#and rui has to be like ''haha yeah i guess i kinda do! what a coincidence! :)''
juriyuna · 5 months
Rui speaks with a soft, cutesy voice when she's not in Fortress the Wizard mode, but she also says "The person I am in the classroom is the one I'm pretending to be…", implying that this is a front. My headcanon is that the huskier voice she has in her Fortress lines- what she refers to as her "true self" that she hides out of shame- is how she naturally sounds, but she's embarrassed about not sounding like a "normal girl", so she switches her tone to try to fit in.
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ramblingsekai · 2 years
Hey, I’m not dead! Sorry I haven’t done much for a few days. I realize like a week isn’t that long technically, but I haven’t actually written stuff for awhile. And what better to make a comeback than by talking about the April Fools ‘event’ on the JP server. I’m going to react and write out my thoughts on each of the songs that came out and maybe talk about the groups. I haven’t seen all of the info about what exactly this event is, but I’ll still make some speculations about it. (I watched Jaycy’s translation and I just realized, omg we’re in an AU where what if the OG groups never got together and that’s why we have these groups. Omg) Let’s gooo.
Also disclaimer, I know that these songs are suppose to be more light-hearted like ‘oh haha what if these people sang this song’, but I’ll still comment on quality. I feel like if you’re going to do something like this, might as well go all in.  (Looking back, I realize I use the word soft a lot. To explain a little more, I guess either too quiet or too low energy or both). Edit: Jaycy released another translation for area convos so I’ll add more as time goes along. So stuff in parentheses are stuff I added after I posted this long mess of a review. RIP me.)
1st group- FANTASISTA SQUAD. Ifuudoudou.
Right off the bat, I’m a little disappointed they went w/ this song. Just bc I think that it would’ve been more fun to do something like Dr. FunkBeat or King. Also, I know some people will disagree, but I feel a little disappointed they just stuck all the boys together. I think it also would have been more interesting to see more interactions between the guys and different girls since I feel like we already kind of have a feel for how these 4 would interact with each other. So yeah the song, I don’t like it that much. I mean I like the song in general, but this version doesn’t really do it for me. Disclaimer, I don’t know much about music or how it’s made, so sorry if I get stuff wrong. So, this cover is kind of too ‘soft’ for me I guess. To me, all the guys sound kinda subdued and unenergetic like they’re not into it. I’ll admit that the Proseka version w/ AkiToya also isn’t my favorite, but I like it more than this 4-man version for some reason. No idea why. I think maybe bc the nqrse version of the song is the first version of it I’ve ever heard and that sort of influenced how I see it. Anyways, I’m totally biased with this one unfortunately so I’m sorry if I offended anyone on this group and song. So this is a skip for me. I know people will disagree with me on this since we all love the boys, but I guess I just don’t feel excited with this group and song.
I think the group dynamics are funny though. Tsukasa is screaming about wings and being a pegasus in the back alleys, Rui just saw Tsukasa and was like ‘oh yeah this’ll be fun’, Toya I guess is the one who convinced them all to be a group, and the only reason Akito is there is to make sure his partner Toya doesn’t get dragged in the other two’s antics. (Saw the area convo, it’s actually Tsukasa and Rui trying to recruit AkiToya and Toya being on board. It sounds like they’ve been doing shows as a duo, Tsukasa/Rui, and Toya wants to learn from them. Rui also seems to help direct and plan out the shows, though it’s still Rui lol. I guess Akito and Rui could kinda get along). So basically Akito would be the voice of reason for this group which is a little scary. Like with VBS, sure he has connections, helps with booking shows, and helps with on-stage outfits (that’s a lot actually), but I also think the others pitch in a lot to help make it feel balanced. So basically, I feel like with Fantasia Squad, Akito is gonna burst a vessel dealing with everyone LMAO. Rip Akito. I have no idea why Tsukasa wants to be in a street squad though.
2nd group- Kyujitsu, Shumijin Doushi de, Venom.
I like this version well enough. Thought the group was a little weird at first and I think I still do. Venom is one of my favorite covers from 25ji so I’m kinda glad they covered it here. I will admit though that Minori, Nene, and Honami are all sort of the softer parts of the song while Mizuki comes in with the strong vocals. I like Mizuki’s cover of the song, but I also think it sort of takes attention away from the other 3 bc of how powerful Mizuki’s voice is. Like I think the other 3 sang the song well, but when Mizuki comes in, it sort of overshadows the other 3, which is kind of a shame. These covers are sort of supposed to be a way to look at ‘what if these randomly picked people sang together’ and it is sort of felt more like Mizuki + Minori/Nene/Honami. I don’t blame Mizuki or the VA, I blame whoever chose the group and song. Other than that, I like how Nene is singing in this, Honami is doing a great job, and Minori is a little soft for me but I think she sounds cute with the song. Honestly, if they released solo covers I would like it more. 
This is such an odd group as well since I think Minori and Nene have talked before during that one event in the JP server, but other than that these people have never interacted before really. It sounds like they just got together bc they liked the same stuff and talk about their hobbies. They sound more like an afterschool club or something, but since they’re based around 25ji, I guess they all met online. Nene mentioned they all like video games and musicals so maybe they bonded online through that? Mizuki seems to like video games and is mentioned to link Let’s plays to the other 25ji members. In Puchiseka, Minori is the one to play the horror game in a stream. I have no idea with Honami. She mentions they have off-parties at her home so I guess they interact mainly online. Still this group does have some sad context since this means that Minori gave up on her idol dream, Honami might not have made up with the rest of Leo/need, I’m not sure how close Nene is with Rui in this universe, and Mizuki doesn’t have interactions with Ena to help ‘save’ them/make them open up. Like Minori, Honami, and Nene would definitely help/support Mizuki, but I’m not sure how deep their friendship is or if they even notice that Mizuki has some deep dark secret. Nene is the only person who goes to the same school as Mizuki and she might know, but at the same time, Mizuki is probably still skipping so Nene might not connect that the rumors are about Mizuki. Honami may notice that something is up with Mizuki and maybe Nene. Minori would immediately try to help as soon as she realizes there’s a problem. But the thing is, we know Mizuki would just try to create distance as soon as they realize they might be getting to close to the others (like with Ena). So it’d be up to the other 3 to try to gap the distance if they want to help Mizuki. I think eventually they’d get through to Mizuki, but it’d still be difficult and may take more time than with 25ji’s story events. Still, seems like an interesting group. 
3rd group- YUME YUME JUMP!, Happy Synthesizer
I let out a laugh when I saw this group. LMAO Kanade, An, and the Hinomori sisters. But first, the song. I like it. Not much more to say about it honestly. I think the vocals for each person is solid and it sounds nice. I will admit it’s kinda hard to hear Kanade’s singing at times when she’s singing with someone else (like An who has a strong voice), but I also am beginning to wonder if maybe it’s the mixing of the song. Maybe turn down the instrumentals too so it’s easier to hear the singing. It’s a nice song though and I’d listen to it a lot.
