued from cultists and promptly adopted
The first of the kids. He can breath fire. Danny
He was the second kid, Danny found him trying to steal out of the trunk of his mini van. He ends up becoming a halfa due to an accident with the Riddler after he was adopted
He has a pair of wings and happens to be the oldest of the kids and is very protective of the younger kids
A young girl with plant powers similar to poison Ivy
She's the second oldest of the kids has telekinetic abilities
He has an animal like tail that he can hide when he needs
He can turn into a monstrous wolf when angry
The youngest of the kids and so far has claws, they aren't sure what's going to develop later
He has mild pyrokensis. He can't make fire yet only control it. He overheats when stressed out
Link to first post
omg these kids are lovely <3 Bruce would definitely offer to babysit them and would immediately regret it :3 he would only expect half the mayhem these little guys would bring. It very soon becomes a group effort of the Batfam and various JL members
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For Josie to be a pyrokinetic maybe when they were making sure Sophie didn't have the genes Josie accidentally got them?
while i can’t remember which book this conversation was in, i do remember Forkle telling Sophie that “they removed all of the pyrotechnics genes from her DNA because it would make her life to difficult, so they made sure it would be impossible to manifest as one” or something like that.
while Josie was an accident she would still have incredibly similar DNA to Sophie because of the Pyrokentic Dna being removed it would also effect Josie. is this an Au and i can do literally whatever i want? yeah! but i’m trying to stick to cannon as much as possible. also i have a more fun idea for her abilities. (and i don’t have much of a choice on the telepath inflictor thing and thing throwing pyrokentics in there two would be difficult to write)
so as i’ve already said her abilities are completely Screwed up. her inflicting being the most effected by her unperfected genes. the thing is it behaves like pyrokensis instead of acting like Sophie’s or Bronte’s where it will target one person, or go out in radius, and they can do some sort of meditation to control it (that wrapping in the emotions in a ball to use later). hers behaves more like a elemental ability and is highly effected by emotions in a way that’s not as easy to control.
more info under the cut im in essay mode so i’m talking like it’s cannon not my personal headcannons (also i’m using my ability short hand because you can only spell pyrokentic wrong so many times)
in my mind elemental abilities are incredibly connected to the elves emotions (Flashers being the least connected and Pyros being the most). when a elemental is feeling stronger emotions, they will lose some control over their ability (ie. a frosters fingers will get covered in frost or a Pyro will create sparks) and the more intense the emotion the less control they will have over their ability.
the similarities that Josie has to Pyro’s specifically (and chargers which are very similar to pyro’s but that’s a different discussion) is the fact that she basically gets charged with whatever emotion she is feeling and if someone touches her while she’s charged like that they will end up getting inflicted on. her emotion are intense like a Pyro’s as well it’s either all or nothing when it comes to both Pyro’s and Josie’s emotions which doesn’t help with the lack of control in either case.
because Josie’s inflicting and emotional state is so unstable (because of her situation and because she’s just like that) she was next to no control over her ability, and is as likely to inflict as a recently manifested Pyro is to start a fire. while Sophie only loses control when her emotions are incredibly intense negative emotions. Josie will lose some control at the slightest emotional change. when she’s out of control it’s not like when Sophie does Josie will send emotional shock waves that move in a radius away from her until it’s stopped by someone or something, while Sophie creates a bubble of intense inflicting that will continue until she gains control again.
i’m done with the eassay now, but i am going to add that i think Josie will be an empath as well and it will also effect her inflicting, it’s just something i’ve decided a few hours ago so it’s not as deatiled as the inflicting is.
