#and of course nothing happens - Kento is just being an ass hat because he can
superwavesmasher · 4 months
More of the hurt arm idea. Episode 23.
Rowen and Cye are a thing.
Kento is protective annoying best friend doing what he does best.
Rowen also apologizes for snapping at Ryo.
“Kento, you don’t have to carry me bed…I can walk.” Though he made no move to pull away, he sighs groggily holding his arm close to his chest, his head resting on the other’s shoulder as he’s carried up the small set of stairs in the lakeside cabin. “Besides, I’m not even tired and-“
“You were falling asleep on the couch and your arm is hurting.” The bearer of hardrock was a gentle as he could be as he carried the smaller warrior up to the room where the rest of them were sleeping. “Who knows, maybe even Ryo will join us up here now that White Blaze is feeling better.”
“Oh, that would be lovely… five of us and a tiger…?”
“Hey, Blaze could keep ya warm. If not the tiger, we could always ask Ryo.” Kento offered as he flicks the light on with his elbow. He walks over to the bed that Torrent and Strata was sharing and as gently as he could laid Torrent down on it.
“Rowen does just fine, thank you-” Cye groaned in pain as his arm was jolted. He was left breathless as he tried to relax feeling the bed moving.
“C-Cye? Did I move you too fast?”
“I-I’m a-alright…I’m afraid any movement hurts…” He offers back as best he can, his eyes clenched shut.
“Ok, Sage said to put a pillow under your arm so it can hold the weight instead of your body. Do you want to try it?”
Cye opens his eyes to see his friend staring his way looking terrified that he couldn’t fix it. He sighs forcing a smile as best he can, before he’s forced to close his eyes again. The burning sensation was back and hurt a lot.
Kento sits on the edge of bed as gently as he can so he doesn’t jolt the smaller warrior, “I’m here.. I’m not leavin’ ya. At least until your boy friend gets here. I can’t believe I got beat out by space boy…”
He looks down grinning, “I just gotta know one thing, Cye… does the curtains match the drapes?”
“KENTO! What kind of question is that?!” Torrent growled blushing bright red. “…a-and I wouldn’t know…”
“What? Really? Nothing juicy to tell me? No midnight romps in the closet?”
“What kind of stuff do you watch in your private time?” Cye raises his eyebrows laughing weakly. “Some hentai nonsense?”
“Maybe… I don’t know… just thought you may have had some fun.”
“Kento, when have we had time? We were both injured right after the fight with Talpa, then I got injured again with my arm… not mention the fact that you and I share a room. I believe this outing to find the swords was the first time he and I had been together like this.” He cries out as his arm is lifted in mid conversation onto the pillow. His friend wasn’t rough by any means but any touch hurt right now. ‘W-What t-the bloody hell was that f-for…”
“Your arm is up where it needs to be.” Kento grins giving double thumbs up. His smile drops off at seeing a few tears escape as his friend tries to catch his breath and ride out of the wave of pain, “S-Sorry dude.. I moved too fast. Do you want me to remove the pillow?”
“D-Don’t touch it… p-please… it really hurts.”
“I’ll leave it be. …man, let me go get Sage. He can help take your pain away.”
“K-Kento, don’t bother…bother him…” Cye opened his eyes to see Kento was already gone.
“Hey Ryo..uh…. I wanted to apologize about earlier. Ya know with what I said about you not joining us to fight?” Rowen offers awkwardly as he joins the other out on the small porch attached to the house.
“Oh…no. You were right. I would have just gotten everyone hurt if we had gone for a planned attack.” Ryo leans forward on the railing looking out into the lake. “And now I have the ferver swords and my tiger has been possessed by a different tiger.”
“It doesn’t seem to be a bad thing. Sage said he didn’t feel anything bad… Blaze had all of his memories and treated us all how he did before.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“He treats each of us differently in our way…its weird.. but if you watch closely you can see it.”
“Are you ok, now?” Wildfire asks glancing over.
“Me? I’ve been fine.”
“You’re about as bad at lying as I am. You’ve been worried about Cye fighting while his arm is injured. Sage kind of explained a little bit of it yesterday… you were upset that you couldn’t trust me to keep everyone safe.” He smiles weakly sighing before looking up at the stars above them. “Not that I could blame you… I’ve been kinda suckin’ at that recently.”
“You haven’t done too badly.”
“Cye’s not ok is he?”
Rowen sighs shrugging, “Who knows. The injury is left over from Sarenbo. When he tried to break the White Armor up, each of us got injured. Sage, Kento and I healed from our injuries almost instantly. His left arm is still badly injured. Sage has looked at it and there is no visible injury that is consistent… it will be covered in bruises one day then the next it will just be swollen… regardless, he can’t move it without help.”
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