#and obviously looking at sales they deserve all of them
steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Baby formula was expensive, and Eddie knew the fact that half of the container being spilled on the counter would probably cause Steve to have a heart attack.
It was an accident, obviously. He didn’t just decide to dump half of the powdered gold that fed their newborn daughter on the kitchen counter.
And Steve wouldn’t be mad about it. He didn’t get mad about accidents.
But he would definitely spiral about how that was two days’ worth of bottles for Ella and how they had a budget.
Eddie told him many times they were fine. He had more than enough money in savings from the band’s success, and he knew Steve had his own trust fund that he’d guilted his parents into letting him keep as a way to apologize for never being around in his childhood.
Money wasn’t really an issue for them.
But Steve was still careful with it, and Eddie loved that about him.
Other than their house, they’d never made major purchases, and stuck to necessities only with occasional extra spending for birthdays and Christmas for their loved ones.
But after they adopted Ella, Steve turned into a penny pincher. He stocked up on everything from diapers to formula to baby soap any time there was a sale, and refused to buy the “fancy” brand that had the same ingredients and vitamins as the generic store brand.
Eddie loved him.
But he was very worried about Steve finding out about this.
Maybe if he just cleaned it up and then pretended Ella had had a few extra bottles?
No, then he’d panic that her food intake was abnormal and he’d call the pediatrician and Eddie would have to backtrack and then Steve would be mad.
He pulled the trash can in front of the counter, swiping his hand across quickly to get most of it into the trash.
As he moved the trash can back to its usual spot, Steve came around the corner with Ella in his arms, cooing at her.
God, he was born to do this. Eddie was gonna do everything he could to give him the six nuggets he wanted so he could watch him in his element for as long as possible.
“Say hi to Daddy, Ella,” Steve said before looking up at Eddie, who was wiping down the counter furiously.
Not fast enough if Steve’s face was any indication.
“What are you doing?”
“Just cleaning.”
“You’re wiping the counter.”
“You never do that.”
“I just finished the dishes so I thought I should.”
“You do the dishes all the time and never do that.”
He was so suspicious. Rightfully so.
Eddie knew he was found out, or if he wasn’t quite yet, he would be as soon as Steve saw the trash.
He sighed, letting his head fall down and his chin hit his chest.
“Eds, what is it?”
Steve was walking behind the counter, concern on his face. Concern for Eddie. Concern he didn’t deserve.
“I spilled something, it’s not a big deal.”
“Okay. But you’re being weird about it so it makes me think it is a big deal.”
And then he saw it. He must have, because Eddie watched him freeze in his tracks and stare down at where the trash is.
“Stevie, it’s not a big deal. I’ll go get another can to make up for it.”
“What happened?”
“I was measuring out her nighttime bottle and knocked the can over.”
“That’s a lot of formula.”
“I know.”
And then Steve started laughing.
It startled Ella in his arms and she let out a whimper like she was about to start crying.
Steve handed her to Eddie so he could lean over, hands on his knees, and laugh louder.
“Ella, your dad’s lost it.”
“Sorry,” Steve said as he tried to gasp for air between hysterical laughter. “Just- you were so serious. Why didn’t you just say that?”
Eddie knew he wasn’t seriously asking that.
“Sweetheart, you’re kind of insane about this stuff. In a good way! I love you because you’re a little crazy! But like, that was a lot of formula and it’s wasteful and costs a lot to replace.”
Steve’s face went serious.
“Baby, you don’t think I’d be mad about an accidental spill, do you?”
Oh no, he was hurt.
Eddie hurt his feelings.
“No! No. It’s not that. It’s just you’re so serious about the budget and this would mess it up.”
“It’s just a little. And it’s not like we actually have to live so tight.”
That was suspicious. What the hell did that mean?
Steve wasn’t changing his mind on the budget, was he?
He must’ve done something.
“Oh my god. What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Oh yes you did. Your face is bright red and you look like you committed a felony. I would know what that looks like since we’ve committed at least two together.”
Steve somehow blushed harder.
“It wasn’t a felony.”
“Aha! But it was something!”
The tables turned awful quickly. Eddie didn’t know how, but he’d take it. Anything to get the focus off of him.
Ella was gurgling in his arms, eyes flitting between the two of them like she was watching a tennis match.
“Well, you know how we talked about getting an RV, right? Since we had Ella now and might try to adopt again? Since it’s one of the things I want more than anything?”
“You bought an RV.”
Eddie was smirking at Steve, who probably expected him to be upset, but Eddie was thrilled.
Not only would they be able to travel the way Steve wanted to, Steve had thrown their budget right out the fucking window.
“I put a down payment on an RV. I told them I had to talk to you first.”
“This is gold.”
“We did technically talk about it already.”
“We did.” Eddie bounced Ella in his arms and looked down at her. “Wanna go on a road trip, angel?”
“So you’re not mad?”
“Sweetheart, I’ve been waiting for you to spend my money for years. This is the third best day of my life.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
Eddie walked up to him and kissed the corner of his mouth, then his nose, and finally his lips.
“I love you and your crazy budget.”
“I love you and your ignorance of how money works.”
“That’s why I have you, sweetheart.”
Steve rolled his eyes but nodded.
“We can pick up the RV tomorrow if you want.”
“Did you plan our first trip yet?”
Eddie raised a brow at him.
Eddie jumped up once, making Ella giggle.
“Where are we going?”
“I figured you’d wanna take Wayne to the Smoky Mountains.”
Of course he did. Of course he thought about what Eddie would want and what would make Wayne happy and what he could do to make it happen.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Then I guess we better make a stop at Wayne’s house tomorrow with the RV.”
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genericpuff · 2 months
someone responded to me on reddit with their own theory as to what's going on with the eisners so i'm gonna share it here because it's worth reading 🍵
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like there's definitely the aspect of it being a Webtoons Originals at play as well, I obviously can't feasibly prove that WT's is paying out the Eisners for their wins and that's not an accusation I wanna be throwing around willy-nilly, but the brand affiliation alone almost definitely factors into it all (and it definitely doesn't help the Eisners seem legit when they keep awarding the same comic 3 years in a row).
There was also a comment I found in the /r/comicbooks sub from the perspective of a former judge-
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Considering how much work it would take to properly read the entirety of the nominees - as most webcomics are long-form and will require starting from scratch - I wouldn't be shocked at all if the win came down to "well we know this one won last year, and it has 6 million subscribers, so yeah, that one". Again, I don't want to accuse the judges or the organization of anything, but I do think at best the results of the judging are going to be affected if not outright stunted by the process itself.
All that said, it doesn't take a genius to look at how LO has fared over the last three years and understand that even from a purely objective point of view, nothing about the comic stacks up against the other nominees. It's dumb af because I'm seeing some people arguing "well there were only FOUR other nominees, which one do YOU think should win? you don't read those other four comics?? well then OBVIOUSLY LO deserves the win!" because... no? That's not how that works? It's such a strawman argument to justify defaulting the win to LO just because people on IG might not have ever read a comic like Matchmaker or Asturias before. Just because the people complaining about the LO win might not be familiar with the other nominees doesn't mean those nominees aren't bringing more to the table than LO. Which a lot of them very much are. Shit, Evan Dahm alone has been creating comics online since like the mid 2000's (??) he's an incredibly prolific creator with a lot of successful works under his belt, but apparently LO should get the win anyways... because LO's readers have never read 3rd Voice before? Come on. This is like that time when TOOL beat out Taylor Swift in their album release sales and a bunch of Swifties were upset because they had no idea who TOOL was, meanwhile all the dedicated middle aged dads were over the moon to finally see some recognition for a classic band that absolutely 100% deserved the spotlight after going so long without a new album. Swift has more than enough victories under her belt, she'll live lmao
At best this was definitely the "retired athlete on their way out" win, as a pal so gracefully put it-
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And really, that last sentence really does get across the essence of LO in a nutshell - it's celebrated for being a story that never really existed to anyone who never actually looked closer. A lot of the things that the comic is praised for is often made up by an audience of people projecting their headcanon into what they were reading, because without it the comic had nothing to say. LO has to be good, because that's what they were told from day one, because if it wasn't good it certainly wouldn't be advertised this much or winning all these awards or getting all these merch opportunities or getting all this 'jealous' hate... right?
