#and reginald got red and blue but i made them both a bit faded. like faded old flannel orangish red and a light denim blue
hal-o-ween · 1 year
Added some simple color to that drawing and I really love how it turned out actually
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Now they're thinking in TECHNICOLOR
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Project AI0.043 (Part 2)
A/N: OKAY, I keep getting "It's not a Five x Reader if the reader already has a name" I ALREADY SAID IT IN PART 1, the reader has a name for a reason, it will change later on as the story Progresses, okay!
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Story Summary: On the 12th Hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible. He got seven of them but never found the last one.
Chapter Summary: Five and the Reader start to get to know each other as they train before their first mission, and  Five begins to see the Reader’s true colors.
Warnings: Fighting, Violence, Language, & Slight Flirting.
Word Count: 2501
Tag List: @featuringcone9 @lesbianismybitchname @fiveisadorable 
PROLOGUE | PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 5.5 | PART 6 | PART 6.5 | PART 7
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"And that's how I got stuck on the Apocalypse ..." Five sighed as he took a sip of his coffee, immediately humming to the hot and sweet flavor he never thought he would ever taste again.
"Well I'm glad we found you, otherwise I doubt you would of have lasted another day ..." You softly said as you picked up the tray of breakfast you had brought him to his room. "How are you so sure about that ?" He turned to look at you as you were about to leave.
"Well, for starters, you were running out of food, and AMMO and you were also talking to a mannequin when we found you ... and if that doesn't ring a bell then I don't know what does. Anyways, you have hot water, towels, and some other stuff on the bathroom, there's also some clean and ironed clothes on the closet, and some new shoes for you to wear. The Handler will be expecting you by 10:30 a.m. in her office, I will come back for you, just so you know, so go ahead and get ready." You smiled as you closed the door behind you.
Five sighed, looking around to his new room, he felt a small relief knowing that at least now he had somewhere warm to stay in. 
“What was that ?” Five asked as he turned to the mannequin he called Delores, she was sitting by a chair nearby the bed. “Why are you so upset? She’s just doing her job.” 
Five began to undress and walk to the bathroom. “I know, I know ... I said not to trust anyone, but this is our only chance to go back and fix things, Delores.”
“She’s just doing her job, Delores !” He yelled back in anger. “Do you have any idea of how bad I was? ... No, of course not ... Please, would you stop being so --- No, I’m not going to leave you for her! Please Delores, would you stop this nonsense ...You know what, I’m a just take the shower, I fucking need one ...” Five finally gave in as he slammed the bathroom door, leaving his companion behind.
After an hour, of getting ready and struggling to shave for the first time, Five admired his new look. 
“Well, how do I look?” He asked through the mirror, not wanting to look at Delores. “Fine ...” He sighed heavily as he placed a Fedora hat on his head “No, I think this is too much ...” Quickly taking it off, he heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” He answered not leaving from his spot, looking back at his reflection.
“Are you ready Mr. Hargreeves?” You asked as you entered the room. You were wearing a navy suit, with some black high heels. “Wow, Mr. Hargreeves I must say ... You look great, but ...” You trailed off, making him look away, as you got closer, his cheeks turned into a rosy shade. Grabbing the Fedora from his hands, you turned him to the mirror. “I think the Fedora suits this outfit.” Fixing the hat in his head, you smiled warmly to him. “Come on, she doesn’t like waiting.” As you headed out, he glanced over at Delores and quickly mouthed “Stop it !”
The both of you began to walk through the long and empty hallways of The Commission, every now and then, Five would notice one of the members walking through your direction and quickly turning away, almost running. There was an awkward silence lingering through the air. Both of you reached the elevator, and as the doors closed, everybody began to come out and the hallways were no longer empty but were now full of the members.
“So, I’m guessing Delores doesn’t like me that much ...” You took Five off guard.
“What? How did you ...”
“I can read minds, Mr. Hargreeves.” You said with a small grin. “Well can you try not reading mine?” He asked looking down. “I’m sorry, but you have very loud thoughts, it’s almost impossible not to hear them.”
