shopcat · 7 months
also yes that aquarium at the very least encouraging to outright lying and sensationalising a "hybrid" between their ray and a BAMBOO SHARK is pissing me off don't piss me offff... it's not even people say like Falling for it bc it's not anyone's fault for believing people you SHOULD be able to trust (scientific media) (who notoriously never lie oh no...) esp if you have people muddying the waters talking about the dogxim case or whatever it's just like ugh. shut up. the ray producing asexually is still really interesting and an amazing discovery i'm sure like it doesn't NEED to be sensationalised... -_-
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s4turns-r1ngs · 3 years
Hello Hello!!
I just wanted to say o love your Bench trio fics! They’re amazing!
I was also wondering if you could do The bench trio X Gn! Hybrid Reader! Where the reader is a Fox hybrid!
The reader likes to play tricks/pranks on people! Especially the Dream Team! And while setting up a prank, the bench trio sees them and asks why they’re doing! The reader tells them and Tommy and Tubbo ask if they can join! Dragging Ranboo into it!
After that they hang out a lot and pull pranks in people! The reader also stealing from The Dream Team and Techno sometimes!
A little thing you can add if you want is that the reader gifts a lot of gifts to their friends! Tommy keeps all the little gifts in a secret chest! Tubbo keeps them in a separate room on his house! And Ranboo writes the things you give him on his memory book and puts them in his ender chest so he never looses them!
ALSO!! The reader would sometimes kidnap Micheal to spend the entire day with him! Spoiling him to no end with Toys, clothes, food, etc! You dont have to add this tho!!
Take care! <33
DSMP - Sneaky
Summary: As a fox hybrid, it was only a matter of time before you pulled Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo into your plans. (Also bonus Michael content because Michael Is Beloved. <3)
Pronouns: they/them
Warnings: Swearing, General Chaos (its the bench trio, are you surprised), consensual kidnapping
-> [a/n] - oh my god??? thank you???? you're so nice?????? sldfjlskdjfsldjfslkfjl,, i hope this is good! also first part is in third person pov, because i need to get better at writing that lol. readers dialougue is blue :]
-> p!c!benchtrio (and michael too <3) + reader, the beginning has a little p!bbh + reader too :]
> divider that i can't add bc im not on mobile. sadge <
[y/n] smiled mischievously as they rounded the corner, making sure that the unsuspecting victim (which at the moment, is badboyhalo) couldn't see them. they wanted to make sure that their trick worked, so that they could possibly use it on someone else later. of course, they would apologize to bad, because they still value him as a friend, but even friends play pranks on each other every now and again.
their ears perked up as they heard talking from around the corner they just turned. peaking their head around, [y/n] was greeted with some of their closest friends: tommy, tubbo, and ranboo.
"oh, hey guys!" they greeted, with a small wave as they repositioned themself so that they could talk to their friends, and watch bad at the same time.
ranboo smiled. "hey [y/n]!"
tommy and tubbo ran up to them, a wide smile on the latter's face, while tommy just looks like he doesn't want to be here. (obviously he does, but he's tommy. it's not really surprising at this point.) either way, he mutters out a "hello" with a smile he seems to be repressing.
tubbo looks around the corner. "so what are you doing?"
"oh!" [y/n] exclaims, tail swishing ever so slightly faster. "oh! i'm just testing out a new...'trick'!"
ranboo raises an eyebrow in suspicion. "a...'trick'? what are you-"
the fox hybrid holds up a finger, moving their body so that they were hidden around the corner. "shhh. it's about to happen!"
the trio watches [y/n]'s eyes light up as the demon, once dry, is covered in water. they all hear him shout and see him look around, as if to try and catch the culprit. bad glances over at the corner just in time to see [y/n] duck behind it.
"shit." they turn towards the three, and with another smile they stand properly. "sorry guys, gotta blast! nice seeing you, though!"
they hear tommy let out his signature laugh as they run, a nine and a half foot tall demon chasing after you.
giving gifts! (hcs bc yes)
-> ngl you probably woke him up in the middle of the night bc you found something cool. or made something cool. either or.
-> he will take it regaurdless of whether or not he's tired as shit or wide awake. free stuff from fox friend? cool. give.
-> he probably has a shelf in his house with all your little gifts on it.
-> he may not say it immediately most of the time (bc you DID wake him up at like two in the morning) but he is greatfull for all of your gifts :]
-> bro i hc that this fucker LOVES shiny shit
-> (i mean, so do i but that's besides the point)
-> n e ways
-> you give him a shiny rock? here. have a cool stick in return.
-> raccoons are crazy man. he (like you) has a collection of tiny little things too. sometimes you trade. bc that's friendship <3
-> it doesn't matter when, bc he will always be awake when you want to give him something. he will 9 times out of 10 give you soethibg in return
-> if you wear jewelry, then he probably gave it to you :]
-> for some reason, he's also always awake whenever you give him gifts.
-> and he, like tubbo, aslo has a set place to put all of your gifts
-> he even writes about it down in his memory book so he doesn't forget about it <3
-> ranboo thinks all the little rocks you find and decide to give him are vv cool.
-> you: hey ranboo!! look at this cool rock i found!!
-> ranboo: that is so very cool and/or poggers can i please have it
-> another shiny stuff lover <3
-> bc i hc that mr. boo's chaarcter wears earrings and stuff, he decides to take one of the cool rocks you gave him and turn it into one!
-> you point it out and he just smiles and says: ye i know :) i did it bc your cool :)
-> and then you just die from embaressment bc who wouldn't if that happened
bonus michael thing bc i actually really like that idea:
you lift yourself a little further on the roof and knock on the window, opening it not long after.
"michael!" you whisper-shout. "michael! are you there?"
a small little zombie piglin pops his face into your view.
"hey, buddy! come here!"
he waddles closer to the window, chicken plushie in hand. a little snort makes it out of his mouth when he stops.
placing your arms on the window sill, you begin speaking. "alright, so i have a plan. do you wanna go out for a bit?"
the piglin nods his head eagerly.
you smile. "alright cool. i just need you to climb out this window and then we'll go."
michael looks at you wearily, clutching his plush a little tighter.
"don't worry, mike. it'll be fine. i'll catch you if you fall." you tell him reassuringly.
your ears twitch, picking up some noise from downstairs.
he walks over slowly, still holding onto his plush. carefully, he climbs out the window. picking him up, you slide a note into the room, shut the window, and slide down the roof, landing on the ground without a problem.
you hear a door open from inside and begin walking away, michael squealing excitedly in your arms. it's not long before you hear someone open the window. with a smile, you turn around and wave.
"[y/n]! what the-"
tubbo cuts him off. "-fuck!"
"don't worry guys i'll make sure to bring him back!"
"oh thank god-"
you mock a salute. "see you later guys!"
and then you run off.
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crystalirises · 3 years
The Exiled and The Forgotten
Hello! So this is a fic about Tommy and Fundy just talking about their issues in Drywaters. Essentially, this is part of a series of one-shots where Eret and Fundy find Tommy in exile and they take him to Drywaters to heal. This is a continuation of ‘Safe and Sound’ (which I think posted before on Tumblr?) and ‘You Reap What You Sow’ (which is on my ao3 one-shot book since I haven’t gotten the permission to crosspost here on Tumblr.) You should probably read those two first before understanding this one.
TW:  Abandonment Issues, Implied Cheating (not really but Fundy thinks so, I don't write about actual cheating I just can't ;-;). and Mentions of Suicide and Suicidal Thoughts (Tommy pls ;-;)
Pls stay safe everyone!
ao3 link:
Fundy didn’t know how long he had been out, but it was the distinct smell of smoke and meat burning that made his eyes snap open. The hallway was dark, save for a small sliver of light that came from beneath the kitchen door. He yawned, wiping at his eyes as the world slowly focused into view. It took him a moment to realize that he was on the floor, a tattered blanket draped over him as though to keep away the chill of the night that seeped into the thin walls of the house. He forced himself to sit, startling awake as he realized that he must have fallen asleep while waiting for Dream to leave. Dream to leave… Dream… Dream had been there… Tommy…
Tommy! Fundy flung the closet door open, heart pounding in his chest as he found it to be empty. He took a deep breath, the smoke strong in the air as if… Fundy stood up, the blanket left discarded on the ground as he made his way to the kitchen, nearly tearing the door off its loose hinges in his haste to get there. A strong and sickening torrent of heat attacked him, choking as he tried to bat the gray smoke away from his face. “Tommy! Tommy! Tommy, where the fuck一”
“WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SHOUTING AT THREE IN THE MORNING?!” Fundy jumped at the response, coughing and wheezing as he moved away from the direction of the smoke. 
