#and now i just got myself deep into the total drama rabbit hole…
ashdash2417 · 3 months
Goddammit, I got myself back into a Total Drama obsession again…
(Will it last long? I dunno, probably not..)
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twopoppies · 2 years
Ok so this is a confession ask of some sorts I guess? I am new to the fandom and it all happened both out of the blue and so fast, like at one moment I was smiling every time As it was was on the radio and the next I was watching 1D and Larry marathons on yt. Back when 1D were formed and went huge, I was already 18 and snobbish of this new boy band I had to watch everywhere and I was too precious with my music(thank god these days are over) and I just couldn't get the appeal. Although,I have to admit that when news was out that they were taking a break even I an outsider was kind of shocked and even a bit sad mainly because I had already been part of a few fandoms by then and I felt for the fans you know? My snobbish attitude continued through the years, and since Harry's music was the one that reached me the most I had decided I wouldn't give the boy everyone is obsessed with a chance, but also kind of knew the lyrics to sign of the times by heart and later watermelon sugar(self denial much?). Fast forward to almost two months ago, when I had a revelation. One thing lead to the other, listened to his whole album, loved it,listened to his previous albums, loved them, found out that he would be the lead in a movie based on a book I loved, watched video upon of video of his live performances,fell in love with this beautiful creature aaaand yt recommendations of 1D appeared.. So 12 years later I am fangirling over 1D,falling in love with all of them-you know it's bad when you start calling them my boys and tear up- making my friends listen to their songs and they are not JUST a boyband dammit! Somewhere along the way things also took a turn and now Louis basically owns my ass. Like he can have my soul on a plate, it is that bad. And well Larry... I am still figuring things out, but I am deep down this rabbit hole and my heart aches sometimes in the best way possible and sometimes well not so much. Sorry for this huge ask(rant?) I just wanted to share this amazing feeling of being new to a fandom and yours was one of the first blogs I discovered and felt safe to follow if that makes sense!
PS: I come from a fandom with a bit too much drama, that I had to kind of leave behind for my own sake and I am just excited I suppose. Plus your fic recs got me into reading fan fiction again, which I had missed so so much and had avoided for a while because said drama had left such a bad taste in my mouth, I couldn't bring myself to enjoy it anymore. So thank you!
Hi sugar. Oh that’s a great origin story. They really do draw you in once you give them a chance! And I totally get why Louis has your heart. He’s amazing. I’m so glad you found your way here, and thank you so much for following me. And you’ve got a huge number of wonderful fics to make your way through!!
We’ve got plenty of drama here, too. But I hope you manage to ignore it. Enjoy your trip down the rabbit hole. 💕💕💕
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An info dump on “A Most Abnormal Titan” that nobody asked for.
I’m also gonna say that “A Most Abnormal Titan” is in a wildly different AU than the canonical AoT. Spoilers ahead for the canon series, so if you don’t want any, shoo. If you don’t care, I’ll get into the differences under the read more. It is a bit wordy, so be prepared for that. I should be studying, but I’m nauseous and feeling gross, so here I go with this instead.
Personally, I’ve always HATED time travel shit. Like, I don’t care if it wraps everything up in a neat little bow or tries to give people that shock and awe that comes from a character being behind everything or whatever, I just hate it. Time travel, while simultaneously so seemingly fragile is also used to give characters a sort of roundabout way to give an upper hand. Sure, it was *memory* time travel and this is a fictional world, but my mind’s just far more willing to be open to photosynthesizing humans taller than buildings more than going through fucking time and space to talk to the past or future. So, no time travel in this.
“Where does that leave this in the story?” you might ask, justifiably so.
Well, let’s just say that I’m also not overly fond of the episode “The Basement” and everything after, including the end of the manga. It’s just... well, if I could put it in a way that doesn’t have me making a three part essay on why I hate that as well: If I wanted to watch a political drama with war and oppression, I’d watch the news, dredge through history texts again, or watch war documentaries.
So, as it stands, I’m kind of retconning all that??? Honestly, AMAT was supposed to just be a oneshot where I just kind of cranked something out, but of course my brain goes a million miles a minute, so while I was writing Jae’s perspective a part of my brain was fucking worldbuilding, haha.
First off, let’s start with geography. In canon, AoT takes place primarily on an island off the coast of a larger continent. But, because I’m retconning that stuff, I’m getting free reign of landmass. 
Now, unless ‘Titan-itus’ is airborne or spreads through physical contact with Titan blood or something, having only one continent affected allows other civilizations to advance to the point of the manga, which I’ve already said I wasn’t fond of. I like medieval fantasy, not early Industrial Revolution. And, in the canon material, turning into a Titan *isn’t* contagious. So, we either have this event affect the entire world like the Nanite Event in Generator Rex, OR we have everything on a Pangea-esque continent.
