#and said beforehand that if it was a girl it would automatically be heir
autistic-yuri · 11 months
It’s so funny because having kids is a 50/50 chance of either gender, so basically a coin flip. And 18/19 coin flips I have gotten the same answer. 94.7% of the time I get boys. This is starting to drive me up my wall
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
yoon jisung|the heirs
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member: yoon jisung genre: fluff summary: heirs au! you the cold hearted ice princess and jisung the friendly outgoing warm sweetheart. when you and jisung are the only senior students staying at 101 academy for winter break. will jisung be able to melt your heart? heirs series: hwang minhyun | kang daniel | park woojin | yoon jisung | ong seongwoo | park jihoon
you looked at the list of people staying for winter break
the only other senior student was yoon jisung
you automatically thought what an awkward winter break it’ll be
jisung and you weren’t close but of course you knew him
he was one of the most liked guys at school
warm, friendly, kind, hilarious, fun, sociable
good looking and ridiculously rich
the mother of the heirs
the 11 guys aka kings of your school who were infamous for their good looks, talents and ridiculously large fortunes
most of them were distant from the other students but one of the only approachable ones was jisung
he was a complete extrovert
on the other hand
you were the ice princess unapproachable, untouchable, cold, distant, elegant, intimidating
too perfect
you had no friends just business acquaintances
not a single person approached you
even if you were one of the wealthiest girls in 101 academy
it was rumoured you had an ice cold heart
you hated being like this
loneliness and emptiness was all you felt
you had no one who cared about you
no friends whatsoever
and your family never thought you were enough
your parents expected
ice cold perfection
and you hated it
but you still delivered
though you still wished someone came into your life and saw past the cold ice princess mask and cared and loved about you with all your flaws
sounds like a job for jisung
you knew it was going to be an interesting holiday
when jisung saw that you were the other student he completely agreed with what you thought
and then cursed the rule that all the senior students needed to eat at least 2 meals together if they’re staying over the holidays 
which meant you two had to actually interact with each other
the first breakfast of the winter break was stiff and awkward to say the least
“good morning miss y/l/n” jisung said friendly
“hello” you curtly responded
jisung fell silent before trying to strike up a conversation again
“what are you doing today?”
“reading” you said without giving a glance at him
he sighed and you felt bad you knew he was trying but you knew you also had to try to be at least polite
so you tried to organise the meals
“jisung-ssi, it would probably be best for us to plan a schedule for both of us to have a smoother winter break, so i’m suggesting we have breakfast and lunch together. either of us can knock on each other’s bedroom’s when they want to have the meal. what do you think?”
jisung was shocked for a moment at how polite you were but quickly agreed
“sounds simple and effective, i’m in”
you nod at him
and then both of you eat your breakfast in silence
the next week went by and you two got along surprisingly really well
and in a very weird way you felt like a couple
you two even had a morning routine
jisung was the earlier riser so he was like your alarm clock
after he woke up would go to your room and he’d knock on the door until you’d say you were up
you’d both spend 30 minutes on showering and dressing
then get to the eating area
and the waiters would immediately come out with your food since you two always order beforehand usually the night before
first you’d pour cereal into your bowl while jisung poured milk then you two would switch
you’d then spread nutella on one slice of your toast while jisung was spreading mashed avocados on one of his slices
then you two would switch
cheers your pieces of avocado toast and then take a bite
it was really relaxing and it was the same routine everyday
once you two finished you had some hot drinks
and that was the only time you two talked
it was also the favourite part of your day
you realised jisung wasn’t some overly social happy rich kid
he was kind caring gentle and funny
and he realised you weren’t an ice princess
in his eyes you were introverted soft spoken and sweet
the conversations were always sweet, warm and short
and whenever you two were talking you felt complete at ease
you also couldn’t help but smile more around him
especially after jisung said to you one of the mornings
“you should smile more y/n, you really look beautiful when you do”
he turned slightly pink but it was no comparison
to your full ruby red blush
you felt your palms go sweaty and your heart start fluttering
it was completely new and different feeling
and it was just as the movies and books said
