#and obi-wan is like well yes. trust me i know. like. trust me. i am well aware. that you aren't a child anymore.
tennessoui · 4 months
I just read the hanahaki au and I feel like I AM GOING TO START THROWING UP FLOWERS MYSELF FOR THE TOO MUCH LOVE I HAVE FOR THIS AU!!!! It's amazing. Can't wait for the next chapter x
thank you!!!!
next chapter starts like. anakin bursting in on obi-wan just having a soothing sore throat cup of tea and he has like 12 billion things he wants to say and they all want to come out at once and what he actually says is like. why the FUCK is VOS still YOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT.
and obi-wan is like. ah. i take it the healers did not honor my request that the appointment notes be written on flimsi and kept close to chest.
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frostbitebakery · 11 months
A Disturbed State Of The Natural Environment, Gods-Fucking-Dammit
A Pada-Wan Story
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for @lttrsfrmlnrrgby
“Obi— Commander Kenobi-“
“You can call me Obi-Wan, Cody,” the kid huffs. “Neither you nor I will suddenly combust into a ball of fire if you do.”
You don’t know that, Cody thinks, not liking how his voice sounds in his mind.
Four days since the incident - or, “The Incident,” how Boil and Waxer like to say in unison with the bucket lights under their chins -, two since the 104th of all Battalions received their signal and towed the 212th fleet to the nearest station within the Republic that would allow them to overhaul the ships’ electronics.
It has been exactly two point five hours since Wolffe stopped wheezing at Cody over comms. Nearly as much time as the kid had vanished from under Cody’s paranoid nose.
“Councilor Kenobi is safe and sound,” General Koon had assured him while Wolffe stood at perfect parade rest a step behind, shriek-laughing his armor off.
The kid sighs. “You have come here for a reason?” he asks, stubborn and prim. “Or is Wooley babysitting me not enough?” He points a thumb over his shoulder to Wooley popping up several yards away, waving.
“If you haven’t noticed Hook, Line, and Sinker also keeping an eye on you, my trepidations are justified.”
The kid rolls his eyes, gesturing to three empty looking spots in the distance. “I am well aware Master Koon is in league with you.”
Cody will not explain safety precautions again. He’s saving that for when the kid really sets out to stomp on any and all walls Cody had to hastily and thoroughly built when his General, his partner, suddenly turned into a child at the worst possible development stage for Cody’s sanity.
The kid studies him while Cody is trying to come up with a legitimate reason for looking for him. Direct admittance to personal concern would backfire on Cody in multiple, entertaining ways, and he frankly doesn’t want to deal with that. From the kid being smug that Cody cares about him very much so keeping his distance must mean something more. To accusations of not trusting Obi-Wan (which, correct, Cody doesn’t know him after all), seeing him as a kid (also true) when he’s sixteen and basically a stone’s throw away from becoming a geezer.
Sixteen. Cody shudders. He remembers very well that half year when he was that developmental age. He shudders again. Gods, the mood swings alone.
“I am reasonably paranoid about your welfare,” he says at last. Wooden which makes him cringe but he’s never lied to Obi-Wan and he’s not starting now.
The kid stares at him for a while. One corner of his mouth quirks up with a shrug and a shuttered look in his eyes Cody desperately wants to make better. “It’s different when they really are out to get you, isn’t it.” The Council had explained how precarious his older self’s safety was at the best of times. Cody had only seen the aftermath and the accompanying ranting about life choices with the occasional visibly happy understanding that Obi-Wan could, actually, grow a non-patchy beard when he’s got a few more years on him.
“May I sit with you?” Cody asks. Shoveling his own metaphorical grave is so much easier with mixed signals after all. But he misses the older Obi-Wan. It’s not fair of him but he needs this.
The expected blush blooms on freckled cheeks. “Yes, of course!” is the eager reply, followed by more blushing.
It’s endearingly cute and Cody would like to chew on his bucket now.
The kid scoots over, wide eyed and expectant.
Gingerly, Cody lowers himself, ignoring the armor digging into his ass and thighs. And lets the silence stretch.
This, really, is what he came here for. A self-indulgent little break to catch his breath. The High General of a Systems Army is compromised and that fact has to remain eyes only to an exclusive handful of people. Only the Jedi Council knows out of obvious necessity. So it’s up to Cody to keep everything else running, keeping the admiralty in the dark because even teenaged Obi-Wan had said he’s got a bad feeling if they were to tell the brass. So they haven’t.
Usually, when flimsiwork and war horrors keep stacking up and expand into an avalanche, Obi-Wan and Cody sit together in silence, sharing a precious cup of real tea, being together and lending support and strength they can’t find for themselves but can always, always find for each other.
Selfishly he wants that strength from Obi-Wan now, the warmth of his body nearby. He’s already breathing easier.
The kid is looking at him curiously, but Cody chooses not to say anything. Instead he turns forward once more, watching the busy night markets of the station and the stars behind it. After a moment the kid does the same.
Shoulders slowly relax and the silence becomes comfortable.
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voidartisan · 1 year
playing around with an incorrect quote generator and came up with some gems
Ahsoka: Why are you late? Obi-Wan: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness. Ahsoka: Overslept? Obi-Wan: Overslept.
Ahsoka: I am the most responsible person in the group. Obi-Wan: …You just set the kitchen on fire. Ahsoka: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.
Obi-Wan: Ahsoka, why are you crying? Ahsoka: This book is so sad!! Obi-Wan, picking it up: But this is my diary-
Crosshair: What, in the name of sanity, have you got on your head? Tech: It's a fez, I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool. Wrecker: *snatches the fez, throws it in the air* Crosshair: *shoots it*
Tech: Do we have any orange juice left? Crosshair: *pours the remaining juice into his cup* Crosshair: Sorry, we’re all out.
Crosshair: There’s no “I” in team, but there is one in pizza. Tech: So, you’re not going to share? Crosshair: I’m not going to share.
Omega: We’re kind of missing something guys. Echo: Cohesion? Crosshair: Teamwork? Tech: A general sense of what we’re doing? Hunter: And Wrecker is not here. Echo: Oh, and that, yeah.
Hunter: This is a judgement free zone. *Pulls out a knife the size of his forearm* Hunter: And I mean it.
Echo: Are you mad? Hunter: No. Echo: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Fox: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Riyo: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. Fox: I said within reason, Riyo. How about I murder that guy? Riyo: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? Fox: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Fox: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Riyo: Peonies, why? Fox: Riyo: Were you going to get me flowers? Fox: Riyo: Fox: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Fox: Riyo and I are no longer dating. Riyo: Fox, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Satine : I want to kiss you. Obi-Wan, not paying attention: What? Satine : I said if you die, I wont miss you.
Satine : I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Obi-Wan: Wow. They sound stupid. Satine : But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Obi-Wan: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Satine : I guess you’re right. Hey Obi-Wan, I love you. Obi-Wan: See! Just say that! Satine : Obi-Wan: If that flies over their head then, sorry Satine , but they're too dumb for you. Satine : Obi-Wan.
Satine : I think I'm falling for you. Obi-Wan: Then get up.
Cody : You have an impressive pain tolerance. Obi-Wan: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Cody , holding an unconscious Obi-Wan: Oh no. Please don’t be dead.
Obi-Wan: You know what? Let’s give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen? Cody : Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity and death.
Obi-Wan: Turns on the kitchen light Cody : Sitting at the table, eating bread Obi-Wan: It’s four in the morning. Cody : Turn the light back off.
Rex: Are you alright? Ahsoka: Short answer or long answer? Rex: Short? Ahsoka: No. Rex: Long? Ahsoka: Nooooooo.
Rex: I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said Note to self: Get revenge on Ahsoka. Rex: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for. Rex: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it. Ahsoka: Hmm… I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either. Rex: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though. Ahsoka: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it. Rex: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Rex: My goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me. Ahsoka: YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT EVERY TIME YOU BEAT ME AT CONNECT FOUR!
Rex: I'm going to ask you to be respectful. Ahsoka: I will politely decline.
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thegingerwrites · 2 months
Thinking about her… (obikin Ella Enchanted au, I just rewatched it last night)
I think the fic itself starts off after Maul attacks Mandalore and Obi-Wan goes to stop him. He fails as a result of his “gift”—Maul tells him to stand and watch as he kills Satine. Obi-Wan returns to the Temple distraught and he begs Yoda for the chance to leave the frontlines to go off and find a way to break his curse. Yoda decides to do him one better.