As the smoke began to clear, Fundy saw Tommy standing by the poorly made table, two smoking plates of steak - if they could be called that - on top of it. Tommy had an exasperated look on his face, as if Fundy was being hysterical for no reason. “Tommy, why are you cooking at 3 AM?”
“I couldn’t sleep, and you told me not to leave the closet until Dream left. He left an hour ago. Honestly, man. I don’t know what you ever saw in that psychopath.” Fundy rolled his eyes, not ready to continue that point of conversation. He wasn’t sure if his heart could take it. The fox hybrid eyed the meat that was on the table, surprised that Tommy had even thought about making him food. Well, the meat looked awful and burnt to a fucking crisp but Fundy wasn’t going to say that outloud. “Are you going to keep standing there or are you going to sit and eat?”
“I would but… eh… I usually eat when the sun is up.” As if to emphasize his point, a yawn escaped him as Fundy settled on sitting against the creaky window ledge. Tommy shrugged, turning towards his meal. Fundy tried not to wince as Tommy began to eat. “Nightmares?”
“What fucking else? How the fuck could you sleep with Dream threatening to bash your door in? I couldn’t sleep a wink.” Fundy ran a hand through his hair, sighing as guilt ate at his heart. Tommy was right, he wasn’t sure how he’d fallen asleep. He forced himself to stand, moving to sit next to Tommy in some semblance of comfort. Fundy wasn’t really sure how to comfort someone after a nightmare. No one ever showed him how. He spared a glance at the teenager, shivering as he noticed soot clinging to Tommy’s shirt sleeve. “You know I think it was good that you found me. We both know Dream could’ve broken down the door if he really wanted to. Guess that’s what you get for being on his good side. He doesn’t act like a bitch around you.”
“Can we talk about something else? I’d rather not discuss my ex-fiance and the many reasons why he didn’t just smash my door.” They settled into an uncomfortable silence, but it wasn’t unnatural. Ever since Fundy and Eret brought Tommy to Drywaters, there has been an atmosphere of awkwardness and tension that permeated the air. Fundy couldn’t recall the last time he had even spoken to Tommy, the memories of tragedy and war muddling whatever positive moments he’d had in the past years. When was the last time they’d had a proper talk? When Tommy had mocked him in Pogtopia or when Tommy had publicly disowned him and threatened him during the elections? When did ‘uncle Tommy’ slowly change into just ‘Tommy’? Fundy couldn’t recall. “When you were in exile… what did you… you never told me一”
“Can we talk about something else? I’d rather not discuss my ex-fiance and the many reasons why he didn’t just smash my door.” They settled into an uncomfortable silence, but it wasn’t unnatural. Ever since Fundy and Eret brought Tommy to Drywaters, there has been an atmosphere of awkwardness and tension that permeated the air. Fundy couldn’t recall the last time he had even spoken to Tommy, the memories of tragedy and war muddling whatever positive moments he’d had in the past years. When was the last time they’d had a proper talk? When Tommy had mocked him in Pogtopia or when Tommy had publicly disowned him and threatened him during the elections? When did ‘uncle Tommy’ slowly change into just ‘Tommy’ ? Fundy couldn’t recall. “When you were in exile… what did you… you never told me一”
“It was during Manburg when I first met him.” Tommy fell into shocked silence, and Fundy took that as a sign to continue. “I don’t remember much about that day, but I know that I was upset. So, like I usually fucking do, I ran away to the forest until I collapsed by a lake… He was there.”
Fundy ignored Tommy muttering underneath his breath and continued with the story, “Ya know I thought he was going to kill me but he surprisingly left the moment I got there. So, I kept coming to the lake each time I was upset and he was always there, staring into nothing like the idiot he is.” He wished he could keep the amusement and endearment out of his voice, but he couldn’t help but remember the man that he’d fallen in love with. “One day, he decided to stay long enough to ask why I always looked upset each time I went near the lake, and it was stupid of me to tell him but… all I ever wanted was for someone to care enough to ask. So I told him why.”
“Horrible decision, really. 0/10 shouldn’t have done that.” Fundy nearly laughed as Tommy scoffed, rolling his eyes that they were practically disappearing into his skull. “You could’ve chosen anyone but you chose the green boi. I’m not fucking surprised, you got Wilbur’s tastes in people. Should’ve taken lessons from me, big man. I’m a fucking expert in people.”
“Sure, you are. Is that why you’re still single?”
“Oh shut the fuck up, furry.” Fundy found himself cackling at the nickname, somehow not as irritated as he should be at 3 AM in the morning where he was usually ready to just kill anyone who decided it would be funny to wake him from his slumber. “Go on. Tell me about how you fell in love with Dream of all people. I won’t judge your tastes, but they’re clearly fucked.”
“Whatever, Tommy. I told him. It was hard, do you know how painful it was to pretend to be someone I wasn’t? To act like I hated my own dad, to be hated by everyone all for a part that ultimately never even gave me anything? Dream was so nice about it too… he listened. He actually listened. He didn’t mock me or ridicule me or insult me… he just listened. I know. I know. I shouldn’t have revealed what I was to an enemy, but I just… someone had to know. I needed to tell someone.” Tommy had remained disturbingly quiet as Fundy spoke, his lips pressed into a thin line. “And he understood, at least that’s what he told me. He said he knew how I felt. He knew my pain and it was so easy . It felt like it was meant to be and I… I fell, hard. He knew what it felt like. He knew my pain and it was felt so good and so real that I一”
Fundy hadn’t meant to cry, or let out a whimper. He quickly tried to wipe his tears away. Gods, he was supposed to be the fucking adult here. Fundy felt a hand pat him on the back, an awkward gesture that helped Fundy cement himself back to reality. He sniffed, casting Tommy a smile. “I proposed. We were supposed to be married in a few weeks… guess I have to cancel the wedding invitations and preparations. I feel… stupid. I clung to the one person I thought… fuck it.”
“You could have talked to us. You had Niki. You had Eret. Why Dream?”
“I had no one, Tommy. In Manburg, I was alone.” Fundy ran a hand through his hair, pulling at the tips as his tail curled around his waist. “And I… I thought he understood. I really thought…”
Fundy took a shaky sigh, recalling the signs that he should have seen. “You probably said it to cheer me up but Dream doesn’t love me. I don’t think he ever did looking back on it now.” He felt the urge to curl into himself, to pull his knees closer to his chest and just bury his face in his arms. He glanced over at Tommy, a frown playing on the teenager’s lips. Fundy couldn’t bring himself to act childish, not around Tommy. “I should have seen the fucking signs. The way he wanted to keep us a secret, the way he never even looks at me when we meet in public, the way he had chosen to spend all of his time protecting George. It was always fucking George. It was so fucking stupid of me to even think that he cared. Slip of the tongue, what a fucking joke. Those flowers were always meant for George. It’s never me, Tommy. No one ever chooses me.”
“George?! Dream… what the fuck. I’m going to kill that son of a bitch一 How fucking… No one messes with the fucking Soots!” Fundy forced a laugh, hoping that his tears weren’t showing as he turned towards Tommy - who had forgotten about his steak, much to Fundy’s relief cause Tommy needed better food than that. Tommy’s eyes were narrowed, his hands gripping the edge of his seat. Fundy smiled, even if he knew that Tommy’s bravado and threats were nothing but for show. Tommy only cared about him because Fundy was protecting him. Once Dream was no longer a threat, Fundy would go back to being forgotten. As it should be一 “Hey! Stop that! I can see the self-pity in your eyes, stop it! You shouldn’t be this fucking sad... I mean, don’t be sad!”
“I’m not sad.” He rolled his eyes, tail lifting and falling as Fundy looked down at his boots. “It’s fine, Tommy. I get it. I’m okay with it. We barely even care about each other as it is. I’m not一”
“Going to lie to yourself? Yeaahhhhhhhhh, I can read you like a damn book, big man. You aren’t getting anything past Tommyinnit.” Fundy shook his head, conflicted on how he should feel by it all. Tommy was acting like his old self and he felt guilty at doing a shitty job as a caretaker. Fundy was supposed to be helping Tommy, not the other way around. “HEY! STOP IGNORING WHAT I’M SAYING AND LISTEN! I’m not just gonna… fuck off once this whole thing is over. Hell no. We’re all gonna be living in L’Manburg, every single one of us. One big fucked up family. We might even get Technoblade back if we convince him to break up with anarchy.”
There’s a smile on his face, Fundy can tell despite the ache in his chest. For a moment, he feels like a little kid again, looking up at his - at the time - taller uncle. He had been embarrassed, being older than Tommy but still somehow less mature. And now… he was tired. “Promise?”
