#and she did end up accommodating that and i don't hold it against her
multi-lefaiye · 1 year
but yeah something something like... i definitely support including content warnings as much as possible, even ones that might be particularly unusual, but it's equally important to consider the impact of listing certain things as warnings.
like that meme of "can you trigger tag lesbians" i've seen before. like... i don't mean this at all in an insulting way, but if any group of people simply existing causes you so much discomfort that you ask people to provide content warnings for their existence, whether in fiction or otherwise.... that's something you really need to unpack and work through. because that very *very* easily steers rapidly into outright bigotry, intentional or otherwise, and working through that discomfort is the first step to unlearning that sort of thing.
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luveline · 8 months
Please a Hotch (new girl dad LMFAO) little fic where he discovers the joys and wonders of being a girl dad 😭🤍 like dressing up and playing tea party, or ‘honey, what do I put in her hair?? A bow? A ribbon?? A headband?? A clip??’ Or something about their baby girl always running to him when she bumps her head or falls!! I think it would be really cute
“Do you mind?” you ask through giggles. 
Aaron rubs his hand up the length of your stomach. It tickles in a strange way, but you’re laughing because he’s cornered you on the couch. He takes up the entirety of your view, the air hot between your close faces. 
“No,” he says simply. He has big hands, warm hands. They leave heat in their wake where they touch you. 
“No, come on. I can’t see Jane.” You’re mostly kidding. You really can’t see Jane, but she’s about three feet away, and your living room is baby proofed.
Aaron peeks behind his shoulder. His smile says more than words —he must have caught her smiling herself. “You okay, honey?”
“Yes. Okay. Okay?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I’m okay, I’m just giving mommy some kisses.” Aaron strokes your stomach with a loving thumb. “You want to come over here for a cuddle?” 
Jane doesn’t answer. Aaron turns back to you with a glowing smile. “She’s very happy. Now let me kiss you–” You’re laughing again as he kisses you, your cheek, the high point and the end of your brow. 
“I can’t believe you’ve cornered me,” you say, nudging him away to hold his face in your hands. “It’s too warm in here for this, you need to give me some space.”
“I don’t want space from you,” he jokes, matching your playful tone.
“Daddy!” Jack calls from somewhere deeper in the house. “I need help!”
“With what?” he calls, sitting up and away from your touch. He squeezes your leg as he leaves, his voice echoing against the hallway walls, “Jack? What’s the problem, buddy?” 
He waits for an answer he doesn’t get before heading upstairs. You weren’t lying when you said it was too hot for kisses —the winter chill is pervasive and Jane is vulnerable to the cold, so the heat is high and the Hotchner boys are pink in the cheeks every time you see them. You fan your face, tracking Jane’s clumsy waddling as she ferries a pink teddy bear next to her baby doll beside the picnic blanket you’d laid out for her. 
“Having fun, Janey?” you ask. 
“Baba,” she mumbles. 
“Alright, that’s fun. How about I go make us some dinner?” 
“Bababa,” you say back. 
You set about cleaning the mess she’s making before it can explode and prop the door between the living room and the kitchen open to watch her while you peel some potatoes. She plays happily for a while, and upstairs you can hear the celebratory shouts of the boys having figured something out. “Come have some juice before you do the next part,” Aaron says. 
With a sudden bump and a telling silence, Jane falls over. You drop your potatoes and wipe your hands on your front, prepared to sweep her up in your arms and coo away any tears. Her crying rings like a storm siren, so loud you miss the rush of footsteps down the stairs. 
“Baby,” you say softly, holding out your arms as you approach. Aaron and Jack trickle into the room behind her. “Let mommy see? What did you do, huh?” 
She climbs onto her feet. You don't even realise she’s looking away from you until she’s running at her father’s legs, completely ignoring your offered embrace. “Oh, sweetheart,” Aaron says, bending down to meet her. “What did you do? You hurt yourself? Let me have a look. Let me see.” 
Your chest is a pit, that falling feeling as though you’ve missed a step, but the open joy on Aaron’s face soothes any jealousy quickly. “What did you do?” he asks again, lifting his head to accommodate her little body as she wraps her arms and legs around him. He picks her up. She looks small under his chin. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” 
Jack weaves around him to hug your thigh. “Did she fall?” he asks. 
He can come to you for anything, big or small, just like Jane can go to her father. You ruffle his soft hair with a smile. “She’s just shocked when things don’t feel nice because she’s so little. It probably didn’t hurt very much, okay? Don’t worry.” 
“Don’t listen to mommy,” Aaron murmurs, patting what looks like the entire span of Jane’s back with a barely opened palm, “I’m sure it hurt lots and lots.” 
“Dad,” she mumbles tearily.
Aaron gives you the look. One he does all too often when he’s feeling grateful for the things he has, his brow pinched into a gentler furrow than usual. “I know, honey. That floor is so mean, always hurting you. I think we should get some soft carpets instead, what do you think?” 
Jack tugs on your hand. “Can you make me some apple juice, please? I think he will be here for a while.” 
You’re thinking there’ll be carpets fitted in here within the month. “Sure, babe. You wanna help me make some French fries?” 
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i LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea of post-bad end cassie sticking around to try fixing everything and befriending the ruined robots SOB. Do you have any headcanons for them in this setting?
oh boi DO I (post-bad end brainrot post here)
M.X.E.S and Helpi are BOTH sassy little bitches. They bicker at each other over things a lot like two geeky nerds. Unfortunately Cassie has to watch them bickering be it through the vanni mask or the implant. Sometimes either one or both of them ramble over something code/technology based to Cassie, essentially making her their "debuggy ducky".
They collect the Freddy-talk to make sure the Mimic can't use it again to trick Cassie again or trick future victims so easily with it. Cassie also claims Gregory's forgotten Glam Freddy backpack for herself for better inventory (and maybe anything useful inside if there's anything.) Finder's keepers, bitch.
After finding a blue spray paint can (many cans are seen abandoned through, having been used for the graffiti stuff,) Cassie uses it to paint Prototype Glamrock Freddy's endo claws blue, to match his casing hands a little. It's not much but boy does that make him feel fabulous! She does the same for Roxy's claws after finding a green one.
They find an usable old stroller to carry Monty. He's lowkey embarrassed, but he certainly prefers this accommodation over having to drag and crawl himself everywhere.
On their quest to reactivate the security nodes they all also keep on the look out for anything that could be used to fix one of them a little bit (like a spare arm for Chica or spare eye(s) for Roxy, things to help them fix Bonnie, anything that could help any of them.)
Speaking of, Chica donated one of her eyes to Roxy. One eye is better than none.
All the robots are equipped with some medical knowledge in case they had an emergency with patrons back in the PizzaPlex glory, especially the Daycare Attendant/Eclipse. They all try to help patch Cassie up from injuries caused by the elevator drop.
The mini Music Men follow Cassie like ducklings. They're also great at finding any goods due to fitting through cramped nookies and crannies and locate things the others wouldn't be able to reach due to being bigger.
Helpi and M.X.E.S seeing that Monty shrine through Cassie's point of view: "IS THAT MONTY'S FUCKING LEGS-"
You can bet they stop for a bit to play the Chica's Feeding Frenzy and Monty's Gator Golf arcades. They either take turns or gather around Cassie to watch her play and cheer her on it. Listen they all went through a LOT, they NEED a little harmless reprieve!
Roxy, Monty and Chica definitely still hold resentment towards Gregory for what he did against them in the past. They're also even madder at him now on Cassie's behalf after learning he sent the elevator plummeting down with her inside and trapping her, an indignation the others also share because "wtf bro what kind of friend does that shit???" The Daycare Attendant is mostly salty because Gregory's a RULE-BREAKER and his ass is still BANNED.
By the way, it doesn't really matter whether it was the real Gregory who betrayed Cassie or the Mimic putting up an act again. As far as they're all concerned, it was the real Gregory.
They pick up and collect plushies that are still in good condition (except ones that are child nodes in M.X.E.S' security, those only get hidden better.) Prototype Glamrock Freddy loves tucking a few plushies into his hatch, they feel soft inside! A few also get put inside Monty's stroller with him.
Despite M.X.E.S' hostility at Cassie back at the beginning, after understanding better why she was doing what she was doing, and watching her trying her hardest and giving it her all to make things better, it learned to hold a huge respect for the girl. The one thing M.X.E.S and Helpi agree with despite their bickering.
M.X.E.S: You're such a sassy little shit! Helpi: Hey don't cuss! The kid can see it through the mask/implant! M.X.E.S: M.X.E.S: OH FUCK, I FORGOR! Helpi: YOU DID IT AGAIN-! Bonnie: Hey kiddo, you okay? Cassie: Huh? Roxy: Yeah, you looked spaced out. Cassie: Oh, yeah I'm okay. M.X.E.S. just said "fuck". The entire squad in the real world: HE WHAT-
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frazzledsoul · 6 months
Probably preaching to the choir here, but I find the constant revisionism regarding Christopher Hayden's sporadic attempts at fatherhood rather frustrating.
I often see his fans argue that Lorelai "kept Rory away from him and refused to let him participate" and that "she made it uncomfortable for him." But did she? She declined his marriage proposal because he was uninterested in Rory from the beginning. She left home and moved thirty minutes away, worked her way up to a middle-class life, and made it clear he was free to do whatever the fuck he wanted. We're told he calls Rory every week (I find this unconvincing, but whatever), he sees her on holidays, he knows how to find Rory and Lorelai when he finally visits them 14-15 years after they move there. It sure doesn't sound like Lorelai hid her away and didn't tell Christopher where they lived or refused to allow him to visit her. Not to mention that we are explicitly told in season 1 that she's "always held the door open to her, you just never wanted to use it" and he agrees.
The other thing she tells Rory in that S1 episode is that "he's going to come and go as he pleases, hon, you know that." Contrary to the belief that she kept Rory away from him, she actually is super accommodating any time he wants to show up and contribute and she never rebukes him for all the times he didn't feel like it. She doesn't appear to ever ask him for money or criticize him for being a bad dad and of course, she keeps sleeping with him any time he does anything half-decent. She's raised Rory to think that it's inevitable he's going to treat them like crap and only show up when it's convenient for him and that they can never be mad at him or hold it against him because she didn't marry him when he offered so long ago. The idea that he had a responsibility to Rory regardless of whether Lorelai was willing to be in a relationship with him is not a reality in their world. It doesn't help that both sets of grandparents seem to blame the entire situation on Lorelai and don't expect Christopher to contribute in any way.
And of course, Christopher doesn't really care about Rory. He's mostly eager to act like a dad when there are cracks in Lorelai's relationship with Luke and he senses an opportunity to get in her pants (he usually succeeds at this). Once that opportunity goes away, he disappears. He drops out of Rory's life once Gigi is born. He doesn't appear to be in contact with her after he and Lorelai divorce until it's time for her graduation. After Lorelai stops talking to him once she reconciles with Luke in the post-OS period, he stops talking to Rory, too. Even the offer to pay for the second half of Rory's college education only comes when he inherits a bunch of money he didn't earn and offers to buy *Lorelai* anything she wants until Rory reorients his offer towards something practical. Rory is a means to get to Lorelai and not much more. And of course, we know from AYITL that he sends Gigi away to her mother eventually as well, giving up on her too.
This is not to say that Lorelai always behaves perfectly. She avoids telling Rory about Christopher requesting to make holiday plans with her for a few days and she does a lot to poison Rory against Christopher/Sherry in S3 because SHE'S mad at him for rejecting her and Rory feels she has to take her side. Still, I don't feel this is equal to all of Christopher's neglect and at any rate Rory is a big girl now, a legal adult, and can develop a relationship with her dad beyond her mom if she wants. Christopher doesn't appear to be terribly interested.
(Oh, and the aforementioned S2/S3 behavior is why you shouldn't be best friends with your daughter, as it's inevitable that your hurt feelings will get in the way of what's best for her and her relationship, however frayed, with her other parent. That is another topic, though).