“No,” Obi-Wan says, hardly looking up from his travel preparations. The idea is unthinkable. Anakin cannot be here.
“I’m coming with you. Master Yoda approved it and everything.” Anakin sets himself down in the pilot’s seat like he has any idea where they’re going.
They are not going anywhere.  This must some kind of mistake.
“And did Master Yoda tell you anything about what this mission entailed?” Obi-Wan asks, feeling a headache coming on, a tension welling up behind his eyes. Master Yoda is the only one who can tell Anakin anything about what Obi-Wan is setting off to do. He took that choice away from Obi-Wan long ago.
“He said you were on a voyage of self-discovery, one with very real consequences for turning the tide of the war. He said it would likely start with finding your family on Stewjon and expand outward from there.” Obi-Wan allows himself to relax a little. Nothing too specific from Yoda then. Nothing that suggested anything about the nature of Obi-Wan’s problem.
Anakin pauses, biting the inside of his cheek before adding one more thing. “He also said that you would never be able to believe in yourself as a Jedi until you made this trip. That you didn’t trust yourself. And Master, if I didn’t want to come with you before he said that, there was nothing that could have stopped me once I heard it.”
Obi-Wan shuts his eyes tight as though to will Anakin away with the power of his thoughts. Because Yoda isn’t wrong. Obi-Wan has never phrased it quite so succinctly to himself before but that is ultimately what pushed him to go. He cannot help the people he loves until he breaks free of this curse. He cannot become the Jedi others believe him to be while beholden to his gift.
“I didn’t ask Master Yoda for permission to come on this mission with you,” Anakin continues. “If I had known what you were doing, I would have snuck on board without going through either of you. But he sought me out and asked me to accompany you and now I know there is no better place for me to be.”
“Surely that should be something for me to decide.”
“You are the greatest Jedi—the greatest man I have ever known. Everything I know about becoming either one comes from you. If there is anything I can do to return the favor, to show you what I know to be true, I am going to do it.”
There is something almost refreshing about Anakin’s refusal to yield. Normally, when Obi-Wan is forced to do something he does not want to do, it is because someone has ordered him and he can’t work his way around it in time. But Anakin hasn’t given him a command; he could technically leave him behind or relegate him to the sidelines or toss him out an airlock. Instead, Obi-Wan has a choice to make.
“Alright,” Obi-Wan says at last, coming around to sit down in the cockpit beside Anakin. “Fine, you may join me. But you must do as I say and you cannot ask me any questions about what we are doing. I will not answer. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
Obi-Wan meets Anakin’s eyes over the flight controls. He sighs before allowing himself the smallest of smiles.
For the first time since his decision to embark on this mission, for the first time since Mandalore—perhaps even since this whole blasted war began—Obi-Wan allows himself to feel something like hope.
There is a chance, however small, that Anakin might be a real asset to this endeavor. The company at least, being able to share the weight of something that has plagued him all his life even if he still cannot speak of it, might make this journey easier to bear.
“Thank you, Anakin.”
Anakin checks the calculations for their jump to hyperspace and completes the takeoff procedures Obi-Wan began. For a moment, Obi-Wan thinks they will simply settle into the familiar rhythms of a joint mission, that the conversation is over now and they can put the uncomfortable intimacy of it behind them.
But as Obi-Wan waits to speak with space traffic control to receive their flight clearance and Anakin sees to the rest of their preparations, he adds one parting note to their conversation, his voice low and serious to protect the tender and exposed intimacy of the confession.
“I am here for you, Master. Always.”
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antianakin · 11 months
Heyyyy, hope it's okay to randomly drop by! THANK YOU for the post on Jedi Apprentice!! It's completely ruined Qui-Gon's character in fanon and provided a very weird basis for anti-Jedi arguments, mostly based on third hand information filtered through fanfiction. The actual books portray such an interesting, complex storyline for Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and it just gets flattened into "okay here's why Qui-Gon was the worst ever and Obi-Wan needed CPS to save him and clearly would have been better off without the Jedi." I am all for Qui-Gon having trauma and struggling as a master at times but the whole dang point is that ultimately Obi-Wan loved him and missed him and regarded him as a great Jedi and good man. That's just missing nowadays and it's so hard to find anything that portrays Obi Wan and Qui Gon's relationship as complicated but ultimately loving. Gahhh, it's frustrating!!!
It's not even just that Qui-Gon was a good person, but that he was genuinely a good MASTER. Like the period of time prior to Melida/Daan lasts maybe a few WEEKS. There's only a couple of books before Melida/Daan happens and they pretty much run from one event to the next over the course of maybe several days in each book. They BARELY know each other before Melida/Daan happens and then they're apart for probably a few months before reuniting when Obi-Wan calls for help. And while Qui-Gon does struggle a little during the Zan Arbor books (he seems to think they're doing a lot better than Obi-Wan does and doesn't realize just how much uncertainty Obi-Wan still has left), they seem to communicate just fine after the time jump to the New Apsolon arc. Qui-Gon's taking Obi-Wan on a lil vacation right at the beginning, he abandons the mission to save Tahl when Obi-Wan gets hurt because he recognizes his first priority HAS to be his Padawan, and when he hears a voice telling him not to kill someone out of vengeance he assumes that it's Obi-Wan. They clearly have a fairly positive relationship at this point and while Qui-Gon is struggling with other stuff during this arc, the relationship with Obi-Wan himself seems to have really grown and he actively DOESN'T just up and abandon Obi-Wan out of attachment. And during the whole finale, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon communicate really well, there's obvious trust and comfort and familiarity there that they can lean on now and they end up succeeding at keeping conflict from erupting due to their teamwork.
They grow TOGETHER and they become a really good master/padawan pair for each other. Yes, they had a complicated beginning, but it doesn't actually define their ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP either the way people seem to think it does. I constantly see people saying that Qui-Gon was always placing Obi-Wan second to his attachments to Xanatos or Tahl or Anakin and it just... isn't true, in canon OR in Jedi Apprentice. They're SO in sync in TPM, there's so much clear trust between them and the ability to communicate with very little actually said out loud. It doesn't stop Obi-Wan from expressing a differing opinion or his own frustrations when he feels it's important, but Qui-Gon also never holds it against him and Obi-Wan is smart enough and good enough to recognize when he needs to apologize and Qui-Gon's response is to tell him that he's a wiser Jedi than Qui-Gon is. Their relationship isn't any more complicated than any other normal relationship. It's just... a relationship between two people who can occasionally have a disagreement without it completely imploding the entire relationship.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship is SO IMPORTANT, not just to me personally, but to the narrative and to Obi-Wan's character. Obi-Wan learns FROM Qui-Gon, in so many ways. He takes over Qui-Gon's mission because he loves and believes in Qui-Gon enough to recognize its importance, and Qui-Gon comes back even after death to help Obi-Wan one last time. The entire Kenobi show has him reaching out to Qui-Gon for strength and guidance over and over again, but he's only able to see Qui-Gon when he realizes he can stand on his own. That feels like the EPITOME of what a healthy master/padawan relationship looks like. The master guides, yes, but they aren't a crutch for the padawan, the student still has to walk that path themselves.
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spicedrobot · 10 months
what was lost, what was gained ch. 3
Also on ao3! (linked in description 💖) beta by @bluedaddysgirl
The reprieve Cody thought the voyage would bring never came. Maybe he was a little too hard-wired for battle. Extended periods of down time sometimes made clones nervous. But he’d been on long voyages like this plenty of times. And after they dropped the Sith off on Coruscant, they would embark on another one.
No. It wasn’t the same. It wasn’t. And Cody knew who to blame for that.
Sleep did not come easy to him at the best of times. And as the voyage dragged on, it became almost impossible.
Whenever he tried to rest, dread coiled in the darkness behind his eyelids. His thoughts ran on an endless loop. The Sith’s dark eyes, his pointed, needling questions. The general’s gloved touch sliding over Maul’s chin. The expression General Kenobi had worn after that first shift, when he thought no one was looking. Cody had witnessed it accidentally, led by an urge to glance behind him after he’d been dismissed. He wasn’t sure what he had seen in the general’s eyes—sadness, maybe. A lost, unsure gleam. A look Cody couldn’t forget.