“Well, thanks for the comment, I will keep it in mind, Oh wait ...” He said making the both of you chuckle. “... Anyways, what’s with everybody? Why are they so--”
“Scared ... Yeah, well I don’t blame them. I’ve done terrible things Mr. Hargreeves, very ... terrible things. Many fear me, many hate me for those same reasons.” The doors opened and everybody suddenly stopped their actions and looked down. You signed deeply and began to walk to The Handler’s office. Five looked around, noticing a woman trembling, with a small scaring on the side of her face. “Mr. Hargreeves ... Please, we’re almost there.” You quickly snapped him out of his thoughts, clearly reading them. He was curious about you but also triggered. 
“I will tell you everything with time ... but now I need you to come and hurry up.”
He looked at you a bit concerned “I thought I said to stay out of my mind.” Quirking an eyebrow at you he began to walk by your side. “Yeah, well maybe if you would of have listened to what I said yesterday ...”
“I’m Sorry.” He whispered and looked down. “It’s okay.” You smiled and opened the door for him.
“Well, well, well, but if it isn’t my two new Bonnie and Clyde.” The Handler said jumping from her chair in an over exaggerated tone, clearly fake, you thought. “Looks like you got your priorities right Five, I’m Impressed, you look quite the Man.” She said eyeing him from head to toe. “Well, before we can send you out to your first mission, Anya please make sure he’s ready ---”
“But I AM ready.” Five quickly cut her up, making her smile. You could feel both of their annoyance. 
“Oh no, no, no, dear, there’s no doubt about it, in The Commission, we love enthusiasm but ... You’ve been out of practice for quite some time, and I’m sorry to tell you this Five but as much as I want to put you out in the field, there’s some test you have to pass first, okay? It’s required, and we make no exceptions, I’m afraid.” She ended with a sad frown, making Five Tsk. “Ah, ah, ah, no tantrums in my office, please Five, we want to make sure you can handle it out there.” She winked at him and turned to you. “Okay, Anya, you can take him to the training grounds, after that, I will send you your new mission tomorrow morning if that is if Mr. Hargreeves is fit for it, but if not, I expect you to handle it by yourself.” 
“Yes, Ma’m.” You turned and the both of you began to walk to the door. “Oh and Five ...” He looked at her in annoyance. “Please, be careful, we don’t want you to get burned.” She finished as she took a seat and began to eat one of the candies from her desk. 
“What does that mean ... get burned, by what?” Five thought to himself.
“Please, Mr. Hargreeves if you don’t want me to read your mind, keep it quiet at least.” You said with a slight tone of annoyance as you pressed the button from the elevator to the lower levels. “I really do want to stay out of your thoughts but ... it’s like your almost begging me to read them, and by burned, she meant me.”
“Is that what happened to that lady back there?” He asked crossing his arms.
“I said I was going to talk with time ... You don’t have to know right now.”
“Well, I just got warned back there so, yes, I do think I need to know right now.” He insisted, making you sigh in exhaustion. “It happened a long time ago when I was a younger, Mr. Hargreeves.” Perceiving his insistence, you continued. “I was upset, I had just come back from a mission that ... it made me feel awful, and without notice, I released it, and I hurt some of our members that were just trying to help, that’s why no one gets near me, that’s why I don’t do partners, no one is safe around me, that’s why I rather be alone. Happy?” The doors opened, and you quickly walked away from Five, leaving him bewildered, and guilty from bringing back a bad memory.
“Mr. Hargreeves ...”
“I’m coming, look Anya I am so sorry I just wanted---”
“Wanted to know I understand, but let me leave this clear with you Mr. Hargreeves, your life it’s always going to be on danger if you’re around me.” You said as you stood with your arms crossed in front of him.
“But I’m also the key to solve your problems, I can help you go back in time, and stop the apocalypse for once and for all, but we need to keep playing their games so they can trust us, especially you, now that The Handler has grown fond on you.”
He heard your concerned tone inside his head. “Okay, then I am committing to what awaits us, even if that means I might get burned alive by you.” He smiled as he placed his hands inside his front pockets, making you smirk. “Well then Mr. Hargreeves, welcome to my playground, please take this before we start.” You handed him a small red box, Five frowned. “Think of bit as a gift.” He opened it and found a small long blue bottle. “Drink it ...” You directed as you began to walk away, he did as he was told, and began to cough, quickly noting a difference within him, his wrinkles began to fade, he felt more energetic, his hair changed to his old black hair, he was getting younger, could this be ...