So the group. Like I mentioned above, I think it’s hilarious. But I also think it’s a little heart-warming too. From what some of the characters say, it sounds like Shiho is just trying out being an idol, Shizuku is just happy she’s in a group with Shiho, An is having fun being an idol, and Kanade is just dying from the physical activity (lol). Honestly, no idea how this group would have formed. Shizuku probably still left her former idol group, I guess Shiho is either taking a break from her dream of going pro as a bassist(?), An didn’t mention RAD WEEKEND, and I think Kanade mentions how idols are shining. So maybe Shizuku is the one who helped form the group (either as a result of leaving her group or deciding to just go independent from the start) and Shiho decided to help try it out (she did mention she’d take it seriously though). No idea how An ended up here since she doesn’t go to school with any of these people. I’m assuming Kanade’s sad backstory still happened though since she mentions shining. Maybe Kanade decided being an idol is the best way to save others with her music. She just didn’t think about all the exercise she’d have to get (I’m also assuming that she is still doing online school). I think this is a nice group though. Shiho and Shizuku get to interact more. An seems to be having fun and is amazed at how much idols can/have to do. Though I guess she’s either given up on surpassing RAD WEEKEND or has decided to surpass it through being an idol. And I think Kanade might actually have some positive influences in her life for once. I’m not dissing 25ji, but you have to admit that Kanade is probably in a better head space having caring people like Shiho, Shizuku, and An interact with her constantly. An is pretty observant and I think she’d see that something is up with Kanade and try to bond with her. Shiho is also caring in a subtle way and would try to help Kanade through quieter, understanding means. And Shizuku is doting and would probably help make sure Kanade is actually taking care of herself (eating, sleeping, exercise,etc). Plus yeah, Kanade is getting legit exercise for once. I’m not sure if Kanade would tell the others about her past and current struggles, but I think after awhile they’d notice and encourage her to open up with them. I also find it funny how this is a group with contrasting father figures.  An has the stable, good father figure. Kanade has the tragic father figure (he’s probably still in the hospital). Shiho’s father influenced her to go pro. And with Shizuku, well maybe because their parents weren’t around a lot, Shizuku felt the need to dote on Shiho so much since she was the one who was constantly supporting Shiho when they were kids. We don’t see Shiho and Shizuku’s dad in the story events and the mom seems to work a lot. So yeah, I like the group and I like the group.
4th group- Aoharu/Friends, Aoku Kakero
The school band of Ichika, Saki, Ena, and Airi. Did not see that coming. So the song. Never heard of it before. Not much I can really say about it too honestly. I think it sounds fine and is composed well. Not really my cup of tea but I don’t really have much thoughts on it. Maybe, I’d have like to hear Airi and Ena singing more since we don’t really get that combo anywhere else. I think Ichika sings less in this song, but I think that’s ok since I feel like she often gets the spotlight for Leo/need songs. Saki sounds great too. It’s alright with me. I might not listen to it, but not because I think it’s bad, just that I’m not really into this type of music.
So the group. I guess Ichika and Saki’s stories start up similarly to the OG timeline, but here they don’t make up with Shiho and Honami I guess? Maybe they do eventually, but in the end, they’re not a band together. So I guess Saki recruited Airi and Ena to help fill the roles. But also, do Airi and Ena even know how to play instruments? I could see them learning to help out, but I also wonder about who plays what and how well they are at it. They seem to playing into the youth angle with this group for some reason. But yeah, Ichika and Saki don’t seem that different from their OG selves. Airi sounds really pumped to be in a band with Ena and Ena mentions how dazzling Ichika and Saki are. So first thing I noticed, maybe Airi never became an idol in this timeline. I zoomed in on the whole ‘band with Ena’ statement so I wonder if maybe because Airi never became an idol, she would have ended up closer to Ena and that’s how she managed to convince Ena to join a band. I also think Ena may still have her talent insecurities since she mentions how dazzling Ichika and Saki are. So maybe she is jealous of how talented Saki is with the keyboard/how social Saki is and jealous of Ichika’s singing and guitar playing/songwriting. They all keep mentioning youth but I’m not sure what to make of that. So yeah, I think Airi would notice Ena’s insecurities and try to help her with it. Ichika and Saki would also support Ena and her drawing too I think. They’d all be positive reinforcement and try to encourage her constantly. Ena would probably be pretty open about her problems honestly, especially compared to the rest of 25ji. So they’d be a cute group I guess. Not much more I can say.
5th group- Happiness Sentai Sunny Sunny, Positive☆Dance Time
Oh god why is the title and group name so long. So this one terrifies me a little. Mafuyu’s ‘Ikuyo’ at the start made me do a double take. But uh yeah. It’s a fun song, all the vocals sound on point, and I don’t have much to say. I can easily see all of them singing this EXCEPT MAFUYU. She sounds so happy here. Song segment, not much to say. Fun song, I’d listen to it if I see it in my recommendations.
THE GROUP. THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO GET TO. So I guess Emu made this group and is focused on trying to get Mafuyu (and visitors) to smile for real. I guess in this universe, Emu’s Flight or Fight instinct chose Fight over Flight. So Emu gets Kanade’s savior role, except Emu doesn’t have crippling depression. Ok jokes aside, while I do think it’s cute Emu wants to help Mafuyu, I’m not sure if Emu is gonna be a much better substitute than Kanade. For one, I think Mafuyu’s good girl persona is firmly planted on in this AU. Haruka and Kohane don’t seem to mention it so they might not even know. Haruka is called Stoic Challenger Haruka and feels like she has to live up to that (don’t really know what that nickname means). Maybe Haruka has to struggle with putting up a facade on stage, which may push some buttons for Mafuyu or cause Haruka to relate to Mafuyu more. But also, I guess Haruka either gave up being an idol and got over her trauma, or she never became an idol since she doesn’t seem to mention it. She has to be one stage for performances, so I guess she’s either over her past or it never happened. And Kohane makes sense for this group since she’s a Phoenix Wonderland super fan. It’s kinda easy to see how Emu would rope Haruka and Kohane in since she knows both of them. BUT MAFUYU. I have no idea how Emu convinced Mafuyu to join the troupe and how Mafuyu explains to her mom what she’s doing afterschool. I guess maybe Mafuyu has a closer friendship with Emu. Mafuyu mentions how Emu calls her the ‘impregnable, shiny senpai’ and while Mafuyu says she’s not sure if that’s good or bad, she does think that Emu is amazing. (not sure if that amazing is good or bad too either lol). So maybe she goes along with it bc why not. If Emu thinks she can make Mafuyu smile, might as well see if she can succeed right? I think eventually Emu lets it slip that she’s trying to get Mafuyu to smile for real to Haruka and Kohane and they decide to help her at some point. Though I’m not sure if they try to confront Mafuyu about it. I think that at some point, Mafuyu eventually relents and everyone doubles down on trying to help. Still, it’s gotta be unnerving for everyone to see Mafuyu’s blank expression vs the smiling, upbeat mask she probably has to wear for the stage. But that’s probably what makes Mafuyu so good on stage. I gotta say it, but with how caring and positive these 3 are, this might help Mafuyu. She has people in her life trying to help her and aren’t being antagonized by their own demons as well. Mafuyu might put up some resistance since I’m not sure if they’d understand what she’s going through, but that doesn’t negate that they want to help her. The closest to problems I could see for them outside of Mafuyu, Emu still has to worry about the Wonderstage closing and Kohane might have to struggle with her self-confidence since Haruka and Mafuyu are probably super talented on stage and Emu has the experience, while she’d be the rookie. Interesting group, kinda scares me bc of Mafuyu, but I think it’d be fun to see their story.
So those were my thoughts on the groups and their songs. I think I like them all overall and they provide an interesting look at an AU. I 100% understand why people might disagree with me, but these were just my opinions and not to be taken seriously. Wow I wrote a lot, but it’s been like a week so might as well come back with a bang. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks for reading.
