#and now im adding it to the list of cancelled netflix shows i like
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likethexan · 5 months ago
Been burnt too many times (has their favorite shows cancelled by netflix)
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joeyclaire · 2 years ago
oh god ok. jr and rand from inside/job (the satire netflix cancelled). they fit all criteria except one- age gap.
toxic - rand and jr are horrible for eachother, and other people. rand manipulated jr, and jr propped rand up his entire career. jr and rand are both assholes, though, so they kind of push and pull? jr insults rand and tells horror stories about him to his daughter who works under jr at the company they founded [reagan, the protagonist of the show. rand effected her in many of the same ways that he effected jr and his ex wife. he kinda forced reagan into the company as a child??? but that's for another time <3], jr uses the department head's team's coleader/the protagonist's best friend to do stuff for him like convince bezos to buy his mega yacht and generally just put him through panic-inducing situations (a little bit of scares for the sensitive white boy <3)
rand has an ex wife
makes you go 'oh jeez i am watching this unfold on my screen right now aren't i' - anytime they're on screen together i feel like i'm going to burst. they're so fucking homosexual for the love of GOD JUST-
uncomfortably homoerotic canonical dialogue - they've seen eachother's- yeah no im not adding that.
engaging in immoral/criminal behavior together - they founded a shadow company together! that, in itself, is evil, but they've both also:
buried a body, buried a dog, destroyed an electric car factory, made a time machine that rewrites timelines (rand), embezzled money/transferred employee pension funds into a personal account to buy an evil volcanic lair (jr), killed/"disappeared" random employees of said evil company, done drugs, killed more people, used the company's hit team as a death squad (jr), and uh. yeah
so. that's uh. a lot, huh.
(im rlly autistic about the show these two are from but the premise of the show is genuinely shit but its making fun of that shit so. uh. i unno)
so that's why these two old rich guys from one of netflix's only good adult cartoons fit the tomgreg criteria!
adding them to the official list BANGS GAVEL
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antiloreolympus · 4 years ago
6 Anti LO Asks
1. I’m sorta confused on the pomegranate thing in LO (I know the original story enough) but what I’ve been reading is that Persephone is “fated” to be Hades’ wife?? If the fruit sprout around 100 years ago Minthe could have been thought that too right, since they were dating?? Idk how long Minthe and Hades were together but it doesn’t make sense to me that the writing or Persphone’s character is talking about becoming queen or eating a 100 year old pom. I total could have missed something.
2. TBH the fact we're going into a fourth year of LO being published and still the main couple is so underdeveloped and so much is still uncertain (what about semele? or kronos? what will happen to apollo? does anyone care about minthe? or the trial? the list goes on) that im not anticipating any adaptation or even the actual comic being produced and finishing on a good note. its such a convoluted mess that it seems doomed to disappoint a big section of the readers/viewers no matter what it does.
3. that tv news has been out for almost two years now where has that anon been lmao. LO fans even threw a fit because netflix is also making a lesbian hxp show (kaos) and they thought it would cancel LO somehow, because as we all know only one project is allowed per mythology story. just ignore the countless heracles and trojan war adaptations and the fact netflix already countless myth shows and movies on it and in production. i swear LO fans think she created mythology by how they talk about it.
4. see its weird because the only tv news we've been getting out of webtoons is all live action (idk why, tbh) and im just like oh yes please, strap the animated idea for LO and accurastely cast them for the ages, then maybe everyone will noticed it'd a bit weird this 40+ year old man who is actually way older is lusting after a baby-faced 19 year old. then again we saw those tiktok lo ads and they were horrendously acted and the make up was terrible, but 🤷🏿‍♀️
5. demeter's name literally means "earth mother" and rachel "homer jr" smythe is like well shes not a fertility godess shes actually powerless and unimportant actually like??? ok?? how is persephone so powerful then if demeter created her? where did she get it from then?? because you cant claim metis or gaia either since metis's "creations" along with demeter dont have those powers either and gaia was defeated. its literally forcing a "chosen one" narrative on PERSEPHONE. who asked for this???
6. lmao werent LO fans the ones who were pissed netflix released Blood of Zeus and hated it because it DIDNT focus on hades and perspehone? like it has zeus in the name, dumbass, why would it be about them? they also hated hades was "ugly" (ie he actually looked pretty unique and the creators confirmed he'd be a big part in S2) and that BOZ hera deserved to murder the MC's mom because she loved zeus. like?? If LO is so good y'all wouldn't need to tear everyone else down to prop it up, just saying.