In the end, all this does have a profound effect on Rory. She's often submissive in her relationships (especially with Dean) and lets problems fester instead of dealing with them because that's what's been modeled for her. She also regularly cheats with old boyfriends because her parents taught her that you always have a claim on your first love and that overrides whatever commitment you're currently making. And of course, in the AYITL era she seems to have copied his life patterns a bit too much, as she's got no real incentive to change at this point.
Lorelai wasn't too hard on him. She was way too easy on him and put up with too much of his shit over the years, and that had its own reverberations. Both Lorelai and Rory should have been allowed to be angry at him for his neglect. It never happened.
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Captive Part 3
Sihtric x OC
Authors note: the third part of the Captive. If you liked the story – give me a hint that you want it to continue and what you would like to happen next. I have too many endings in my mind and can’t decide.
Summary: Sihtric is sent to Heasten’s camp to spy and discovers the Danes have a captive – young Saxon girl he just can’t leave to her fate.
Word Count: 1,536
Part 1 , Part 2. Part 3, Part 4
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sihtric knew that the only way to escape the pursuers was to keep moving as fast as they can. There was no time for rest. The Danes will discover Elfflead missing first thing in the morning and the great hunt will start. But they were slow, too slow to make real use of the advantage in time they had. Elfflead stumbled, she was tired and out of breath. Her grip on Sihtric’s hand was getting desperate as she struggled to keep up with his pace.
“I can’t anymore,” she breathed heavily and stopped.
“We can’t stop now. We are close,” Sihtric was determined not to let her rest.
“Close to what?” Elfflead was surprised.
“To the cave I spent the night in on the way here,” Sihtric explained, “But first we must go up that small stream, it will conceal our trace and it is just the opposite direction they will expect us to go. Common, lady, we must move on,” Sihtric commanded and gripped Elfflead’s hand tightly.
It was evening again when they reached the cave. Its entrance was concealed by a curtain of ivy and moss. Sihtric carefully pulled them aside and waived to Elfflead to enter it, he followed and let the green curtain to slip back in its place. As they ventured deeper, a hidden expanse unfolded, revealing a cavern spacious enough to provide shelter. Shafts of dim light pierced through narrow crevices in the rock, casting strange glow and shadows upon the chamber's interior. The cavern's floor was carpeted with a bed of moss and soft earth and in the heart of the cave, a natural recess provided a small alcove, just large enough to accommodate a fire.
Sihtric spread his fur coat on the ground and gestured to Elfflead to sit down.
“You must rest, lady. We are safe here and you will need all your strength tomorrow again,” he insisted, “I will make the fire.”
Elfflead curled herself on the coat, but sleep was evading her, and she kept looking over to Sihtric who was sitting on the ground by the fire.
Sihtric did not want to look at Elfflead. He did not know what to do with this girl he had so foolishly rescued without any plan on how to fulfil his promise to lead her to safety. And gods… he wanted to keep that promise more than anything. He could feel her gaze on his back, he knew she did not sleep, and so he turned. She was sitting embracing her knees. Their eyes met for a moment before Elfflead turned ger gaze down to the ground before her feet, her delicate frame trembling with a mixture of fear and exhaustion.
“Sihtric,” she lifted her head and locked her eyes with Sihtric’s, her voice barely above a whisper quivered with desperation, "please don't leave me. I know I'm slowing you down. But there is no way I could survive here without you.”
Sihtric gazed into Elfflead’s eyes. Despair in her voice tugged at his very core and the fragility of her beauty made him almost speechless. He stood up, went towards her, and lowered himself beside her leaning his back against the cave’s walls. He placed his arms around her, pulling her closer. Elfflead stiffened. She had never been so close to any man before in her whole life. It felt so wrong and at the same time so good to be hold by his strong arms and a moment later she relaxed, lowered her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She felt safe although her common sense was telling her that this feeling was completely irrational, even mad.
Sihtric sighed, the smell of her hair and the touch of her head leaning on his shoulder sending a jolt of electricity through his veins.
"Lady Elfflead," Sihtric whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "I could never leave you behind. You are not a burden to me, and you can never be."
Sihtric gently touched her chin with his rough fingers and lifted her face to be able to look into her eyes. Sihtric leaned closer, his voice laced with sincerity. "I have probably gone mad, but you fill me with feelings I never knew existed.”
Tears welled up in Elfflead's eyes, reflecting the wavering firelight and Sihtric was completely smitten by her beauty. All their journey long Sihtric had been trying to suppress the feelings that were kindling in him since the very moment he entered that tent and saw Elfflead for the very first time. It was madness and it was hopeless. He was a Dane and a warrior. There was nothing he could offer to a high-born lady from the richest and powerful house in the whole Mercien. And there was absolutely nothing that could attract such a lady to him. But there he was holding her in his arms and unable to hold back any longer he leaned in and softly pressed his lips against Elfflead's.
It seemed to Elfflead that the air between them had suddenly become charged with an electrifying anticipation. Sihtric’s lips felt so hot on hers. Without even thinking what she was doing, Elfflead kissed him back. Sihtric pulled back with a look of disbelief on his face and his hands trembled as he gently cradled Elfflead's delicate face, his fingers grazing the contours of her cheek. Sihtric leaned in, his breath mingling with hers, and their mouths melded together again, each tender touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through their veins. Sihtric groaned and his lips went exploring the curves of Elfflead's neck and shoulders down to her collarbone. Sihtric wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tight and pulling her closer with a strength that conveyed both protection and longing. Sihtric's lips were back on Elfflead’s and his tongue gently sought entry in her mouth, which she granted him with a soft gasp of pleasure. Slowly and gently, he lowered her on his fur coat and while his tongue continued to explore Elfflead’s mouth, his rough warrior hands were brushing her breasts and slipping down to her waist and then to her thighs.
Elfflead’s head was spinning, and her heart raced at such a speed that she thought it must jump out of her breast. Each kiss and each touch were sending waves of pleasure all over her body. Sihtric’s hand that had reached her thigh was now pushing up her dress while his hot lips ventured again to her neck, then down to her collarbone and further down to her breasts. His hand had finally found its way under her dress, and she gasped when he touched her bare skin on her thigh and moved his hand to her bottom. Elfflead was melting in his grip, she had closed her eyes and her fingers were tangling and twisting his long, thick, and curly hair. She stiffened a bit embarrassed that she had no idea how to respond to Sihtric’s touch, how to show him that she wanted him to continue and that she was ready for whatever this man would do with her. In this very moment Sihtric suddenly froze, his left hand was still holding her butt, but in the next second he had withdrawn it and placed on her cheek holding her face firmly and making her to look straight into his eyes.
“Lady,” he spoke his voice hoarse and carrying a hint of sudden realisation, “have you ever been with a man before?”
Elfflead was unable to say anything. She was staring in Sihtric’s eyes and felt tears welling up in hers. She shook her head and in the very same moment Sihtric let go of her and withdraw from their embrace.
“No, no… I am so sorry. Please don’t go away,” she prayed.
“You are sorry? For what?” Sihtric asked in confusion.
“I don’t know how to please a man,” she was whispering with her cheeks blushing and her gaze turned to the ground.
Sihtric was looking at her in disbelief. He sighed and leaned closer to Elfflead just to put a kiss on her forehead.
“You silly girl!” he exclaimed with astonishment, “Fuck, I am such a fool! I should have thought about that before... I can’t do this, lady! I can’t use your fear and desperation, not in this way. I could never forgive myself if I did.”
“But, Sihtric, no ... I want this. Yes, it is my first time ever, but I want this. Not because I am afraid of you leaving me. Don’t think so. I have never felt safer in my whole life than in the moment you were holding me. I want this, I really do…” Elfflead was almost begging, but Sihtric had already gotten up.
“Lady, I promise I will get us out of here and bring you to safety. And then you can decide whether you really want something from me or not,” Sihtric’s voice was full of determination. It took him all his inner strength to turn away and to go to the small fireplace. He did not look back being afraid that if he had he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.
“Sleep, lady! I will keep the watch.”
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whumpy-daydreams · 6 months
An Unexpected Reunion
Previous Next
CW: ref to past abuse, ref to torture, swearing
Rowena spent a month in temporary accommodation. It wasn't that she didn't like living with the others, but it was a constant reminder of what had happened. Emma and Shaan were moving out anyway - together, which wasn't a surprise.
The staff had been helpful in setting her up in an apartment in her birth city. Perhaps it was a stupid move, a sentimental move, but it was the only place she truly knew and liked.
The flat was small and the landlord was a dick, but it was in a good location, high up overlooking a small district of cafes and charity shops.
She'd got a job in one of the coffee shops a couple of streets away. The other employees were friendly enough, even if they did look at her weirdly when they thought she couldn't see. But they never asked what happened.
Rowena spent the rest of her time drinking or rebuilding her strength, turning half of her apartment into a makeshift gym. Bur doing push-ups wasn't enough to reassure herself that she would be able to win in a fight.
Paz took a deep breath as he paid the entry fee to the fighting pit. It had been two years since Rowena had left. A whole year after she should have returned.
He'd pieced together some of the pieces. Some of it he'd suspected years ago, though he'd never told her his theories. But trying to find a hitman (hitwoman?) was not easy. There were only whispers, the odd post on some dark-web forum, brief news stories about businessmen who ended up dead.
It was a whisper that had brought him here. A tale about a girl who was raking in money at some grimy underworld fighting pit. Paz just hoped he was wrong.
The stadium was packed, sweat and blood filling the air, mingling with screams and loud bets. Paz pushed through the tightly packed bodies, the spectators too engrossed in the fight at hand to give him a second glance.
It was obvious the fight had been going on for a while. Both people in the ring were panting, covered in bruises and dried blood as they circled each other, fists half raised. Paz's heart sank.
Her hair was shorter and there was a gauntness to her face that hadn't been there the last time he'd seen her - but it was her.
Rowena was tired. And sore. This was her third opponent of the night, and the fight had gone on for almost ten minutes. Time to finish this up.
She dodged as the man lunged forward with a sloppy jab, bringing her shin up into his stomach. He grunted, stumbling back. From there it was easy: cross, hook, uppercut, and he was down.
Cheers and groans erupted from the crowd as money exchanged hands. The ringmaster stepped forward, holding Rowena's arm up as he paraded her around the grimy ring.
"Anyone else want to try their luck against tonight's champion?" he shouted over the din, when someone in the crowd caught Rowena's eye.
"Shit," she muttered. "I'm done. Get some fresh meat in here, I'll take my money in a minute." The ringmaster didn't bother hiding his scowl but let her go, quickly beckoning two more men into the ring.
Rowena was in the corner taking the bloody tape off her knuckles when Paz found her.
"Hello Paz." She didn't look at him. He exhaled heavily.
"What- Jesus, Ro. What the hell? Hello? That's it? It's been two years." Paz hadn't expected this. He hadn't expected to feel angry.
"What do you want me to say?"
"I don't know - 'oh my god, Paz, I've been looking for you', or 'sorry I left you with no information', or 'I missed you'. What happened?"
"Is that it?" Finally Rowena looked at him, eyes hard. "Hi Paz, I missed you, sorry I was forced to leave. Are we done? Good." She turned away again, pulling on a plaid shirt.
"No, that's-" he took a deep breath, his voice softer. "That's not what I meant. What happened to you? Where have you been?"
"Does it matter?"
"Why? Why does it matter so much to you? Why do I-" Rowena's voice hitched in her throat.
"Because you're my friend, Rowena. Because you're funny and strong and brave. I've spent months looking for you. When you didn't come back I was so scared you were dead. And then I find you in an illegal fucking fighting pit and it's like you don't even want to know me..."
Rowena's fingers twitched though she stayed still. "I thought it would be easier." Paz struggled to hear her over the din, but he could still make out the strain in her voice.
"That what would be easier?" he pushed.
"Everything. I only ever put you in danger."
"I can look after myself, Ro." She laughed; a cold, dry chuckle. "Just because you're some assassin that I'm completely helpless? I'm not a child." Rowena tensed as he mentioned being an assassin and spun to face him. Now it was Paz's turn to laugh. "Yeah, I worked it out. Not so fucking stupid after all."
