#and obviously Vanessa from Phineas and Ferb but that goes without saying
slav-every-day · 4 years
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cantdanceflynn · 3 years
1) Something this character is truly proud of.
Isabella: Every single patch. I mean, her whole troop has every single one. And then some!! Not any other troop can say that.
Doof: He might deny it, but his turn to good. Sure, it was only a matter of time, but in retrospect, he’s so happy he made that turn. 
2) Who they want to please the most.
Isabella: The obvious answer is Phineas, and it’s not wrong, but she also wants to make her troop proud. Also she will go out of her way to show up Buford just because.
Doof: Once again, the obvious answer is Perry, but it also very much depends. Vanessa is the second most common.
3) Who depends on them.
Isabella: Pretty much everyone in the extended backyard gang. They’d be dead without her and she knows it.
Doof: Pretty much no one in particular, but I don’t exactly think pretty much anyone in his life would enjoy him being gone.
4) What they would do if they had one month to live.
Isabella: Tell Phineas everything, and ask him for help getting every patch before she dies. It wouldn’t really be permanent bc PnF have a penchant for necromancy, but she would freak out and make sure she can complete all her ambitions and say goodbye to everyone first.
Doof: Be in denial about it up until about the last two days, have a panic attack, tell everyone he knows and some strangers, and end up with Perry dragging his body close enough to the Flynn-Fletchers for PnF seeing it, remembering him from the few times they met, and then reviving him. No one is surprised he survived literal certain death.
5) A cherished personal belonging.
Isabella: She’s got a surprising amount, but she’s made sure that the actual Emotional Bravery patch from NotLP isn’t the one that ended up on her sash. She actually got it separately later, but the one from NotLP is sown onto her ribbon.
Doof: He kept most of the self-destruct buttons Vanessa got him for Father’s Day. 
6) Something they lost, but would love to have back
Isabella: There’s something about those small gaps in her memory that make her both so happy and so sad when she thinks about them, for reasons she can’t explain. NotLP makes sense to her, after all, she was the only one on the top of the building. Of course she’d be happy she doesn’t remember that. But what could have possibly happened on Perry’s anniversary that made her both so happy and so sad? She just wants to know.
Doof: His arms would be nice. Oh, and Balloony and.......... He’s gonna have to make a list.
7) This character’s favorite character
Isabella: Pretty obviously Phineas, but also the fireside girls and ferb and buford and pinky and like. She’d pick Phineas if asked but it’s more complex then that.
Doof: Says it’s Vanessa. He’s not wrong. He’s also not completely right(which is something people have GOT to acknowledge more).
8) What kind of car they would drive.
Isabella: Phineas and Ferb make them all custom cars literally as soon as they’re old enough for their learners permit. The flying car of the future; today wasn’t an understatement in the slightest, but they fixed it pulling to the side.
Doof: He remakes the 1957 Drusselstein Buhmshlaka 320-I eventually and Perry lets him keep it.
9) What calms them when they are upset.
Isabella: Pinky is her go-to because if it’s something big enough to make her properly upset, she doesn’t want Phineas or her troop to know. But if it’s a smaller thing, ae: Bambina, she doesn’t mind. If Pinky is on a mission, she goes over her patches and that usually reminds her of enough happy things to calm her down.
Doof: While he was evil, he could just make inators to destroy things,but it’s a little harder now. He mostly just rants to Perry or fiddles with certain inventions.
10) How they deal with pain.
Isabella: She usually patches it up herself, but if it’s bad the fireside girls help her. and force her to get actual help bc holy shit u cannot just depend on your patches you will lose the arm if you don’t get help!!! it can be PnF or a doctor just get like. ACTUAL HELP
Doof: If it’s small, he complains about it to no end. But actual pain or problems? He’s rather shut up.
11) This character’s favorite piece or pieces of clothing.
Isabella: Her bow mostly, because it’s the only passed over one that still fits her, but she kept the first of her basic outfit she got, and her first fireside girl uniform.