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misterbitches · 4 years ago
i just so deeply believe (and im right) that capitalism and putting a best face forward destroys art and also your will to want to create. the things that people make, that most people know about, become popular because industries pick people they know will comply, or need money, or are naive enough to think they can get what they want. 
there’s no reason productions should be that expensive and draining on crew members (i care less about actors bc i am a crew member and guess what actors just sit around all day sorry not sorry and i was one :P) but i always say: the little progress we make, is it really progressive? transgressive? 
and how could it be? how could it b ewhen companies refuse to relinquish themselves and break themselves up into parts. a web series could give people so much more freedom, but that is a whole lot more of a difficulty. i’ve made my own shorts (that i hate) and said what i wanted to say and even the pressure from how my school would receive it fucked up my psyche. 
and it takes so long for people who refuse to be stifled and be obsessed with this capitalist nightmare to get their shit released. if they get really popular still theyre not rolling in money (as they should not be) but they struggle to get shit together bc it’s harder to work with someone whose vision is opposed to this white supremacist garbage nightmare. 
i have a theory about parasite which is that SK has a totally different history with labor and capital than my country (US) does and it was done with that in mind and as an ttack on imperialism very clearly. that movie is not without its flaws, which can be discussed, but to date next to sorry to bother you which i havent seen it’s pretty much the most antagonistic film about that subject i’ve seen in a while. 
and in SK there’s tons of queer cinema (i may be exaggerating) but a lot of it is very gritty or uncomfortable (i am going to try and find this list my friend made of good sk queer cinema i think? or just n gen) and western gay shit is so popular overseas bc there’s a plethora of (BAD OR ANNOYING MOVIES I HATE CAROL) to go off of and see. a lot of international lesbians, for ex, really are into like hwood gay films or some shit bc that’s also what they can access and consume (let’s not get started on that fuckin dichotomy of man/woman but w/e) 
i wish i could be more cheerful and positive. it’s not that i don’t want to have fun or escape or watch these shows, in fact i do, and there’s legitimate shock when you see sth like ITSAY and it’s a beautiful cinematic experience. oh and on top of that i hate most TV and most TV is trash and films are better. imo ITSAY is like a movie split. 
why do we keep having hope in these systems? what i want in the future, because theyre not going away, is for more corps to reach out to collectives and diff types of filmmakers or artists and support them without making them stick to a contract and not do what they want. UNFORTUNATELY that’s really not how anyone feels like working. 
in my belief, at a time like right now, we have to be clear about not accepting austerity from the relief and to not fall into the trap of advancement via cultural artifacts. it’s bullshit—we fight against it. that doesn’t mean we can’t get excited when shows have things to say but i refuse to withhold critique because it’s so necessary in every piece
btw there’s this filmmaker called Park Kyoung Mi and though she’s married to this irish dude (who i think is like a professor of social theory idk) she was an AD to park chan wook (also a socialist) and a great filmmaker. in each of her works there’s a focus on women and queer themes of women and teens and their isolation and subsequent connections with each other. how men let them down, how you have to band together, the scariness of growing up. she made this miniseries for netflix called “school nurse files.” SNF was a book, it was written by a woman and its about desire, loss, and conformity, particularly for teenagers. there’s lots of queer themes and adult themes that  make it so we understand the precious lives of teenagers and how they need love and guidance instead of being shunned and pit against each other. 
it’s one of my favorite miniseries. netflix has this habit of picking up shows and telling NO ONE about them or very little advertising (it’s diff for south korean shows i think since a lot of production companies may come on board) and then canceling them. it is for a LEGIT reason which is MONEY!!!! but the director said she said yes bc she was given complete control and without it she would refuse. she also said she couldn’t get work or was feeling like the work she was doing was terrible (and in the reviews of the show or explanations about her it was always beginning with “PCW’s protege”) but she almost quit bc the pressure hrut and whittled at her
atp we need to take advantage of these systems if we have things to say and not let them take advantage of us. unfortunately, the opposite happens because people need work, have things to say whethere they’re shallow or not, and CONSTANT production means work and BS. this is how i feel about pretty much all industry and i’m the least critical of BL as opposed to say, kpop, or uhhhhhhhhh any celebrity ever bc it DOES have an edge over others but it’s an edge that they can barely fucking reach for or do well with. 
