#and of course I said nothing and am currently drinking watered coffe
menxisan · 2 years
Starbucks why put english names to things instead of spanish names in Spain, I just ordered an iced tea and got an iced latte.
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damnjooon · 7 years
Don't reject me|1
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Genre: Fluff|Angst- ManagerAu
Word count: 2281
Part: 1
Time had really flashed past you like the movie marathons you proudly took part of when you weren't fulled with layered schedules. It felt like just yesterday, you had just landed in a foreign country where you would spend most your youth in, South Korea.
Lately, you've been brutally busy with work. Bighit, the company you worked at, was gaining more attention and success, well the group that is under BigHit, BTS. You were lucky enough to be a manager for the seven members. But due to risk of starting rumors, your employment was kept undercover, people mistaking you as a make up artist (though you weren't so good). 
You were excited for the upcoming months, Bang Pd announced that there would be another world tour two months ago, and the day had finally arrived. You were prepping for transportation and where the boys would be accommodated at in the multiple countries that you would also adventure through. You finished earlier than expected so you packed all the necessary equipment that is vital for traveling: monthly protection, your laptop, various types of clothing and your nikon d3400 camera. You fell asleep really early, as it was your turn to drive the members to the airport.
9:15PM BANG P.D: Just a reminder that it is your responsibility to pick up the members. They depart at 10:00AM. If possible, could you be at the airport by 7:50? Our last flight was delayed due to paparazzi.
9:16PM Y/n: Of course. Ill make sure they get there safely as well. Sejin, Hyunsoo, Hobeom, Jigaemae and I have it all undercover. Don't worry too much.
9:17PM Bang P.D: Thank you y/n. Enjoy yourself for me yes? Once you return, you'll wish you would've...
9:17PM Y/n: :) I will, thank you Bang P.D enjoy your free time as well...
You slept peacefully in your studio apartment. Though you were still, you felt that you could explode, overwhelmed by the events that would take place. Imagining all the famous landmarks and traditional foods you would experience, you dozed off to La la land...
The song, 'Fireflies' by Owl City (a childhood song) greeted you awake. It was currently 3:00AM and it took you an hour to drive to work then pick up the boys. You only had an hour to reorganize yourself so that you would arrive at the airport on time. As much time as it sounded like, you were still in a hurry, fearing you would disappoint your boss. You threw your luggage inside your car, remembering to grab everything, then dashed to the building to transfer cars in order to pick up the boys.
As expected, you were at the members apartment 1 hour earlier than you intended. You rang Jin knowing he would be awake. After two rings the call was answered...
Y/n: "Hey Jin, are the others all up?"
Jin: "No, "Hi Jin did you sleep well?""
Y/n: "Ohh gosh I am sorry my lord, did thy lord sleep peacefully?"
Jin: "Yess~ I did"
Y/n: "You're such a dork... Are they?"
Jin: "Yeah we're all awake, Jungkook woke us up. Are you here yet?"
Y/n: "Wow Jungkook did? And yeah"
Jin: "Cause it's you (mumbling), I mean were on our way"
Y/n: "K see you then, peace out~"
It didn't take them long to arrive at the car. You exchanged greetings with each and every member but Jungkook. He shrugged your greetings away merely giving any attention. Jungkook gave you mixed emotions, as if he was still a stuck up teen. Somedays he can be very bubbly and cheeky, enjoyable to be around with (though you both didn't talk to each other much). Somedays he would be overly bitchy, his famous stone cold eyes plastered onto his face. Unfortunately, it was one of "those" days.
Y/n: "We're pretty early and I didn't eat breakfast, down for some burgers?"- eyes observing the empty roads.
HS: "Who the hell eats burgers for breakfast?"
Y/n: "Me, unless you have a healthier decision"
NJ: "Let's just go to a Café"
Y/n: "Fine~ what you all want"
TH: "Hot chocolate please"
JM: "Iced Green tea"
HS: "Coffe for me, large i didn't get much sleep. Hixtape..."