Doof: He doesn’t have any in particular, but he keeps pretty much any lab coat that survives more then one explosion in good condition so he can use them again.
12) How they sleep.
Isabella: Depends, by a lot, but usually good. While she tends to stay up late coming up with patch ideas or thinking about...... things, she’s also a pretty restful sleeper most of the time, so she makes that time right up until the sun comes up count.
Doof: Also depends, but usually it’s restless.
13) What kind of parent they would be.
Isabella: She’s definitely the cool mom who will let you do whatever, but also like. No!! You cannot play with fireworks you’re four!! At least take your dad with you because gosh. Buford isn’t allowed to come over for the next week, because no matter what he says, it wasn’t Baljeet who gave you that idea!
Doof: We already know lol, but honestly the next time I see people call him the perfect dad bc of a few moments as if he doesn’t have a large issue with listening to Vanessa even by the end of the series. He’s a good dad!!! The next person to call him perfect is going to make me go into a full-blown rant about it, bc he’s so not.
14) How they did in school
Isabella: She did fairly well. She’s the type of person to get pretty good grades, but between helping Phineas and Ferb with certain plans they have, her history of zoning out during certain things, and a bunch of general distractions(and questions she knows the actual answer to bc of an invention, but NOOOO THAT’S NOT THE TEXTBOOK ANSWER!!! GRAVITY IS SO NOT A UNIVERSAL LAW AND IF IT WASN’T FOR THE MYSTERIOUS FORCE I COULD PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!), her grades aren’t perfect, just pretty good.
Doof: Do you think Drusselstein has a school system that actually worked? Do you?
15) What cologne or perfume they would use
Isabella: She needs none. She always smells like strawberries. No matter what.
Doof: Some evil scientist kind, even after he turns good. He doesn’t care enough to change it.
16) Their sexuality
Isabella: Bi as heck, with a preference towards girls.
Doof: He says he doesn’t care but he had a freak-out when he figured out he liked more then just girls, only to settle on bi literally as soon as he saw its definition. That problem solved at least.
17) What they’d sing at karaoke
Isabella: It depends, but something sappy or quick is a sure bet. She has a habit of Phineas and the Ferbtones songs being her go-to. For........ no reason. Sure. Maybe Phineas will believe that one.
Doof: Gitchee Gitchee Goo and You Snuck Your Way Into My Heart are the ones he always picks.
18) Special talents they have
Isabella: Can you count to infinity? But she’s especially good at detail work, and leadership.
Doof: Mechanics and surviving bc wtf.
19) When they feel safest
Isabella: More then anything, with people she trusts around her. They invited the rest of the gang and had a group meal in the cafeteria after finding Pinky in “Where’s Pinky” and she was struck with the realization that she’d never felt better(as far as she remembers).
Doof: Canonically with Perry around.
20) Household chore they hate the most
Isabella: She cannot STAND dishes. It’s a texture thing. She’s used to masking(she’s with Jeremy in that “Why TF were we masking we were in a perfectly safe environment this is literally fuckin Danville!!” group), but she will not do the dishes. Her mom always makes sure to do them separately so she doesn’t have to.
Doof: All of them. Norm exists for a reason.
21) Their fondest childhood memory
Isabella: Could she list them? The picnic, haunted house, *certain* patches(*cough* Emotional Bravery and All Patches *cough*), and getting Pinky are all go-tos.
Doof: He usually states his time with Balloony or the ocelots.
22) How they spend their money.
Isabella: Depends, but stuff for another new hobby is a usual.
Doof: Mechanical stuff and potential inators. A lot of these have canonical answers for Doof huh
23) What kind of alcohol they drink
Isabella: None. She’s the designated “yea uh. just in case.” member of the friend group anyways, so it just works.
Doof: You think he cares??? You think he knows??????????
24) What they wish they could change about themselves
Isabella: She just wishes she could focus. I mean, what kind of leader gets distracted every other time her crush is talking to her? And keeps making them get the same patch!!! She knows they don’t really mind, and that she’s doing a great job as is, but anxiety’s a bitch.