"You know jack shit about me. About what I had to do to protect you." Her words were like venom in her mouth. "And now you have the nerve to tell me I'm cruel?"
"For the record I never said you were being cruel - but even if I had, you've killed people-"
"It's not like I had a choice, Paz."
"Bullshit! Everyone can choose to do the right thing."
"I tried." Paz rolled his eyes and Rowena stepped towards him, hands balled into fists. "No. Don't roll your fucking eyes. Because when I said no Marcus threatened you. Told me how he'd make me watch as he cut bits off of you."
Paz almost stopped breathing, but Rowena wasn't done. She turned around, pulling her shirt down to reveal the scars that ran down her back.
"I got these because I was friends with you. Because I dared to have a single friend." She turned back to face him and he noticed her tears were wet with tears. "So don't tell me I had a choice or that you can take care of yourself or that I'm the cruel one."
She stared at him for a second before grabbing her things and storming off, grabbing the stack of notes the ringmaster had left for her.
Paz just felt numb. She was right. He didn't know anything about her. His best friend of nine years and he had no idea who she was. You know she's funny. That she's strong and brave and that she got hurt to protect you.
The smell of blood and sweat drifted after him out of the fighting pit as Paz ran after Rowena.
tag list - @i-eat-worlds
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Seventh skull... that bodes well; everyone we've ever met from the Seventh is dead, and we are firmly in the realm of the living.
The plants filtered out some of the clinging smoke, and Nona loved to look at the trees and the bristly, curving shapes of the shrubs and bushes.
Me too, Nona. Sounds like you don't have a lot of plants there.
Another place had been cleared and ineptly concreted over, and they put the cages there. The cages were bone-cold and they’d been almost fully cleaned, but Nona didn’t like looking,
Cages... for what, Nona?? Or... for whom???
Then the teacher said, unexpectedly: “Hot Sauce is here too.” Not even the teacher knew Hot Sauce’s real name. Nona said, “That’s early.” “Yes. I asked her why, but she wouldn’t say. Check on her, won’t you?” As though Nona could check on Hot Sauce. “I’m worried about her, living alone. I’ve tried to tell her about the sheltered accommodation, but she’s too independent…”
We're finally getting to see Nona at school!
Honestly, I'm with the teacher on this one. As much as Hot Sauce is a leader and independent and all of that, she's also an orphan of like, fourteen.
Hot Sauce said, “Don’t let them see you from the window.” “Who’s watching?” “Don’t know. Green building. Fourth floor.” Nona was smart enough to catch herself getting up to look, which she privately congratulated herself upon.
Someone is watching. Hot Sauce doesn't think they're watching for Nona, but you can never be sure with these things. For all we know, the Emperor and/or Blood of Eden have lost track of Harrow's body and might very much like to get it back, no matter who is currently residing in it.
But Nona is so precious. I love her. She's so bright and full of love for plants and animals and people around her and herself. Have I mentioned that she's precious and that I love her?
Hot Sauce’s failure to ask anyone’s opinion on anything she did was probably the reason she was the unquestioned authority in the school, over and above the teachers. Nona had told Palamedes about it and Palamedes had said, Lead researcher material, certainly.
Lol, having worked in research, this is most certainly a diss against some kind of lead researcher Palamedes has worked with in the past. Maybe even himself.
She was a gallant little person of fortyish who gave the impression that she had learnt a lot early in life and discovered late that it was no real good to her or anyone else. This lent her teaching a weightless, secretive feeling, like it was really all for fun at the end of the day.
We meet "the Angel" for the first time properly, and this whole thing is a big mood. Same, Angel.
Nothing Pyrrha drank could really hurt her. She had even drunk the contents of the bleach bottle once. When Palamedes had asked why, Pyrrha said she had realised she wasn’t used to being tortured while immortal and wanted to get a head start, and Palamedes said bullshit because he thought Nona had not been listening. Nona wondered if the Angel had been drinking too, albeit not bleach, which had given Pyrrha some sensational hiccups.
Hold on. Pyrrha drank bleach?? Is she. Is she okay?
I mean, if you think about it, she's really not; she's stuck in Gideon the First's body, Gideon is dead, all Pyrrha's friends are dead, and she can't go back to the Emperor, and she can't go to the Blood of Eden, and she's here working her arse off for these kids, which is really what Nona and Cam and Palamedes are to her. Hard, thankless work day in day out, with very little idea of when this will end.
Oh, Pyrrha.
Everyone turned to look at Nona, who writhed beneath this judgement, and they agreed that she had not looked well for, like, weeks. “I do,” she said indignantly. “Look at my braids—I look wonderful,” which thankfully replaced their worry with a group effort to squash her vanity. They often took it in turns to squash Nona’s vanity, which never worked.
Anyway, she looks like Harrow, who's never looked particularly healthy in her life. Sorry to break it to you, Nona. She's in a Lyctor's body, which means very little can truly hurt her - I bet she could survive drinking bleach like Pyrrha - but if the other kids think she hasn't looked well in weeks, but she was looking better before then, is there something going on?
Even if they all assured her that she was nothing to write home about, she could say, “Who cares? I can’t write,” and then they had to switch tack and squash her for being proud that she was so goddamned stupid.
This is so fucking precious. Keep being proud of your dead-body looks and your above average stupidity, Nona. We love you.
Anyway, this kinda points to Nona's sickly looks just being general Harrow-ness.
The most interesting sight was someone lounging in an alleyway opposite the school building, sitting in a busted-up chair next to an overflowing bin, and Nona watched intently, trying to decide if they were dead or not. She decided not dead, because they were wearing quite a good jacket and faceguard and nobody was coming around surreptitiously trying to take either.
I'm sure this isn't of any importance whatsoever.
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Summer Love || Drabble
Fandom: Xmen
Warnings: big fluffy feels; i'm not responsible for any damage this does to your teeth enamel
Wordcount: 2171
Summary: Love is a song that never ends; one simple theme repeating Like the voice of a heavenly choir, love's sweet music f l o w s on NOW KISS AN: Sorry the fic writer can't come to the phone right now she's dead from her own fluff
The trees had traded their sweet smelling blossoms for thick green leaves, gently swaying in the soft breeze of a lazy summer afternoon. Having nowhere else to be but here, Kurt was enjoying the few beams of sunlight that made it through the thick canopy, the shade provided by the greenery just as pleasant. He was waiting for someone, tail immediately happily wagging as he saw a familiar mop of wine colored hair pop up in his peripheral vision. She had been wearing it in a ponytail for most of the day, but had taken the hair tie out and was still shaking out the tresses of her hair as she approached him.
"Hi, Kurt. What was so important I needed to meet you all the way out here for?"
"I figured you deserved a little get away after all the progress you've been making. You really seem to click with a lot of the new team; you're making friends. I'm proud of you."
"Eh," Miranda replied, still not fully over her habit of diminishing her own accomplishments, "they're a nice bunch, which helps a lot. A lot of them with similar feelings to mine; makes it easier to talk about it, yknow? Until the social battery drains, anyway."
Kurt nodded, lightly leaning back against a thick tree trunk and gesturing at her to join him. She did, mirroring his pose as she allowed herself to enjoy the feeling of the afternoon.
"You're still introverted, after all," Kurt remarked, a small smile on his lips, "I don't think that'll ever change. You don't have to. I'm just glad to see you broaden your social circle. But I thought sharing a quiet afternoon together would be nice for you, after the game nights with my team and yours."
"Thank you," Miranda said softly, looking up at the canopy as it danced in the light breeze, "I wonder what it's like all the way up there. I would go look, but I haven't climbed into a tree since elementary school. I don’t think my body would appreciate the attempt."
She was suddenly very well aware that a set of eyes was watching her, to which she slightly turned her head to Kurt, some kind of mischievous emotion gleaming in his eyes.
"... What?"
"I can get you up there, if you want. Haven’t poked around in any trees lately, either; but it’s fun. I might just take you up on the offer."
Ah, right. He could bring her there in a heartbeat if she asked. She looked up for a moment longer, thinking if she really wanted that or not. He followed her gaze, looking between the leaves to conjure up a plan of getting up to one of the branches thick enough for two people to comfortably sit on.
"Just don't drop me."
"I won't," he assured, offering his hand for her to take. When she did, he pulled her close to himself, "hold on and don't let go until I say so, okay?"
As soon as he felt confident she was hanging on, he teleported both of them as far up as he could, hanging on to the absolute massive tree trunk and having a quick look around before beaming over to a big, sturdy looking branch that would indeed accommodate both of them. He helped her get comfortable on this tree branch first; setting her in between himself and the tree trunk before instinctively wrapping his tail around her waist twice as another safety precaution just in case she leaned too far backwards and lost her balance. She just lightly patted the tail as he sat down next to her.
"Well, if all else fails, guess I'm taking up bungee jumping."
He laughed softly, looking down and only seeing a few slivers of the ground as he did. They really were hidden away in an enormous sea of leaves in every possible hue of green.
"I don't think anyone can even see me up here; despite me usually standing out. This tree really did its best with all these leaves," he felt how she rested her head to his shoulder, quiet and gentle bliss between them as the tree had allowed them to hide away from the world for a little while.
"Hey," he started softly, "Gambit asked me to take over another training session. Given his nonsense last time I have half a heart to not take his word for it and let him sort something else out.
"Otherwise occupied?" Miranda asked, air quoting the words for emphasis to which Kurt gave a small hum of agreement with a hint of suspicion to it
"That's what he says, ja. I just wanted to talk to you about it first, before getting roped into his actions again."
"I mean, training with you is fun," Miranda quietly admitted, the hint of a blush tinting her cheeks, "besides, my footwork is still ass, I need all the help I can get with that."
"..... About that," now it was Kurt's turn to blush lightly, a very faint purple on his cheeks, "you sure you want those lessons from me? Last time seemed to overwhelm you with how close we had to be for it..."
She was suddenly painfully aware of how close they were right now, sitting upright as her heart skipped a beat.
"W-Well, I know what to expect now, it'll be fine!" it came out of her with a nervous laugh, to which he just raised an eyebrow, "it's just- Yeah, okay. You really caught me off guard the first time around. Not in a bad way, or anything, but that felt more like teaching me how to dance than teaching me footwork in fighting."
"The two do go hand in hand after all; as an extension of my gymnastic routines I took up tango. And ja, I've heard it all before. "Wow, really thought you'd be one for the waltz"- I know the waltz too. Tango is simply more fun and energetic," he watched as the blush on her face grew slightly more intense, "if you ever want to be taught either, let me know."
"Think you would get annoyed with my two left feet really fast."
"Doubt it; you trust me and don't mind following my lead. Everything else is just practice."
They sat there in silence for a bit, watching as a songbird flocked down on the branch as well and curiously observed them before fluttering of, singing a little tune the whole way it flew off
"... What actually happened in that last moment before you left?" Kurt then asked. It was something that hadn't left his mind ever since it happened, how quickly she tapped out and vanished from view when he had stopped her from falling to the ground. Her blush got worse, her invisibility flickering for a moment until she decided to make it stay off. Maybe it was a stupid thing to tell him, but it would haunt her forever if she didn't. He clearly wanted to know.
"... The thoughts on my mind freaked me out. You were so close my brain was convincing me that... that you could hear my heartbeat," she paused, the lump in her throat suddenly feeling incredibly heavy.  She just looked at him, wondering if what she was about to say would mean risk losing everything they had now. Rogue's words and implications sang around in her head, how she felt like they were actually a good match for each other. Keenly aware of the tail still wrapped around her waist, the warmth of him right next to her, Miranda debated for a moment longer on what to do before her brain agreed that taking this leap of faith to find where they really stood was better than wondering for years on end what might have been had she just told him. It was going to take every damn fiber of her bravery and her impulsion, but this felt like the only moment where she could actually tell him that-
"....... it made me want to kiss you."