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su8arandspite · 5 months
oc lore drop: katy sullivan edition
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katy loves dinosaurs. like a lot. wants to be a paleontologist
their family dog, nutmeg the corgi, likes katy the most. she aged quite a bit when her little girl stopped coming home
although her big sister is rather on the short side, katy is fairly tall for a girl her age
Remember that brontosaurus sweatshirt dustin wore when he first saw max? yeah, i'll give you one guess where he got that
she and max mayfield find kindred spirits in each other. they’re fast friends and my goodness is the summer of 1985 iconic for kelmax
except for the whole boy thing, because katy just doesn’t want to talk about it okay?
mike wheeler is her best friend and has been for years but she also is so sick of his whiny ass
the only person who ships beth and steve more than dustin is katy
she and will had always been really, really close (arguably more than she was to dustin) but their shared trauma only made them inseparable
much like her sister with that golden locket, katy has a mood ring from beth that she would rather die than lose
she loves mysteries and science and that turns out to be her downfall
her first kiss was under the very same oak tree where she first met dustin henderson ahem
“it’s not arson, Mike, god! It’s called pyrokensis. Need another demonstration?”
but seriously her year in the ud changed her in more ways than one but she still thinks it’s hilarious she discovered she had powers by nearly setting chief hopper on fire… with blue fire. no big deal, right?
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0phelia-c0mplex · 1 year
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Ophelia's Family
She frequently travels home to visit her family. Unfortunately, they are close-knit and tend to meddle in each other's lives often. Her family holds influence over Ophelia whether she realizes it or likes it.
Louis Nesbitt: Her uncle through marriage. Louis is named after his Great Uncle. His family is mostly of Scottish Origin. His family also consists of other Magi users. Unfortunately, Louis was not among them. He was neglected and looked down upon. Louis had to garner respect through other means. Working hard, being ambitious, and smart. He owns an essential oil business and owns herbal crops across the globe. He became wealthy despite being born without magical gifts. He does have a keen senses despite this.
Meridith Nesbitt: Ophelia's aunt. Meridith like her sister was born pretty and magically gifted. Though they were losing their wealth and skill from various marriages and intermingling of 'normal' folks. It turns out her Aunt is only truly skilled in Illusion and Glamour. A secret she kept all her life. In her youth, she was desperate to marry someone who was more magically gifted to strengthen her families bloodline. Though, eventually Louis in his youth found out about her secret. They didn't get along at first. Louis thought Meridith as a vain, pretty, gold digger, user. Meridith thought Louis was just a plain loser. Fortunately, fate kept bringing them together and the two still fell in love. She married him, casting aside her petty goals and luckily still bore two magically gifted children.
Wyatt Nesbitt: Wyatt is the oldest son of Meridith and Louis. ( Nine years older than Ophelia )He was born seven months after his parents were married, bringing the notion that Louis and Meridith's wedding was partially a shotgun wedding. Despite this, he was loved and influenced to do well at a young age. Being the eldest and wanting to do right, he went through college to become an architect and accepted an arranged marriage with a powerful family overseas. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't last more than 6 years. He's in the middle of a nasty divorce and a custody battle for his two young sons. Wyatt is skilled in Pyrokensis, and telekinesis, and has the ability and gift of Command, that comes from his father's side. He's also a great cook.
Clarise Nesbitt: Clarise is the youngest daughter of Louis and Meredith. (Two years younger than Ophelia). She's currently going to school for fashion design despite her parent's warning not to. She's carefree, fashion-forward, and loves to travel a lot. Most likely as a way to also avoid an arranged marriage. Despite being close to Ophelia in age, their personalities tend to clash. Even though they are close, Clarise and Ophelia often do not see eye to eye. Clarise is gifted in Illusion and Glamour, telekinesis, and has the ability to see things in the past.
Vivian and Damian Voltaire: Vivian like her sister was gifted Illusion and Glamour but also Aereokensis. It is said that their Great Great Grandfather was of Fae and intermingled with a human thus granting her mother's heritage with Illusion and Glamour. Vivian met Damian while out in sea and fell in love. Damian was trying to escape an arranged marriage and was out of hiding by constantly traveling about. Fortunately, his marriage still appeased his family's side. Despite being practically estranged from her father's side of the family. Her father's side is where she inherited the skills to enter and manipulate Dreams.