Doof: He wants so so so desperately to stop being such a screw-up. He explicitly and canonically hates that about himself to the point of genuine extreme self-hate
25) What other people wish they could change about them
Isabella: Everyone who knows her would say nothing(or imply it), but Buford can and will sneak in some bits about how she should stop showing off, and Baljeet does not care if she gets upset at him, and will complain about how much she talks about her patches all the time.
Doof: Pretty much everyone he knows wishes he was occasionally just a bit more tolerable. Norm might as well have a less demanding person not take responsibility for him, and much as Vanessa loves him and all, and she’s at least friends with Candace, she can handle stuff, could he please not do stuff just once. And Perry is here to support him, and also tell him to please stop as much as he can.
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My mind was plagued with thoughts of the episode where the kids think Perry laid an egg and the comic where Perry saves a baby platypus from Doof, and that got me thinking: what if Perry was actually a dad to a baby platypus? One possibility is that Perry wouldn't want his child to become an agent at such a young age and would rather have his kid decide if they want to do it when they're older, but I believe that either way, the young platypus would inherit Perry's anthropomorphism.
oh my god I’ve never even thought about Dad!Perry before 🥺 I thought his relationship with the Flynn-Fletcher kids was wholesome but that has some real potential to become the superior relationship
obligatory “read more” to save everyone who doesn’t care how I feel about Dad!Perry
Okay first I gotta ask how we think this would happen. Is it the egg from Perry Lays An Egg that hatches, except it really is a baby platypus and Perry ends up taking it in because no one else can? Or is it Perry taking one of Doof’s platybabies home? Or is it trans!Perry laying his own egg? Or Perry has sex with another platypus (that’s such a weird thought lmao) and somehow he becomes the sole guardian of the egg? As the numero uno “Perry is an asexual demibiromantic platypus” stan, I kinda like the first or second one, but I also feel like the platybaby should be related to him? But at the same time Phineas and Ferb is all about how family don’t end in blood so maybe that’s not important?
Anyways onto Dad!Perry because holy shit I’m excited to explore this
I’m gonna start at the end of the ask by saying that I feel like anthropomorphism isn’t genetically inherited; I feel like it’s something that’s taught. It’s kinda a nature vs nurture type thing so I guess it’s more a psychological debate than anything, but if I had to channel my inner English teacher and draw evidence from “the text” (aka the show), I gotta bring up the koi from Attack of the 50 Foot Sister that were just kinda vibin in the neighbors’ pond at the beginning of the episode and then Monogram had to make them agents to avoid a lawsuit and by the end they were saving Perry’s ass? Which is relevant to literally nothing except that I think any baby animal Perry raises, regardless of whether or not they’re related to him by blood (or even by species), will probably turn the lil baby into an anthropomorphic lil platybaby just because of all the human and human-like influences
And now the elephant in the room (cue OWCA Files Agent E joke): how does OWCA react to the news? Which I guess is really a follow-up question to how OWCA finds out in the first place. I think we can all agree that Perry won’t want to tell them. It’s not like he sees the other agents as friends that he wants to invite to the baby shower. But Monogram would want to know if there’s a new player in the Flynn-Fletcher house not that he knows who lives there now; that’s Carl’s area of expertise. Would he have to tell them? Is there a protocol for that? Especially if it’s just an egg he picks up from The Tree™ in the backyard. That’s basically just getting a new pet, right? And sure, Monogram would want to know, but is Perry legally obligated to tell him is the question.
But Monogram has to find out one way or another, and given that Perry is the best of the best, Monogram is going to want his kid in the club. Perry would 100% say no, too, but I don’t know if it would be because he wants his son (yes it’s a boy platybaby no I don’t know why) to have his own say in his future; I think Perry would consider OWCA too dangerous for his son. I mean, we saw what happened when Phineas, Ferb, and Candace got mixed up in his job: they were almost eaten by a goozim and the tri-state area was almost taken over by an evil dictator. He would definitely want to keep his son out of that scene if he could. At least all the dangers at home are Phineas-and-Ferb-sponsored, and unlike OWCA, they would make sure he didn’t get hurt.