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atopearth · 3 years
Brothers Conflict (Passion Pink) Part 4 - Asahina Tsubaki Route
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Time for Tsubaki, yay! Aww, it's kinda cute how passionate Subaru and Yusuke are rooting for their respective basketball teams lol. I love how Azusa and Tsubaki invited Ema to their event, and I loved how Ema gave a lot of thought into her answers when they asked her how the event was. It was really cute how she felt proud that they were her brothers when people really liked the event and praised them hahaha. On the other hand, lmao at Tsubaki wanting to jump into her arms every time she said something cute, and lolll at Juli getting annoyed at Tsubaki getting so close to Ema. It was hilarious when Tsubaki told Ema to leave the squirrel behind next time there's an event since it's so noisy😂😂 Aww I love the aquarium date where Tsubaki touches her cheek saying she's cold, and Ema touches his hand to say he's cold too, that's pretty adorable, they even seemed to hold hands for a bit?!🥲 I also really liked how he guided her like a prince/butler to the horse riding part of the zoo haha, it's never boring with Tsubaki and his antics.
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Loll at Rui getting heatstroke after building a sandcastle🤣 Wow, Azusa and Tsubaki can drive a boat? Dangg. Aww, I love how they both reassured Ema that they'll definitely protect her (when it started raining and the boat engine "broke down") and held her hand to show their conviction and give her warmth since it was cold. I knewww Tsubaki was lying about the engine! Poor Ema. She was so worried. I'm kinda sad that Tsubaki doesn't get an individual moment on the holiday with Ema though! Tsubaki picking clothes for Ema during a shopping date is the best~ I love how encouraging he is and how he earnestly loves dressing her up and wanting to match with her, it's so cute haha. It's so adorable how happy Tsubaki was to eat Ema's handmade bento, lmao when he kept telling her to feed him loll. Okay, lmao at if Ema stays to watch Tsubaki and Azusa and see them "confess their love" to each other with the roses CG hahahaha. They were pretty into it (for their acting)😂 At least Tsubaki was pretty upfront with her that a guy and a girl in the same room sleeping together would make him think about things hahaha, it's cute how he gave her a kiss on the forehead~ and I guess he gave her one on the lips too when she was "asleep". Wow, he even kissed her in the morning lol! I guess he's really going to try his best to make her realise she likes him too lol. Ohh woww, he kissed her in the bed and then asked to kiss her in other places loll, too bad Ema still wants to just treat him as an older brother even though as Tsubaki said, they've done things that have crossed the line ages ago lol. Anyway, lmao how when Ema can't fall asleep, instead of counting sheep, Tsubaki counts Azusas😂😂😂
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I wonder why Tsubaki seems to be worried or sad over Azusa? Anyway, as I said before (in Hikaru's post), I really liked how Tsubaki convinced Ema to go back and talk to her dad (when she found out she was adopted) and told her that she's become someone important to him and not just a "moe" little sister to him, and that these thoughts didn't need actual ties of blood, so her dad should treasure her too regardless of their blood ties. LMAO at Ema shooing Juli out into the hallway because she wanted to concentrate on the game she was playing with Tsubaki and not hear Juli nagging and telling her to study lolol. I see...so Tsubaki feels like he's inferior to Azusa in terms of acting and everything, and it doesn't help that Azusa actually started voice acting stuff later than him and mainly did it because Tsubaki felt like something was missing when he went to classes without Azusa. I guess it's kinda like that with siblings who are "better" than you. You'll always feel a bit jealous, but having them beside you makes you happy so it's a pretty conflicting feeling. Awww, I loved how Ema was really good at the game and the strategies etc, and Tsubaki told her to make him "fall for her" with her strategies hahaha.
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I honestly didn't think a depressed Tsubaki would make my heart break so much. It was so sad that Tsubaki was dropped from the audition for the lead of the anime series he always wanted to be in, it was basically his dream...and it wasn't because he lacked anything, it's just that the producers (I think?) decided on Azusa already. I'm glad Ema told him what she thought and how Azusa was really worried too but didn't want to hurt his feelings. Omgg when he asked her to stay overnight because he didn't want to be alone and wanted to be with her🥺 Lmaoo at Ema the pro gamer ordering Natsume, Tsubaki and Azusa around, she's such a leader when it comes to games. I find it hilarious that Natsume even said not many people in his company have played as many hours as her😂 It's so funny how they're all so shocked that her personality changes when she's playing games😂 Lmao at Azusa asking Ema to go with Tsubaki to the shops because he doesn't trust him and basically calls him a kid with an income so he probably can't control himself during Christmas time😂😂 I really liked how Tsubaki thanked her for her encouragement and made him think it's okay to be him, and move forward as his energetic self because everyone loves that part of him I guess? Okay, I did not expect Tsubaki to hold Ema's hands and blow on them to keep them warm because that was super cuteee! Awww and he put her hand in his pocket so she wouldn't be cold!
Honestly, seeing Tsubaki break down over the collapsed Azusa was really heartbreaking. Suzumura Kenichi (Tsubaki's VA) was so good here, because I could really feel Tsubaki's desperation and pain, and how much guilt he felt afterwards (at the hospital when he refused to leave until he saw Azusa) for being "selfish" at being absorbed by his feelings and forgetting that everyone else is worried and scared too. I really loved Ema at the hospital, she convinced and really helped Tsubaki realise that his worried and dejected face would not be what Azusa would like to see, and that he needs to go to the company and tell them about Azusa's condition so they can rearrange his jobs etc. I knew Azusa's condition would lead to Tsubaki being able to finally take on the lead of that robot anime role he always wanted, but yeah I think Tsubaki's complicated feelings about it are understandable. This role is his dream, but he doesn't feel like he earned it, and is merely Azusa's replacement and I think that's a saddening way to achieve your dream. But at the same time, I'm sure Ema and his fans will be able to show him that this isn't pity and underserved, that he's not a replacement and is his own person. And I really liked how Ema did it! She told him she liked Tsubaki's voice, so there was no point copying Azusa, and that even though they may be twins, they are their own person, and that both their voices are different and are wonderful in their own ways and have their respective charms. I think I really liked it when Ema said she wanted to hear HIS voice. I liked how he ended up asking her what else she liked about him aside from his voice hahaha. Awww he gave her a kiss! Omggg he totally went for it and kept giving her kisses! Woww, hahaha, Ema wasn't the most comfortable because she still wants to think of him as a brother and this was in the living room, but she was definitely just embarrassed.
