#and now she's following into his fighter/paladin multiclass footsteps
frenchy-and-the-sea · 4 years
(I hit some keys and things happened so idk if my last message sent. If it did, ignore it and go for this one!) So I'm going to be The Worst and ask you to imagine your Seven Cities characters as DnD classes/npcs now, because that was a great question and I am endlessly curious!
You are absolutely not The Worst, omg! In my experience, people ask questions that they have been trying to answer themselves, and this just gives them a chance to share. ;D So without further ado!
Alex: Arcane Trickster Rogue
The fact that the arcane trickster steals from a lot of the illusion playbook is really what serves here. Alex is tiny and quick and doesn’t strike until she’s got a good way to end it quickly; and having magic at her disposal, she would absolutely use it more to confound than in any display of power. Hell, her motto while stealing to survive was, “A good distraction is better than not being seen at all.” She’d love to have a few ways to make REALLY good distractions.
Tahir: Homebrew Oath of the Common Man Paladin/Champion Fighter
It literally pains me not to pick a Battlemaster fighter, but for all that Tahir is pretty good at martial arms, he doesn’t put a lot of stock in being maneuverable. I chose paladin over something like an eldritch knight for the same reason: Tahir’s convictions are often much stronger than his magical or martial attachments. This is a fighter who forwent some of his strength for a ridiculous charisma score, and paired alongside Alex, they talk their way out of a lot of things before it comes to blood.
(The rest under a cut!)
Davin: Artillerist Artificer 
I’m pretty sure whoever made this subclass reached into my brain, saw Davin and was like, “Yeah, alright.” In a world where tinkering with magic is a line of work you can actually get into, Davin would be on that as soon as he could be reliably left alone with tools and powder. Making things explode is what he’s good at in canon. Making things explode with magic literally all day is what he’d prefer to be good at. Plus, magic makes it so much easier to cheat at cards.
Finn: Gunslinger Fighter
Another no brainer. Finn isn’t the strongest dude around, but when you have reach and a sharp knife, you don’t have to be. He’s a tinker, he’s already fond of learning about and using weaponry, and firearms are his favorite of the bunch. Plus, the idea of his Action Surge being the result of him getting annoyed enough that he flies into a fit of furious action is really really good.
Adelina: College of Glamour Bard
If you thought Tahir and Alex were a combat-avoiding force to be reckoned with, just wait until Adelina shows up. A sky-high charisma score, coupled with her good looks and an even better head for whimsy, makes her a subtle ace in the hole. Her instrument of choice is her baroque guitar, though she’s been known to use heavier instruments in the off chance she needs a blunt weapon.
Jon: Wild Magic Sorcerer
I know, I expected a wizard too. For all that Jon is a bookworm though, he’s more interested in learning about society and culture and stories and myth than he is in learning math and magical equations. And wild magic has just the brand of chaos that he’s so infamous for. (And adds that particular element of being a little distanced from polite society) Plus, it’s a charisma caster, and the guy has more force of will than anything else in this world. He just channels it into being a super nerd.
Myrine: Storm Sorcerer
Myrine isn’t an adventurer or a fighter by any means, but she’s just stubborn enough to make a scene if something breaks bad around her. Storm sorcery not only lines up with her in canon abilities REALLY well, it comes with the added bonus of being another charisma caster, because Myrine is also strong-willed beyond good sense. 
Iggy: Circle of the Land (Coast?) Druid
I’m passing some of the buck onto @urdnotgrunt for this, who will no doubt have much better insight into their own character. BUT if I’m just talking out of my ass here, I feel like Iggy’s passion for exploring new places and equally high passion for the living things in those new places puts her squarely in a druid box. I’m less set on her subclass, but I feel like circle of the land puts her in touch with, you know, the LAND, which works well since she’s a cartographer. BUT given druids are Gabby’s passion, they might have a subclass that works all the better, haha.
Thank you for asking!!
