#and really hope i didn't forget anyone else sghdjfgkhlj
pyro-madder · 3 months
something i love about bb's french dub is that, as with all french dubs, you'll have the question of "you". singular "you" = "tu", informal, used between acquaintances or towards children. plural you = "vous", formal, professional, better use it with a stranger/someone you just met until you both agree to settle on tu well, apparently it's getting more common in the street for young adults at least to skip straight to tu but i absolutely hate it it's so intrusive aghdznsjdfglùhjmk
anyway. huntsmen + old hunter mobs will "tu" the player in their mad rants, nothing surprising. i burst out laughing when the vermin saif hunter dropped a fat "YOU STINK !" in the middle of our fight. Indoor Yharnamites (the misc ones, not NPCs) however say "vous", even as they're telling you off.
And NPCs ? All "vous." No matter how unfriendly they get, they keep that formality. Patches mocking you ? Vous. Annalise bossing you ? Vous. The disdainful narrow-minded man ? Vous. Gascoigne mopping the floor with you ? Vous. Djura regardless of whether you're still opponents, have a truce, or break said truce ? Vous, throughout it all. Lonely old dear will switch to tu once mistaking you for her son - makes sense, keeping "vous" within a family is an aristocrat thing, and to us plebeians it brings a sense of discomfort and emotional distance.
So besides that, the one exception ? Eileen. She skips straight to tu from her first quote, and imo it gives such a charm to her lines, in addition to the VA's already great voice and tone. She took one look at our Hunter and thought "you poor shmuck. you little fledging out of the nest" lmao. We've been over the whole dub being great, but for that bonus, I'd have to pick Eileen if I were asked to choose one favorite.
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