#and seiroku just '.......you're eating this too right bc i cant eat this all'
deathfavor · 1 year
@yeonban​​ said:   ‘ hey. you awake? ‘ soma's voice is loud enough to be heard, but (hopefully) soft enough to not irk seiroku's ears first thing in the morning. ‘ what do you want for breakfast? ‘ he continues, and the doctor is lucky soma had noticed his absence when he did. ‘ 'cause you'll be getting none if you don't let me know or get up soon. ‘ it's not a threat, merely a fact. the date bushi had a habit of waking up with the sun, as well as a tendency of eating enough for several people each. there would be no breakfast left in no time for those who slept in without someone else there to fetch their portion for them.
good morning / good night starters
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   It feels like he’s just fallen asleep when Seiroku stirs at the sound of someone's voice, clearly talking to HIM. Although what they’re saying, he has no idea other than to make come incoherent noise back to at least acknowledge the fact that he’s conscious. It isn’t that he’s UNFAMIIAR with it. Being a doctor means even hours off weren’t guaranteed, especially if there was a sudden emergency or a crisis that needed someone in a specific field or more expertise. It was part of the job. Admittedly, he hadn’t thought of THAT aspect of taking back up the title of doctor. Injuries were far less common with the obsidian eight- there was only eight for starters, and it tended to be minor or death. It’d taken some reacquainting, but he’d done it just fine. Plus the odd schedules meant he’d tended to be either getting up or going to bed as food was made - regardless of the general populace’s schedule. But that didn’t mean there weren’t days where it wasn’t still a struggle. Especially now that most of the high risk injuries were stable, allowing for a more regular schedule compared to before.
   Seiroku lifts his head with great effort, black hair spilling past his shoulders as he squints groggily as the person speaking. Oh, it’s Soma. And with that, rather than scramble to react, he drops his face back into the pillow with a tired sigh. It’s not that he isn’t appreciative. He certainly IS. But he’s rather reluctant to get out of bed when he’d rather curl up and sleep another twenty minutes. His eyes were still heavy and he was comfortable.
   “  Just rice is fine....Oh. And if there’s berries or some kind of fruit. Or just what I can get. “  Slowly the doctor drags himself to sitting upright, rubbing his eyes and stifling an exhausted yawn. Whatever sleep he had certainly didn’t feel like enough. And for all his usual sharp-minded and composed nature, the Seiroku now seems far more docile when still under the haze of sleep.
   He lifts a hand, rubbing the back of his head as he struggles against the urge to simply sink back into sleep. The first five minutes were always the worst. Once he managed to stay awake for that, he was usually fine.  “  Thanks.  “  The stifled yawn finally escapes as he looks up at Soma.  “  Won’t make it a regular thing.  “  ...Probably. Although he will definitely want to, so he’s rather prepared for the inevitability of some mornings without food when he decides sleep is more necessary than food. (More like many mornings.)
    ...Sleep really did sound nice. A few minutes while Soma got the food wouldn’t be so bad.
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