Buuuut Monogram is also a dumbass and doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, so he’d keep pushing. It has to be a well-known fact around OWCA that changing Agent P’s mind about anything is not an easy feat, so maybe when Monogram realized it was a lost cause, he’d try to go around Perry’s back? Maybe while Perry was at work, he’d head to the Flynn-Fletchers’ house (or send Carl again like Undercover Carl) to try to get the platybaby alone? He could explain what OWCA is and that he would make a perfect candidate. I doubt Perry would have told his son about OWCA in any detail yet other than the fact that he works there and that’s where he goes every day, so this would all be new and interesting. And then Perry either comes home when Monogram or Carl is talking to his son about OWCA or his son brings it up himself, and Perry is fuming because he made it very clear that he didn’t want OWCA anywhere near his family. 
And now I can’t help but wonder if that would cause bigger problems between him and OWCA? What if that’s his breaking point, and he just flat-out quits because if they can’t respect his very few boundaries, he doesn’t owe them anything? And assuming the platybaby didn’t come from Doof, maybe that’s how they meet? Somehow he finds out that the reason there’s a new agent working his case is that Perry’s out on “permanent paternity leave” or something, and word gets back to Perry somehow (maybe Pinky heard it through the grapevine and told him? idk) that Doof wants to meet him? And Perry’s kinda wary buuuuut at the same time, Doof isn’t his nemesis anymore. If you take OWCA out of the equation, aren’t they just friends? 
and Doof would get kinda annoyed because “He came here so I could meet the baby, you know,” and usually that’s enough to convince Norm that he’s doing something wrong, but this time Norm is just like, “But I love him?” And Doof expects Perry to back him up and he probably should but at the same time, his son looks so happy with Norm? Without OWCA’s training, he still has that platypus aspect to his personality that comes from both his animal instinct and how the Flynn-Fletchers treat him, so he’s just kinda snuggled up in Norm’s lap and Norm is just petting him?
And this is probably after he’s shown some human-like features and Doof knows that he’s about as human as Perry, so he asks, “Does he like being pet?” and Perry nods because duh of course he does and Doof just kinda looks at him for a moment and he’s like, “Do you like to be pet?” and Perry just fuckin decks him because no he does not yes he does and Doof just nods like, “Okay, fair enough.”
and she had absolutely no idea this was happening she’s about to go drop her stuff off in her room for the weekend and Norm’s like, “Look at my new friend!” and Vanessa thinks it’s gonna be something stupid but she walks over and sees the baby platypus and she starts freaking out because holy shit Perry is that yours? and obviously she needs to know literally everything there is to know about him because this is her nephew now and she will not take no for an answer.
And I feel like OWCA really wouldn’t like this? I mean, Perry completely severed ties with them over this platybaby, and now he’s bringing his son over to DEI at least twice a week to see his former nemesis? And idk what they would do about it because I don’t think there’s an actual protocol for this, but Monogram is Very Sensitive™ and he won’t stand for this.
Also and I’m totally just spit-balling here but what if, because the platybaby is kinda also being raised by the Doofenshmirtzes (and the Flynn-Fletchers but idk if that would make much of a difference here bc he has to pretend to be a mindless pet around them like his dad), he gets the best of the human and animal experience all in one, without all the shit Perry had to deal with from OWCA? And what if that somehow leads him to be able to speak? I don’t quite know how that would work, mostly because I don’t really know what prevents Perry from speaking, but we already went into that back in May so I’m not gonna go there again lol
okay I’m pretty sure it’s been over two hours since I started working on this ask but I can’t help it because this is literally such a cute idea fjdshflakfa I don’t even know if I’d be content reading this like I feel like this is just something I want to write. I kinda want to see how Phineas and Ferb would treat him, and if they’d treat Perry any differently now that a) he’s a dad and b) there’s a new platypus for them to love. I also want to see how Candace would handle probably falling in love with the platybaby but still getting annoyed by Perry. I really want to see what Vanessa and Norm’s relationship with the platybaby would turn into. Idk so much about the Doof/platybaby relationship though; I feel like I’d be more interested in how this affects the Doof/Perry dynamic instead. Something about Doof makes me think he wouldn’t be as easily swayed by the platybaby as everyone else, but the fact that Perry would now be a dad just like him would probably make him unreasonably happy. And that’s not even touching upon how different life would be for Perry now that he has a son, and he would obviously adore the little guy with his entire being, but, like, he has a son? How is he supposed to deal with that?
