#and oh god school is starting again and i’m gonna see her eeeeek
crabs-but-better · 1 year
oh god oh fucj
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Almost (3) Hey, You Okay With This?
Summary: Your long time boyfriend, Jensen, broke up with you with the only explanation being that you're still in love with your old high school flame, Sebastian.
Words: 5455
Sebastian Stan x Reader ; Chris Evans x Reader ; Carly Evans x Reader
A/N: this might be weird .. I don’t know yet. Also, on AO3 
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Sebastian had been at my apartment everyday for three months straight now. Chris had gone back to Boston to see his parents and then off for filming. Sebastian had a few filming gigs that (un)foruntately were being shot in New York. Before work he was here, after work he was here. Between takes he was calling or texting me. To be honest, it was nice being around him again and I really did miss my best friend, but I was also use to Jensen, who was only gone for a few weeks at a time instead of months. I hate to say it but Seb was smothering me. I loved the affection but, man.
One afternoon, he was gone to Manhattan for filming when he called me. "Hey, beautiful."
I blushed under his loving tone. "Hey, Seb."
He laughed, "what's up today?"
I shrugged into my phone as I played with the unfolded laundry on my bed. "I was gonna meet up with Carly for some coffee in about an hour and then I got a job interview."
He gasped, "a job interview? For what?"
I chuckled, "it's not that exciting of a job."
"Listen, a job is a job. It pays the bills." I hummed a response. "What is it?"
I sighed, "I have interview for a PA position."
He was silent for a minute. "For who?"
"Uh, not sure. Some guy who's last name is Macintyre or Mackienzie or Mac-."
I snapped my fingers, "Yeah! How'd you know?"
"Anthony Mackie?"
I chuckled, "pretty sure that's his name, yeah. You know him?"
He sighed, "You've never watch the Captain America movies have you?"
"Honestly, no."
"Fuck, well, he's in them. I'm actually really good friends with him and his wife."
"Really? Is he nice?"
He laughed, "Mackie, well, he's-. He's real nice but he's a goofball."
I rolled my eyes, "that's calling the kettle black don't you think?"
"What'd you mean by that?"
I snorted, "Sebastian, you are the biggest goofball of them all."
He chuckled, "I mean, you're not wrong." He cleared his throat. "What time is the interview?"
I checked my watch, 10:32. "Uh, my interview is at 2:30."
"Oh, so I've got time then."
"Sorry? Time for what?"
"(Y/N), you don't wanna work for Mackie."
"Uh, why not?" He sighed and I smirked. "Sebastian, are you .. jealous?"
I laughed out loud. "That's a flat out lie! You're jealous!"
He laughed mockingly. "I don't wanna be."
"Seb, he's married."
I could almost see him shrugging. "So?"
"So? Well, he's married. I'm not a homewrecker."
He chortled, "I don't know, I just-."
"Sebastian, please. I'm a big girl. I'm not gonna gather feelings for a married man, especially one who could potentially be my boss."
He snapped his fingers, "I've got an idea!"
Oh lord. "That's always dangerous." "Whatever. Listen, I need a PA."
"What?" I stopped movements and stared at the door.
"(Y/N), I need a PA. Mya just left, like four days ago."
"No, please, just let me pull some strings and-."
"Sebastian, please. Just let me go to this interview and see how things turn out."
He huffed a reply, "fine." He sighed again. "I gotta go babe. I'll call you later. Let me know how it goes."
"Bye, I'll let you kn-. Wait, babe?"
He snorted, "whoops. Bye."
"That sneaky bastard." I laughed to myself and continued folding laundry.
An hour later, I was driving through mid-day New York traffic to meet Carly when my phone rang. "Hello?"
It was Chris. "Hey, girl."
I laughed, "hey Chris. What's up?"
He chuckled, "Sebastian just called me."
"Oh lord, was it about this interview?"
He laughed, "uh yeah. He's kinda jealous about you maybe working for Mackie."
"I don't understand why! He's a married man for Christ sake."
Chris agreed, "I know. But Seb is protective of the people he loves. He just doesn't want you to get hurt, that's all."
I rolled my eyes, "Well, he needs to get a grip. Did he tell you his offer to me?"
"Uh, yeah, he did. I don't think that's such a good idea."
"Yeah, me neither. I'll be honest, he's kinda smothering me now with all the visiting and phone calls but if I was to be at his work with him all the time, Jesus, I'd die."
He laughed. "I know, just go to the interview and see how it turns out?"
"Right, well, I am just about to meet your sister for coffee, but I'll call you when the interview is over."
"Right on, love. Talk later." Chris hung up and I pulled into the coffee shop.
Coffee with Carly was cut short when I realized how busy traffic was. "Dammit, the traffic is insane today."
Carly nodded, sipping her black coffee. "I know! What time is your interview?"
"Uh, forty-five minutes. But, it might take that long to get there. It's over in the Village."
"Shit, well, go now and give me a call later." I started shuffling money out of my wallet. "No, it's on me. Good luck, (Y/N)."
"Thanks Car, I'll call in a bit."
It took me almost the full forty-five minutes to drive ten blocks. I pulled into the parking lot where the interview was being held. I fixed my skirt and shirt, switching my flats to a pair of black heels and pulling my hair out of the current ponytail. My (Y/H/C) hair flew down around my shoulders and I smacked my lips after slipping on a layer of gloss. "Perfect. You can do this." I walked across the parking lot and the sound of my heels was giving me more and more confidence with every step. I walked into the building with the confidence of the Queen. The reciptionnist smiled at me kindly. "Hello, interview with Mr Stratton."