Vivian and Damian died out at sea during an anniversary trip while she was just seven.
Gifts and natural skills do not mean they can't integrate and manipulate other forms of magic. It just means they are able to do so without much practice and concentration. They also can still cast spells from books, including her Uncle even though 90% of the time it fails.
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dictator-warden · 3 years
(As @superjail-warden-rp)
Let's see. The only things I can think of are that she has pyrokensis and telekinesis. She can shapeshift like me, but mostly into animals. She can time travel and interdimensional travel, which is how she got to Superjail in the first place.
And, perhaps most unique, is she can sometimes heal with the power if her mind. And, she has even managed to bring the dead back to life. Those abilities are limited, however. And, like I said, none of these things happen too often.
You know, I'm kinda surprised that nobody has ever tried to capture her and try to harness her powers.
Of course, there's the explanation where she can't be located
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bisexualbilly · 5 years
The Triplet [Prologue]
The Triplet
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Being the third sibling of the Maximoff’s and the youngest meant she was always protected by her siblings but Wanda still convinced her to go through the experiments, now Y/N is a Pyrokensis, with the ability to read minds and manipulate them, as well as having hair manipulation, Y/N is one of the most successful enchanted HYDRA has ever created with three different powers making her one of the most dangerous weapons in the world.
Word Count: 304
Warning: None 
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You listens to Pietro, thumbing against the walls of the small cell he’s in, your back pressed up against the wall in the corner, fire crackling along your palms, slowly you glance up, seeing the men that have been doing the experiments. You hate this. You hate what you’ve become. A monster. You glare at the men, knowing if looks could kill they’d be dead but all the one in front of you does is chuckle.
“What about that one?” The man in the back asks pointing straight towards your cell, the man in the front smirks.
‘She is our most valuable asset and the experiments were extraordinary on her, her siblings have one main power each, Pietro, the boy, has speed, Wanda, the other girl, has telekinesis and energy manipulation, but Y/N her powers are astonishing, she can not only manipulate fire, she can manipulate her hair and she can read minds and tamper with them” The man in the front smirks at you as if you were a prize trophy.
“Sooner or later they will meet the triplets” The man in front continues, keeping his eyes trained on the siblings in front of them, “It’s not a world or spies anymore, not even a world of heroes, this is the age of miracles, Doctor. There’s nothing more horrifying then a miracle...”
You hear the crack like a broken neck to the cell to your left, knowing that cell is Wanda’s, taking a shaky deep breath, you know what’s coming, you remember staring at the bomb for 2 days straight as it didn't blow up. You remember Stark industries name. You remember the death of your parents. Although you hate what you’ve become you want revenge on the man held accountable. Tony Stark. And you’ll kill anyone who stands in your way.
This is going to take place after Age Of Ultron and its not going to follow the marvel stories completely because I want Bucky in it as soon as possible, but it'll take place as Bucky joins the avengers, but like I said its not following any movie, I just chose this part to help gain a little understanding of the girl, there will be flashbacks though.
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hollowgroverp · 5 years
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              CHLOE PRESCOTT
(age.) thirty one (species.) witch (abilities.) pyrokensis (occupation.) biomedical engineer at greyson medical technology (residency.) returned march 2019 (mirror.) lindsey morgan
❝  a pavement of the past
Some say the world would end in fire, some say ice. The day that Chloe was born, John Prescott knew it to be fire. From her first moments of breathe on this Earth, she was a force to be reckoned with. As the only child, the babe demanded attention, crying and whining until she got what she wanted. And she knew how to get what she wanted. She had her mother wrapped up into her little finger, but John knew better. He sensed something was off with her within the first few days, but he could never put his finger on it.