All while the general stood, unmoving, gazing at the sleeping prisoner.
General Kenobi was wise, kind, unwavering. But the Sith had done what Cody thought impossible: he had shaken him. 
Cody felt helpless. There was nothing he could do. It wasn’t his place. All he had were his orders, so he followed them. He kept his eye on Maul. And Maul… well, he didn’t exactly make it difficult. He hardly moved. Mostly he read, meditated and slept. 
But when he did engage his guards… it was unnerving. Even without his connection to the Force, Maul still knew how to take his opponent off guard with a few well-chosen words. Comments as innocuous as You haven’t slept, Commander to Did you know your scent is different from the other clones? 
He was dangerous, even in a cell. 
Of course he is. He’s a warrior. They use whatever they have at their disposal. Just like you.
Cody didn’t enjoy that line of thought. He was nothing like a Sith, and especially not like Maul. He would rather die than be a blight on the galaxy. Rather die than hurt General Kenobi.
That familiar unease crept over him. After the first night with the Sith on board, the general’s state hadn’t improved. In fact, he seemed more exhausted than ever. But any mention of his deterioration was waved away. Yes, he was taking the time to rest. The extra sleep was helping. That will be all, Commander.
Cody’s hands were tied. The general wasn’t exactly skirting any of his duties, so he couldn’t point to a lapse of productivity or decision-making. It was just enough to torment him. A concern too personal to mention. 
“This level of surveillance is unnecessary.” 
The comment snapped Cody out of his reverie. It was the first thing Maul had said all shift, which was fine by him. He was happy to let the Sith rot while he tried and failed to file reports on his datapad. 
The Sith’s words came again. “I’ve no weapons. No power. No memory.”
Cody blinked away weariness as his mind caught up with his words. He either needed more caf or had already had too much. “True. Still can’t trust a word you say.”
“Why?” Maul asked. “Have I not shown I can be obedient? Obi-Wan had no qualms—”
“General Kenobi isn’t here. And he’s the one who gave the order to watch you. He’d be doing it himself, if he didn’t have more important matters to deal with.”
“Would he…” Maul said. His voice was muted, but there was certain infuriating thoughtfulness to it. “So, as second in command, you have no work more pressing than to surveil me?” 
Cody narrowed his eyes. “Double duty.” He lifted his datapad and shook it. “And in case you weren’t aware, you’re a criminal.”
There was a flash in Maul’s dark eyes. “Am I? That’s the first I’ve heard of it.” His tone was light, grating.
“Even if you don’t remember, you still have blood on your hands. You’re an enemy of the Jedi and the Republic. When we get to Coruscant, you’ll be tried for your crimes and left to rot for the rest of your days. If you’re lucky.”
Maul stiffened, his eyes widening fractionally. Not appalled, like Cody had hoped, not angry either. Just… accepting. “So, I have killed. Who was it?”
Cody blinked. The angry heat drained away as realization stole over him. Maul really didn’t know anything. And the general hadn’t told him either. 
Maul hummed under his breath, lips upturned. “Don’t clam up now, Commander. Your general wasn’t forthcoming enough for my tastes.” 
“He doesn’t owe you anything,” Cody bit out. 
“Is that so? He seems very intent on helping me.” His expression grew softer. “Strange. I sensed no hatred from him, no fear when he first approached me, unlike you and your men. I could feel it all too keenly before my power was lost to me.”
The silence between them hung. Maul nodded. “Wise not to deny it. Perhaps you are in a league above your peers.”
Cody glared. The Sith’s smirk returned, wide and threatening. “Do you want to know what else I sensed, Commander? About you… and Obi-Wan.”
The general’s given name purred in that low, filthy voice made the hairs rise on the back of his neck. It was a name Cody couldn’t speak aloud, not freely, not without self-consciousness. 
“What? That I’m his favorite commander?” he spat.
“Hm. More like Obi-Wan is your favorite.”
Maul’s words should’ve been easy to brush off. There was nothing untoward between him and the general, not a single action or gesture that could be misconstrued. Cody had made sure of that. 
Only the secret, unanswered longing was there, a scream in his own mind. There was a spike a fear, a knot of anger. Somehow, Maul knew.
“I’m not interested in your lies,” Cody said, after a long, incriminating silence.
Maul tipped his head, grinning wider for a moment. Cody couldn’t shake the image of a preening raxshir, striped, dangerous. The Sith was enjoying this.
“What reason would I have to lie? Especially when the truth is far more devastating.” 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I grow weary of your denial. Wouldn’t you rather know how I know? It’s nothing so obvious as the Force. It’s far more droll, more… base.” 
Cody was frozen, as much of a prisoner as Maul. He couldn’t run. Wouldn’t be able to explain why he abandoned his post. He couldn’t stay either, couldn’t listen to his deepest secret pool like venom from the Sith’s fangs.
Duty, of course, won out. He did not leave his chair.
His skull ached. His jaw twinged. A single word. “How?”
Satisfaction bled out of every line on Maul’s face. “There is so very much that one reveals without thought or notice. It was your own body that betrayed you. Your singular heart, pumping so very quickly whenever your general offered you a kind word or touch. How sweet.”
Cody felt sick with disbelief. Denial was impossible. He couldn’t even form the words. And still the Sith continued.
“And if I can intuit so much, even with this…” Maul touched his collar. “How much do you think Obi-Wan already knows?”
It was out, then. The general had known all this time. Had known, and never mentioned it, never treated him any differently. Never returned that affection.
Of course he wouldn’t. He’s a general, my CO. A Jedi. And I’m a clone. Made for one purpose. Expendable. 
He hadn’t realized how much he had been holding onto the hope that one day, the general would look his way. Really see him.
“I never expected anything to come of it,” Cody said. His voice wavered. He curled forward, elbows on his knees, face in his hands. 
Even if Cody had spoken with absolute conviction, they both would’ve known the lie for what it was.
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 month
Well shit, I'll take as much spanking as you'd like to write.
🫡 (part 1) (part 2)
You don't have to do this," Anakin clarified.
"I'm aware."
"I just want to make sure you know that," Anskin snapped defensively. "Alright?"
"Anakin," Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose and summoned what had to have been the very last thread of his patience. "I am willing to do what I must to put this event and these unpleasant feelings behind us. If you need to take some control back over the situation or humiliate me, or whatever it is that you think you're going to get out of this, so be it. Yes, I will give it a try if-" he raised a hand, because of course there were conditions, "- if you with meditate with me afterward."
There it was.
As reasonable as the request was - even more reasonable when compared to what Anakin himself had just impulsively asked for - that understandable logic was exactly what made it so aggravating.
The Negotiator, always offering up compromises and alternatives.
Except, apparently, when it came to the council.
Because Obi-Wan respected the Council's judgement and wisdom. He didn't critique and criticize every aspect that could go wrong with their plans. He took direction from the Council unquestioningly. When they suggested that he fake his death it had probably been Obi-Wan's observation that Anakin's reaction, his padawan's public grief, would sell the deception.
Anakin no longer felt an uneasy disquiet at what he had asked of his master.
Obi-Wan deserved to have a sore ass.
Maybe then he would think twice before resorting to deception and lies. They were partners. They were The Team. How were they supposed to function flawlessly as two haves of the same whole if they didn't trust one another?
This was one way Obi-Wan could show his trust in Anakin. Maybe it would be the first step in rebuilding the trust that had existed between them.
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a-k-a-l-i · 24 days
The Skywalker Invasion
Family Revelations
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The Jedi Council Chambers was filled with Jedi Knights, masters, and senators. Yoda’s eyes were closed, focusing on the Force.
The newcomers were occupying different rooms at the temple, as the Jedi Masters believed they shouldn’t have the time travelers interact.
“We need the names of the people you met,” Mace Windu asked, a frown forming on his lips.
“I met two men, both claiming their name to be Skywalker,” Plo Koon said slowly, turning to look at a certain Jedi Knight who was surprised.
“That’s impossible, I mean no disrespect, Master, but I too have met someone claiming to be a Skywalker,” Aayla was quick to inform them.