YG: "Americano"
NJ: "Yeah me too"
Jin: "mmm I want juice"
Y/n: "Guys i aint gonna remember anything just text me it, im driving here."
You looked for the closest Café in sight, finding one a few stores down the road. As concentrated as you were, you felt a set of eyes burning behind your head. You knew it was Jungkook. Jungkook stop looking at me. Moments later you parked up the car and headed into the Café to order what they desired to snack on whilst also buying you something to eat. You returned to the van, passing out the drinks to all the members.
Y/n: "Man the lady was giving me hella attitude. She was like "Is that just for you, it seems like too much". Even if it was mine, why would it matter to her, I'm the one that pays for her pay check".
After taking small nibbles from your sandwich, you continued your destination towards the airport. Traffic was slowly building up, so you took the shortest route possible. Out of pure instinct, you looked up at the rear mirror, there he was again. Jungkook's eyes dark and mysteriously scrutinized on your eyes. As tempting as he looked, you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Stop looking at me! It was as if you said those words aloud because all the members were looking at you, than back to Jungkook in a rather awkward and confused expression.
After 45 minutes you parked up the van in it's designated location, a smile across your simple features. Remembering that you were a girl, you slipped your phone out of your pocket dialling Sejin's number into your phone.
Y/n: "Hey Sejin, I'm here."
SJ: "You are? Wow your early it's only 7. Im gonna be running a little late... Girlfriend, but I'll text Jigaemae, he'll escort them inside."
Y/n: "Hah I can't relate. How long will he take?"
SJ : "mmm approximately half an hour?? 40 minutes no later."
Y/n: "Then what do I do?... Gosh, sometimes I wish I was a man so I could just walk with them casually."
SJ: "Yeah, sadly it will cause false rumors. I have no clue just, I don't know make sure they have everything I guess?"
Y/n: "For 30 minutes?"
SJ: "Just do something... I have to go, see you there."
Y/n: "Suppose so, catch ya later".
You hung the phone up and banged your head against the head rest out of irritation and boredom. The vibration of your phone grabbed your attention which you opened, surprised by a notification by Jungkook.
7:16AM Jungkook: Why are you banging your head like that...
7:16AM Y/n: U do realize were in the same car, breathing the same air...
7:17AM Jungkook: It's more private.
You left him on read as Jigaemae also sent you a message.
7:18AM Jigsaw: Why me?? Out of all the manager's. Sejin chooses me. Does he know how small I am!?! ILL GET CRUSHED
You sniggered at his cry for help, grabbing Jungkooks attention
7:19AM y/n: Too bad :p Im a girl. I can just imagine you getting squeezed between the paparazzi and a bodyguard. How fascinating ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
7:19AM Jigsaw: Im on my wayy ㅠㅠ By the time we get in the plane. Im gonna b in pieces.
7:19AM y/n: Hey at least we r travelling!! Plus we get paid too so win win!
7:20AM Jigsaw: For u! U can just walk in without a mob tackling ㅠㅡㅠ u!! Wish me luck, im gonna need it
7:20AM y/n: 후후후후 화이팅 Good luck shorty!
You locked the screen, satisfied with both the conversation and the reoccurring thought of Jigaemae crammed between a bodyguard and a metal pole. Jungkook however, was completely the opposite to how you felt. He oozed Jealousy and bleeded rage, he hated that anything he did never caught your attention. He wanted you, he didn't want the thousands and hundreds of girls that loved and worshiped him, or the most prettiest, smartest, open-minded women on earth, he wanted you. Honestly, you didn't have any features that made you stand out from the crowd, but to him you glowed everything he couldn't find in other people.
You asked the members if they had everything and if they wanted anything from the airport before you went.
Jk: "Can I come with you, please?"
Y/n: "I would say yes Jungkook but its too risky of a move".
Jk: "I have my mask?"
Y/n: "But your build. Every fan knows how well maintained and sculptured it is. Its just too risky".
Nj: "Cut him some slack man y/n. Just let him it'll be more interesting".
Y/n: "Okay~"
You were partially frustrated with Jungkook, he always asked if he could accompany you. Sometimes you just needed air away from work.