Her mother, Kristina Zippel, came from a line of Swedish witches that came to America to escape the 1675 Torsåker witch trials. Kristina could sense Chloe’s powers forming, and would often find her little girl practicing her fire magic on things that she wasn’t suppose to. There was something in her eye as she would watch it burn, something that would have unsettled any mother, but Kristina loved her daughter with all her heart, and knew that she wouldn’t harm a fly. So Kristina kept it a secret, fearful that others would past judgement onto her daughter like witches before her. But all secrets eventually come to light. And light it did. John began to grow suspicious when things here and there began to mysteriously catch on fire. They were always small things, and never grew more than a small flame. And though Kristina tried her best to hide it, one day John caught Chloe hovering over one of her toys that was aflame.
Tension rose between her parents, John wanting to send their daughter away for help, but Kristina refused to let her daughter go. Chloe would often come home after middle-school to find her parents fighting, and while her mother tried to protect her from it, she often got in the middle. For years it boiled over until one day when she was in high school, her mother couldn’t protect her from her father’s wrath. He lashed out. That night, her father was gone, leaving her mother and her alone. Kristina was left heartbroken, and Chloe knew it was her fault and to this day hasn’t gotten over her father’s abandonment.
Though the troubles at home, she never showed any of this at school. In pre-school, she met Dash Hastings and Jackson Davenport, and since that day, Chloe knew that if she hadn’t grown up with the two of them, her life would have turned out different. They were the ones that kept her together, and made her feel like she was normal, and without them she would have descended further into flame. They kept grounded when things at home weren’t, and while they never knew the full truth between her parents, they were aware of fighting. They offered her comfort and solace, and she in turn gave them hers. School was the place that Chloe could escape and act like her life was perfect — she had good grades, was captain of the school’s track team, and knew how have boys in the palm of her hands.
After high school, she had enough of staying at home and decided to go to post-secondary for biomedical engineering outside of Hollow Grove, and after graduation, decided that she wanted to travel to pursue research opportunities. She traveled the world, exploring different countries for years, still keeping in touch with her friends from time-to-time, but she let herself grow more distant, allowing herself to be consumed by the frivolous adventures. A distraction.
Until her mother grew sick. So Chloe returned back home to Hollow Grove to take care of her. She has recently joined the Biomedical Engineer team at Greyson Medical Technology.
❝  the nature of the beast
Like fire, Chloe is passionate, energetic, warm and always moving yet can leave a destructive path in her wake when crossed with. And like the all consuming flame, when she gets her hands into anything she puts all her might into it, not leaving any stone unturned and sometimes needs someone to pull her away. She respects people who voice their thoughts without hesitation and her openness can provoke some while others embrace her truthfulness. She is a fearless leader, and while she has gotten herself into trouble a few times, she will always continue to fight to be as good as possible and would do anything for the people she considers friends. But her father’s abandonment has left a hole in her heart that she yearns to fill, but keeps people at bay so not to get hurt again.
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supernaturalcb · 2 years
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𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖔: Nagyung • June 1, 2000 • Single • Mono
Bisexual • Switch
𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖗:
She is a witch.
She was recently banished from her coven and almost killed by them so she is now on her own. You will have to get close to her to find out exactly why she was banished.
She is the type of person that kinda comes and goes when she wants. When she tries to make friends most of the time it doesn't work out for her so she's accepted that fact.
She is a bit mysterious and very secretive. Most people often don't even know that she is a witch and likes to sometimes keep it hidden until she's ready to tell you.
She has a familiar that often follows her around when she goes out places in order to watch over her. Her familiar is a crow.
Telekinesis, teleportation, pyrokensis, telepathy and mind control.
She can cast different types of spells and make different types of potions that she's learned over that years.
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capeshqs · 4 years
Rina Moon-Storm ( Child of Cindy Moon and Johnny Storm ) has been accepted
Moon Ga-Young is now taken.
