#and shanks is like i miss my beloved boyfriend so very much
legend-had-it · 4 months
bro imagine that like, you havent seen your ex in like Years, and like you DONT think about him but one day some fuckass kid shows up wearing HIS signature jacket or something, like what would you do, did this guy have a kid while you werent looking, and DIDNT tell you??
this happened to my good friend, buggy the clown
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
would you be willing to do a TMR minho fic?
basically just them at the little glade treehouse (i live for that treehouse lol) and maybe they stole some food from frypan and are just chatting and having a laugh together whilst cuddling or something bc they dont get to spend alot of time together as he is always in the maze??
(been loving your writing recently btw, literally one of the v few writers who write for MCYTS and respect their boundaries so tysm!!)
hope ur having a good day:)
oh hell yeah brother LMAO ; also thank you and you're welcome!! im all for respecting boundaries because ik how that feels when they're broken + I'm not a weirdo lol, and thank you for appreciating my work, it means sm to me 🫶🫶🫶 ; have a good day/night :) ; post writing me, sorry this is so short :( ; also I know I said I was in trouble but NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT??
MINHO ; tree house cuddles
summary ; sneaking food into the tree house and having late night convos with minho
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; reader is a track-hoe, Thomas has been in the maze for months and exists, but no Teresa/escaping the maze
word count ; 459
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You loved your beautiful boyfriend Minho. He was an angel sent from above, truly. Or... maybe below? The box and what existed out of the Glade was confusing, sadly. God, you wished you could remember anything outside of here.
Sadly, you hadn't seen him very much recently.
He'd been busy with his duties in the maze and the Map Room, and you've been busy working in the gardens damn near all day every day. Your rations were running low, the crops were growing slower than ever, and you couldn't figure out why. It's not like there were deer or raccoons feasting on them either. It was just you Gladers here, nothing else. You'd been stressing out over it and needed some time away from it for a while.
Thankfully, the beloved tree house existed, and rarely anyone used it.
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You'd stolen a basket of fruit from Fry's kitchen, awaiting the arrival of Minho. Hopefully, Newt stuck to his word, or remembered to, to send Minho to the tree house to spend some time with you.
Thankfully, the beautiful Korean boy showed up, dressed casual and out of the heavy gear he had to wear in the maze. He greeted you with a tired yet warm smile, sitting down with you on the wooden floor.
"Hey, how's your day?" He asks, sitting next to you, shoulder to shoulder.
You hand him a little basket of strawberries. "Fine, I guess." You shrug, "Need a minute away from the gardens"
He nods, "I need a minute away from the shuckin' maze"
You dangle your feet off the side of the platform, soaking up each other's presence.
He pulls you into his lap, between his legs. He rests his chin on your shoulder while his arms rest around your waist. You feel your stomach swarm with butterflies, resting your hands over his.
"I love you" He whispers, placing a kiss on your temple.
"Love you too, dork," you reply with a smile, leaning your head back to rest yourself against him.
"What a romantic" He giggles, pulling you a little closer.
The night continues on in peace, smiles, giggles and kisses shared, hands intertwined. You share your body heat, cuddled up and comfy.
"No, no, no, he said something like he was gonna beat him back into the box! How does that even work? Gally acts like Thomas is some universal threat or something" You laugh as you speak.
"I have no idea, darling." He smiles and chuckles, listening to you ramble on and on about stories he'd missed during the day.
You look up at him and place a kiss on his jawline, a stupid smile on his face.
"Love you"
"Love you too"
"...Thanks for being mine"
"Okay, shut up, shank"
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My Immortal: Beauty and the Beast Version- Chapter 2
Chapter 2:
More insanity ensues, prepz and byythches!
AN: Stop flaming! if u flam it menz u a prep or a poser! Da only reason the Beast swor is cuz he had a hedache ok on top of dat he was mad at dem 4 having sexx! PS im not updating umtil I get 5 good revoiws!
The Beast made Gaston and I follow him. He kept shouting at us angrily.
"You ludacris fools!" he shouted.
I started to cry tears of blood down my pallid face. Gaston comforted me. When we went back to the castle the Beast took us to a clock named Cogsworth and a teapot named Mrs. Potts both who were both looking very angry.
"They were having homosexual relations in MY FOREST!" he yelled in a furious voice.
"Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?" asked Clocksworth.
"How dare you?" demanded Mrs. Teapot. "In front of the children?" She covered her teacup grandson's eyes. (sorry, her son)
And then Gaston shrieked. "BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!"
Everyone was quiet. The Beast and Mrs. Teapot looked mad but Clocksworth said. "Fine. Very well. You may go up and find rooms."
