#and rj just giving him an abstract outline of whats to come
blueiight · 2 years
There's a Sam interview where he talks about Lestat redemption and how Rolin had to convince him about episode 5. IDK how much he knows though, he could just be getting broad strokes.
"We're seeing this primordial version of him. In Rolin’s adaptation he worked out a way to — and once I understood this, I really appreciated it — build that character's arc. He has to go to certain places to be able to start a redemption arc. Once I got over the changes he made, because as a fan of the material, it's quite difficult to deal with changes – I looked at what those changes were doing to serve the show, and I thought he'd done an extraordinary job. "
ah that makes sense.. what im gathering from this quote here is that its about lestat redeeming himself in the context of his relationship w louis moreso than anything..? lestat will make 4:44 look like a walk in the park, ur over basquik!
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