《 moon ga-young, cis female, she/her, twenty-one 》⇢ Hey! I just ran into [ RINA MOON-STORM ], the [ BIOLOGICAL ] child of [ CINDY MOON & JOHNNY STORM ] who’s also a [ HERO ] that goes by [ SILK-FIRE ]. They [ ACTRESS/PART-TIME SHIELD AGENT ] at [ NEW YORK CITY ] now. I know rumors say they’re [ STANDOFFISH & BLUNT ] but If you ask me they’re really [ CHARMING & CONFIDENT ].  They’re also a [ ENHANCED HUMAN ] with the ability of [ PYROKENSIS, SPIDER SENSES, PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY ]. 
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shield-bound · 4 years
Leia’s Forms (Magical Girl AU)
In the magical girl AU, Leia has 19 forms, yes, 19. To transform into these forms, she must have the appropriate z crystal and do the pose
Normal Z
Outfit modeled after: Drampa
Attack: Breakneck Blitz
Strengths: Well rounded, ghost type attacks have no effect on her.
Weaknesses: Weak against fighting types, has only one attack, attacks are not effective against rock, ghost, steel types. Doesn’t have an advantage over any type.
Fire Z
Outfit modeled after: Turtonator
Attacks: Pyrokensis, can survive in Fire and lava, Inferno Overdrive
Strengths: Strong against grass, ice, bug, and steel types
Weaknesses: Weak against rock, water, and ground types. Can’t use powers when wet, has only one attack.
Water Z
Outfit modeled after: Brionne
Abilities and Attacks: Fast swimming, breathing underwater, hydrokenesis, Hydro Vortex and Oceanic Operetta
Strengths: Strong against fire, ground, and rock types, really fast underwater.
Weaknesses: Weak against electric and grass types, can’t use powers if electrified.
Grass Z
Outfit modeled after: Lurantis
Abilities and Attacks: Healing touch (and kiss😉), Plant manipulation, Bloom Doom.
Strengths: Strong against ground, rock, and water types, powers are stronger if out in the sun.
Weaknesses: Weak against bug, Fire, ice, flying, and poison, only has one attack.
Electric Z
Outfit modeled after: Togedemaru
Abilities and Attacks: Absorb electricity to make attacks stronger, electrokinesis, Gigavolt Havoc and 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt
Strengths: Faster than her other forms, Strong against flying and water types,
Weaknesses: Weak against ground types, powers become uncontrollable when wet.
Psychic Z
Outfit modeled after: Oricorio (Pa’u style) 
Abilities and Attacks: Floating, telepathy, telekinesis, Shattered Psyche and Genesis Supernova 
Strengths: Strong against fighting and poison types, doesn’t require much movement to execute attacks (hence can fight at a safer distance)
Weaknesses: Weak against bug, dark, and ghost types, head injuries or afflictions will hinder or even disable her abilities, abilities require lots of focus and distractions will weaken the attacks or cause them to backfire.
Ice Z
Outfit modeled after: Vulpix (Alolan form) 
Abilites and Attacks: Cryokinesis, snow manipulation, survival in colder climates, ice breath, Subzero Slammer
Strengths: Strong against flying, grass, ground, and dragon types, swift and rather agile 
Weaknesses: Weak against steel, fire, and water types, only has one attack, powers are weakened when wet. 
Dragon Z
Outfit modeled after: Kommo-o
Abilities and Attacks: Super strength, Devastating Drake, Clangorous Soulblaze
Strengths: Strong against other dragon types, very strong in terms of resilience and attack. 
Weaknesses: Cannot fly despite the typing, weak to ice, fairy, and other dragon types, doesn’t have many unique abilities.