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thetwoplayergays · 4 years
RFA playing dnd
I’ve only personally played DnD a couple of times with my friends but I couldn’t help but imagine the RFA playing :p
Plays a simple human paladin
Forgets that he’s also meant to be supporting the party and charges into every situation
“There’s a cave-“
As a result, he keeps dying in the middle of battle, causing the rest of the party to have to constantly go out of their way to heal him
He gets very into roleplay, which came from his constant LOLOL sessions, but is terrible when it comes to any kind of seduction missions.
“She looks at you Yoosung with wide, flirtatious eyes~”
Nat 1 on composure, especially when MC is DMing
Doesn’t quite understand the appeal, but will play anyway because MC asked him too
Plays a high elf wizard
Because “the elves are the prettiest” and “the wizard is the magic class, right MC? With the spells?”
Unfortunelty, his inexperience + a level 1 wizard causes him to follow in Yoosung’s footsteps and die in almost every encounter.
“I cast.. um.. fireball?”
“....a 2?”
MC be kind to him
He usually doesn’t roleplay much, but when it comes to the seducing missions?
This is the boy for you. Natural 20 charm right there.
He gets SO into it
She understands the game even less than Zen does
Yoosung made her character for her, a half-elf cleric because she’s the mum of the RFA
“A cleric?”
“Yes Jaehee.”
She always ends up using all her spell slot healing Zen’s character, much to Yoosung’s complaining
“I cast-“
“Jaehee that was your last spell slot..”
“Oh... what am I meant to do now?”
“You could... punch the goblin?”
Jaehee ends up multiclassing as a barbarian after she gets more into the game purely so she can stop playing just support and beat the shit out of the enemies
Ends up carrying the team through most of the encounters
Oh boy
“MC I don’t understand. You want me to pretend to be someone else, in a made up fantasy world, and kill things for money?”
Chooses to be a human fighter as that logically made the most sense to him.
And why would be pretend to be a made up race when he already knew how to be a human?
Relies WAY too much on rolls to do things and refuses to roleplay
“Do you want to say hi to the bar-“
“I rolled a 15 MC. What does that mean?”
“J-Jumin just walk up to her and say hi.”
“Do I have to roll for that?”
“Jumin no-“
Spends way too much time working on a backstory for his character that never actually gets revealed
“How can I play a character which an unrealistic childhood, MC? It is extremely over the top for both his parents to have been caught in that fire. The father must have been on a business trip.”
You already know what’s going on yall
We all know Seven would be that player
Gnome bard. All the way.
“I ROLL TO SEDUCE” is his catchphrase
What’s even more annoying is that he gets a high roll almost every time
He probably gave his character the most tragic backstory of them all “just cause”
He brings a different instrument to the game session every week to use when he’s bardically inspiring someone, much to the dismay of the rest of the party
Gets super into the roleplaying.
Are we at all surprised?
Has definitely cosplayed his character for a session more than once
Much like Jumin, V doesn’t quite understand the point of DnD
But if MC wants to play, who is he to say no?
Ended up choosing an elven druid after reading up on the different backstory of each class
The idea of being one with nature was quite appealing to him
Only problem is he has no idea how to help the party- in any circumstance
He’s misreading dice, adding the wrong modifiers, accidentally attacking the party instead of the creatures.
“I cast.. vicious mockery on... that one?”
One time, he ended up critical hitting an ogre and killed him in one hit, much to the surprise of the RFA
He was pretty chuffed with himself for the rest of the game.
“Maybe this isn’t so bad-“
He ended up dying a few rounds later after pissing off a dwarf
Surprisingly, Saeran was actually up for playing when you asked him to
The idea of being able to be a different person for a while was very appealing to the boy
He ended up choosing a tiefling rouge from a starter set who he ended up designing himself
Much to everyone’s surprise, the character’s backstory was actually the modest out of all of them
“Why would I give them a tragic backstory? Don’t you think they’re going through enough?”
Is always the one who’s looting the monsters or splitting the party without permission
Yet somehow hasn’t ended up dying yet?
Saeran doesn’t roleplay either, not to anyone’s surprise, but he does offer the occasional input into in character mission planning just to make sure seven doesn’t end up making them do something extremely stupid that would get them all killed
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