Her voice was so soft, barely above a whisper as telling this made her feel incredibly vulnerable. As soon as he looked at her clearly surprised by this admission, she looked away, the blush on her face further intensifying as she flickered in and out of view again. Her power still had no idea what to do about the sensation of embarrassment, unable to decide whether that was enough to trigger her hide response or not.
"Why didn't you?"
Her eyes flicked back to him as she wanted to tell him how that seemed like kind of a ridiculous question, that of course she couldn't start randomly obeying her impulses like that with zero input from him; but her gaze got caught in his. Deep, glowing pools in hues of amber, gold and yellow that she could get lost in for hours if she only had the luxury to do so, reigniting the same desire she had spoken off. Her brain couldn’t keep up, the swirling vortex of the emotions he evoked in her too much to deal with to keep the filter on her mouth intact
"I-I wouldn't know how. This- All of this," she gestured at her own face as shades of red and pink were happily painting patches all over her cheeks, "never happened to me before, like, ever. To the point where I thought all those love songs people sing are just straight up bullshit, there's no way you can feel that way about someone, I didn't- never did, not until-"
She fell completely silent as he turned further to her and slowly placed a hand to her cheek, allowing her to simply melt into the touch and giving her a moment to breathe- quieting her mind as if entering the eye of a hurricane and enjoying the tranquility from it.
"Never?" he asked softly, and from the tone of his voice she could tell he wasn't judging her in the slightest, just looking for confirmation that he understood what she told him. She placed her hand over his, lightly nodding as she held his hand in place and tried to calm her still racing heart. Silence lingered between them for a while, pleasant and comforting yet with a spark of electricity, until he broke it.
"May I kiss you?"
She was convinced she stopped breathing for a moment, her voice completely giving up on her and rendering her speechless; she could only nod as answer to his question. He lightly moved his hand down to her jawline, running his thumb over her skin before gently pulling her in and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. It was sweet, chaste even; if she had never done anything like this before then he wasn’t going to rush her into anything more than a polite, gentle kiss like this.
Especially not when this apparently was already enough to hard crash her brain. As soon as he pulled back, he saw for a split second that the red hue on her face had fiercely deepened before her invisibility decided to finally take reign as she flickered out of view. He felt how she escaped his hand, and the weight of her head on his shoulder as she buried her face there the moment after.
"... That doesn't really work when I already know where you are, Süßer," and he really couldn't stop himself from laughing ever so slightly as a garbled, muffled response came from the invisible woman hiding against his shoulder. Another very muffled line came, and he still couldn't make out what she was saying
"I can't understand that, sorry,’ he felt her shift against him, in such a way she could actually vocalize properly instead of muffling herself completely in his shoulder while remaining out of view.
"Does this make us partners?" his heart simply melted at how softly she asked, voice tinged with worry at what his response was going to be, no doubt. Gauging where she exactly was from the weight against his shoulder and from how his tail was wrapped around her, he adjusted how he was sitting even more so he had the ability to put his arms around her.
"Do you want us to be?" he could feel her nod against his shoulder, "then partners it is."
"I'm... I know this is going to look ridiculous to anyone looking up, but, uhm, I'm gonna stay like this a little bit longer if you don’t mind. Just… G-give me a minute."
"It's okay. Take your time."
“…. W-when I do, could you- would you kiss me, again?”
“Ja. If you want me to.” He felt her nod again and mumble how she felt like her heart was going to give out, making him unable to keep a small laugh to himself; he simply found her adorable like this as his cheeks turned a much deeper shade of purple.
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parkert01 · 1 year
Gifts - Jim Hopper
You have always shown your love for people through gift giving and acts of service, the people at the station had really become your second family since moving to Hawkins on your own. They helped you and guided you while you struggled to accommodate to a new place on your own. When Flo got you the job as the chief's assistant, you were extremely grateful, when you had been there for a couple of months, you were told that the chief's birthday was coming up, so you decided to bake him a chocolate cake, it was a classic, easy to bake and you just happened to know it was his favourite. When his birthday did eventually come around and you presented the cake to him, he was very grateful, hugging you tight. 
Months went by, there was no special occasions but you decided to start baking cookies for the station, it was a good way to pass time on a weekend and the staff seemed to appreciate it. You always had a crush on Jim, although you were hiding it well because no one had any idea. You thought he appreciated the baking goods you brought to work until you heard him saying "She's so clingy, always bringing stuff in when no one has asked her to. It's annoying". 
You decided that if he felt like that, then you wouldn't bring any things in for him. The next week, you brought some chocolate chip cookies in for the team, handing them out in separate containers, the team were confused why you didn't take any to Jim but decided not to question it. You avoided him, ducking into corridors and empty rooms when you saw and heard him coming in your direction, only speaking to him when it was the last option. He didn't notice it at first but after time, he did start to. He started to get annoyed at it and questioned the team, asking them if they knew the reasons why you were ignoring him, they all shook their head and shrugged their shoulders. 
Jim had enough, he decided to end this awkward atmosphere once and for all. You just happened to be walking past his office, he decided to bite the bullet and dragged you into his office by your arm and promptly closing and locking the door after. He trapped you in with no room to escape as he stood and blocked the door.  
"Why are you ignoring me? What have I done wrong?" Jim said while staring at you. You shook your head, trying not to let the tears fall down your face. "You have been ignoring me for weeks and I am sick of it. If you don't like me, just say it!" Jim demanded. You let out a sob, and looked at the floor. Jim's face fell, he realised he made you cry, slowly walking towards you as you backed away from him until your back hit the wall. He pulled you into a hug, holding you tight as you sobbed into his chest. 
After a while you pulled away from his chest, looking up at him. "I heard what you said about me bringing gifts for the station, how it was clingy and annoying. I don't want to annoy you Jim, I like you too much. I decided it was the best to keep my distance from you. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean it. I was having a bad day and took it out on you, I promise I will do better, don't apologise, it wasn't your fault."
You nodded, hugged him, kissed his cheek and started walking towards the door. You felt his hand wrap around your arm as he pulled you back towards him. He leant against his desk so he was at the same level against you, you looked at him confused as you stood in between his legs. He leant down and kissed you, your heart felt it was coming out your chest. You smiled into the kiss and pulled away. He slowly opened his eyes and laughed.
"So you like me?" Jim said, you rolled your eyes, sighed and said "Shut up" as you leaned in and kissed him again, sighing happily when you felt him kiss you back, simultaneously pulling you in closer to him by your waist with one hand while his other hand went to your cheek deepening the kiss
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spite-and-waffles · 1 year
I stan nobody but if I stan anyone I stan Candice Patton and her Iris West. The absolute hailstorm of racism, misogynoir, trauma and alienation this lady and her character has been subjected to from the get-go is unreal. And yet for nine whole years she breathed beauty and warmth and genuineness into her character, even when delivering the worst lines of dialogue she was made to say that she knew would cause huge backlash (apologies for linking Screen Rant. Broken clock etc.). She co-founded "Shethority" with her friends Maisie Richardson Sellers and Caity Lotz in the wake of the Kreisberg scandal. And she always put herself on the line to speak out and hold her bosses accountable as much as possible.
All this while her character was barely allowed to kiss her co-star onscreen, let alone act with the same casual sexuality of any other married TV couple in a 7pm slot, under the guise of The Flash being a "family show". My heart broke for how utterly worn down and traumatized she was by the end, because not only did Berlanti Studios or the CW not protect or accommodate their Black artists and those of colour, they're also known for subjecting them to racist, misogynistic harrassment and severe exploitation of even their white male talent. This woman wasn't allowed a Black hairdresser or makeup artist for eight seasons, was only allowed to show her natural hair on-screen after five years, and had to watch her black co-stars being sidelined, suppressed and subjected to all manner of indignity with little space to offer solidarity or speak out (I don't care if Berlanti hired them for Love, Simon, the way his fucking studio treated Keiynan Lonsdale was a crime). Even her co-star Grant Gustin only woke up and came to her defence against the online abuse hurled her way eight years in.
Berlanti has cultivated a wholly unearned reputation as an envelope-pusher for the gay community in the entertainment industry, while playing it so safe that the gay couples in his shows are barely allowed to make out– the same way they treat interracial couples with one white partner. His buddy Kreisberg finally met his downfall after sexually harrassing the female workers in his shows for four years, but Marc Guggenheim, Wendy Mericle and Geof Johns are also known racists and misogynists. Even after Stephen Amell's breakdown, Ruby Rose going public with her physical trauma, firing Superman and Lois's Black writer Nadria Tucker, numerous attempts by Black actresses to speak on their working conditions in the CW, and the consistent bald misogyny, ableism and racism of these shows' storylines, the white queers in fandom continue to valorize Berlanti. Now with the release of Red, White and Royal Blue on Amazon Prime in August, again using a Mexican director and characters of colour to use QPoC fans as a shield and buttress, Berlanti's stock is going to be even higher.
The Flash had the potential to be a truly great show, and Candice's Iris West a real foothold for Black actresses and interracial romances in the white-dominated TV entertainment industry. Instead it was just another opportunity for it to grind them to dust. Just like so many other Black women and WoC who try to lead the charge. But through it all, Ms. Patton held the line. Y'all never deserved her. I hope she gets to heal and move onto projects that value her and allow her her full range of voice and expression, that recognizes and rewards her incredible talent and work ethic.
Fuck Berlanti, fuck the CW and fuck DCtv.
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ladyazulina · 1 year
Linney's Campaign
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Masterpost - Campaign Page
🌸 Spring 1 🌸
Weather: Stormy ⛈️
Previous Part: Let's not get drenched anymore, please
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Who's this?
Word Count: 2.386.
It was not a complete failure, despite arriving in the middle of a storm. This person, whatever their name is, was somewhat slightly helpful, guiding me to someone, Orion, in the valley, who could provide me with more information regarding the letter.
I hope so, because the truth is that I don't have any more leads… Or maybe I do, though it’s only just one, but I would feel a thousand times more comfortable if I don't have to use it.
“Well,” I look up at the woman behind the counter, “the good news is that he will be arriving soon…” She opens and closes her hands, excited.
“The better news,” she points at me while she walks out, “is that I have an assortment of hot beverages to help with your inside freezing,” she stops at the end, drumming her long-nailed fingers against the surface, “how does it sound?” She hums.
“Oh,” I blink. “That really does sound good,” I murmur.
Her smile widens and she makes an arm gesture behind me. There are only a bunch of tall tables and reclining chairs, so I really hope I’m not misunderstanding this and that she does want me to sit down.
I take a few steps back to do so in the nearest chair and she doesn’t seem particularly displeased. I accommodate myself just a tiny bit.
“What’s your poison? Hot cocoa? Tea?”
I can’t help but smile at the hint of her own species.
“Hot cocoa, please.”
“It won’t take long,” she smiles, going back again towards that hallway, carrying the folded towel with her, “please get comfortable and try to rest. You will warm up pretty soon!”
She disappears under the arch and it’s like she took with her all the assurance. Should I just be sitting here quietly while feeling this cold inside? Shouldn’t I stand up and move and jump and try to get back the warmth the storm stole from me? The magicked towels and the light spheres are helping a lot with the outside part, but is on the inside the danger.
After days of traveling, with each step carrying its own obstacle, I reached my destination only to end like a popsicle?
“I’m baaaaack~”
I look at the scorpionkin woman wide-eyed. Am I losing the passing of time already?!
She’s smiling broadly, with a small circular tray that only has one wooden-like mug with a few marshmallows decorating the top in the exact middle between her hands. I’m feeling a little warmer just looking at it, and I haven’t caught sight of the steam yet.
“Did you rush it?”
She leans in so I don’t have to move to take the mug. It’s so warm to the touch that I don’t think, I bring it against my chest, as if the warmth is going to go through me directly to my frozen core. The sweet scent of the spices –not all precisely sweet if I’m not mistaken– envelopes me in a cozy embrace.
“How do you believe that?” She laughs softly, waving a hand while taking down the other with the empty tray, moving it behind her back to hold it there. So professional. “I left some water boiling when I went inside before, so I just had to finish the drink,” she smiles.
I nod a bit, bringing the mug to my lips to take a sip. It’s not precisely hot, and it warms its way right where the magical external warmth can’t reach. I sigh, delighted.
