#and she and blackwall never rly get along
rosykims · 5 years
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try roleplaying they said :) play a mean character they said :) itll be fun they said :)
and now im here :) hitting THIS dialogue :) shaking, sweating, crying my mf eyes out.........
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theharellan · 7 years
▽ Why did you create this muse?
i was really struck by solas’s friendship with my first inquisitor, a cadash. he ended up becoming the person she felt closest to in inquisition. that and a lot of what solas said about spirits, religion, and rebellion in general struck a chord in me. my first pt i actually didn’t take him with me too many places, dorian was my main mage, but solas kind of stole his way into my heart. he actually was thora’s first friend in the inquisition, although she got his and dorian’s pq right after she got to skyhold lmao.
ツ Who has been your favorite muse to play so far? Why?
solas tbh, and i’m not just saying that b/c i’m on his blog. i have a lot of doubts with my other characters, and have over the years, but even if i still have my moments of self-doubt here i’m overall confident and proud of what i’ve done with his character over the years.
☺ What's a character that you desperately want your muse to play with? Why?
any canons tbh???
i somehow end up with like a dozen ocs i’ve collected, and i’m grateful for them, and i wouldn’t trade them for anything tbh. but i’d love to rly develop relationships with dragon age canons, esp da:i canons, to places they don’t get to in the game.
it’s a shame b/c while in banter solas establishes amicable relationships with a number of ppl in inquisition, it’s something rarely shown in his cutscenes. cole’s personal quest is more or less the only example. we get to see dorian and cullen play chess, or varric and cassandra fight, but we never get to see solas play diamond back or tell stories to josephine. we only get to hear about it, and often only from them. and at the end of trespasser, his relationship with the inquisitor determines how he sees the world, which isn’t rly something i can get behind from an rp perspective. i can understand why in-game, it’s to make you feel special, but imo regardless of how much he hates an inquisitor he comes to see the world as real b/c of the respect he holds for members of the inquisition, even those he doesn’t get along with.
my fave canon relationships for solas are probably his relationships with sera, cassandra, and blackwall. although i can talk about how much i love his relationships with pretty much any two ppl in the inquisition. except cullen, i guess, b/c he barely acknowledges cullen exists lakjdfs.
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captain-ezri-dax · 7 years
hope ur fukkin ready for this one babe(i love u and im sorry): inquisition asks for Nova, the good twin
1. Did they suspect his true identity at all? Were they taken by surprise when he revealed himself? - likely suspected a little something was off but didn't expect the full extent, so was surprised ye2. What did they choose to do with him and how did they feel about their choice? Were they guilty about leaving him in cell, if they choose to do so? - would consult with Caim since Caim spends more time with him, but she'd wanna give him to the wardens3. Did their treatment of Blackwall change after discovering who he was? If yes, how so? - was a little more suspicious of him but knew he's sincere in wanting to make up for it, so would let him be4. How close was your inquisitor to Blackwall? What drew your Inquisitor to him or away from him? - not very but didn't dislike him, nothing drew her to or from him they just don't spend a lot of time together 5. Did they remain in contact with him after the events of Trespasser? - vaguely maybe, she'd have him as her contact in the wardens for the inquisition Solas
1. Did your Inquisitor engage Solas academically with questions or were they uninterested in his experiences? - definitely talked about his experiences & got along with him well because of it, she's very interested in the fade & the veil2. Did they agree with his opinions about spirits, that they were friends and trustworthy? If not, what did your inquisitor believe instead? - she didn't at first but her opinion probably changers, especially if her tiny marks let her consciously enter her dreams3. If your inquisitor was told they were “unlike others of their race” by Solas, how did they respond? Were they angry or grateful? - probably pretty pissed tbh, especially bc that's just how she is & how she grew up, and where she grew up made her how she is now? So she is like others of her race 4. Did your Inquisitor think of Solas as Fen’harel or did they continue to think of him as their companion, a friend, if he was one to them, even after discovering who he was? - definitely thought more of him as Fen’harel, especially after learning he has spies in the inquisition 5. What did they choose, stop Solas or attempt to redeem him, and what motivated their choice? Fear? Love? - she’d choose to stop him even if Caim wanted to redeem him, is very afraid & angry & vengeful especially after Caim loses his armSera
1. What did your Inquisitor think about the Red Jenny organization? Did they choose to be apart of it? - I imagine she's probably pretty impressed by it? At the least she's glad that there's someone out there looking out for the little people. Might not be part of it but does lend Sera and other Jennies equipment and shit they might need, tho not officially2. Did your Inquisitor see Sera as troublesome or simply fun-loving? Did they join in for her pranks? - both, honestly. Thought Sera is fun loving but could potentially cause trouble, so she gave her the room in the inn so an inquisition agent is always nearby and if she wants to cause real problems, can be minimised 3. How did your Inquisitor respond to the truth of Sera’s childhood (the cookie scene), if they received it? Did they empathize? - would empathise a little, tho her own experiences are v different & is hard for her to imagine what it felt like4. Did the Inquisitor attempt to stick up for the little people, like Sera, or did they have other goals? If so, what were their other goals? - probably too busy to actively try sticking up for them, but would give Sera resources and do the red Jenny war table missions5. Did your Inquisitor respond well to Sera and seek her company or avoid her? - didn't dislike Sera and certainly would spend time with her, but wouldn't seek her out a lotCole