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effy-writes · 3 months
Can I request Striker with a fem s/o (hcs) who is basically the opposite of him, readers a city girl, wears expensive dresses, expensive jewelry, designer heels, and she's most likely a celebrity but she's still polite?? Ty!!
ofc!! sorry it’s taking me so long i have like 10 requests 😭
striker x f! yuppie! model! reader HC’s
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• striker knew of you because you were a popular model in the Wrath ring. you did all sorts of modeling. fashion, perfume, hands, tail, lingerie, even weaponry. striker being striker, he hated the idea of you. hates yuppies (rich person) absolutely despises them, so he kinda hated you (but he still thought you were extremely attractive). the first time he actually met you was when you were buying a gun that you modeled for. he instantly recognized you because you were wearing expensive clothes with a fucking gucci coat and heels. while shopping, you didn’t know which gun to buy (you only modeled for them, you actually have no idea on which one is better), so you asked striker.
• he was shocked that you were wanting to get his opinion, especially a poor imp like himself. he thought to himself, “why would a rich person want my opinion?”, but he saw how nice you talked to him. you didn’t treat him like a pest, you treated him like an actual person. (he has bad self esteem issues). after that little interaction of him telling you which gun is better and which one he recommends for you, you decided to ask him out. “you’re really attractive, can we go out sometime? getting to know each other better?” he thought you were tricking him to humiliate, but he saw the way you look at him with those sweet, beautiful eyes of yours, so he said yes
• ever since then you two hit it off. he found out so many things about you that you don’t broadcast to the world. he also found out that you don’t model for the money or for the popularity, you model because it makes you happy and helps give you confidence. he was hesitant to tell you about his work, but when he did you were oddly excited. you thought that was so cool and that he’s killing people with a gun that YOU modeled for.
• he was the one who properly asked you to date. he was nervous as FUCK only because he felt like he didn’t deserve a model like you, but you obviously thought very different. you love his personality, his demeanor, and his ambition. the moment you two started dating the media got out about it. he was embarrassed (not because of you, because he didn’t want to seem weak and vulnerable because he IS an assassin, but you quickly told him that it doesn’t make him sound weak or anything like that and you’re very grateful to be dating a guy like him)
•he enjoyed that you never bragged about your money (even though you do wear expensive shit, but he knows you deserve to wear expensive shit because you have to deal with creeps)
• speaking of creeps, he will 100% shoot anybody that tries to touch you, cat call you, or even look at you with lustful eyes. he’s very protective and will do anything to keep you safe.
• you LOVE buying him things, it’s your love language. he always says “you don’t have to buy me fancy shit, i ain’t jealous” “but you’ll look so hot in this! plus let me spoil you, please?”
• because everyone is up your ass, everyone knows about striker and his assassination business. he thought it will bring his sales down, but because you’re so popular and everyone knew him, more people started paying him to kill others. so it was def a win-win situation
• he often feels bad that he can’t treat you with nice things, but you’ll always tell him that you don’t care about money and that you never did. you care if he’s happy and comfortable. but because he’s not rich like you, he will try his best to buy you sentimental things. flowers, love letters, he even saved up his money to buy you a HORSE. (you two joke around and say his and your horse is dating)
• he’s afraid you think that he’s with you for the money, so he’s always telling you that he’s not with you for that. he’s with you because you make him feel happy, you’re super sweet to him, and that there’s somebody in hell that cares about him. you always reassure him that you know he’s not with you for the money
bonus: everyone in the media ships you guys so hard that there’s edits of the two of you, fan art, AND fanfics. striker finds it a little weird, but you find it so fucking funny
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 4
This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
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Bob: Costume time! Okay friends and fans, it’s time for our Halloween special, who wants to make a pumpkin pie with me?
From beside Bob the droid chirps to indicate that people are tuning in.
Bob: As you can see I have chosen to be a rebel pilot today. I’ll be keeping this on for the bake and my bake sale but something tells me the boss would not approve of me turning up to work in it. Okay let’s run through all our ingredients
The drone chirps while Bob begins preparations. Eliza’s suggestion to get the drone may have stemmed from a place of wanting the flashiest one but Bob appreciated having a set of eyes he could look at when he talked.
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Bob: Ugh, kneading, not my favourite part after I’ve already done a workout but hey, that’s on me
He continues to narrate his baking, even getting the drone to read out a question or two that viewers have sent in about the recipe. In the end he pulls one excellent pumpkin pie out of the oven, a perfect Halloween treat.
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Bob: Come one, come all to Bob’s Bars! We don’t just have our classic beloved lemon bars today, we have cake and cookies for the sweetness you want on Halloween. If you’re having all that sugar, may as well get full eating it!
The first few customers seem unimpressed with Bob’s selling today but when some new sims walk up to purchase suddenly decide maybe the baking isn’t so bad.
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Fergus: Hey Onyx could you- woah! What are you
Onyx: A knight obviously. I see you’re going with the classic skeleton
Fergus: No point fixing what isn’t broke. But could you please help me with my bike? Dad’s busy with the sale and I don’t want to interrupt mother when she’s practicing her speech
Onyx: Sure, I can try. Hop on and I’ll try explain, remember I only just learnt how to ride before my birthday
Fergus: Oh yeah, that’s right
So Fergus wobbles his way around the yard with Onyx doing their best to provide guidance.
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Bob: Alright folks, my shift will be starting soon. Who’s going to be customer of the day and buy the last lemon bar?
Harvey: Hello. Do you have bake sales often
Bob: Why yes I do sir
Harvey: How convenient! And do you get positive reviews
Bob: Indeed I do
Harvey: Well then person I’ve never met I would like to buy the last lemon bar
After Bob makes the sale Harvey tells everyone around him how good it is while Bob packs up. It’s good to have friends.
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Eliza greets the first trick or treater and offers them some candy. The kid leaves happy and Ginger comes out of the house very confused.
Ginger: *whines* What’s going on
Eliza: Ginger sweetie it’s just me, it’s just mother. Here let me give you a brush
Ginger: *barks* you may not look like mother but you definitely smell the same
Then it’s dinner time for the Pancakes left at home.
Fergus: Dad left us roast! Awesome
Eliza: Onyx will you be able to eat in that helmet
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Onyx: I could ask you the same question. But I won’t, because I’m a good kid who deserves a horse
Fergus: *laughs*
The trio chat and eat while Ginger looks on. Sure she has biscuits in her bowl but that looks like real meat on the table. Why won’t they feed her that?
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Onyx takes care of the dishes and Fergus decides it’s time for Ginger to learn another trick, playing dead. Mustering his drama skills he does his best to show her what to do, but she remains skeptical of the exercise. Fergus keeps trying though and eventually Ginger catches on, rolling to the floor.
Fergus: You did it! Well done Ginger, we’re stars
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*doorbell rings*
Eliza: Onyx could you get that one
Onyx: Sure mother
They open the door to the deck candy all prepared and are greeted by a teen girl dressed as a maid.
Zhafira: Trick or treat
Onyx: Uhh… what
Zhafira: *laughs* I mean for me
Onyx: Oh, right. Have some candy?
Zhafira: Why thank you
Onyx has just decided they should ask what high school the stranger attends when she turns and skips off down the drive.
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Carson pops over to visit and become best friends with Onyx!
Onyx: Where’s your costume
Carson: I’m dressed as someone who doesn’t care about Halloween
Onyx: Your loss. Hey, have you seen a girl at school?
Carson: There are many girls at school
Onyx: I mean a specific one, she’s a brunette with a bob cut
Carson: You don’t know a name
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Onyx: She left pretty quickly, but she was cute and I wondered why I hadn't noticed her before
Carson: People keep aging Onyx, so more teens. But sorry I don’t really find many people cute at our school so haven't noticed
Onyx: You said that last year. But if you know you’re bi you must have been attracted to someone once right
Carson: I mean, it’s going to sound stupid...
Onyx: You’re my best friend, sound as stupid as you like
Carson: I mean I’ll find a guy or girl pretty but my daydreams are usually romance filled instead of woohoo filled
Onyx: Huh. So are you like, anti-kissing
Carson: I don't know, growing up is confusing
Onyx: You’re telling me
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mamamittens · 6 months
A Lone Melody (Pt. 10)
This chapter was sponsored by @yanderefangirl as part of the "Oh Shit Sale", thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Warnings: Implied but not seen violence against a child. Health/dental issues. Racism.
Word Count: 2,109
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Melody had been crying a lot lately.
To be fair to the young girl, she had a lot of reasons to cry.
Her dah, silly, aggressive fishman that endlessly teased her only to toss her high above his head with a toothy grin, had left.