that rush of warmth
that’s how you felt around jisung
it was the 1st of december
you two completed the whole morning routine as normal
until you two got to eating
it was the first snowfall
the snow looked pristine
white and beautiful
“wow the snow looks perfect” jisung exclaimed
“it does” you whispered detachedly
you hated it
not snow itself
but the perfectness of it all
the supposed flawlessness
it reminded you of yourself
you remember your mother saying from when you were an early age pointing to the snow and saying
“y/n doesn’t the snow look perfect, no flaws just complete perfection, that’s what you need to be sweetheart”
from that time on you loved kicking or just walking in the snow
ruining it of that perfect appearance
it was like the snow was a reminder of who you should be around jisung
and you instantly felt shitty
with that thought you finished your morning coffee quickly
“jisung, i’ll see you later, bye” cutting him right off his sentence
he looked at you worriedly as you rushed away
you quickly went outside
and started pacing in the snow
trying to get rids of your jitters
of course you thought about jisung
the last week or so, was wonderful
jisung didn’t expect anything from you
he was always caring and sweet
and you felt warm and safe around him
you didn’t need to be cold hearted around him
no pretending, no mask, nothing
just you
but jisung’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts
you didn’t realise that you were pacing in the snow in a thin hoodie and sweatpants
nor did you notice how cold you were getting nor how much you were burning up
you were completely swept up by your thoughts
jisung called out your name “Y/N!!”
he rushed over to you concerned with your winter jacket
he quickly puts on it you and puts his hand on your forehead
“y/n you’re burning up, why are you in the snow with these clothes on?” he asked concerned
“umm i needed to think?” you suggested hesitantly
“you’re telling me the real reason why later, but first let’s get you to bed” he said gently
with an arm around you and you leaning on him
you really bright red not just because of the fever
once you got to your room
jisung automatically made you go to your bed
and got your first aid kit to check your temperature
“y/n you’re burning up you’re 38°C stay in bed today okay? let me take care of you today” jisung said gently
“i’m just gonna quickly make some hot chocolate” he added sweetly
“thank you jisung” you sincerely say
making him smile a heart melting smile at you while going out of your room
you couldn’t help but continuously smile thinking that jisung really did care about you
and your heart was all soft and fluffy as that realisation set in
jisung quickly came back with two mugs of hot cocoa topped with toasted marshmallows
yes jisung is that extra to blow torch the marshmallows
he gave you your mug your hands brushing each others
making your conscious giving a girly squeal making you feel like a love sick puppy
then handed you some medicine and water you quickly downed that
and then started to drink your hot chocolate
you realised that jisung was still standing because he didn’t want to sit on your bed if you wouldn’t be comfortable with it
“jisung come lie down i really don’t mind” you say welcomingly (is that even a word)
patting the space beside you which trust me was a lot you had a queen sized bed
“are you sure?” he hesitantly asked
“of course” you reply sweetly
jisung stiffly sat next to you
“jisung bloody lie down and get comfy before you actually turn into a statue” you say with a roll of your eyes
jisung finally complies with a weak chuckle
“can we watch a movie?” he asks looking at your huge flatscreen tv
“yeah sure, what do you want to watch?” you say while drinking your hot cocoa
“the notebook” he says with zero hesitation
“you’ll need tissues then” you say with a cheeky smile
“nah i won’t cry” jisung says confidently while your raise an eyebrow at him
fast forward to the credits scene and jisung is still sobbing
his eyes are all puffy red and tissues are all around him
you shed a few tears but most of the time you were giggling at jisung then comforting him
the two of you order pizza from the kitchens and jisung goes to pick it up
and then you two go on a christmas movie marathon
before you knew it
you were sleeping in jisung arms
jisung had no idea what to do as he held you in your arms
he thought of the last week with you
he was falling for you hard
your gentle calm softness worked perfectly with his loud vivacious personality
you balanced him perfectly
whenever he looked at you he wanted to wrap his arms around you and never let you go
you were beautiful and fragile in his eyes
jisung knew you didn’t have any friends and you were known to have an ice cold heart
in his eyes you were nothing like that and even if you did have an ice heart
it was definitely melting
because of him
he hoped
with those thoughts he fell asleep with a smile on his face and his arms wrapped even tighter around you
for once you woke up earlier than jisung