1. Before Cole’s personal mission, how did your Inquisitor feel about him? Were they comfortable or uncomfortable around him? - pretty comfortable around him, tho some of his comments would definitely make her uneasy, especially if it's about magic 2. What did your Inquisitor think of Cole’s ability to see into people’s thoughts? - probably creeped her out quite a lot, would think dumb things to see if Cole would respond to it3. Was Cole made more human or more spirit and why did your Inquisitor choose what they did? - more human probably, both bc she was interested in what would happen & believed it'd be better for him4. Did your Inquisitor become friends with Cole? Did Cole leave the Inquisition at any point, due to conflict with your Inquisitor? - probably were kinda good friends & would get along well wth him, never left the inquisition 5. How would you describe your Inquisitor’s relationship with cole? Non-existent? Or a relationship like that of siblings? - neither? Were just friends Iron Bull
1. Was your Inquisitor wary of Bull upon learning he was a spy? - extremely so, to the point where she doesn't interact with him until/if Caim assures her that he's good2. How did your Inquisitor react to the Chargers? Did they utilize them as allies or leave them to Bull? - would Utilize the chargers for sure, are useful to have around & she rly likes Krem3. Did your Inquisitor prefer to talk things out instead of force? Did they clash with Bull in that way? - well, considering she literally isn't a fighter & her canon has her staying at skyhold//4. Did they choose the chargers or the Qunari alliance? If they condemned the Chargers to death, how did they feel? - definitely chose the chargers, wouldn't trust a qunari alliance as far as she can throw Bull 5. Was Iron Bull a valuable member of the Inquisition to your Inquisitor? Did they speak to him often? - depends on if Caim likes having him around or not tbhVivienne
1. Did your Inquisitor share Vivienne’s views on the circle of magi or disagree and why? - definitely didn't, her experience with magic is totally different so would totally disagree2. Did your inquisitor view The Game as worthwhile or did they detest court intrigue? How did that affect their relationship with Vivienne? - despite being part of it & being pretty good at it, probably doesn't rly enjoy it3. Did the feelings of your Inquisitor towards Vivienne change at all after completing her personal mission about Duke Bastian, if yes, in what way? - I havee. Never done her personal quest4. Was Vivienne ever considered a candidate for Divine by your Inquisitor? Why was, or why wasn’t, she made Divine by your Inquisitor? - probably not, was eager that Leliana become divine instead & didn't want Vivienne’s views on the circle to be given action 5. How did your Inquisitor feel about Vivienne? Friends? Allies? Rivals? - colleagues, maybe?Varric
1. Was your Inquisitor’s relationship with Varric like that of Varric’s relationship with Hawke? Was it better? Worse? - not quite like that of Hawke but got along with him well enough, liked his stories & playing wicked grace 2. How did your Inquisitor feel about Varric’s situation with Bianca? Who did they decide was right about what Bianca did? - didn't rly voice her opinions on his relationship with Bianca but would definitely think they're both in the wrong, him for giving it out in the first place and her for being careless3. Did your Inquisitor approve of Varric’s stories? Did they read any of his books? - loved his stories 4. Did your Inquisitor try to dissuade Varric from believing that they were the herald of Andraste or did they encourage it? - well, she isn't the Herald so that's up to Caim5. Did your Inquisitor leave Hawke in the fade or save Hawke? How did that affect their relationship with Varric? - again, this is probably a Caim decision since she's not one to go into combatDorian
1. How does your Inquisitor feel about Tevinter? Did Dorian change their feelings at all about the Imperium? - doesn't like Tevinter in the slightest & started out distrusting Dorian because of it, tho their relationship improves 2. How did your Inquisitor feel about the Necromancy specialization? Were they intrigued? Disgusted? - intrigued probably, tho wouldn't be too eager to learn about it cause she wants the dead to be able to rest3. Did your Inquisitor attempt to have Dorian speak to his father or not? Does your Inquisitor relate to Dorian in terms of struggles with family or sexuality? - doesn't relate to him cause I think she's straight, but keeps him away from his father since Dorian is obviously upset & uncomfortable 4. Was Dorian a good companion for your Inquisitor? Was there any personality clash between them? - definitely a lot of personality clash because of his views on Slavery & the like, but they'd get along well enough 5. Did your Inquisitor agree with Dorian’s decision to return to Tevinter? How did they feel about his choice? - did agree and hoped that he'd be a positive changing force there Cassandra
1. Was your Inquisitor Andrastian? Did their religious beliefs affect their relationship with Cassandra? - not in the slightest lmao, she'd leave any conversation that might take a turn for the religious 2. What was Cassandra’s role in the Inquisition to your Inquisitor? Was she a crucial friend/ally or an unnecessary soldier? - I think her brother is gonna romance her, so she's glad to have Cass around. Was a good friend too 3. Did your Inquisitor push Cassandra to rebuild or abandon the Seekers of Truth? Why? - probably rebuild, hoping they'd become another positive force4. Did your Inquisitor agree with Cassandra’s vision for the Chantry? Did they choose her as Divine? - absoltuely not, she disagrees with most of what the chantry is5. Does your Inquisitor know all of her middle names? - she has like 500 middles names I mean c’monThis took. A while lmao, but let me know if u want me to do the romance ones too
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