“Yes, I just gave you your youth back, now you are my age, well, at least what I appear to be ...” You smiled, noticing his handsome features. He didn’t look bad at all you thought to yourself. 
“And may I know how ...”
“I was 29 when they stopped my aging, but I’m actually your age.”
“Well, that’s impressing, really.”
“And since now I can do as I please and not feel bad for hurting an elder, let’s began this game.” You said as you took off your jacket and threw it to the floor, Five following your actions.
The room began to light up, making Five look around, it was a massive room, that appeared to be empty, with some old burn marks, some of them with body silhouettes, making Five frown and turned to look at you, only to find you nowhere.
“Don’t be afraid ... I will be gentle.” He suddenly heard your voice from behind. Quickly turning around, he was kicked to the ground. He slowly got up, groaning from the pain in his stomach. “Hurt already?” You asked, and once again he tried to turn and was immediately put to the ground. “Come on Mr. Hargreeves, you need to prove you’re strong!” And with that, he made a fist and threw it at your face but you were quick enough to evade it and flip him to the ground, now strangling him with his own arm. “Mr. Hargreeves, you’re not concentrating!”
“DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SAVE THE WORLD, YES OR NO!” He heard you scream inside his head. “Yes!” He screamed back.
Letting him go, you backflipped and landed on your feet. “Then prove it old man ...” You breathed out, making him run and quickly disappearing into a blue light. “That’s it ...” You smiled at yourself, you regained your posture and closed your eyes, waiting. “Not so fast!” You quickly turned and stopped him from mid-air, he had a knife in his right hand. “Oh so now, we’re cheating ...” You grabbed the knife from him and threw him to the wall, throwing it to the floor and kicking it away. 
“Mr. Hargreeves, well aren’t you sneaky ... Fine, I said I was going to be gentle but I take it back, give me your best shot.” He smiled cockily as he was getting up. Your (e/c) eyes immediately changed into a bright orange, and your veins began to glow, but staying in the same state, no fire emerged from your body, you didn’t want to hurt him, you just wanted to have a little fun with him.
“So, is this your ...” He breathed out heavily.
“No, this ain’t nothing.” You quickly cut him off and smiled. “Come on, let’s play your way then ...” He smiled and once again, he ran and disappeared into a blue light. “You know, that doesn’t work with me Mr. Hargreeves.” You said as you turned quickly catching the knife with your bare hands. “I know where you are ...”
“Yeah, but at least we’re having some fun aren’t we ...” He breathed, disappearing again, making you laugh. Lifting your arms, you backflipped again, evading Five’s punch, you kicked him and punched him, but your punch got blocked as he wrapped it behind your back and pinning you down to the ground, but with a quick eye movement, you pushed him off and threw him to the ground. 
“I like my personal space, thank you ...” You breathe out. 
“Ah ha ...” He had a big grin on his face. This was going to be a long Training.
After what seemed forever, both of you became tired and decided to call it a day. It was clear, he was still in good shape, regardless of his age. 
“Well, Mr. Hargreeves, that was fun.” You said as you both walked down the hallway back to his room. “Yes, it was ...” He turned to look at you as both of you finally reached his door. “Can I ask you to please, stop doing that?” 
“Stopped doing what?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow, trying your best not to read his mind, you liked it better when you didn’t know what the other person was going to say.
“The Mr.Hargreeves, It’s quite a bit ...”
“Well, we have a professional relationship, Mr. Hargreeves. I cannot just call you Five.” You said mockingly, making him smile. “Yes, but, I rather want you to say the Mr. Hargreeves for other occasions.” He said biting his lower lip, making you blush at the sudden thought of the two of you ...
“Are you flirting with me right now?” You laughed.
“Did it not work?” He asked laughing nervously with you, as he looked down. 
“A little ... I’ll see you tomorrow morning ... Five.” You softly caressed his cheek and began to walk away. 
“Goodnight Anya ...” He thought, knowing you could hear him.“Goodnight Five ...”  
Closing the door behind him, he leaned on it, smiling contentedly on the days that were ahead for the both of you.
