#and poor confused dad-Jack
kedsandtubesocks · 6 months
seasons of you (year 1 - spring)
Farmer!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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summary: it’s your very first spring living in the valley & you’re very sure Joel Miller already wants you leave
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI, stardew valley AU, reader is a new farmer & has a family but no physical description, mentions of unspecified age gap (reader’s age is not mentioned but Joel is older & in his 50’s) very light use of gendered language, handyman & farmer!Joel, grumpy!Joel, wound tending & blood imagery, discussion of family loss with light navigation of grief, Ellie being Joel’s daughter, secret softie!Joel, alcohol consumption mention, use of nickname, budding romance
word count: 5.4k
a/n: our first ‘Joel’ fic for our stardew AU series! Here’s to starting this new aventure with y’all! I couldn’t have the strength to post this without @swiftispunk @lowlights @ahauntedcowboy @burntheedges @perotovar you angels don’t know how much I appreciate y’all and am so grateful for you babes…and to you, if you read this - I’m so thankful for you too ♡
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No one in Pelican Town hates you more than Joel Miller does. George, the crabby older elderly man in town, might be a close second, but Joel has him beat by miles.
For someone so incredibly handsome, almost beautiful in a rugged wilderness way with his misty mountain gray hair and sharp lovely nose, his glare could wither your entire family farm’s field.
“He’s just an ass sometimes.” Your Dad had told you with a sigh over the phone. “Been that way even when your gramps was around.”
At first you didn’t want to fully admit it but yeah, Joel is a prickly cactus of a man.
He owns a farm further down the path from yours. You love walking by it when you take the long way home and getting to spot all the sheep roaming around his fields. He’s also the town’s handyman.
“A jack of all trades, more like it.” Pierre, the main store owner, snickered that to you while Joel was in the store fixing a light fixture.
After that Joel helped you set up your first fencing gate. Then he fixed your sink. And then your water heater.
It’s been a lot and you know it. You feel guilty at how bad you can’t seem to get a hang of this new life yet. Your grandpa did it, thrived even. You can too, or you hope you can.
Until Joel glares at you like you’re a bug ready to squash, then you feel incredibly small.
Once you physically and accidentally ran into him walking out of the blacksmith’s shop when he was heading in. You sputtered out an apology, but without a single word Joel walked past you as if you weren’t even worth his time.
One night you went to the town’s saloon hoping to maybe mingle and get to know everyone better. But simply seeing him sitting inside made you turn on your heels and scramble out.
From that point on you’ve been avoiding him.
But now unfortunately, a few paces away from Joel Miller’s farm, your hand bleeds out a bit aggressively.
“Shit.” You hiss, slipping off your backpack to search for your mini first aid kit.
Yesterday you stubbornly tried fixing your fence and accidentally scrapped your hand pretty bad against the wood. Earlier you believed you wrapped it good enough but now the blood soaking through the bandaid mocks you.
“You alright?!”
The sharp accented drawl rings out loud in the early morning and fear collides into you.
Of course Joel hadn’t left for the morning.
You yell back that you’re fine but scramble frantic now trying to find the damn first aid kit.
“Is that blood?” Joel snaps, sounding closer, as his boots rush against the dirt.
“No, I spilled paint.” You grumble to yourself annoyed.
“M’old but I fuckin’ heard that.” Damn.
He’s much closer now, so close his shadow falls over you but you refuse to look at him.
“What happened!?” He barks confused.
Sighing, you give up hope on finding the poor elusive first aid kit.
“Just cut my hand, that's all. It isn’t deep. I’m fine.” You reassure him.
Joel sighs angrily.
“Come on.”
Now you turn and discover his soil eyes stare at you with such a steeled intensity you almost want to scurry away.
“Fixin’ this up inside.” He doesn’t even ask or let you leave. With one yank Joel Miller pulls you towards his farmhouse.
“I’m fine.” You snap back.
“What? Just wanna let it bleed ‘n get everywhere?” An edge in Joel’s voice silences you.
Any argument you wanted to hiss out immediately floats away the moment you cross the threshold into his house. Your eyes go wide. You never once thought you’d ever see the inside of Joel Miller’s place.
It’s larger than your grandpa's.
Joel deposits you into his kitchen. The lingering smell of breakfast, possibly oatmeal with its warm cinnamon notes, hangs in the air. Yet you feel like a caught feral cat that doesn’t know how to react being inside a house for the first time.
So you let your eyes wander.
Beautiful wood cupboards line the walls. A fridge is covered with various papers held up by sweet colorful cartoonish magnets you never would’ve expected from him. A worn cozy, well loved, couch peeks out from the slight view of the living room you spot being inside the kitchen.
Joel’s house seems knitted together by a rustic weathered comfort. Yet, there’s a hollowness to the house, like it’s waiting for more spirit to fill the halls. You can’t pinpoint or describe the stillness here in this place, but you sense it.
After rustling around a drawer, Joel yanks out a rather impressive medical kit. Largely bulky and intimidating, like him, it’s no surprise a handyman and farmer has such a first aid kit.
“How’d it happen?” Joel asks gruff and quiet as he rummages around the bag.
You tell him and his seasoned face scrunches up frustrated.
“Why didn’t ya call and have me go fix it?”
You thought about that. But you couldn’t handle the thought of asking him to help again, to deal with his frustrated sighs and gruff annoyance. He barely said a word to you last weekend when he went to check your sink again.
“Don’t need you to fix everything.” You tell him composed while Joel pulls out various things to wrap your wound.
“Besides, I can fix things on my own.” You add firm.
“Not all the time.” He replies.
You stay quiet and watch his hands, large and callous, gingerly dab away all the crimson from your cut.
He’s never been this close to you. You catch the faintest smell of wood and of something clean crisp, his laundry detergent maybe. It threatens to fog your senses knowing he smells this lovely.
“Y’dont ask for help and shit like this happens.”
Your face hardens at Joel’s words. You even childishly want to yank away your hand and storm off.
“Look I get it, you barely tolerate me and think I can’t do shit. I know I’m still new, but this was an accident. It happens.” Your words come out harsher than you intended, sharpened scythes that cut through the room, and Joel freezes.
“I don’t think that.” He replies clear as a spring blue sky.
You want to bark a laugh of disbelief, but instead you simply stay silent.
Joel sighs, keeping his eyes on the medic tape he readies.
“And I… tolerate you.” He sputters like he’s trying to muster the words out.
A moment passes. Then Joel sighs, ancient and heavy.
“Don’t mind me. M’just some grumpy old fuck-”
“Hey you’re not old. You’re just grumpy.” You interrupt trying to ease the mood and your heart jumps hearing him snort.
“M’old.” He clarifies. He is older, older than you, and that fact creates a strange flutter in your chest you don’t want to explore just yet.
“And…don’t want ya feelin’ like shit.” He continues with a curt softness.
You never knew his voice could sound this layered, so tough but tender.
“Just tryin’ to look out for ya like your gramps asked me too.”
There’s a strange apology shaded in his words but you manage to catch it. A rush of emotions drown you in their current.
“You were close with my grandpa.” You comment with a curious question lingering below the surface.
“Yeah,” Joel answers low now tenderly moving to wrap your hand. “His ol’ ass used to keep me in place.”
You smirk fondly. That sounds like your gramps.
“Miss seein’ him walk by this place and hearin’ him complain that he likes the sheep more than me.”
Joel’s fond and aching voice digs its hooks into your soul. You miss gramps too, so much.
“Used to fish a lot together out by the lake.” He adds.
This is the most Joel Miller has ever spoken to you and you worry the sun might fall out of the sky soon.
“I bet he out fished you.” You tease soft.
Joel snorts. “Damn right he did.”
You can almost picture it clearly, your gramps and Joel laughing together, having a friendship.
“He’d be proud of ya.” Joel mutters but his words chime clear.
Your attention flickers to Joel. He keeps his focus steady on your hand. However his words crystallize deep in your heart and you blink away tears. You ever expected Joel Miller to almost make you cry like this.
“Thanks…means a lot.” You truthfully tell him while you swallow back the heartache and love threatening to spill over.
“He’d also say you’re a fuckin’ stubborn thing for not askin’ for help.”
You snort at that.
“Well you knew the old guy, it runs in the family.” You reply.
Joel chuckles.
It’s small - like the faint flash of seeing a cardinal in the trees. But you heard it, his amusement, and it’s lovely for a man quietly layered as him.
“Alright, all fixed up.”
The wrap is tight, secure, and speaks of his many times previously doing this before.
“Thank you Joel, appreciate it.” You do.
“Can't be a handyman if I can’t fix up people sometimes.” He shrugs but there’s a deadpan charm to his words you’re slowly catching now.
“Doctor and a handyman, no wonder the town keeps you around.” So you dryly joke back.
This moment isn’t much. Yet it feels like gaining a good step in the direction of something right and solid.
Gathering your things, you decide to head out. Even though curiosity claws at you to take in a few more moments being inside Joel Miller’s home, you have seeds to buy.
“Where ya headin’’ to?” Joel asks.
“Pierre’s.” You huff. “Need more parsnips.”
He hums a noise of acknowledgment.
Back outside the mid morning sun’s warmth soaks you in its gaze. Maybe you could fish for a bit before you head to the store. After all, the weather is so nice.
“Hey.” Joel barks out and before heading back on the road, you turn to him.
He’s a sight on his porch. You think of the typical romance movies of the handsome farmer trying to woo the newcomer in town and how right now he puts them all to shame.
Hands crossed over his chest, his broad shoulders seem like mountains against the doorway, so striking and large taking up the entire focus.
“Don’t hesitate to call y’hear? Don’t fuckin’ care what it is or what it’s for, call me.” Joel’s face is hardened and serious, reflecting the unwavering tone in his voice.
Something heated crawls up your throat and makes you dizzy. You blame it on the blood loss.
“Besides, s’what neighbors are for, right?” He adds a bit awkwardly.
It hits you. He’s the closest homestead to you. You are neighbors with him.
“Alright will do, promise.” You nod and mean your words.
“Thanks again neighbor.” Those words tingle on your lips.
Joel nods and with that you head out.
You’re on such a strange high you simply float straight to the pier and fish. It’s comforting being among the crashing waves, the sea breeze, and the wonderful weather. You also think of your gramps and Joel here.
But by the time the sky starts to turn into a ripe tangerine you realize in horror you forget to buy more seeds.
You almost scream in anguish when you find Pierre’s doors locked. Accepting momentary defeat, you head home.
When you reach your porch, there against the steps a bundle of parsnip seeds and a small pack of bandaids sit waiting for you.
- ☼ -
Your hope to quietly enjoy the egg festival, your true first event here in the valley, is diminished when Mayor Lewis practically drags you into the egg hunt saying it’s a rite of passage.
His deadly polite politician smile said there was no way you could worm your way out of participating. So you simply start the hunt thinking of the strawberry seeds you can’t wait to plant once this is over.
You’re not overly competitive, but these eggs are getting harder to find. You want to finish at least with some dignity.
Besides the area around Stardrop Saloon you scan every inch like a hawk. Someone coughs, clearing their throat, and it catches your attention.
Under the shade of the building, nursing a cold drink, Joel slightly turns towards you.
Now instead of a hawk you feel like a surprised field mouse caught in his gaze.
Without saying anything Joel flickers his eyes a couple of times towards the corner of the building. Is he giving you a hint?
Heading to the spot his eyes vaguely guided you to, you discover a colorful egg.
You almost want to keep it as proof this happened. Joel helped you.
By the time the egg hunt ends everyone already seems to be packing up and the mysterious Mr. Miller has vanished from the commotion.
Abigail wins the egg hunt and you aren’t even upset. In fact you walk home feeling like a champion.
The next morning on the help wanted and errands bulletin board in town you spot Joel’s name. Below it is a request asking for a small pack of wood.
You readily answer it and drop off the bundle eagerly, a way to help pay him back for everything.
The pretty decent payment he gives you is nice but the crooked soft hint of a grin on his face when you arrive to deliver the request is worth iridium.
A few days after that he mails you a recipe. The letter is so simply Joel - a straightforward recipe then a scribbled JM below it. You hang the letter up proudly on your fridge.
Spring blooms more and more before your eyes.
You decide to take advantage of it by foraging for the day.
“Where y’heading?”
You’ve been taking the long way to the forest these past few weeks in hopes of seeing him again. Now that you’re not actively avoiding him, you discover, small town or not, Joel is a surprisingly busy man.
When you catch glimpses of him, instead of glares being thrown your way, Joel Miller simply nods acknowledging you. Comforting as it is to know he doesn’t outright detest, you don’t like how much you hope to run into him more.
Now he’s here sliding on his backpack while moving to lock his gate.
“Just heading to the forest, gonna forage and walk around for the day.” You answer him.
“Works out, hafta head that way myself.” Joel explains falling into step besides you.
Alone with Joel Miller once again.
The small talk comes - asking each other how your days have been, anything new or interesting happening. The heat is starting to pick up announcing summer’s close arrival. Thankfully it’s still not unbearably hot as you and him fully enter the woods.
Cindersap forest is tranquil. A beautiful glimmering evergreen haven you enjoy simply strolling through. You never thought you’d ever be here with Joel.
“No new crops coming in?”
“Nothing exciting.” You shrug. “I’m more upset that I didn't plant any tulips this season.”
“Those your favorite?” Joel asks, surprisingly curious.
“Not mine, my gramps.” Your memories of the farm might be hazy, but you always remembered fresh tulips in the kitchen.
“They’re for the fairies.” Gramps would tell you with a wink.
You were bummed after realizing Pierre had flower seeds and it was too late to see them bloom in your kitchen.
“Damn,” Joel sighs. “Ain't your fault. Pierre’s an ass and hides all the good shit, flower seeds included.”
You’re almost positive Pierre doesn’t do that, but you burst out laughing.
A giddy twinkling glee consumes you and fills you buoyant. He’s trying to comfort you in his own Joel way. And it’s dangerous how fast you’re growing to enjoy the company of this grumpy cactus of a man.
You move to snag a few dandelions and wild horseradishes. You make a face at one that smells a bit ripe and decide to leave it for the forest.
“You can eat those y’know.” Joel comments.
“Yeah so I’ve heard.” You tried your first ever daffodil this month. “A wild horseradish might be a bit too much right now though, but who knows. Maybe one day I’ll try ‘em.”
“My kid used to eat these all the damn time. Never took a likin’ to ‘em myself.” Joel grumbles kicking the disposed horseradish.
“You have a kid?” You ask curiously.
Joel blinks to you and there’s a gleam in his earth eyes of something reserved slowly revealing itself.
“Uh… yeah. A daughter. Ellie.”
A daughter. He’s a dad.
It fits him in a way that you never would have expected.
“She doesn’t live here?” You ask but then quickly apologize for pressing the subject. Joel waves you off, casual and unbothered.
“She did, just graduated highschool this year. Wanted to do the whole college deal. She lives out west now.”
So he’s an empty nester.
Delicately, wanting to know more about him and his daughter, you ask about her.
Joel inhales deep then exhales slowly, as if an immovable weight on his shoulders rattles deep to his bones.
“She’s a headache, my Ellie.” Fondness trickles out of Joel a steady stream.
“Stubborn, damn near impossible to argue with cause she’s so fuckin’ smart. Got a good heart. Good head on her shoulders too, wants to be an astronaut.”
“An astronaut?! That’s incredible!” You exclaim in brilliant excitement.
Like the proud dad he is, adoration tugs at Joel’s lips.
“Yeah, been wantin’ to be one for years. That’s why she’s going to school.”