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I'm soo happy Tsubaki finally told Azusa about how he always had a inferiority complex towards him but now he’s decided to face himself and understand he has his own qualities. I'm sure that's a relief to Azusa as well since Azusa was also worried and didn't know what he should do. I can't believe Azusa had to stay in the hospital for a whole month though! And he's going to work again the day after?? He's so hard-working. Aww nooo, Azusa actually told Ema he likes her but knows that her heart is with Tsubaki😭 I'm sad that Tsubaki had to say that he found someone more important to him than Azusa because I loveee Azusa and Tsubaki, however I can understand that they are probably way too attached to each other and it's inevitable that they'll find other people they will love. Anyway, I loved how Tsubaki told Ema how much he appreciates her, loves her and wanted her to be his girlfriend~ And I'm glad Ema could finallyyyy accept his feelings hahaha. They're honestly soo cute as a couple and I love how she practises his lines with him but I hope he still practises with Azusa every now and then because I think those are very precious moments they should continue to cherish~ Omggg at him telling her the room was soundproof hahaha. The CG was niceeee. Omgggg at the twins ending? Harem ending? Hahahah. I mean, I definitely wouldn't mind Azusa and Tsubaki...because I love them both too lolll. Ema is so lucky🥺
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Overall, I loved Tsubaki's route. Definitely my favourite route right now. It has great romance development with Ema AND I loved his personal struggles with work and his love for Azusa, but also his inferiority complex towards him. I think these were portrayed really well, and I honestly really felt for Tsubaki's emotions and his ups and downs. I really liked seeing the "other side" to Tsubaki where he gets down about stuff, but at the same time acknowledging that the energetic and cheerful Tsubaki is who he is and what everyone loves. I think Ema supported Tsubaki really well in this route and also showed how strong of a person she was too. I thought I would have to resist from loving Azusa too much, but as Tsubaki realised in the end, Tsubaki definitely has his own charms and I totally fell for them. He's loving, sweet and unafraid to show his emotions and his love to Ema and I think there's a great balance of him showing his physical affection towards her as well as the emotional connection he feels for her. I definitely enjoyed every moment of it, every time I think about Tsubaki and everything that happened in this route, my heart just feels so warm and happy haha🥲🥲
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andromedako · 4 years
A Day Out - Kamishiro Rui/Kusanagi Nene (+ Mizuki Akiyama)
[tl;dr ruinene + mizuki third wheel bc we need more rui and mizuki friend content but also i wanna see nene and mizuki friend content]
[notes: kanafuyu mentioned VERY briefly, nene is 100% nd and you can’t take that away from me, ruinene already established]
[Kamishiro Rui has created the chat.] [Kusanagi Nene was added to the chat.]
Kusanagi Nene: what Kamishiro Rui: Give me a sec...
[Mizuki Akiyama was added to the chat.]
Mizuki Akiyama: yahoo!! ヽ(・∀・)ノ Kamishiro Rui: Hey hey~! Kusanagi Nene: hi? Mizuki Akiyama: uwa! you must be one of rui's friends!! Kusanagi Nene: . Mizuki Akiyama: (´・ᴗ・ ` ) Kusanagi Nene: hey rui can i have admin real quick Kamishiro Rui: Uh.. sure?
[Kusanagi Nene is now admin of the chat.]
Kusanagi Nene: thanks
[Kamishiro Rui's nickname was changed to idiot #1.] [Mizuki Akiyama's nickname was changed to idiot #2.] [Kusanagi Nene's nickname was changed to Nene.]
Nene: there we go idiot #1: Hm. Should've saw that one coming. idiot #2: GDFJKHGKJHGKDJLDFKJH Nene: ? idiot #2: aaaaaaanywaaaaaays!! nice to meet ya nene! Nene: hi Nene: ...nice to meet you too idiot #2: not one for conversation, huh? (´• ω •`) idiot #1: Not really. Anyways, let me fix these real quick...
[idiot #1's nickname was changed to Rui.] [idiot #2's nickname was changed to Mizuki.]
Rui: There we go! Mizuki: eyyy Nene: aw. i kinda liked those nicknames... Mizuki: (。•́︿•̀。) Rui: Anyways. I did want to say something, which is why I made this chat...! Mizuki: oh worm? Rui: Mizuki had the idea of hanging out together sometime... and I realized they hadn't actually met you properly, Nene. So, why not just the 3 of us go out and do something together? That way you two can get to hang out and meet each other~! Nene: rui thats a horrible idea Mizuki: thats a great idea!!! Nene: . Mizuki: huh? is there something you wanna say neneeeeee?? Nene: no, Rui: It's settled then! ...Now to figure out where we're going to go. Rui: ...Do you guys have any ideas~? Nene: uhhhhhhh dinner ? Mizuki: oooh! going to a diner would be pretty nice!! (っ˘ω˘ς ) Rui: I agree! Maybe we go to the family diner nearby? Mizuki: aw hell yea!! Mizuki: me n the gc buddies went there once, it was p good!! Rui: Perfect~! Nene, what do you think? Nene: . Nene: sure Rui: It's been decided! Now for the when... Mizuki: i'm free anytime! ( ´ ▽ ` ) Nene: same Rui: Great! I know we have school, so... should we schedule for a weekend? Mizuki: oh haha yeah thats right Mizuki: sure!! Nene: uh. sure Rui: Alright! Guess that's all~! Nene: is that the only reason you made this chat Rui: ...Maybe. Nene: , Mizuki: (*≧ω≦*) well now im excited!! itll be nice to see yall!! Nene: you too Rui: Same here~! Well, I'm going to head off now. Working on a little... something.
[Rui has logged off.]
Nene: bye Nene: oh there he goes Mizuki: damn. he's fast, huh? Nene: . Nene: mizuki i have 1 thing to say Mizuki: hmmmm? (❛ ᴗ ❛)ゞ Nene: sorry in advance Mizuki: gdfjhkgfkj?? why?? Nene: have fun being a third wheel
[Nene has logged off.]
1 am rolled around, and Mizuki connected to Night Code, ready for another night of working. The conversations played out the same, everyone talking about whatever came on their mind at times. At one point or another, though, they had brought up the outing for yesterday.
"Oh yeah! I might be a bit busy Saturday, if that's fine with y'all!" Their voice beamed of proudness, like it had been an amazing feat that they were going out. "Aw, really? I was hoping we could work on our stuff early that day..." Ena sounded a bit disappointed, but not completely. "I mean... we'll still meet at our usual time, Enanan! Just wanted to let ya know I'm hanging out with some friends for the day-" "You have friends?" She meant it jokingly, and Ena's comment ended up causing a mock argument to form, probably annoying the hell out of Kanade and Mafuyu.
Kanade unmuted once the conversation died down, not adding much to it. "Uh... it's fine, Amia. I don't mind." Mafuyu added her own agreement on the situation, though whether she actually cared about what was going on was up to debate. A little more talking, and the 4 eventually logged off.
Mizuki went to lay down, until they had thought about Nene's... comment. "'Enjoy being a third wheel', huh? ...Surely she's joking." They pondered on it, before giving up and sleeping. Tomorrow would surely be fun anyways, third wheel or not!
While Mizuki on their way, Rui and Nene waited a few buildings from the diner, not knowing their destination was so nearby. Nene had her eyes downcast, slightly nervous. She didn't really... enjoy meeting new people too much, in her defense. Though, her anxieties were calmed a little, knowing that this mysterious person already knew Rui. She decided to press into it a bit more.
"So... w-who is this other person. I was just... um, curious." "Ah, Mizuki? An... old friend of mine." "...Oh. Do they... go to our school?" ". . ." It's... been a while since he'd seen them at school, admittedly. "I a-assume they don't." "Oh! No, no, they do." "Huh."
Silence for a bit.
"They don't come very often, but I managed to at least get back in touch with them!" He smirked, obviously proud of his accomplishments. "T-That's nice..." She smiled softly. Seeing her childhood friend- no, her boyfriend proud like that made her feel a little happy. No matter what made her happy, though, the anxiety set in shortly thereafter, and everytime she would drop her gaze, before engaging in conversation again to distract herself.
"Yahoo! I'm heeeere! Sorry, I overslept kinda~!" A voice called out, interrupting their conversation, and the both of them looked over. Who else would it be but the one and only Mizuki?
"Hey! Don't worry, you're not too late." Rui called out back. Nene looked up for a second, almost looking up at Mizuki's face, before looking back down again. The sidewalk might be a better place to look.
"Uh... hi." Her voice came out somewhat shaky, and she was uncertain directly what feelings were taking priority now- the inherit embarrassment of being next to the one she loves the most, or the anxiety of talking to someone you're not too familiar with.
