#and probably many months afterwards cause my speed is sloooooooow
soft-dyke-omo · 4 years
Omovember in August - Day 1: Desperate In A Vehicle
Pairing: Supercorp
If you’ve somehow stumbled upon this fic not knowing what omorashi is despite me not tagging the pairing - it’s about Lena pissing herself. Twice. Don’t look.
As she sat there, stewing in her own misery and the awkward silence that permeated the car, feeling another sharp pulse from her bladder that decided that actually, it hadn’t had enough the first time it emptied into her pants about ten minutes ago, Lena felt it was safe to assume this was one of the worst days of her life.
Certainly the day hadn’t begun as awful as it ended – it had begun rather serenely, with Kara sprawled halfway across her chest, snoring gently. Her girlfriend had always been a starfish sleeper. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to wake her for a good thirty minutes – not after all she’d been through the day before. Non-stop emergencies, rogue aliens, blowing out her powers...when Alex had told her to make sure Kara gets a nice, stress-free day to recuperate or die trying, she hadn’t hesitated a second to swear to do so.
And so Kara and her had compiled a list – things they’d always wanted to do, but hadn’t yet been able to because of superpowers or a strict Luthor upbringing. Truth be told, it was mostly Kara supplying the ideas, and Lena trusting her, completely, because even if the experience of laser tag sounded a lot like “sweaty people playing with toy guns in the dark” and she failed to see the appeal of it, she’d always say yes to spending more time with her girlfriend.
So they took Alex’ car for the day (“not a dent, Alex, I promise!”) and they were off to the races.
And Lena was ready to admit that maybe she’d judged Kara’s ideas too harshly. There was something about just letting go for a day and letting Kara win her stuffed animals at a fun fair, consuming copious amounts of slushies (maybe too many, but what was a lesbian to do when Kara insisted on kissing it better every time she got brain freeze) and giving into her competitive streak to absolutely eviscerate an unpowered Kara at laser tag.
Maybe she should have known better. Because “best of three” quickly turned into “best of five”, and then “please just one more round Lena”, even though the slushies in her bladder definitely started making themselves known by now.
“One more round”, she agreed, shifting her balance from foot to foot. “But then we need to go.”
Then I need to go.
The one more round turned out far harder than it had seemed at face value, because now Lena had to deal with getting distracted by the insistent signals her bladder kept sending. Normally it was easier to anticipate Kara’s next move, her being the type to charge in heroically and ask questions later, but now she had to factor in regular breaks to cross her legs and compose herself. Why on earth did she let it get so bad in the first place? Okay. She had to concentrate. The laser tag arena was littered with brightly coloured obstacles to crouch under or take cover behind, broken up only by one main lane straight down the middle and two smaller lanes circling around the area in its entirety. Usually these smaller lanes were where Kara liked to attack from the most, but during their most recent plays she’d started to branch out a bit more. Lena had to be on guard.
There! A flash of blonde hair, about 15 metres away. Her girlfriend was keeping lookout with great concentration, even from so far away Lena could see the furrow in her brow. She was also slowly stalking her way over to were Lena was ducked behind cover. Immediately she threw herself into the shadow of a larger object that would give her a better chance at ambushing Kara – she regretted her decision at once as the impact jostled her bladder and she felt herself leak for just a fraction of a second.
She blanched, drawing her knees to her chest and holding herself with one hand as her bladder continued to pulse painfully. Shit, please not again. She wasn’t keen on reliving the incident of her first date with Kara, where she’d wet herself at the dinner table. She cringed in humiliation at the memory, even though Kara had assured her time and time again that it was okay, and she didn’t think any less of her for having an accident. Well, Kara might not, but Lena definitely did. And the prospect of a second accident so soon after the first chilled her to the bone – God, Kara would think her incontinent.
Lena grit her teeth and rocked against her hand as subtly as she could until the urge subsided enough for her to trust herself to take her hand away. At least she couldn’t yet feel a wet spot on her pants. Now she just had to get her head back in the game-
Lena jumped in surprise when she saw Kara towering over her, triumphant, pretending to blow smoke off of the toy gun, Lena’s vest beeping to signal she’d lost this round.
“I told you I could do it! You should have seen your face!”, she cheered, and, as Lena still hadn’t gotten up yet, added: “Are you okay, baby?”
Lena swallowed dryly, thanking whatever gods were looking out for her for not having lost complete control because of the shock.
“I’m fine, darling, I just fell on my ankle awkwardly.”
Liar! She didn’t know why she kept doing this to herself. Why was it so hard to just ask Kara to take a break so she could go to the bathroom?
“Are you okay? Do you want me to have a look at your ankle?” Kara asked, before remembering that she didn’t have X-Ray vision. “Or, well, have someone else have a look at your ankle.”
“I’m fine, darling”, Lena assuaged, despite her continuously mounting panic. “Help me up?”