“She sounds incredible, Joel. You must be proud.” You earnestly tell him.
“I am…” His voice is thick, and you don’t miss the way his eyes gloss over distant and misty.
You decide not to press the subject any further. He instead does it for you.
“She loved livin’ here until the damn flower festival rolled around. Then she’d swear up ‘n down about how much she hated this town and was gonna leave the second she could.”
The flower festival is just days away. The town swirls in a controlled chaos for its arrival.
You laugh warm. “I’m guessing she’s not a fan of dancing.”
“Takes after me.” Joel nods.
“Ahh…so guess that means you’re not asking anyone to dance this year.” You comment lightly and Joel snorts.
“Ain’t danced with anyone in a very long time.”
A wistful ace now twists your heart thinking of Joel alone in his home, alone watching the others in town pair off.
“You gonna ask anyone?” Joel turns the question around to you and you almost choke on an inhale.
Not wanting to get flustered or react wildly you focus on the wild springs among the lush forest.
“Uh no. Don’t think anyone wants to dance with the newbie in town. Which is fine.” You answer.
There are lovely and gorgeous people in town. Some have caught your eye. However, you didn’t feel brave or interested enough to ask anyone to dance. And no one seemed intended to ask for your hand in the dance, and you find you’re not too upset about that.
Joel hums low, a sign you’re catching on means he’s listening without having to reply much.
“Hopin’ someone will ask ya to dance?” That question takes you by surprise.
You shrug not wanting to fully answer the question either.
Someone suddenly calls out to Joel from behind. At the edge of the forest leading back into town stands Maria, the town’s legal counsel and assistant mayor.
“Caught playing hooky, busted.” You snicker and Joel scoffs.
Maria yells out Joel’s name again.
“Can you come back to town and help us with something? Thought you’d be at home seeing how it’s your day off today. I’ve been trying to call ya but nothing went through.” She yells.
The service here in the forest was awful compared to the town, a hard lesson you’ve learned quickly.
But you also don’t miss Maria’s comment.
Joel had today off. Yet he decided to stay a bit with you. That thought has teeth and you can’t stop their bite from sinking into your heart.
Joel groans but doesn't hesitate to head towards where the assistant mayor stands. Maria of course spots you and a wonderful grin lights up lovely her face.
“It’s good to see you.” She calls out.
“You too!” You reply back thankful your voice is level.
Joel glances over his shoulder to catch your eye.
“Good luck foragin’. Don’t eat any weird shit.”
You sputter out a squawk at his casual comment.
“Next time I see you, I’m giving you a wild horseradish!” You playfully snap the ridiculous reply before you can even stop yourself, but Joel thankfully rolls his eyes unbothered.
Maria’s eyes however flicker curiously between you and Joel. Too many emotions heat up your skin now. So bidding Joel and Maria a quick goodbye you stomp back into the forest to continue foraging.
Now along in the woods, your thoughts still think of Joel. The bag of parsnip seeds, the bandages, and the recipe, come to mind. You never once discussed any of it with him or him with you. It’s something you keep locked in your heart, just like today will be.
Soon the day melts into early twilight. You snag a couple of dandelions and a few other forageables before deciding to head home.
Joel’s farm house looms quietly still with no lights. You can’t bring yourself to open the gate to his farm and walk up to the house.
So instead you place a few dandelions along with a nice fresh large wild horseradish on top of the mailbox by his gate then head home.
Even when you unwind for the night, you mind still feels like it’s snagged on Joel Miller, still there with him foraging in the forest.
- ☼ -
The flower dance, as strange of a custom as it is, is rather ethereal. So many vivid floral arrangements decorate the space with dynamic colors and the air even smells fresh.
The flower dance honors the legacy of celebrating the final days of spring. But it also is a celebration of love blooming.
“It has roots dating back to fertility rituals.” Demetrius, ever the town scientist, told you while you were chatting with him and his wife.
He was right of course. The flower dance is the opportunity for someone to extend a hand of romantic feelings towards another. Those who hope to participate in the couples dance, or possibly win the crown of Flower Queen, are dressed in glorious attire. Soft light fabrics and flowers woven into crowns create a scene conjured out of a fairy’s kingdom.
Compared to the others in lovely attire with flowers in their hair, you didn’t even dress up or change out of your messy dirt covered jeans. And the only flowers in your hair are actually twigs and leaves from cleaning up more of your property.
With no need to worry about someone asking you to dance, you instead simply enjoy the various foods prepared for the occasion.
“Be careful, the salsa actually has a pretty good kick.” You’re about to go in for a second helping when a gentle accented voice floats out to you.
Besides you is a man with the kindest eyes you’ve seen. Faintly you recognize his face and can recall seeing him around town.
“Tommy Miller.” He reintroduces himself seeing your slight hesitation and your eyes go big.
“Oh, Maria’s husband!” You fully remember her introducing him to you. But now something else clicks.
He’s Joel’s brother.
“Yup.” He grins proud at his wife’s mention.
You apologize profusely for not remembering him sooner and with a kind understanding smile Tommy reassures you it’s fine.
“Been a busy first month for ya, I get it. You’re a tough cookie handlin’ it all.”
Even though his twang mirrors his brother’s, Tommy already radiates a much different energy than Joel. He’s warm in a way that reminds you of a soft summer day welcoming everyone with his vibrant energy.
You thank him earnestly. “The town’s been good to me.”
A part of you wants to add Joel has been good to you. Weeks ago, you would’ve laughed at just the idea of Joel Miller showing you an emotion other than annoyance. But now you and him seem to slowly be warming up to each other.
“Don’t go stealin’ all the good stuff, y’little shit.” Joel arrives with a gruff grumble of a voice and quickly nudges Tommy.
Yet his eyes remained glued on you.
You also seem to notice how striking Joel looks in the crisp light jean button up shirt he wears.
“Speak of the devil… was just about to ask our new farmer here if ya haven’t scared her away yet.” Tommy jokes.
Joel’s face flickers with a scowl fighting to form but he keeps himself surprisingly composed.
Guilt sinks in your gut. You know he’s hard to read and you even feel bad for thinking he’s mean. Because you’re learning fast Joel is earnest in his own way.
“Nah,” you tell Tommy, answering for yourself and Joel almost. “His sheep are actually scarier than he is.”
Tommy busts out laughing and you grin. Your eyes flicker to Joel but see he isn’t grinning. Instead Joel’s handsome aged face stares at you guarded and you can’t read the emotions shimmering in his eyes.
You might have overstepped and upset him. So to physically stop yourself from saying anything else you take a bite out of the delicious cornbread on your plate, wave a weak goodbye to the Miller brothers, and scurry away.
Now alone under the shadow of one of the lovely cherry trees, you’re aware of how new you still are, a fresh bud still trying to foster roots in this new ground. You wonder how your gramps dealt with this every year.
Soon enough, the music starts and Mayor Lewis claps excited ready to begin the dance.
At least this will be over soon.
The couples slowly sway to the soft melody then rustling arrives at your side. Gently your eyes turn to the source and you almost collapse seeing Joel move in besides you.
His eyes though stay on the couples dancing among the blooms.
“Could’ve at least picked better music to dance to.” He mumbles bored.
Your lips press hard trying not to smile ridiculous and wide.
“Could you imagine if someone played the wrong song?” You whisper back. “Like, some heavy metal rock song suddenly started screaming out?”
Joel snorts, masks it with a few coughs, but you did it. You made him laugh.
Golden soaked triumph fills you and it feels like the first morning you woke up and found a sprout peeking up from the dark tilled soil.
He’s a complex man and you’re barely even scratching the surface of him. But it’s a tender start you want to continue kindling.
For all the commotion and production given to the festival, the dance only lasts a few moments. It’s over thankfully fast.
“Bit anticlimactic.” You mutter under your breath.
“Yeah it’s dumb.” Joel deadpans.
Your lips fight from letting out a laugh.
Everyone claps joyously at the couples concluding their dance. You wonder, even as silly as this is, if one day maybe you’ll dance with flowers in your hair. But you don’t give that thought too much attention. Just imaging yourself next spring already seems so far away.
“Headin’ home?” Joel asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You hum, narrowing your eyes at the gorgeous meadow.
“I’m kind of tempted to maybe see if I can steal some of the leftovers but yeah, I’m heading back.” You reply.
“Tell me which food you’re eyein’ and I’ll grab it. No one will tell me no.” He offers and you laugh.
“Tempting as that is, I’m just gonna go home.” You wish Joel a warm good night.
He continues walking alongside you.
Your heart jumps until you realize he lives in the same direction. The chatter from the festival still lingers in the air even while you walk further away from the meadow.
“How do you deal with that every year?” You ask with a sigh.
“Alcohol.” Joel dully answers and you snicker at his reply.
“Maybe one day you’ll be dancin’ out there.” Joel comments like he’s trying to continue the small talk. But the suggestion makes you skin itch for a reason you can’t pinpoint.
You only reply with a simple ‘maybe’ and a shrug.
“I’d pay a hundred bucks to see you dance though.” You joke, but also quickly imagine Joel a picture of softness with a flower behind his ear resting beautifully among his silver curls and it makes your knees weak.
Joel however rolls his eyes.
“Next year we’ll just sneak in and take over the music. See what happens.” You offer.
“Now that sounds like a plan.” Joel agrees gruffly.
It sounds like a promise.
You bid him good night until his eyebrows crinkle so classily grumpy Joel.
“Whadya doin’? Ain’t lettin’ ya walk home alone, sprout. Now come on.”
He continues walking as if nothing while your mind tries to recover being tilted on its axis for a bit.
Joel is walking you home.
And he called you sprout.
You want to cradle this new nickname so tenderly in your hands.
Joel quietly asks about your plans for the upcoming season, almost as if he’s trying to keep you focused.
To settle your flutter heart, you manage to ramble about the new incoming seeds you’ve heard about. You talk about your hopes of going to the beach more, not just to fish but to simply enjoy the ocean.
Among all that discussion, in a blink you’re back at your farm.
Instead of Joel rushing home, he lingers.
He checks your porch almost like he’s making sure the thing still stands.
“Hope one day to see that dang greenhouse up ‘n runnin.” He points to the broken greenhouse and you can’t help but sigh at the sight. You hope so too.
Then Joel moves to stand next to you on the land.
It feels different seeing him here.
Just a few weeks ago he was shouting every profanity known to man trying to fix your ancient water heater. He also glared at you the entire time.
Now he stands next to you suggesting on what to grow for the upcoming season.
“You could plant the tomatoes over on this side, give ‘em more shade to grow.”
Joel already reminds you of a back alley cat, one that hisses and refuses to let others near until he decides when to warm up to others. And, like a fresh new sprout, you want to soak up this warmth of him up.
“Also… Don’t forget to plant flowers.” He adds with a soft grumble.
“I won’t.” You grin impressed he remembered.
When you bid him goodnight and thank him again, you almost want to promise you’ll stop by with coffee tomorrow morning.
However that feels too much, like you might make the wrong move and spook him. But you do want to know if he makes it home okay. You can’t even bring yourself to ask him for his phone number.
So you watch Joel leave until your thoughts move fast and you blurt them out.
“Wait how will I know you made it back?”
Joel suddenly stops then glances back to you.
A very soft twinkle comes over his face and he gives you a crooked grin. It colors him with such a boyish expression. This new face of Joel feels sacred, special, and it steals your breath away.
“Hang outside for a bit. I’ll give ya sign, don’t worry.” He nods then melts into the darkness.
You stay frozen on the spot, not wanting to miss whatever it is. You wait, hoping he makes it back safe. Then out from the darkness, far down the path, you see it.
A light from Joel’s house blazes alive.
Then it flickers on and off, like someone flipping the switch a few times. The movement of it against the darkness even feels like a wave of some sorts.
You wish so badly to wave back.
Reassured that he’s home, you head back feeling as light as a feather.
Stepping onto your porch, something catches your eye.
Resting on the main railing barrier are a batch of tulips that were not there when you left.
Your heart jumps into your throat. You didn’t even see Joel place them there.
Delicately placed, the tulips so brilliantly colored sit warm and bright for you - the most beautiful end to your spring.
Though, in your heart, these blooms feel like something closer to a beginning.
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can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
sorry it’s so long! love your works!
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter reader
Request: can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
I do love young Hotch daughter who is completely opposite to her dad. Around season 1, Hailey is alive and just had Jack.
Third person pov...
Hailey smiles as her Husband runs around after their hyperactive 2 year old, little Y/N Hotchner was a ball of sunshine and energy.
The 2 year old was excited she had a baby brother and loved to play with him, though she loved playing with her Daddy even more.
Currently the little ball of energy was running around the house away from her Dad who was attempting to put her in her clothes, she was going to work with him for the day.
The little girl was only half dressed as she ran before the man could put her trousers on, giggling she shouts "no daddy!" As the man almost grabs her, a smile on his face.
Still chasing the girl, surprised at how quick she was for a tot, though he wasn't running more like in slow motion, wanting the chase to last a little longer, it wasn't every day he got to do this with his daughter (besides he had time before work started)
From the living room, Hailey watches her Husband and daughter with a smile on her face as she held her sleeping baby, Jack was sound asleep as if nothing was happening.
As they make another loop around the house Aaron stops and hops into the doorway of the living room, back pressed against the wall, Hailey watches her husband as he made a shush motion.
"Daddy?" Calls Y/N as the tot ran past the room, a confused look on her face and she looked for her dad. Poking her head around the door she looked at her Mum. "Where daddy?" She asks a pout on her lips.
Hailey fails to hide her smile as her daughter was grabbed and thrown upside down, giggling madly Y/N yelled to be let down. "Daddy! Let go" giggling even more when her tummy was tickled.
"Never, now its time for naughty girls to be dressed" he tells his daughter smiling wickedly as he continues to tickle his daughter, the H/C girl only wiggled in his grasp.
"No no daddy, wanna wear princess dress" yells the tot, Aaron stops his attack and looks at his wife. Hailey only shrugs her shoudlers.
Ever since her birthday Y/N loved one gift in particular, it was a beautiful poofy princess dress her parents got specially made for her.
She loved wearing it every time they went out and was always careful to keep it clean. Hotch sighs of course she would want to wear it to his work.
Looking down at the sad puppy look hisbwas getting he gave in. Hanging his head he stood up Y/N in his arms.
"Okay, Princess dress it is" he declared, dramatically, while bouncing the little girl in his arms before walking upstairs with a happy Y/N "yayy" cheers the young girl.
Finally ready to go Hotch grabbed his brief case, his lunch and Y/N lunch. As he headed for the door he called for Y/N the little girl eagerly bouncing over to him as he helped her put on her light up shoes.
"Ready princess" he asks her, Y/N gives him a huge gumming smile. "Yes Sir Daddy!" She saluted him before hugging her Mum and baby brother before leaving. "Good luck" Hailey whispers as she kisses Aaron.
When they arrived at the FBI headquarters Hotch pulls his daughter aside. "Now N/N, I know your excited, but I need you to stay close to me today okay? The office is busy and I don't want you to get lost" he explains to the girl.
Y/N smiles and hugs his neck giggling. "Yes Daddy! I be good" she smiles, Hotch pats her head a smile on his lips. "Thank you N/N" the two Hotchners then walk into the busy building.
And what a pair they made, Hotch in his usual suit and red tie combo, his stoic expresson on his face. Y/N in her pink poffy dress with light up shoes waving and smiling at all the agents she sees.
Once they get to the bullpen, Y/N is introduced to the team who are all excited to meet the young girl. Soon Hotch is busy in his office mountains of paperwork to go through.