"Hey hey! ...I assume y'all know where it is, right?" "About that." "...Well, lucky for ya, it's right down here!"
They led the two to the diner, a local family-run restaurant. Mizuki had been a frequent visitor recently, so much so that they practically knew the staff by name. The 3 were seated rather quickly, as the place wasn't busy currently. With that, lunch began.
Rui and Nene browsed the menus, while Mizuki looked for 1 second and put theirs down.
"Ah, have you already decided?" "I always get the same thing when I come, really!" Nene tried to speak up, but her voice was barely above a whisper. "Uh... I-I'm like that too." "Oh?" Mizuki perked up at the comment, and immediately jumped into helping her. "Well, they might have what you like then! Lemme see..." They helped guide her to what she had gotten before at the places she'd been to, leaving one more person to find out what he wanted.
"C'mon, Rui, you're the last one to order!" "I know... all this looks good though. It's really hard to choose..." He studied the menu, before finally choosing.
As Mizuki ordered their meals, Nene looked around. This place felt... almost cozy. She could see why Mizuki liked this place...
But it was a new place. An unfamiliar place. She didn't like that one bit. She tried to focus on being calm as much as she could, she didn't want to ruin this for everyone else. Under the table, she gripped onto Rui's hand, not intent on letting go anytime soon. He looked to her, a little concern in his face. She just stared at the table, wordlessly.
"So, how are the girls, Mizuki?" Rui tried to start a conversation, hoping to ease some of Nene's fears. "Oh! Well, things are alright~! The usual goes on... kinda shocked though." "Hm? Why?" "Everyone joked about me and Ena being the e-couple, but we got a twist of events. Something with K and Yu- Kanade and Mafuyu." Nene was a little intrigued by this, not knowing who they were referring to. She lifted her head a bit, staring towards Mizuki's end of the table.
"Um... w-who are Kanade and M-Mafuyu?" "Oh!! They're some of my friends! We're in a little music circle together~! Maybe you've heard of us before..." Nene cocked her head, still not making eye contact with Mizuki. "I don't think..." "25 o'clock at Night Code...? Niigo?" "N-No... doesn't sounds t-too familiar." Fuck. They're probably m- "Eh? Maybe I can show you what we do then later!" ...They weren't mad? "U-Uh, alright...?"
Various conversations passed by, until a little comment came back into Mizuki's head. "...Nene?" "Huh?" "What.. did you mean by 'enjoy being a third wheel'...?" At that moment, it took a bit to register, but as soon as it did, Nene's face lit up red. "U-Uh... I..." She put her head down on the table. God damnit. Rui held back a laugh, and looked at Nene. "I forgot to say, huh." He smiled, blushing a little. "Hm. Let me guess..." Mizuki smiled smugly, knowing what the answer would really be in the back of their head. "...You're business partners?" This time, he laughed. "You coooould say that." "Really? Knew it!" They did a fake victory, and laughed along with him.
The food arrived, and Nene lifted her head off of the table. As much as she hated to admit, they were dating. It was probably obvious to the whole world, despite how adamant she can be about how they're not. Really, the only person she's super open about it to is, funny enough, the one she's with.
"Sweet! It's hereeee! Everyone, enjoy!"
When everything was done, they all cleaned up, and got ready to leave. As they stood up, Mizuki focused on the two, noticing they were hand-in-hand. They smiled, happy to see that they were both happy as well.
"So, how'd ya like it?" "I thought it was pretty nice! You, Nene?" She stayed silent for a bit, before answering. "I-I liked it..." Rui smiled, and Mizuki beamed proudly. "Told ya y'all would like it!" "...M-Maybe we should c-come here again." She softly smiled again. Rui and Mizuki looked towards Nene, who had barely spoken much the whole time, surprised at her comment. "Well, like I said, I'm free whenever! So whenever y'all wanna hang out again, we can! Maybe next time we can go to a movie, or we could go to the park, maybe out shopping at the mall-"
"Why don't you come to one of our performances?" Rui took his chance. "Good idea! Just tell me when the next one is! Maybe I can drag everyone else there too~!" Their face told all; they were definitely plotting something. "Don't worry, we will~! I'm sure you'll enjoy it."
As they left, they took seperate paths back home, Mizuki heading alone and the pair heading back to their neighborhood.
"...S-So." "So! What did you think of them?" "..." "...Hm?" "I l-liked them. They... seem nice." He gasped softly. He wasn't really expecting that answer. "...But they're your friend. So maybe they're a weirdo too." There it was. "Aren't we all weird in our own ways, Nene?" He smiled, and she smiled back.
For once, her eyes met someone else's this evening. The one person she felt like she could do this with. They talked and talked as they walked home, saying whatever came to mind.
Meanwhile, Mizuki came home and napped, waiting for 1 am to roll around again, ready to talk with the others about their day.
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chisatowo · 3 years
What's the sci-fi fantasy au about, besides uh science I assume?
Yeah, the name doesn't rly reveal a lot does it fnxnshdjf. Well it's a bit hard to describe the au in simple terms, since it's a lot. When I first made it all it was was an alien crash landing on earth story, but then I went "haha wouldn't it be funny if there were also vampires" and things sort of spiraled from there. There's werebeats, there's eldritch horrors, there's mad scientists, there's spellcasters, this au is basically just me making people whatever the hell I want and figuring out the consequences. I can include the list that briefly describes everyone's deal in a sec, but first I guess I should describe the actual plot lol
So for most of the first half of the au's story, things are mostly slice of lifey, with a bit of extra comedy or drama from each band's individual struggles that come from what they are. Eventually though, as conflicts raise between characters and new things are discovered, the stakes start to get bigger as signs of a near future apocalypse start to show. Well actually, that's only rly relevant to like... 3 of the bands? Maybe 4? There's a lot of shit going on znxjshznd. Pretty much everyone has their own plot shit happening, so it's hard to briefly describe it and still have it seem interesting dhshxrhsh. It still takes place in a world mostly similar to our own aside from the magic and horrors and stuff, and the bands are still formed, but the longer the story goes on the more out of hand things get dncndjdv
Anyways! Here's the current list of my brief concepts for what everyone is/what abilities they have (also I just realised that some of these kinda need a bit of context abt worldbuilding shit but I do not want to make this post a whole novel so uhhh just pretend that everything here makes sense I guess (or ask questions))
Kasumi: mad scientist 
Tae: robot zombie ish thing 
Rimi: human(?) Dark magic user 
Saya: human dark magic user 
Arisa: can hear people's thoughts 
Ran: can hear the voices of plants. Sort of.
Moca: werewolf  
Himari: demon
Tomoe: she isn't super magical, but thanks to living close to a huge source of magic for a long time her eyes can glow and she doesnt need sleep 
Tsugumi: werebeast. What kind? Yeah. 
Kokoro: cursed prophet 
Kaoru: human
Hagumi: vampire
Kanon: vampire 
Misaki: alien
Aya: space eldritch horror 
Hina: failed attempt at reviving an old eldritch god 
Chisato: ocean eldritch horror 
Maya: can see through illusion magic and other magical disguises 
Eve: poison cloud being thing
Yukina: human general spell caster, but kinda sucks at it 
Sayo: human, but with some slightly reality breaking abilities she doesn't realise she has.
Lisa: werecat
Ako: same as Tomoe 
Rinko: not a ghost, but has ghost like abilities 
Mashiro: human, but raised by vampires. 
