#and relying on a coping mechanism for over 20 years at least in my headcanons
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I find I'm still stuck in place after so long.
#great god grove#ggg grujaja#bizzyboy gr#ggg bizzyboys#booooo booo Aotuurle made another image relating to song lyrics BOOOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOOOO#BOO THEM OFF THE STAGE#fun fact i have a whole brain amv for the song the lyrics are from for this guy. oops#anyway yeah.#gr feeling stuck in place because of anxiety and circumstance and not having anywhere else to go#and relying on a coping mechanism for over 20 years at least in my headcanons#feeling bad about himself that this is *all* he is after so long. someone afraid to break out of his comfort and perceived safety from fear#scared that this will be all there is. but more scared to change n stop seeing almost nothing and muffling himself from the outside world#so he stays in the cone blindly devoted to every word#i have so many thoughts about this guy its horrible in here#giving this guy a huge smoothie and wrapping him in hello kitty blankets. im sorry i fucked u up dude. i cant fix this one#what being my favorite does to you. sorry
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odd numbers for Colm even numbers for Lorelei GO
Oh shit son OK let’s do this:
1 - Full Name and Relevance ©I fucking love this question. Colm hates his full name /and/ there’s family tradition involved. The first Blackmore child in each generation takes the name of their paternal grandmother/father as their first name and the name of their maternal grandparent as their middle name. I have like the whole tree worked out for a few generations, but Colm’s full name is ‘Colmanus Archibald Blackmore’ (as their only paternal aunt/uncle is single, they’re by default the oldest Blackmore kids). He can’t stand the full name and only his immediate family know it, so I was planning to make it a major part of his character development.
2 - What hobby would they like to be good at? (L)Well to be honest most of Lorelei’s waking hours are devoted to magical study, and, like Colm, she doesn’t really have much interest in becoming a cooper - she’d probably try her hand at gardening, I suppose? It enables a cathartic kind of order, but if things go wrong it’s still definitely flammable.
3 - If they played DnD what class and race would they pick? ©Colm firmly believes in old-school notions of heroism and adventuring, so one of the four original classes. He’d probably be a little uncomfortable playing cleric unless he stuck by Pelor, but I reckon he’d like the versatility of fighters in 5e. As for race, he’d almost certainly be a dwarf - he’s proud of what little dwarven he knows, and their interests definitely align.
4 - If they could go back in time and change one thing? (L)Depends where in her timeline we’re going from. I was planning to only play her upon Colm’s death, so obviously that - but if we’re going from before that, it’s a little trickier. Her attachment to her mother wasn’t all that strong, so I doubt she’d alter that - I think if anything, she’d probably try and spend more time with her uncle Edward before his death? She was quite close to him, but didn’t get to see him much, and given the change in her father’s personality afterwards, she’d probably want to have a better understanding of why that came about.
5 - What is their favourite weapon to wield? ©Boy is Colm ever partial to a good maul - he’ll take anything really though, be it fists, chair legs, or even other people. If it can bludgeon, he’s not fussy.
6 - If you could give them one magic item? (L)Man this question required some thought because she’d love to get her hands on all of them really. Every sadistic bone in my body says Bag of Devouring, so there’s that. I also think she’d find the Deck of Many Things something to be reckoned with. As an overall malicious magic item that relies on probability and has no apparent functional reason for existing (at least at face value), it really goes against everything she understands about magic. So probably that, just to make her think.
7 - If they didn’t have to adventure, would they stop? ©Again, funny this one lands on Colm. No. He doesn’t adventure with an end goal in mind, he adventures both as a coping mechanism and because it gives him purpose. Besides, he really enjoys beating things up. Adventuring is a hobby as much of a pastime for Colm, one he’d prefer not to give up if given the choice.
8 - What do they look for in a platonic or romantic partner? (L)For romantic - she doesn’t. Straight up. End of story. Not interested. As for platonic, she’s willing to befriend anyone who has at least some intelligence and common sense, and isn’t directly opposed to her. Don’t expect it to be the most fulfilling friendship though.
9 - Do they trust easily? ©Ooh, good question. On the balance of things, probably not, although more so than Lorelei. He’ll want to know why people are buying him drinks, and he’ll question until satisfied. After that though, he won’t complain.
10 - What is their favourite colour? (L)Red-orange. Fire is everything in Lorelei’s aesthetic. For the most part, she tries to keep it concealed within neutral browns and blacks, but it will occasionally flare out into the odd cantrip or spell circle.
11 - Diplomatic or aggressive? ©Wish this had been for Lorelei, but - I mean, it’s very much aggressive for Colm. Not a hard one, that.
12 - They get arrested and thrown in jail. How do they escape? (L)First up, Lorelei’s going to try the way that draws the least attention, even if it’s slower; that is to say, nothing that could leave them as fugitives. Plan A - negotiate release. Plan B - bribe a guard. Plan C - charm a guard… Plan X - knock a guard out. Plan Y - blow a hole in a wall. Plan Z - blow a hole in a guard.
13 - Would they leave the party for any reason? ©Colm’s pretty ride-or-die. Not only would he need to be certain of future adventuring prospects for him to leave, it’d also have to be over something pretty serious - that’d probably be insults to his family, or killing innocents. Even then, he’d deliberate over it for hours.
14 - If they could own any pet? (L)Well, Lorelei already has a feline familiar - however, I’m not sure she’d like the unpredictability of a real cat. She’d take something that could be trained, and could be useful in a variety of situations (and one that went with her aesthetic tbh). That would be a hawk.
15 - How have you influenced your character’s personality? ©The fierce sibling bonds between Colm and Lorelei are a direct correlation to my friendship with my sister to be honest. I’m also vaguely responsible for the Sartrean existentialist aspect to his adventuring drive - his desire to prove himself is somewhat a mirroring of my own life philosophies, although not entirely identical.
16 - Do they have tattoos? If yes, what? If no, would they? (L)She doesn’t yet - not because she doesn’t want to, but because it’s simply never been something that crossed her mind or was ever a priority. If she were to get one in the future, it would likely be for the sake of efficiency, something she could cast through - either the runes for a frequently-used spell, or as a home for her familiar.
17 - Where would they like to be in 10 years time? ©In a bar, probably. Still adventuring. Still alive. Ideally, Colm would like to be doing something that made his mother proud, so acting as a defender of the faith in some way would probably appeal to him. For now though, he very much doesn’t care where the road leads him, so long as he’s on it.
18 - What do they look like? (L)Becky Lynch. She looks like Becky Lynch. That’s the faceclaim. That’s the inspiration for the aesthetic, and to some extent the inspiration behind the latent anger in her character. The entire idea stemmed from that faceclaim and a song by Blackmore’s Night. So… Yeah :p Less certain on Colm, but I can absolutely tell you this one.
19 - What genre of music would they be into? ©*cough* Dropkick Murphys *cough* - basically any drinking song is good for Colm. I realise that’s not much of an answer though, so I’m gonna come right out with my modern Colm headcanon: he’s totally the guy to be into super cheesy mainstream stuff but never admit it, to the point where it’s kinda funny and endearing.
20 - What would be the worst thing someone could say to them? (L)Any insult to her intelligence. Any insult to her capability as a mage. And may the gods have mercy on the poor soul who says a bad word about her brother.
((Man that took a hella long time! Thank you so much for the suggestion though! ^_^ ))
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