Anakin crossed his arms, “I would also like to join this confusing conversation, my padawan and I met this boy, going by the name ‘Ben Skywalker’ I’m now curious to know who these others are.”
Ahsoka nodded her head in agreement.
Obi-wan stroked his beard.
Padmé came forward, “Jedi Masters, I have met two women, a young girl, and a young man, one of the women says she is the empress of the Fel Empire, which just happens to be our galaxy.”
Yoda now hummed, “the last names, I need, yes, to uncover the truth. Your hand you must raise, if you met one, going by the name Skywalker, you must.”
Four people raise their hands.
Aayla Secura.
Anakin Skywalker.
Plo Koon.
Master Yoda.
“Going by the name Solo,” Yoda continued.
Padmé Amidala.
Bail Organa.
Adi Gallia.
Mon Mothma.
Obi-wan Kenobi.
Each raised their hand.
“By the name Fel.”
Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa were the only ones.
“And do not forget the young one who goes by the name ‘Jade’, she was in the company of one ‘Luke Skywalker’.” Mace Windu reminded. Yoda nodded.
Anakin’s brows furrowed, more Skywalkers?
“Something on your mind, young Skywalker?” Yoda prompted, his face softening.
“The…other Skywalkers, I’m curious,” Anakin sighed.
The old green Jedi Master chuckled, “revealed, everything will be, with time.”
“I believe we should gather everyone and question them all at once, they must be very powerful if the Force reacted this way,” Ki-Adi Mundi proposed.
“Agree, I do, talk with them, gain their trust, we will.”
Gathering the newcomers, the Jedi Council led them all to a large room where privacy can be assured.
Luke and Leia found each other and crashed into each other’s arms, happy to know that the other was safe. Mara and Han only laughed quietly at the sight.
Ania looked around, noticing that she shared certain features with other people in the room. Her eyes stopped on a woman.
Marasiah turned, her face broke out into a grin. The two girls ran forward and brought each other into a hug.
“It has been so long, cousin, I am delighted to know that I will have a familiar face with me here,” Marasiah exclaimed. Someone cleared their throat behind them, and Ania saw her other cousin.
“Why, Cade, this is turning out to be a family reunion.”
Cade chuckled, “a very weird one, the Force is a tricky one.”
Now confused, the Jedi Council watched as Ania, Marasiah, and Cade all chatted together.
“You’re…related?” Adi Gallia wondered, her eyes wide. Ania nodded. 
Now this just got more interesting.
“But, how?” Obi-wan asked, his face scrunched.
“We have the same ancestor,” Cade crossed his arms.
“And who would that be?” Mace narrowed his eyes.
“Anakin Skywalker.”
Said man faltered, “w-what.”
Luke, was just as confused, they too were related to his father?
“Anakin Skywalker? Here?” Han groaned.
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker came forward, his arms crossed against his chest. The time travelers’ eyes widened comically, gasps were heard, and disbelief rang throughout the Force.
Bail Organa coughed softly, “maybe you can tell us what Knight Skywalker means to you.”
Luke casted his gaze over to the man who claims to be Anakin Skywalker, and there he is, standing in all his glory. Anakin Skywalker.
“He…well…Anakin Skywalker is my father.”
Ahsoka’s eyes grew, oh dear, how is Master going to get out of this one?
Leia nodded, “He is…my biological father, Luke and I are twins,” her face soured slightly as she admitted the fact. She had not forgiven him yet, but in the light of things, she believed it was best to just go along with it.
Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin giggled, “we’re his grandchildren!”
“Jacen is the eldest, then it’s me, Jaina, and our younger brother, Anakin!”
The elder Skywalker felt his face grow hot, his heart racing a mile a minute. He caught the gaze of his wife, who sent him a reassuring smile, she too, was having a difficult time handling this.
“Your last names?” Kit Fisto asked politely.
Han sputtered, “what!? How do you kids have my last name!?”
Jacen looked unimpressed, “it’s cause we’re your kids.”
Anakin Jr. put his hands on his hips, “and Leia is our mother.”
Leia and Han paled at the thought, scooting away from each other.
Mon Mothma could only sigh. A red headed boy stepped up, blue eyes twinkled when he saw his grandfather pale.
“The name’s Ben Skywalker, I’m Luke Skywalker’s son.”
Luke turned sharply to stare at the red headed boy. But, who is the mother? The only woman who popped in his head was the one who was standing next to him. Mara Jade.
Ki-Adi Mundi put his hand under his chin in thought, strange.
Nat and Kol also stepped up, introducing themselves, garnering another round of surprise coming from the Jedi of the Old Republic.
Allana quietly said her name, stating who her father was, making Jacen go red and Jaina to laugh quite loudly, teasing him relentlessly. Ania had a small on her face, watching the smaller versions of the first Skywalker-Solo lineages goof off. 
“What about Marasiah Fel then? If I remember correctly, you said Ania was your cousin,” Mon spoke, trying hard to ignore the fact that the people of the future are Jedi Skywalker’s descendants. Does he ever follow the rules?
“My great great grandmother is Jaina Solo. Ania is Jacen’s descendant, and I, Jaina’s. Making us cousins,” explained the future empress, her hands folded neatly across her stomach.
Ahsoka now only had one question remaining on her mind and she was sure it was on everyone else’s.
“Who’s the mother of Master Skywalker’s children then?”
Several pairs of eyes snapped to her direction making her fix her posture, not wanting everyone to see her as only a child padawan.
The senators and Jedi Masters looked at the future Skywalkers who looked anywhere but at the front of the room where the people of the Old Republic stood.
“W-we don’t know,” Leia finally spoke up, “we thought…well, we thought that our father had a one night stand.”
The people of old looked highly skeptical of this theory.
The other time travelers muttered their own theories, some stating that they thought she was also a Jedi, possibly a smuggler, and other crazy stories.
“We just know she would have to look like Leia, since I look like my father, at least according to Be–I mean Obi-wan Kenobi,” Luke explained.
The auburn haired master coughed as he was now put in the spotlight.
“I’ve noticed that Miss Leia Skywalker,” Shaak Ti started, making Leia sour instantly, “young Allana Solo, young Jacen Solo and Miss Ania Solo all share close resemblances to Senator Amidala.”
The young female senator was now under scrutiny of her colleagues, the Masters of the Jedi Council, and the people of the future.
“Master Ti is right,” Aayla said in her heavy accent.
“Skywalker, do you have anything to say about this?” the face of Mace Windu was clouded, as his anger seeped through. The ones bearing the last name Skywalker all turned to the Korun master.
“What did I do?” The Skywalkers exclaimed in unison, making Mace quickly back track his words.
Anakin wisely kept quiet, his own thoughts getting to the better of him. I have a family…Padmé  and I made a legacy oh how I wish we could talk in private.
Padmé, feeling a headache coming on, could not help the joy that spread through her. She and Anakin made a family, their family made a family and so forth. She was excited and words could not describe the feeling. Oh no, the Jedi Council, she forgot about them in the heat of the moment.
She took a glance to her husband, giving him an unnoticeable nod.
The blonde Jedi Knight coughed, making the attention come his way. 
“Contrary to your…beliefs, I’m married.”
The entire room was not prepared, as a matter in fact, those weren’t the words that they expected to come out of the patriarch of the Skywalker clan’s mouth.
“To who?”
“Me,” Padmé stepped up, her head held high, this wasn’t how she imagined she would reveal their marriage, but no time like the present, right?
Bail and Mon were extremely surprised, their colleague, who had no interest in romantic relationships, was married? They had told her to pursue such things, saying that it was a wonderful thing to be connected to a person, who would love and cherish you. Yet, here she was, steps ahead of them.
“Hm, how many months, were you?” Yoda asked, his glimmer stick thumping softly. 
“Two and a half years, just after the Battle of Geonosis,” Anakin answered, his voice firm, Obi-wan pinched the bridge of his nose.
Force, help me.
“This is going against the Code–”
“What code?” Luke was now confused, while he was thrilled to know that he was a product of his parents’ love, at least he hoped so, he wondered about the code they seem to obsess and worship.
“The Jedi Code states that one should not hold romantic attachments,” Anakin explained to his son.
Kol was now laughing, “that wasn’t in the Code, as a Jedi Master myself and knowing history, Luke Skywalker made the Code after he rebuilt the Order and it never stated that.”