On the floor lays Y/N, the young girl had grown bored it staying in the office. She had drawn lots of pictures, played with her toys. Now she wanted to explore.
Getting up from the floor she walks over to the door and opens it quietly, giggling silently she squeezes through the gap and is now free from the room.
Giggling she runs around the bullpen looking at all the desk and the members of her daddy's team, one person stand out to her, that's person being Spencer Reid who had jsut recently joined the BAU.
Walking up to thr agent she grabs onto his pant leg and shakes his gaining the surprised Dr's attention, looking doen and the girl dressed in pink spencer gives her an awkward smile.
"Hi..?" He says Y/N grins up at him. "Hi! I'm Y/N" she tells him proudly. Spencer is taken aback how smiley Hotches daughter is.
"I'm Spencer, nice to meet you Y/N" he says, before Y/N holds her arms up to him, Spencer was confused before realising she wanted to be picked up.
Nervously looking over to his bosses office he picks the girl up and sets her down on his lap, Y/Ns smiles brightens as she was held by the young man.
The brown haired man was surprised again when the ball on energy on his lap twisted around so she could koala hug him, pressing tightly to him Spencer hugged her back.
" your nice" came a muffled voice pressed to his chest, Spencer let out a surprised laugh at that making Y/N erupted into giggles all over again.
After hugging spencer the H/C tot began moving around as he tried to work, afgwr wriggling a bit she finally settled behind him, half sitting on top of his chair and half holding onto his back.
Y/N happily played with the agents hair as Spencer worked, he was slowly getting used to the girl spending time with him.
As this happened a very worried Dad was panicking in his office trying to find his daughter, after going through everything in his office Hotch threw open his door and stepped down the ramp into the bullpen.
Morgan stood from his desk as he saw the worried expression on the man's face. "Woah woah, what's happened Hotch?" He asks the worried man.
Shoulders shaking Aaron explained he couldn't find his daughter anywhere, instead of helping Derek just laughed and pointed.
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot sorry for the wait! Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word Count : 1375
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
firstly, i adore your work 😭😭❤️ you’re so so so talented 🫶🏽 secondly, i just had the funniest silliest thought ever — “he's having some trouble with fractions 🥺 you were helping him with his homework and he was nearly in tears because he couldn't figure it out :((((((((( so you helped him complete it” i can literally imagine the reader and jack sitting at the table and crying because she has trouble with fractions too and they’re both just trying to figure it out 🤣🤣 and aaron walks through the door like ??? what is going on here and his poor heart feels so bad for the two of you but also it’s kinda funny 😭
the horrors of math
thank you 🥹 and PLEASE i love that so much <33333333 cw; none! just comfort & aaron in dad mode <3
aaron walks through the door, expecting to see his two favorite faces smiling up at him as usual. but, he’s met with two tear-soaked faces instead.
he freezes in place; still clutching onto his briefcase, taken aback and concern filling him from head to toe. he’s ready to hop into action no matter the cause, because what could have possibly happened, that the two of you are equally as distraught. naturally, he instantly expects the worst. “what happened?”
your gaze lifts, and his heart nearly snaps into two at the brokenness in your eyes, the pit of worry in his chest deepening. with a brief sniffle, you answer. “fractions.”
“fractions?” his brows furrow in confusion as your posture changes, allowing aaron to see a bit past you. he’s able to see all the math worksheets sprawled across the dining room table, along with multiple pieces of notebook paper crumbled into a ball. there's two pencils, both of which erasers is used to the very, very end.
jack peeks up at him next, his big eyes filling with more tears. “they’re real hard, daddy.”
aaron pauses. he’s still a bit off guard, and doesn't really know whether to laugh or cry himself. he does fight the urge to chuckle, though, not wanting to upset the both of you further. “okay. it’s alright, buddy. sweetheart.”
his hand finds your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. his tone is even - neutral - and the grounding of it seems to bring the both of you comfort, tears stalling.
aaron gestures for jack to rise, taking his chair and bringing him onto his lap. this way, he's close to the both of you, and you each have a clear view of jack’s homework. and as if that’s not enough, jack lays his head back against aaron’s chest, while your cheek finds home nestled against his shoulder.
“here,” aaron mumbles gently, grabbing one of the pencils, “lemme help.”
aaron being the one who’s bad at math -> calling bullshit
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show-your-fangs · 1 year
My trauma from certain chapters of Moments might’ve come up with something for a blurb. I’d die to see Jack expressing himself over not liking Beth and some sort of moment between reader Aaron and Jack where Jack makes it clear that he sees reader as a mother figure which makes Aaron pull his head out of his ass and makes the right chooce IMMEDIATELY for once👀 Or idk maybe not even Beth related but it would be cool to see Jack not wanting to lose another mother figure
I just love my little trio of hotchner boys and reader they’re such a little family I could cry
gosh as much as i am a beth hater, i could not find a way to fit this into moments. however, chapter 24 is literally just domestic fluff so you'll be fed GOOD when it comes out.
here's just a cute little moments au blurb where jack calls reader mom and aaron almost loses it.
This is part one of two Moment AU asks that I thought would go perfectly together.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x f!Reader
Words: 788
CW: nothing, just fluff.
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"Can we invite mom to dinner?" Jack's question filled the quiet apartment with a heaviness that Aaron couldn’t quite understand. Haley had just dropped the boy off at his apartment after spending the better part of the week at her place.
"Buddy, I don't think mom wants to come all the way here—” 
“Did I do something wrong?” Jack practically whimpered and Aaron was rendered speechless once more, his brows scrunching further. That just made the poor boy look even more disheartened. His round eyes practically bursting as he tried to figure out what he could’ve possibly done to offend. 
Aaron crossed the room to him in an instant, crouching down to his level as he sat at the dinner table finishing up on some school work. 
“You did nothing wrong, buddy,” he said, gently, making sure that the words settled. “I just don’t think we should ask your mom to come over for dinner when she just spent the week with you.”
“I don’t wanna invite mommy to dinner,” Jack corrected him, as if he’d been correct this entire time and it was his dad who was not getting it. “I wanna invite mom.”
It took Aaron a few seconds to blink away the misunderstanding, confusion twisting into shock. Jack had called you mom, Jack had just…called you mom. A smile crept up on Aaron’s lips, one that Jack matched instantly as he realized his dad had just understood him. 
“Do you want to call mom and invite her to dinner?” he asked the boy and he lit up like never before. Aaron pulled out his phone and immediately called you, putting it on speaker phone and handing the device over to Jack as he returned to the kitchen. 
“Hi, honey,” your voice was warm and inviting and he wanted nothing more than to respond to you, but he wanted to experience your shock, the shock that Jack had just given him, more than anything. 
“Mom!” Jack practically screamed into microphone.
“Hi, angel,” Aaron could hear you stifle a sob and he couldn’t help but tear up with you. 
“Hi!” Jack was too hyper, getting any words in difficult. “Dad’s making dinner!”
“What’s he making?”
“Dad!” Aaron couldn’t help the laugh that erupted, so much screaming, so much energy. He walked out of the kitchen and took the phone from the boy, turning off speakerphone before he addressed you.
“He’s making boxed Mac n Cheese with hot dogs,” Aaron replied, a smile in his voice. 
“Aaron—” you sobbed into his ear.
“I know, he got me too.”
“Did you know?”
“No,” he chuckled. “But I definitely do now.”
“Dad, give me back the phone!” Jack whined, pulling on Aaron’s arm until he could press his mouth to the microphone once more. “Can you come to dinner, please?” 
He stretched out that last word until he was gasping for breath, making both you and Aaron laugh. 
“Yes, angel, I’ll be there in a second, alright?” 
“I’ll see you soon, mom,” Aaron teased.
“I’m fully sobbing at a red light, just so you know,” you tried to make him feel bad but it honestly didn’t matter. Jack saw you as his mom, and nothing could take that away from you.
“I love you,” Aaron said. 
“I love you too.”
Jack was engrossed in his worksheet once he finally hung up the phone. Aaron watched him for a second, how his tongue stuck out of his mouth while he concentrated, how he gripped the pencil in his hand like it would somehow slip away, how all of his things had spread out across the table as if he quite literally owned the place. 
Jack had that effect on people, that easy way of taking over someone's heart in a way that only you could do as well. Aaron had been sure from the first time he introduced the two of you that you were soulmates, that he was meant to bring the two of you together.
Jack loved you so much it was overwhelming at times, his own kid clearly trying to one up him at every turn. But it didn't matter, Aaron knew Jack was your favorite, even if you constantly reassured him that you loved both your boys equally.
“Would you like her to be your mom forever?” He asked. 
Jack nodded enthusiastically, pencil dropping and attention back to his dad. “And ever and ever.”
Aaron smiled brightly, fully, like the sun had taken control of him and he couldn’t stop. It was a silent promise, a definitive choice, a reminder of the small velvet box he’d hidden in the back of his closet a few days ago.
“Do you want to help me ask her?”
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jack is my perfect child and i would kill for him
requests are still open for hotch and i am trying to get to the ones i've received. it's taking me a second because of just how many other open projects i've got, but trust me, they will get done.
tags: @canuck-eh, @ssamorganhotchner, @criminalskies, @xladyxdreamer
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f4nd0m-fun · 9 months
So maybe this is unwelcome because I don't see your asks being open anymore but...
I had a minor horrifying idea? I know your AU is meant to be sweet and it does have comfort at the end but still.
Anyway, as it goes, Danielle ends up in the past. Vlad cares for her, comes to see her as a daughter of sorts even.
But then her instability hits.
This is the first time that he meets Clockwork, but probably gets forced to forget it until... Clockwork shows up in the future, maybe a year after Danielle's initial disappearance.
Too be canon compliant, Vlad forgot about her because of Clockwork but, subconsciously, he knew he was missing a child. And when he saw Danny? Part of him knew that his child was tied to him.
But Danielle doesn't feel right to him, and he needs more time, he needs to loosen the grip his obsession holds on him before he can be allowed to remember.
But during that year Danielle was gone? Clockwork was allowing his memories to show up real-time in comparison to his past, and he slowly realizes. And he struggles to put together an even stronger method of stabilization, maybe even using his own mid-morph because he's grown, he's not going to bother Danny, and it's really just a bridge, doesn't cause much difference. So when Danielle finally returns to him, he's able to stabilize her.
And from this point on, you get Present-Day!Half-Redeemed!Vlad. You get him putting her in school, even if it starts out with her deaged a little to preserve ectoplasm. You have him very carefully introducing her to Jack and Maddie (who may or may not notice the similarities. You've got him being a dad again.
Danielle is confused, but, to her, it seems like Vlad is closer to the him he was when she was living with his past. Plus, he probably buys her the entire Jem series or something.
I dunno but It seems like a good way to merg your AU with Canon.
But yeah, not only for Vlad lose his friends but then his daughter kindred spirit and then he lost his memories. Poor guy.
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2braincellslz · 1 year
Can i request Thomas Shelby x son! Reader, where the reader is the bastard child of him and no one knows about him except Tommy. The reader's mother dies and he gets sent to a distant relative who mistreat him. And the reader also knows who his real father is, and one day they meet and the reade is just really really sarcastic and Tommy somehow finds out that this disrespectful child is his kid he abandoned.
Father Dearest
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Relationship: Son!reader and Father!Thomas
Desc: (y/n) having to suffer with his Aunt and Uncle, he decided to spend his day at the Garrison only to run in to his long lost father.
(Y/n) tossed again, huffing in displeasure. The sun was rising now but it wasnt like he got much sleep. Back at his moms estate, that was definitely not given to her to keep her quiet, he slept in one of the softest beds imaginable. It was almost like sleeping on a cloud. Now, living with Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick, he slept on a potato sack. Sometimes he swore he felt needles poking him from inside the mattress.
(Y/n) tossed more more time for good measure before giving up. He rolled off of his piss poor mattress, if it could even be called that, and tugged on his slightly too small "street" clothes. That of witch was a old yellowed dress shirt, work pants, and a hat. His "caregivers" didnt get him anything else.
Now, Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick wernt poor. Far from it. They were just cheap. Cheap when it came to (y/n). Cheap to the point where (y/n) was forced to sleep in the attic rather the guest room.
Ann and Dick had their own kids. Viv, a younger girl, she was kind but then again the reality of the world hadn't hit her yet. And Shawn, a boy about the same age as (y/n). Shawn and (y/n) got along fairly well. Often, they would hang out under some bridge and gamble with eachother. Whether it be a quick game of black jack or some kind of contest.
Shawn was also the only person who know about the hush money (y/n) received weekly. Shawn knew why (y/n) was getting hush money. Shawn knew who the hush money was coming from. Shawn also knew that (y/n) would lie about going off to work, much preferring hanging out at one bar or another and people watching but it was only a matter of time before people watching got boring.
(Y/n) climbed up the stairs, in to the kitchen where Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick were already sat at the table. The maid, Lizabeth, was hard away working at the stove while Viv watched carefully. Shawn was stood by a mirror, checking his tie one last time.
"Hot date?" (Y/n) asked, lightly slapping the back of Shawn's head.
"God, I wish."
"(Y/n)!" Dick called from the kitchen "dont hit Shawn or you'll be out on the streets so fast your head will spin!"
Shawn and (y/n) couldn't help but give a look, trying not to burst out in to a fit of laughter.
Letting in to the living room, (y/n) took the couch that was practically calling for him to fall asleep in and Shawn took a arm chair.
"So what's with the get-up?" (Y/n) asked, pouring himself a glass of Morning liquor.
"Dad's wanting to introduce me to some of his clients. Saying that I better get used to the 'get-up'"
(Y/n) hummed, nodding. He took a sip of the wisky. Dick would kill him if he caught (y/n) dirking it.
"So , what's your plan?" Shawn asked, getting himself a Morning glass.
"Planning on swinging by the Garrison. Seeing if that bar maid position is still open."
Shawn made a face, one of confusion and studder worry. "The Garrison? The place you are payed not to go to?"
(Y/n) just smiled, tipping his glass to Shawn.
"You are utterly crazy. Mr. Shelby still visits!" Shawn whisper yelled, leaning forward.
"He hasnt seen me in, what, eighteen years? He won't recognize me." (Y/n) couldnt help the small smile that crept up on to his face at the sight of the great Thomas Shelby being tripped up over his long lost son. "He's too busy with his businesses to even notice me."
"And if he does?" Shawn rasied his eyebrows.
"They I say I have a right to be here. The money is so I dont, one, stake any claim on anything to do with the Shelby family, two, not tell anyone that my dad is The Great Tommy Shelby, and three, not bug Thomas. I can still go to the Garrison."
"You're insane." Shawn sat back, placing his glass on the side table.
"Shawn, my boy, are you ready?" (Y/n) shot back the rest of the drink as Dick turned the corner.
"Yes, sir." Shawn stood up, straightening his cuffs.
Dick started for the door. Just as Shawn was about the leave, he shot (Y/n) a warning look. 'Dont get yourself in to unwarranted trouble.'
"(Y/n)." Aunt Ann called. "We have... guests tonight. I would suggest you etheir stay out late or stay in your room. Make yourself scarce."
(Y/n) just rolled his eyes, grabbing his cap before heading out the door.
The walk to the Garrison was never boring. The roaring flames from the factory's and the smoke filling passer by lungs was always a grand way to wake up. Granted, it was the only way to wake up.
Pushing open the door to the Garrison, (y/n) made himself at home in one of the bar seats.
"Ah, (y/n)" the bartender who (y/n) never bothered to learn the name of smiled. "The usual?"