Uncle Fishy, the sad man who held her so tenderly despite the hurt in his eyes, had died.
Her face hurt from the way her teeth had broken on her pah’s necklace one night. The jagged shards cutting her skin more than her small fangs ever could before. Venom seeping into the wounds providing no relief but heat. The thick liquid thinning out in her mouth as it wept endlessly from her teeth. She kept swallowing it so she wouldn’t just be drooling onto the table but it made her feel worse. Too full to eat or drink anything considerable even if it smelled really good.
Melody felt bad too. On the inside. Where her heart softly stuttered when she sobbed, not just her stomach that wanted something filling besides her own tainted spit.
She knew everyone was worried about her. Pah. Auntie Shar. All the nice ladies at the café. Even the two weird pirates that sat across from her.
But Melody just couldn’t stop crying.
The least she could do, was try and cry quietly. Maybe if she did, it would stop hurting.
Maybe her teeth would get better.
Maybe she wouldn’t swallow so much of her own venom anymore.
Maybe dah would come back…
And then she could eat with Tha-ch and Mar-co with a smile so even they wouldn’t look so worried for her.
Everyone would be happier if she stopped crying…
But Melody just couldn’t stop.
She gave them a hug after wiping off her face—something that they seemed to appreciate given how wet her napkin was.
They smelled… different. Familiar. Like sea salt and sun. The burn of booze and aftershave. Different but familiar. Their skin soft despite the rugged nature of piracy as she rubbed her face on their throat, teeth painfully clenched shut despite the instinctive desire to bite. To see what it felt like to cut into something warm.
Dah taught her better, even if he didn’t like humans compared to fishmen. Though he did emphasize exceptions to the rule.
But Tha-ch and Mar-co weren’t exceptions.
They were friends.
Friends that pah seemed wary of when she told him. Auntie Shar whispering something in his ear too low for Melody to hear. He seemed to relax, swiping his gentle thumb under her eyes.
“I think I may have found a dentist for you, pup. We’ll go to the office tomorrow and see if he’s willing to try and help.” Pah rumbled softly, smiling as she buried her nose into his chest, rubbing her face against his skin.
The promise of relief brought with it a swift collapse into sleep.
Melody will remember this day, though hazy with pain and emotions.
The kindness of her family as they sought to comfort her until a solution could be found.
And the two strange humans that eagerly distracted her and shared a meal despite her state.
The next day, however, Melody would remember far more.
Hody Jones slinked through an alleyway, nose wrinkled at the foul stench of refuse and humans. Those damn pirates had managed to worm their way into the good graces of his king and saw fit to stick around. Polluting the very air he breathed like they had a right. It sickened him, honestly.
The way they all happily traipsed down the streets, gawking at the land and people.
Obviously, Fishman Island was a beautiful place outside of the slums. The mermaids an obvious attraction to outsiders. But that didn’t mean Hody wanted to see them drool over his people. Even the frail mermaids deserved more respect than that. Though, they at least kept their hands to themselves, unlike many other groups of humans that managed to get in.
That was about the only thing they had going for them though.
Hody wished, not for the first time, that he had the strength to beat them all away. Show them how little they were worth compared to him. But this wasn’t just any group of pirates. These were the Whitebeard Pirates. They swarmed like cockroaches under the banner of Edward Newgate. And as pissed as Hody was, even he knew his limits.
But the sound of soft sniffles over scraping refuse under his feet challenged that notion swiftly.
Enraged, Hody quickly rounded the corner and found the mutt sitting on a bench outside a dentist’s office. It was almost dizzying how rapidly his emotions swirled with the realization.
The tiny half-breed was curled in on itself. Trying to appear smaller, perhaps. Why they were there… well, Hody could guess, but not why they were alone. He’d never seem it alone before. Always being carried and doted on. Spoiled. Hody felt his lips curl into a sneer.
Well… if he can’t do anything about the worthless humans, the least he could do was solve everyone’s problem with the mutt’s teeth.
Sneer twisting into a more approachable look, Hody stepped forward and called out.
“Hey there.” It turned to look at him, bright red eyes locking with his.
…she looked so young.
His hand itched to get it over with already.
Edward huffed, a smile hidden under his moustache as his sons argued behind him. Thatch whining about his innocence as Marco mercilessly teased him for flirting with a married mermaid.
“I was just speaking facts! She is beautiful! I didn’t know it was a crime to state the obvious!” Thatch complained, to which Marco scoffed.
“Maybe not, but leaning into her space and putting your hand on her tail was probably what offended her husband more than anything else.”
“I didn’t see her tail! I SWEAR!” Thatch screeched, “I meant to rest my hand on the table—how was I supposed to know she was resting her fin there?!”
“By looking?” Marco responded dryly.
Thankfully, Edward was there to scold his son enough to get the incident blown off with no issue, though the mermaid in question seemed deeply amused.
As a favor to his silly boy, Edward was taking the long way to the ship. Allowing the two to tease each other without dragging the rest of the ship into it. The slums weren’t exactly welcoming, but between his size and reputation—as well as the show his sons were putting on without realizing—no one argued about their presence. His boots clicked against the dirty street with a familiar cadence. Slow, steady gait eating the distance just enough to let his sons keep up in their distraction.
The sound of the slums background noise in his ears. An unfortunately familiar one even after all this time.
Hushed arguments. Small, contained violence as street kids shoved each other, daring one to try and pickpocket ‘fresh meat’. Store keeps selling wares at ridiculous prices to whoever was dumb enough to wander so far from the marketplace. It all blended in behind his son’s argument.
Until a sharp sound cut through it all just as they rounded a corner.
A heavy, meaty slap.
And then a high, young wail.
Edward’s eyes snapped to the scene, his sons falling silent instantly.
A tall fishman towered over a toddler. Hand raised over his opposite shoulder. The baby collapsed on the sidewalk, small hand to their face. His eyes narrowed as his strides quickly ate the distance. Curly black hair like his son, Teach, contained under a small white cap. But the resemblance did little to soothe the instant anger Edward felt. His hand curling in the back of the man’s shirt and tossing him into the wall.
“Oh, shit, that’s Melody!” Thatch gasped, scrambling past Edward and falling to his knees to fret over the child. Edward felt pride in how quickly his son acted as he pinned down the offender with his boot. The fishman glaring at him with a sneer as the child cried great, heaving sobs. “H-Hey, baby, it’s alright. The mean, mean man can’t hurt you. Pops got him—lemme see the—oh he got you good, huh?” Thatch cooed in his softest voice.
Marco quickly joined Thatch as the two helped the child up and inspected the damage. Edward was a little surprised Marco hadn’t already tried healing the obvious bruise but trusted his son had good reason.
The door to what appeared to be a doctor’s office slammed open. A man Edward recognized as Jinbe looking around wildly with a fury he felt sharp kinship with.
Clearly, this was ‘Melody’s’ father.
Jinbe seemed to pause at the curious sight before him, glancing between his crying child, Edward’s fussing sons, and himself. Boot digging into the fishman snarling up at him.
“What is going on here?” Jinbe growled with an impressive depth. The fishman under his boot seeming to pale despite his already white skin, expression faltering.
“W-Was just trying to help the mutt!” He defended with a gasp as Edward pressed his boot down a little harder in fury. “C-Clearly someone needed to knock those teeth loose!”
Jinbe sucked in a sharp breath and spun on his heel, gently pushing aside Edward’s sons to scoop up his child, taking in the damage.
Even before the child was in Jinbe’s arms, they were small. Pale gray skin with dark fingers. White hair tipped black and red with the biggest, watery ruby eyes Edward had ever seen. A large mark on her cheek cradled by small hands rapidly growing a dark purple. Blood and some sort of bright blue liquid seeping from her lips as she whimpered. Edward’s heart went out to the poor child.
“Melody, pup, let me see.” Jinbe held his daughter close and gently opened her mouth, eyes narrowed at the jagged, bloody mess of her teeth. The man inhaled sharply with a hiss. “I do not care what your excuse is—you. Struck. My. Daughter?”
Marco, ever brave, stood up and cleared his throat. Jinbe’s eyes were sharp as he looked at Edward’s son. Not faltering in the slightest, Marco gave a thin smile.
“I’m a doctor with the phoenix fruit. If you want, I can see what I can do while you handle… that.” Marco offered, Thatch instantly standing at his side.
“I’ll hold her hand if it helps! Marco’s the best doctor.” Thatch grimaced. “We heard you were… having trouble finding someone to treat her already.”