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wayward-river · 6 years
Hands off
Sweet Pea X Plus!Size Reader 
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Warnings: Some sexual flirting I guess, Jealous Sweet Pea 
AN: Alright y’all hope you like it! All mistakes are my own and Gifs are not mine. Also thank you to @xserpentlife for the help on where I got stuck! This one is longer than I intended so sorry about that y’all! 
You sat at your favorite booth in the Whyte Wyrm Sweet Peas arm slung across the back of it his fingers lazily moving across your shoulder. You smiled as Fangs commented on something Toni said before smirking looking in between you and Sweet Pea.
“Dang Princessa you are looking smoking these days.”
You could see Sweet Pea tense beside you. You rolled your eyes, this was Fangs’s favorite game to play ever since you and Sweet Pea got together.
You had met Sweet Pea right here at the Wyrm, you had been nervous as you were doing the Serpent dance that night and lets just say the outfit you picked showed off everything. You downed about three shots that Toni graciously laid out for you.
You heard FP announce your name as you slammed down the last shot giving Toni your best brave face as she gave you a thumbs up from behind the bar. As you walked up the stairs you unbuttoned the gold buttons leading up to your hips and slipping out of the plain black leather jacket leaving you in a dark green babydoll lace dress hugging your curves. You were fearful of the eyes on you knowing you weren’t the smallest girl and afraid of spilling out or any comments luckily you had never experienced anything like that first hand being in the small town where pretty much everyone knew everyone and you were known for your homemade baked pies and sweet but dangerous attitude.
Your eyes had been drawn to the tallest person in the Wyrm as you swayed your hips to the beat. His eyes never leaving you as he let out a loud whistle and clapped as the music ended and FP placed a Serpent jacket over your shoulders as you grabbed your skirt making your way off the stage as you prepared to get your Serpent tattoo.
You had stood by the bar talking to Toni as you buttoned up the last glittering gold button on your skirt. Slightly jumping as the tall serpent from earlier came up behind you.
“I gotta say princess that was one hell of a dance” He smirked taking in your laced top up close.
You bit your lip looking down your cheeks tinting pink “Maybe I could do it again sometime, but just for you”
Tonis face light up her eyes going back and forth between you and the speechless Sweet Pea.
You heard FP shout for you.
You smiled up at the tall Serpent once again. “I’ll see you around”
You walked away your hips swaying as you made your way across the bar.
“Damn who is that girl” Sweet Pea asked Toni
Toni smiled at her best friend “That would be Y/N L/N, one of the most badass girls I have the pleasure of being friends with.”
Sweet Pea smiled at Toni his eyes still on you. “I’m going to make that girl mine”
Sweet Pea was true to his word after a few weeks he had made you his although in his words you did not make it easy.
-End Flashback-
“Oh c’mon Fangs don’t unleash the beast” you leaned in to Sweet Pea his arms following you holding you close.
“Yeah Fogarty everyone should know by now not to be stupid enough to flirt with my girl.”
You swatted at Sweet Pea laughing “They all know Pea you can stop turning so green, anyways you guys excited for Riverdale High tomorrow?”
Sweet Pea chuckled at your enthusiasm for the school since Southside high was closed.
“Yeah baby as long as those bulldogs know what's good for them and stay away, I mean all the southsiders knew and the ghoulies can be pretty dense”
Fangs booming laughter made you jump in your seat as you swatted at Sweet Pea again.
“Well I’m excited and need a good night's sleep so I’m out of here” You stated as you moved Sweet Peas arms off of you. You turned and kissed his lips lightly before he got up to follow you wanting to walk you back to your trailer.
The first few days of the merge of the schools were rough bulldogs and serpents out to get each other at whatever cost, and it seemed to only be getting worse. Sweet Pea was trying to reign in his anger for you after a stern talking about how this was the best education you both would get and you couldn’t stand to watch him lose it, but there were something you couldn’t control and that was the wrath of a jealous Pea.
You stood waiting for him placing your books in your locker this dreaded day was done and you could both go to the Wyrm and let off some much needed steam. In the corner of your eye you caught the blue and gold letterman jacket, sighing you knew what was coming next. Everyone had been so nice to you they all genuinely liked you but Reggie and the boys had been extremely nice to you strangely and you had finally figured out why, you were the new meat of the school and the teenage boys were eating it up.