also I really should’ve given the platybaby a name to make this more readable and it’s a little too late for that but I hereby decree that his new temporary name until such time as this fic gets written is Horatio (unless y’all wanna hit me up with your platybaby name ideas because I would love to see them?) so welcome to the Dwampyverse, Horatio :,)
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galaxina-the-pyro · 4 years
How would you improve the episode AYA?
...wait...you’re asking me?
I...I didn’t expect this...
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The thing is is that I don’t think I could possibly come up with ideas for this better than, say, @authenticcadence18 or @springsfordays because their ideas are just too good (seriously, check them out, they have the literal best ideas for a rewrite of AYA, holy crap).
But if I were to rewrite it...hm...let’s make a checklist for stuff about AYA that just miffed me:
1. Plot B is fine. Plot B was probably the best part of AYA - Doof’s dilemma made sense for his character (and is hilarious), tied in with the name of the episode, and involved fun little shenanigans. My only gripe is that they didn’t go MONDO insane with it at the end, and said ending felt really abrupt.
(I also wish that, somehow, even Doof was involved with that “everyone knew” bit, but we’re gonna be scrapping that joke for this story - that joke is FUNNY, but it’s also degrading to Phineas, and is sorta a nice way of saying “yeah, you’re stupid for not noticing her feelings even though she’s not entitled to them - you’re the problem. It’s not like the episode is trying to hint at you two having switched roles, no, you’re the only one who was being oblivious and stupid.”)
2. We cut out Plot C entirely. Everyone trying to get Phineas and Isabella together was just...ugh. Why? And they had the audacity to compare what they were doing to all the AMAZING things they did when they were younger, like, guys - you set up some tables, decorations, and cooked them what I can assume to be a run-of-the-mill restaurant dinner - that has NOTHING on a rollercoaster through downtown. And their applause at that sweet but ultimately lackluster confession? Hurt. So much. Now that I think about it, it felt condescending, it unintentionally emphasized HOW uninspired this confession (as much as I love it) was, and it felt like they were taking credit for something they didn’t do.
And if we’re NOT gonna cut out Plot C...have Plot C be about FERB? Leaving for COLLEGE? Out of COUNTRY? Cuz I have a hard time believing that Phineas and Ferb are just OKAY with separating at such a long distance - heck, in “Candace Gets Busted”, FERB is the one who assumes that one day he and his brother are gonna own their own place together. It should at least be BROUGHT UP, don’t you think? (I’m conflicted on whether or not I’d keep Montessa in the ring or at least SHOW US how Ferbnessa happened, because I think what’s weirding people out is that they’re assuming that Vanessa literally waited for Ferb to turn 18 to start dating him - when I think it’s more likely that they kinda JUST started dating during the beginning of Summer? But I think stuff like that really SHOULD be explained because even though I don’t think it’s that weird, I understand why OTHER PEOPLE wouldn’t like the idea)
3. I kinda feel like this should have had more songs? I dunno why, I feel like this all could have been improved if we got a fullblown musical out of this (and...this may be me wanting a “What Might Have Been” reprise, lol) - like, make fun of HSM or something, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t have.
