#and once again michelle proved to be a pain in the ass to sketch
alteredphoenix · 2 years
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Very belated drawing done for Michelle’s birthday meant for 9/10.
I wanted to include kinds of flowers in the composition that would have specific meanings pertaining to Michelle’s character. The hibiscus was an easy first choice (in fact, this pic was inspired by seeing the pink hibiscus flowers one of my aunts grows in her front yard), and in the general sense mean “love and femininity” (because let’s be real here, she’s the Girly Girl to Celia’s Tomboy). 
The white lupin came second after a bit of searching around, and in the language of flowers they mean “forgiveness”. However, of all the beasts in her spell kit the wolf is the most prevalent, and though there really isn’t anything concrete to go by besides my own headcanon I always got the impression Michelle embodied the wolf - and had a very tangential connection to Lazui - more than the game let on, and that’s where the second meaning behind the white lupin comes from, and that is “admiration and a voracity/hunger for life”. The original plan was to make the wolf Lazui, but I thought it would be better to make it a standard wolf (”assault beast”) instead. Michelle’s Embleo was another part of bringing the piece together, and apart from Leo’s hers, in my opinion, is the only one that has a very specific shape (maybe a little too specific) but no definable meaning behind it like most of the other Federation players, so to round it off I put the wolf on top, Michelle at the bottom, the hibiscus flowers on the cross part and the white lupins in both the foreground and background.
So there it is! Happy belated birthday, kid!
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