“How can one person, especially a Skywalker, change a code that existed well over two thousand years?” An angered Agen Kolar grit out.
“Rebuilt the Order?” Anakin had a bad feeling about this. Mara rolled her eyes, this was becoming too much, they’ve been here for hours and she needed some rest.
“The Jedi Order was destroyed, Jedi were killed and an empire, under the rule of the sith,  rose the day Luke and I were born, allegedly,” coughed Leia.
There was nothing but silence.
Pure unadulterated silence.
“Take a break we will, come back later, we must, to your rooms, the padawans will take you,” Yoda finally decided, he needed the Force to show him the way.
There were no signs or sounds of disagreement, they moved out of the room, leaving only a few Jedi left in the room.
“Skywalker,” Yoda called out to Anakin, “expel you, I will not, need you here, the Force demands. Until the agenda of the Force is finished, your status of your knighthood, you may keep,” he hobbled away with Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Shaak Ti.
 Anakin slumped against the wall in relief.
Obi-wan was disappointed. That much was obvious.
But he couldn’t place it.
Was he disappointed at his padawan? At himself? At the Code?
What had happened?
When Yoda had called a recess break, he inwardly refused, he wanted answers.
What happened to him? Anakin? The padawans?
Sitting in a meditation position, he searched the Force for guidance.
Though a small part of him was happy, happy that Anakin had a family, though the Code absolutely refuses such a thing. Spending the small amount of time with the Solo children, he could already feel fondness growing, and knowing it was his padawan’s great offspring, made his fondness grow.
Somewhere in his mind, he was proud that the Skywalker lineage were accomplished Jedi Masters, or politicians.
At least he found the answers to that, knowing how much Anakin hated politics.
Padmé was–is–good for him, no doubt about that, she grounded Anakin when he could not, she gave him peace, peace that the Jedi Knight so often searched for, looked for, meditated for.
He only hoped that it did not end in disaster.
Opening his eyes, he left his room and went to the cafeteria. Already there was talk about the strange occurrence of the strange beings who appeared out of nowhere.
Force help him.
Force help Anakin.
Force help the galaxy.
The appearance of the Skywalkers could either mean two things.
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magnusbae · 11 months
You’ve caused me to be absolutely obsessed with obikin to the point that i literally cant think about anything else and i havent even seen anything starwars related for years just thought i might let you know lmao
Also if you have any more fic recs i wouldnt say no 👉👈
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It is red and alarming to draw your attention as yes I did— indeed— finally found a fic to recommend! only took me some 9 days but hey.
First thing first though— I am so infinitely pleased by being the cause of your demise— pardon, obsession. 😌😌😌
You've brightened my day by letting me know, and the only reason it had taken me time to respond was because I wanted to have a rec I would truly feel I can stand behind, start to finish!
So here we are~
Now, so far I had tried to give recommendations that would be vastly different in every sense of the word, however if you pay attention, there's one consistent link between the things I do feel like recommending— and it is consistency.
I firmly believe that consistency makes the story more than any level of quality or absurdness. As it happens to be, this fic possesses both consistency and quality :)
Speak no Evil by Exonerin
It's— tam tam tam~ an ABO AU! Yes, yes I know. While usually used for heavily kinky thematics, this one is.... rather different in many ways. If you've never tried abos or had read so many you've seen it all, or you've never really liked the whole notion— well this one, I feel like, can really fit all three case. Alternative ABOs is the thing I enjoy the most, non-classic, non-traditional sort of ABO world building is a joy to behold, truly. I urge you to try this one, as it is solid, wonderful and simply enjoyable start to finish. Firm Show-don't-Tell, extremely witty writing and language, solid characteristics and just— frankly, fun. Just fun. Nothing much else. I had a blast reading through this, and I think many more people would. I recommend trying this, even if ABO was never your thing. Trust me. 😌
Again, truly pleased to welcome you in this hell I had come to call a home, I do hope you enjoy this ride as it only gets wilder with time. 😌💞💖💕
P.S I forgot to say that this is by far, my absolutely most favorite portrayal of a top Obi-Wan. Me, every time Obi-Wan does something in this fic: 😳👉🏻👈🏻 haha. Take is as you may. 😌💖
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shootingstarpilot · 1 year
For the WIP ask game 😊
ask game
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
god bless you, anon <3
so. the first one i have in mind is a time-travel au- an as of yet undetermined amount of time after order 66 goes through, the clones wake up back on kamino- just in time to see obi-wan turning away from the overlooking window.
obviously, mass chaos ensues. cody manages to wrangle most of ghost together, and they immediately go hunting for their jedi. all the way there, they're trying to figure what to say- he won't know them, he has no reason to trust him, and they'd shot him down- they can't not go looking for him, but what are they supposed to say-?
except then it all becomes a moot point, because they round the corner and hear the distinctive hiss-snap of a lightsaber, and obi-wan's voice, cold as ice-
"you are going to tell me everything you know about the chips, prime minister, and you are going to tell me now."
yeah. he got sent back too.
cody and co burst in, obi-wan whips around to face them, and for a moment he looks absolutely shattered before he wipes his expression clean and says, "co- commander. i can explain-"
and cody's voice cracks when he says, "obi-wan-"
and that's when obi-wan realizes.
anyway. of course there are hugs. and maybe smooches.
but i have a secret motivation for this. yes, i am fucking around with my own ocs' timelines here. but i don't care, because i have an Image in my head and it will not go away:
when everything goes down, helix takes half a second to reorient himself and immediately establishes his priorities. he can hear cody shouting, makes a note of it, but there's something higher on his list-
well. two somethings.
he goes for stitch first.
he finds him in the barracks. they're mostly empty, by now, but helix knows stitch and knows his instinct to retreat into small spaces and knows the way his head fills up with so much noise sometimes that it makes it impossible for him to do anything else, and if anything would be Noisy it would be this-
he screams stitch's name when he hits the cadet barracks- screams again, no response, but something is pushing him onwards, down the endless rows of bunks, and then he sees a tiny lump huddled under a blanket-
and he knows.
the relief nearly throttles him. he hears a tiny little sniffle and sits down on the edge of the bed, puts a hand on what he guesses to be a shoulder, and the lump stops breathing-
the blanket shifts. a head pops up.
my point. my point is. give me helix hugging actual tiny toddler stitch or give me death.
so. they find each other. they're missing their third.
needle's not in the barracks. he's not in the mess. he's not in any of the winding, endless hallways. he's not, when they meet up, with cody and company.
then stitch goes very still.
"what's the date?"
helix tells him. stitch goes white.
"we have to run," he says. "we have to run now."
stitch is right.
helix hits the hallway leading to the decomm rooms just in time to see the doors slide open and a bloody-nosed needle comes staggering out with a blaster held loosely in one hand. helix sees behind him, through the door, on the floor- the unmoving bodies of two longnecks.
needle's cloudy gaze focuses on them.
"it was gonna be me," he croaks. "couldn't let them wipe me."
stitch shrieks needle's name from where he's propped on helix's hip, and helix lunges forward just in time to catch him when his knees buckle.
there's a whole lot of information slotting into place all at once, and helix carefully sets aside the horror of it and holds onto needle (if he's even still? yet? their needle-) and tries to figure out-
then he feels the huff of a ragged laugh against his shoulder, and knows.
"actual baby," needle murmurs. the hug is returned at last- the two of them, clinging to each other, with stitch sandwiched between them- "can't tell me you're not a baby anymore. tiny baby."
stitch hiccups. "needle?"
"my baby," needle says, and helix can hear the smile in his voice.
stitch bursts into tears.
they do, eventually, go find the others. there are more hugs, unneeded apologies, even more hugs-
and, soon enough, plans.
palpatine won't know what hit him.
i don't think i'm organized enough to actually write this- to stick with the canon timeline, i mean- but the playground is fun as FUCK.
(anakin gets arrested as soon as he returns from tatooine, too. fuck him.)
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 months
Do you have Ideas on Hondo and Jango's relationship? I imagine that neither of them can trust the other, but Jango knows that Hondo is smart enough that he wouldn't want to provoke a Mandolorian's wrath... For the most part. Hondo absolutely would still, let's say give a tip to Jango's enemies, if he knew for 100% certainly that it couldn't be traced back to him. Or maybe Jango does figure it out, but finds that he doesn't particularly care.