The worry didn’t leave Kara’s face as she extended a hand to pull her girlfriend to her feet, especially not at the hiss that escaped Lena’s clenched teeth – not from pain, as Kara misconstrued it without a doubt, but from the effort of stopping the second leak she lost the moment Kara hoisted her upright.
“Do you need me to help you walk?”, Kara asked.
Lena gave her her best approximation of a smile while clenching her thighs against the pulsing ache of her bladder.
“I’m sure I’ll make it to the car on my own”, she said, but in truth she was unsure whether she’d make it to the car at all. Kara nodded, and hand in hand they made their way out of the arena. Every couple of steps Lena could feel another leak, and she was grateful for the black jeans she was wearing because she was sure that by now she must have saturated her underwear. Her heart was beating in a wild panic that for once in her life Kara’s dampened powers caused her to be unaware of her girlfriend’s plight. This couldn’t happen again, not so soon after the first time she’d disgraced herself. Kara dragged her more through the lobby than she walked, and the spurts she was losing kept growing larger and larger and this couldn’t be happening…
“Actually...I need to use the bathroom before we go.”
She couldn’t stomach looking Kara in the eyes. She could only imagine how Kara must be seconds away from praising her for voicing her needs in time or something equally embarrassing. Her voice already echoed in her head: See, we’re making progress already!
She turned without a further word and made her way to the bathrooms as quickly as possible without outright running, but when she arrived her heart sank once more: The queue was dishearteningly long and moving at a snails pace, while the painful pulses of desperation kept building and building. At least being able to stand still and cross her legs gave Lena some reprieve. She snuck a hand between her legs to check the wetness on her pants and froze when she felt the damp patch expanding to the size of a fist over her right thigh. Lena caught her self chewing on her lower lip, an anxious habit she’d long since thought she’d kicked. She surreptitiously tried to check the stain, she’d thought it fairly invisible until now, but in the harsh, flickering neon light she suddenly wasn’t so sure. God, what if someone saw – what if someone recognized her?
The thought alone made her nauseous with anxiety. She could already see the headlines in front of her mind’s eye:
Luthor’s Little Accident: Luthor Heiress Wets Herself In Dingy Laser Tag Arena Bathroom.
Her breath is coming in short, panicked bursts now, the queue still hasn’t moved an inch and to make everything worse she can feel a new burst of wetness creep down her inner thigh.
It’s too much. She feels like there are dozens of eyes on her, she can feel hot tears welling up and she can’t breathe, she has to leave, now.
She turns on her heels and pushes past the women that have already queued up behind her, keeping her eyes to the ground.
“Good to go?”, Kara asked her, cheerily, as Lena rejoined her in the lobby. The joy quickly drained from her girlfriend’s face when she saw Lena’s expression, and the CEO didn’t miss the fact Kara’s eyes flitted down to her pants to catch any signs of an accident.
“Queue was too long, let’s just go home.”, Lena hissed.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I’m sure!”, Lena snapped, and immediately regretted it.
“I’m sorry, darling, but can we please hurry?” She hated how desperate she sounded, hated the open pity Kara regarded her with.
“Of course”, Kara murmured, taking her hand again and leading her out onto the parking lot. Lena followed behind, every single muscle in her body tense, and yet she kept losing the fight. She could feel dampness all the way down to her mid-thigh now, cooling rapidly in the late summer air outside, and even more pathetically, tears were leaking down her face from the effort, the pain, the humiliation of it all…
“Hey, hey Lena.” Lena sniffed, trying to put on a brave face. She couldn’t pretend anymore: There was no way she’d make it. She couldn’t even see anymore, tears blurring her vision. The sudden warmth of being enveloped in a firm embrace by her girlfriend. “Kara”, she cried out, an exclamation somewhere between let me go and I can’t hold it and help me.
“Lena, it’s okay. It’s okay.”, Kara murmured into the crown of her head, and Lena wanted to argue, to fight, to tell her that it was anything but okay, but her body seemed to take Kara’s permission and run with it. With one final sob her muscles gave out, her saturated underwear not doing anything to stop the steady stream soaking her pants and filling her shoes, puddling at her feet. And still, despite the horrid situation she’d found herself in, she couldn’t fight the effect that Kara’s voice still crooning soothing words into her ear had on her, she felt herself close her eyes and relax into the relief almost against her will, sagging heavily against Kara’s frame. Distantly she was aware of Kara gently manoeuvring them, shielding Lena from view with her body on one side and Alex’ van from the other. The gratitude that washed over Lena was almost, almost enough to eclipse the burning shame at pissing herself on a date with Kara again. Eventually, it was all over, and Lena disentangled herself, blushing furiously as she was faced with the evidence of her accident she’d left on Kara’s pants. God, she’d pissed all over her girlfriend!
“Kara, I’m so, so sorry -” she told the ground. The mere act of looking at Kara seemed an impossible task to her. Kara, of course, knew her all to well. Gently, she took Lena’s chin in a butterfly-soft hold.