"Actually, I was wondering if the bar maid position was still available?" (Y/n) asked, lighting up a cigarette.
Just as the bartender was about to open his mouth, the door snapped open. While the bartender was quick to look up (y/n) took his time.
A taller man walked in (clearly already buzzed). He was dressed in a distressed and messy suit and had a bushy mustache. (Y/n) was no stranger to the man, having shared one or two drinks with him.
Another guy was right behind him, a lot yonger. (Y/n) could tag him as Finn, the youngest of the (now) three Shelby sons.
The kingpin wasnt far behind his two brothers.
"Alright, everybody out." Arthur shouted causing the one or two people who didnt have jobs to leave. Exept (y/n) who sat back against the bar.
Arthur glanced over, clearly trying too hard to be intimidating. "Oi, you deaf?"
"Nope. Just bored." (Y/n) took a long drag of his cigarette.
"You got a death wish?" Finn piped up. God, It was hard not to laugh. Finn was almost like a little dog barking with the rest of the german shepherds as if he was one in the same.
"Depends on the day. Today..." (y/n) paused, pretending to think it over. "Nah."
"You best be leaving then." Arther took over again.
"No." (Y/n) turned around, back to the Shelbys.
"Leave him be. He won't say anything." Thomas finally hushed his brothers. Almost as if trained dogs, they both shut up and sat down. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)." He didn't turn back around. "(Y/n) (l/n)"
(Y/n) though he was poking a bear with a stick, wasnt dumb. He knew not to out right say he was a Shelby so he used his long lost mothers name.
(Y/n) could hear the cogs turning In Thomas's head. He could feel his father's eyes burrowing in to the back of his head.
Arthur stared on about something or a another.
(Y/n) finished his cigarette just as the brothers were finishing up their little chat.
The stood next to (y/n) creaked slightly as one of the brothers sat down next to him. The bartender slid him a drink. There was a thud, money being placed on the counter, only Tommy did that.
"Do I know you?" Straight to the point.
"No. I dont think you do."
"Your last name sounds familiar." Tommy took a sip of his drink, watching his brothers leave the bar. "You're brave but dumb."
"Two of my best quality's." (Y/n) waved down the bartender whi handed in another drink. (Y/n) reached over and took the money Thomas was going to use to "pay" for his drinks, sliding it infront of himself.
"Do you have a job? Seems like a odd time for someone of your age to be hangin around bars."
"Nope, just got fired."
"Yet you dont have a death wish."
"Hated the fucking job." (Y/n) paused. He knew Thomas could see right through him. (Y/n) did know if it was a dad things
or a Thomas thing. "Boss's were scum. Good coworkers though."
"Isnt that always the case..." Tommy sipped his drink.
"You know." (Y/n) threw back the rest of his drink. "I always thought 'Tommy' was a odd name for a gang leader. You would expect something more... hard. 'Tommy' is a name you would expect a young sweet kid."
"And Thomas?"
"Thomas is a little better."
"A little?" Thomas looked over, not being able to hide the suddle smile.
"Mhm. (Y/n) is a much better." (Y/n) smiled back.
Thomas hummed, moving off of the seat. "Well, (y/n), next time you want to talk to your father you dont have to your uncles." Thomas said, leaving the bar.
(Y/n) jumped, nearly out of his skin. He quickly turned, nearly knocking himself out of this chair.
"What the fuck."
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harlowtales · 14 days
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Jack has to deal with a cruel twist of fate 🤵👰🏻‍♀️💍🤰🏻
18 + ONLY - Adult Content
“Yo my girl is coming over tonight behave yourself” Clay said to his brother
“Couldn’t care less bro” Jack said as he checked his messages totally preoccupied as they were sitting on the couch together watching the game.
“Ok boys she’s going to be here soon. Clay set the table, Jack just behave yourself” their mom said shaking a spatula at Jack as she finished cooking
“Whys everyone saying that?” Jack said in fake bewilderment. He knew damn well why. He would get to cracking jokes and pouring on charm or just being goofy and the girls would fall for him leaving Clay with a broken heart.
Clay had come into his own. He had matured and grew tall and handsome and was a super producer living on his own. The family was gathering for Labour Day long weekend dinner and Clay was introducing his mystery woman to the family.
“Must be serious bro. I’m happy for you.” Jack said sincerely. He decided he wasn’t going to do anything to upset his brother. He had matured too and he had nothing to prove by stealing yet another girl. Jack made a mental note to not play around because he wanted to see if this girl was trying to date Clay to get near him.
Just then the doorbell rang but it was his grandparents. Then it rang again and it was his dad coming back from a run to the liquor store for the festivities. Then it rang again and again filling the house with aunts and uncles and cousins. No girlfriend. Clay started nervously checking his phone. Tonight he was going to propose in front of the whole family. His family was just meeting her but Clay kept her under wraps for almost a year.
Jack would tease him about his imaginary girlfriend but Clay wanted to make sure she was with him for the right reasons. Tonight be was making it official and they were basically eloping. He didn’t want the whole big fuss. His family was big and could get to be a lot, and him and his girl were low key. They always talked about a ceremony at City Hall, small dinner party and quick honeymoon in Jamaica. He was busy finishing up his brother’s album.
As everyone was getting hungry waiting for their new guest they decided to start eating. Jack was watching his brother out the corner of his eye concerned as he was frantically texting her back and forth. He vowed to keep quiet so he said nothing. Finally the doorbell rang. It was Stefanie. Clay jumped up to let her in and she was a mess!
Stefanie had caught a flat tire on the way over. She insisted on driving over herself because she was hyper vigilant about not looking like a gold digger or Clay spoiling her. She had an old Acura that worked on a good day but refused Clay buying her a new car. She knew how to change a tire but it had also rained a bit ruining her look. She didn’t want to look like a “baddie” so she had on jeans, a tank top with a light crisp white shirt and sandals with a slight heel.
Her hair was in a ponytail with light makeup. Perfect for a family Labour Day affair. That is until she had to get dirty. She had hazel green eyes being mixed Puerto Rican and beautiful olive skin with one dimple and a big smile. She also had a great sense of humour and was studying at a small University in Ohio majoring in international law. She told Clay she was having “car trouble” knowing full well Clay would rush over to where she was to help.
“Baby!” Clay exclaimed “What happened to you?” He whisked her in the house and Maggie their mom grabbed her a towel.
“Come with me Stefanie I’m going to clean you up you poor thing!” Maggie and her sister fussed bringing her upstairs.
Jack hadn’t yet got a good look at her. He had to go stand a bit away as he got a business call. When he returned he was confused. “Didn’t your girl walk in?” He asked Clay looking around.
“Yes and she’s a mess! Mom’s cleaning her up and giving her a change of clothes.” Clay explained. He was mad because Stefanie was always making something worse by not calling for help. It wasn’t the way he hoped dinner would go tonight.
When they came back down from upstairs Stefanie was all clean and freshened up with a pair of Maggie’s tights and a hoodie. Perfectly comfortable while her clothes were cleaned and dried. “Thank you so much everyone! What a way to meet you all. Geezus that was a heck of a way to kick this off. Hi, I’m Stefanie with an “f”” she beamed at all of them. Clearly this girl was different. She was outgoing and confidently shook everyone’s hand.
Then she got to Jack and paused “I guess saying hey what’s poppin? will get me eating all the coleslaw” she chuckled making reference to the times Jack has said in his songs he hates coleslaw. She had a goofy little laugh and was so jovial Jack chuckled too immediately impressed but keeping joking around to a bare minimum so nobody could accuse him of flirting.
“So Stefanie with an “f” please sit. You must be starving.” Jack’s dad said “eat up because we’re about to play some games.”
“Ooh! I love games! What kind of games?” She asked enthusiastically her eyes brightening as she dished out her food.
“Well I don’t mean to brag but trivia games are kind of my thing.” Jack’s dad Brian said leaning back confidently in his chair satisfied from the big dinner he ate.
“Sounds awesome Mr.Harlow.” She said sweetly with impeccable manners
Jack leaned over and whispered in his uncle Ben’s ear “This has to be a paid actor. No way Clay bagged this dime.” Clay shot Jack a look from across the table to which Jack responded with a look of innocence.
After dinner they all settled in for the big game. Board game that is. It was a serious thing in their house and nobody took loosing well. Clay was feeling the velvet of the small ring box in his pocket waiting for the right moment. Everyone seemed to be absolutely in love with Stefanie. Everyone except Jack. He had been unusually quiet this whole time.
“Ok get your partner and let’s get started with the first round.” Jack’s grandpa ordered
Clay and Stefanie snuggled into one another on the floor with a blanket ready to play. Clay was sure they would win. Stefanie was his secret weapon.
“First question for the lightning round.” Grandpa said “What Chinese state has the Great Wall of China? Everyone was silent.
“Can I Google this?” Cousin Ben said as arguably the smartest person in the room
“OMG!” Stefanie finally exclaimed jumping up “I know this one! It’s a trick question!”
“Baby calm down” Clay said laughing pulling her back down. They were so cute together. Jack watched their interaction to see if it was real. Stefanie would have been a dream girl for him. How did Clay land her? Where did they meet? Did she have a sister? But he vowed to behave and behave he did.
“China has provinces not states so any answer would be wrong. Am I right?” She asked the room excitedly
“Um how did you know that?” Jack’s dad asked her in awe.
“Stef’s an international law major.” Clay said slyly as he proudly put his arm around her as she sat back down
“Unfair!” Jack’s cousin Sean said “I’m not playing. This is rigged.”
“Ok everyone that was beginners luck. Next question!” Grandpa announced loving being the host of these shenanigans.
“What is the law of energy?” He said dramatically in a hushed tone.
The room went quiet. Clay squeezed Stefanie’s hand to stop her from answering. Eventually one of Jack’a cousins said “Give it to us Stef. We know you know.”
“Um ok and this is just a guess. The law of energy is energy is never lost just transferred.” She said adorably squeezing her eyes shut and crossing her fingers to which Jack looked away.
“Correct.” Grandpa said as the ringmaster
“I’m tapping out they’re going to win.” Jack’s uncle said walking away in a huff.
“Oh no I’m sorry everyone how about this next round I won’t answer. Zippy lippy.” Stefanie said with a giggle. Jack couldn’t take it anymore.
“Bro.” He gestured to Clay “Can you help me grab snacks in the kitchen?”
“Sure” Clay said happy his girl was making such a great impression.
“Who is this girl?” Jack said immediately as soon as they were out of earshot
“What the fuck bro, what’s up your ass? You don’t like Stef?” Clay said annoyed
“No. She’s great. Almost too great. How did you guys meet?” Jack asked as he grabbed some chips and dip
“I played a little gig on her campus and as you can tell she’s not shy. We hit it off and went for drinks after and that was it I was hooked.” Clay said lovingly looking over at Stefanie biting her tongue to not further upset his family.
“She got a sister?” Jack pressed Clay
“No and even if she did I wouldn’t let you near her.” Clay said defensively
“I’m not an asshole bro” Jack defended himself
“No you’re just…you.” Clay said and Jack knew what he meant. Jack had stolen too many of his girls only to have them crying to Clay later how Jack just stopped showing interest.
“Stef’s the real deal. Look what I got her.” Clay said taking the ring box out of his pocket and cracking it open for Jack to see. It was a cute little diamond just like Stefanie. For some reason emotions were coming up for Jack he couldn’t make sense of.
“That’s great bro just be careful.” Jack cautioned as they returned to the gathering. His head started pounding.
Jack pretended to have to leave early after getting a phone call. He left with warm goodbyes and a salute to his brother who was nose to nose with Stefanie. Clay decided to take Stefanie on a drive around his neighborhood and as he shared his childhood memories he popped the question in private. They called Jack right away on FaceTime. Stefanie was beaming and holding up her ring for Jack to see. Will you be my best man at City Hall tomorrow bro? Clay asked.
Jack was in shock. “Of course I’ll clear my calendar. Congratulations you guys.” He said slightly deflated. He couldn’t shake this cloud that had settled above his head and he tossed a d turned all night. In the morning he awoke groggy to pups licking his face.
“What’s the fucking rush?” He said to himself as he fixed his breakfast “Whys he getting married so fast?” But he had agreed to be his brother’s best man so he picked out a nice suit as it was too short notice to buy a gift so he had his assistant run out and get a card and a wad of cash for the happy couple.
Jack arrived to find his parents beaming and a relative of Stefanie’s. Her parents were in Puerto Rico and could not make it. “Hello brother!” Stefanie said to Jack flinging her arms around him already tearing up.
“Baby watch your makeup.” Clay said lovingly dabbing under her eyes. To see Clay like this shook Jack to his core. Urban was serious with someone, even his other buddies were all getting booed up. It wasn’t as regular for them to all be hanging out in their free time. Jack relied on his day ones and he was feeling just plain lonely. When would he meet someone like Stefanie? How was that even possible with his lifestyle?
The club girls he was having threesomes with were not fulfilling anymore. Girls were getting left on read as he had started to question his life. Fans were upset because he had been so M.I.A. Feeling like he was losing his brother to a fantastic girl he felt he couldn’t compete with was causing him an inner struggle to be happy for them. Plus if he was being honest… he was attracted to Stefanie. Her goofiness, her giggle, her smarts, her eyes, her boldness, the way she was helping his mom do the dishes when he left last night… and that one dimple, had intrusively entered Jack’s mind all night as he tried to sleep. His brother one upped him and got THE girl.
Jack blushed shyly as Stefanie shot him a grin and a goofy shot gun for the shot gun wedding happening with his brother. She had her natural curls flowing with little babies breath flowers strategically placed in a half-up do and a simple white summer dress she ran out bought that morning that delicately graced her slim frame. She looked like an angel. As they recited their vows Jack’s stomach began to tighten up.
“Hunny are you ok?” His mom asked as Jack shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
“I’m fine. I think that macaroni pie last night didn’t agree with me.” Jack explained it away
“That’s because you’re always eating all that healthy shit.” His dad leaned over and whispered
“Thanks dad appreciate it.” Jack said rolling his eyes. He couldn’t wait for this to be over.
As the happy couple jumped into Stefanie’s old Acura and drove off dragging rattling cans and a “Just Married” sign headed to the airport for their mini-honeymoon, Jack made an excuse and quickly bolted. He turned the key to his condo excitedly greeted by pups and nuzzled his whole face in her soft curly fur falling onto the couch in exhaustion. He picked up his pad and started to write a song about a girl he wished was his but didn’t deserve.
The weeks went by and as Clay returned tanned from the Jamaican sun him and Jack got back to work on the album. Jack braced himself for Clay talking his ear off about his new wife but Clay just kept his head down working hard to get everything perfect.
“You know you can talk about her. I’m ok with it.” Jack said late one night with his brother in the studio.
“Stef?” Clay said as he looked up from the computer screen “Aww you know Stef bro she’s back at school and here on weekends. Ain’t much to say we just us. With Stef everything is just natural. When she’s done her degree she’ll move here and that’s pretty much it.”
“What about kids?” Jack asked as he tore open the package of a Nature Valley Bar.
“I would love that when it’s the right time. Stef has dreams of working at the UN.” Clay said proudly
“So why the rush in getting married?” Jack asked
Clay squirmed and hesitated to answer. Jack looked directly at him and waited for a response.
“Uh, no reason.” Clay said “I mean if you know the one is the one…why wait?”