Otherwise Jango would use Hondo as a source of intel. Don't need to worry about any of the pirate king's inflated fees when you have a client that can pay it for you. They're not drinking buddies by any means but Hondo will still convince him to drink or join one of his merry parties before sharing information.
What I really enjoy thinking about if it was Hondo's at the time newly formed Ohnaka Gang that broke Jango out of a life of slavery. He would be grateful towards Hondo, though it was only by coincidence. But once Hondo discovers that the Jango Fett, the galaxy most feared and greatest bounty hunter, was the same one that was abroad that slave ship, he would be thrilled speechless.
Anyway that's all I have... for now : D
Yes, I think about that all the time! The Ohnaka Gang being the one to break him out of slavery. I mention it here in another post, but I do have thoughts about them!
I for sure think it’s a stroke of luck, or a coincidence that they meet. Perhaps the spice freighter was in their territory, somewhere close to the Corporate Sector, or the Tion Hegemony, as that is where they are known to patrol. As Jango was freed by pirates, it just makes sense for it to be Ohnaka in my head, especially as he mentions them to be friends in "Secrets of the Bounty Hunters" and that he thought him to be an honorable man in the Clone Wars.
To that end, legends says Jango "fought them off" to get off the ship. In my head, what I think went down is that since Hondo is familiar with slavery, having been a slave himself, is that he gives him a pass, making it clear he only cares about the spice and even helps him kill those who enslaved him.
They definitely have a history together. Hondo used to work jobs and "run with Aurra Sing" and a group of mercs, even when he was already pirating. We can assume since the new Jango comics have been released that Jango ran with Aurra from time to time as well, and that perhaps they were all in it together at some point.
I do not think that Jango totally trusts Ohnaka, but I do think that Hondo legitimately thought Jango to be his friend, just like he considers Obi-Wan, or other bounty hunters to be his friends. Again, this is me referencing Secrets of the Bounty Hunters, where he talks favorably of others such as Bossk and Cad Bane.
Considering the fact Hondo stayed neutral between Sing and the Jedi, I am not sure if he would sell out Jango, especially if he considered him an ally in any capacity. I mean, Jango has the title before Bane/Boba of the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, and that is a line you do not want to cross. If Jango did find out something like that happened, I do not think he would take it lightly, especially if it interfered with Boba in some way. Hondo is not stupid, he says so himself. Ultimately, I don't think he would want to put himself in that position.
As far as drinking buddies, I can see them being chummy to a degree. Maybe some nights get more out of hand than others, especially if Aurra or Cad are involved. Hondo knows almost everyone, and you know he threw extravagant parties. Considering Hondo complains of no one having honor anymore, and the fact he names Jango as being an honorable man, makes me think he respected Fett more so than not. Maybe Hondo even gave him a ride off that damn freighter, hooked him up with a ship to hunt down his enemies, all for a price, of course... The return of a favor in the future, perhaps. This may also be a reason for Jango not to take the bounty on his head later on, as I am sure Hondo has people after him for his many crimes.
I don't think Jango truly trusted anyone, however, due to his past and personal hangups. Hondo most likely understood this, as his own men are always trying to stab him in the back. And yes, I agree, I bet Hondo was easily a contact for him where he could gain Intel if he needed it, as Hondo kept his eyes and ears open. Information is another commodity one can sell for profit.
Overall, I don't see any reason for them not to be "friends." Of course, Hondo has a reputation for being a scoundrel, for lying, cheating people, and the like. I am sure Jango keeps that in mind during their interactions, but if Hondo pulls through time and time again on information, or shows that his offer of friendship is genuine more than once, Jango may let his guard down, if only slightly. That is not to say that neither of them are not always watching their own backs.
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topsy-cryptid · 4 months
I expected to go into the Acolyte hating the broad strokes but appreciating the minor details, but this show surprised me by reversing that expectation! So, here's my review of the first two episodes.
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The Broad Strokes:
The gorgeous visuals. Dare I say it? On par with Andor.
The pacing. Intrigue was set up and maintained! I'm not entirely sold on this show (see: Minor Nitpicks) but I'm still curious enough to see it through to the end.
The characters. Sol is the most likable character so far, with Osha and Jecki as close seconds. I dislike Mae, but that's just because she's a well-written villain.
White and gold color schemes my beloved. So elegant and dignified!
The premise. Most of the other Star Wars shows released this year were building upon previous shows (Bad Batch – Clone Wars :: Ahsoka – Rebels). The Acolyte is the first time the High Republic has been shown on screen, which is a tremendous undertaking. I think they did a fantastic job with the setting.
The fight scenes! Indara's fight with Mae is particularly memorable because it's so cool to see Force-enhanced battling in real life. Like, oh! Now I see what the prequels Jedi meant by "the Force is clouded"! This is what it looks like when they're at their peak!
PowerPoint transitions.
Balancing plot, action, and character moments. This is part of pacing, but it deserves it's own bullet point because this is massively hard to do.
The Minor Nitpicks:
"Our political enemies might use this against us." Tell me you didn't put any effort into political worldbuilding without telling me. What political enemies? I don't expect names, but I would like to have a broad idea of what the stakes are, especially if this is going to be an ongoing issue for the Jedi characters in this series.
Jecki was talking to Osha on the ship and even smiling, then Sol and Yord walked in, and Jecki's smile dropped, like she was doing something she wasn't supposed to. Why?
I've been getting into East Asian cinema, and going from that to The Acolyte makes it extremely obvious that these actors are Westerners. Something about the way they bow, and the way they request permission to speak. The Jedi's respect-based culture is not natural to any of these characters.
Every guy I went to high school with acted like that apothecary owner. I don't understand why Hollywood is obsessed with this character archetype, but honestly, I wouldn't mind never seeing it again.
Does Indara not know anything about tactics? Obviously Mae threw the knife at the bar owner to distract Indara. Really, Indara should have killed Mae when she had the chance, but her guilt and shock understandably stopped her. In that case, she should have changed her position on the battlefield to prioritize protecting the bar owner until Mae gave up and left.
Torbin's death had "video game player character commits suicide when their constitution gets too low" energy. It isn't insensitive to do it this way, it's just not how I would've done it. Suicide is not a foregone conclusion for poor mental health.
I'm sorry, I have to bring up the attachment discourse. The characters in The Acolyte are far too preoccupied with it. The Late Republic (prequel era) Jedi had the same rules against attachment, but they trusted each other to know what they were doing. For example, when Obi-Wan defends his former Padawan (Anakin) against Mace Windu in ROTS, Mace is skeptical but holds his tongue. When Master Sol does the same in The Acolyte, Vernestra immediately accuses him of attachment. Why? Why doesn't she trust Sol (a Jedi Master who has proven himself) to mind his own attachments?
Master Sol is moderately shocked that his former Padawan was accused of murder, and Vernestra goes, "I didn't know you still had feelings for her. :/" Not even the prequel Jedi were this critical. Yes, even Luminara.
Overall, I did like the show, and though my standards are low for it, I am excited for the next episode. I probably won't be reblogging much about it, but so far I appreciate this show as an addition to the Star Wars canon. Well, it's better than Ahsoka and Book of Boba Fett, which is good enough in my book.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
More Time Heals Quotes!
Sabine: Self-care is suppressing all your trauma until it comes back and hits you in the face with the force of 7 very large trucks.
Sabine: Where’s Jacen? Ahsoka: Around. Sabine: Around? Sabine: You don’t have any idea, do you? Jacen, dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling???
Jacen: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Sabine: You're like 15 years old Jacen: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Obi-Wan: What happened to Ezra? Sabine: He died. Obi-Wan: He what? Sabine: He died, but he’s okay. Obi-Wan: …Can you please clarify? Ezra: Clarification is for the weak.
Jacen: You shouldn't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Eris: Everyone tells me that I've gone mad with power. Eris: Well of course I have! Eris: Have you ever tried going mad without power? Eris: It's boring.
Jacen: Bye Ahsoka! Bye Anakin! Bye Obi-Wan! Bye Sabine! Bye Ahsoka! Mace: You said ‘bye Ahsoka’ twice. Jacen: I like Ahsoka.