4. I kinda wanted to see more of the “where are they now”. Like, Jeremy, Stacey, Little Suzie Johnson, even that one couple with the lady who’s always like “what did you think, an anniversary dinner was just going to fall from the sky?” - I like stuff like that, it’s so much fun to think about. Also...I legit have so much anxiety over Perry never interacting with him owners ONCE in that episode, and even more anxiety over Pinky never making an appearance at all. Heck, if there was a good time to show us what the HECK happened to Django, now would be a great time.
5. I would have given the episode a unique intro, ala “Night of the Living Pharmacists” and “Last Day of Summer” - like, AYA is as much of a status quo shifter as those two episodes, why was it given the “Phineas and Ferb Get Busted” treatment?
6. Here’s a brilliant thought - NO ONE tells Phineas about Isabella’s crush? How about instead Phineas goes and wants to check in on her, because he really misses her and doesn’t understand why they don’t talk anymore (and he’s tried before, and they’ve nearly had conversations, but Isabella’s just too busy) - did he do something wrong? Is Isabella just too busy now? He needs to know. That should have been his priority, none of this “FrIeNd ZoNe” nonsense.
7. I would have made this into a near movie-length special. With all the topics that this episode brought up, particularly the whole “manipulating the situation” thing, I feel like a longer episode would have given them more time to talk about how stuff like that is...not okay.
Okay, with those out of the way, how I would have written Phinabella the Movie...I mean...Act Your Age (I warn you, it’s not gonna be as good as @authenticcadence18′s or @springsfordays‘s ideas, so if you want quality stuff and not just mushy fanfiction fodder I’d check their stuff out):
I would have sorta made this entire thing take place during the “What Might Have Been” song - what that means is that it’s a collage of memories. How Isabella and Phineas met, how Isabella first got her “crush” (if you can really call it that, girl was full out in love lol), them building stuff with the gang during their canon ages, them going into highschool, Isabella ultimately choosing to give up her crush to maintain her friendship with Phineas (because her choosing to not be as close to Phineas because of a crush isn’t an option), Isabella’s first boyfriend (which probably’s gonna hurt a lot of fans, cuz I envision that to NOT be Phineas; but it’s Phinabella endgame, so relax); the episode just centers on the gang (mainly Isabella since it’s from her perspective) growing up.
Like, yes, all of the memories are gonna be Phinabella centered, but we gotta have SOME side-stories and junk, like maybe how Baljeet gets together with Ginger (and...how they break up...please don’t kill me), what ultimately leads Ferb to want to go back to England for studies (maybe it’s him wanting to be his own person and not wanting people to think he and his brother are just “a pair”), Buford...uh...something with Buford definitely, because I love him and he deserves it. Heck, maybe even the Fireside Girls can have their own arc with a graduation ceremony for their ranks (...what? I’m not linking stuff to the best fanfic ever, noooooo...why would-why would I do that?).
And maybe in this case Plot B SHOULD be different - maybe it should focus on how Doofenshmirtz first got to America, how he first met Charlene, what exactly led him to being evil in the first place, all that good stuff. Though, ultimately, that might be a little angsty - maybe there’s a reason why we don’t see exactly HOW Doof and Charlene divorced, because that could very well be the saddest scene ever, and it’s hard to put that kinda comedic spin on something so tragic (I mean, obviously there are comedies CENTERED on divorce, but like...they always SKIP the divorce part from what I’ve seen). Not to mention that this is a kid’s show, so...I doubt they’d actually show HOW it happened. This is just my thoughts. X’D
Back to the Phinabella.