“I guess so.” Jack said suspiciously
“Ok you want the truth?” Clay said looking at Jack now
“That’d be nice for a change.” Jack said sarcastically
“I didn’t let anyone get to know her…well you, until I was about to ask her to marry me so it didn’t give you time to do what you do best stealing my girlfriends.” Clay finally said with a hostile tone
“I fucking knew it.” Jack said getting up and pacing “I knew something was different about you this past year.”
“Yeah different like I wised up. Stefanie is totally your type. I had to work smarter not harder bro.” Clay said tapping his temple indicating his intelligence.
“Playing chess not checkers I see.” Jack said sitting back down
“I’m happy for you bro honestly. No funny shit.” Jack said
“Thank you bro” Clay replied “Now let’s get this hook done I have to call Stef. I miss her already.”
Jack caught the far off look in Clay’s eyes and decided he better get on board and get to know Stefanie. If she hurt Clay it was game over. Their family was worth a small fortune and had to be careful who they let in.
Stefanie had her nose in a book chilling with her cat when she was jolted out of her story by her phone pinging. It was a text from Jack. How he even had her number she didn’t know. “Look out the window.” She read aloud and looked to see Jack Harlow standing there waving at her. Stefanie froze. Clay had warned her about Jack stealing his girlfriends. “Jack?” She called down to him. “What are you doing here?”
“You gone let me up?” Jack said in his smooth drawl back up to her. Stefanie ran down to let him in. It was Jack Harlow after all.
“Nice little place.” He said as he entered her apartment looking around. He had his puppy with him who immediately her cat didn’t like.
“Let me put Ms.Pumpernickel in my bedroom.” She said
“Of course her cat has such a cute name.” Jack said in his head. He drove to Ohio to hang out with her without telling Clay because Clay would have stopped him. He fully planned on telling Stefanie to keep his visit a secret.
“Listen Stef, I wasn’t here ok?” Jack said to her as she returned to the living room
“Of course you weren’t.” She agreed not sure where this was going
“Look, our family is kind of a thing.” He started explaining
“Yeah just sort of.” Stefanie said sarcastically, fully aware of her new status as a Harlow
“I needed to get to know you without Clay around.” Jack said raising the hairs on Stefanie’s neck.
“Jack I don’t do well with ambiguity. What’s all this for?” Stefanie asked throwing Jack off with her change in demeanour. Had Clay warned her about him?
“Can we just talk?” Jack asked so sincerely Stefanie’s walls came down a bit.
“Sure. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude.” She apologized “Can I offer you a drink?”
“Water please.” Jack said as he sat on the couch
Stefanie started to sweat. She never told Clay she had a crush on Jack for years. She didn’t just happen to know song lyrics. She deeply loved Clay as she had heard Jack was a major player, and now alone with him she could see he didn’t have to try very hard.
“Thanks” he said as she nervously watched him drink it down and wipe his mouth
“So shoot ask me anything.” Stefanie said wanting to get to the point
“What movies do you like?” Jack asked her throwing her off
“Um well I like science fiction mostly.” She said to no surprise to Jack as she seemed a bit nerdy which he found irresistible
“Stef I didn’t drive here to ask you what movies you like. As you know our family has some money.” Jack said cautiously
“I’m aware and I don’t want it. I’m going to work for the UN done day.” She said so adorably Jack had to regroup in his mind
“Ok” he breathed “I had to hear it from you. I don’t want anyone taking Clay for a ride.”
“Relax Jack. Really. I’m not a gold digger. Like at all.” Stefanie said patting him on the leg to which a sensation traveled up his body.
“Stef?” He asked “How did you know a deep cut like the coleslaw line?”
“Um no reason I mean who hasn’t heard Dark Knight?” She said off handedly
“A lot of people.” Jack said leaning back on the couch making himself more comfortable
“Look I like the music salute.” She said abruptly
“Is that all you like?” Jack asked trying to dig deeper
Stefanie blushed and felt warm. “Cute dog!” She blurted out “What breed is she?”
“Stefanie. Answer the question.” Jack insisted
“Every girl has liked you it’s not a big deal.” She said tossing her hair as if to toss away his accusations of what he had felt. At dinner at his parents, Jack caught a glimpse of Stefanie looking at him as he chatted with family at a distance. He said nothing to Clay but it bothered him.
“Every girl likes me but I don’t like every girl.” Jack said lowering his tone making Stefanie uncomfortable
“I’m married to your brother Jack.” She asserted
“I know that. I’m sorry I should go. As a matter of fact it was wrong for me to come here. I felt something and I thought you felt something and wanted to make sure so I know how to play this whole thing. I can’t say it’s easy watching Clay with you.” He couldn’t believe he just said the quiet part out loud.
“Jack you should go.” Stefanie said embarrassed “I shouldn’t be having this conversation with you alone like this. I love your brother.”
“Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself not me.” Jack said as he left.
Stefanie closed the door behind him double checking through the peak hole to make sure he was leaving. She felt dizzy and went to lay down with her cat patiently waiting for her to come and snuggle. It took Stefanie days to shake Jack’s presence it was powerful. At dinner she tried not to let on she was struck by how gorgeous Jack was in person. Was it ok to crush on your husband’s brother just a wee bit in your mind?
Her phone pinged one day as she was painting and listening to classical music making her jump. It was Jack. “Before I go do you want to come by my hotel for dinner? Sorry I have to eat privately as it causes less of a stir. No funny stuff.”
Against her better judgment she texted back “Sure.” Wondering what he was still doing in Ohio.
Stefanie decided to look casual so as not to give Jack the wrong impression not realizing he found that even more sexy. She showed up in baggy jeans and an off the shoulder button up shirt with her hair in a bun and just one long curl hanging down with her tortoise shell rimmed glasses on. Jack gulped when he saw her. “Come on in” he said feeling a bit weak. “Wine?” He said holding up a nice selection for her.
“Please.” She replied as she kicked off her shoes. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. In fact dinner was lovely. She got to know Jack better as they talked well into the night about so many different things. She realized some of Jack’s true feelings about politics and music, but especially being famous and how hard it was. “I better get going.” She yawned. Jack this was awesome. I think we got off on the wrong foot”
“Stefanie stay.” Jack said putting his hand on hers. “He doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Jack what??” She said in disbelief but not moving her hand away
“Just hear me out. We get this whatever this is that we know is there out of our system and that’s it.” He suggested breathing hard his heart pounding. He had to have her just one time.
“Jack no” she said getting up to leave. He stopped her and kissed her gently pulling her in close and pressing into her. She pulled away and grabbed her shoes not even stopping to put them on, but he blocked the door.
“Tell me you feel nothing and I’ll move.” He said desperately savouring the taste of her on his lips.
“Jack please let me go we can’t do this to your brother.” She pleaded
“You didn’t tell me you feel nothing for me.” He said not moving from in front the door
“I have a silly school girl crush.” She admitted “Now let me go. You really want to ruin your whole relationship with your brother? Tear your whole family apart?”
“No I don’t you’re right.” He said slumping down “Stefanie I can’t get you off my mind.”
“I can’t get you off my mind but that’s not helping anything! Jack I have to go. Call me before you leave tomorrow but tonight…I can’t stay here and this never happened.” She helped him up and he walked her out of the hotel and flagged down a taxi to take her home.
As Stefanie opened the door to her apartment she noticed a light was on that she remembered turning off. She felt a presence, grabbed a candle stick, and tipi toed around. She went to her room to find Clay fast asleep. He had come to visit and surprise her. She quietly washed Jack off of her and shampooed him out her mind.
Once in her pyjamas she settled in next to her husband and kissed him on the forehead. No more of this. As soon as she was done her studies in a few months she would suggest her and Clay move to another state. She had strong feelings for Jack and getting to know him made it worse, but Clay was no consolation prize. He was incredible in his own right. Stefanie decided she had to do what she had to do. She started feeling on Clay in his sleep. “It’s time to make a baby.” She said to herself.
Clay never knew what transpired between his wife and Jack. Jack never texted Stefanie again and their encounters were brief at family gatherings. “You not really warming up to Stef are you?” Clay said to Jack at one such gathering as they looked on as Stefanie animatedly chatted with Jack’s mom.
“Stef’s alright I ain’t got no issue.” Jack lied. By now he had gotten over what happened and got no further signs from Stefanie, but if he did, it would be impossible to resist her.
“Well that’s good cuz we got some news.” Clay said “Can I get everyone’s attention!!!” He said dinging a glass “Me and my beautiful wife have an announcement.”
“We appreciate you all very much.” Clay said reaching for Stefanie’s hand who all of a sudden looked pale Jack noticed.
“We are pregnant and moving to New York so Stef can make her UN dream come true and I can put my career in turbo.” Clay shared as he rubbed Stefanie’s stomach. She stood there half-smiling not saying a word.
Jack retreated to the basement den to watch tv while everyone cheered for them and cornered them talking excitedly asking them tons of questions. He didn’t want to leave abruptly and draw any negative attention but he could always make the excuse he was on a call.
Well this was it. Stefanie and Clay were as good as gone. Maybe now he could really move on. He kind of already had as he was spotted at a Louisville club with a new girl since the incident in the hotel in Ohio. Stefanie heard about it and reassured herself she chose the right brother. It was no life for her to cheat on Clay with Jack. She noticed Jack had walked away but preoccupied herself talking to family. Maggie and Brian were disappointed Clay was moving so far away, and Brian noticed Jack had quietly slipped away. Something wasn’t right.
“Hey son. Everything ok?” Brian said catching Jack in the Lazy-boy watching soccer.
“I’m just tired is all.” Jack said quietly not looking at him
“Weird to see Clay doing all this so fast huh?” Brian said
“Tell me about it. Weird is the right word.” Jack replied sullenly
“Listen son, it’s hard for all of us all these changes.” Brian offered
“Yeah I just need to find someone like what Clay’s got.” Jack said sadly
“You will son. It’s harder for you is all but you will.” Brian said encouragingly “You’ll find your Maggie one day or your Sugar.”
“Dad?” Jack asked “What made you know mom was the one?”
“I couldn’t get her off my mind.” His dad said
“Yeah sounds about right. I think I met my soul mate but it’s not meant to be.” Jack mused almost like his dad wasn’t there.
“That’s tough son. I’m sorry to hear that. There’s lots of great gals out there.” He said “I better get back don’t stay down here too long.”
Jack resigned himself to rejoin the celebration after the first half of the game. He heard footsteps and looked up to see Stefanie. “Hi Jack. May I sit?” She said kindly
“Ah sure Stef…or should I say mom.” Jack smiled and touched her stomach “I wish..”
“I know. Part of me wishes that too. Are you ok?” She asked
“Are you happy Stef?” Jack asked
“I’m so happy.” She smiled
“That’s good. I’m happy for both of you really.” He said
“I’m glad because I feel kind of bad.” She said starting to tear up
“Oh no shhoooosh I’ll be ok really.” Jack comforted her holding her as she sobbed
“I have no idea why the universe works the way it does.” She said “You should be the father not the uncle.”
“Stef stop this, what’s done is done. I should have left you alone.” Jack said regretfully “I’ll always be there for y’all you hear me? We can’t help how this worked out.” He said pecking her on the forehead and catching her perfume. “I’d rather have it eat at me every day than ruin my brother’s happiness. He thinks I don’t like you so make like we’re all good with each other ok?” Jack said with a wink.
“Ok Jack. Thank you, and for what it’s worth…I…I came down here to tell you…I do love you, but you would break my heart. I can’t compete in your world.” She said earnestly
“Stef, you on a pedestal. Nobody can touch you.” Jack said swallowing hard “and nobody better or imma catch a case.”
They both laughed and headed back upstairs. Stefanie went over to Clay and gave him a kiss and nodded to Jack from across the room. Clay sent Stefanie down to talk to Jack hoping if they talked a bit Jack would soften up to her. He had no idea and would never know what almost happened.
@itsyagirljaz @jackharlow502
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dearstvckyx · 6 months
i was wondering how did luna and nico meet? and how did lunas friend and family react to them dating? like i feel like quinn, ellen, jim, cole and ethan would be okay with them but everyone else would be upset
so i only did Luna’s family. Sorry for how long they are 😭 Enjoy!!
So in my ‘Meet Luna Hughes’ i mentioned that Luna has had a crush on Nico since he was drafted to the NHL. Being in a hockey based family, the Hughes family have watched every NHL drafts, rooting for their friends. When the 2017 Draft was happening Luna was sitting with her family. The first time the camera showed Nico, Luna fell in love. Quinn was the first and only one to notice, he also never said anything for years (which is important.) When Luna and Nico started dating Luna was 19 and Nico Was 23. They kept secret but with Quinn being Luna’s best friend, he was the first person she told and made him pinky swear to NOT tell anyone, especially Jack and Luke.
In order of who she told/who found out:
Quinn’s Reaction: He’s a little shocked but not surprised. He’d let Luna know that he knew about her long time crush on Nico (not knowing that he was also exposing Luna for that.) He would be the biggest supporter of their relationship. Oh and also since he is Luna’s older older o̲l̲d̲e̲r̲ brother, he gave Nico the big brother talk.
Ellen’s Reaction: Oh she was so happy for Luna and Nico. Literally welcomed Nico into the family with open arms. Always inviting him over to spend time with Her, Luna and Jim (eventually the whole family when Jack and Luke found out)
Jim’s Reaction: Went major over protective dad mode. With Luna being the youngest and only daughter, Jim values their relationship so much that he swore to protect her the day she was born. He gave the over protective dad talk, making sure Nico knew that if he breaks Luna’s heart he will kill him.
Luke’s Reaction: (after Luna and Nico have been dating a while) Oh poor Lukey, he accidentally caught Luna and Nico holding each other and talking in a slightly dark corridor. He was shoked, mad, confused and worried. He literally walked away, didn’t tell Luna nor Nico he was there (didn’t tell Jack…. yet.) The Devils went on to play and unfortunately they lost. When back in the locker room Nico, Jack and Luke were the last three in there, Nico was talking to Jack when Luke had had enough. He walked up to Nico (his Captain mind you) and said to him “Maybe if you weren’t so enamored with my twin, we would’ve won.” Jack instantly looked at Nico who was as red as a tomato. Oh and when he found out that Quinn knew before him he was livid, literally pulling the “I'm your twin” to Luna.
Jack’s Reaction: Jack was trying to process what Luke had just said. His captain Nico Hischier, than man he has know for 4 years, is dating his baby sister. Jack looked at Nico and then stormed out of the locker room and started looking for Luna. When he found her, she was talking to Alexander, Curtis and Timo, Jack didn’t care tho. He walked up to Luna and asked if Luke was telling the truth, obviously Luna was confused and Jack blurted out “are you dating my captain or not?” Luna was embarrassed with everyone looking at her so she dragged Jack into a nearby room and told him the truth. Jack was obviously upset and left Luna by herself and, being the stubborn guy that he is, ignored both Luna and Nico for three months (Unlike Luke who ignored them for 4 weeks.) After a stern talking to by Ellen and Jim, and even Quinn, he eventually became Lucos (he literally came up with the name) biggest fan and supporter.
Nina’s Reaction: Being Nico’s older sister she was a little overprotective but when Nico introduced Luna to the Hischier Family (unlike the Hughes family they all found out at the same time) Nina’s overprotectiveness of Nico switched to Luna. With both Luna and Nina being the only daughter of their respective families, they became the best of friends. Nina pulled Nico aside after a dinner and gave him her big sister talk saying “If you break her heart, cheat on her, abuse her or do anything to her i will end you.” Luna overheard this and tried so hard not to laugh at this, because she had just met Nina and she already loves Luna. Nico was nervous after that talk, so anytime Nico and Luna fought he would be the first to apologize (with Luna following after.) Nina is the first person Nico goes to for help for a gift or a birthday party or an anniversary thing. Nina’s also is the first person Luna goes to for anything (SORT OF SPOILER: even when Luna was freaking out about missing her period, Nina was there to help her with taking the test and calming Luna’s anxiety when it was positive)
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akira-hanaluvs · 20 days
yep, I’m going back to my old favorite with my current favorite, called me crazy but I actually think it’s a little bit more fun.