Anakin: You might not know this, Sabine, but I am a flawed person. Sabine: I do know that.
Sabine: *holds a gun out to Satine* Satine: I don't believe in weapons. Sabine: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Ahsoka: What does “take out” mean? Jacen: Food. Ezra: Dating. Sabine: Murder. Anakin: It can be all three if you’re brave enough.
Obi-Wan: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? Jacen: Maybe a bit tipsy? Sabine: Drunk. Anakin: Wasted. Quinlan: Dead.
Beru: What do I get? Zhaya: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death. Beru: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one. Zhaya: It won't be you. Beru: I'll get my coat.
Anakin: So, did everyone learn their lesson? Sabine: No. Ezra: I did not. Ahsoka: I may have actually forgotten one. Jacen: Also no. Anakin: Oh good, neither did I. Obi-Wan: *Exhausted sigh*
Ezra: Look guys, I need help. Shipper: Love help? Sabine: Financial help? Jacen: Emotional help? Anakin: Help moving a body? *Everybody looks at Anakin* Anakin: What?
Shipper: Hey, Commander Bridger, are you free on Friday? Like around eight? Sabine: Yeah. Shipper: And, uh, other Commander Bridger? Ezra: Umm... yes? Shipper: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date! Sabine: Did he just—
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pandora15 · 1 year
okay I didn't sleep very well which means that this is the perfect time for me to write a very obnoxiously long post about my very complicated feelings about ahsoka (both the show and the character).
there will be vague spoilers for what we've seen for the show so far (as of this writing, the first three episodes).
also this will definitely be ramble-y and probably a bit controversial? idk man it's the star wars fandom, I'm sure to piss someone off regardless of what I say here, and I don't really care.
I'm gonna start with a simple statement.
I don't like the idea of one Jedi being better than another.
Clarification: Obi-Wan is by and large my favorite character of all time. He is my favorite Jedi. However, in my eyes, that does not make him better than all the other Jedi. That does not make him a better Jedi than all the others that we've seen in canon, just because I (or a lot of us in this specific fandom circle) like him.
make sense?
okay cool.
In a similar sense, Ahsoka is not better than all the other Jedi, including all the ones who taught her and helped shape her to who she ultimately becomes. Don't get me wrong, she is an incredible character who has gone through so much and has survived it all. And I take comfort in her character nearly as much as I take comfort in Obi-Wan's.
The way the show is going so far seems to imply that the approach that she's taking with Sabine by training her at all, when Huyang has said multiple times that the Jedi of old (ie. up until the end of the Clone Wars) would not have trained her, is absolutely the right and wonderful thing to do. So the fact that Ahsoka has previously taken this chance on Sabine and is doing so again seems to imply (to me, at least) that she is better than all the Jedi who came before her, since all of them would not have done such a thing.
The whole Sabine being practically Force-null thing but still trying to be a Jedi is a whole other conversation for another post, but…a part of me is intrigued by the idea, I guess? But I still feel like it steps back on her characterization in Rebels, and I am worried about the direction they're ultimately going to take with her.
Add this to the fact that the show demonstrates that Ahsoka has complicated feelings about the Jedi Order and being a Jedi. The fact that she calls Sabine her Padawan (a Jedi term afaik) eases my concerns slightly, maybe? I don't think it's clear quite yet how she feels about the whole thing.
But all of this stems from what happened to her during the Wrong Jedi arc.
And in the lead-up to this show, I rewatched that arc. On this rewatch, I felt a lot of sympathy for what Ahsoka goes through. She's on her own for most of the time that she's on the run, and obviously I can't say what would have happened if she'd chosen not to run away and investigate to the extent that she did, but it does seem to pile up even more evidence against her — but it also gave Anakin the stepping stones that he needed to figure out it was Barriss and Barriss the opportunity to sort of expose herself as the culprit. Like if Ahsoka hadn't run away to the lower levels to try to figure it out, would she have been better off?
We don't know. I'm not gonna make assumptions.
As for the Order and the Council, I'm going to say about that arc what I've said before: they were placed in an impossible situation. The war has drained them of the trust the public had once had in them, their dependence on the Senate made it so that they couldn't go against them.
Ahsoka says in the arc that she believes that no one in the Order fought for her, besides maybe Anakin. Yet we literally see Obi-Wan tell the Council that they can't expel her, we see the Council invite her back after her name is cleared because they still see her as one of them. A Jedi.
And yes, maybe they could have done something differently to change things. Maybe they could have taken a stand with Ahsoka against Tarkin and all the other Senators who called for Ahsoka's expulsion/trial. Maybe they could have refused to expel her to prevent all of that from happening.
But I can't imagine that things would have gone well for them or for Ahsoka if they'd done that.
Needless to say, Ahsoka could have done things differently to lead to a better outcome, and the Council could have, as well — but we don't actually know if it would have worked.
Putting all of that aside though, the way Ahsoka's character is approached after the Wrong Jedi arc aired is changed drastically, compared to how it was approached before that arc. Which makes sense, since she walks away from the life she knows and has to figure things out and all that. I know it must have been really tough for her, walking away.
Ahsoka's arc in Rebels is beautiful. I love it. The way she contends with the knowledge that Vader is Anakin, ultimately leading up to her duel with him and her sacrificing herself so that Ezra and Kanan can get away? It's so heart-wrenching to me, even now. Learning that Ezra ultimately saves her with the WBW made me so happy because she is such an important character to me, and to see her ultimately die at Vader's hand would have been completely heartbreaking.
And to see her again the Rebels epilogue, with the implication that she survives the events of the OT, was one of the most glorious endings I've seen in Star Wars. Just thinking about it makes me smile.
But after this is where the cracks begin to form for me.
We go back to Season 7 of TCW. I found the Martez sisters arc pretty fun, having rewatched it recently. However, there is this plot point of Ahsoka seeing that the Jedi are not doing anything for the people of Coruscant, since they're. you know. busy fighting a galaxy wide war and all that. (Also like the welfare of Coruscant's people is not strictly the Jedi's responsibility like assuming Coruscant has a Senator or maybe even the Chancellor would also have some level of responsibility, yeah? but people love to blame the Jedi for their problems, in and out of universe).
Anyways, the arc indicates that the Jedi are in the wrong, even though, once again, they're in this impossible situation for one thing, and they're also being "blamed" for things that aren't even their fault? And Ahsoka is like the only person who can see that so now it makes her better than all of them?
We see that play out a bit at the beginning of the Siege of Mandalore arc (which is still incredibly painful to me, thanks). We see Bo-Katan take shots at Obi-Wan for literally just saying that he has to speak to the Council about her request (I could be remembering wrong, I'm trying to double check this but youtube is literally refusing to load right now), and Ahsoka just stands there and lets it happen because "wow why are they not helping us how dare they be busy with a war omg after everything they've done to me"
And to be fair to ahsoka, it hasn't been that long since TWJ and it's totally valid for her to still be upset about it! I guess it's just painful to see especially for me because I've always loved Obi-Wan and Ahsoka's dynamic and it was just. yeah.
And yeah, Ahsoka decides to do the same to Obi-Wan later on when he says they have to go to Coruscant because their people are in danger, and Ahsoka's upset that they're not prioritizing Mandalore's people over Coruscant. Which like. Coruscant's people literally includes the two sisters you became friends with last week Ahsoka what do you mean —
in those opening moments of the siege of mandalore, it's clear that she still has a lot of emotions over what happened, and Obi-Wan takes the brunt of that. let's also not forget that she doesn't seem to want to talk to Anakin until later on, yeah?
and the way it's framed in the show, they really make it seem like ahsoka's in the right for treating Anakin and Obi-Wan like this. Like they deserve it for doing something differently than her.
When Mace Windu calls her a citizen when she LITERALLY called herself that first, people say he deserves to die? like what the fuck? it's not that serious y'all.
It's like Ahsoka has suddenly become the perfect character who can do nothing wrong ever and any time another character tries to go against that, it's implied that she's in the right and she's better than them all, actually. it's canon because dave filoni says it is.
skipping over the mando and tbobf episodes mostly because I don't have much to say about those episodes as it relates to this topic, this brings us back to the ahsoka show today.