Tommy scoffed, reaching out to smack him on the back of the head. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Fundy laughed at that. It was the same response that Tommy had given him all those years ago. The war was just beginning at the time, and Fundy had been frightened that he had decided to dig himself a little fox mound to hide in. Wilbur had tried everything in his power to get him out, but Fundy had refused to leave… until Tommy showed up and jokingly mocked him for being a baby and to “get out and fight like the man Fundy was”. What got him to leave was Tommy promising him that they’d all be alive by the end, that “uncle Tommyinnit was going to beat everyone and win the war for us!” Tommy always did have a way of making everyone feel hope.
“Thanks. Sorry for一” Fundy stopped as Tommy casted him a glare. He had nothing to apologize for… wow, that’s a first. He shook his head, trying to clear any negative feelings he may still harbor. There were many problems to be spoken about, and they both couldn’t say everything in one night. “Well, you’ve heard my shitty life problems… You don’t have to talk about yours, Tommy. What you went through, it’s a lot. I understand if you can’t really talk about it yet一”
“WELL TOO BAD BECAUSE FUCK YOU, I’M TELLING THE STORY, BITCH!” Fundy groaned as Tommy practically threw himself on top of the table, the plates rattling and nearly falling off the edge if Fundy had reached out to grab them. The table shook as Tommy began to pace on top of it, his energy a little too much than what Fundy could handle for a 3 AM talk. He leaned back, ears pressed to the top of his head as Tommy finally settled on sitting on top of the table, facing Fundy with a grin on his face. Fundy frowned, noticing how Tommy’s smile didn’t quite match the look in his eyes. It felt like Tommy was putting on an act, and Fundy knew all about acts and pretending. “Now, I’m a big man, you know? I can handle myself! I’m Tommyinnit! But… this exile, wow, it uh… it sucked bigtime. I fucking hated every moment.”
A somber look appeared on Tommy’s face, guilt appearing in eyes that had seen too much of the world despite Tommy’s youth. Fundy bit his bottom lip, knowing that look far too well. “I fucked up. I get that. I fucked up and I said shitty things to Tubbo when all he was doing was looking out for everyone. Selfish… Maybe… Maybe I was selfish. We had peace and I screwed it up because… for some discs?” Fundy felt a pang in his chest as Tommy raked a hand through his hair, shaking and pulling as though trying to make sense of it all. “I missed him. I missed L’Manburg, sure but I missed Tubbo. The thought of seeing him again kept me going because my exile had to end sometime and then I could go back and see Tubbo again. The thought of going home again kept me sane… at least it was holding me back from… from…” Tommy began to tremble, fear flashing in the teen’s eyes as his breath began to quicken in pace.
"You don't have to say it, Tommy. If you're not ready to say it, then you don't have to." Fundy reached out to tap Tommy on the arm, breaking him out of his panic as he looked around the room, as if cementing himself back to reality. Fundy's tail hung low, sad to see that Tommy was still suffering even if he did try so hard not to show it. Fundy didn't like seeing Tommy so… scared. "You can… tell me another day, ya? It's difficult, I get that. Maybe you can tell me one day, but maybe not today. You don't have to force yourself, you have every right not to talk about it. Tommy—"
"I want to. I want to get it off my chest because who the fuck else is going to listen to me?" Tommy snapped, rubbing a hand at his mouth as his eyes shut tight. Fundy wasn't sure if it would help but he reached to hold Tommy's hand, squeezing it. Tommy didn't let go, his hold tightening around Fundy's as his eyes finally blinked open. "I… I wanted it to be over. I wanted it to be so fucking over that I… I thought of… leaving. Just leaving, one final goodbye to the world. All it would have taken was one step off the platform. The lava looked so inviting, so warm and Logstedshire felt so fucking lonely and cold I— I wanted to go. Dream fucking stopped me but I doubt he did that out of the goodness of his heart. He said he cared about me too, about how he was the only one who cared about me… Fundy, how is Tubbo? Does he? Does he miss me? Dream said Tubbo didn't care, he was lying, right? Tubbo missed me, right?!"
"Tommy. I don't what the fuck Dream told you but Tubbo missed you. He didn't want to exile you, you know that." Fundy felt that Tommy needed more than assurance, needed more than words to quench his fears. He stayed where he was, unsure if Tommy would even want a hug from Fundy of all people. For the time being, all he could say were what he hoped would help Tommy realize that Dream had lied. His blood boiled at the thought of Dream wondering what he had done wrong, how could that idiot be so fucking stupid? Tommy was hurting and Dream continued to rub salt into his wounds. He shivered, wondering what would have happened if he and Eret hadn't found Tommy. Gods… would Tommy have been— Fundy felt sick at the thought of having another ghost haunt L'Manburg. "When you left, Tubbo threw himself into his work. He barely went out of that stupid office and he just kept planning and planning. He never said it out loud but everyone knew he missed you. He's… he's not doing so great either, ya know? I think it would be good if you two meet up! Oh! I could bring him over to Drywaters sometime… We could go to L'Manburg but I don't trust Dre— Dream enough that he wouldn't send or stay near Drywaters for a while. But, whatever. Fuck Dream. We're… we're going to plan a good ol' reunion. That would be good, ya? We could do that, right?"
"Yeah… that would be fucking great… AND OF COURSE TUBBO MISSED ME. FUCKING DREAM AND HIS LIES." Tommy jumped off from the table, nearly sending the plates to the ground, again. Fundy laughed, weak and almost pitiful in his ears as he looked over at Tommy's smile. It felt so surreal about how Tommy could still remain smiling despite everything he had just been through. "One day, I'm gonna beat the shit out of that fucker—"
Tommy paused, gaze snapping towards the curtain-covered windows. There was a worry in his sky blue eyes, a terror that was gone just as quickly as it had come. "That bitch better not be out there or I'm gonna kill him myself. Yeahhhhhhhh, I could do that. Show him what happens when you mess with Tommyinnit and his fucking family. How dare he…" Tommy began to tap his foot against the floor, anger burning in his eyes as he continued to rant.
"Tommy… are you okay? Are you okay now?" Fundy hadn't missed the way Tommy had glossed over the whole… he had wanted to give up. He couldn't help but fear what pain Tommy had through. Fundy wanted to cry, wanted to cry for both of them when Tommy refused to do so for himself. He couldn't help but move closer, wanting nothing more than to just hug his uncle until both of them felt somewhat better."Did you… Did you really want to?"
"I did. I was just so tired, so alone and stuck that I didn't know what the fuck I was supposed to do. I was exiled from my own country and I screamed and kicked the whole time. Tubbo… I hurt him. I hurt a lot of people. Fuck, I hope I didn't cause Ranboo problems since he tried to defend me. I—" Tommy took a deep breath, finally collapsing back into his seat, exhaustion in his gaze as he rubbed his hand on his mouth. Fundy moved a bit closer, hesitating before finally placing a hand on Tommy's shoulder. It wasn't a hug… neither of them were really good with giving those anyway. It was either Tubbo or Wilbur who started them and it was always Fundy or Tommy who would quickly pull away. "Thank you. I'm happy to know that he isn't mad at me, I wouldn't fucking blame him. I was a dick. I'd like… I'd like to see him again. Maybe plan ahead for whatever awful shit Dream wants to do."
“Ya… I’m sorry about what you had to go through.” Fundy patted him on the back, Tommy scoffing at the awkward display of assurance… but it was the best they both could do. Tommy patted his hand in return. “Dream’s gonna pay for that, he has to pay for that.”
“I just want to go home.” Tommy sighed, closing his eyes. “I just want—”
“You’ll see L’Manburg again, Tommy. Not today, not tomorrow but someday. I’ll make sure of that.” Fundy wished that they could leave right then and there, but he couldn’t risk it. Not with Dream still out there, waiting and plotting. “You’ll be home again. You’ll be happy again.”
Tommy hummed a low tune beneath his breath, a habit that reminded Fundy of Wilbur. 
After a moment, Tommy finally looked up, a hint of tears in his eyes. “Promise?”
“Ya…” Fundy wasn’t the best protector, but by the gods was he going to try.
“I promise.”
But ye, hope you guys like this! Bye bye!
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kadeuxhyeonju · 4 years
Idris the Jeweler pt.2
part 1 | part 3
Kadeu, Heart Territory, Vega Gem Apartment
Noon, Winter 2020
It had been hours since Hyeonju had dived deep into his memories, eyes transfixed on the fox figurine sitting on the mantle, but mind in a distant place that yet lingered near. For once, the memories that played like one of the Palace’s productions were not painful or terrifying. The flick of Hyeonju’s tails indicated contentment, perhaps even amusement. Nostalgia.
As the snow formed new landscapes outside his window, the Kitsune hybrid was living in a time full of warmth and knowledge from years prior. A man’s face filled his vision and Hyeonju allowed himself to be pulled in once more.
“How long have you been a jeweler, Idris?”
“Ah, for quite some time I suppose. We Fae tend to lose track of time. Perhaps as a Kitsune, that will be the same for you.”