Phineas and Isabella would have their confession during THIS part of the special rather than the very end (so, like...they’re still in highschool, and Isabella’s already broken up with that other dude in the story, and maybe Phineas had a girlfriend he just wasn’t happy with) - Phineas tries to do something big for Isabella, but it ultimately falls through because of Perry’s current nemesis (we never see who that is, lol), so he settles for something simple (at first he’s scared about it not “being enough” for someone like Isabella, but Ferb’s able to slap that nonsense out of him pretty quickly). He and Isabella spend the ENTIRE DAY together alone, leading to Phineas eventually singing a song he wrote for her to her, and the two have a cute little duet as a result (that has the opposite energy of “What Might Have Been”, so it’s important that somewhere in this episode that “What Might Have Been” is still a thing, it just doesn’t involve Phineas being aware of Isabella’s feelings, and it doesn’t involve Isabella trying to leave somewhere without saying goodbye, this would be more about Isabella, after trying to get over her crush, realizing that she still LIKES Phineas that way). They almost kiss, but they’re ultimately interrupted by Buford being Buford or something, but it implies that Phineas and Isabella are now a couple onwards from here.
Eventually it leads to a small party in the middle of Summer with the gang, with them playing some games and talking about how by the end of Summer, they won’t be seeing each other as much anymore because of college and stuff. They all remanence about the simple times - with Isabella eventually leaving (saying it’s because she needs to check on something, but really it’s because she’s sad that things are ending so quickly and she’s gonna miss everyone especially Phineas), and Phineas going after her to see if she’s alright (he’s oblivious, but he’s always been able to tell if she’s sad for the most part, save for maybe a few instances - but he’s older now, so he’s probably better at telling).
The two go for a stroll outside, and discuss the changes and stuff, how he and Isabella are ultimately going to have to work on a long-distance relationship and how Phineas is going to miss Ferb when he leaves the country, and how he’s gonna miss Isabella. And then they both realize that everything is gonna be okay, because they’ve literally dealt with worse situations and came out stronger for it - Isabella nor Phineas have any doubts in their minds that their relationship with each other or anyone else is going to sever just because of long distance.
Time moves onward, and there are a lot of changes (mainly talking about couples and other stuff - if it were me, there’d be endgame Buford/Gretchen and Ferb/Ginger of all people, and of course Candace and Jeremy would be married by this time). Phineas and Isabella are about to go into their last year of college, and decide to spend one more day together before they, once again, go their separate ways. The gang surprises Isabella by having made an ACTUALLY GOOD AND CREATIVE BACKYARD DINNER for the two per Phineas’ planning (the idea wasn’t bad, the execution was just lame imo), and long story short, Phineas proposes to Isabella. She obviously accepts, and everyone cheers for them as Isabella inner monologues about how change can be scary but it’s okay some mushy stuff about loved ones being there for you when you need them or something.
And finally, we cut to many years later, with Isabella as an adult now, looking out at the backyard of her current home, drinking some tea - this whole movie/special has taken place in this Isabella’s memories (if that makes sense), as she thinks on how she got there. The story ends with a child (we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl) calling to her and calling her “mom”, and Isabella leaving to check on her kid.
And...that’s how I would have written “Act Your Age”. Again, I recommend this and this over my idea (because again, their takes on this episode are perfect, I don’t think anyone can top them), but if you like it then great. This was still fun to write out and stuff, and I hope you enjoyed it regardless. ^^;
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idea: roger is queer & ace (i'm not sure about the romantic label) but hasnt quite figured it out yet, heinz is fully aware roger is Not Straight and ends up bonding with him via helping him figure out labels and terms, and taking roger to his first pride event w/ vanessa, norm and perry. tl;dr heinz gets bonding time with his brother, and roger is queer.
Y E S 
you know i’m a sucker for Heinz/Roger bonding time so i am so on board with this
I do have to admit that I like the weird relationship Roger and Melanie have going on, but I am totally on board with something like asexual biromantic Roger. Maybe he doesn't even realize that this identity -- or the split attraction model in general -- exists, and he lowkey thinks he's broken because he can see himself spending his life with a girl or a guy (I don't know if I expect him to know what an enby is tho he kinda gives off oblivious dumbass vibes) but he can't see himself sleeping with anyone? Yes this is the cliché asexual experience no I will not apologize for using it lmao.