With the fact that Danny would in Twisted Wonderland and when it happens is after D-stabilize and before Phantom Planet or after Phantom Planet (I can’t decide which one) so with that in mind I can see when Danny meets Grim, he wouldn’t be fearful to him as that Ghost boy has dealt with worse.
In a way Danny can get away from Grim easily (the poor cat would struggle to find him until he did XD) though Danny would try to reason with Grim but of course he wouldn’t listen and try to attack Danny until Crowley showed up and stopped the devil cat.
Interesting Facts:
• Danny doesn’t fully trust Crowley as the headmaster wouldn’t keep his promise for getting Danny back to his world, in Danny’s case he isn’t really responsible enough. (Oof 😭😅)
whenever he gets annoyed or mad at Grim, Danny usually calls him ‘lil menace’, ‘gremlin’, and ‘Devil cat’ as he refuses to be called Grim’s “minion”
When Danny shows his ghosts powers to Ace and Deuce it was around in the dwarf’s mines when he saved Deuce from the phantom blot (at the time they didn’t know that)
In classes in NRC Danny actually had a good grasp on class lesson to a point where he gets genuine good grades, confused and surprised he goes up to Crewel asking if there is a mistake and when Crewel confirms that all his class work is correct. The poor Halfa was in complete shock that he would say “I- I never had this good grades besides that one test..” he said which would make Crewel genuinely concerned about the Halfa (papa Crewel is best Crewel QwQ)
In each of overblot victims’ memories came when Danny see them he would genuinely feel bad (pacifically Riddle’s, Azul’s, Idia’s, and Malleus’s) he sees those memories seeing them struggling with their trauma similar to his trauma (yes Danny has some trauma but hide it better until he lose his composure.)
The more time Danny constantly facing the phantom blot (since he doesn’t want to hurt the victims) after Grim in the end of book 5 scratches him in his ghost form, his injury would get infected with some of the blot that overtime he would have a high chance to be Overblot himself as well (the rest of the Twst crew would know Danny’s personal struggles and fears mainly of Dan Phantom)
Danny does sense a lot of ghosts in Twisted Wonderland as his own ghost sense would go off so if the Ramshackle ghosts try to scare Danny then he would be aware which actually amuse the Halfa as he is surprised that the ghosts in twisted wonderland is different in his own world and even the ghost zone as well.
When Danny befriended some of the main Twst crew, he is actually close to the first years though when he met Jack Howl it was awkward as his dad’s name is Jack so, to insure of no confusion Danny would call Jack Howl by his last name or ‘Jackie’ which it is understandable to Jack as he does not want Danny to be uncomfortable.
In story Danny would have to use his ghost powers in so many ways as in book 1 when Ace was kicked out and had Riddle’s collar on, out of curiosity and thinking Danny used his intangibility on the collar and taking it off of Ace’s neck which made the Heartslabyul student very happy but Danny told Ace that he had to put it back on his neck so that Riddle wouldn’t know. To the dismay of Ace but begrudgingly he agreed on it as it for safety reasons.
when Danny met Malleus, to the Halfa he thinks that Malleus is really cool and would call Malleus ‘Draco’ because of a constellation and also means Dragon as well, for Malleus was surprised that Danny would nickname him of thing that he was passionate about which made the dragon fae felt happy as they both would talk about their favorite interests (Malleus with gargoyles while Danny is Stars and space)
When any Twst characters asks Danny about his family and friends, he would definitely talk about them mostly he would also talk about his other friends from different dimensions, a boy who is big genius, a buck tooth boy with little creatures could give anything he wants, and finally a friendly sea sponge who is a fry cook. Danny would admit that he haven’t heard anything from them for a while now but understand if they find out that he is in another dimension they would be freaked out. (Aka Danny talking about Jimmy, Timmy, and SpongeBob though tbh I think Timmy would be jealous on Danny to be in a world that magic does exist XD)
The end of Malleus’s OB, Sam and Tucker did find a way to get into Twst with the help from Wulf who used his claws to get into the world and to find Danny, only to find out that he dealing with an overblot and become overblot himself.
in the Masquerade event would be interesting as Danny would have seen the ghost of Rollo’s late little brother Theo Flamme who stayed invisible in front of anyone except Danny could see him due to be a half ghost
Danny would tell about his ghost adventures to the first years group as Deuce would describe that Danny is a superhero which makes Danny happy about it
if Floyd or maybe even Grim would try to call him Dan or Dan-Dan you would bet Danny would get triggered as he would tell them in a coldest voice “Don’t EVER call me Dan again..!” and later he would tell everyone why after seeing his memories after his overblot.
so in short Danny would have to deal a lot issues but also would the moment that he would admit that he also has trauma issues.
I hope you guys like this idea that I come up with! I will also explain another AU that’s involved with Danny Phantom and the Owl House! Be on a lookout for that. Hope you guys have a good day/night!
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
So, just a thought
Janet is Kate Kane's half sister, Janet's mom had a fling with Kate's dad, or both of Kate's parents, and oops! Kate has a half sister that she doesn't know about. The half sister married Jack. Either Janet's maiden name is Drake and she forced Jack to take her name or she didn't mind giving up her name for Drake because the Drake name is less of a hassle than whatever her maiden name is and some distance from Kane and those connections was prudent.
Tim is Bruce's second cousin, he is family but also distant family by blood thanks to this affair.
That or Bruce is literally Gotham's favorite son and Gotham stands outside of petty things like time. Because it is outside of time, Gotham knew that it's favorite son would one day need something to keep him from going too far, Gotham created Tim. Gotham raised Tim to be as feral and independent as itself and to care for its favorite son as one would a little brother or a nephew.
I absolutely love cryptid batfam AUs. The second part of this isn't necessarily cryptid, but it has similar vibes. Also, the angst of Tim finding out that his whole life has just been preparation to take care of Bruce? Yikes. Poor kid went through it to be in charge of a grown adult. That's hilarious and I love it.
As far as the first part, being second cousins would be hella confusing for their relationship dynamics. Are they father and son? Coworkers? Cousins? Related people who don't acknowledge they are related?
I'd also love to see how them being cousins affects how Damian treats Tim
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91dawsonmercer · 5 months
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We've been adjusting to the move pretty well for the most part. The Devils are playing the Canucks tonight so mom and dad are visiting and Odessa is absolutely loving all of the attention she has been getting.
Poor Quinn has been getting her ipad shoved in his face every five seconds, Luke was forced to play dolls and Jack is honestly the only one that hasn't been tortured with something yet.
"What team are you rooting for tonight, Dee!?" Dad asks, and Quinn smirks at Jack and Luke as she runs into the room with her baby Canucks jersey on.
"Odessa!? Get that garbage off right now." Jack says, shaking his head. "What happened to the Devils being the best team?"
"Not when Quinner is playin'." She tells him, and Quinn holds up his hand for a high-five. "That's right, Dessa. Let them know where they rank."
"I'm telling your buddy that you're a traitor." Jack says.
She shrugs, holding her arms up for Quinn to pick her up. "Owen will forgive me."
During warm ups Owen immediately pointed out that Odessa's jersey was for the other team and after a little bit of explaining he understood why.
The whole game the kids were talking about stuff that was going on with the bench.
"Dawsy has an ipad?" Odessa says, pointing.
"Do you think he's watching coc'melon?" Owen asks.
Reanne and I both laugh.
"That's definitely what he's watching, guys." Reanne answers.
The Canucks end up winning six to four and Odessa is letting Jack and Luke have it.
"You lost." She points at them.
"Yeah, Dessa. We know." Luke says, picking her up.
"Where's Dawsy?" She asks, looking around for him.
"He already left. You'll see him at home." Jack tells her and I look at him confused.
"What?" I ask.
"Mom, Dad and Luke are babysitting. We're going out." He says.
"Don't I have a say so in this?" I question.
Back at the apartment, Odessa is giving Luke attitude about getting ready for bed.
"Your clothes are on your bed. Go get changed." He tells her and she shakes her head no. "I waiting for Daws."
"We won't leave without you getting to ask him about the ipad, Dess. Let's go get changed into your pjs." I say, picking her up and carrying her into her room.
I get her changed and she grabs her blanket from her bed before running back out of the room.
"Dawsy!" She yells, her voice echoing through the apartment.
"Hi, Dess. I heard you got something to ask me." He says, picking her up.
"You lost."
"I did. Was that all you had to tell me?" Dawson laughs.
She shakes her head no. "Were you watching coc'melon?"
They all look over at me confused.
"She seen you on the ipad and Owen and her were taking bets if you were watching cocomelon or not." I tell him.
"Oh. No, I was watching a replay of the previous play." Dawson tells her and she nods.
"Okay, you asked Dawson your question. Now it's bedtime." Mom says, causing Odessa to reach for her.
"Be good for Mimi, Pap and Luke, Okay. Don't give them any trouble about going to bed." I kiss her cheek and she wipes it off. "I won't, Mommy."
"Alright, let's go before she somehow manages to get out of going out." Jack says, practically dragging me out of the apartment.
In the Uber ride to the bar, Jack turns around in the front seat so he's facing us.
"We aren't being sappy emotional drunks tonight, got it y/n." He tells me, and I nod.
I've always been the type to get drunk and let my emotions get the best of me, but I'm determined not to let that happen tonight.
I bought first round because I technically owed them it since they all helped me move in, but after that, the guys wouldn't let me pay.
Jack and Nico went to get us more drinks, leaving Dawson and I at our table. The drinks start to hit, and I start to think about everything and feel like I'm failing Odessa. I start to cry, and Dawson looks over at me.
"What's wrong?" Dawson asks, pulling me into a hug.
"I just… I feel like I'm not doing enough for Odessa. She's been through so much with the move and everything, and I just want her to be happy. But sometimes I feel that I'm not doing a good job as a mom."
Dawson pulls back slightly to look at me. "Y/N, you're an amazing mom. Odessa is so lucky to have you. Moving to a new place is tough, but she's adjusting. You're doing everything you can for her, and that's what matters. Don't be so hard on yourself."
I smile weakly. "Thanks, Dawson. I really needed to hear that."
Jack raises an eyebrow at me as he puts my drink down in front of me. "Everything okay?"
Jack and Nico return to the table, carrying a fresh round of drinks.
"Yeah, just had a moment." I reply.
We drink our drinks and uber back. Deciding to go to Dawson's apartment so we didn't risk waking Odessa up.
"Nico and I will take the couch. Y/n, you're with Dawson." Jack tells me.
"Is that okay with you?" I ask Dawson, and he nods.
I follow Dawson back to his room, and he grabs a pair of sweats and throws them at me.
"The bathroom's right there," he says.
"Thank you," I reply, heading into the bathroom. I change into the sweats and return to the room.
We get into bed, and can hear Jack and Nico yelling at each other in the living room.
"Get your nasty feet out of my face!" Jack's voice rings out.
"Get your face out of my feet, Hughesy," Nico retorts.
Dawson laughs, shaking his head. "Those two are like an old married couple."
I laugh, nodding in agreement. "They really are."
As we drift off to sleep, I feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Tonight may have had its emotional moments, but being surrounded by people who care makes it all worth it.
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To Have & To Hold: Part 3
Fandom: Marvel - Moon Knight (Mafia AU)
Pairing: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader, Jake Lockley x F!Reader
Summary: To ensure you’re always safe even after his passing, your father, a mob boss, makes you marry his right hand, Marc Spector. You don’t necessarily hate Marc, but you don’t get along either. Therefore, this marriage of convenience may be a bit difficult for you.
Warning: explanation of DID -> mentions/implications of trauma
Series Masterlist
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"Well that went well." Marc mumbles to himself as he drives back to his own apartment.
"Seems like she hates us," an English accent fills his head.
"She doesn't. She's just frustrated at this whole thing."
The accented voice scoffs, "Well yeah. Imagine hearing that not only your dad is dying but he's making you marry his right hand man who's a cold blooded killer."
Marc tightens his grip on the steering wheel, "I do what I have to so we can survive. You working at the museum was getting us nowhere."
"But we were living a normal life!"
"Look at us, Steven. Look at how far we've come! That's because of me!" He's huffing as he continues the drive home. He knows the things that he's doing isn't right, but he's only trying to keep them above water. Him and his system have struggled for too long. He knows Steven tried, but it wasn't enough.
The only person who knew about his condition was your father. Marc was fronting, beating down on some guy who owed your father money. He said something that triggered Marc, that truly hit him. Not physically, but emotionally. Mentally. He tried his best to not to let it get to him, but he couldn't. He was reminded of what happened to him...them. He was reminded of her. He couldn't shake it. He retreated and Steven fronted.
Your father and the rest of his men were confused as to why Marc was suddenly speaking in an English accent and seemed a bit distressed.
"The hell?" your father gestures for two men to take Marc's place and your father pulls Marc aside, "The fuck is wrong with you, Spector?"
"O-Oh, um, right, well. It seems Marc has, uh, hidden away."
"Hidden away? But you're right here." your father looked at him confused.
"No, no. Um, bollocks, how do I say this? Uh, we have DID, dissociative identity disorder. It seems Marc was distressed about something that poor fellow," he gestures over his shoulder to the guy getting beaten to a pulp, "had said. Shook him up, which means I come forward to protect Marc in a way. It happened due to traum-anyway," Steven shakes his head, "For the time being, Marc is out of commission and you have me."
Your father looked at him in shock, "How the hell have you managed to hide this from me? You've been working for me for years now."
"We're pretty good at managing it, but that bloke really hit a nerve."
Your father snorted, "Well, can you finish this job or..?"
"Oh no. Me, I'm a pacifist. Marc does all the," Steven lightly punched the air.
Your father pinched the bridge of his nose, "Fan-fucking-tastic." he let out a deep sigh, "Go back to the estate and wait for me there."
"Right. Sorry 'bout all this." Steven gave
He promptly got in a car and made his way back to the estate.
Your father had requested your presence the next day. After a meeting with his lawyer, he gestured you in. Now you two are sitting on his couch, sipping a Jack and Coke.
"So how'd dinner go?" he asks you with a smirk.
You cock a brow at him, "Marc didn't tell you anything?"
He shrugs, "Just said that it went well."
You couldn't help but chuckle, "I wouldn't put it that way."
"Sunshine, did you give him a hard time?" he looks at you with a warning tone.
"No. Yes. Maybe?" You turn your body more towards him, "Dad, I was and still am a little upset about this whole thing! I don't get a choice here!"
He waves you off, "Honestly, more of a formality. It's not like I'm asking you two be in love and have kids. I just want to make sure you're both alright once I pass."
You scoff, "Marc doesn't need help, dad. He doesn't need anyone to care for him."
"Well it's nice to have a companion to support you when you're having a rough time," he sets his glass down on a nearby table, "Sunny, listen," he takes one of your hands in his, "I know you're a big girl, but I'm just worried something might happen once I'm gone. Whether it's another gang or just normal life struggles, the only person I can trust that will look after you is Marc. You don't have to love him. You two can have your own companions if that's what you want. But you two marrying each other ensures that you'll be okay."
Sure. Fine. Okay. You get it. Your dad loves you and cares about your safety, but-" But what if we divorce after you...you know?"