“I doubt it. I have too much to remember. To keep track of.”
“What is so important in your life that you feel compelled to submit yourself to the gods of time? If you don’t mind my saying—”
“I mind.”
“You seem the type to always be carefree, ready to run at a moment’s notice in whatever direction that pleases you.”
“I distinctly remember some time ago you saying I had ‘sorrow’ in my eyes. Would that not contradict your current words?”
“Not at all. Living through pain and living in the moment are not mutually exclusive, Hyeonju.”
“Hmph. Well then, there’s your answer.”
“Heh. Yes, there it is.”
“…What? No talk of precious jewels today, Fae?”
“I was under the impression you weren’t interested in my work?”
“I never said that.”
“Your face did the talking for you.”
“I just have a resting bitch face. Ask any of the other people here. They’ll tell you I’m never without it unless I’m working.”
“Aren’t you working now?”
“This doesn’t count as work. Do you want it to be work? You get to see my working face. I’ve heard it’s quite lovely.”
“No, I’m more than fine with this face, Hyeonju. It’s far more lovely than any moment spent in bed for the very reason that this is you being genuine. A rarity, I’ve come to realize.”
“What…? Whatever. So? What wisdom will you share today, teacher?”
“Teacher, am I? Heh. And here I thought we were more.”
“You aren’t paying to be more as you’ve distinctly told me countless times.”
“I meant friends you silly fox.”
“Nothing. Get on with the lesson. You’re wasting your session on ridiculous talk.”
“Hahaha, fine, fine. Here.”
“What is this? It looks like you’ve trapped the ocean in a piece of earth.”
“It’s called indicolite. It comes in many colors, but the rarest is that of the blue variety.”
“It’s smooth. And clear.”
“Thanks to the techniques I used.”
“You treat them, right?”
“I see you’ve been listening.”
“Only ‘cause you never shut up.”
“Hahaha! Yes, that is true, but only because you’re a good listener…. Hyeonju.”
“This stone reminds me a bit of you.”
“What nonsense will you spout now?”
“This gem is rare, sought after, but no one really understands what value it truly has. They only recognize it’s rarity, not the vividness of its color or the work it took to make it shine as it does.”
“And the levels of blue that it contains, the depth, would bring sighs of wonder if only others took the time to examine it a bit more closely.”
“There’s no need to examine something so closely. A stone is a stone, nothing more. No amount of treating will make it worth something to anybody.”
“I think you’re worth it.”
“Only because you pay for me to be your friend.”
“Do you truly believe that? After all these years, do you truly think I haven’t come to see you as a trusted companion and confidante?”
“You still know nothing of me, even after all these years.”
“I’ve learned enough. From what you’ve said…and what you’ve remained silent on.”
“Tell me more about treating stones. I want to try my hand at making a piece. I might even become better at it than you, pretty Fae.”
“Please. Idris.”
“Do you do the smithing yourself?”
“…Most times, yes. Though for more complicated pieces I hire the services of a blacksmith at the Forge.”
“Truly? I suppose I’ll try an easy piece first. What kind can I make that doesn’t require the Forge? I can’t afford their services, as you well know.”
“How about I teach you how to make a necklace from strings of gold and silver?”
“Gold and silver thread?”
“I’ll explain as we go along. I actually have the material in my bag here so we can start on it today.”
“Of course you would carry the tools of your trade wherever it pleases you, Idris. Even a brothel.”
“What can I say? Goldsmithing is my passion.”
“Yes, Hyeonju?”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, my friend.”
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daegudoll-blog · 6 years
This is why I don’t socialise
PAIRING : Kim Taehyung x Reader
Word Count : 3.03k
Genre : Who knows at this point but also a hybrid au
Warnings : Some swear words and you are a bit of a trusting dumbass but whatever
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The year was 2018 and science had honestly reached a level that it should have avoided at all costs. Some sort of madman who went by the anonymous name ‘JJ’ had managed to fuse together animal and human DNA, creating what was now commonly referred to as hybrids. They were humans with animal-like features, and as of right now, they were seen as the property of normal humans, rather than actual people. It was extremely heartbreaking, and there were many groups of people attempting to change the laws about hybrids so they’d be considered actual citizens rather than property, but many more people in power were fine leaving the laws how they were right now, and the government seemed happy to keep it that way. It meant less work for them, and lord knows the government hated doing actual work.
You were apart of the small minority of people that believed hybrids deserved human rights. I mean, your parents had adopted a dog hybrid that had been the same age as you when you were a mere child, so you had grown up thinking of hybrids as humans with extra appendages rather than the animal's society saw them as. When you had gotten old enough to move away from your parents home, and into your two bedroom house, you decided to volunteer at a hybrid rescue shelter whenever you weren’t working. It was undoubtedly time-consuming, and you can’t remember the last time you’d really had time to yourself, but you couldn’t complain. After all, working at the shelter was extremely rewarding in your eyes. The shelter was run by a couple that also believed in hybrid rights; therefore all the hybrids underneath their care were treated as people rather than animals. Plus, it probably helped that one half of the couple was actually a black cat hybrid. It was amazing, honestly and the hybrids always seemed to appreciate the shelter and the fact that they could live relatively lovely lives in the shelter. There were those occasional untrusting hybrids that had awful pasts involving humans, like the black panther hybrid Min Yoongi, but even they seemed to warm up to the prospect of living in the shelter eventually. I mean, Yoongi ended up warming up to the shelter because of a fox hybrid which he had taken a particular liking to, not to mention he grew to enjoy your company as well.
Currently, you were wandering around the shelter. You had completed all the jobs assigned to you that night and, well, you had a rare bit of free time. So, you decided to head to the room of one of your absolute favourite hybrids. His name was Jung Hoseok, and he was the sweetest fox hybrid you think you had ever met. He was always cheering up those around him, always smiling even if he didn't feel that well himself. He was selfless, and that’s what had drawn you to him. You’d honestly consider him a close friend… Although saying that out loud could be dangerous. After all, you considering Hoseok a friend was extremely taboo in the eyes of society and it was frowned upon.
You knocked on the door of his room, and quicker than you could process, the door was thrown open, and you were pulled inside. A yelp of surprise left you, but quickly you were shushed by Hoseok, the one that had grabbed you.
“Y/N, we have to be quiet. Yoongi fell asleep in my room.” The orange haired male whispered, nodding his head in the general direction of his bed. Upon looking over to the bed, you noticed a mop of black hair and a lithe body curled up rather comfortably, soft breaths leaving the bodies lips. Cute.
“Right, right. Sorry, Hobi.” You responded in an equally as quiet voice, gaze snapping back to Hoseok as you offered a somewhat sheepish smile. Said male’s ears twitched a little, but a bright grin made its way onto his lips.
“What brings you here? Usually, you’re too busy… unless you handed over all your work to the new intern! But you wouldn’t do that, would you?” Hoseok’s head tilted to the side as he spoke in a teasing tone. Your eyes narrowed into slits, and you let out a feline-like hiss.
“That was one time!” You whisper yelled, a childish pout making its way onto your lips. About two weeks ago you were feeling somewhat exhausted, and the new intern Jimin seemed more than happy to do anything to please you so you might’ve… given him a few extra jobs so you wouldn’t have to do them. It only happened once, though! Hoseok had yet to let either of you live it down…
“But I got off early, so I came to visit yo-” Your words were cut off when Hoseok let out a loud gasp. When he realised how loud he had just been, his gaze darted to a still sleeping Yoongi, and he let out a relieved breath.
“You got off early. You have no work… And instead of going home to get some much needed ‘me time’, you decided to instead come here. Tell me, am I missing anything?” He asked rhetorically, shaking his head just a bit, not even waiting for your answer. “Y/N, go home! I’ll still be here tomorrow, but when’s the last time you got some alone time, hm?”
You opened your mouth to protest, only to realise that he was right, so you were left standing there, gaping like a fish out of water. You eventually snapped your mouth closed, puffing out your cheeks a little as you thought of what to say. You could try to argue, but Hoseok was right. You very rarely got time off… hell, you can’t remember the last time you had any time to yourself. You were such a busy person that whenever you got home, you usually just went straight to bed to sleep the night away.
“I hate that you make a good point.” You muttered quietly, turning away from Hoseok, so you were able to open up his door. Just before you walked out, you turned your head to face Hoseok and offered the fox hybrid a small smile. “See you tomorrow, Hobi. When Yoongi wakes up tell him, I say hi.” and with that you walked out, gently shutting the door behind you.
You wandered down the hallway of the shelter, slowly but surely making your way to the exit, bidding goodbye to those you crossed paths with. Once you exited the shelter, you plugged your headphones into your phone, pressing the ‘shuffle’ button above your usual playlist so you’d have some form of entertainment on your walk back to your home. It was only a ten-minute walk, but still, those ten minutes often seemed like an eternity of walking when you had to do it alone.