Jk: "So who was that you were texting? Boyfriend?"
Y/n: "Jungkook, you know im as lonely as your chilly pepper. Just like youse, I'm too busy working."
Jk: "Haha chilly pepper..."
The weather was cold and wet, it had started to pour, hitting the roads and uncovered pavements. The rain always made you feel at ease, melting your worries and stress with one drop of water.
Jungkook scanned your features, watching you admire the scenery. Why are you so...y/n. He was crazy for you. Whenever you entered the building wearing skirts or business shirts he would imagine himself ripping them off you and pounding into you until you basically scream his name. He couldn't help himself, he was a man after all. He really wished you would show some interest in him or at least reply to his cheesy flirting skills.
You and Jungkook strolled around the airport hoping to kill time. The mini journey was silent, none of you dared to ruin the comfortable atmosphere. As you were on your way back to the van, You spotted Jigaemae and Hyunsoo a few cars before the van.
Y/n: "Jigaemae, Hyunsoo!" - waving your hands, recklessly.
Jg: "Y/n! Jungkook!"
Hy: "Hello."
After exchanging each others presence, you strolled back to the van blabbing about business. From the corner of your eye, Jungkook was bulging his tongue from inside his cheeks, eyes focus on nothing but your small steps.
15 Minutes past, the boys were supervised by both their managers and the bulky thick men, muscles filling in every space between the boys. You couldn't control yourself and chuckle at the scene that unraveled before your eyes: the flashing of lights and bodies touching each and every person thirsty for a glimpse of the kpop sensation. Meeting up with your coworkers, you finalized any trips, hotels and management needed for the upcoming "vacation". Though one of your colleagues were gossiping about another colleague, you heard another discussion take place that interested you more.
Yb: "Someone told me that Jungkook likes someone in the company..."
Lp: "Yeah I heard about it too!" - whispering
Yb: "Who do you think it is? My eyes are on the new intern, she's always coming back with hickey's on her neck these days".
Lp: "I doubt it, I reckon he's into noonas that are dominant, you know?"
Yb: "Who like y/n?"
Your ears flinched with the sound of your name, intrigued that people thought you were 1) that sort of person 2) stimulating enough for a worldwide idol to see you in such light.
Lp: "Exactly yeah, just like her. I've seen the way he looks at her. When she's busy talking to another guy, he does that tongue thing. We all know what that means."
Yb: "Actually I've seen it too. I wish he liked me. I mean she isn't that pretty, I actually look more decent than her, V told me so."
Stop being so full of yourself. He only said you look pretty not better than my sexy body. You thought to yourself. The buzzing of your phone indicated that they were in the waiting room, ready for department. You informed everyone that it was time to go, effortlessly treading towards the room that held the seven members.
Y/n: "Is that everyone? Okay so we are all lucky enough to ride business class due to Bang pdnim so In favor for the big boss, let's enjoy ourselves and work hard as well!"
You all entered the airplane pleased that you wouldn't be spending 12 hours with a knot in your neck and sweaty arms colliding into each other. As you were Jungkooks personal manager, you were given the chair closest to the window, next to Jungkook. A big fat bunny grin planted on his face. Jungkook took this opportunity to know you better.
After the plane took off into the air you unbuckled yourself, snatching your camera from your bag. You snapped numerous photos of Seoul, watching the city minimize as the airplane flew higher into the air. Jungkook did not hesitate to appreciate your piquant side profile repetitively reminding himself why he fell for you in the first place. After your satisfied approval to yourself, you placed the camera back into your bag and sat back, letting the sofa chair massage your tense muscles.
Jk: "So, how's life?"
Without realising, your eyelids gradually grew heavier, which you cowardly admitted defeat. Jungkook was head over heels for you, even though you were snoring and drool dripped from your chin he couldn't help but think that one day he would wake up to this you...
Jk: "Hey, I like you. Please don't reject me."
A/N: It is I, the author. I am planning on doing a series for this.. Since it's the holidays nxt week. Ill do regular updates just simply comment if you want me to so I know I'm not doing this for nothing you know?
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