Jinbe seemed to struggle, body tense as he looked at his crying child and the three humans. Edward felt regret settle in his chest at the obvious distrust.
Still, he understood. Even under better circumstances, Jinbe had little reason to trust human pirates.
“P-Pah-pah?” A soft, hoarse voice whimpered. “H-Hurts, pah…” she spoke with difficulty through tears and her swelling mouth. Broken teeth likely not helping matters any.
Jinbe melted, pressing a kiss to his daughter’s hair.
“Doctor…Marco?” Jinbe partially cooed at his child, glancing at Marco in question. “—He wants to help. Can you be brave for me, pup?”
Melody sniffled but nodded, burying her face into Jinbe’s yukata before turning and reaching out to Marco.
A little surprise, Marco reached out hesitantly, looking to Jinbe for permission.
It was given reverently. Exactly how Edward would if he had to hand one of his children to someone else to take care of them as he could not. Heartbreaking reluctance and resolve to have the best hands sooth his child’s need. And Marco nodded, lifting the toddler to his chest before looking to the office.
“Think they’ll let me use their space?” Marco mused mostly to himself and Thatch.
Jinbe snarled.
“They better.” Jinbe glared pointedly at the window where a fishman in a doctor’s coat flinched away. The door opening seconds later.
“O-Of course! C-Come in—oh, you poor thing I-I—come in, please.” The fishman doctor wilting at the sight of the bruised child still clutching the side of her face.
Marco and Thatch went in.
“…thank you, Captain Whitebeard.” Jinbe huffed, tears in his eyes as he reluctantly looked away from the now closed office door.
“Just Whitebeard will do… father to father.” Edward acquiesced, lifting his boot as Jinbe stalked forward towards the now thoroughly frightened fishman.
Jinbe took in a sharp, steadying breath and bared his teeth at the man who struck his child.
Edward gladly took a step back and smiled.
He couldn’t wait to call this fine young man his son… and gain a granddaughter in the same breath.
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lovelyiida · 1 year
I’m srry if ur not comfy with writing for mha girls but I’ve been wondering if u can find time to write jirou headcannons? Tysm if u do!
OMG IM SO COMFY WITH WRITING ABOUT THE MHA GIRLS DW!! I've actually been waiting for someone to ask me to write about the mha girls for a minute so thank you for your service lol. I also have a Mina fic otw, but that's another conversation for another day ;)
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when the both of you first met, you guys instantly clicked.
it was the first day of class, you had so many thought running through your head at that moment:
were you good enough to become a pro-hero?
did you really deserve to be here?
will you actually make it?
is this even your calling?
sitting at your desk your hands were occupied with a fistful of your uniform. you look down at your legs, lips quivering and eyes watering, you were so nervous.
"hey? are you alright?" you heard a soft voice say. your head rises, snapping out of your nervous thoughts you try and show a smile.
"um yeah! I'm just so nervous." you look away in embarrassment, wiping a stray tear from your cheek. looking back you take in the unknown female's looks.
her dark eyes look into yours deeply, her short dark purple hair laying perfectly around her face. you notice her give you a deadpanned look.
"you're obviously not alright⏤here, we can listen to music together before the bell," she says, she lets out a shy smile as she removes a singular headphone from her ear and extends it out for you to grab.
a little dazed by the confident proposal, you nod and give her a slight bow. placing the single headphone in, you patiently wait for the girl to play her music.
when she presses play, your eyes light up.
"you know this band?" you beamed, the girl's eyes widened as well at your sudden burst of energy. "hell yeah! they're like the hottest thing out on the underground scene! I just went to one of their concerts!" she says back, a light blush on her face forms as she chuckles in excitement.
"what's your name?" you asked.
"Jiro Kyouka! and you?" she says, you tell her your name and the both of you formally greet each other with a bow.
after that day, both of you were hip-to-hip.
it didn't matter where either of you was, because you were always together.
and everyone knew that.
"hey, have you seen L/n? I need help with my combat skills," Mina says.
"y'know they're with Jiro," Bakugo says.
the both of you always went out places or hung out at each other's dorms and listened to music.
you loved it when Jiro would send links to her favorite music, and she'd love it when you'd do the same.
sometimes if the both of you were bored, you guys would make stupid songs on garage band, ultimately leaving the room with stomach cramps with how hard you laughed at Jiro's fried auto-tuned vocals.
there's one time when the both of you were getting tickets to see your favorite popular band, hovered over the computer in the lunchroom waiting for the ticket sale to drop. eyes wide open, staring into the blue LED screen, feeling that if you looked away for one second you'd lose all your chances.
you had all the devices possible, computers, tablets, and phones, the both of you were completely silent clicking any button possible to buy the tickets.
"I got them!" Jiro screamed loudly, the both of you crashed into each other's arms and started to scream like wild banshees. there were a couple of odd stares from people in the lunchroom, but that didn't matter.
and when you guys finally went to the concert, you guys screamed even louder. yelling out the lyrics like your life depended on it, hands entwined the whole night.
taking so many photos together that night, you had so much fun you'd never forget this moment ever.
voices hoarse and eyes tired, you had a sleepover in your room after the concert crashing in the bed...you fell asleep so quick you didn't even notice that you guys cuddled the whole night.
everyone seeing the life drained out of you and Jiro as they first hand witnessed the effects of post-concert depression.
sometimes there would be times when the both of you just co-existed with one another.
no talking, no interaction was needed, just the feeling of each other's presence was enough.
and on days when that wasn't the case, Jiro was there for you no matter what.
if you felt down, she'd be the first person to cheer you up, singing one of the weird songs the both of you made to make you laugh
letting out a weary smile, you huff out a breath and wrap your arms around her waist and embrace her into a soft hug. "what would I do without you, Jiro?" you mumbled into her shoulder.
"I don't know...die?" she says, sarcasm oozing from her lips.
the both of you burst into laughter, she hugs you even tighter now.
"I don't know what I would do without you either, L/n..."
you knew you never felt out of place when you were with Jiro, you always felt so in tune with her. you knew her deepest secrets, she covered all your wounds and healed all your scars.
you were complete.
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is it weird to giggle at your own writing, this was so cute I literally was melting into my bed the more a typed this out. I hope you liked this anon!
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discount-shades · 2 years
Sleepy Baby; Anti-Valentines Day
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a/n: This takes place some time after Part 11 in my mind.
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin X reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 500 ish
Summary: Jake and Kisses make plans for their first Valentine’s Day.
“So what do you want to do for Valentine's Day?” It is mid January and Jake's words startle you as you gaze at him across the table, sipping your morning coffee.
“Valentine’s Day is an over-commercialized Hallmark Holiday,” your response is deadpan and Jake looks offended. 
“You love hater.” Jake’s accusation makes you laugh. 
You roll your eyes. “I don’t hate love, I love love,” you reply, “I’m a love lover, just not around other people.”
“We were literally on a date in public last night.”
“I know, but Valentine’s is a whole other can of worms.” You wave your hands to elaborate. 
“And now she compares my love to worms.” Jake shakes his head morosely. “My heart can't survive this.” You laugh and kick him gently under the table.
“You know what I mean,” you sigh. “We’re out for dinner and the couple at the next table is getting engaged and all I can think is how I would have to murder you if you proposed to me in public.” 
Jake’s eyebrows raise at that, ”you’d murder me?”
“I like to think of it as justifiable homicide,”  you take a deep breath and continue. “Anyway then there is the couple that gets in a fight and breaks up and she throws her drink in his face, and I’ll spend the rest of the night thinking, ‘did he deserve it or was she dramatic?’”
Jake is staring at you bemusedly. “And what about the couple on a super awkward first date?” You ask him. “The one where the guy brings an outlandishly large bouquet of roses and all I can think is ‘what is he compensating for?’” Jake laughs but you keep talking before he can interrupt.
“Then there is the couple that is playing tonsil hockey next to us the whole time. Are they challenging us to some kind of breath holding competition to see who is the better couple?”
“We are clearly the superior couple.” Jake says with confidence.
“I mean obviously, but they won’t know that unless we exhibit the breath holding abilities of a cetacean.” You sigh dramatically. “I just feel like everyone will be judging us.”
“No one will be judging us.”
“Are you sure?” You grin at him, “Because I’m judging them and if they are not judging me in return it makes me judgmental.”
“You are judgmental.” Jake is smiling back at you.
“Oh,” you pause, “I’m really sorry you had to find out this way.” Jake just laughs.