As you walked home, you passed by many buildings that held signs that all practically said ‘no hybrids allowed unless attached to leashes’. It made you sick, honestly. People believed that hybrids were property- that they were animals instead of intelligent beings.
You picked up your pace, and eventually, you reached the front door of your beloved home. It was a quaint space, nothing too large or too small. It was honestly the perfect size for you, and you even had a spare room for those who wished to visit you! Your home was decorated in a rather minimalistic way, with pictures of you and your family hung up on a majority of the walls. You had a habit of baking a lot too, so there was always a sweet trace of vanilla throughout your entire home.
You paused your music and unplugged your headphones, haphazardly throwing them onto the surface of a little table as you walked past. Now that you were home, you weren’t quite sure what to do. It’d been so long since you had last gotten time by yourself…
You stood in the middle of the hallway of your home, pondering what to do with your rare bit of free time when a loud crash coming from your kitchen snapped your attention away from your thoughts. Oh my god, what the hell? Was someone breaking into your apartment? At 5 in the afternoon? The sun was still out! What sort of stupid ass criminal would even attempt to pull this?
You knew deciding to investigate the source of noise would most likely be your demise in some sort of cheesy horror movie, but unlike more characters in those movies, you decided to take a weapon along with you. Well, not a weapon, but a picture in a rather heavy frame. Hey, if you got attacked at least, you could hit the offender! Blunt force trauma could be quite painful and debilitating if done right.
You began to silently tiptoe towards your kitchen entrance, and upon reaching it, you literally jumped through the doorway, holding the picture frame above you, more than prepared to whack whoever was in your kitchen. Your eyebrows were furrowed in pure concentration, eyes scrunched, and you couldn’t help but let out a small screech. “DON’T FUCK WITH ME, I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, about to bring the picture frame down onto the offenders head when a panicked yell stopped you. You almost dropped your picture in shock, but luckily at the very last second, you managed to get a firm grip on it once more.
“Please don’t hurt me!” A deep voice replied, his volume only a few notches lower than yours. Your eyes snapped open and immediately your gaze focused on a… a tiger hybrid. That’s what you thought he was, at least. He had sandy blonde hair that fell over his eyes, and you were sure it was impairing his vision, but he seemed alright- on top of his head, peeking out of his hair were two fluffy ears. On either side of his neck, stripes were adorning his skin, disappearing underneath his shirt. He also had canines that you could only barely see due to the fact he was frowning a little.
“What… the fuck?” You questioned, lowering your frame, but still holding it so if he attacked you could at least attempt to fight back. “Why are you here? How did you get in-” Your gaze travelled behind him as you spoke, realising there was an open window he must’ve climbed through. Usually, there was a vase filled with flowers resting on that windowsill, but now the vase was utterly shattered on the floor, flowers and dirt also making a complete mess you’d have to clean up. So much for time to relax, right?
“I’m sorry! Please, don’t hurt me.” The hybrid practically begged you, eyes wide with a very terrified look in his eye. He flinched a little whenever you moved too. It was kind of… sad to see, honestly. You’d have a bit of sympathy if he hadn’t, you know, broken into your house.
“I won’t hurt you- unless you try to attack me because if you do that, then we gotta get on even playing fields, you know?” You pursed your lips. “Anyways, why the hell are you in my house? And why did you make such a mess? Kinda rude.”
“I…” The hybrid hesitated in speaking, to which you quirked a brow. “I escaped from a hybrid zoo, and this was the only place with an open window.” He blurted out in a single breath, his words blurring together. You were only able to hear a portion of what he had said, but with your brilliant human brain, you were able to understand what he had blurted out.
“You escaped? The hybrid zoo?” Your head tilted to the side, face scrunching up a little in confusion. The hybrid nodded quickly to confirm your words. “I- okay.” You puffed out your cheeks rather childishly, unsure of what to do. “Uhhhh, what’s your name?” You questioned.
“Taehyung! Kim Taehyung.” The hybrid- no, Taehyung answered you. “I’m sorry for breaking in, I have nowhere else to go, and your window was the only unlocked one I could find.”
“It’s… okay, I guess.” You paused. “As long as you don’t try to kill me then we won’t have a problem. You said you came from a zoo, right?” Taehyung nodded his head rapidly. “So that must mean you don’t have a home to go back to… and if you go wandering around again, especially now that it’s getting dark, you’ll probably get attacked.” A drawn out sigh escaped your slightly chapped lips. “You can stay here the night, then in the morning you can come to a hybrid shelter with me.” You decided with a firm nod of your head as if physically approving of your decision.
“A hybrid shelter?” Taehyung questioned, confusion and curiosity melting into one. It was honestly kind of cute- or at least it would’ve been if you weren’t lowkey mad about him breaking into your house.
“Yeah, a shelter. There are loads of other hybrids, and it’s run by this lovely couple named Namjoon and Seokjin. They’re really accepting of hybrids, especially Seokjin because he is a black cat hybrid.” You explained to Taehyung, a small smile creeping onto your lips. God, even talking about that place made you smile. It was kind of sad.
“Oh!” Taehyung seemed to perk up, his previous panic completely disappearing. “That sounds perfect! Thank you…” Taehyung trailed off, remembering that you hadn’t revealed your name to him yet.
“Y/N.” You finished his sentence, moving past him to set the picture on your kitchen bench. Okay, now that was cleared up you had things to do. Well, you had to clean up and probably give Taehyung some food because you genuinely had no idea how long he might’ve gone without eating. You bent down, picking up the shattered pieces of your vase as Taehyung loitered behind you, wide eyes trailing over your kitchen. After a few minutes, you managed to clean up all the mess, including the dirt and ruined flowers. You stood up straight once more, wincing a little as your back emitted painful sounding pops. God, you were like a sixty-year-old man in a young body.
“So, Taehyung, I imagine you’re probably hungry, and even if you’re not, I am. So, I’m gonna order us a feast of takeout. That okay with you? Any requests?” You questioned the hybrid as you slowly spun around to face him. Taehyung simple shook his head, muttering a quiet ‘you decide’ underneath his breath, his attention still not on you. He was too busy scanning his surroundings, and it was rather clear that he was itching to wander around your home, see where he’d be staying the night.
“Okay, well, I’m gonna go order the food online then. If you want you can look around… Just don’t break anything and stay out of my bedroom.” Your eyes narrowed a little, trying to act threatening but it was apparent Taehyung didn’t care because he just absentmindedly nodded and rushed out of the kitchen like an excited child who finally got to go to the playground. It was cute- he was cute. Not like you’d admit that out loud, though. That was embarrassing, and you weren’t here to embarrass yourself in front a stranger. You already embarrassed yourself enough in front of people you knew, you had to look cool in front of someone!
You began to exit your kitchen, pulling your phone out of the pocket you had stashed it in, quickly finding the ‘uber eats’ (not sponsored) app. You ordered a… ridiculous amount of food from your favourite restaurant and once you confirmed the order, all you had to do was wait. While you had done all this, Taehyung had been slowly walking through your home, keen eyes inspecting every little detail with childlike wonder. He’d mutter things underneath his breath, talking to himself and you just let him be because everyone spoke to themselves from time to time, right? At least you talked to yourself a lot…
You shook your head a little to clear your mind before you wandered down the odd rabbit hole that was your mind. To distract yourself, you decided to turn on your television to some trashy reality show that you only watched to judge the people who starred in them, despite the fact you’d probably act the same way if a production company asked you to be in a reality show. After all, drama makes good television, right?
You stretched out across your couch, eyes fixated on the television when your show was suddenly cut off in the middle of a scene. What the hell!? Were people really so money hungry that they were now putting ads right in the middle of sentences to keep you watching?
But, this wasn’t for an ad, no. It was an urgent news broadcast. You perked up a little, annoyance slowly draining from you as the news anchor spoke.
“Your program has been cut short by this urgent announcement- please, listen in. This could affect your life.” The anchor spoke, but their voice was dreadfully monotone, which was quite ironic considering how urgent they were trying to make this broadcast seem. “A dangerous tiger hybrid as escaped Seoul Grand Park, leaving behind a trail of destruction. He killed one staff member, and injured a further three before fleeing the scene.” An image flashed up in the corner of the screen and, yep, that was Taehyung.
Oh my god, that was Taehyung. They were talking about Taehyung! The hybrid you had just let into your home!? He was dangerous!? He was a fucking murderer!? What were you going to do? What if he decided to add you onto his list of bodies? Good job, Y/N, you always let such great people into your life, don’t you? And you left your picture frame in the kitchen too! You were weaponless!
Fuck, what were you going to do? Taehyung was wandering around your home right now… You had to call someone.