Dark Z
Outfit modeled after: Malamar
Abilities and Attacks: Can use a variety of tricks and illusions, can hypnotize people (thanks to Malamar’s psychic half), Black Hole Eclipse 
Strengths: Hypnosis can give the team a temporary helping hand, is capable of distracting enemies with her illusions, strong against ghost and psychic types
Weaknesses: People and pokemon can break out of hypnosis either through realization/force of will, cold water, or loud noises, only has one attack, is more of a helper than a fighter, weak to fighting, bug, and fairy
Fighting Z
Outfit modeled after: Crabrawler 
Abilities and Attacks: Super strength, various muay thai and boxing moves, capable of punching through rocks, ice and steel, All-Out Pummeling 
Strengths: Has the strongest punches, strong against dark, ice, normal, rock, and steel
Weaknesses: Is mainly an attacker lacking in defense, weak against fairy, flying, and psychic, only has one attack. 
Flying Z
Outfit modeled after: Toucannon 
Abilities and Attacks: Flight, wind manipulation, Toucannon’s beak heat (with her hands), Supersonic Skystrike 
Strengths: One of the faster forms, strong against bug, fighting, and grass types, can fly much longer than her bug and fairy type form, 
Weaknesses: Weak to electric, ice, and rock, can’t fly if electrocuted or cold, heat touch only works when experiencing strong emotions, only has one attack
Poison Z
Outfit Modeled After: Mareanie
Abilities and Attacks: Resistance to poisoning and illness, scratches can cause poisoning, able to survive toxic environments, Acid Downpour  
Strengths: Effective against grass and fairy types, is immune to attacks that would normally poison pokemon or people
Weaknesses: Still vulnerable to Salazzle’s ability (Corrosion), has only one attack, weak against ground and psychic types. 
Ground Z
Outfit modeled after: Mudsdale 
Abilites and Attacks: Terrakenesis, super strength, Tectonic Rage
Strengths: Has the highest durability of all the other forms (meaning it can take the most damage without reverting) with some strong attack to boot, strong against electric, fire, poison, rock, and steel types. 
Weaknesses: Rather slow and bulky in battle, weak against grass, ice, and water types. 
Rock Z
Outfit modeled after: Rockruff and Lycanroc
Abilites and Attacks: Continental Crash and Splintered Stormshards.
Strengths:  Immune to sandstorms, Strong attack and above average defense, effective against flying, bug, fire and ice types,
Weaknesses: Weak against fighting, ground, and steel types. 
Bug Z
Outfit modeled after: Charjabug and Vikavolt
Abilites and Attacks: Spin and unleash webs ala Spider-Man, sticking to walls, temporary flight with wings, Savage Spin-Out.
Strengths: Strong against grass, dark, and psychic types, quick and agile 
Weaknesses: Weak against fire, flying, and rock types, can’t fly as long as her flying type form, has only one attack.
Steel Z
Outfit modeled after: Magearna
Abilites and Attacks: Can bend and break metal with fists, Corkscrew Crash
Strengths: immune to sandstorm, immune to poisoning, strong against rock, ice, and fairy types
Weaknesses: Still vulnerable to corrosion (Salazzle’s ability), will get rusty (therefore unable to move) if coming into contact with water, has only one attack, weak against fire, water, and electric types.
Fairy Z
Outfit modeled after: Ribombee 
Abilites and Attacks: Flight, healing spells, Twinkle Tackle,
Strengths: Immune to dragon type moves, strong against fighting, dragon, and dark types
Weaknesses: Weak against fire, poison, and steel types, can’t fly as long as her flying type form.
Ultimate Z
Outfit modeled after: Silvally
Abilites and Attacks: Any attack of her other forms, Multi Attack
Strengths: Isn’t weak to any types, much more powerful than her normal z form, can preform any attack without needing to transform to another form.
Weaknesses: Has no advantages over any type (at least by herself, her basic attacks that aren’t type based), can cause the user to go unconscious for a bit after it subsides as it takes a lot of physical energy to use, requires the user to do all z move poses in the specific order to transform, all z crystals have a risk of shattering.
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Anything else? Or can I leave?