She smiled, her manicured fingers flicking over the keyboard. "Mr Stratton is just getting out a meeting, I'll let him know you've arrived. Please, take a seat."
I took a seat in the cold, leather black chair and sent a quick group text to Carly, Chris and Sebastian.
Me: I'm in! Mr Stratton is coming out of a meeting .........
Evans: Good luck, (Y/N). I know you're gonna kill it.
Me: Thanks, Chris. My coffee with Carly really helped my confidence.
Carly: HAHA! My coffee had nothing to do with it, darling.
Seb: I hope you do good, love. You deserve the best of everything.
Evans: Ah, thanks Winter Boo Bear!
Seb: Shut it, Evans. I was talking to (Y/N).
Evans: Tsk! I was just wishing my friend good luck and I'm feeling very attacked right now.
Me: Well, thanks guys but-. Shit, Mr Stratton just came out! EEEEEK!
"Miss (Y/L/N), please come on in." He was an older gentleman, roughly late fifties. His grey and black hair was slicked back and his piercing blue eyes seemed to look right through me. He was dressed in a dark navy suit with a bright red tie.
I followed him into the large, open spaced office. "Miss (Y/L/N), how nice to finally meet you." He spoke with a thick Southern accent.
I chuckled, "please, call me (Y/F/N). And it's likewise, really."
He leaned back and crossed his fingers over his large oak desk. "You're a friend of Mr Stan?"
I cleared my throat, "Sebastian Stan?"
He nodded, "mhmm."
"Yes, I am actually. We grew up together." I bit my cheek, embarrassed he had called in anyway.
He smiled, his teeth a brillant white and straight as an arrow. "Lovely. Now tell me, have you ever worked for someone in this particular business?"
I shook my head, "I did a long time ago. I gave up it because, well, it didn't turn out well."
He nodded, furrowing his brow. "Reason for wanting the interview?"
Honesty is the best policy. "To be frank, I lost my job about three months ago cause my paper went out of business."
"The Franklin?"
I nodded, "yeah."
"Heard about that .. somethin' like three hundred people lost their work. I'm real sorry to hear about that." He cleared his throat. He pressed the button on his phone. "Cynthia, can you get me somethin' to drink? Actually make that two."
I shook my head, "I'm fine really."
He laughed, a strange forced sound. "Oh well, water is good for you." I smiled. "So, anyhow, I hate to inform you that the position for Mr Mackie has already been filled."
What?! "Oh, well. I should be going then. Sorry to waste your time." I started to stand.
"Please, Miss, wait. The position for Mr Mackie has been filled but Mr Stan had his manger call us earlier informing us he was in dire need of an assistant. Would you be interested?"
The only thought that ran through my head was a screaming NO! But, a job is a job. I sighed, "You sure it wouldn't be a conflict of interest?"
He swatted the air and chuckled, "I'm sure it would be okay. I mean, you were only friends right?"
"Well,-" I stuttered out.
"Mr Stan did mention that you briefly spent time together through high school."
I smiled, "of course. We did date for a few years but-."
"I'm sure it will be okay, I mean, you're both adults." He smiled, a tight forced one. "Perfect, so you are interested?"
I shrugged, fixing my hair nervously. "I sup-. Yes."
The door swung open and entered Cynthia with two bottles of water. "Thanks Cynthia. That's great news, (Y/N). I'm sure Mr Stan will enjoy having you around."
Ten minutes later, I was free to leave. I thanked Mr Stratton for his time and the job opportunity. I crawled into my front seat and whipped my phone out. I opened the group chat.
Me: Sebastian! You bastard!
Evans: What the hell? What happened?
Seb: You got the job! :)
Evans: Congrats! Now, why is Stan a bastard?
Carly: I'm sure Anthony will be happy with his worker ;)
Me: Position for Mackie was filled.
Evans: What???
Carly: What?
Me: Spot for Mackie was already filled when I arrived. Got offered the position to PA for 'Mr Stan'.
Seb: You're welcome.
I huffed and rolled my eyes. The man was driving me CRAZY!
Evans: You're working for Stan now? The bastard thing makes sense LOL
Me: Yup! :/
Seb: You're welcome .. god ... just trying to help a friend out.
Carly: What the hell? You're working for Sebastian now?
Evans: I can think of ten things right now that could go wrong with this.
Me: Like Sebastian said, a job is a job.
Seb: I thought you'd be happy that you'd get to see me everyday. :P
Me: I'm grateful for the job, thank you, but it could be awkward. Besides, I see you everyday now as is.
Evans: She has a point, Seb.
Seb: We're gonna be fine! See you tomorrow morning @ 7:30 am!
I got a private messaged from Chris.
Evans: Hey, you okay with this?
Me: not really ...
Evans: tell him then!
Me: I can't just say no to the job ... I need the job & the $$.
Evans: You gonna be okay with seeing him 24/7?
Evans: It's gonna be weird seeing you follow him around set! :$
Me: Tell me about it! At least, I'll get to see you :)
Evans: You'll do good, champ! Gotta go, on Ellen 2nite. xo
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