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icyhobi · 7 years
Take It Like A Puppy (M)
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Summary: You and Hoseok have been best friends since you were young. Your friendship with him, was struck as odd since you were a cat hybrid, while he was a dog hybrid. But that didn’t matter, that is until you both start attending university. What happens when one of you unexpectedly goes into heat?
Pairing: Jhope x Reader
Genre: Smut (M), hybrid!au, Cat hybrid reader, Dog hybrid Jhope
Word Count : 5.5k
A/N: This story contains graphic descriptions of sex, cum play, bondage, oral, etc. Heavy dom/sub undertones. Lmao this is just a sinful read. I’m a sucker for hybrid aus, so i had to make one ;) Anywho, this is a mature read! You have been warned!
You’ve known Hoseok since you were nine years old. At the time, you were just a quiet little kitten, who didn’t have many friends. Hoseok, was an annoying hyperactive puppy, who everybody adored in your class. He didn’t really bother you that much, until you became desk partners. That’s when he thought it was okay to pop your ‘personal space bubble’ and sniff you, every second he got.
“Why do you keep trying to smell me!” the nine-year-old you shouted. This was the third time you caught him in the act, ever since you became seat mates a week ago.
“I’m part canine! That’s what we always do!” Hoseok explained, with a smile on his face. He didn’t really know you that much, only that you were always super quiet. But he wanted to change that, he wanted a feline as a friend for once.
“Well can you stop? Its kinda weird,” you replied uncomfortably.
Including you, there were only two other cat hybrids in your class, the rest were a split between bunny, dog, and fox hybrids. Thus, you were extremely uncomfortable with this puppy trying to get up all in your space. Besides, you were quite afraid of dog hybrids since they could become aggressive easily.
“No, you’re weird,” the puppy joked.
You finally turn to glare at him, then let a hiss seethe through your teeth.
This causes the puppy to whimper in defense, not meaning to offend you. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way!”
“Then why else would you say it?” you snapped back at him, even though you felt a small tug of guilt when he whimpered.
“Because I wanted to be friends with you… so I tried to make you laugh” he pouted.
Your eyes widen at his response. He really wanted to be friends with you? No one really wanted to even get to know you.
“Why would you wanna be friends with me?” you asked softly.
Hoseok instantly smiles and says “Because you don’t really talk to anyone that much. And you look really nice, so I wanna be friends.”
“You do?”
You couldn’t help but let out a smile, happy that you made a new friend.
“Okay, lets be friends then.”
Ever since then, you two had become best friends. Hoseok stuck close to you at all times, always talking about the littlest of things, while you would listen silently with a smile. He was the one who would do most of the talking, but you didn’t mind. There were a couple of instances however, where you two would fight over your species.
Cat and Dog hybrids tended to not get along very well, but you guys worked. Your friendship struck many others as odd, but you both didn’t care what they thought. And that’s why you two decided to become roommates, at the University’s hybrid residence.
You didn’t change much in personality since you were little however, you did open up a bit more to strangers. Hoseok on the other hand, was still loud and annoying, but also started to become more of a flirter, along with his group of friends. You had heard rumors from people on campus about how good he was in bed, to which you would mentally cringe at. You’ve been best friends since you were so young, and hearing that kind of stuff, always wanted to make you gag.
To be fair though, you weren’t immune to his good looks. No matter how hard you would try to ignore that fact, it was inevitable. Even last week when he came out of the shower, you were practically blushing when you realized he had no shirt on. His toned and lean muscles made your cheeks burn, to which Hoseok acted oblivious too. The nerve that man had.
Today however, you were completely alone at your apartment. It was Friday night, and Hoseok decided to have a ‘bro’ night with a couple of his good friends. You actually knew both of the guys he was hanging out with. They were in that very class you became friends with Hoseok all those years ago, and now attended the same university as you. One of them was named Kim Taehyung, who was a dog hybrid, just like Hoseok. The other was a bunny hybrid named Jeon Jungkook, who honestly acted more like a dog, rather than a bunny. That’s probably why he got along with both Taehyung and Hoseok well.
You didn’t mind that he left you alone, since you were rather independent. But you couldn’t help but feel a bit bored in your shared apartment. You couldn’t even watch some tv to kill time, since Hoseok broke it by accident while cleaning. Somehow, he made your flat-screen tip over and fall on its face. It didn’t bother you too much, since he promised to buy a new one.
Still, it was just so damn quiet…
But then you remembered; you could just watch a movie on Hoseok’s laptop. He already had many movies downloaded on it, so you could just pick through his selection. He gave you the password to access his laptop prior, since he felt bad about breaking the tv, so it couldn’t hurt.
You head over to his room, and spot the laptop at his study desk. You bring it out with you in the living room, then plop down on the couch to get comfortable. You open it and quickly type in the password, only to be greeted by a sight that almost made you drop it.
On the screen was a woman, who you supposed was a bunny hybrid. She was completely naked, with her huge breasts bouncing around everywhere as she rode a carrot like dildo.
What the fuck?!? you mentally screamed. Since when was Hoseok into bunny porn?
But as the video continued playing, you almost wanted to piss your pants when she literally grabbed a carrot, and started to eat it while over exaggerating her moans.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe he gets off to this,” you laughed, smiling to yourself.
Yea, you’d definitely question him about this when you saw him again.
“So how’s your kitten?” Jungkook teased, while the three of them were walking out of the bar.
“Are you talking about Y/N?” Taehyung curiously asked.
“Fuck yea, who else?” the bunny smirked.
“You guys…” Hoseok sighed while scratching his soft floppy ears. “Why do you always think I’m fucking Y/N?”
All four of you were in the same classes since elementary school. However, you weren’t that close with them, besides Hoseok. So they always saw you with him, and assumed you two had a thing going on since you were kids.
“Uhh maybe because you’ve been friends since forever, and you guys are also roommates,” Jungkook said cheekily.
“Not that we’re judging you, cause damn, I’d let her ride me any day. And that’s a lot coming from me, cause I can’t stand cats.” Taehyung said while closing his eyes in imagination.
“Ditto on that, except I’ll have her lay on the bed and pound into her non-stop,” Jungkook snickers.
“What the fuck guys, I still can’t believe I’m friends with you,” Hoseok says, while he shook his head laughing. He then continued, “Y/N is practically like a sister to me.” But even as he said that, it was obvious he was lying.
“Oh please, stop with the bullshit Hobi. We know if you got the chance, you’d totally fuck her.”
“Yea imagine if she was on her heat, just begging you.” the bunny added. “When is your heat anyway?”
Hoseok exhaled a deep breath before he said, “It’s coming up real soon.”
“Are you gonna take your pill suppressants?” Taehyung questioned, with his blonde ears flopping in curiosity.
There was a small smirk playing on his face, before he suggestively replied;
“Hey Hobi,” you greeted him softly, as he had just returned home to your apartment.
Hoseok’s ears instantly shot up in happiness to your voice. He hastily took of his sneakers before running towards you, from your spot on the couch.
Oh great, better grace for impact… you sighed in your head, just before he tackled you. Your back was now flat against the couch, as he was on his knees, having his upper torso embrace you in a hug. He has no shame as he snuggles his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
The feeling tickles you, so you start trying to stifle your laughter. “Hobi get off! It tickles!”
Instead of listening to you, he just rubs his face against your neck harder. “But you always smell so good!”
“You’re invading my personal space,” you said, trying to sound annoyed.
“Yea well, I’m part dog so I think I have an excuse.”
You grunt in irritation, but let him have his way of cuddling you. Dog hybrids were always so touchy-feely as it was in their DNA, so you just let him be. However, you still wanted to tease him a little because of that video on his laptop you saw.
“Hobi…” you purred.
He could feel his throat stricken up, from the seductive tone you were using. He still has his face nudged in your neck when he stammers, “Yeah?”
“So…” you say, while lightly scratching the dark furry ears that were atop of his head. “Since when did you have a thing for bunnies?”
“What do you mean?” he says while furrowing his eyebrows.
“Well, I kinda saw this cute bunny girl on your laptop. And she was having the time of her life riding a big juicy carrot.” you teased, trying your best not to laugh.
Hoseok’s face instantly heats up, as he continues to hide his face from you. “Jungkook sent that to me!” he spoke with an embarrassed voice.
“Aww, you don’t have to be shy about it. I won’t judge.”
He stays silent, so you pester him further, “I mean, I don’t blame you. Jungkook’s also a bunny hybrid, and he’s pretty hot.”
His hold on you tightens, as you said that. You thought Jungkook was attractive? What about him? He was good looking to! Why didn’t you say anything like that about him?
“What do you mean by that?” he said with a low voice.
There’s a faint smirk on your face, because you knew you managed to get under his skin. “I don’t know, maybe that I’d let him rut against me…” you taunted.