He pats your hand, "I have some things in place for that."
"Which are...?" you try to push him to explain but he shakes his head, "That won't be revealed until I'm dead."
You look at him deadpan, "You can't be serious."
He smirks at you, "Sunshine, I didn't get here by not taking things seriously. You know that." he stands and bends over to press a kiss to your head, "Marc will be arriving soon to take you to your charity meeting."
You look at him confused, "Why?"
"So you can get to know each other more," he waves at you, "Love you and enjoy the rest of your day."
You down the rest of your drink and stand from the couch, "Thanks. Love you too," you murmur as you collect your things and exit your dad's office.
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prince-strife · 4 months
So I watched “Like Minds” (I’m super unwell about gay people)
this one is like 3x longer than the tenet one
spoilers for a movie that came out 20 years ago ig
alex is clearly rly smart but he’s a right prick about it
nigel sure does like to stare 🤨🤨
oh so he’s a little freak. bro’s got a taxidermy cat in his luggage
well. def explosives
he rly likes dead stuff…
not the gay little obsession
he’s so pretty tho fr mfer has gorgeous eyes
bro fuck this cop frfr
he did not seriously just punch this kid
oooh alex is fucked in the head too. inch resting
alex is one of those rich boys ._.
“obligations” hmmm i Do Not like the sound of that
WAIT THAT WAS HIS DAD??? that explains that ig
wait why is alex on the villains wiki. WHY IS ONE OF HIS CRIMES NECROPHILIA
interesting that alex is so aggressively anti-church (as an establishment, i mean)
ooooh nigel is Looking at him
not him fighting with his teacher
taking detailed notes about the people around him…nigel colbie autism
nooo leave him alone :((
alex is so mean to him omg. let him be a little freak in peace
wtf ym you “can’t find” the colbies..
omg staring across a casket at each other..
tom sturridge is so fucking beautiful i’m unwell
“i almost missed him” 🤨🤨
38 minutes in and i think this is the longest we’ve heard nigel speak
idk i need nigel and alex to kiss
“i’m really sorry about your friend” baby don’t lie no the fuck you’re not
smth abt the way nigel said “but you don’t have to worry” reminds me of the scene at the end of batman where joker is telling the riddler he did a good job.
THE GLARE AT THIS POOR GIRL nigel looks jealous as fuck
nigel baby giving the boy you like a hand is not the way to his heart
“it looks like you need a hand.” BABE. NO. TOO ON THE NOSE
he’s so cute in his lil jumper
SITTING ON HIS BED??? LEANING OVER HIM WHILE HE SLEEPS???? nah this is. gay behaviour
“alex, wake up. i’ve got a night planned 🥺” aww they’re gonna go on a date
oh they’re super close. NOW KISS
ooh hanging the essay over his head
the big smile… “are you having fun?” the little giggle. the smirk. he hates his ass. he is so in love with him. WHAT IS GOING ON
hmm i do not trust this
“i’ve never brought anybody here before” INTERESTING (“i’m being vulnerable plz don’t be a dick abt this”)
i’ve still got an hour left of this movie good god
my mom is watching gbbo rly loudly and i just got super confused as to why the music Did Not Match the scene
“do you like it 🥺🥺” NIGEL. BABY. he’s so proud of his weird little lab it’s so cute
these little history nerds…
i rly thought nigel was gonna cuddle into him for a second
“do you know what a pike is?” batting his eyes, looking as coquettish as possible. oh my god. oh my god.
CALLING HIM JACK. i’m so unwell this is so gay.
“we’ve been brought together for a reason” oh my god he thinks they’re murder soulmates
“for eternity.” gnawing on the bars of my enclosure
not him asking her out, nigel’s gonna be PISSED
the way he says “jack” i’m gonna pass out
“my name is alex. stay away from me.” NOOO it’s ok nigel i’ll be your jack
taking the gay goggles off for a second nigel clearly is in desperate need of a friend and is trying so hard to make alex his friend and it’s making me super sad bc he doesn’t seem to quite understand why it’s not working :(((
but also nigel baby stop breaking into his room
it’s giving yandere tbh
“what’s with the knife” *biggest most innocent doe eyes* “i don’t know what you mean, jack”
i feel bad for her fr tho she didn’t do nothin wrong. not her fault alex is oblivious to his psychopath boyfriend
lol alex looking around for nigel when he finds out she’s dead. he’s not stupid, i’ll give him that
nigel’s very bad at acting innocent
“i sense some hostility” NO REALLY
they look like they’re abt to kiss
“no jack, you did it.” babe.
“feels good to vent one’s anger doesn’t it jack””i don’t want any part of this” “too late for that”
oh he’s CRAZY
he so sure that alex is just as nuts as he is.
wtf happened to nigel’s parents
babe being cryptic is not helping your situation
i bet his parents are dead
hehe the jack <3
his jars of dead shit are so weird
was that a drawing of the dead kid?
nigel has rly nice handwriting omg
idk if the knowledge that it’s purely for scientific interest makes the pictures of the sleeping girl better or worse
he calls them helen and john???
love him introducing alex like he’s his boyfriend
nigel looks so dead inside omg
“stop it, nigel :((“
OH HE MADE THE BIBLE??? i thought it was a book he had not smth he created that’s actually pretty cool
“our union” 🤨🤨 its giving marriage
“nigel was right about this” hmmm boyfriend behaviour
omg mckenzie SUCKS like he’s just kind of an asshole
“i knew you couldn’t resist a secret rendezvous <3”
“you didn’t know nigel”
“my dearest jack”
his lack of reaction to her getting shot…
he’s so clinical about the cleanup…
he’s so pretty…
omg does he want jack to be his maraclea is that why he got the gun (ik his mom was his maraclea let me be delulu)
he rly thinks this is completely justified
i’m so sad he’s dead :(( gimme my babygirl back
holy fuck alex got released
“my beloved susan” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
“nigel got what he wanted…eternity”
OH MY FUCKING GOD J CANT BELEJEV HE DID THAT… continuing nigel’s work… oh my fucking god
“you like history.” BITCH WHAT
Edit: I forgot to give the movie a rating .-. 500/10 i fucking loved it, i’m already making a forbie playlist
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socksandbuttons · 1 month
*crawls back here* Socks, I am once again stimming and yapping about Solar. Him as Wolverine in the thumbnail is something I didn't know I needed. When I tell you this male wife is SO FINE. When I tell you this male wife is scrump-delic-ious!! /ref I am losing my mind over here AAAAAAA
Segway from that, love how he's really acting like a father to Jack, scolding him and whatnot. About the Bugatti LMAO. Jack, sweetheart, you're a little confused but you got the spirit.
Also, love how Jack officially referred to Sun as uncle and a brother to Solar. Even though Solar still refers to himself as "more of a cousin". It's cute that Jack prefers closer familial ties but if Solar wants to stay as cousin, even after Earth could ask him if she could call him her brother (Youtube, bring back TLAES, please. Thank you.), it'll be great either way (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
When Jack told the part when Nexus broke down and screamed "I missed my brother!" I was like "YES, SOLAR! He said that. Nexus, a moon model, called you his brother and not a byproduct. Yes, that happened!" GOSH, but the way he checked up on Sun after that info-drop because I remember Sun saying that he felt hurt when he heard that from Nexus. I need to rewatch that episode again to hear what Sun really said.
There's so much more I want to yap about for this episode (but I don't want to be annoying (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)) like Jack having a mini existential crisis because he was made with FazBear parts LMAO, and Solar and Sun finally hangout!! FINALLY!! It wasn't shown onscreen but I hope they get to talk about their hangout in the upcoming episodes, like what they thought about the movie, etc.
SOLAR BEING DAD IS EVERYTHING LOOK AT HIM ADJUST TO THAT. wasnt considering himself a father but the moment jack was calling him that??? switching gears. bugatti... like the luggage??? THE CLOTHING??? wild.
Solar just being... unsure where he is in the family (SIR YOUVE BEEN ACCEPTED AS THEIR BROTHER BY EVERYONE... altho earth and lunar goijng to officially ask him??? my heart. god laes PLEASE RETURN TO USSS)
Jack infomring Solar of that moment and then going 'you okay sun?' like... jack so aware but so silly at the same time... Solar ur son is too good.
jacks existential crisis... poor guy. Solar being upfront about it tho. BUT YEAH WE FINALLY GOT SUN AND SOLAR HANGING OUT. BONDING!!!
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : MISSING BIRTHDAYS
Requested by my bubbles 🫧 @hoodharlow 💙 🩵
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Last night you celebrated Ezequiel’s fifth birthday party. A birthday party that you and Jack have been planning on for a while.
You were excited to see all your family and friends, some that you haven’t seen in a while. But most importantly, you were excited to celebrate your son.
It should’ve been an amazing time, with all the kids running around, fighting inside the jumper. To the tíos and tias getting rowdy over the music choice and which beer tastes better .
But sadly, it was nothing how you imagined it to be. In fact it was the total opposite and there was only one person to blame.
You, Mia and Ezequiel were in the living room sitting on the floor, opening the birthday presents Ez didn’t get into yesterday at his party.
You were halfway through a boxed present when you heard the front door being opened then closed.
You face your kids and notice Mia goes wide eyed and Ezequiel is just looking down at his little hands.
“Hey I’m home.” Jack announces as he walks into the living room with a huge smile on his face.
“Hi daddy.” Mia stands up and goes to hug him.
“Trator” Ez whispers loud enough for only you to hear.
“What’s all this?” Jack points to the pile of wrapping paper and toys.
“Presents Cheesy got.” Mia answers him.
“He got presents delivered early?”
You scoff and roll your eyes.
Ez stands up, looks at Jack with a sad and disappointing look on his face, but more so hurt. “Thanks for membering my birthday.”
Jack chuckles “What?”
“You pinky promised.” Ez lets out with a shake to his voice and walks out the living room.
“What is he talking about?”
“Unbelievable.” You stand up and start picking up the trash. “Yesterday was his birthday party, you know the one we’ve been planning for months.?”
Jack looks confused. “No, that’s until the twenty fourth.” He takes out his phone to probably check the date. “FUCK.”
“Daddy.” Mia warns him with a smirk, as she takes a handful of popcorn.
“Mia, not now please baby.” Jack tells her and follows after you to the kitchen.
“Y/N. I totally forgot, I’ve been super busy and my head has been all over the place.”
“We don’t make poor excuses when it comes to our kids. We made a promise to always be there for the important occasions involving them.” You slam the top of the trash can and turn around to face your husband. “He waited for you, he didn’t even get to enjoy his party because he kept looking out to see if his daddy would show up.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Are we those parents now? We put our jobs before our children?.” You walk back to the living room.
“You’re being a bit unfair here Y/N.” He shakes his head. “I can’t always put work on hold like you do to yours. I admit, I forgot about his party but you can’t hold it against me when my work it’s what’s feeding our family.”
“Wow, just wow Jackman.” You shake your head. “Find somewhere else to stay tonight.”
“I didn’t mean that, babe just cut me some slack.”
“You think I don’t get it? You think I don’t understand that you have a career? That I don’t see everything you’ve been doing? I do and I couldn’t be more proud of you.” You close your eyes for a few seconds and then open them right away, taking in a deep breath to control yourself.
“I’m not mad because you work Jack, I’m mad because you promised that little boy you’d be here. He asked you time and time again if you had work, and you said no every single time. My little boy was heartbroken yesterday.” You wipe a tear from your cheek, “You could’ve called or something, and maybe just maybe things would’ve been different.” You head out the living room to go look for your son.
Jack groans and sits down on the couch, his head leaning back on the armrest.
“Are you and mommy gonna be okay?”
Jack sits up and faces his daughter. “We will be bug, I pro-“
Mia shakes her head, cutting him off “No promises.” She says sadly.
“I deserve that.”
She shrugs, “I’m not trying to be mean dad, but Cheesy was really sad. He didn’t even eat cake and you know he loves cake.”
“Hello? The door was unlocked losers.” A voice is heard coming from the foyer.
Jack groans “Great, the instigators are here.”
“We heard that bum.”
“Yeah that’s why I said it.” He looks up and sees it’s Blanca, Ree and Lucy, Y/N cousins. Jack stands from the couch and stands in the middle of the living room.
“Well if it isn’t the dead beat dad.” Ree says, glaring at Jack.
“Calm down, I’m around my kids so no need for the insults.”
“Ohhh what is that tia B?” Mia points at what Blanca is holding.
“This is for EZ.” She uncovers the box. “Le prometí traerle pan dulce.”
Mia smiles “Su favorito.”
“Llévaselos mientras hablamos con tu papá.” Blanca carefully hands Mia the box.
“Tia be nice.” She warns Blanca, then faces Ree and Lucy. “Him and mommy are fighting so don’t be mean to him.”
The three of them smile. “We’ll try our best bug.” Lucy makes no promises.
Mia groans. “Evil tias.” She shrugs. “I dig it.” And she walks out the living room.
“Say whatever you’re about to say.” Jack rolls his eyes.
“We’re not saying anything.” Lucy tells him.
“Uh yeah we are.” Ree says right away.
“I think it’s funny that you like to say family this, family that. But you can’t even make it to your son's birthday party.” Blanca shrugs. “Couldn’t be me.”
“BLANCA.” You gasp out as soon as you walk back into the living room.
“I’m just saying,” Blanca shrugs.
You shake your head. “They’re in the playroom.”
Ree smiles and goes to hug you, sensing that you’ve been arguing with Jack, which probably led to you crying. “We just came to drop off the pan dulce for the little man.”
“We saw Urban with Cassie and baby mama, so we knew little man would need his sweats”
“Thank you.”
The girls head out, leaving you and Jack alone.
“Not once, not once have I said you’re a terrible father and I’m not going to start now.” You cross your arms standing a few feet away from him.
“Before you start, understand that I’m not mad that you worked. I’m upset that we asked you numerous times if you were sure about having the weekend off and you said yes. I’m upset and hurt that you let my baby boy down. If you would’ve told us you had work, he would’ve understood that, because newsflash Jackman, our kids are way smarter and understanding than what you give them credit for.”
“I know I messed up babe, I do. But I didn’t do it on purpose. Chris keeps booking me for all these overseas festivals and I can’t back out of them.”
“I honestly don’t even want to listen to your poor excuses. What’s done is done, what you said to me it’s understood.”
“Y/N, I’m sor” you cut him off, getting annoyed. You’re probably overreacting, but you can’t just erase the broken look your son had all day yesterday.
“Don’t you dare apologize to me, you said what you said, own that shit.” You tuck your hair behind your ear, so it’s away from your face. “Apologize to my son, make it up to him. He’s the only one that matters rights now.” You go and sit down on the couch, letting out more tears.
Jack kneels in front of you, holds your hand but you quickly move out his hold. “Baby.” He whispers.
You turn the opposite way, not wanting to look at him. “Please look at me.”
“Jack, just go fix things with Ezequiel.” You whimper out.
Jack stands up and goes towards the playroom. “You and mommy need to chill, so what if daddy had work? He always does.” He hears Mia say.
“He pinky promised, he said theys are portant.” Ez tells her.
“Okay point made bu-“
“Mia, can I speak to your brother alone please?”
“Are you going to make him cry?” Mia glares.
“What? Of course not. Alize Mia, go color or something.”
“Fine, fine. Everyone is just grumpy today.” She mutters on her way out the room.
“Hey little man, can we talk?”
Ez shrugs, “I don’t wanna.”
“Okay, how about I talk and you listen?”
Ez nods sadly.