the first thing you saw was jisung’s face with his hair sticking everywhere and slightly snoring
even then you thought he was the cutest person you’ve ever seen
you then realised jisung’s arms were around you and you did an internal happy dance
“gosh i’m so whipped” you whispered
you didn’t know whether it was the fact that jisung was the first person to see through the “ice princess” persona
or whether it was just him
at this point you didn’t care you were falling for him and no matter what anyone else said including your parents
you were determined to not let go of one of the best things that ever happened to you
“did you really mean all that” jisung hopefully whispered opening his sleepy eyelids
“wait did i just say that out loud?” you said absolutely mortified
“yup now answer my question”  jisung grinned happily
“i meant it” you whispered before pulling the blanket over your head and hoping the ground would swallow you up
jisung chuckled and started tickling you and you couldn’t help but laugh while telling him to stop
your head finally popped out of the blankets
and with no warning jisung kissed you on the cheek
making you blush and your insides turning into mush
“i’m falling for you too y/n” he said sweetly while giving you his signature beaming smile
“really?” you hopefully say
“yes really” he confirmed
before you knew it he was leaning in and you were frozen
but your heart was beating so fast
the moment his lips met yours
you completely relaxed and you enjoyed it wholeheartedly 
it was soft sweet warm
filled with affection
you two broke apart with wide grins
then jisung wrapped his arms around you making
and you instantly snuggled into him
it felt completely right
just like jisung was for you
the next two weeks sailed by
it was amazing
everyday you woke up in jisung’s arms
and you hung out with each most of the day
you now knew jisung inside out and he was the same with you
jisung was so understanding about your thing with perfection and your “ice princess” persona
you remember him hugging you then saying sweetly to you
“y/n perfection is impossible, everyone has flaws but i love you just as yourself with all your flaws okay? and you should too”
you then couldn’t but give him a kiss for what he said
afterwards you two went into the snow and kicked it made a mess of it and then had a snowball fight
it ended with both of you laying in the snow laughing
while you two were lying down in the snow
out of the blue jisung asked you “y/n this has been one of the best few weeks of my life with you so will you be my girlfriend?”
you were surprised but super happy and you of course said yes
but that wonderful winter fairytale came to an end
it was first day back from winter break and you were worried
luckily you had jisung in all your morning classes
EVERYONE was staring at you and jisung holding hands
and you hear the whispers and feel the glares
then people started gossiping more when one of the younger students came barrelling into you and fell
instead of glaring at them walking off as you usually do
you asked if they were okay and helped them up
literally the whole corridor was SHOOK
you just wanted the day to end to be honest
“just ignore the stares you have me okay?” jisung whispered in your ear as he grabbed your hand tighter as you entered the cafeteria
literally more silent then when woojin and his girlfriend came in holding hands for the rest time
you could hear a pin drop in the cafeteria
even the heirs table looked pretty bloody shook
the first one to snap out of it was daehwi who you were acquaintances with
“hey y/n, jisung, come sit” he friendly said
you gave him a smile which resulted with a brief look of shock
“okay seriously what is it with one of our guys being completely single for like forever then first day back BOOM they’re holding hands with a girl” seongwoo groans trying to diffuse the tension
making everyone laugh
“seongwoo you’re just jealous you’re still single” said woojin’s girlfriend poking a tongue out at him
he then poked his tongue out and pouted cause it was true
not for long seongwoo not for long *hint* *hint *cough-nextfic-cough*
she quickly turned to you and said light hearted and sweetly “the stares and looks die down after wait- never-good luck, the cafeteria seemed even more silent when you two walked in then when me and woojin walked in”
“i’m used to it but cheers for dramatic entrances” you say with a smile and you two gave each other a hi five
everyone looked at you two shocked
while jisung just smiled and looked at you adoringly wrapping his arm around you
while you just snuggled into him
“wow the ice princess isn’t so icy anymore” said sungwoon jokingly but surprised
then minhyun’s girlfriend whacked him over the head
“sheesh woman did you not know violence isn’t the answer to everything” complained sungwoon as he rubbed his head
#harrypotterreference #imsocool #totallyhaventreadeachbook20times
minhyun’s girlfriend glared at him and expaseratedly said “sungwoon please don’t be an immature asshole you’re the second oldest and guanlin’s more mature than you!”