“Good, right?” She chuckles, going back to leave the tray on the counter.
“Uh…” A sudden thought makes me wrinkle my nose. “I don’t want to ask, but… is this cocoa also magicked?”
She turns to face me, her whole corporal language changing. I can see the guilt all over her face, on her slumped shoulders, on the intertwined hands behind her back, on her brushing the tip of her foot against the floor, and even in the slightest lean of her tail towards one of her shoulders.
She did it. She magicked my cocoa.
“Just a tiny bit,” she brings two fingers so close that almost touch.
Is that why I find it so delicious?
“We use that mix sometimes in winter,” she’s quick to explain herself, “I had a bit still stored. It serves a lot to warm quickly, especially if the cold isn’t on the outside,” she plays with her fingers, her eyes down. “You said you were freezing inside, so I thought it would fit like a glove,” she finishes in a murmur.
I just smile, surprising even to me. I can’t say it didn’t help.
“Thank you,” I bring the mug closer to take another sip.
“Aren’t you mad?” She looks up at me, surprised, and I let her see my smile.
“Not at all,” I shake my head. “I would have loved if you told me beforehand, but you meant well and did great.”
“Oh, my Serket! I’m so glad!” She hops around, clapping.
“You have to promise me!” I raise my voice, stretching one hand to point at her. She stops in her track immediately. “That you will let me know beforehand in the future.”
“Done!” She goes back to hop.
“Say it!” I insist, already fighting my smile, taking the mug with both hands again.
“I promise!” She sounds excited and I want to laugh.
“Say all the words!”
“I promise to let you know beforehand if I plan to magic your things in the future!”
I sigh, feeling like I can finally rest against the chair.
“Good,” I murmur. “That’s good.”
I don’t know if it took just seconds, but my eyelids close on their own and I guess that I lose track of time.
I know I have been drinking one little sip at a time.
I know that since the first one, I started, slowly but surely, to regain my own warmth.
I know that I probably nodded off. I don’t know, I didn’t leave the scorpionkin woman taking care of her things behind the counter.
Why haven’t we exchanged pleasantries yet?
I know that- A thunder rumbles, loud enough to make me jump in the chair but so far enough to have passed above our heads, just before the door opens. Though I look down almost instantly, relieved at the fact that I didn’t spill even a drop of what’s left of the cocoa on myself.
“Are you here already?~” The scorpionkin woman comes out from behind the counter in rhythmic hops, absolutely delighted.
But I’m not looking at the person at the door, rubbing his shoes against the entrance rug. I’m looking that, behind him, isn’t raining. Until a second before he closes the door, when the torrential splashes with force.
“You called,” his voice is so grave and deep that I have to look at him.
Have I gone crazy already or his voice feels warm?
“As if you came every time I call,” she sounds upset now, with her hands on her hips, but somehow her voice is farther from where she’s standing.
That guy is a demon. With blue skin, some red in his eye, one horn going around the side of his head, pointing slightly to the side from below his pointy ear. His wavy black hair brushes his jaw, covering his other eye… and maybe the fact that something else is missing there. I don’t see the matching horn and, somehow, I don’t feel like is lacking.
His lips curve in a snarl and his brows furrow and there, just there I can be sure that that’s his resting expression.
He’s prepared for the weather with a hoodie, long pants, and boots, though I don’t see an umbrella or something similar, his gloved hands are empty. Of course he didn’t bring anything, the rain stopped when he was out there.
… It did?
“Sweetie?” I blink, looking at the scorpionkin woman leaning in front of me, almost completely blocking my view of the demon, who’s also looking at me but with a raised brow. “Are you still here with us?”
“What did you give her?” He asks, barely a few steps away from the door, crossing his arms.
“Just cocoa,” she doesn’t look at him, moving her head just a little in his direction, “with a few drops of Cozy Inside.”
“To a human?” I see him raising an eyebrow again.
“They can handle it,” she searches in my face, “it was just a tiny bit.”
“I don’t see her handling it well.”
“Them,” I murmur.
The scorpionkin woman’s face lights up.
“What did she say?” He leans forward, not coming any closer.
“‘They say’,” she corrects him with pleasure, looking at me with a brilliant smile. “They’re probably feeling a lot better now, and it wasn’t too much, it’s not that they’re not handling it well,” she straightens. “It’s just that they went through a lot, they’re decompressing.”
The demon makes a face. “Why did you call me?”
“What’s your name?” I finally ask. I think I’m processing everything just a bit slower than normal, but working at a snail’s pace.
“You’re right!” The woman brings her hands together. “We didn’t introduce ourselves! I’m Leif,” she leans a bit again, her tail straight behind her, “and I’m the innkeeper, though I think you already know that. What’s your name?” She holds her hands, leaning to the side.
The demon snaps his tongue.
“Linney,” she stretches both palms facing upward, “it’s a total pleasure to be your acquaintance.”
“Do you have to be that weird?” He exhales.
“That guy over there,” she points at him without breaking our gaze, “is our lovely, overly-friendly, neighborhood demon, Chase.” She turns to face him, frowning. “They’re Linney.”
He frowns too. “What do I-“ but she didn’t wait for him to finish, coming back to me. “-care…” He snorts.
“Chase is here for two reasons,” she explains to me, raising two fingers before lowering one. “The first one is because he’s our greatest Weather magician,” she nods, proud as if she’s the one she’s talking about. “The second one,” she brings back the second finger, “is that, besides being our greatest Weather magician, he also has an empty couch,” she moves a hand.
“What?” He barks.
As if that settles it.
“They need a place to stay, Chase,” she looks at him, sounding tired, “and you know I don’t have more rooms. You’re the only one I can think of that can make sure they don’t get wetter and have a place to crash,” he’s about to retort, but she rushes it, “at least until the storm passes.”
He swallows his answer and I look down at the rest of my cocoa –with no traces of marshmallows since a while– before I can cross glances with any of them. The mug is still warm. Magic, of course. And I finish drinking it down.
“We can look for another place for them to stay when we can all meet. Good enough for you?”
“Not even close,” he shows his pointy teeth.
Is that a fang?
I look at Leif, but her face’s so far away I can’t make her expression.
“Do we have a deal?” She repeats, adamant.
He growls. “Fine!”
And she melts right there and then.
“Ow! I knew I can count on you!” She gets closer to take his arm, but he dodges her and shows her his teeth.
“Don’t! Go to sleep,” he points to the hallway.
I blink, getting up, and she comes back to take the mug from my hand. “Were you sleeping?”
“Oh,” she waves her free hand. “I wish. This storm has wrecked my schedule…”
“I didn’t know the scorpions were a nocturnal species,” I take off the towel.
“We are,” she smiles at me, taking it too. “Not all of us, but the vast majority. Mine is.”
“It’s good to know,” I smile back.
“Are we going or not?” Chase barks, making me jump.
I look at him turning to the door and opening it, so I rush to the table by the back wall, putting quickly the socks and making the spheres come out by turning the boots to also put them on.
“Don’t be a devil and wait for them!” Leif shouts after him.
I get up and put everything back into the bag, taking as much care as possible at the same time. He can’t get too far away… right?
“I’m sorry, that’s who I am!”
He sounds far away already!
I reach the door in three strides but look back at Leif.
“Thank you so much for your kindness.”
At least for a second, she seems at a loss for words, though she recovers quickly.
“Thank you for your company. And don’t mind him, he’s not that bad!”
I sigh, wishing to be able to believe her. “We will see about that…”
I get out, closing the door behind me, and surprise myself noticing that it’s not raining. Again. I look up at the cloudy sky, the sound of the storm not so far until I find it falling on the buildings on the other side of the arch.
Weather magic, Leif called it.
And Chase is using only a bit of it to make his way rainless.
Definitely convenient…
“How much more are you going to stay there?” I hear him, seeing him close to a statue, which seems to be the center of a square.
He shakes his head, turning to continue walking past it. And I jump when I feel a few drops falling on me, not even looking up before running to try to catch him.
Try My Best! #2 Goal: Get to know my host! Act with… wits (+3) Action dice (1d6): 5 (+3) Action Score: 8 Challenge dice (2d10): 4 (✅) + 8 (❌) Result: Weak hit - I succeed but lose track of time. If this brings me closer towards fulfilling a promise, mark 1 tick on it. Then, Time Passes.
Time Passes #1 Whenever I lose track of time, mark 1 tick on the current day in the calendar. If this tick does not fill the box, envision how time got away from your character. If you spent quality time with a Townie, gain 1 favor with them. Then, continue playing. +1 favor with Leif.
Tagging: @aziz-reads
11 notes · View notes
Three Heartbeats
Can be read as part two of Let Us Ease Your Aching Heart or as a standalone. @darqchilddaydreamz here's your part two, hope you enjoy!!! Thank you so much for your faith in my writing and all your support.
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
Contains: Smut (Dom Juice, sub Reader, Dom Chibs, consent and kink negotiation, fingering, P in v, Oral sex M and F receiving, praise kink, mirror sex, aftercare.) Time skips, angst with a happy ending but like way more angst than I set out to create.
5,364 words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed
Check my page but drabbles are usually open, not beta read, it's been in my drafts for too fucking long so it's probably full of mistakes.
Months after you and Juice invited Chibs into your bedroom, things have changed for the better.
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"Morning." You rolled over into Chibs' arms, "morning." It had been a whirlwind few months, Chibs joining you once to get his mind off his divorce from Fiona had turned into adding Chibs into the relationship permanently. It was a lot at first, you and Juice had to accommodate the needs and wants of a whole other person but once everyone got into the swing of things, it felt like he had always been there.
To be honest, you were feeling overwhelmed with everything, Juice and Chibs showered you with so much love that it felt like you weren't giving enough back. But you couldn't think about that right now, not with the way Chibs was pressed against you.
"How did you sleep?" You smiled softly, "good, you?" He grunted, his voice rough, "good, Juice went for an early morning ride so we have the bed to ourselves." You huffed, "you two are going to kill me, I'm still sore from last night." Chibs tutted, "oh, I'm sorry lass, let me get you breakfast to make up for it, you want waffles?" You smiled, "yes please my love."
Chibs smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead before getting up and heading to the kitchen. You stretched and spread out on the bed, since everything had gotten serious, you had gotten a huge bed that was big enough for everyone to sleep in comfortably and it was getting to the point where you were all looking for a bigger house.
Just as you got up to shower, you heard Juice come in and talk to Chibs, you were sure that when you were out, they'd have figured something out to make the weekend perfect but for now, you just wanted to wash last's night fun down the drain.
When you walked into the kitchen, Juice and Chibs were waiting for you, "did you enjoy your ride?" Juice nodded, "I found a house for sale, it's nice and big enough for all three of us. We can have a look together another day if you like?" You nodded "sure." When you looked at Chibs, he smiled, "of course, this kitchen is too small for us anyway." You shoved Juice away from the fridge, "see, I can't get to my fancy butter because you're always standing around."
Juice faked offence, "you are rude, I always stand around with purpose." You huffed, "yeah, eye candy." You took your plate of warm waffles from the kitchen counter and walked over to the table, their eyes following your ass the whole way. Breakfast was a fun affair, the tension building as you filled your bellies with waffles, cream and syrup. With your last bite, you swiped a finger through the maple stickiness on your plates and flicked it over Juice's neck before licking it off.
Before he could grab you, you broke out into a run and dodged Chibs' long arms as he went to intercept for Juice. You lasted until you reached the back door then Chibs was wrapping his paws around your upper arms and throwing you over the couch's armrest while Juice pressed himself behind you, "hold her arms." Chibs' grip tightened, "lass says she's still sore from last night." Juice pressed the back of his hand to your clothed centre, "is that true?" You flinched as he pressed harder, "yes."
Juice tutted, "do you think you're going to be able to have fun?" You whimpered as he eased up, "I don't know." Juice smiled softly behind you, "well then, I'm just going to have to take my time and if you decide you can't then we'll have to come up with something else, won't we." Chibs chuckled, "she'll be right brother, she hasn't turned us down yet." Juice's hands were soft on your skin, "for our sake, what do you say if you don't want to keep going?" The tone of the morning had been forgotten for the time being, "no, stop, slow down, that hurts or I want to do something else."