“Do you want to just spend it together here?” Jake asks. “We can cook dinner and just hang out. Netflix and Chill.”
“Sounds perfect.” you smile at him and take a sip of coffee. “You’re the only one I want to see anyway.”
“Does that mean you don't want me to buy you anything?” Jake wants to make sure there is no miscommunication.  
“Definitely not,” you confirm. “What we should do is buy chocolates and things the day after Valentine’s when they are 50% off.”
“I thought you were against over-commercialized gifts?”
“I am, but I love chocolate and sales,” you shrug, “and this way I can get twice as much chocolate.”
“I’ll buy you all the chocolate you want but you are only getting a single rose,” Jake says with a wink. 
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tadaxii-i · 1 year
i need you to tell me about rosestarkillerchaser like they're a sales pitch please
You got it bestie *hiss* (I definitely didn't have to research what a sales pitch was, what are you talking about?)
Hey, you! Yeah, you, hi!
I'm gonna make it short, I'm *your mom haha*, I just saw you had a bunch of marauders on your feed, yeah? You like them? I really really do, especially Regulus.
And you know Reg, you know Reg! He's got a hard life, he deserved better, yada yada yada, so we got him a boyfriend, obviously; but love, what if I tell you there's better out there?
At PBAM INC, we've got the best value deals for rareships on the market. And I know what you're saying, you're saying "rareships? I already have James! I don't want to replaces him" and neither do we! That's why I'm here, today, to talk to you about rosestarkillerchaser.
I know it's a mouthful *corporate laugh* but that's also was Reg will say right before a night with them!
And well, between you and I, my love, who would want to deny Reg anything, yeah? Not me, that's for sure, and I know it's not you either!
With rskc - i'll shorten it for your pretty mouth - you could have everything you've ever wanted and a half for your sad, pathetic little wet sock of a blorbo.
Now imagine- please close your eyes, my love, and imagine. Regulus, poor Regulus. His mother's a bitch, Sirius doesn't want to be around him anymore. Barty and Evan tell him to stay away from the Gryffindors, but James slithers past their watch. He's hot, Reg knows it. And Barty, he's so determined to protect his best friend, yeah? Because he loves Evan, and he loves Reg too, in equal measure, and he want to hate James. But James is soft touches and starlit eyes and everything Regulus ever wanted and well, how can one guy be so likeable? Barty, by virtue of well-intentioned protectiveness, finds in James what Regulus saw in him, with his pretty eyes and the dimples on his cheeks. In an effort to hate James Potter, he falls in love with him.
And you might be thinking, "how is this beneficial to James? He deserves full love and attention too, my boy" and I agree with you! But I assure you, beautiful, that Barty bites, and he bites hard. He'll bite him too, when the time comes. Wouldn't you love, to ask, a reprimand, "Barty, have you been biting?" And he would look around sheepishly, but you, you wonderful soul, you could look James in the eyes, and he would uncross his arms from behind his back and tell you "I don't mind" when his arms are bloody and bruised. Isn't that the most wonderful thing you've heard today?
Of course, we're not robbing Barty of a proper, full time boyfriend. See, you and I, we need to make sure the dog is on his leash - and if that leash is called Evan Rosier, oh, what can we do but rejoice? And Evan can have Regulus, too, in the quiet ways that Barty and James don't allow themselves. He is masterfully calm, and when I say the guys will team up to make him lose his composure, it's a once in a lifetime deal I'm selling you.
The AU potential is immense too! Vampire: three mean, mean dudes to bully one poor human, yummy! Royal : the more roles the merrier! The drama! College: do I even need to say it? Cowboy, Band, Band! The band au where all of them are boyfriends! Were you expecting it? Because I can deliver it to you, right at your front door!
Our boys have so much potential, don't you see? James' unforgiving hero complex, Regulus, a self appointed marty, Barty who can Make Himself Worse and Evan who hides as much venom in his veins as the rest of them: don't you see how great they can be?
That's why I'm here right now, lover, so hear me out; for the feeble price or free-ninety-nine and a kiss on the forehead, monthly rskc delivered, right under your doorbell, for your own pleasure. It's been approved and mandated by the SONS, the RPA and even the CBTPC, and I have the best deals, today, on the market, even wholesalers and resellers. It's a steal, don't miss out on it!
Here's my card, I'll be waiting for your call, yeah? Remember, PBAM, okay? Have a great day, lover, and with every great day, comes a great ship! Toodles~
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asexual-squidward · 9 months
I'm once again back and have reworked the finale - not because I'm in ANY WAY a better writer than the gang, but just because it's been swirling around my head for days
9 months later and the baby arrives.
The ghosts are thrilled, and life goes back to normal – only now Alison finds it a bit of a struggle. The baby needs constant care (as babies do), and so the ghosts constant troublemaking and need for attention is even harder to put up with. The Captain tries to keep the ghosts at bay to help, but easily falls into fawning over Mia with Pat. Robin accidentally scares the baby with his jump scares, while Kitty is like an overexcited child who wants to treat the baby like a doll. Fanny is also very strict about how *she* would raise the baby). Mike’s mum is also staying, and the constant advice and overseeing by both living and dead family members is getting too much for Alison.
Meanwhile, Mike is still trying to babyproof the house, but is finding it impossible. There are draughts in the windows, the walls have damp and eventually the ceiling of the living room falls through – luckily just onto the ghosts, but it’s enough for everyone to realise the house is a deathtrap for a baby. This happens as a culmination of Alison snapping, frustrated that she isn’t being given space to be a parent. The ghosts realise suddenly that they are exactly like Mike’s mum, and that they are hurting Alison by being around.
The ghosts hold a group meeting to talk through what has happened. They agree on the same conclusion – that while the ghosts all died before their time, Alison has the opportunity none of them have: to leave Button House and live a full life. (“I know it’s hard, we’ve all had people we love leave this house behind them. Isabelle, Sophie, Havers, we all let them leave for their own good so they could live the lives that we couldn’t – and while that hurts, it is ultimately for the best.”)
At the same time Alison admits to Mike that she kind of wishes that they had a chance to live as their own family without Mike’s mum and the ghosts interfering. They can get rid of Mike’s mum, but the ghosts are obviously here to stay. Mike suggests they do move after all, but Alison says she hadn’t had any family of her own before the ghosts – and she worries about what will happen to them if she doesn’t stay.
Shortly afterwards the ghosts turn up and tell Alison what they’ve concluded – while they love her as a family, they also recognise that Alison deserves to escape the house like they never could. Alison wants to say no immediately, saying that the ghosts have lost so much already, but agrees to think about it for the sake of Mike and Mia.
The ghosts file downstairs, wondering what decision Alison will make. Just then, Mike’s mother-in-law arrives with the vicar to perform an exorcism. The scene plays out as in the episode, with Alison for an awful moment thinking that she has lost the ghosts forever – but is relieved to find they are alright.
After Mike’s mum leaves, Alison does some thinking – the near-loss of her family making her realise that she cannot leave them behind forever. She goes for a walk through the village, nodding to some other ghosts as she goes. She passes a small cottage which is just going up for sale, it doesn’t look like there are any ghosts in it. She races home, telling Mike she has a plan.
Alison goes into the ghosts’ quarters and has a chat. She admits that she loves them, that they are the only family she has outside of Mike and Mia and that they have changed her forever – the ghosts agree, saying that they’ve grown too. Robin is sad but solemnly admits that people leaving is never easy for ghosts, but when a ghost ‘moves on’ the ones left behind never truly get a chance to say goodbye or know exactly what is waiting for them afterwards – but with Alison he knows that what is waiting for her is a good and happy life.
Alison springs one final surprise, that while they are moving they will only be living a short while down the road in a cottage closer to the village. The hotel will take time to build of course, but even after the hotel is up and running Alison says she will be able to come and go from the grounds as much as she likes to come and visit them, meaning that like any other family they aren’t stuck together but also not forced apart.
The moving away montage happens same as before, but with Mike and Alison and Mia moving into the cottage. There’s a montage of the hotel being newly opened, Alison walking through the foyer and seeing Fanny eavesdropping on gossip, Humphrey’s head perched on the reception desk, and the Captain is following the (very handsome) concierge around trying to act like he’s directing things. Alison and Mike walk with the ghosts across the grounds, Mia in the pram still smiling at the ghosts, and wave goodbye at the entrance.