“YEAH NUNA YOU TELL HIM!” guanlin cheered then sungwoon shot him a withering glare
“nope no nothing i do not exist i never said anything” he muttered slowly sliding down off his chair
everyone was laughing
“minhyun please say something she’s your girlfriend” sungwoon pleaded
minhyun had his hands up while shaking his head “nope never i support my girlfriend fully, 100%”
“that’s my man” minhyun’s girlfriend said giving him a peck on the lips
they looked so in love
and you blushed thinking maybe that’s the way you and jisung look
then you heard jinyoung’s voice “hey mum dad keep the pda to a minimum  okay we ARE EATING”
“when you have a girlfriend we are going to constantly bother about you doing pda” woojin butted in
“that will not happen, end of conversation” daehwi jokingly not added while putting his arm around jinyoung
“oh by the way y/n all us girls are going christmas shopping this weekend what do you say?” said daniel’s girlfriend with a welcoming smile
the atmosphere became suddenly a little tenser since they knew you always have declined these kind of offers
but you knew jisung personality has rubbed off on you in the last few weeks
no not sexually get your head out of the gutters
instead of declining you said “that sounds great!” with a smile
everyone visibly relaxed a bit and jisung squeezed you just a little tighter
“wait wait no one’s actually asked but are you two officially together?” daniel asked you two
“yeah we are” you say smiling snuggling even closer into jisung
“damn whoever made the name ice princess really didn’t know you” jaehwan stupidly added not thinking about what happened to sungwoon literally 2 minutes ago
then it was time for daniel’s girlfriend to whack jaehwan over the head
“did your brain cells die when you came into my room blasting punk rock music at 4am in the morning as a joke last week?” she said still a bit miffed over it
“no my brain cells are very much working thank you very much. BY THE WAY it was daniel and seongwoo’s idea!!” jaehwan complained and pouted
daniel’s girlfriend just rolled her eyes while said “which is why minhyun and woojin are better boyfriends, jisung too”
“HEY!!” daniel complained
“at least daniel’s the best kisser” seongwoo said cheekily
“what you talking from experience seongwoo” jihoon said smirking
“i- didn- fuck off jihoon” seongwoo stuttered out then ended jokingly
“yeah yeah you love meeee” jihoon said teasingly with some aegyo at the end
“welcome to the crazy ass family” jisung whispered
but everyone ended up hearing it
which of course means everyone heard your answer which was met with wide beaming smiles
“it’s amazing”
ahh this was my first jisung fic! i hope i wrote him well please tell me if i did. i’m sorry this was so late =this was the first scenario i had such a severe case of writer’s block. i procrastinated so much it’s not even funny. i might not have time for seongwoo’s heirs before daniel’s birthday. so i’m planning to write the daniel angst soulmate scenario first and if that gets done quickly i’ll do the seongwoo’s heirs asap. as always please tell me what you thought and give me feedback!
click here for more information about the heirs
heirs series: hwang minhyun | kang daniel | park woojin | yoon jisung | ong seongwoo | park jihoon
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