“Damn Y/N you are looking good as always” Reggie commented leaning next to you on the color fading lockers.
You laughed before slamming your locker shut. “Oh Reggie you know you shouldn’t play with things that don’t belong to you”
“I can show you a better time than that snake” Reggies eyes trailed up you as you moved crossing your arms over your chest.
You scoffed smirking “Oh Reginald if your pants are any indication of the “better time” you’d give me I think I’ll stick to the man I’ve got”
At that point Chuck Clayton decided to get in on the action.
“I mean he’s got a point there Y/N you look flawless in that shirt but it would look better with it on my bedroom floor.” he paused biting his lip “I’d even let you wrap those thick thighs around my head.” His hand grabbing your arm. 
Not only was his hands now on you the comment had done it in 
“Hands off my girl Clayton” Sweet Pea spit out as he pulled Chuck back and slammed him into the lockers across from you. Sweet Peas arm pinning him across the chest.
“You should know better than to talk to my girl like that Clayton, let alone fucking touch her��� Sweet Pea growled at the bulldog.
Reggie made a move to leave but was stopped by Fangs. He was standing taller his chest puffed out. He may joke with Sweet Pea by harmlessly flirting with you but he saw you as one of his bestfriends and didn’t like the comments being made about you.
“Alright you two let them go and lets go to the Wyrm.” You tried unsuccessfully.
Sweet Pea still staring at Chuck his look deadly. You slowly made your way across the hall placing your hand on his back.
“Baby, he isn’t worth it. Let’s just go … please” You whispered hopeful your tempered boyfriend would listen to you.
“You are so fucking lucky my girl is here” He grit out as he relaxed at your touch, his shoulders slumping down a bit as he let go of Chuck. Turning and wrapping his arm around you needing to touch you to stay calm.
You gave Fangs a pleading look as he stared down Reggie. He rolled his eyes as he walked away towards you and Sweet Pea.
You walked out of the school towards your truck giving Fangs a nod goodbye letting him know you would see him at the Wyrm later.
You went to open your truck door before you were spun and Sweets had trapped you in between him and your truck.
“Sweets?” You started cut off by his lips meeting you in a fiery passion your hands sliding up his chest as he pressed himself against you.
He pulled away smirking at seeing you so flustered.
You rolled your eyes playfully smacking his chest. “Not that I don’t appreciate that but wasn’t that a little overdone?” you sassed.
His eyebrow quirked up “Just showing them what's mine baby since you asked me not to show them with my hands.”
You laughed as you eyed the two bulldogs walking down the school steps.
“Okay baby I think they know now, wanna go home?” You inquired.
Sweet Pea nodded heading to his bike next to your truck.
“Yeah I’ll meet you at mine before the Wyrm so I can show you that you are mine” He wiggled his eyebrows as you laughed again at the antics of your boyfriend.
“Whatever you say Sweets” You responded as you got in your truck heading to his place smiling to yourself at how lucky you had gotten with him.
You pulled up to the trailer and got out as Sweet Pea got off his bike. You walked towards him before stopping as he turned when you were close enough to him bending down and picking you up placing you over his shoulder.
“Pea!” you squealed “Put me down you can’t handle” you started
“Don’t tell me what I can’t handle princess” Sweets retorted slapping your ass you let out a small yelp at the surprise of his action as he walked the two of you into his trailer.
You laid on Sweet Pea as you drew lazily on his bare chest. “You know I love you right?”
He responded with a low “mmhmm” his eyes closed.
“You don’t need to get so jealous baby I’m not going anywhere”
His eyes opened as he looked down at you your head still on his chest and your fingertips dancing across him. His hands gripped you tightly.
“I know Y/N/N I just I see red when I see those bulldogs trying to take whats mine.”
You attempted a nod with a “mmhmm” of your own, you understood him why he felt that way. He had his heart broken before. You moved slightly so you could look at him meeting his eyes.
“I just want you to know Sweets I’m not going anywhere I’m yours forever if you’ll have me.” You softly said as you pressed your lips to his once again.
“Always princess always.” He whispered back to you.
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