The flash forward happens too, this time Alison and Mike as an old couple walking up to the hotel and mirroring the first episode, but this time to check in. The ending happens same as before, with her greeting the ghosts in her own personal suite.
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mootmuse · 1 month
'The Terror retold exactly the same except' AUs:
Fitzjames and Franklin speak in valley girl accents to each other ('That Francis guy is such a bummer, I swear.' 'Right??? You are so nice to him and he does not deserve it.' Most of their scenes would read exactly the same.)
Hickey is making food blogs the entire time. See this real youtube video thumbnail that gave a friend the idea:
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modern AU:
Corporate AU. heavy emphasis on the lunch meetings purely because there's so much comedic potential there.
The meetings function exactly like the officer's dinners on the show. I want more of them.
Fitzjames spends each and every one telling the same self-aggrandizing stories, good old boy-ing his way into duties that are technically Crozier's job without actually having Crozier's qualifications or experience.
Fitzjames' jokes are carefully crafted to appeal to the members of the racist, misogynistic good old boy's club he's desperate to join who are always delighted to have a little giggle at something they're not supposed to say. The good old boys laugh and his coworkers pat his ass in all the right parts of his stories
except for Crozier. Crozier sits through each lunch meeting looking increasingly constipated and getting increasingly more obviously buzzed each time he has to sit through one.
Fitzjames being Like That stretches meetings out long past the point where anyone else there might have been able to leave in time to get a real break. He also cheerfully suggests having these meetings after it would be time to leave for the day, because that works so much better for Franklin's schedule. (Franklin might or might not attend, of course, terribly sorry, something came up at the last minute, dreadfully kind of you all to understand.)
Blanky always laughs at Crozier when he rants about it afterward. Blanky was smart enough to not take any promotions which would require that level of corporate bullshit. Blanky is the smartest character in this fic.
Fitzjames starts the story working in sales. Please Like Me, Oh God Please Like This Shell of a Personality I Have Constructed, but professionally. When someone doesn't and it gets under his skin, it hasn't gotten under his skin, he's only pursuing inventive new strategies for interdepartmental cooperation. He's pursuing that new account to make a sale, because every sale matters! He's very good at it. He's thriving. He's completely fine.
He tells a story about a time he got his picture in the papers, even while he still had that sling on from saving all those people! He's sure he looked a fright, but [important person] still had it framed at [important place], how embarrassing! Have you seen it?
The audience has to sit through every little detail of at least one of these meetings. every detail. All the small talk. All the stories. that precious lunch break, trickling away. the audience is hitting page down frantically but it's too late, Fitzjames is already telling the roast duck joke (again). Franklin laughs. All the hangers-on and underlings laugh. crozier is about to swallow his own tongue.
I love Fitzjames very much, for the record. Which is why I get so excited about where he was at at the beginning of his character arc. I think most of us have worked with this guy. Nightmare coworker (affectionate).
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tabdabble · 2 years
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I empathize with the existential terror puppet Spamton G. Spampton a normal amount and for only comical reasons.
Why is his suit so big? It’s full of secretsTrash. 
[Image ID: A 3-panel comic featuring Spamton G. Spamton from the video game Delatrune. All text is glitched and written with numbers, but here I will write them legibly.
Panel 1: Spamton is sitting in his cobbled-together store at his ‘desk’ (an upended cardboard box). There is a computer mouse nibbling at one of the box flaps, and a sheet of heart stickers half-used, three of which have been stuck to various places on the box. The box features text from Spamton’s store menu screen in-game, such as a list of items and prices, a description of one item, and the words “Deals so good I’ll [$!$$] myself! 116 K“. In the center of the box front is written “SPAMSHOP, Welcome! Open 25/7″ in crooked writing. Finally, there is the option to “Run Away” to leave the shop menu. Behind Spamton is a wall of bricks painted loosely to resemble a blue sky with clouds and a bright yellow sun. At the right, the wall falls away to reveal a black rotary phone sitting in a pillar of light on a stool. Upon the desk rests a large, blue egg. Spamton is sitting with his shoulders back and his hands held before him with fingers outstretched and interlaced. His suit is obviously with padded shoulders and several holes and patches. He sports a small red bowtie and his hair is in a luxurious swoosh to feathery ends. Spamton resembles a ventriloquist dummy with red cheek circles, very long teeth, and a much longer, pointier nose. He is wearing glasses with oblong frames of a bright yellow and pale red, and his pupils are large and pointing in opposite directions. His smile is huge, and his teeth are slightly parted. It is not clear if he’s paying attention to anything in particular. Around the panel are black boxes with white pixelated texts including “Kromer” in front of Spamton’s face, “Hot Singles in your area!” on the left, “Hyperlink blocked” above his head, “Where are my ****ing [Custom and Replacement Keys open 24/7!]” at the bottom right, and finally a small text box stating “Pipis.”, with an arrow pointing to the large egg.
Panel 2: Spamton fills the frame, and is hunched over with his fingers interlocked more tightly, with his index fingers together pointing upwards, resting against the front of his teeth. We can see at this distance that his wrists, hands, and fingers are jointed like a doll or mannequin. He is shadowed starkly, throwing his face into a darker shade. His glasses are perfectly circular, and lit from the inside as their lenses are filled with a glitching .gif texture. His smile is not as cheerful looking as panel 1. Around him are many instances of black pixelated texts, which are glitched and written in numbers but will be written more plainly here:
I work so [Rare, Hard-to-find treasures, only at-] but I’m still in the [Garbage? We’ll haul it away for you!] What else could I be [Doing only the best work!] If everyone doesn't buy my [Carefully crafted and completely unique] [Pipis], they must be [Trash! Trash everywhere!] I’m so [Tired of ads? Block now for only 9.99 an hour!] I [Prey vs. Predator special, only on Animal Planet] so hard. Can anyone [At Ken Garth we hear you!] me? Do I [Deserve only the best!] this? Do intentions change [Anything and everything on sale this weekend!] Am I a [Michael Jackson’s new hit single Bad] person? [Is God real? Call [hyperlink blocked] for answers!] Does [God] hate me? I am in so much [It Burns! Ow! Stop! Help Me! It Burns!] The phone is now very close to Spamton over his left shoulder, and much more detailed. Across it are several blocks of texts that are “Don’t look at the phone” without spaces and over and over and over, eventually trailing off into “H”’s and the number 5 repeated many times. Finally, at the base of the panel in much larger text, is “Can anyone [-we hear you!] me?
Panel 3: Panel 3 resembles panel one, but Spamton’s face is now glitching, apparently duplicated over the first drawing, and his pupils are much smaller as he stares somewhere in the distance. Despite his smile, he seems quite alarmed. The text on the box “Run Away” has been duplicated to cover “Welcome!” as well as the list of items. The only black-with-white-text box left is in front of Spamton’s stretched-open mouth: an “A” in brackets, stretched so that it no longer fits in the black text box.
End of ID.]
Non-gif second image under cut:
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 19 - The Judgement of Twelve
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It's so funny for them both to have plushies of their dads. It's also funny that I think Keke would genuinely sell those.
Because he's just that good-looking, popular, and awesome,
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The girls are fighting. And yes, this entire scene is just... brilliant. I love you, Joris.
I love his conviction in Kerubim. Joris is too familiar with Bashi to argue with the guy, but if he met Lou? He'd be more upset about the divorce than Kerubim. He'd be crying at her as if the poor woman is his absentee mother who left to buy milk. It'd be a nightmare.
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Even if he's still sad about the divorce, he cannot stop rizzing up women.
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Joris 7yo: "Go tell your dad about it!"
Joris 600~ years later: "Are you, monsieur, afraid of children?", "[recites poetry as Ush dies]", "No, mr-called-me-a-kid-and-asked-for-the-real-owner-of-the-shop, this Wondrous magical amulet I just dangled in front of you, is not for sale. I can sell you and your brother a hat that fixes shitty hair as a consolation prize.", "Master Adamai... If we died today, it would have actually been shameful."
Joris, just like his father, and just like his grandfather, is an evil fucking cat.
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Keke and Bashi are such good parents.
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Joris has the same vibe as the German Boy From The Weed Cave meme. I also love how enthusiastic he is about protecting Keke's Honor.
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He's so hyped up to be a hater.
I think as an adult, in Wakfu times, Joris plots Evil Schemes together with Kerubim and Atcham as a bonding activity. From "here's how we can make people spend more money in the shop" to "here's how we can Enact Revenge upon that motherfucker Pierre who opened the croissant place a block away and said Keke's baking is SHIT".
