#and now the effin plague is going around
mintytealfox · 9 months
I gotta know your thoughts what do you think a nortalice vampire au would be like?
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Lemme cook ya something YUMMY MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okay here goes 🤞hopefully its yummy lol
I love that Norton has a Vampy skin so -throws him back in that skin for this- lool
finds the key ingredients: -tragedy ((((all made to look like his parent's death and his almost death look like an accident and probably forcefully turned by dumbass Benny who was promising a better life -screams into a pillow- this round it being Norton who brought Benny into the life of his family (cause of the promises of better lives) which then ultimately ruined the family. something nice and heavy and awful to blame himself for) ((will there be an au where Benny isn't bad? dunno LOL maybe one of these days BUT NOT THIS DAY )))) ✅ -sealed away (after everyone realizes he can't be controlled and tried to blow it all and himself up), so he has that claustrophobia and fear of complete darkness ✅ -is starved from being sealed away for so long ✅ -Grumpy, jaded, and angry with a 1000 yard stare ✅ -only talked to the spooky green eye before he was sealed away (is also the only one who could talk to the spooky green eye) ✅ -When he is accidentally let out, he has abilities that wake up within him and now has access to what Fool's Gold can do. But super out of control until he gets that hunger under control first ✅ -instead of a bat form he has his Fool's Gold like form ✅ -sprinkles a little Case of Vanitas in there with- able to see some memories of those he takes blood from. Likely how he sneaks a peek at flashes of Alice's past after stealing some of her blood in a vial. So he sees those memories when he is alone. -I am also getting a sense that he doesn't like drinking blood from the source. He likes to drain it collect it in containers and drink it later so he doesn't feel as disgusting or disgusted. He seems like a guy who collects and saves rather than takes and wastes.
Now as for who let him out, -points- Orpheus LOL
Orpheus likely makes a deal with him, 'meh I need people killed and you need blood sooooooo, what do you say?' and boiii does Orpheus deliver 🙃 BUT when Alice arrives in place of another, things get tricky. Cause now Norton has different instructions for this one. To mess with her so Orpheus can swoop in and be a hero and friend to get her to join him again like in childhood. Norton doesn't EFFIN CARE 🤣 and is just expecting to be given extra blood in place of what he is loosing in letting Alice stick around longer, but he ends up caring which is alarming to Orpheus. A vampire getting his dead heart to care again rarely turns out well for those in the blood business/deal with them pff. And I bet there was more to the deal, that its a bit more binding than anticipated so this could cause some huge problems.
I am sure Alice will figure it out lol 🤣👏👏👏
but before that I am sure there are some scenes like:
-Norton with Alice and placing his hand in line with the sun to show that it does hurt and he does this to feel something, er rather, a different sort of pain than the constant gnawing sort that plagues him 24/7 Then making a dry joke about how he is afraid of the dark yet stuck in it.
-Alice finding out that Norton is haunted by the people he successfully blew up, haunted by the innocent and the guilty but it all feels the same. Then finding the spooky green eye and wondering whatever that is and what is it doing. She can sort of hear its whisperings but not like Norton can. The fact that she can kind of hear anything from it at all is impressive in its own right lol
-Both Alice and Norton feeling gentle touch for the first time in ages (this goes for og Norton and Alice also honestly -cries-)
-Also Benny gonna return fr fr so that won't go well cause I have him mondo baddie in this lol
Its all very interesting veerryy interesting lol
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crossxskulled · 4 years
"Ryuji-san!" Sonia called out brightly. If she couldn't decipher it for herself, she'd need to ask the source of such a personal creed. "I have heard from others that your motto is 'skate ass, eat fast!' I was wondering what it meant? Personal and family mottos are very important where I am from, especially among members of the nobility. It is not uncommon for aristocratic families to have mottos, words we live by, passed down from generation to generation. Is your motto much the same?"
☠ - That heart of his could’ve of slammed harder from his chest into his gut even if it tried. On one hand the princess’s arrival is a welcome, always is, always will be. Their time together often warranted tales that made remotely no sense but found themselves a sublime experience to ride out. So what would be the difference now? To seeing a familiar pretty face tucked with that stalwart enthusiasm to absorb new concepts that she experiences? By now it could easily be considered some level of a miracle that he carried his composure as well as he did.
“A-- Ah?” His voice barely croaks that response as it’s amidst the established importance she carries. While he holds no damn clue of how deep their creeds or whatever goes, one important concept, is that all of her attention was fixed onto this. One moment he’s feeling the sweet security of the Earth beneath his feet, the next, somehow she swept this conceptual rug from under him, unintentionally leaving him on a tightrope between mountains.
‘The hell am I even supposed to say to that!? Eff.. Eff effff man! Correcting her on it is the right thing to do, but that, shoot, it’d just be another train wreck! How else is you’re supposed to go on about eatin’ ass!?’ His mind frantically fumbles while the faint beads of sweat already began to form and drip. Pressure was currently his Goliath and the challenge ahead was to make this right, to find an unknown path, to proper re-evaluate what it means to ‘Eat ass, Skate fast.’ “Yo, Sonia?” Any doubt that plagued his thoughts hadn’t met the door of his mouth, impulse alone making it’s charge. “Kinda.. got that a lil spun around? S’more of a me thing but, the deal is to Eat ass n’ Skate fast..”
A motto that now pressed him into this exact stride. Damn it! When it doubt, it was time to look to that rebel within, to slam his fist into the depths of his heart in order to gain a whole new level of reason!
Burning within those irises would be a determined aura, facing the royal of Novoselic with a firm stance, that said drive causing him to peer deep in her eyes. “And if that’s a route ya wanna pay mind on. Ya gotta look deep, damn deep into what the soul is sayin’ when you’re rocking this kind road.” He exclaims, settling a hand on his chest before continuing on.
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”You gotta Eat that Ass of Life! After all, there’s some ass out here we always gotta deal with on the everyday. It can be round as the moon. Coming at ya from multiple angles with the curveball style of a pear. Sometimes it bounces into the unknowns and slams down ruthlessly and at others-- could just be like Bam!” He emphasizes with the clap of his hands. “Directly in your face.”
“That’s right. Another Serious Situation. Devour it like whole meal! Being part of the wild crowd known as people? S’a thing we’ll always be dealin’ with one way or another!” ...Just what was this feeling?
Why in the two hells did his spirit feel like it was transcending? Finding a foothold within hell and suddenly tugging forth with all he has? What appears like some haphazardly holy glow begins to surround Ryuji’s figure while he reaffirms his stance. “And if there’s no momentum under your sails? You can even kiss that as a pipe dream! That’s where skating fast comes as the follow up for this combo!”
“Momentum is key. The first step is your definitely requirement, once you find that place Sonia-- a special realm where only you can call it your dominion, that place of full focus? Lemme tell ya a pace like that will go n’ invigorate the hearts of the world itself ‘round ya! So once you find your pace, no second thoughts, no worried guesses, take a dive if your heart is screaming that you’re sure! Take that one way road to a form of you that any n’ all can effin’ dream of!”
“Ya gotta pound it to the point where it can even think!”
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”Eat ass, Skate fast! Seein’ where I’m coming right now? It’s all about spirit!”
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