We went in and a sexxy candleabrum named Loomiere yelled out to us. "BE OUR GUEST!"
"Gaston, have you considered the idea that this castle may be goffik and haunted?" I asked him.
"Don't lose your nerve, LeFou. Can't you see that it is, mon amour? It is as beautiful and goffik as ME." Gaston said.
And my boyfriend was right! The castle was dark and goffik! And so romantic because Gaston was there with me.
We went upstairs while the talking objects glared at us.
"Are you okay, LeFou?"
"Yeah. I guess," I lied. I went to a fancy bedroom and brushed my teeth and my hair and changed into a long, black, frock coat 1700's style with red lace all around it and black high heel boots to make me look taller. When I came out...
Gaston was standing in front of the bathroom, and he was singing 'I just wanna live' by Gentille Charlotte. I was so flattered. We hugged and kissed. After that, we said good night and he reluctantly went back to his room.
AN: shjt up prepz ok? PS I wnot update ubtil u gibe me goood revows!
The next day I woke up in the fancy castle bedroom. I put on black breeches that was all ripped around the end and a matching top with red skulls all around it and high heeled boots that were black. I put on two pairs of skull earrings, and two crosses in my ears. I spray painted my hair with purple.
(Madame de Goffik Garderobe the famous singer lived here and she helped me get all these kewl accessories! Stanley u jealous huh?)
In the great hall, I ate some Count Chocula cereal with blood instead of milk-
(AN: NO, I won't- I can't do that to LeFou! I love my gay son. I will not have him drinking this much blood.)
I had milk with cereal and a glass of more milk to help me grow tall and strong like Gaston. Suddenly someone bumped into me. And all the milk spilled over my top.
"You bastard!" I shouted angrily.
I regretted saying it when I looked up because I was looking into the pale white face of a gothic boy with long blonde hair with red streaks in it. He was wearing so much eyeliner that I was going down his face and he was wearing black lipstick. He was wearing red contact lenses just like Gaston's. He had a manly stubble on his chin. He had a sexy English accent. He looked exactly like Dan Stevens. He was so sexy that my body went all hot when I saw him kind of like an erection only-yeah I'm a man so maybe I did, shuddup that's private you sicko.
"I'm so sorry," he said in a shy voice.
"That's all right. What's your name?" I questioned.
"My name's Prince Adam, though most call me Beast these days," he grumbled.
"Why?" I exclaimed.
He looked nervous for a second, then I think he started to make up a lie. I'm not a fool. He may, in fact, be that Beast who invited us here and he transforms back and forth, but let's just pretend I'm stupid and I don't know.
"Because I like the taste of Vampire blood." he giggled.
"Well I am a werewolf." I confessed.
"Really?" he whimpered.
"Yeah." I howled. Then, Adam growled sexily.
We sat down to talk for a while. Then Gaston came up behind me and said he had a surprise for me and so I went away with him.
Gaston and I held our pale white hands with black nail polish as we went upstairs.
I waved to Beasty. Dark misery was in his depressed eyes. I guess he was jealous of me that I was going out with Gaston. Anyway I went upstairs excitedly with Gaston. We went into his room and locked the door. Then...
We started frenching passively (because we're Frenchmen, u dumb preps!) and we took off each others clothes enthusiastically. He felt me up before I took off my breeches. I took off my black leather top and he took off his tight breeches. We went on the bed and started making out naked and then he put his boy's thingy in (censored) and we HAD SEX. (c is dat stupid?)
"Oh, Gaston, Gaston!" I screamed while getting an orgasm when all of a sudden I saw a tattoo I had never seen before on Gaston's arm. It was a black heart with an arrow through it. On it in bloody gothic writing were the words...Vampire!
I was so angry.
"You bastard!" I shouted angrily, jumping out of the bed.
"No! No! But you don't understand!" Gaston pleaded. But I knew too much.
"No, you frcking idiot!" I shouted. "You probably have AIDs anyway!"
I put on my clothes all huffily and then I stomped out. Gaston ran out even though he was naked. He had a really big you-know-what but I was too mad to care. I stomped out and did so until I was in Beasty's classroom where he was having a lesson with Clocksworth and some other people.
AN: stop flassing ok? if u do den ur a prep!
Everyone in the class stared at me and then Gaston came into the room even though he was naked and started begging me to take him back.
"LeFou, it's not what you think!" Gaston screamed sadly.
My friend, B'loody Beauty Belle, smiled at me understatedly. She flipped her long waste-length gothic brown-with-red-streaks hair and opened her crimson eyes like blood that she was wearing contact lenses on. She had pale white skin that she was wearing white makeup on. Hermione was kidnapped when she was born-
(wait- I meant Belle not Hermione! They both look like Emma Watson so dont judg me 4 beeing confuzzed u dum prepz!)