Mordred: *sighs* To make a long story short, you have powers. And so does my fiance, Natalie the head maid. She has hydrokensis, you have pyrokensis. Got it? Okay, don’t tell anyone
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bisexualbilly · 5 years
The Triplets (Chapter One)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Being the third sibling of the Maximoff’s and the youngest meant she was always protected by her siblings but Wanda still convinced her to go through the experiments, now Y/N is a Pyrokensis, with the ability to read minds and manipulate them, as well as having hair manipulation, Y/N is one of the most successful enchanted HYDRA has ever created with three different powers making her one of the most dangerous weapons in the world.
Word Count: 1,340
Warnings: Death, maybe a swear word?
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You sit on the bed in the Avengers compound, keeping your earphones in as you gaze out of the window.
You’ve been here for a couple months, reluctantly following Wanda, you don’t think you’d survive if you lost her, you already lost Pietro and that was enough to make you break down.
The bullets penetrate Pietro’s skin as he collapses to the floor, your screams echo throughout the floating land, your heart feeling like it’s being tugged from its places. Your hands grasp at the roots of your hair as you tug it, screaming as you fall to your knees, flames shoot out from every inch of your skin, everything tingles from the heat as everything aroudn you burns; buildings, enemies, everything.
You see Pietro’s body in the distance, as you ran over to him and grabbed him, pulling his lifeless body into your arms, tears streaming down your cheeks as you tugged him close. Your hair strangles anything that gets close as you mourn for your twin brother and sob, kissing his forehead and shutting his eyes.
You glance up as you hear someone gasping from the tangles of your hair, your eyes burn into the man struggling against the grips of your hair around his neck, you know he’s one of them, one of the avengers.
“This will send a message to your pathetic group of friends, and to Tony Stark” you growl as your grip tightens, tears still flowing freely as your flame sets alight, ready to set the man with the bright blue eyes and the long brown hair on fire.
“Y/N!” You hear Wanda shout from behind you, snapping your neck round to see her, as her gaze wanders from you to Pietro and back to you.
“Don’t” She mumbles, her voice cracking a fresh wave of tears falling down her cheeks, your hair instantly lets go of the man, leaving him to drop to the floor as you sprint over to her and wrap your arms around her, you both sob into each other’s embrace.
You only see Wanda, she brings your food and makes you shower, she cares for you but she knows there isn’t much she can do, you’re still mourning the loss of Pietro, it took a toll on you and even worse you don’t trust anyone in this building but your sister, you hate being under Tony’s commands even with Wanda’s explanation of how he isn’t who HYDRA portrayed him as.
Even though you hated the place you haven’t left it for a couple months, it just doesn’t feel right to be here but he isn’t so you wasted your days away.
You pull the earbuds out as you hear soft knocks at the door, not bothering to get up your hair stretches out and grabs the door handle, pulling it open but you keep your back to the door, “what Wanda?” You sigh, just wanting to be alone today.
“Why don’t we go for a walk? Around the compound and if you really don’t like it here I can take you back to your room or I can find you somewhere else to stay” she offers with a soft smile on her face as you glance over your shoulder at her.
Black coats your room, the only light from the hallway that cascades onto Wanda, you blocked out the sunshine from the windows so you’re always in darkness. You sit up and look at her, contemplating it, as much as you hate it the same four walls get boring.
“Majority of the team are out on a mission, so you won’t be overwhelmed” she says and walks over, taking your hand on hers as you sigh and reluctantly get up, slipping your slippers on, “fine but I’m going back to bed after”
“Deal” she squeals and leads you out of your room, your long y/h/c following behind you as it drags along the floor.
Your eyes gaze around the compound as she leads you through various different hallways, she talks to the AI and when it talks back you jump, turning around quickly with Flames at the ready in your hand as Wanda giggles beside you and talks to the AI, your cheeks burning red with embarrassment.
She talks aimlessly to it about the mission majority of the team are on and the one she’s going out shortly as you hearing grunting and punching, slipping away from Wanda you walk towards the noise, as quiet as a mouse as you do so.