nothing and i mean nothing abou oversaturation and constant production will yield results that are going to be radical and “good” bc we’re approaching things ass backwards. the norm isn’t the ones that hurt you, the ones that stay with you, the ones that mean something. the norm is the bullshit you have to parse through. and even for things that do a great job of storytelling they still have their flaws or still have to buy into a system eventually, if the work calls for it, that they would long to eschew
if anyone sees this read this profile on arthur jafa, a prolific DP who i got the pleasure of seeing live AYYYY, and what he has to say. he left filmmaking then came back on his own terms and frankly i believe that’s just...what we have to do if we want to make a better world. that’s just me personally but this is my counterbalance to a fallacy that a work is revolutionary when it has zero intention of being so or will lie about its intention to save itself
this piec is called ARTHUR JAFA’S RADICAL ALIENATION and it reminds me of all the artists—particularly thai—i’ve seen that have had this radical alienation or refuse to water down their message and people will deal
i present one of my fav pieces  i’ve read frm the past year (it’s from 2014 but i read it end of 2019 when i was questioning me future) Radical Art is an Act of Uncompromising Passionate Resistance
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silmu · 5 years ago
social distancing tag
thank you! @kacsafarkuszender for tagging me 💗
Are you staying home from work/school? school, i only had contact lessons (?) once a month and now it’s all online
If you’re staying home, who is with you? sister, mom, cats and dogs
Who would be your ideal quarantine mate? i wouldn’t mind being alone
Are you a homebody? yes but i like options
An event you were looking forward to that got cancelled? the last 4 lessons of watercolor painting course, nothing else yet, i hope flow festival doesn’t get cancelled that would be cursed
What movies have you recently watched? i watched kiki’s delivery service and the cat returns, i have so many movies and series on my neflix list but a weird mental block abt watching tv
What shows are you watching? s2 of the good place was added to local netflix recently so i watched that, i mostly watch youtube home makeover diy channels and commentary boys
What music are you listening to? random albums i’ve been meaning to listen to forever, kpop, pop
What are you reading? nothing, my brain can’t rn lol
What are you doing for self care? i need to start going for walks again since i can’t go to the gym, trying to have a regular sleeping schedule, doing a progressive muscle relaxation exercise my therapist recommended to me cuz im a tense bitch, painting and sketching
i tag @catsandautism @yeoliravioli @julaincacablancas
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years ago
Commotion of the Mind
more ralbert angst cuz apparently i dont want my boys to be happy
warnings: albert’s an Angry ginger, breakdown
ship: ralbert
editing: no
Before Race could even enter the apartment, he could hear the commotion.  The easily identifiable sounds of knuckles against walls, followed by the angry shouts of his boyfriend sent shivers down his spine.  Albert rarely got upset.  Well, that was a lie, he got upset plenty.  He just never showed it much, especially his angry side.  And although Race knew of his temper, something had to have driven him to it.  Something bad.
He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he may find on the other side of the door.  He opened it slowly, not wanting to make so much noise that Albert got further overwhelmed.  His suspicions were proven correct when he found Albert, sobbing uncontrollably as he threw his fists at the wall, one after the other.  He was panting for air that wasn’t there, blood mixing with the light debri from the partially damaged wall.  His knuckles were going to get infected if he wasn’t careful.  He looked desperate, scared, out of control- not divergent from the way Race’s little sister would throw tantrums until she scared herself from the sheer force of her emotions alone.  
Race shook his head, willing himself to move forward and help his cleary hurting boyfriend.  It took a moment to gather his wits, forcibly pushing himself into a more stable mental state for the other man.
Tentatively, he walked up next to Albert, who was now pulling at his hair as he kicked the wall.  What the hell had gotten him so worked up?  Race almost didn’t want to know.
“Albert?” He said softly, carefully pulling on Albert’s elbow to pull him away from the wall, and subsequently, further injury.  Race wasn’t entirely certain that his fingers had come out unbroken.
Albert seemed to take a moment to come back to himself, slowly letting up the tight grip he had on his hair to wrap around his stomach, sobs still coming out strong.  He glanced down at his knuckles, before looking at the wall and cringing.  
“Albert,” Race said again, kneeling in front of him to pull focus.  Albert’s face was still crumpled as he struggled to catch his breath, fury still mixing with pain in his eyes.  
Race softened and he reached out to place a hand on Albert’s cheek, trying to ground him, “Love, you need to breathe.  Try to gather yourself, c’mon.”
Albert reached out to grip at Race’s shirt, clasping onto it as if it were his lifeline.  Race nodded, moving his hand from his cheek to the back of his neck, putting their foreheads together.  Albert shut his eyes, moving his hands to grip at the back of Race’s collar instead.  He was sucking in air now through his nose, trying to regain control.  Although he was far from okay, Race was shocked by how fast Albert gave into the comfort.