Toko: cursed prophet, but in a family of not cursed prophets who have been under the assumption that they are not a prophet for years 
Nanami: human but raised by demons 
Tsukushi: human but raised by dog based vampires 
Rui: human but raised by werecats
Layer: human monster hunter, specialises in taking away magic from evil spellcasters 
Lock: a sea creature who is also a monster hunter
Masking: human monster hunter who specialises in defending people from werebeasts 
Pareo: alien part 2 babey 
Chu^2: a not cursed prophet, and a powerful one too. 
0 notes
otome--gokoro · 7 years
Quick! List of all the otome games you've played and also your favourite routes/characters! Thank you!!
Hi, anon! Thanks for your question. This answer may be a bit long, haha. Let me see what I have in my phone right now. I’m gonna stick this under a cut to save your dashboard.
1) Mystic Messenger. My first proper otome game, haha. Awkward turtle Jumin is my favorite. Throwing money at the problem won’t help? How can that be?? What’s fried chicken??? This boy is ridiculous. Send help (and fried chicken).
2) SLBP. Kojuro is my fave forever. His work attitude and habits are really similar to mine. I’m also picky as hell about work/school, but my room is so messy. I can’t really cook much (when I was overseas I always bought pre-made rice and just cooked dishes). I have reading copies and storage copies of my favorite books. My birthday is also one day away from his. It also helps that his route is so well-written and his MC is like… pretty much the only one with a backbone lmaoooo. I also like Masamune a lot. I have a soft spot for Inuchiyo, but his main route is Truly Terrible, and I can’t recommend it. Stick to the event stories.
3) Does Tenka Tsuki count? I’ve only played Sakuya and Genya so far, but I like Genya a lot. His route is also really good. LAY ON THE ANGST GIVE IT TO ME MAKE IT HURT. Impatiently waiting for Hanzo and Hotaru.
4) My Forged Wedding Party. My favorite is Akito, but I’m also liking Yamato’s route a lot. Ren is adorable, but his habit of falling asleep all over the place reminds me uncomfortably of my ex. MFWP routes always take me ages to play because of the high mission requirements. I have got to say that Kunihiko (the ‘uncle’) as a love interest makes me feel rather uncomfortable.
5) Several Shades of Sadism aka SSS. Rei’s route will be out in a couple of days (SCREAMS) and he’s tentatively my fave based on events. I like Chiaki based on visuals lmao. Mei’s route is really good. Actually, I don’t have (many) complaints about the three routes I’ve done so far (Chiaki, Toma, and Mei). BUT I’m avoiding Minami like the plague, so… 
6) Midnight Cinderella. My favorites are Byron and Louis, but I think the writing in this game is pretty solid for the main routes. I’ve heard that the Ever Afters aren’t as good, but I haven’t played those yet. Currently playing Giles.
7) Destined To Love. I don’t really have a favorite, but I want Takasugi’s route so bad. Katsura’s route was boring af. Currently playing Saito.
8) Office Lover 2. I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH. If you want to play one game out of all these and you have standards for plot/writing, PICK THIS ONE. My favorite is Kenichiro, but tbh they’re all great (although Haruto has his WTF moments). I honestly don’t know why this game isn’t more popular. The MC is pretty well-written and has her own life/career/BACKBONE. The guys are interesting, well fleshed out, and don’t do weird rape-y things. Kei is a really good example of a sadist-type character who doesn’t, you know, do things that should make everybody want to run screaming.
9) Rental Boyfriends. I like Takeomi, but his MC is annoying af lmao. I think Etsuya’s route is pretty good. RB MC isn’t quite as much as a go-getter as OL2 MC, but she’s still usually okay (except in Takeomi’s route).
10) Decoding Desire. Based on events, I have a soft spot for Kanade. Right now there are only two main routes out, but I want to slap both Yushin and Kento, so. Yeah. Stop sexually harassing MC!! Takamasa’s route should be out soon, though. I have high hopes for that.
11) Lust in Terror Manor. There are only two main routes out, Hayato and Rui. I prefer Rui. I don’t like the art style, though. I’m also not a fan of horror so… tbh I have no idea why I played this game.
12) 7 Hotties All My Husbands. I got drawn into playing this because I wanted a new game and SSS has those promo banners. The English in this game is horrible. You have been warned. My (very problematic) favorite is Soichiro. There are a LOT of issues with this game, but at the same time I kinda don’t want to stop playing? It’s like watching a train wreck, I guess. I’m playing Gaia’s route now, I might stop after that.
13) Hanazakari no Kimitachi He ~Boys Love You~. It’s a Japanese Voltage game based on the Hanakimi manga. My favorite, by far, is Kayashima. But the events for this game are pretty boring so right now I’m debating whether to drop it. I might wait until Minami’s route comes out first.
Those are the FTP games I have on my phone right now… I’ve also been dabbling in paid Voltage apps recently, but I don’t think I’ve played enough of them to have actual favorites. Plus I mostly just bought 1~3 routes per game, so. I also played games like Long Live the Queen and Magical Diary on Steam, but that was a couple of years ago, so I don’t remember much now.
holy fuck that was a long answer.
tl;dr MORE PEOPLE NEED TO PLAY OFFICE LOVER 2 and thank god i didn’t get the cheapest iphone available because goddamn these games take up a lot of space
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atopearth · 3 years
Brothers Conflict (Passion Pink) Part 1 - Asahina Masaomi Route
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I am happy to announce that I will try my best to play Brothers Conflict in Japanese! Yes, it was Christmas so I splurged and bought Diabolik Lovers, Brothers Conflict and Norn9 hahahah. Hopefully I can do this! Apparently Brothers Conflict is an easy read because it's slice of life and uses normal everyday words so let's go! Ema and her squirrel Juli huh? That's kinda cute lmao. Anyway, I know the basic premise but it's kinda crazy to have like 11 new brothers, like wow. And her squirrel talks?! I guess it's nice to have a such a reliable squirrel "parent" for Ema since it seems so capable haha. I don't blame Ema for being so nervous though haha. Oh wow, Miwa (the lady Ema's father is remarrying) is rich and nice! Hahahaha, Ema thinks Masaomi is Wataru's dad, is he that old looking?🤣 Anyway, I know it's a game so Ema has to be surprised to know all these hot guys etc are her new brothers but if this was real life and I was nervous about meeting all these brothers by myself, I would definitely hope to have seen or have a photo of them with me lmao. Anyway, lmao at Wataru giving Ema candy for accidentally hurting her when he couldn't stop his bike in time lolll, who is the little kid here?!🤣 Awww, I don't like fan clubs but I do like Iori! He seems cool and kinda knows how to handle his fangirls. Ukyo mightttt be my type, we'll see🤣 Anyway, Ema is such a considerate daughter for not wanting to intrude on her father's newlywed life and deciding to live in the Sunrise Residence with all the other brothers, I would be so scared to live with a bunch of new random siblings lol.