I think it's a beautiful show with incredible music. like I'm obsessed with the end credits music. the premise is extremely interesting. I do think it should have been animated, even though the actors have worked extremely hard to get the characters down and I've literally seen how excited and passionate they are about the project while watching their interviews in-person at star wars celebration, I don't think it would ever feel the same as having the original voice actors back for all the characters.
that being said, I'm enjoying the show so far, but I am concerned. I'm worried about what the show is going to communicate about the Jedi Order and that it's going to continue to imply that Ahsoka is better and knows better than all the Jedi who brought her to where she is now.
I hope that the show is able to communicate that Ahsoka wants to be respectful of those Jedi, instead, and that they paint the concept of being a Jedi in a more positive light, instead of continuing to imply all this negativity.
I love the Jedi, and I just wish we got to see more of them in a positive light in canon.
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lilredghost · 1 year
I doubt my lil ask with spark much muse bc I know how that goes as a writer, but!! Just wanted u to know that I am vv curious about bring me in from the pasture & where you take it. Good stuff right there!! 😌
OK see it's crazy because I have so much enthusiasm for this fic!! I had a wonderful brainstorming session with @kyberkenobi last month-ish and we came up with so many ideas! For some reason I'm just having a hard time actually motivating myself to write it
But you asked, so I sat down to bang this out last night!
[Obikin. Rated E. Hucow Obi-Wan.]
“Great!” Obi-Wan says brightly.
He heads towards the door, and Anakin steps in front of him in a panic. “Wait! Master, you can’t go out like this.”
Obi-Wan looks down at himself, clearly not understanding. But he’s still dressed in only a thin undertunic that hides absolutely nothing. Anakin can see his breasts bouncing when he walks, can see his stiffened nipples jutting out against the fabric.
For Force’s sake, he’s not even wearing pants.
“But the clothes you gave me….” Obi-Wan begins, shifting uncomfortably. “There are too many. And they’re too rough, Anakin, I don’t like it.”
“They’re not rough,” Anakin says, baffled. “They’re for protection, Master.”
“Oh.” His Master frowns.
And then, with a nervous glance to their door—
“Do I need protection here?”
“Well. No,” Anakin hesitates, then shakes his head roughly. “You can't negotiate your way out of this, Obi-Wan! You need to wear more clothes!”
The frown deepens to a scowl, but his Master turns around, trudging obediently to the bedroom.
He takes long enough that Anakin gets impatient, thumbing through messages on his comm and wondering if he needs to help Obi-Wan get dressed.
The thought of that— his hands on Obi-Wan’s skin, guiding his limbs carefully through his tunic, kneeling to help him with his leggings…
Well; maybe it’s better he doesn’t.
He wants his Master, and every time Obi-Wan touches him, every time Obi-Wan needs his help, every time Obi-Wan remembers something about Anakin and about their life before— it only feeds the greedy monster in Anakin’s chest.
He wants everything from Obi-Wan. And he knows that if he asked, his Master would give it. That Obi-Wan, trusting Anakin to know what’s best, would let him do whatever he liked.
But he can’t betray that trust.
So he waits by the door, fiddling aimlessly with his comm, until Obi-Wan emerges wearing pants and an outer tunic with a thicker weave. Anakin ignores the lack of tabards or robes, sliding his Master a pair of simple shoes.
“Good job,” he says. The praise is clumsy on his tongue, but it's worth it for the way that Obi-Wan brightens up at the words. “Ready for a walk?”
“Yes.” Obi-Wan’s Force signature unfurls, brushing against his for the first time since his return.
Anakin tries not to tear up, pressing against him in the Force warmly. He thought he’d never get to feel his Master like this again.
“Leash?” Obi-Wan asks abruptly.
“For our walk,” he says. “Do you have a collar and leash? And I’d like to wear the collar inside too, if that’s okay—”
“No,” Anakin cries, voice pitching high and incredulous. “Obi-Wan, I’m not walking you around the Temple like a pet. Nobody’s expecting you to wear a collar, I promise.”
He expects Obi-Wan to be relieved, but the man frowns instead, eyes dipping down in what can only be shame.
Anakin sighs, scrubbing his face with one palm. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
But Obi-Wan only shakes his head, slipping on his shoes. “It’s okay,” he says quietly. “Let’s go.”
Guilt sits heavy in Anakin’s chest. His Master had been so excited by the prospect of a walk, and now—
He reaches out, pulling Obi-Wan into a hug. Touch, by far, has been the best way to get through to him.
“I’m sorry,” Anakin says. “Will you tell me why you want a collar so much?”
His Master’s fingers curl into the fabric of Anakin’s robes. “It makes me feel safe,” he whispers. “Everyone will know I’m your cow, so no one will bother me.”
Blood rushes south so fast that Anakin feels dizzy.
Everyone will know I’m your cow.
“You are mine,” he agrees, unthinking. “We’ll get you a collar, Obi-Wan. Don’t worry.”
Obi-Wan hums with pleasure, relaxing into his arms. “One with a bell?”
Is it possible to die of arousal? What if he overheats and passes out?
The idea of Obi-Wan in a collar— in Anakin’s collar— taking a daily walk with him, bell jingling sweetly—
“Yeah,” he chokes out. “You can have a little bell and everything.”
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
Okay, 2 things I really, really love about your writing and DLB (be prepared for praise)
1. Your commentary and meta on the Force. Reading through your post on how western (Christianity) theology ruined the prequels— yes! I have been saying this for years but I never knew how to put it in words or explain why the force felt so different in the PT vs the OT, and why I always preferred the force in the OT more than the PT (you hit the nail on the head). And I appreciate that this is the route you’ve taken in your writing, and I have to say since I’m writing my own SW fic I have been reading through that post and applying it to how I write about the force in my own story, and looking at things with a more critical eye and being mindful of what the force is and how it does/doesn’t work.
2. Your characterization of Anakin. I think yours is the best characterization of him I’ve ever read in a fic (I mean it). When I read DLB, I feel like I’m actually reading an Anakin from the PT. I think when it comes to a lot of fics about Anakin, I think authors tend to write him more like he is in the TCW, which is totally fine (I love the TCW) but DLB is just refreshing to me, and I know it’s because you’re sticking mostly to the movies with added bits from the TCW. For me, TCW Anakin feels a lot different from PT Anakin (sometimes it feels like they’re two different people), and Ive always preferred the Anakin in the movies (which is why I LOVE DLB). And it’s not just Anakin, but all of the characters are just written extremely well and true to their portrayals in the movies: shmi, padme, obi-wan, the list goes on.
3. (I know I only said 2, but I feel like being a Rebel). I think you’re one of the first authors of a SW time travel to bring up the very poignant point that just because it’s a time travel fic does not mean that we’re owed a big reveal. I mean, honestly, if I was Leia and I was dropped into that situation, I would do the exact same thing. My mouth would be wired shut, you’d have to tickle/torture me to get that out of me. Leia doesn’t owe anyone that part of herself and it’s not super relevant either, so why bring it up just to bring it up. If it does end up being relevant to the plot then I would very much enjoy a reveal, but you’re such a good writer that no matter where the cards fall I know I will not be disappointed either way— I am all here for how you write it. But the way you’ve written so far feels realistic and authentic to how a real person would react in that situation
I’ll end it here, but yeah! I appreciate you and DLB and I look forward to seeing where you take things.
I am blushing like crazy, you're so kind.
1) I know my rejection of an even semi-sentient Force isn't popular and doesn't mesh with current canon, but I prefer and stand by it. I'm glad that it resonates with someone else!
2) I agree that Anakin characterization is So Hard because he's not really consistent between the OT, PT, and TCW. I find my interpretation strongly influenced by TPM Anakin specifically (another Anakin!). That bright, kind little boy who was too smart and too talented for his own good! I love him and I want to protect him!
3) Be a Rebel! :) The "reveal" issue is something I think about a lot. I get lots of comments--ever increasing as the story goes on and the silence holds--about how excited or anxious people are for a reveal. What they think people's reactions will be. Why it must happen at some point. I can understand the underlying tension issue, and how people are probably on the edge of their seat. But I agree with you anon, Leia doesn't owe her past to anyone. There have been, are, and will be consequences to her silence. If and when she chooses to break it, it will be a Big Deal for whoever she trusts with the truth.
But for now, get comfy folks. Leia isn't going to break so easily.
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