#and percy will cross any line for those he loves and fcg could be reprogrammed
criticalsyourroles · 2 years
okay so look i truly believe that the person formally known as dusk could be actually in love w laudna bc a) look at her and b) she’s an undead woman made of death and ichor and blinding sunshine with a lich in her head and too many teeth in her smile and a voice made of thousands upon thousands of shuddering echoes like there’s no way that a fey assassin doesn’t look at her and go oh fuck everything about you is super hot
that being said
au where dusk seduces imogen instead. bc look okay there is no world in which laudna ever says yes to dusk she’s too full of guilt to notice anything outside of imogen and too full of self loathing to believe anyone could want her that way, but imogen? imogen temult who is so angry at laudna after the rock that she can barely look at her? who is so unbelieveably repressed that she can’t even admit to herself that she likes laudna? who is still coming down from whatever addiction the gnarlrock induced? who hasn’t seen any evidence of laudna being affected by their fight and has a deep deep vein of jealousy and pettiness and thrumming burning angry pain that she’s spent years repressing?
imogen would say yes to dusk. and immediately regret it, probably, but she’d say yes and she’d watch laudna break and hate herself for it, even as a part of her thinks good
dusk with her quiet head who isn’t scared of any part of imogen who is cute and sweet who looks at imogen with too bright eyes and hungry teeth and can’t quite hide the way they lean forward every time imogen loses a little bit of that hard won control in battle
(and then of course dusk is evil of fucking course dusk is evil except are they? she’s just a person with a job and yes she lied about some things but who’s to say fearne’s parents are good? why should she trust fearne with her six years ninety years, stealing everything she can, lying like it’s breathing? laudna breaking her heart breaking her trust and maybe if imogen gets out now she can leave before the rest of the bells hurt her too. dusk is evil but they look at imogen and say i want to eat you up every part every burning angry part and i want you to do the same i want you to set me on fire and send lightning through my neurons and never ever have to hold back ever again and they’re gonna hurt her but at least they’re not gonna lie about it. dusk is evil but all she has to say is i won’t hurt laudna and maybe just maybe that’ll be enough to make imogen take their hand anyway)
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