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Is a sunflower badge a symbol to show you're a lawyer or something? That's pretty cool! Anyway, Masaomi is the eldest son?! I totally assumed Ukyo would have been the oldest haha! Guess looks are deceiving. Hahaha, Ukyo calling him "nii-san" (older brother) is a shockk🤣 I admit that Kaname's purple kimono looks pretty cool, but dang, kissing the back of Ema's hand and then saying can he kiss other places too?! That's a great way to introduce yourself... I'm so glad Ukyo hit him for doing that lol. Lmaooo I thought Kaname was going to be a fashion designer of some sort but he's actually a Buddhist priest?! Wow lol. Oooh I like Tsubaki and Azusa's looks! They're cute, are they twins? Okay yep, they are. I love them already🤣 Omggg and they're both voice actors? They're getting cooler by the second🤣 I love how friendly Tsubaki is lol. I love how just as Ukyo hits Kaname for getting out of hand, Azusa does the same for Tsubaki lol. Lmao at Ema thinking to herself whether Tsubaki is "okay" in the sense of whether there's anything wrong with him because of how he talks hahahaa. Awww Subaru seems cute, he's shy with girls even though he's a university student! OMG Tsubaki is older than Subaru? I can't tell these age differences lol!! I like Iori a lot though hahaha. Lmao I thought Iori recognised Ema's school uniform because he knew girls from there but it was actually because Yuusuke (another brother) goes there hahaha, sorry my bad Iori. Tsubaki is so slack to hide from Yuusuke that they were going to have a new sister lolll. But his reaction was funny so I can understand. I find it hilarious how Yuusuke can't handle Ema being sad over him not approving of this loll, so he had to just agree to make her happy haha. HAHAHA, when Kaname asked Ema to call him "onii-chan" LOL, like geez dude!! And then even Tsubaki joined in🤣 I like Azusa, so I'm glad there was an option to call him onii-chan loll. I think it was pretty funny how they got her to keep calling them onii-chan lmao, it was nice how she played along with them and got to enjoy having so many siblings considering that it must have been pretty lonely with just her dad and he's probably busy working a lot of the time.
Awww that's so sweet, Ema woke up early hoping to make breakfast for the brothers! She's such an awesome sister. I have to agree with Ema, Kaname exercising early in the morning is a surprise haha. I honestly thought Ukyo would be the one there...and he is! Ukyo is the one who cooks breakfast and all the meals I guess! Lmao at the cute rabbit apron he wears🤣 Ukyo best boyyy! Omg Rui is pretty, I love his hair. But I find it so funny how he's like touching her hair and Ema is like so calmly just introducing herself to him lmao. Oooh, so we have another idol brother, lmao at Ema thinking the family were fans instead of him being a brother, like what are the chances that they would all be fans of him🤣🤣 Aww Mahoko looks like a cute best friend for Ema. Sasakura (the soccer ace guy) seems pretty friendly to offer to help Ema move. I have to agree with Ema though, Masaomi in work mode is nice to watch, I always think it's so sweet to see guys so kind and patient with kids (even though I don't like kids🥲). It was so sweet how Ema so honestly told him she would have liked a doctor like him when she was a kid, Masaomi blushing at her praise was actually pretty cute lol. Awww, his pocket is full of chocolates and other stuff as rewards for the kids! It's nice that he has a whole variety of stuff like stickers and mini cars since he doesn't want to give them too many sweets. It must be so heavy though lmao.
Fuuto sleeping CG is pretty cute~ LOL did he just say Ema is cute but it seemed like she's dumb?! Well, there goes your idol dreams, Ema lol. Lmao when he said she didn't deny it and said she's an idiot, like woww, way to go Fuuto, you're definitely an ass. He's probably traumatised or annoyed with his fangirls or something. I can so relate to Ema's rage, I would want to strangle Fuuto loll. Okay, I did something wrong and didn't realise I needed to go to the aquarium with Masaomi! Lmao at Ema saying all the fish are cute lol. Blushing Masaomi is so adorable though. It was so cute how he got embarrassed for not realising that he was really close to her, and it was so cute how Ema tried to explain that she didn't hate it and that it just made her heart beat really fast😂 Aww Ema and Masaomi both like small animals. Damn, these guys are rich, do they have a villa on an island?!! I think it's really nice how they all take the time out to go on holiday with the whole family there every summer vacation though. Considering how many of them there are and how busy they are, it's good to see that they try to make the effort to bond with each other. They've even got a private beach on a part of the island, danggg. Anyway, I love how welcoming the brothers are. I agree with Iori, Ema is really admirable to even do supplementary classes to help with going to her dream university, she's working hard!
You know, considering that these guys are her "brothers", I find it funny that they're quite unreserved towards the idea of doing date-like stuff with her loll! Like with the amusement park, Masaomi held her hand to keep it warm after she got a bit freaked out with the haunted house attraction lol! I guess considering the game, I should just throw that all out of the window and just enjoy it for what it is haha. I mean, I gotta admit, it's pretty cute. I guess it's not that cute after I looked at their character profiles and realised that Masaomi is actually 31 and Ema is like 16-17? Oh well, I guess I'll ignore that too😂 Aww, Masaomi seems like such a parent, he's sad that his brothers are older now and they don't rely on him as much for stuff anymore. I guess that would be something good but also sad to see. It's interesting how the dialogue changes when you get more hearts. It's like initially, Masaomi used to be like, nah I'm not free into yeah I'm free, and now he's just like let's go lol. I think the nicest change is that he used to leave to go somewhere else after their outing, but now he goes home with her. I think something that's nice to see is Masaomi "spoiling" her, like he doesn't do anything over the top, just simple stuff like buying her a strap, holding her bags etc, but I feel like because she's always lived only with her father, and now that he has a new partner, she's even more reserved towards not wanting to trouble others, so I think Masaomi treating her sweetly is nice. I find it so sweet how he understands her so well that he knows that she would feel bad about it, so he asks her to buy snacks for everyone in exchange. I love how Ema made a whole bunch of sandwiches on their zoo date, I love little picnics~ And it's so cute how she offered to make him lunch next time since he's always so busy with work that most of the time he just buys rice balls and sandwiches from the convenience store.
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I'm so excited for their trip!! Lmao, I really want to see Ema's swimsuit now, considering how Subaru was so surprised by it, he told her to wear his jacket🤣 Aww playing with fireworks at the beach with Masaomi was nicee~ I think Masaomi really gives off that great big brother vibe that will ensure she'll never feel lonely, it's really heartwarming to see. Omggg there's the option to stay overnight in Masaomi's room now!! Not that anything happened (for now) since he just helped her study and she fell asleep there~ but it was really cute to know that Masaomi keeps all the letters he gets from his current and old patients, it's sweet that his room is "messy" because of it haha. Gotta love how Masaomi took his other futon to clean so now they have to share a futon lol, like how far away is Ema's room lolll! But anyway, it's fine I guess because it's cute~ It seems like from way back when he was a kid, Masaomi was already mature and stepped up to be the big brother that would help out his parents because they're so busy. I still wonder how he survives as a doctor if he nearly faints after seeing a little bit of blood lol, but yeah it's crazy how much of Masaomi's life revolves around his family. Even him choosing to be a doctor was because he wanted something stable, good income and have useful knowledge for taking care of his family if anything were to happen so that his parents wouldn't need to worry. He's such a good child. I found it so wonderful how Ema praised Masaomi for his work saying she could really see how much his patients really trust him and see how earnest he is with his work. Can't blame him for feeling so embarrassed hahahha. Okay, I'm dying at how sweet Masaomi's lines become. Now when you ask him on a date, he's like are you sure you want to spend your precious break day with me?! Hahaha, of course we do! And now when you ring his doorbell hoping to stay over, he looks forward to Ema being the one to ring it, I love it so much🥺 I find it so cute how he's more conscious of her staying over so late now hahaha. Omggg, he just asked if it was okay to share the same futon and Ema was like sure, awww that's so cuteee, they're practically together now lol. Omggg he confessed that he liked her when he thought she fell asleep! He even kissed her on the forehead! Awww!! I wonder how Ema will react now~
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Kaname really loves to flirt with Ema allll the time doesn't he lol. Subaru blushing at Ema having baked his birthday cake for him is so cuteeee. Anyway omg, does everyone actually already like her?? Even Iori said he was happy that it was because Ukyo was busy so she ended up having to bake the cake and not because she wanted to since the beginning😮 Anyway, it was so cute how Masaomi said he wanted to be the first to congratulate her when she turns 20 (since they just came back from Subaru's 20th birthday), and okay, it seems like Ema lives kinda far from the guys?? Lol, I thought it was a shared house kinda thing. Anyway, their accidental kiss seeming led up to Masaomi giving her another kiss?! I feel like my heart was beating fast like Ema's lmao. LMAO when Masaomi offered a kid to ride on his shoulders to see the dolphin show properly (he even called himself an big brother/onii-san) and the kid still calls him an uncle/oji-san hahahaha. HAHAHA, I love how Ema readied herself to have Masaomi check her with a stethoscope (she was sick) since it feels embarrassing and she raised her clothes so high, he saw her bra or something lmao. LOL, Usa-tan sounds like an amazing doll that can shoot out stationery, record, be a calculator etc, like dang lolll. Omggg that Ema had to wear bunny cosplay for the school festival cafe, lmao when Yusuke saw it and was embarrassed lol. Ohhh, there's another older brother called Natsume who moved out of the mansion! I've lost track of how many there are honestly but Natsume is pretty good-looking. I'm so glad Azusa made Natsume apologise to Ema properly for being so rude to her when he didn't know who she was and reacted badly to her calling his name so familiarly. WHAT, TRIPLETS? Them being triplets is definitely a shock to me like whaaaat omg. Once again, impressed that Miwa had so many children and looks so good. I seeee, so Tsubaki and Azusa are identical but Natsume is fraternal oooo. Anyway, I was so shocked that I forgot to say I didn't even think about a wedding ceremony so I'm glad there is one for her father and Miwa hahaha. LOL when Miwa gave Ema the bouquet and told her if she likes any of her sons, she would help them hold the ceremony, like dang, she's already decided that she wants her new "daughter" to be like a true daughter loll. Gotta love it when your parents are supportive of you marrying your step brothers lolll. Anyway, seriously though, I guess that makes it easier for them later on with no parental drama haha.
