#and now theres 1. at leat i i dont have to choose!
duckduckngoose · 4 months
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A sick tourist and villager at the harvest festival? How bad could it be?
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lovingikesen · 5 years
About Me Tag
Thanks to @lovingsiriusoswald and @ellysilver for the tag!
The rules are:
Tag the person who tagged you.
Answer the question.
Tag 10 people.
How tall are you?
155 cm, i think its 5′1
What color and style is your hair?
Light brown with blonde ends, i dont do that much to my hair anymore, i used to dye it a lot but decided to give it a rest and honestly i like it how it is xD but i did everything that i wanted to my poor hair, maybe thats why i dont feel like doing too much with it now.
What color are your eyes?
Do you wear glasses?
Only for read and when using the computer, but i should wear them always xD oops
Do you wear braces?
I should but dental health is expensive in here. Someday, hopefully
What’s your fashion sense?
I have 0 fashion sense, if i like it i wear it xD it depends on the mood and the weather, but you will see on my clothes a lot of neutral colors and sometimes orange/baby pink.
Full name?
Just Kathia (but people always pronnounce it wrong, lol)
When were you born?
December 15
Where are you from and where do you live now?
Chile and Chile xD if you want more emotion, we came from the north of my country and when i was like 3 months we move to Santiago (center), aaah yes, i love those summers that burn you to death in 5 seconds and winters that frooze your teeth
What school do you go to?
I went to a catholic school and went to an university that has only careers related to comunication and art
What kind of student are you?
Im the one that procastinate a lot, always been super quiet and always forget my stuff at home xD like art materials and stuff. In university i was pretty quiet too but i had a lot of problems with some teachers because they were, honestly, terrible.
Do you like school?
Like elementary and high school? nah, i have a really a hard time in that, elementary was ok actually, but high school was hell.
Favorite subject?
On school was biology and history, on university i dont know xD i love the career that i choose is hard to choose just one subject. But as a random fact we had a semester of acting for animation and we had to act, was a lot of fun
Favorite TV show?
On an actual TV i like to see documentals...xD i feel old saying that lol but if we talk about Netflix and things like that i have a lot. I think that How I Met Your Mother hit me hard, especially beacuase i saw it after a long relationship break up.
Favorite movie?
I can name various...xD Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, How to train your dragon, Kubo (has anyone see it? its so fucking good animated), Nightmare before christmas, Coraline, a lot of Tim Burton and classicals from Disney, About Time (its precious), Leon (the professional), Kiki’s delivery Service, Ponyo, Princess Mononoke and, oh, did you say it was just one? im sorry, i couldnt xD
Favorite books?
Besides HP and Lord of the rings xD theres others but have no idea if they are on english too, im sorry, gonna leave them anyways Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseñó a volar - Luis Sepúlveda  El Inquisidor - Patricio Sturlese La casa de los Espíritus - Isabel Allende Donde los árboles cantan - Laura Gallego García Un duende a rayas - María Puncel (a child book but it gives me good memories whsgj) And a lot of other books that i read on elementary school, they gave us a lot of fun books to read.
Favorite pastime?
I dunno, read? 
Do you have any regrets?
Like most of us
Dream job?
Concept artist or something related to that
Would you ever like to be married?
Im conflicted with that, i like the “ceremony”, like the party xD but not really care about the title of husband and wife, actually i find more pretty the term of fiance, like “hey, have u meet my fiance? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” lol
Would you like to have kids?
Im not sure, a part of me yes (but in at leats 10 years more) and other part of me is scared to death of giving birth
How many?
No more than 2, im sure that with just one i will be pretty traumatized xD
Do you like shopping?
Yes and no, i enjoy it from time to time but its really exhausting too, not to mention that im broke af
What countries have you visited?
Just my own country ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Scariest nightmare you ever had?
Maybe one when i was like 9, in resume the scary part was when a teacher of my school hold my hand and begin to squeeze it and when i tried to take my hand off, i look at her face and she was becoming like a demon, yes, a demon xD i couldnt look at that teacher for months, poor woman
Any enemies?
Who knows, maybe, at least im not aware of them
Any significant other?
Yes (◡‿◡✿)
Do you believe in miracles?
How are you?
I have a cold, its the weirdest cold i ever had 
Tagging: @your-average-pyro, @elievalentine, @otome-dreams, @wishiwasfictionaltoo, @lovesluka, @kitsuhide, @valfraeyja, @justine-the-guillotine, @nosebleedingfangirl, @blackarmyslave. Im sorry if you have already been tagged!
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