#and she also peed all over the carpet bc she it’s raining outside
feralgayemo · 2 years
eating sprinkles and muttering “why are you being big meanie to me” over and over again
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robotslenderman · 5 years
I put Skye's bed in the office bc she was too territorial over my bedroom, but Mum moved it back because "it's too cold". Given the conflicts we've had since doggo came home I am not picking this hill to die on, so doggy is once again curled up next to my bed, which I have to admit is really nice when she's not growling at people for the crime of needing to pee.
Bro has not spoken to me since JJ passed. Her ashes are home, at least. The van from the crematorium pulled in while I was coming bacj to the house with Skye. JJ's death hit him like a truck.
Mum was enamoured with doggo all day after getting dogged, but found out the hard way that when I'm not in the house, Skye's stress levels go up. She is now pissed off at her - Mum's words, not mine - because Skye gave her one hell of an earful. She bit, but her bites are soft enough she doesn't leave even a faint mark on bare skin. Still unacceptable, but not as bad as it could be.
I have been doing my assignments in the office to expand Skye's comfort zone, because she's always hovering around me. She was very nervous in there, but went to sniff Dad's legs a few times. Growled at him. Peed on his carpet, but neither of us noticed until poor Mum stepped in it.
Given a couple of other things the vet nurse mentioned (one of them being her twisting Skye's biting to make it sound playful instead of fearful), we're starting to think that she outright lied about Skye's toilet discipline. For a dog who "never, ever" pees indoors she sure hates our carpets. She prefers to go outdoors, but seems to have a smaller bladder than JJ. Much like JJ did when she first came home, she doesn't like to pee where the former doggy resident did, which means she won't pee at all in her designated spot unless I stay there with her, and point blank refuses to when it's raining, so I have to grab the umbrella and lead and take her out on the front lawn instead.
When I write all this out I feel more sympathetic towards my parents for being so frustrated. Personally I'm completely unfazed by all these issues and chilled out (I'm not dealing with aggression, so it's much easier for me than them), and just keep trucking on, cleaning it up when she pees on the floor, taking her outside all the time, introducing her to the doggy towel and raincoat, etc.
Mum and I have a better understanding of each other. Mum is now confident Skye can learn to use the stairs, but I'm leaving teaching her until she relaxes more around dad and bro, provided she doesn't figure it out herself first. That way they can have breaks from her. Mum also doesn't expect perfection with her issues with men, but does expect her to calm down enough that Dad and bro can go about their business without pissing doggy off, which is more than fair enough.
I've gone to bed early again - Skye is still not relaxed enough to nap during the day, and she's exhausted and has been trying to round me up for bed for an hour.
Today was better than yesterday. Hopefully it will continue.
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