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It's so cute how Masaomi gives candy to Ema as a reward all the time hahaha. Well, Ema not being the real daughter of Rintaro was unexpected... I felt sorry for her when she found out and felt that she would be all alone if her dad told her the truth properly. I feel like Ema's always tried her best to be strong on her own because her dad was always busy, but he was family and she knew he would always be there because they're tied by such bonds so it was okay even if she was sad that she couldn't see him much, so I feel like her breaking down is understandable. I thought it was really sweet how Masaomi told her that he would always be by her side so she would never be alone, and that if she's still sad after talking to her dad, she can always go to him for help. It's sad that her parents died so early in her life, but I'm glad Rintaro decided to take care of her instead of leaving her all alone in some institution. It was also nice that Ema got to hear what she needed to hear, which was that even if they're not connected by blood, Ema is still his daughter, and I think it really helped her insecurities to hear her dad properly tell her that.
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Lmaooo when Ema thought Hikaru was Kaname's girlfriend😂 On the other hand, I'm not sure what to think about Tsubaki and Kaname being "moe" to little sisters lolll, but I guess at least they're quite frank and obvious about Ema totally being their type lolll. Anyway, I guess now we've seen all the brothers! I knewww Miwa was going to ask Masaomi to go to an omiai but danggg. Especially since he's the oldest brother so I guess it was to be expected in his route. Awww I love how Masaomi so honestly told the girl he had someone he liked. I legit can't wait until they both tell each other their feelings, I'm so excited!! Lmaooo, Masaomi in a Santa Claus costume looks so funny hahaha. Awww he bought Ema a Christmas present!! It's nice that Masaomi gave Ema her very own Usa-tan! Anyway, omggg Azusa and Tsubaki are sooo close, it's actually kinda cute how much they love each other haha. I loved how Ema properly thanked all the guys during the Christmas party for looking for her when she ran away after realising her dad wasn't blood related to her, and I loved how they told her it was natural since she's family. When he hugged her thanking her for always encouraging him and supporting him, it was so cuteee, I love how much Ema loves seeing the serious Masaomi that dedicates himself to saving people however he can.
Masaomi is usually so tired from work, but I love how he's always like Ema is always welcome to visit his room! I think it was especially cute when Ema was about to go back knowing that he didn't get much sleep and she woke him up, but he knew that she wouldn't randomly just come to annoy him for nothing, so thankfully he got her to not feel like she was bothering him and gave him the chocolate~ Masaomi blushing is always the cutest~ Lmaooo Ema is like a pro gamer😂 I found it so funny how Subaru and Ema just told Yusuke to pick up items because he's weak😂 Awww Masaomi was sad that Ema didn't react to the pink heart necklace he gave her through Usa-tan! To be fair he did do it in a really roundabout way so I guess it's understandable that she didn't notice it, but luckily she did lol, so now she doesn't need to misunderstand that he thinks of her as just a kid. Ohhh, I thought Masaomi was just jealous that Ema was having fun with Subaru and them, but it was actually because he thought that Ema would probably have more fun and be more happy with a guy around her age and that's why he was sad🥺 I'm so happy that they both told each other their worries and how much they enjoyed their time together. Ema definitely was more brave to say she wanted to always stay beside him though haha. Lmao at Masaomi having eaten so many sweets at that shop he bought the white day presents for Ema loll. Anyway, I didn't realise Fuuto was actually like 2 years younger than Ema, considering how arrogant he seemed, I thought he was around the same age lol. Anyway, I obviously rose the wrong stuff and didn't get the best ending LOL. I was so sad when Masaomi was like, you'll always be my sister or something and it ended, and I was like excuse meeee!? Anyway, I redid the whole thing LOL. I knew that Masaomi had to get over the blood thing if something happened to Wataru so I'm glad Ema was there to kinda wake him up to do that haha. I missed out Ema in a kimono CG!! She was so beautiful!! And omggg, their wedding and expecting a baby endings were nice~ Definitely worth me going through all that again just to see it lol.
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Overall, if you can ignore the fact that Masaomi is like 30 and Ema is 17, then this route was quite nice. Well, to be fair, the whole premise is a grey area so I guess the age gap shouldn't be a problem for most who decide to try this game haha. Anyway, I really liked Masaomi. He's like the oldest brother that's super caring about his family, but also a bit childish, maybe because he's kinda like Wataru's father lol. I thought Masaomi was the one who took care of most of the brothers but Masaomi got too busy with his job so that kinda fell on Ukyo instead, which I'm looking forward to in the future! But yeah, I really loved how kind, gentle and sweet Masaomi was all the time, and I really liked how much he had that nice older brother vibe that I super dig lol. You can say, he really soothed my heart LOL, like every time I spend some time going through the route, he always makes my heart warm and makes me smile because of how kind he is, and I just really loved that. I always love how he always takes interest in his patients' interests and does his best to understand them so he can better interact with these kids and make them have an easier time in the hospital. Anyway, I'm super proud of myself that I was able to finish this route in Japanese!! I probably didn't understand 100% of it, but I think I got most of it and I'm so happy about that! I probably spent wayyy too much time on the dictionary searching for kanji but I can definitely see the progress and I'm looking forward to finishing all the routes! It's still kinda crazy to me though, like I still remember once upon a time, I really wanted to play this game and honestly hoped for a localisation one day, but now I've given up and decided to just practise my Japanese with it instead lol. It's interesting how things have come to be, but I'm excited for the rest~
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