"Good girl." Juice ran his hands up and down your back while Chibs put pressure on your arms. Juice thumbed the hem of your pants, pulling them off with your panties after a nod from you. Juice groaned at the sight of you bent over the armrest, he reached his hand out and ran his fingers up your slit, his thumb searching for your clit.
You sighed as a gentle pleasure filled your core, Juice's fingertips were soft and cautious as he touched you, Chibs' thumb rubbing back and forth over your wrist as he held you down. "You good to keep going?" You nodded, "that's not an answer lass." One of Juice's hands was stroking your thigh as the other one built you up, "yes, I'm good to keep….." You were cut off as Juice slid one of his long fingers inside you.
You gasped as he added another, tutting when you pushed back into his hand. "I'm being nice, don't give me a reason to punish you." Chibs chuckled, playing the good cop as usual, "come on Juicy Boy, we promised we'd be nice." Juice smiled down at you, "we did, didn't we?" Juice added another finger, his thumb speeding up on your clit.
Chibs always the good cop.
When you pushed back this time, Juice gave you what you wanted, adding pressure to your G-spot as his fingers inside you sped up. As you approached the edge, Juice slowed down, "please don't tease." Juice chuckled, "I'm not little girl, I'm just making sure you're all warmed up." You moaned as he returned to his previous pace, "please." Chibs smiled, "don't worry lass, he's going to give you what you need."
You smirked, "if he doesn't, will you?" Chibs gave you a hearty chuckle while Juice pulled back and slapped your ass, "you're in a mood this morning lass." You bit your lip as Juice spanked you again. "you're testing me." You turned your head as best you could, "sorry my love, I'll be good." Juice smiled behind you, "that's all I ask beautiful." When you reached the edge, he slowed down again. This time you didn't protest and relaxed into the couch, Juice rubbing one hand up and down your almost hurting rump.
"There you go, now you're getting the idea." Juice was always the mean one, happy to play the bad guy while Chibs acted like the soft one, and while it might now seem like it from the outside looking in, especially at what was currently taking place, but they doted on you like nothing you've ever felt before.
Juice left you with bruises, your skin tender to the press of a finger, your joints tight from being held in one place as he had his way with you but he held onto you with such reverence like there were times when you were the only thing keeping him glued together. And Chibs, Chibs looked at you like you were the Sun, Moon and Stars strung together by a golden string, there was no wrong you could do, no missed step you could take. There was something about being treated like you were the most precious thing on the planet that made your skin feel too tight, your chest feel too small but with each press of Juice's fingers, the unpleasant buzz was pushed from your mind.
You let out a whimper when he added a third finger, scissoring them open like he was trying to create a pleasant stinging stretch. "More please." Chibs chuckled, "was that you asking to cum or you asking for his cock?" Juice slapped your ass again, softer this time, "well little girl, answer him." You pushed back into his fingers, "whatever you want."
"Whatever I want? You say we're the ones that spoil you. Whatever I want?" He shook his head with a tut and that feeling was back, it was like he was shocked that you were so compliant. He had told you before that he saw this as a privilege, and when you said that being looked after by both of them felt like more of one, Juice made sure you couldn't sit right for a week.
"I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth again, do you understand me? You are giving far more to us than we could ever give to you and if you ever discount that again, I will make sure you're sorry."Juice had never taken that tone with you before so you took his words to heart.
He looked at Chibs, "isn't she out good girl?" Chibs smiled, "there's no one better." Juice smirked at Chibs and pulled away, ripping his pants off and grabbing his cock before rubbing it up and down your slit. His hand which were gripping your skin with force, turned soft as he spread your legs further apart and slid inside you, groaning as you encompassed him. His pace was slow, the in and out drag making you feel every inch of him.
"Oh my God." Juice chuckled, "Juice is fine." You shifted your foot and tapped him, "oh, so funny." Chibs' eyes moved to Juice, "the lass wants to be funny, you're not doing a good job if she can make jokes." Juice pressed your back down into the couch for more leverage then started moving his hips with speed.
Juice's fingers made their way down to your core and onto your clit, rubbing in tight, fast circles, a choked off gasp from you causing Chibs to move your wrists into one hand while the other went into his jeans. The sight mixed with the sensations Juice was causing was rocketing you towards your peak. "Juice, I'm close." Juice smiled, "I know, I can feel you twitching." Juice kept his fingers going and then you were flung over the edge with a whimper.
Juice didn't falter, his pace stayed a steady push until he was following you into bliss. Juice pulled out with another slap to your ass, looking at Chibs with a satisfied grin, "you want in brother?" Chibs gave a friendly head shake, "I'd rather her mouth." You shook off the cotton in your brain while Chibs found a couch cousin to put under your knees. When that was done, you dropped to the ground as Chibs removed his pants and stood in front of you, cock hard and leaking.
"Be a good lassie and open your mouth." You smiled at him through your eyelashes and leaned in, licking him from head to base. You placed your hands on his thighs as you sucked the head into your mouth, Chibs looking down at you with fire in his eyes and a chew of his lips. He grunted as you sucked him down your throat, his hands moving to the back of your head to hold you to him.
"That's it, you're so good at that." You moaned a thanks on his skin and Chibs' hands squeezed your skull. "My good girl, you like it when I tell you how good you are, don't you?" You nodded as best you could with his cock in your mouth, "yeah, I know you do." Juice was watching from the chair in the corner, close enough to you to almost touch your skin. "if she doesn't know what a good girl she is then we have a problem to correct." Chibs' hands became soft.
"Do you know how good you are?" He pulled you off him so you could answer, "yes, you tell me all the time." Juice's eyebrows shot up, "oh really, then let us what you're good at?" You swallowed, this was soon becoming a bit too much, "I'd rather go back to sucking your dick." Chibs smiled softly, "alright, but this isn't finshed." You put your mouth back on his with a sultry smile, wrapping your hand around what your mouth couldn't reach.
You swallowed him like he was the last thing you would ever touch, his head falling back while Juice moved to the floor behind you to rub your shoulders. You reached one hand up to roll his balls in your hand, his grunting telling you he was close as you lifted his balls closer to his body. With one last grunt, he was coming down your throat.
He pulled away and you leaned back into Juice's chest while he brushed your baby hairs off your sweaty forehead, "our good girl, let's us ran you a bath then you can have a nap." You smiled, a pleasant haze fogging your skull, "ok, I'd like that."
Juice and Chibs cleaned you up, but the time you were done, it was late morning. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" You nodded, "of course, you two can decide between yourselves who's bike I'm riding there on." Chibs smiled, "it's my turn lass." Juice shook his head, "you got her last time, it's my turn this time." Chibs tutted, "nope, three days ago you went with y/n to the store."
"That doesn't count, you took her to the last Club party." Before you could speak up, a call from work pulled you away. When you returned, they knew something was wrong, "I need to go into work, I'll take a change of clothes and go to the party right after." Juice made a genuinely sad face, "but we were going to spend the day together." You shrugged, "and if we all want to buy a house together, we need the income."
You were beyond tired, not only did your boss grind you into the ground but you had the deal with the snide comments from some of your colleagues about your love life. It's not like you bragged about having two men but when you've been seen kissing both in public, people talk.
You threw on a nice outfit, a simple white top with seethrough sleeves and a pair of well fitting jeans. It was only a Saturday night party and old ladies didn't really need to dress to the nines like the other women who were still looking for a man. When you got there, Juice and Chibs were already waiting, they greeted you with smiles and kisses, seemingly a little too intoxicated to realise you didn't feel like partying. The visiting charter roving around the compound didn't help either.
"How was work?" You shrugged, "the usual." You hadn't shared with them what your coworkers had been saying about you, there was no point. "How was your day?" Juice and Chibs gave the same response, "it wasn't any fun without you." You smiled, "let's hope I can stay home tomorrow, although, one of you will probably be nursing a hangover."
"You really don't need to work so much, we earn plenty of money to cover all of us." You took a deep breath, trying not to snap, "I'm not interested in being looked after." Juice blinked at your tone, something was clearly wrong. "You earn more than us anyway." The others didn't seem to like that, one of the visiting members making a nasty face.
"Well, it's not about money, it's about being responsible for myself and my shit." That seemed to quiet things down, "I'm going to get myself a drink, anyone want anything?" Chibs ran a hand over your back, "just a beer please lass." You returned with two, and a glass of water, handing one to Juice, "thank you gorgeous." You smiled, "I know you'd ask where your one was so I took the incentive."
Juice pressed his lips to your neck, "you spoil us." You shook your head, "Juice, we are in public, behave." Juice chuckled, "I don't think the Clubhouse really counts." You raised your eyebrows, "yes it does, now keep it in your pants." The night went on, and on and on, it wasn't even close to midnight and it felt like you had been at the party for years. You headed to the bathroom for a moment of quiet only to be followed by a visiting Son.
"What's the deal with you, Juice and Chibs?" The tone of his voice didn't bode well, "you should ask them." The man huffed, "I'm asking you." You nodded, "and I don't owe you an explanation." He stepped closer, "does that mean you're still up for grabs, it's not like you belong to them or you'd have at least one crow. You're clearly a slut." You stepped closer to him, clenching your jaw so you didn't put your fist through his face, "if you have a problem with me, take it up with Jax, he's the only one who can say anything." You smiled a nasty smile, "oh that's right, his kids love me and I do far more for the Club than you do. Now fuck off."
The man left in a huff and you stopped by the bathroom for a few seconds of peace, it wasn't like you hadn't heard all of it before but after the last few days, it was getting to you. When you got back outside, Chibs and Juice were locked in a friendly conversation with another chapter, the man who had just insulted you laughing along with them.
You were done, you hadn't had anything but water tonight and you were heading home, there was no way you were going to let Chibs and Juice know, not with everyone around so you walked to you car, unable to hold back the upset any longer. Just when you thought you were free, Happy spotted you walking away rubbing your face, you managed to make it to your car before he caught you.
"What's wrong little girl? You look so sad." You shrugged, "it's just been a long day Hap, I want to go home." He looked around, "where are your boyfriends?" You pointed to the picnic tables, "enjoying their night. Please, drop it Happy, I'm not in the mood." He nodded, "alright, text me when you get home safe so Juice doesn't start to worry when he can't fine you."
"Sure Hap, thanks for not poking."
Happy was fuming, he noticed you were upset the second you got out of your car but Juice and Chibs seemed to be obvious, he waited until they were alone to say something. "Where's your girl?" They looked around, "last I saw her, she was heading to the bathroom, she's probably talking to one of the other women." Happy shook his head, "no, she went home in tears twenty minutes ago." Juice's eye went wide, "what?" Happy took out his phone, "don't worry, she's home safe. How did you not notice something was wrong?"
Chibs swallowed, "she's been off but work's been rough." Before Happy could say more, the man was back, "where's your woman?" It made sense now, "did you say something to her?" The man shrugged, unaware of the rage in Juice's voice, "I just asked her some questions, I don't see anyone's crow so I figure she's up from anything." Happy huffed, "you two are fucking up."
The man crossed his arms over his chest, "are you fucking her too." Happy took a deep breath, his hands shaking, "fuck no, she's my friend and unlike these two idiots, I don't want to spend the rest of my life sharing a bed with her." Happy walked away without another word, leaving Juice and Chibs to deal with the pig.
When they got back, their knuckles were bruised and their blood was pumping until they found you on the couch eating ice cream and watching cute animal videos, "you right lass?" You nodded, "I'm fine, it's just been a long day." Juice sat down next to you, "we ain't buying that, tell us what's really going on." You put the ice cream down, "what do you think, I'm living and fucking two men and everyone knows it. Half the people at work think I'm a whore and when other charters are visiting I spend most of the night running away from assholes."