What the hell is she talking about?!? Why would she let him, when I’m around!?
Hoseok was having an internal battle with his head with your lewd words. What had gotten into you? But before he could even stop himself, he blurted out, “Would you let me?”
What!?!? Did he just ask if I’d let him fuck me? Where the hell did that come from?!
You just wanted to tease Hoseok a little, but you never intended it to turn out this way. You started to feel yourself blush at his question, and couldn’t stand being in this position any longer.
“I d-didn’t mean…” you trail of quietly. What had you actually even meant?
You were too flustered at this point, so you attempted to push him off of you. The only problem was, he didn’t comply and just held on tighter.
“Hoseok can you get off of me?” you say, trying your best to sound aggressive.
“E-excuse me?”
“Why don’t you answer my question first?” he said with a dark voice.
What the hell was his problem? It almost sounded as if he was getting mad, but you didn’t even do anything wrong!
“Get off, now.” you demanded. But in reality, you were scared your voice would waver because of how fast your heart was beating.
“Then why don’t you be a good little kitten, and tell me why you’d choose him over me? You don’t think I’m a good enough mate?” he growled back at you.
W-what… did he really just growl at me?!? You’ve never seen Hoseok become so aggressive before, especially with you. So you stayed still, not knowing what to say.
Your silence makes him inpatient, so instead of snuggling, he sticks his tongue out and starts licking the side of your neck.
You’re in compete shock over his actions; he tended to ignore space issues, but he’s never done this before. And when he starts to harshly suck on your skin, you let out a quiet moan.
This drives his hormones insane, so he quickly stands up to trap you. His arms are on either side of your head as he hovers above you. He chooses to lick and suck on your jawline now, and when you try to withhold another moan, he grinds his crotch against you.
What was he doing? How had things turned out like this? But, why were you even letting him continue? You two were best friends and if you let this go on even further, it could damage your friendship.
You close your eyes tightly, as you regretfully stammer “H-hoseok, stop.”
This instantly makes the dog boy freeze, and he pushes up on his arms to look at you. Your eyes were closed shut, as your cheeks were flushed a bright red. You were biting your lip harshly as your fluffy black ears were pulled back a little, indicating you were stressed.
What had he done? Scared that if he stared at you any longer, he wouldn’t be able to control himself from you. So, he choked out a guilty “sorry” before he got up and dashed to his room, slamming the door.
You stay still on the couch. Why did you edge him on so much, and try to make him jealous? What had come over both of you?
But what mortified you the most; was that you didn’t want him to stop.
It had been two days since that incident had occurred. It was now Sunday, and were starting to become extremely worried. Your usually hyperactive dog friend had locked himself in his room, not even coming out once.
He would practically starve himself in there, if you didn’t do anything soon. But you didn’t even know how to approach him. You would be to embarrassed to face him again, since you were having wet dreams about him after the events of Friday took place.
But you did feel a bit bad though, since it was partially your fault he was locked up in there. If you just didn’t go to far with your teasing, none of that would have ever happened. So deciding you should relieve the tension, you tip-toe your way to his door. You knock on it gently, before voicing out to him.
“Hoseok, are you okay?” you ask worryingly.
You hear some shuffling from a squeaking from his bed springs, before he speaks. “Yea I’m fine.”
His voice sounded dry and hoarse, almost as if he was in pain. This just made you more concerned, so you speak out again. “Are you s-sure? Can you come out please?”
“I’m sure. I just don’t feel like coming out.” he wavers.
“Okay, can I come in them?” you ask with your hand on the doorknob.
“N-no!” you heard him choke out.
Surprised, you question him, “Why?”
“Because I don’t want you to come in!”
Is he mad at me? No! I want my happy and annoying Hobi!
Distressed, you exclaim through the door, “Hoseok please! I’m sorry about what happened on Friday, lets just talk this out.” He doesn’t reply, so you slowly twist the handle.
“I said don’t fucking come in!”
“Like hell I won’t!” you shout, then swing open his door quickly, then closing it behind you. You turn around to face him, and then instantly turn back facing the wall covering your face.
Hoseok was sitting on his bed, completely naked. His back was against the headboard of the bed, as a collar was attached to his neck. There was a long metal chain hooked to his collar, that was securely locked on the headboard. This allowed only for him to move just a little, before the chain would hold him back by his neck.
But then it all made sense as to why he was acting so weird. Why he got so horny and possessive all of a sudden; it was because he was in heat.
Your face is bright red, but you manage to stutter, “Hoseok, are you in your heat?”
He groans at the sound of your voice, “Yea…”
“Do you have your pills?”
“I lost them.”
What? How could he be so careless? Every hybrid needs to be prepared for their heat early in advance, to keep them and others safe. But he is just sitting there, without a partner to help him, or pills to suppress his hormones. Which was practically like torturing yourself.
“What the hell Hoseok! Do you need me to get Seulgi to help you?”
“But doesn’t she usually help you in your heats? If you want, I can get Yoona instead then.”
“I don’t want any of them.”
“Well out of the countless people I know you’ve slept with…” you seethed, then continued, “pick one and I’ll call them to help you.”
“Turn around,” he spoke with a low voice.
“W-what? Why?” you stuttered in confusion.
“Cause I only want you to help me.”
WHAT!?! NO NO NOO! That is not happening, you screamed to yourself mentally. You know that hybrids will tend to say bizarre things, just so they could get someone to fuck them during their heats. And you knew that was the case for Hoseok as well, but you felt a big urge to listen to his request.
“Stop speaking nonsense,” you wavered.
You heard him growl before he spoke, “Y/N stop being a fucking a pussy and get your fine ass over here.”
You took a deep breath, trying not to get too frustrated with him. You put your hand on the doorknob getting ready to leave. “I’ll call someone to he-”
“No!” he choked out in desperation. “Please Y/N, you don’t know how b-bad it hurts! Please just help me!”
Him being restrained and begging, literally made you feel as if you were on fire. You’re positive you’ve most likely soaked through your panties just to his voice.
“Please! I beg of you, just jerk me off at least! I have my leash on, so I can’t even try anything on you…” he pleaded with fake emotion. He knew being aggressive wasn’t working with you, so he had to change up his act. And by the way he saw you pause at the door, trying to rub your thighs together, he knew it was working.
Understanding how painful it could be, you figured it would do no harm if you just jerked him off. After that, you would leave and get someone else to help him.
Complying, you turned around to face the sexy sight of him again. You slowly walked forward, and chose to sit on the edge of his bed, right beside him. “I’m only jerking you off once, then I’ll get someone else.”
Hoseok smirks, and then replied with “Alright.”
You try to calm your nerves as you look over his irresistible body. He was toned in all the right places, and the small dark trail of hair below his belly button, lead you to the mouth watering sight of his hot red dick.
Okay Y/N you got this! you thought, trying to encourage yourself.
You bite your lip as you tentatively reach out, and put a finger at the tip of his cock. That alone makes him moan out, a sound that was so heavenly to your fluffy ears. You decide to tease him more by slowly rubbing your finger in slow circles, where the slit was.
He’s letting out whimpers, and it was one of the biggest turn on’s you’ve ever heard. There was already a bit of precum leaking through his slit, that you were tempted to lick.
You look up to see that Hoseok was gripping the bedsheets with a deathly grip, while his eyes were closed in pleasure by your motions. So that’s when you decided to surprise him.
With a smirk, you leant down till your face was right beside his painfully hard dick, then gave small kitten licks up along his length; from the base to his tip. You’re happy when he scrunches in pleasure from the feeling of your tongue.
“Y/N…” he panted. He opens his eyes to see your pretty face hovering over his cock. “C-can you please suck me off?” he asked, with hopefulness laced in his voice.
This causes you to let out a cheshire grin, as you were feeling a bit devious today. There was a big stereotype that cat hybrids were kind of assholes, since they looked so independent and always could be so conniving. You however, thought that maybe you could use that to your advantage today. Coming up with a plan, you winked at him.
“Okay Hobi, I’ll suck your dick. But you have to be a good little doggy, and keep your hands to yourself. Okay?”
Ohh she’s good… he thought silently. He would let you play your games for now, but he knew he would get his way soon enough.
“Alright, kitten.”
And with that said, you leaned down and slowly started to sink your mouth down on his dick. When your nose hits the soft patch of black hair on his pelvis, you raise your hands to play with his balls. He lets out a loud deep moan when you hollow your cheeks, sucking on his dick like a popsicle.
“Ahh fuck Y/N, you’re so good with your mouth,” he praised in pleasure.
His compliments only fuel your hunger for him, so you let go with of his cock with a ‘pop’ noise, then start kissing each side of it. You add your tongue into the mix, and since you were part cat, it was a bit rougher than normal tongues, intensifying the pleasure.