Atcham is there just because he loves being evil, Joris is there because he loves being evil and has a personal stake in Kerubim's self-esteem, and Kerubim is there because of Pride and Greed.
I think living next to them, regardless of what century it is, is actually unbearable.
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This is like if two peas in a pod started yelling at each other for being green.
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They are such good parents.
But also, unironically, I think Kerubim is probably very chill about Joris swearing.
He is already a very... relaxed parent, when it comes to both child safety and cleaning. I think Joris deserves one good thing to come of it, like being allowed to say bitch.
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I guess, considering the fact that this seems to be a thing that's not supposed to be known by normal people: Simone and Julie have a very active night-life in taverns.
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An interesting note is that, as we'll see in one of the future flashback episodes, the three evil grandmas are around the same age as Kerubim, Indie, and Lou, and had known Kerubim since they were all teens.
But, the extent of their actual involvement with Kerubim seems to be just watching him like he's The Truman Show. Which, tbh, I would do too.
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This is what people call "coping". Perhaps even "seething".
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Joris for all 600 years of his life: if i had a lame ass shitty father i would hype him so much. i would make him wait out side so i could go in first and be like get ready here comes the most specialest boy ever if you dont cheer and clap for him ill fucking blow this whole building up
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He's so confused when Kerubim isn't winning and so smug when he does. Like he fucking raised that man himself. I can't.
Of course, he'd force him and Atcham to call him dad, (besides it looking weird, if he were to call two babies "papycha" and "uncle",) — that way, he gets to sound normal when he's hyping them up.
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I need him.
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Hate wins.
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deathofpeaceofmiiind · 8 months
high infidelity | twenty one
"I rent a place on Cornelia Street", I say casually in the car. We were a fresh page on the desk, filling in the blanks as we go. As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead leading us home
*Ellie's POV* A few days later…
I was finally back up in Vancouver and with Liam, I missed him so much and being with him gave me a sense of stability. Tyler put the house up for sale and it sold on the same day which was incredibly lucky but very normal for Vancouver real estate. Liam and I have just been staying with my dad for the time being, which my dad enjoyed. Danielle even found me a condo and I was getting ready to move into it already. I had to admit this transition period in my life was going a lot easier than I expected. I had such an incredible support system that made it even better.
“I can’t believe this place is mine.” I mused as I walked around my new home. It was right in the heart of Vancouver, bright open layout, lots of windows, a large patio, and even better it had three bedrooms so Liam could have his own space and I could still have a guest room. Danielle looked over at me at smiled, “It’s all yours babe, time for a fresh start.” “Absolutely.” I mused, still not believing I was finally out of that house and didn’t have to walk on eggshells. I could decorate it the way I wanted, adopt a cat if I wanted, put my Christmas tree up early without someone bitching in my ear. Hell I could drink wine and dance around naked if I wanted to. “When does the furniture arrive?” “Tomorrow.” I had taken some of my money from the house selling to get new furniture, cause I wanted nothing from the house in here besides Liams room. Danielle and I were gonna mirror it to his old room to help him with the transition. “It was nice of them to leave this couch.” “This couch is fucking sick.” Danielle agreed, it was a giant cloud couch that almost wrapped around the whole living room. I couldn’t wait to have Noah and the guys up here to hang out and have family dinners or even football Sunday’s with them. I went to check on Liam, but as soon as I did my phone buzzed, it was a text from Noah. “Special delivery at your front door.” I raised my eyebrow and walked towards the door. My footsteps felt heavy the closer I got, I checked the peephole, but he wasn’t on the other side of the door. Filled with confusion I swung the door open and saw a giant bouquet of ivory roses. My heart skipped a beat, they were my favourite. How did he know?
I grabbed my phone and face-timed Noah, he answered and saw me with the flowers,“Congratulations on your new home baby.”
I blushed as I stared at the screen, he was sitting in his home studio as his favourite Naruto hoodie hugged his body. “Thank you these are gorgeous.” “I thought you deserved a house warming gift.” “I’ll never say no to flowers. Are you happy to be home?” I replied as I sat down on the floor in my empty bedroom, completely consumed by Noah’s voice. Funny how a few short years ago I found comfort in his voice on Twitch and now he’s FaceTiming me daily, it was something out of a teenage dream. “I am.” He replied as he scanned his room. “It’s just missing something.” Rolling my eyes, already knowing the answer, “hmm, what could that be?” “You, obviously.” His smile faded and turned into a small pout, “I miss you so much, Ellie.” My heart sunk as it hit me that he really wasn’t here with me, but he was in another country. At least we were in the same timezone but it still wasn’t enough. “I miss you too, Noah.” “I actually have a question for you.” He started. “We upgraded to a bigger venue tomorrow and the remaining tickets sold out quickly so we added a second show the night after. I was wondering, if you’re able, do you want to come down for the second show?” “I’d love to Noah.” A smile appearing on my face, “I want to see what your life is like down there. Only thing is, I’d have to fly down the day of the show. Liam goes back to his dad’s tomorrow after dinner.” He smiles at me through the screen, “Works for me.” “I can’t wait to see you.” I stopped myself, every cell in my body wanted me to tell him I loved him. I wanted to tell him, but over the phone just didn’t seem right. “I can’t wait to see you either.” He was cut off by his doorbell ringing. “What are your plans tonight?” “Inhale this ramen that just arrived and watch more Demon Slayer.” His dark eyes burned a whole into my heart as he looked at me, “Isn’t your boyfriend so exciting?” “Very.” I chuckled. “I can’t wait to see you.” “Once this tour’s over I’m coming up to stay with you with no interruptions okay? I gotta go though, Jesse might steal my food.” He replied, referring to his roommate Jesse Cash, who was also in a band called Erra. Noah started to walk out his room and I could hear him yelling at Jesse to not go to the door. Jesse told him to get fucked and went anyway. “Goodnight babe.” I hung up and I just sat there, feeling tears in my eyes. How can I have so much going for me but I feel deflated? I didn’t want to feel like this. I didn’t want to be this attached to him this fast but he made it impossible, especially with how he’s been so devoted to me. This felt like the cruelest way to fall in love, but I knew it was something I would have get used to with his career. “Mama?” I looked up, Liam walked into the room and towards the flowers. I smiled at him as I wiped the tears from my eyes, he caught me and walked over to me. It amazed me that even at his age he felt my sadness and wanted to make me feel better. He crawled onto my lap and hugged me, putting his head on my shoulder. I held him close to me as I felt more tears escaped my eyes. It can only get easier from here…right?
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
Where You Goin, Star
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Bucky when the truck hauling her show horses breaks down as she is trying to leave for an event and he works for the mechanic. Passionate, secret love affair ensues. After a confrontation with her father, Bucky decides she deserves better than a poor biker like him and leaves town with his friends Steve and Sam.
Three years later, reader is trapped in an abusive relationship and about to give up hope of things ever improving, when Bucky comes back.
Chapter 18
Warnings: swearing, little angst
Bucky and Y/N went to her house to see what kind of shape it was in. When she filed for divorce from John she went to her old house, which was dusty and stale thanks to 3 years sitting empty, with an interior designer to redecorate and get the place ready to be lived in again. The trial ended faster than she expected so the work hadn't even been started yet.
Star spoke to the designer and learned that the paint crew was all sick and wouldn't be able to start for at least 2 weeks. And the living room and dining room sets she had chosen were unavailable with no eta. She paced the living room while being updated.
"I'm not sure what to do, I can find replacements for the furniture but we can't do anything until it's cleaned out and painted."
She sat next to Bucky on the milk crates that were on the front porch.
Bucky looked serious "Wait, I'm thinking."
"Don't hurt yourself" she snickered.
Bucky looked at her in awe, happy to see his fiery Star returning. He liked her much better than the sad, angry woman that John and her father had turned her into.
He gave her a big smile "We could paint. Get the guys over here and knock it out in a couple of days. Steve and I have done plenty of places, even have some tools."
She furrowed her brow "Are you sure? Obviously I can pay you all and-"
Bucky shook his head "Nope. You're not paying us, that's ridiculous."
She just stared at him for a moment "How is it ridiculous to pay someone for providing a service? It's way more out of line to expect people to work for you for free."
Bucky sighed "Star, we are your friends and want to help you. Besides I'll be living there too and want to help get it ready for us."
She still looked skeptical "I don't know, Jamie it just seems wrong. I've certainly never had any friends that refused money."