They were taken aback, "you never said anything." That was the wrong thing to say, "because the Club and other Sons come first, everyone knows that. If I start causing problems, I'll be gone in the blink of an eye." Juice put a hand on your leg, "how could you think that?" You shrugged, "because that's how people treat women in this life." Chibs shook his head, "we've never done anything to make you think that, have we?" You shook your head, "no, but all this talk about moving into a bigger house feels like this is heading somewhere and yet most people still think I'm just your whore."
Juice blinked, "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have let it get to this point. From now on we'll make sure everyone knows you're ours and they can't say a thing about you." Chibs smiled, "that asshole tonight knows, we're sorry it took us so long to realise what was wrong." You smiled softly, "it's alright, I should have told you sooner." Juice shook his head, "no, we should have picked up on something being wrong."
"Come on lass, I'll run you a shower and Juice can order some twenty four hour pizza and we can finish this party in bed."
Things improved in leap and bounds over the following days, they stopped making comments about how much you were working and put all their efforts into looking for a bigger house. Jax gave them permission to deal with any bullshit with as much violence as they wanted and you worked up the courage to record the nasty comments from your co-workers and take them to HR.
You were enjoying a quiet afternoon at the Clubhouse, sipping on a fruit cocktail while Juice and Chibs sat by you talking to Chucky. You were called away by Gemma, unaware of Happy watching from afar. When you were out of eyeline, he walked up to Juice and Chibs and sat down, "things seem better." Juice nodded, "you were right Hap, we were fucking things up." Happy nodded, "yeah, she doesn't exactly complain when things are wrong."
Chibs nodded, "we see that now." Happy shook his head, "you two really are clueless." Juice's eyebrows wrinkled, "what do you mean?" Happy huffed, "because there's a line of men down the block waiting to take your place and she doesn't have a crow on her skin. You've been dating her for more than a year Juice, she should have been wearing yours before you brought Chibs in." Juice sighed, "you're right, again. I just didn't want to jump the gun, especially with bringing Chibs in, it just felt like a lot."
"Yeah, after Fiona, I never thought I feel this way again, I guess I was just scared of getting hurt again." Happy huffed, "well, you're hurting her by not asking. I'd hurry up before she moves on to someone who's more serious."
"Why did I agree to this." You slapped the healing tattoo, the itch madding. "Because you love us?" Juice's tone was filled with humour, "it's itches so much, I'm going to punch Happy the next time I see him." Chibs chuckled, "careful lass, he might like that." You shook your head, "I need to go to work, please remember to pick up the paint from the hardware store, it hasn't been in stock for months and that colour will go great in the bedroom."
"Of course, enjoy your paperwork."
"You know what today is?" You shook your head, "keep your hand to yourself, just because it's healed doesn't mean you can touch it all the time." Chibs smirked, "no, but we're leaving for the cabin tonight and we have all week to enjoy looking at it." You shook your head, "the only reason we're going is that Juice has an allergy to uncured epoxy and we can't go near our new house."
Juice tutted, "and it's not our fault that you can't stay away." You huffed, "I don't know about you, but I want to get out of that fucking rental, the sooner the house is done the sooner we can leave that shithole." Chibs made a face, "we've been living there for months, you and Juice have been living there for two years, it's not that bad."
You blinked, "there's mold over everything, that house has outstayed its welcome." There was a pause then every burst out in laughter, "come on, we better get there and turn on the power so we can have hot water tonight."
When you got to the cabin, Juice went around back and switched in the power while you and Chibs unpacked and opened up. The place had been redone since everything went down with Clay, but there was still a strange feeling to the air, the man was long dead and yet his ghost still lingered. You could only think what he would say about you, Juice and Chibs.
"Stop thinking lass, he ain't here anymore and Jax and Opie are good." You took a deep breath, "yeah, it's just taking some adjusting." Chibs nodded, "I know, but we'll get there together." Juice came in with a smile, "I did it, and I braved the huge spider that was in the power box." You shook your head, "that's Larry, he's been there for years." Juice chuckled, "well then, maybe Larry can be our new pet."
You sighed, "that reminds me, Happy won't get off my back about going to the shelter, his new lady friend has a kitten he thinks we'd like." Chibs chuckled, "trust Hap to end up with a vet." You rubbed your face, "I think it will be fun, by the time the kitten is old enough to come home, the house will be ready, Happy said he's always chatting." Juice smiled, "I'm sure there's a pun in there somewhere."
You waved your arms, "there will be no pun, we all remember what happened the last time there were puns." Chibs laughed with a grimace, the pun incident as Juice had taken to calling it was Chibs cracking a rib after coming off his bike, it was the cash that did it, it was the laugh he gave when you made a pun afterwards.
"Lass is right, wordplay kills." You fluffed the pillows, "well if you two are alright to get diner, I'll fix up the bed and do some cleaning, this place smells like dead dust mites."
It was late by the time the movie had finished, Juice in all his wisdom had put on a horror movie hoping to get you to cling to him only for the three of you to get into a heated debate on who was the stupidest character, "it's clearly Cindy, she ran when she could have taken the car and gotten help." Chibs shook his head, "bullshit, Devin didn't double tap the killer, you always double tap."
"You're both wrong, it was the killer for not offing them all sooner because they're all dumb." You sighed, "I think it's time we hit the hay before one of us tries our hand at serial killing." Juice smiled, "you mean hit the hay or we all go back there and fuck?" You rolled your eyes, "what do you think Mr Smarty Pants?" Juice inhaled like he was offended, "you better run little girl, because when we catch you, you're going to be in for it."
You made it two steps before Chibs yanked you towards the bedroom, "that was a poor effort." You huffed, "I wasn't trying." Juice cocked his head in disbelief, "sure you weren't" You giggled and pulled out of Chibs' grasp stepping back and removing your top slowly, "well then, I'm waiting. You walked to the bedroom, dropping your clothes as you went.
When you were all in the bedroom, the heat in their eyes could have burnt the sun. "You're not being fair lass." You smiled, "why is that Chibby?" He stepped closer, running his hand up your arm, "because you deprived us of being able to remove your clothes." Juice took your other side, "yeah, he's right. What are we going to do about that?" You smirked, "I don't know, what are you going to do about it?"
Juice's face became soft, "we're going to do whatever you want, so, what is that?" You smiled, "I want you to kiss me, both of you." Juice took your next while Chibs took your lips and then you were falling onto the bed. Their clothes came off in the brushes of hand and the pressing of lips and before long, you were all naked, pressing your bodies together. "Isn't she the mos beautiful thing you've ever seen?" Juice smiled, "yeah, she is."
Juice's hand made it's way down your belly and to your slit, his finger rubbing your wetness till his fingertips hit your clit and you gasped, "that's my good girl always so responsive." When you went to grab Chibs' cock, he batted your hand away, "no, not tonight lass. Tonight is all about you." You tilted your head and Juice bit your neck, "not another word about it little girl."
The fingers on your clit made you forget any protest as Chibs kissed down your body, when he reached your core, Juice moved his fingers and slid two inside you so his tongue could take their place. Working in tandem, they brought you to the edge in no time, Juice holding you up as you came so you didn't fall onto Chibs, then you were being shifted to face to the mirror above the dresser, "see, don't you just look amazing." Your hair was stuck to your face and your skin was damp with sweat, "I look like I just got done running a mile."
Chibs tutted, "none of that lass." He came up behind you rubbing his cock through your slit while Juice stroked his as he watched, "watch yourself while I fuck you lass and maybe, if you're good, you can have Juicy Boy too." Your head fell back against his chest as he slid home, the warmth you felt with Juice's eyes on you and Chibs at your back was indescribable.
"That's it lass, you're such a good girl." Chibs' hips moved perfectly, a wonderful mix of slow and forceful that had you gripping onto Juice for dear life, when you closed your eyes, he stopped, "nope, keep your eyes on the mirror or we stop." Your eyes shot back open as you looked at your expression, you body half hidden by Juice's as he pressed himself to your skin. His thumb found your clit as Chibs sped up, "there you go, be good for us and let go." You were powerless to deny them, slumping over in Juice's arms as Chibs chased his own high.
A sigh and the feeling of emptiness told you that he was done as they swapped places, Chibs coming to the font, "I love this view." Juice nodded, his voice full of affection, "yeah, me too." Juice didn't waste any time sliding inside you, pausing as your eyes closed on reflex, "what did we say." You opened your eyes, "sorry, it just felt so good." Juice chuckled, "I bet it did."
You watched yourself as he fucked you, going between the muscles of Chibs' back to your face then Juice's and before too long, the sight had you clenching around Juice's cock, "good girl, taking without even asking, you deserve it." Juice gave one last grunt and followed suit, nibbling on your shoulder as he came down and pulled out.
Juice helped you lay down while Chibs headed to the bathroom to get something to clean you up, returning soon after and wiping you down with a damp cloth. "You good lass?" You nodded sleepily, "I'm good, a nap would be nice." Juice smiled softly, "have something to eat and drink first and then we can sleep for all night." You sat up slowly, "alright, you both good?"
They nodded as Juice's hand drifted over the crow, "never better."
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Wake Up Next to You
Waking up from a one night stand and you're definitely not in your own bed. You weren't even entirely sure who you went home with. Their face blurred in your mind but their touch most certainly was not.
Copperhead: You woke up to the feeling of short blonde spiked hair on your cheek and the weight of a body on top of you. You quickly learned this wasn't going to be an easy escape. The person stirred at your careful wriggling. Their arms pushed themselves up as they angled their face towards you. Your eyes widened when you recognised the face. This was Copperhead. One of Black Mask's assassins he had hired. Oh shit. You went home with Copperhead!? On top of that, since it wasn't your bed, it definitely had to be hers. Eyes half-lidded with a sleazy smirk, Copperhead lowered herself back down, trapping you with her body. "Oh look at that look of panic." She teased with a chuckle. "Don't you worry, precious. I only touched when you asked me to." You vaguely remembered that now that she mentioned it. You're never drinking again. You can't ever drink again if this is where you end up. Copperhead reached over for her phone and checked it before huffing. "It's not even eight-thirty.Go back to sleep, precious." She sent you a smirk. "Unless you want to do something else." Her tongue slithered out at you. "I can think of a few things I'd happily accommodate." As though to price a point, her head moved into your neck, planting slow kisses that made you shiver.
Black Mask: You woke up in what was possibly the comfiest bed you had ever lay in. You heard the flick of a lighter. You rolled over and immediately hit an arm. You looked up and your blood froze. There, unmasked but recognisable was Roman Sionis and you were in his bed. Smoke streamed from his mouth before he turned to you. A smirk formed. "Hey, doll." Your mouth went dry. This couldn't be happening. You moved to get up but Roman's free hand shot out and grasped your arm. At the same time you winced before looking down. Roman chuckled. "Did a number on ya, did I?" He was smug, pleased as though he had accomplished something. "Come on now, doll. Don't be shy.You and I got to know each other very well last night and you know I won't ask nicely. Get back in bed. Now." Roman stared you down, daring you to challenge him. A challenge you would not take as you lay back. "Good, you still listen." He winked. "Maybe you remember it's to your benefit." He said as he reached for you.
The Riddler: You woke to fingers lightly scratching your head along with the scratching of pen to paper. Your arm was wrapped around a naked torso. Your other hand tucked behind you. Your cheek was pressed against someone's side, just above the jutting of what you were certain was a hip bone. You moved your head slightly to look up to see you had the Riddler -of all people- locked in your hold. What made it worse was how content he seemed to be. He hadn't even noticed you were awake, too focused on the notepad in front of him. You struggled to stay awake.His hand in your hair lulled you back to sleep when you couldn't fight it anymore.
Two-Face: You woke up tucked under his chin, your face buried in his neck. Your legs tangled between his and it hardly seemed against your will as your arm was wrapped under his, holding him to you. You felt a very toned muscle of the man's shoulder but the texture was different. It was rough and almost leathery, certainly not like skin. You pulled back as much as you could before realising you'd be pushing against the hand on the back of your head but what you did see left you without question. You were in Two-Face's arms and practically tangled in him. You quickly returned to your original position but it seemed the damage was already done. "Go back to sleep. It's only been a couple of hours." He grumbled.Well...if he insisted, what choice did you really have? "Okay." You mumbled and heard him mutter something incoherently beyond the word 'gorgeous'.