“I know sorry isn’t enough to make it up to you. I know I let you down buddy, but it was never my intention to do that to you.” Jack reaches for Ezequiel and they both lay down on the huge bean bag.
“What can I do to make it up to you?” Jack brushes his fingers through his son’s curls.
Ezequiel shrugs “I don’t know.”
“You’re allowed to be sad little man, I let you down and you’re more than welcomed to those feelings. I’ll never stop apologizing.”
“Can I go with momma?”
“Y-yeah little man.” Jack let’s EZ stand up but stops him. “I love you okay? That’s never going to change.”
Ez nods and runs out the room.
Jack is left alone in his kids playroom, laying on the beanbag.
“Well daddy,” Mia announces, jumping on the bean bag. “Seems like we’re sleeping at Nino Urban’s house and planning on how you’re gonna make it up to mommy and Cheesy.”
“What? You’re in the dog house or whatever grandma says to grandpa when they fight.”
Jack shakes his head, he turns to look by the entrance of the door and sees you passing by with Ezequiel in your arms, most likely heading to the bedroom.
Jack quickly turns to face Mia, “What’s your plan? How can I make it up to them?”
“This is gonna cost you.” Mia warns him.
“Yes, anything.”
Mia smiles and claps her hands. “Okay soo…”
• • • • • • • • • •
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creepylittlelady · 10 months
Hello, sorry it took me so long to respond! I was quite busy today lol
I like Toby and EJ, so I have quite a bit on them! Sorry if you don't like them because they're not the most canon accurate, they're actually a bit more on the fanon side in some parts ;) I wanna give some more slice-of-life headcanons but if you want more serious ones I'll give them to you!
-So you know that 'Toby loves waffles :3" thing? Well in my AU it was a thing that happened but just not to that extreme. When he first moved into the mansion (Yes this is a Slendermansion AU), Waffles were his safe food and he ate them quite a lot, making the other residents at the time to make an inside joke about Toby loving waffles. These days he can't even look at a waffle without Jeff and Ben screaming "SAY THE LINE!" and staring at him until he says it.
It basically goes like:
Slender: What do you want for breakfast? Toby: *nervously fidgeting* Toby: *whispers* Waffles. Ben, from the other side of the room: DID I JUST HEAR SOMEONE SAY WAFFLES?? Ben and Jeff, in unison: SAY THE LINE TOBY! *UNCOMFORTABLE EYE CONTACT* Toby: *sighs* I love waffles. Ben: FUCK YEAH! Toby: I hate this stupid house.
-He's basically immune to Slender Sickness. Due to being around Slender so much he doesn't feel nauseous around him and gets really confused when newer residents get it when they first see him.
-He often has periods where he's really apathetic to most things and doesn't care, and then in the blink of an eye becomes an uncontrollable mess. He's got poor emotional regulation and when he gets irritated he goes into a RAGE about it.
-He secretly learnt Necromancy from a book in the Library and used it to try and bring back Lyra (is Lyra still a canon thing? Apparently she's her own character but I'm not sure at all). But Necromancy is a really difficult thing to accomplish so although he PARTIALLY brought her back she's more like a mindless zombie.
-Sometimes he'll visit his mother's house in the dead of night and leave presents for her. It's just something he does subconsciously that nobody knows about. On occasion Connie wakes up while he's doing it, but she just assumes that she's seeing things.
Every year on her birthday he breaks into her new house and places an inconspicuous birthday present on the dining table. She'll wake up the next morning incredibly confused on how it got there. Toby wishes that he and his mom can really meet again one day.
-Him and Natalie's relationship is...turbulent, to say the least. They've gotten together and broken up so much that nobody knows when they're dating anymore. They're really close regardless and hang out a lot, but they just hook up sometimes randomly, go on one date and break up again.
-His dad currently resides in the Underworld and Toby's met him several times. Due to his father being a sinner, the lowest of the low, Toby often beats him and stabs him with his axe every time he sees him. It's all perfectly legal.
-He frequently forgets random information about himself. Like at times he'll wake up and forget it's his birthday that day, he'll forget his age, sometimes he'll even forget his own name. Like deadass Masky will call his name like a million times and he'll be like "Man I hope this Toby fella answers soon".
-His closest friends are Masky, Hoodie, Kate and Natalie. He doesn't actually like Jeff all that much as he sees him as a dick, and he's pretty neutral towards most other people in the mansion. He HATES Ben and finds him scary, he won't even make eye contact. He prefers Eyeless Jack over the two of them however as he's Jeff and Ben's close friend he doesn't talk to him much.
-He actually secretly dislikes most of the mansion residents. Although he's pretty nice to everyone since he believes in yk not being a major bitch he doesn't care about most of them.
-MASSIVE PYROMANIAC, since he can't feel pain he doesn't really feel a sense of danger such as when there's a fire or when there's an enemy nearby.
-Okay, without delving too deep into my AU, he's one of the only ones who knows what's up 'going on' behind the scenes with Slenderman and Zalgo. He's somewhat aware of it so when an 'incident' happens he'll mainly be apathetic to it. Often times when Slenderman 'disappears', he'll cover for him.
-His mouth and jaw are incredibly numb so he can't really taste food, sometimes food will slip out of his mouth and he just won't know.
-When it comes to Sally and Lazari, he actually really likes them but sometimes when he's in his more irritable moods he finds them incredibly annoying and has snapped at Lazari a lot of times.
-When it comes to 'Missions' (like Proxy stuff), he's the only one that ever actually obeys Slender's orders. He has to remind Masky and Hoodie of what they're meant to be doing so much it tires him so he just lets them do what they think they're meant to do and laugh when they screw it up.
-He finds it funny with other people make mistakes, like he'll die of laughter when Laughing Jack hits his nose against a door.
-He owns a can of Pepper Spray that he'll use against Ben, Nina or the other ratchet Pastas when they get too crazy.
-Sometimes he'll act like fanon Toby, but more as a means of sarcasm. When Masky and Hoodie first met him they thought he was being serious so chocked him up as some incompetent loser, but he quickly let them know that he meant business.
-His love language is giving people random stuff. Like not even expensive stuff but if he likes you he'll hand you something random that he thinks you'll like. Or he'll give you a fun fact about a topic he knows you're interested in. He has a bunch of random Edgar Allen Poe or Drawing facts for Slender and Natalie. Once he gave Masky a black Sharpie he found lying in the woods for some reason.
-He's such a terrible singer on GOD but the thing is is that he loves singing so much that nobody can bring it up to him that he's shit at it.
-He has a lot of vocal tics, like he'll hum a random melody or yell "GOO GOOBIE!" randomly. Everyone's used to it. He's actually terrible at hiding from his victims because of this. He also has a tic where he throws WHATEVER is in his hands at that current moment right up into the air. Sometimes it's funny but other times it's concerning, especially when he's holding his own axe.
-Doesn't like video games because he finds them annoying and stressful.
-Once he got so mad at everyone that he checked himself into a Psych Ward under the name "Erin Rogers" and stayed there for a good six months. Everyone was so worried about him for a half of year and genuinely thought he was dead or in serious danger until one day he just waltzed back into the Labrinth unharmed and was like "Hey guys guess you've been wondering where I've been".
-He doesn't perceive the idea of people worrying about him so he does a lot of concerning things and doesn't realise that people genuinely worry for his safety sometimes.
-He's got no filter, or just has a really lax one. He'll say basically anything that comes to mind out loud, even if it's offensive to the person he's currently talking to.
-The kid goes missing A LOT. Slender actually had to file a Missing Persons Report for him because he disappeared for 4 months without contacting anyone. He comes back fine every time but he never tells anyone where he goes.
-Adding on to this, I kinda headcanon that he has a strange form of Amnesia where for months on end he'll forget who he is, anything about himself or his past, or even who anybody is around him. This causes him to run away frequently.
-He subconsciously uses himself as a human shield every time one of his friends is in danger. He'll throw himself in front of Masky and Hoodie if they're about to be shot by an Underworld General or something.
-Thinks that blood is really tasty and often will lick his own blood. This dude is NOT sanitary.
-Takes like one shower a year because he just forgets that he has a human body that gets dirty. Which is weird considering he's outside in the dirt and in a puddle of blood like every other day.
-He doesn't have a concept of boundaries so often time's he'll grab someone suddenly if he wants their attention. Usually it's harmless and the new Pastas get used to it eventually, but sometimes it's problematic when he grabs Lazari's horns or LJ's cone nose without their consent.
-Because in my AU Slenderman's Forest is a Labrinth where people don't age, although he's maybe in his 20s now he's still the exact same as he was when he was 17. He doesn't have a concept of time so this doesn't phase him as much as it phases EJ.
Eyeless Jack
-He's got demon ears, and a demon tail. Yes that's right EJ IS A FURRY!!! Just Kidding but he does have some characteristics of a demon.
-There's a slight different between a Half-Demon like Lazari and a transformed demon like EJ. For one EJ has WAY more demonic urges than Lazari does and whilst hers are manageable, EJs definitely aren't. If he wants to kill, he has to do it otherwise he'll harm everything in his way, including himself.
-He's tried to cannibalise himself out of frustration several times, and his arms are now just permanently in bandages. Toby hits him with the Pepper Spray everytime he sees him chewing on any body part at all.
-When he's not submitting to his Demonic Urges, he's a really chill and nice guy. He's way more sane than anybody else in the Mansion and thinks everyone's unique and likes to observe them. His dream was always to be a doctor to support his parents and help others, so often times he takes care of people when they're sick.
-His demon side isn't that scary since he won't harm anybody he's close to, only himself and random people he comes across. Of course, you'll be terrified when you first see him absolutely DEVOURING the dead corpse of some random girl, but he'll always tell you that he'll never hurt you, even when he's in his Demonic State.
-Although he's an incredibly nice guy, he suffers severely with trust issues, especially when it comes to Romantic Affairs. Upon realising that Sally and Lazari were shipping him with all sorts of people, he got incredibly angry and told them that it wasn't okay.
-He's uncomfortable with romance in general after what happened with Jenny and doesn't see anybody in the Mansion as a potential Romantic Partner, since he sees relationships as something that will always end terribly and he doesn't want to soil his friendships with anyone.
-He's very close to Jeff and Ben, often coming along on their strange adventures just to watch. He believes that they aren't as bad as Toby thinks they are, so he finds it fun to hang out with them.
-He and Jeff are jokingly (KEYWORD JOKINGLY) romantic towards each other after finding out that Lazari had written fanfiction about the two of them. Although he doesn't like being shipped, Jeff helped turn into more of a funny inside joke.
-Although he has an affinity for human organs in his Demonic State and still nonchalantly consumes Kidneys regularly, he doesn't actually like meat. He's not really Vegan or Vegetarian, but he'll choose a Salad over a Steak, if you get what I'm saying.
-He's a valuable asset to the house due to his medical knowledge, and because of this is quite close to Dr Smiley and Nurse Ann, and often helps assist them with more serious cases like Natalie's eye infection and Jeff's mouth...injuries.
-He's one of the few people in the Mansion that actually liked Nina when she came, since most hated her initially, EJ helped her settle in and get to know everybody. He helps her a lot, especially when it comes to drama with her and Jeff.
-He really likes rock music and can play Guitar really well. He's not a great singer but can play an Acoustic Arrangement for any song you request him to do.
-Him and Liu are very close friends and helps Liu with panic attacks and sleep paralysis.
-He has a strictly PLATONIC relationship with everyone in the Mansion and outright discourages dating between residents, and didn't really approve of Natalie and Toby's relationship. Because of this he has no problem touching people in any way or sleeping in the same bed as people.
-As I said earlier, he did disapprove of Natalie and Toby's former relationship and advised them to break things off early, but he didn't really want to outright sabotage them. However, his own former trust issues subconsciously make him sabotage any romance he sees. He even discourages people on having CRUSHES in the Mansion.
-His trust issues cause a lot of problems, actually. Although he has no problem touching people or getting in their personal boundaries, he'll be PISSED if anybody grabs him suddenly or tries to hold his hand or anything like that.
-He has a rivalry with Laughing Jack over who's the better Jack. So far they're both even. Eyeless Jack insists that one day he'll win and be the true Jack.
-Okay in all seriousness EJ has been through a lot of shit, especially when he turned into EJ. I remember when I was little I saw this Creepypasta named "EJ Returns" or something like that where he was tied up in some Demon Hunter's basement.
This has happened to him a lot of times. Sometimes when he suddenly turns back to normal after eating somebody he'll get caught and he's the least fortunate out of everyone in the sense that the people that he gets caught by are ALWAYS occultists.
-He often has nightmares about being in this situation and because of this HATES basements and never goes into the Mansions basement unless there's a rotting corpse in there that he wants to eat.
-He desperately misses his old life, more than most of the Pastas do. Since his family and old friends are still alive he makes it an unhealthy habit to stalk them and follow them around in real life.
-In my AU, Jack Nyras is still a missing person and his disappearance was so mysterious that his case is still talked about on True Crime Podcasts. It was a nasty shock when he turned on the radio one day to discover people creating conspiracy theories on what really happened to him.
-When he came to the Mansion, his reaction was similar to Pomni from TADC. He believed it wasn't real. He broke down and wouldn't leave his room for WEEKS, and it was actually Jeff who brought him out of his shell. Although most Pastas think Jeff is a stuck up asshole EJ does have a sort of appreciation for him.
-He's blind, and although has a walking stick knows his way around the Mansion well enough to not need a guide. His sense of smell and his hearing is incredibly good.
-There's a lot of Braille books in the Library, and the section for it is referred to as the "EJ Section".
-He really likes Harry Potter and watches the movies every year.
-Jeff actually found him right outside the Forest, desperately consuming the flesh of someone Jeff had killed a day prior.
-Jack's sexuality is unknown, but we do know that he is at least attracted to women. He's claimed to have found men hot before but we may never know if he was telling the truth.
-His tail only really comes out when he's in his Demonic State, and yanking on it will NOT get you a good reaction.
-He has a fascination with watching people sleep. Don't ask him why, because he wouldn't tell you the answer.
-Upon his knowledge of what's 'going on', he has an understanding due to Toby constantly covering for Slender and Zalgo's strange behaviour. Due to being uncontrollably violent at times himself, he's sympathetic to whatever's truly going on but doesn't want to get involved.
-He does jobs with the Proxies quite a lot to the point where he even gets a paycheck (The Proxies are not slaves in this AU).
-He's really good at video games and even buys Ben a new Majora's Mask cartridge every year on his birthday to celebrate. Ben sees EJ as one of his favourite people and because of this tells him a lot about what his life was like before Drowning, but EJ won't tell.
-He owns a possessed item. It's a stuffed rabbit named Judas whom he insists can talk, but only when there is nobody else nearby. Lucy read Judas' aura and concluded that whoever is possessing Judas is a malicious entity. Despite this, EJ hasn't gotten rid of him.
-He discovered Nina and Liu and were the ones to bring them to the mansion.
-Due to the Forest being a Labyrinth and preventing it’s residents from ageing, EJ is constantly having an existential crisis on how old he is. Is he 19? Is he 29? Is he 50? He has no idea and worries about it everyday
Well, these are just some of them to get the ball rolling! I hope you liked them! If you want some more AU backstory I'll be happy to give more details ;)
If you want any more of them, whether it be on a specific topic, serious or light-hearted, feel free to ask! This was fun to write, I hope you enjoy reading, please correct me if I say anything that's too out of canon :3
If you’d like to ask for any characters in specific, any AU lore or any questions in general about the world then go ahead I promise I’ll try my best to always respond!!!
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