“Ahh fuck!” Hoseok grunted. At that moment he decided, getting head from cat hybrids were the best; more specially, by you. He has the biggest urge to grab and touch you, but he doesn’t wanna break your rules.
“Baby I need more,” he whimpered. He couldn’t handle being submissive, especially during his heat. He needed to be in control, no teasing, just straight to the good stuff.
Hearing him call you ‘baby’ almost makes you lose your composure, since you secretly loved being called that. Glancing upwards to his flushed expression, you decide to play nice and give him what he wanted.
He cries out when you momentarily stand up, and leave his dick hanging. But all protests die down when he sees you close your eyes to calm your nerves, then slowly reach under your skirt to pull your panties off.
He licks his lips when he see’s the evident sticky stain on your underwear, and instantly wants to have a taste of you. You then reach under your shirt to unbuckle your bra, and manage pull it off without taking your top off. You still wore your skirt and shirt, just with no undergarments.
Hoseok’s mouth was watering at the sight of your already hardened nipples from underneath your shirt. And with his heightened senses, the scent of you was driving him insane, tempting him to just ravish you.
“Alright Hobi, only since you’re such a good little doggy.” You then climb up onto the bed and stand on your knees, straddling his hips. You use your long fluffy black tail, to steady his cock right in front of your entrance. Your soaked, so when you sink down onto him, it slides in with ease.
You wait for a couple of seconds, adjusting to his size, before you slowly start to rock your hips against his.
“Nghh, you feel so good Hobi,” you moan out, as you ride him.
“Baby you’re the one who feels amazing,” he groans. “Your small little pussy is so tight and wet for me, and I didn’t even have to touch you.”
Your cheeks are on fire, since you know its true. Just the sight of him like this, and his voice had you soaked.
You go to grab his hands that were gripping the bedsheets, and guide them under your shirt to your breasts.
“Aghh Hoseok!” you cry out, when he grips them harshly and toys with your erect nipples.
“Mmm, such a good little kitty,” he says seductively, then removes one hand from your shirt and goes to smack your ass.
“Nahh!” you mewled out, as he slapped your ass another time. After that, he slowly rubbed the sore flesh in soothing circles.
While he still was rubbing your butt, you decide to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders as he thrusts up into you, to help you out.
This continues for another ten minutes, before Hoseok’s thrusting starts to become crazily fast and hard. You’re practically flying into the air as he snaps his hips up into you, but he held you down securely with his arms.
“I’m close,” he panted, frantically.
Perfect… you thought mischievously. You untangle yourself from his strong arms, and then ask him to slow down for a second. Even though he protested it, he still complied to your wish. As soon as he slowed down enough, you hopped off his dick and stood right beside the bed, giving him a taunting smile.
“What the fuck are doing?” he yelled out, clearly frustrated that you stopped right before he was about to come.
“Well…” you said innocently. “I kinda wanted to get back at you, for ignoring me these past couple of days, so imma leave you here for a bit. Don’t worry, I’ll call someone to come and take care of you. You’ll only have to wait around hour.”
“What the fuck? You can’t be serious Y/N!” he shrieked in disbelief.
“I’ll see ya when you’re done!” you winked at him cheerfully, then turned around. You knew you were being cruel, but he partially deserved it. Him ignoring you, made you freak and assume he was mad at you. You were so worried about him, but he just continued to hide himself angrily in his room.
“Fucking unchain me right now!” he demanded.
The reason someone needed a partner during their heat, was because they couldn’t satisfy their sexual needs by themselves. This meant that, he couldn’t cum by masturbating by himself. He needed a partner. So that’s why you felt a bit bad at the sound of him struggling, but you knew he would eventually get over it.
His howling and screaming continues, but you try your best to ignore it as you slowly make your way to the door on wobbly legs.
C’mon Y/N almost there! Don’t go back, no matter how amazing it felt…
You’re just about to reach his door, until you hear the metal chains that were restraining him, protest with a loud snap.
You turn your head and see Hoseok charging directly towards you, after he managed to break the leash that was on his neck. You try to bolt, but he grabs you by your tail, yanking it hard. You cry in pain, but he picks you up bridal style and throws you roughly back to his bed.
You bounce on it with a shriek, and then Hoseok came quick to tower over you.
“Uhh… s-sorry?” you stuttered, trying to sound innocent. Though, you rather nervous and extremely excited for what was to happen next.
“How cute. But I won’t let you off easy,” he mocks, then grabs you by your waist to spin you around so that you were on your hands and knees.
“Now…” he growled then tugged your hair back, so he could speak in your ear. “Why don’t you be a good little kitten and take it like a puppy, okay?”
You don’t complain as you arch your back, sticking your ass out nicely on display for him. He takes no time to waste and thrusts into you from behind, in doggy-style position. You both instantly moan out at the feeling, as the new position caused him to go deeper into you with each brutal thrust.
Wanting to feel more of you, he rips your shirt in shreds, much to your complaint. His bare chest was against your bare back now, and he hooked one arm to hold you by your waist, and another to grope your breasts. As he continues to slam into you, he licks the side juncture of your shoulder and then bites down on it.
“Ahh Hoseok!” you cried out, at the harsh bite.
He decides to play nice, then snakes down the hand that was holding your waist, to start rubbing your clit. You cry out again from the overwhelming pleasure he was giving, and try to snap your hips to meet his thrusts, causing both of you to spill out in a moaning mess.
“I-I’m close!” you panted.
“M-me too,” he replied breathlessly.
His thrusts become increasingly hard, to the point where you’re sure you would have bruises, but then your walls finally clench down tightly on his dick.
“Hoseok!” you screamed out in ecstasy, as he helps you ride out your orgasm.
Right after, felt his release coming too so he pulled out of you and jerked himself a couple of times, before shooting his hot load all over your back.
You collapsed down onto your stomach, completely worn out. Hoseok doesn’t say anything, as he goes to lick up his own cum from your back. The sensation feels oddly soothing, so you let him clean you up.
When he’s done, he lays down beside you, making you turn to face him. He has a big bright smile on his handsome face, as he goes in to kiss you. You could taste his cum from his mouth, but you didn’t mind a single bit as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and neck.
The kiss was full of passion and lust, and you found yourself smiling into it.
You break off first, coming up to breathe in some air.
Hoseok on the other hand, continued to smile as he spills, “I have a confession to make.”
You looked at him curiously, before you asked, “Like what?”
“I purposely didn’t take my heat suppressant pills,” he smiled.
“W-what? You didn’t lose them?” you asked, completely bewildered.
“No,” he said cheekily. He then pointed towards his nightstand. “They’re in the first drawer.”
You hastily sit up and lean over to open the first drawer, and saw that he was right. You pull out the pills, and give it a shake, to hear that there were still many left in the bottle.
“Why would you do that?” you asked in confusion.
“Because I wanted a partner to help me.”
“But then why didn’t you let me call someone?”
He laughs, while he says with the brightest smile ever, “Because I only wanted you, silly”
What?!! Is he serious? No he can’t be, it must be his heat talking… you sighed in your head. You honestly wished that was true, since you could feel butterflies in your stomach when he said that.
“That’s your heat talking, Hobi,” you smiled a bit sadly.
He doesn’t reply, instead he flicks you on your forehead.
“Oww! What was that for?” you pouted.
“Because your so naïve.”
“Because it’s obvious I have feelings for you.”
“W-what?” you choked out.
“Y/N, my heat started last night…” he trailed off. When he see’s your eyes widen in realization, he continued, “That means when I started licking you up and grinding against you on Friday, it wasn’t because I was experiencing symptoms of my heat, but it was because I was jealous. I was jealous that you said you would let Jungkook do things to you, and not me. I became possessive, and wanted to keep you to myself.”
He doesn’t let you continue as he speaks, “I started to ignore you a bit these past couple of weeks, because I wanted you to miss me. I wanted you to want me.”
But I do want you…
“I’m always prepared for my heats, so I purposely locked myself up, knowing that you would become worried and check up on me.”
“Well how would you have known that?” you questioned.
“Because…” he smiled. “I know how sweet my kitten is.”
You’ve never had your heart flutter so much before, and it was truly overwhelming. You were blushing like crazy, but you then cupped his cheeks and kissed him again.
“I really did miss you,” you said warmly.
“So, do you wanna go out on a date when my heat is done?” he asked you nervously.
Seeing him so nervous, was completely heart warming. So you kissed him again reassuringly, before you sweetly said, “I’d love that.”
You were gonna head in to kiss him one more time, before you stuck your finger to his lips. “But on one condition…”
“And what might that be?”
“You’ll have to help me out on my heats, deal?” you teased.
He doesn’t reply, as he rolls over with a predatory smirk, so he could climb on top of you. He traps you with his arms and spreads your legs again using his own before saying;
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