We know Vanessa likes Uncle Roger but I don't really see either of her parents taking her to visit him much so I wouldn't be surprised if, especially as she gets older, they start talking over the phone more than anything else. Despite being such a popular guy, he doesn't really seem to have many friends, so I can see him kinda venturing into the subject with her just because there’s no one else he can really do it with. Idk how exact he'd go about it without being weird but maybe it starts with the bi label first? Maybe Vanessa comes out as bi first (after telling her parents obviously) and Roger wants to show that he's supportive and he kinda ventures into his own romantic orientation just a lil and Heinz just happens to be walking by during that part of the conversation and Vanessa just happens to have put her uncle on speaker so she could get ready for her totally-not-a-date with Candace (shhh let me ship in peace) and Heinz is like what the fuck and he can tell Roger's not quite sure what he's saying but that he's being honest and definitely not bullshitting it and Heinz is like 🤔🤔🤔 but he just walks by and doesn't say anything
And then like an hour after Roger gets off the phone with Vanessa, he gets a text from Heinz that says something like "You never told me you were bi" and Roger's like (●__●) because he had absolutely no idea his brother was going to overhear that. It would be awkward with anyone, but it's especially awkward with Heinz because a) they're not close and b) they're both from a country that gives off Very Homophobic Vibes™ and he doesn't expect that to make a good match, which is why he's so surprised when Heinz just takes it in stride (he probably cracks a joke about bisexuality running in the family or something idk) and it makes him feel a little better. He's never really been able to talk about this to anyone -- even with Vanessa he felt like he had to tiptoe around everything because she may be 17 (I’m assuming this would have to be at least a year after the show ends) but she’s still a child and you can only say so much to your niece.
I feel like even though he’s being nice to his brother, he still wouldn’t want to invite him to Pride, but Vanessa would absolutely make that decision herself. Roger would probably be a lil wary bc he doesn’t want the whole city to know yet, but Vanessa would remind him that as the mayor, people wouldn’t necessarily see it as his way of coming out; it could look like his way of supporting Danville’s LGBTQ+ community because he is absolutely still the mayor after the show ends and idc what MML has to say about it. 
And Heinz doesn’t find out until after Vanessa’s already invited him so it’s not like he can say no -- Roger’s the mayor, after all; he probably should go to Pride, if only for his public image -- so he just kinda has to suck it up (which is fine because he’ll have Perry the Platypus and Norm and he can ignore his brother the whole time. Just because he’s not actively planning the downfall of his brother’s career doesn’t mean he wants to spend time with the guy) and deal with it. 
But then he gets a letter from Perry that morning that he can’t come but that Heinz should go anyway (and Heinz doesn’t find out, but he reason he can’t come is that Phineas and Ferb are bringing him the Pride with them instead and Perry absolutely plans on leaving them halfway through to spend the second half of the day with the Doofenshmirtz family) and Heinz is like -_- and then Vanessa ditches a few minutes into it to hang out with her not-girlfriend Candace (and her brothers and their pet platypus in the rainbow get-up, and she’s decently sure that this is her dad’s ex-nemesis so she finds it hilarious but that’s not important) and Heinz is like -__- and then Norm runs into Chloe and he’s like :)))) and leaves and now poor Heinz is all alone with Roger and he’s like -___- And I feel like because Roger’s the mayor, there’d be a couple different reporters asking to get pictures of him and some kids who think it’s super cool to meet the mayor because they’re naïve enough not to realize that the government’s a platypus and Heinz keeps getting shoved out of the way and he’s like -____- and he’s this close to ditching his brother and peacing out because this is not the fun Pride he wanted it to be and then Roger starts talking about like actual things with actual substance and Heinz is like 0_0 because their conversations usually consist of small talk and only small talk and this is really weird but he goes with it anyway and then they end up talking labels and sexualities and romantic orientations and by the time Pride ends Roger feels like he knows not only himself but his brother better than he ever has and it’s a very wholesome conversation and they’re both completely oblivious to the platypus in the fedora with a rainbow band that looks at them for about 10 seconds and then walks away because he is not interrupting some much-needed Doofenshmirtz bonding time 
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