#and of course please share the Altaban family's fundraiser as well.
allgremlinart · 2 months
2 minutes of googling shows there’s a different gfm for the altaban family that’s already raised 13k. trust but verify. I’ve seen 90 ghost ‘vet’ fundraisers with copy pasted pictures for duplicated families
This is the fundraiser anon is referring to
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Here is their family - Khaled, who's gofundme (here) I have been boosting is at the bottom right. You are correct in the statement that Khaled is part of the family this fundraiser is for. I do not believe you are correct in the statement that his separate gofundme is a "scam" and I have reasons for this.
-> You can see in his pictures that this is the same person as shown in the family's fundraiser. And yet this is not simply a screenshot of the photo they provided. There are selfies and videos of Khaled attached to his fundraiser that you cannot find anywhere else online or by googling his name.
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-> There is also a video he uploaded talking about his situation that you can similarly only find attached to his gofundme.
-> There are countless reasons why there are two gofundmes here, one for the entire family, and one for Khaled specifically - Khaled could be trying to raise funds specifically for continuing his education after evacuating - they could have been separated by the bombings - or perhaps simply they need as much money as they can get, which is always true for Palestinian families such as these.
In the end, it is of course up to everyone individually to decide whether or not to give to a fundraiser like this and which ones to trust. I have spoken with Khaled in dms and this along with the information I have just laid out, for me, personally, is enough to convince me this is a genuine fundraiser. And that is why I have shared it on my blog and will continue to do so.
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