“I told you it’s okay, baby, You couldn’t help it, it’s not your fault the line was so long.” She mercifully emitted the fact that Lena could have requested a break hours ago before waiting a few minutes in line would even have been a problem.
“Hold tight, I’ll see if Alex has any plastic bags for us to sit on.” Kara gave her one last kiss to her forehead before scurrying to the back of the van to rifle through the trunk. Lena leant against the side of the car, so exhausted by her struggle her knees didn’t support her weight anymore.
“Fuck”, she breathed out, burying her head in her hands. “Fuck.”
Kara procured two plastic bags only moments later, and Lena tried to ignore both the squelching of her shoes with every step she took towards the passenger seat, as well as the crinkle of the plastic bag protecting the seat, and the sour smell of urine that clung to her. She let her head loll back against the seat. At least it was over.
Ten minutes later, and it was far from over. Just her luck. The ache came back, suddenly and with force, as if she hadn’t gone at all. And the urgency grew fast, faster than Lena thought possible. She must have really overtaxed her muscles this time. She forced herself to breathe deeply, calmly, slowly fanning her legs.
Kara took her eyes off the road for a second to shoot her a sympathetic smile.
“We’ll be at your apartment soon, and then you’ll get out of these clothes. Don’t even worry about it.”
Lena had no fight left in her to even lash out. She’d wet her pants twice in Kara’s company, there wasn’t much dignity to be saved.
“It’s not that”, she said in a small voice. “I – I have to go again.”
“Again?”, Kara blurted out. Embarrassment displayed itself hot and bright red on Lena’s face.
“Sorry”, Kara mumbled sheepishly. “I don’t think I can pull over anywhere, we’re in the middle of the city, but I promise it’ll only take ten more minutes until we’re there.”
Twenty, with this traffic, Lena thought bitterly.
“Hey”, Kara said, reaching over to place a comforting hand on Lena’s thigh, not even flinching at the sodden state of the fabric. “You can make it.”
Lena didn’t answer. She threw dignity to the wind and buried both of her hands in her clammy crotch, grinding against them to somehow persuade her body to just hold out until they’ve reached the privacy of her apartment. She couldn’t help the desperate sounds escaping her lips, hunched over in her seat because every wave of desperation brought a stabbing pain and -
“Baby, don’t hurt yourself.”
Lena couldn’t answer, couldn’t take an ounce of focus away from keeping Alex’ seat dry.
There was a sigh that carried a hint of exasperation with it, then Kara’s hand returned, her touch moving from a gentle reassurance on her thigh to soft, but insisting pressure on her abdomen. Immediate panic gripped Lena with an icy grasp. She frantically tried to push Kara’s arm away, but the second she moved her hand from between her legs an uncontrollable stream escapes her, warmth blossoming through the cold and wet material. With a whine, she shoves her hands back again, managing to stop the impending disaster just so.
But the gentle pressure on her abdomen returned, increasing.
“Kara, don’t, I’ll wet myself!”, she cried, but Kara shushed her.
“Better than hurting yourself.”
Lena knew she was fighting a losing battle, infrequent leaks turning very, very frequent, having long since completely re-saturated the seat of her pants, but that didn’t mean she was done fighting. She couldn’t ruin Kara’s sister’s seat, how would Alex ever look her in the eye again without seeing the same woman who wet herself twice in one day?
Kara started pushing harder against her bladder, and to Lena’s horror no amount of clenching and grinding could prevent the inevitable from happening.
“Kara – Kara I can’t-” she choked out, urine now steadily spilling over the seat and pattering onto the mat below.
“I know baby, I know. Just let it out”, Kara hummed, and it was over.
“’M sorry”, was all she could say before finally, her body relaxed, hot liquid streaming through her fingers she hadn’t had the presence of mind to remove. All in all, she had barely more than 5 seconds of urine left in her, and somehow, this made her humiliation even worse. This was it? And still she couldn’t hold it for ten more minutes?
“Lena, you’re doing it again.”, Kara chided softly. “Don’t beat yourself up over an accident.”
Lena nodded, not trusting her voice to respond, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of her shirt and cringing when she noticed how she’d wet them from the wrist to mid-forearm in her desperate attempts to hold herself.
“Tell Alex I’ll pay for cleaning.” There was no way to hide it from even her girlfriend’s sister anymore.
“Alex?” Kara asked, as if only now remembering whom the car they were sitting in, that Lena just soiled, belonged to.
“Oh, don’t worry about Alex. I’ll just tell her that I misjudged my human holding abilities and it got so bad you had to drive me or I would have crashed into the next wall. Still didn’t end up making it.”
Lena balked.
“Kara, you don’t have to do that.”
“It’s no problem! Alex would be far more likely to believe I’d had an accident because of having burned out my powers anyway – it’s not the first time it’s happened.”
Lena turned to regard her girlfriend who was now fully focusing on the road again. There was not a hint of embarrassment on her face, almost as if what she’d been saying again and again was true:
That it wasn’t that big a deal.
For once in her life Lena could almost believe it.
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