Her real parents are vampires, but Voldebeast (who is the Undead Father of Beasty) killed her mother by causing her to have the same disease his wife (Adam's Maman) died of.
She still has nightmares about her mother dying when she was a baby and she is very haunted and depressed.
"What is it that you desire, you ridiculous dimwit!" Clocksworth demeaned angrily in his cold voice but I ignored him.
"Beasty, I can't believe you cheated on me with Gaston!" I shouted at him. Everyone gasped.
B'loody Belle started to cry tears of blood and despair, because Beasty is her boyfriend.
{GASTON'S POV:} "I don't know why LeFou was so mad at me. I had went out with Beasty for a while (he's bi in case you haven't figured that out) but then he broke my heart. He dumped me because he liked Belle when she was a stupid preppy fcker before she turned kewl and goffik and became known as B'loody Beauty Belle. He had gone through horrible problems, and now he was extremely gothic because he kept transforming back and forth between a hairy Beasty and that preppy fcker Prince Adam. (Haha, like I would hang out with a prep.)" {END OF GASTON'S POV, BACK TO LEFOU'S}
"But I'm not going out with Gaston anymore!" said Beasty.
"Yeah, fcking right!" Fck off, you bastard!" I screamed. I ran out of the room and into Beasty's wolf-infested forest where I lost my virility to Gaston and then I started to bust into tears.
AN: Stop flaming ok! I dntn wach da hole Disney movie! itz nut my folt if the Beast swers! besuizds I SED HE HAD A HEDACHE! and da reson clock doesn't lik adam is coz he's christian and beasty is a setanist! MCR ROX!
I was so mad and sad. I couldn't believe Gaston for cheating on me. I began to cry against the tree where I did it with Gaston.
Then, all of a suddenly, an horrible Beast (not Beasty cuz he's all cute and furry) with red eyes and no nose started flying towards me! He didn't have a nose (basicaly like Voldebeast in the movie-oh wait we hardly saw Adam's evil father 'cept in a song flashback can't remember if he had a nose then but this is what he transformed into after his Death as an Undead, u preps!) He had all black fur but it was obvious he wasn't gothic. It was...Voldebeast!
"No!" I shouted in a scared voice but then Voldebeast shouted "Impérieux!" and I couldn't run away.
"Courbé-Shanks!" I shouted at him. Voldebeast fell off his flying candlestick and started to scream. I felt bad for him (because I'm LeFou and I have a heart) so I stopped.
"LeFou." he yelled. "Thou must kill Beasty Adam!"
I thought about Beasty with his sexah blue eyes and his gothic blonde with red-streaks hair and how his face looks like Dan Stevens. I remembered that Gaston had said I didn't understand, so I thought, what if Gaston went out with Beasty before I went out with him and they broke up?
"No, Voldebeast!" I shouted back.
Voldebeast gave me a gun. "No! Please!" I begged. "I don't know how to shoot a gun! Gaston is the best hunter! He never misses a shot, I'm merely his hunting assistant, you see!"
"Thou must!" he yelled. "If thou does not, then I shall kill thy beloved Gaston!"
Mon Dieu! I hated myself for mentioning Gaston. I can't help it. I talk about him all the time because I love him and I can't go an hour without saying his name.
I wanted to cry more depressed tears in front of this monster, but I am not weak. I'm frcking LeFou! I showed him my sassy side by sticking out my middle finger and flipping him the bird.
"It's never gonna happen! Besides, I could probably assume that he's sneaking up on you right this moment. Most likely, he is aiming for your LIVER!" I exclaimed bravely.
Voldebeast got a dude-ur-so-pathetic look on his face. (It was exactly like the face his son Adam made in the movie when he saw the old hag Agathe in the castle.) "If you doth not kill Beasty, then thou know what will happen to Gaston!" he shouted. Then he flew away angry on his flying candlestick.
I was so scared and mad I didn't know what to do. Suddenly Gaston came into the woods. (I was right. He was aiming for his liver, but the monster flew away too fast.)
"Gaston!" I said. "You almost got him!" I said, to bolster his ego.
"Hi!" he said back but his face was all sad. He was wearing white foundation and messy eyeliner and looked kind of like a pentagram (geddit?) between Dan Stevens in the movie and Luke Evans.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"No." he answered.
"I'm sorry I got all mad at you but I thought you cheated on me," I expelled.
That's okay, he said all depressed and we went back to his school called Porc-Verrues, making out.
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