Bucky rubbed her hand "I don't know any of your other friends so can't speak to their motives but we aren't friends with you for your money or what you can do for us. We love you for you, doll."
She thought for a minute "Ok. You talk to them and after that we can go look for living room and dining room furniture."
Bucky spoke to Steve and Sam to get a group together to clean and paint the upcoming weekend. Then went with Star to look at furniture.
While they looked Bucky found a chair that he loved but when he saw the price he shook his head and walked away from it.
Star went to get the tag to add to her stack to take to the sales person when Bucky stopped her "What are you doing with that doll?"
She looked at him confused "Adding it to the stuff we're getting, why?"
He shook his head "I can't get it today, maybe some other time."
"I don't understand, this is for the house so I'm paying."
"I can't let you do that Star, it's not right. I'll save up and get it some other time."
Star giggled "I'm not sure what the problem is but I'm getting it."
Bucky took a breath and looked like he was going to say something but shook his head and stalked away.
Star dropped the tag and went after him but he didn't slow until he got to her truck.
She approached him, a little mad "What the Hell is going on with you Jamie?"
Bucky scoffed "I'm not John, Y/N. I don't need a sugar mama."
Her face scrunched in confusion "What are you talking about? This is stuff for our house."
He shook his head "No. It's for your house. I'm just the loser who can't give you what you need. If we had to live on my income, we'd live over my shop."
She clenched her fists "James Buchanan Barnes! You give me exactly what I need! Love and acceptance that my father never gave me. Money is just money and I'd rather be poor with you than rich with anyone else."
Bucky pinched his nose "You don't understand. It's easy for you to say it's no big deal because it never has been for you but for someone like me who has struggled all their life, it's a very big deal. I'm supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around."
Y/N looked at him sadly "Jamie, please. You do take care of me, in every way that matters. Let me take care of you back."
Bucky sighed "Star, it's not right for you to spend a bunch of money on me. I'm supposed to be spoiling you." He looked down and mumbled "What kind of man am I anyways?"
Star hit his chest "What kind of man are you? You're starting to piss me off Jamie. Don't you dare badmouth the man I love. My father was one of the richest men in the country and my mother had every physical comfort, the finest of everything but it didn't make up for his cruelty or his cheating or the fact that he was behind her death. She would have given it all up for some peace with someone who truly cared for her."
She was crying now "It's not my fault I was born into this but I promised myself years ago I wouldn't be some shallow, vapid debutante without a thought in her head. I've been working on my plans for my inheritance for years and will be doing more than buying the newest Fendi bag every season."
She wiped her tears "You're the first person since my mother that saw me as more than a well dressed pretty face."
She looked at him with teary eyes "You do spoil me, in all the best ways. The ways that matter to me." She grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. "I love you Jamie" she kissed him "and I'll spend whatever I want on you so either learn to accept it or, or just fuck off."
Bucky's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest "You love me?" He kissed her softly.
She gave him a half hearted glare "Yes, dumbass I love you, so you better get used to being loved by a generous woman with money and good taste."
Bucky laughed, he still wasn't entirely comfortable with her spending large amounts of money on him but he certainly wasn't leaving her. Not when he just got her back. "I love you too, my sweet shining Star."
She grabbed his hand "Good, now let's go waste some of my fathers money!"
They went back inside the store and picked a living room set. Then another store for the dining room. Another couple of stores for rugs, pillows, sheets, towels and dishes along the way.
Bucky was overwhelmed at the amount of money she was spending every single time she put down that black credit card but forced himself to keep his thoughts from escaping. He didn't ask for anything but smiled at her and tried to keep the concern from showing. He had to work on some of his old programming, pushing back the shame that tried to creep up on him for letting her spend so much money when he couldn't treat her. A real, official relationship was going to require some changes in his mentality but he would do anything for her.
Saturday morning they met Steve, Peggy, Sam, Peter, MJ, Nick Fury and even Dot at Stars house to clean and paint. They had it done in 3 days and the house was ready for new floors, cabinets & counters, which they left to the professionals.
It took another 2 weeks for all of the work to be completed, new furniture to be delivered and the house to be ready to move into.
Bucky, Steve and Sam had to work most days but Peggy, MJ and Dot helped her organize and put everything away. With their help it only took a couple of days.
The first night that Bucky and Star spent in the house everyone was exhausted from the days work so they just ordered pizza and drank the beer that she picked up for them.
After every one else was gone, Bucky looked around the house "Not too bad doll, I think this is the nicest place I've ever lived in. Still getting used to the idea of a real home that I don't have to worry about being kicked out of and isn't a room for rent in the bad part of town."
He pulled her into his arms and started kissing on her neck. "You're gonna spoil me Star. I'll have to think of some way to repay you."
Star giggled softly. "I'm sure you'll think of something. But for now, I'm very tired and sore. We have to get up early." She yawned "I get to start my work with my horses again. Gotta drum up some new riders to teach." She batted her eyes at him "I can probably fit you into one of my beginner classes, if you're interested."
Bucky chuckled "I was hoping for some private lessons but I'll have to figure out my schedule." He suddenly picked her up bridal style "Let me carry you over the threshold." Carried her into their bedroom and gently set her down on the bed.
Star shook her head at him "Carrying me over the threshold is a wedding night tradition."
Bucky winked at her "True but it doesn't hurt to practice. Among other wedding night traditions that we can practice if you're interested."
Star tried to hold back a yawn and Bucky laughed "You could have just said you were too tired doll."
They curled up together and crashed until her alarm went off before the sun was up.
@pattiemac1 @hhiggs
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One thing that I think gets missed in the current discussion of FEH’s female characters is that, all things considered, Book 7 was a deviation from the norm in terms of outright sexualization of the cast. It gets talked about a lot because it’s what we’ve spent the past year on, but it was a deviation.
Like, we all know in terms of design and story, Book 7’s cast is pretty heavily pandering. (The fact that such pandering was proven over the past year to be a successful sales strategy is a topic for a different post). But before that, (and since, with the exception of Niddhoggr), I would argue that FEH’s cast of women has been generally in-bounds.
Like, are you really gonna look at the base designs of Veronica, Letizia, and Embla, and tell me any of them was meant to be sold to players on sexualization? Or Reginn and Eitri? Or Peony, Mirabilis, Triandra, hell, even Freyja? Or the ladies of Hel? Or the sisters of the fire and ice families?
That’s not to say FEH has been hitting only home runs in terms of its female cast design, obviously. Plumeria was pretty egregious initially (and even she found her way into, I’d argue, a decently respectable place in FEH canon), and the giantess sisters are definitely designed with a certain crowd in mind. But all told, I don’t think FEH’s female cast as a whole deserves to be derided just because Yoshiku got lost in the sauce for all of 2023.
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manslaught · 2 months
mikayla had hoped that the delay in their reunion, while obviously disappointing, would have at least given her the opportunity to better prepare herself for being in the same room as @ladyintree again— but nothing could have prepared her for how agonizing it feels, being near her without actually being with her, though mikayla has nobody to blame for that but herself. she's tried not to let herself consider the idea that tai might want her back, trying to convince herself instead that she's moved on, gotten over her in that sense, because it makes her decision to stay apart even after release easier. she doesn't deserve taissa yet, but she plans on getting there as fast as possible.
she's staring, and she told herself she wouldn't, that she'd be normal about all of this, as if she's ever known how to do that. she forces herself to look away, glancing around her apartment instead, clearing her throat. “ um— sorry it's... boring. ” empty, she means, save for a few pieces of furniture. “ aphr— my mom said she'd give me more money for... whatever once i was out, but— i have to meet her first. ” and that thought alone gives her anxiety, because while she knew what to expect from her father, she has no idea what her mother's actually like outside of the awkward phone calls and letters they'd exchanged in the last couple years. “ so that can... wait. ” not for long, because the only clothes she has are the few that nat had managed to save from mikayla's closet before the estate sale, and she doesn't have the same confidence she'd had as a teenager anymore to feel comfortable wearing them.
“ how was your trip? ” she hates how awkward this feels, the small talk, because tai knows her better than anyone else ever has, but mikayla's not sure how to do this with her— being just friends was hard enough in prison, when she didn't actually have to be near her, but it already feels like torture now that she's out. “ you're not tired? i would've understood if you wanted to, i don't know, nap or something before you saw me. ” i don't want to be a burden, she means, or for tai to feel like she's obligated to see her, because mikayla already feels like an inconvenience to everyone else, even if they insist she's not.
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