“That’s it,” Race murmured, rubbing his thumb up and down soothingly, not caring that Albert was sweaty from exertion, “You’re doing good, that’s good.”
Albert pulled away after a moment, coughing harshly into his elbow as his tears slowed to a stop, replaced with gasping instead.  
Race leaned forward, “Albert, hey, let’s breathe, yeah?”
Albert shook his head, pressing a hand to his chest as he continued to lose oxygen.  Race fumbled for ways to comfort him.  In a spur of the moment decision, he held his right and left pointer finger out in front of him towards Albert.
He grinned lightheartedly, “Chopsticks?”
Albert blinked, tears forcing their ways out of his eyes as he panted.  It seemed to take him a moment to process the motions, but eventually, he held his pointer fingers out, too.
“You first,” Race urged, watching as some of the panic seeped out of Albert’s eyes, focus manifesting in his expression instead.  He squinted slightly, reaching out a shaking finger to tap Race’s left one.  Race stuck out another finger, then moved to tap Albert’s right finger with his other hand, adding one to Albert’s side.  They continued like that until Albert had Race beat, having canceled out all the fingers on both of Race’s hands.  His breathing was back to normal, and while his hands were still tremoring, he seemed calmer.
“What do you need?” Race asked, standing up and wrapping one of the blankets they kept on the couch around Albert’s shoulders.
“Water. My throat’s real dry,” Albert croaked.
Race nodded once, squeezing his shoulder before hurrying off to the kitchen to get a glass of water for his boyfriend.  When he got back, Albert was now sitting, his forearms resting on his knees as he stared at the ground.  He looked up as Race held the water out for him and took the glass sluggishly, dazed eyes not meeting Race’s concerned ones.
Race sat down next to him, waiting patiently as Albert went through the motions, finishing the glass of water and pressing the heels of his palms on to his temples before finally sitting up.  Race held out his arms in a silent question and Albert immediately sank into them, burying his nose in Race’s shirt, breathing in the comfortingly familiar scent.  
“What was that about?” Race muttered after a moment.
“My grandfather passed away,” Albert said, his tone scarily void of emotion.  Race tensed, tightening his hold around his boyfriend, “It was expected,” Albert continued, “Of course I’m sad, but I saw it coming.  He was sick for a while, but-” he took a shaky breath, the angry tremor returning to his hands, “My dad won’t let me come to the funeral.  Said he was going to break each of my fingers if I so much as walk through.”
Race was stunned, speechless and horrified.  He knew of Albert’s abusively homophobic father, but who says that to their kid?  He really shouldn’t be surprised, Albert’s father was always coming out with new ways to be an asshole.
He racked his brain, searching for some way he could possibly comfort Albert without sounding cliche.  But Albert beat him to it, “Can we watch Phineas and Ferb?” He asked in a small voice.  
Race smiled, “Of course,” it was an unspoken tradition between them to watch Phineas and Ferb if one of them was upset or stressed.  It was an easy thing to come back to.
“Are you hungry?” Race asked as he brought up Netflix on their TV, finding Phineas and Ferb quickly in their ‘recently watched’ list.
Albert shook his head, “No, but could you make, like, tea or something?” “Sure thing,” Race smiled, “Pick out an episode, I’ll make us some Sleepytime.”
Albert nodded, taking the controller from Race and expertly scrolling through the episodes to find his favorite.  Race carefully extracted himself from behind Albert, making his way to the kitchen to boil water in their electric kettle.  
They were settled in just shy of five minutes later, Albert lying between Race’s legs, back pressed flush to the other man’s chest as Phineas and Ferb played in front of them.  The sound was off, because Albert didn’t like too much noise when he was in a state, but the captions were on and Race was softly humming random tunes, knowing that Albert found comfort in the vibrations the soft sounds made.
Race jumped when he felt hot liquid hit his jeans and he looked down to see Albert’s mug, tilting dangerously to the side as Albert’s grip on it loosened.  His breakdown must have worn him out and he was quickly succumbing to the solace of sleep.  A small, fond smile lit up Race’s face as he cautiously picked up the mug, setting it on the coffee table before leaning back to hold Albert once more.  He pressed a soft kiss to Albert’s hair, running his fingers through it gently.  
“You’re so, so loved,” He whispered, unsure as to whether Albert was conscious enough to hear him.
“Mmm, love you,” Was the sleepy reply he got in return.
mmmmmm whatcha sayyyyy (that was playing in my head the whole time i wrote this)
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
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