You listen closely to the soft music playing but the pained grunts coming from the room as you poke your head into the door of what you presume is the gym.
The man in the middle of the room’s back flex’s as he hits the punching bag at full force, his long brown hair is tied into a small bun at the back of his neck, small strands that have fallen out framing his face. You recognise him, the blue eyes, the long hair and the metal arm, how could you forget? The man you strangled on the day of Pietro’s death. You had presumed you’d killed him but obviously he survived, the pit of anger in your stomach grows at the sight of an Avenger.
You wish you could forgive them the way Wanda has, the way she’s let them in, the way she treats them like a huge family, you wish you could but the fright of those two days as a child always works it’s way back into your mind, the day of Pietro’s death comes back and the constant reminder of HYDRA’s words talking against the Avengers makes its way back into your mind.
Your hair’s grip on the door handle finally breaks the handle from the burning rage fueling inside of you, your eyes widen at the loud noise it made and your eyes snap towards the handle now on the grips of your hair his moves falter as he’s mid swing and looks over at you, eyebrows furrowing in confusion at the sight of you, he hasn’t seen you since that day and he’d wander if you’d ever leave the small confides of your room, a small smile on his face.
Your cheeks burn red for the second time tonight as he straightens up his posture. He knows you’re mourning, he also knows the effects HYDRA has on someone so he hasn’t pushed, but he has become intrigued and spoke to Wanda a lot about HYDRA and their time there, even though Bucky is still trying to figure himself out it’s nice to talk to someone who went through something similar to him.
Bucky goes back to hitting the punching bag, not wanting to push you out of your comfort zone by talking to someone who’s technically an avenger, you hear Wanda’s footsteps behind you and you tune around quickly, jogging to meet you, a small smile on his face as he thinks about that interaction.
“What’s his name?” You ask quietly, pointing towards the direction of the gym, pink still tinted on your cheeks.
“His names Bucky Barnes, you might remember hearing of him as the Asset or The Winter Soldier” she says, your eyes widening in shock remembering the famous Asset and the deadly assassin being spoken of around HYDRA.
“That’s him? What’s he doing here? What’s he doing as an avenger?” You fire questions at the red head, still in shock, he was famous, deadly, you had looked up at him at one point, you wanted to be powerful, you wanted to be feared, you wanted the Avengers nervous at the sound of your name, and then he went missing after a mission, you thought they’d killed him.
You nod slightly at the new information and walk quickly back to your room, ignoring the calls from Wanda asking where you’re going, You close the door behind me and think about everything. You slide down the door and hold your knees to your chest.
The winter soldier...
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bisexualbilly · 5 years
The Triplets - Masterlist
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Description: Being the third sibling of the Maximoff’s and the youngest meant she was always protected by her siblings but Wanda still convinced her to go through the experiments, now Y/N is a Pyrokensis, with the ability to read minds and manipulate them, as well as having hair manipulation, Y/N is one of the most successful enchanted HYDRA has ever created with three different powers making her one of the most dangerous weapons in the world.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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supernaturalcb · 2 years
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𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔: Sakura • March 19, 1998 • Taken • Mono
Bisexual • Switch leaning dom
𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖗:
She is a dragon hybrid.
Her confidence could literally fill up a whole room. She loves all attention and eyes being on her.
She is rich and lives in a mansion but if you are her friend she will gladly invite you over often since it gets very lonely in there by herself.
She can be a little sassy or bossy sometimes but tries not to come across as rude.
She is the ceo of a very big fashion brand that she worked years to come up with herself so she can get very busy at times. She is very proud of her work and loves to show off her pieces to people.
Super speed, enhanced strength and enhanced senses.
Pyrokensis: She can create and manipulate fire.
During colder months in the year she can also breathe out ice and control it.
While she is in her dragon form she has big red wings and a tail. She can also just turn into a full on dragon but it's rare that she ever does that as would be very scary to most people.
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