Scarecrow: You awoke to the feeling of a fingertip lightly trailing along your wrist to your hand that rested on your stomach above the covers. A large hand delicately caressed your hand and that's when you caught side of brown hair in the corner of your eye. You turned your head to see Jonathan Crane. That was unexpected. He rested his head against the curve of your shoulder. "Did I wake you?" He asked quietly. "I couldn't help myself but admire your gentle touch. It makes for quite a welcome change." You were lost for words. His bright blue eyes met your gaze and he smiled slightly. Holding eye contact, Jonathan moved his head to press a gentle kiss to the tip of your shoulder.He seemed almost in awe. His arm snaked around your body pulled you close to him.
Victor Zsasz: You felt a head wedged into your neck as you stirred. As you tried to get up, you realised arms had you locked in. You heard an annoyed grumble of protest as the person nuzzled further into your neck. You tried again and were met with a groan. Your stomach dropped when he lifted his head and you were face to face with a sleep and irritated Victor Zsasz. "Can you not?" He sent you an accusing look. "I...I need to go to the bathroom." You tried. "Hold it." He grumbled before his head moved back into your neck. Victor planted a gentle kiss as though it would appease you to stay and much to your surprise, it did as you quickly abandoned the lie. You decided you could think about this later and muttered a "Fine." Victor nodded in both agreement and approval against your neck, already falling asleep.
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crimsonxe · 11 months
As with the other person I'm doing this type of response to try to accommodate Sir Adamus's not wanting their notes filled with arguments and I don't know if Reblogs are part of that or not. So this is my solution:
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I can't exactly say, I do so whenever someone says something that pulls my nerve that wants to push against bullshit/misinformation/or whatever. Anything I replied to was involving the thing being mentioned but likely is something I've already had a LOT of time to argue over before, since I've been following the show since the Red trailer and dealing with the same arguments over and over again.
Um yeah, my mentioning incels and whatnot is going to why he shouldn't be given anything more, cause Adam shitstains already act like its blasphemy that he was as he always was a piece of shit vs. their headcanon of him being some badass revolutionary. They latched onto Ice Queendom cause it chose to vague-ify certain things in regards to him that they took as proof that he was changed.
As for the sob story, um there's only so many directions that can be taken with a bastard like him. What was shown of him was perfectly fitting for the role he fit in the story.
My mentioning the self-defense and stalking aspects are in regards to your assertion that they should feel burdened or have a response to it. He was no different than a grimm attacking them or even WF that had attacked them in earlier volumes. I don't think they should've had some big dramatic moment over being forced into killing him given the context surrounding him including self-defense, stalking, and the trauma he'd inflicted on them. All of that going at your assertion.
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You seem to think these things exist in a vacuum which they don't and there's a handful of reasons for them. You talk dismissively about Jaune's upgrade that falls more towards support role, than a warrior one. That falls into the "wanting Jaune to be a badass male lead" camp of thinking as well as just ignoring the utility of his grenades.
Um no Yang has had shotgun blasts, but not the missile whatever that came with v7's change up. If it were just the same-old, same they wouldn't have had the moment in 7x03 spent to focus in on her blowing up a Sentinel in the mine; because it'd just be the same everyone had already seen countless times. On top of that she actually has changed in her incorporating more kicks into her fighting and holding back using her semblance (which is a bit of a shame since I love her semblance when active but narrative).
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a) all grimm are not being controlled by Salem, some are others are just wild roaming
b) they don't need to show nonstop grimm invasions that dips into Attack on Titan's edgelord bullshit, they've shown plenty of grimm that are legitimate threats and had the audience fill in the gaps
c) just the practicality on the animators to have to do said nonstop grimm fights that would inevitably take away from character development (cause you can say that 'they could just be put in during the fights' but no some really can't).
d) once again as a matter of reality humans are the biggest evil in any world.
e) at no point were the grimm ever presented as anything more than animalistic (in terms of acting like animals) creatures that at most could live long enough to learn stay away from humans. They weren't floated as the big bad nor did they even have that potential on a concept level. It'd be boring af to have "monster of the week" type of setup that has no true final bad at the end of them. Even Attack on Titan realized this as well as (d) and stopped with the animalistic-titans side of things. Because there needs to be a centralized figure that thinks and has a motive behind the mindless creatures.
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booksandchainmail · 2 years
Pale 7.3
“You want to get the girls, am I right?  I could teach you ways.”
do not get romance advice from a goblin
“All I’m saying is I could tell you ways to handle yourself that would turn the heads of hundreds of winsome and woesome dames.”
... turn their heads in what way, exactly?
“Then use my methods, and turn that one girl’s head hundreds of times.” “That kills the girl,” Gashwad whispered loudly. “Twists the head off.”
like I said
"I’m the best person here at understanding Nat, after Doglick chewed most of her tongue off, and understanding Alpy, and all that.  But as in so many things Practice-related, it comes at a price.” “Of sounding like a tryhard?” Lucy asked.
lol. But Verona is honestly very good at understanding Others. I wonder if that's linked to her intuition about the practice, or if she's just good at parsing communication in general? Also wondering if there will be a balance to it. Switching languages rapidly tends to mess up people's grammar, and some of this is a bigger stretch. I know that when I've been programming intently, especially with a lower-level language, I have trouble talking coherently for a while.
Culminating in Kennedy getting into her family’s car and everyone driving her off, leaving her on campus alone with Durocher.
that lesson on binding left an impact, huh. Scary teacher showing up in nightmares.
Until there were no escape routes, and the door was wide open, the sounds and screams from within too loud for Mccauleigh to hear Alexander’s voice. “Alexander was her way out?” Verona asked.
the youngest Hennigar not keen on being gore-streaked?
“A team captain?” Lucy suggested. “Yes, exactly!”
love Avery's enthusiasm for sports metaphors
“Yeah,” Lucy said, her voice soft.  “It’s why it’s so easy to fall into the trap of hating that man.  Bristow doesn’t budge and Alexander seems to accommodate, he invites you in, or puts himself in situations where you invite yourself in…”
I'm also worried about this. I wouldn't be surprised if this section of the story ends with Alexander stronger than ever.
The Other stood close to Gashwad, who snarled and hugged Snowdrop’s head, putting his body between her and the Other.
Was it only three or so times that she had to fight to get away?  That John or Tashlit or Gashwad were stepping in to pry her free?  Two or three times that they plunged into darkness and she had to make that split second decision to either defend Snowdrop or get to the bricks before he got to the bird?  He varied it up, feinted.  She was running on instinct and adrenaline, fighting in the moment. Trying to survive, to preserve her friend.
Man, Avery keeps getting trapped in these kinds of life or death struggles in alternate arenas. Incredibly draining for her.
“You did good,” John said. The words felt weird.  She didn’t want to be in a situation where this was good.
situation was awful, she handled it really well. But there isn't really a sense of accomplishment in barely surviving.
Lucy was fussing with Avery’s hair, which had mud in it, and it was simultaneously the last bit of nitpickyness that Avery wanted to dwell on, and it was a bit zen, fingernails running against her scalp as a makeshift comb.
having hair finger-combed is very nice, do recommend
We’re making small talk?  Talking about regular stuff? After that?  Do you guys realize?
Avery's traumatic experiences tend to happen when she's alone, so there's less recognition from the others. At least with the Wolf they knew it was bad for her, but I don't think Lucy or Verona understand what the past fight was like for Avery, since from an outside perspective it didn't do much damage or last long.
Seems like most of the trauma here comes from having to be constantly moving and constantly alert, without room to improve the situation more than a little, just stuck in a deadly holding pattern. No room for error or relaxation, then being abruptly plunged back into the normal world with no adjustment period.
But Avery didn’t want to whine.  She wanted to look strong.  So she focused her attention on keeping her head up and being gentle with Snowdrop.
“Regards, Lawrence T. Bristow, esquire.” Verona said, plucking her feather from her sleeve.  She ran the tip along the screen.  “What do you think?  Do you think we should pass his regards on to the brownies?”
hah! it's been a while since we've seen that quill
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Pairing of choice/fandom of choice, intimate, life affirming bandaging of wounds
I am doing the annoying thing and picking my D&D character Rhaelara for this, both because I want to branch out who's getting their wounds patched up and also because she got her ass handed to her by a powerful vampire last session (seriously, she almost died about 4 times were it not for her companions), so her injuries have been on my mind.
The church was quiet, the only light coming from a few lit torches in their sconces. The sun never shone here; you differentiated day and night by whether the sky was gray or black. Rhaelara had managed to strip off her heavy armor before collapsing on the pew, cloak rolled up as a makeshift pillow. Without the chainmail, she could see the extent of the beating that she had taken. A bloom of blood stained the stomach of her shirt from where the vampire's claws had slashed her, and her arms were covered in bruises and slash marks. Her shoulder was sore from bracing her shield against the attacks.
Rhaelara lay on her back, one hand folded over her stomach wound, when she heard the sound of light footsteps approach. Ireena was limping, but still on her feet, which means she got out better than any of the rest of them. In one hand, she carried Bart's healing kit, emblazoned with the sigil of a god that neither of them worshipped.
"Hi." Rhae's mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. She hadn't spoken much since the battle began, and when she did, she had to first cough up dust and bloody spit.
"Sit up."
"I told you, I'm fine." She just needed to sleep it off.
"Sure you are." Ireena smiled and sat down at the end of the pew, forcing Rhaelara to sit up slightly to accommodate them both. "That's going to get infected if you just leave it be," she said, pointing towards the gash across Rhae's stomach.
"And I don't think you'll be much good in a battle if you're also battling filth fever."
Ireena knew better than to appeal to Rhaelara's own value. Instead, she targeted the only thing that the paladin would actually care about: the value that she provided to others. Grumbling something unintelligible, Rhae pulled her shirt up just enough to allow Ireena to look at the wound. She was met with a sharp hiss. "Anastrasya wasn't holding back."
"I didn't expect her to."
Ireena removed a rag from the bag, as well as a bottle of what looked like liquor. She took off the cap, placed the cloth over the bottle's opening, and tipped it over until the cloth was saturated. When the alcohol touched Rhaelara's open wound, she jumped. "Gah!" The pained sound echoed through the church, and she bit down on her hand to suppress it.
"My brave paladin. Stares down a vampire without a flinch, now felled by a mighty disinfectant."
"Hurts," Rhaelara mumbled. It was different. There was no rush of blood in her ears or pounding of her heart, no battle-focused tunnel vision. It was just her and Ireena in a place of emptiness and silence. Nowhere else for her to focus.
Ireena was methodical in her work, wiping the rag away from the source of each wound. She started with the largest claw marks before moving on to the other cuts, and as she did, she saw all manner of other wounds across Rhaelara's body. Some were thin and silvery, others puckered lacerations. "So many scars…" she cooed, her face nigh unreadable beneath the mountain of her auburn hair. "You don't treat your body very well."
"Better I should be hurt than the people I love." Because that had worked so well. Owain, Arwynn, Ez… all of them lost, and yet Rhaelara was still here. "It should have been me. Not Mother Lucia." She had sworn an oath: punish evil by any means necessary. If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. The priestess was rotting in some subterranean prison cell, awaiting execution, and Rhaelara was still standing. If all Strahd needed was a body, she should have given herself.
Ireena stopped, pulled the cloth away from the cut under Rhaelara's eye. She raised her hand -- she had doffed her leather gloves, and her skin was cool to the touch -- and cupped it underneath Rhaelara's cheek. The dark bruises forming along her cheeks highlighted the too-bright eyes and silver freckles that marked her as something not quite human. "Madam Eva told you that everything happens for a reason. If you're still here, it's because the gods and the Fates have some purpose left for you. Or…" Ireena's brown eyes had locked with Rhaelara's green, but they dropped suddenly as she stifled a laugh. "Or they know that I'm not ready to say goodbye to you."
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