To simplify any needing to worry about how each continent would handle a Titan infestation, potentially calculating populations for separate landmasses, etc, etc, I’m going to say it’s a mostly Pangea world with occasional islands on the outskirts. So, our geography is taken care of.
What about civilization? Surely there can’t just be one now that I’ve basically destroyed other cities with my retconning? And, you’d be correct. You see, I’ve dug myself so deep into this rabbit hole of a thought process that I fucking made a map using a picture of Pangea that I put on its side to try and give the humans as much chance of surviving as possible. You’ll probably need to click for better quality
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As you can see, I made nine civilizations in total scattered around the globe, including a placement of the original in Madagascar that I used for size reference and to potentially tie in with canon characters. I’m still on the fence about having canon characters in this.
Each civilization I’m having around the same amount of people inside, following MatPat’s Film Theory about AoT from 2016, so each one starts off with around 1.5 million. He says 1.25, but I’m rounding up to half because I’m lazy. Assuming this is a post apocalyptic world, let’s say 5 billion ‘people’ survive whatever event leads to the Titans. Why is people in quotations? Because the rest of the 4,986,500,000 calculated got turned into Titans! But, that seems like an unfairly large number, so let’s cut that down by half the amount of ‘people’ at the start. That still leaves 2,486,500,000 Titans roaming around this massive land mass against 13,500,000 people.
Obviously, the Titans stay relatively close to each civilization because they *know* there are concentrations of humans in them, but they haven’t been able to get inside for hundreds of years. And yes, I said hundreds. Because of lack of time travel, I’m also getting rid of the stupid mind-erase stuff as well. But, after hundreds of years, memories fade and documents get lost or become damaged, still leading to complacency, forgetting how the civilizations and kingdoms/walls were formed, etc, etc.
The civilizations also are similar, but vastly different. They each started with the same government and class structure, the same military structure, and the same sort of work structure that have all changed in different ways depending on the civilization.
Anyways, I’m going to leave this for now, I’ve already rambled on long enough, haha
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fymbmangaboys · 4 years
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Hello, beautiful people.
First of all, hello and I hope you guys are safe and healthy wherever you are. Second, I’ll be doing monthly or unscheduled updates like this blog post here in Tumblr from now on, because I have something to say sometimes, and usually I do a blog post in fymb’s blogger website but I couldn’t open the account anymore. It has been years since I last posted from the account. Next, I just wanna say thanks to my new followers this year. I sometimes forget it but I always appreciate new peeps here. I started this page 2012 and I am still one of the top manga blogs in the tag search, so thanks. :)
Lastly,  I started reading manhua these past few months, even started watching historical Chinese drama and I fell hard and deep into the rabbit hole. If you wanna go down with me, I might post some Heaven Official’s Blessings in the future. You see, when it comes to manhuas, and particularly to Chinese novels that are so popular that they are being adapted left right and center, I always, always, always am guilty not having to read the original works first, which are usually from popular novels. I sometimes come straight to watching the anime or reading the manhua as I watch it, or worst yet watching the drama adaptation, which i totally understand because people don’t have time to read. So when it comes to manhua, donghua, I am really slow in terms of taking the story in, especially the historical fantasy ones. I love to take all the settings and story in and really immerse myself to them, which is a problem when I am as busy as everyone in the world. What a first world problem to have. It’s pitiful. :(
Anyways, expect some manhua goodness soon. If you haven’t introduced yourself to manhua, maybe this is the year to try something new, aside from our good old manga.
In terms of what anime I’m watching this year, i’m still into Jujutsu Kaisen these days. Pretty much sad that Black Clover anime is ending in march with a special announcement, I’ve heard. (I might have a post regarding Black Clover in the future, about Yuno to be very exact) I haven’t started some more to be honest. Horimiya is still on the list. I’ll try reblogging some manga posts I posted few years back every time Horimiya will have a new episode so you guys can see where they are in the manga. You know, speaking of Horimiya, at some point in between reading the manga in the past, I fell out of love with it. I don’t why but at some point, the story isn’t working for me anymore. Hmm, what else?
If you got some questions, hit me up at the ask box. Will try to answer you. Also, if you wanna ask me my favorite shoujo mangas(which I was asked about a million times), go to the page, type in the search bar “shoujo”, and press enter. I had a lot of posts from my favorite shoujo mangas and the ones I’ve read and completed. 
Bye-bye for now. 
Disclaimer: Sorry for the typos. My mind is faster than my fingers.
-fymb :)
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obsessivedilettante · 5 years
20 in 10: A Drama Retrospective
Since I’ve been all quiet on the drama front this year because of life reasons, I thought it would be fun to go back and pick out 20 of the most memorable dramas of the last decade. Maybe not necessarily the best dramas or even my favorites (although some are!), but two dramas each year that were somehow notable moments in my drama-watching timeline.
2009: Gateway Drugs
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Boys over Flowers (KBS)
This is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a good drama. It is not one I think I can ever really rewatch (although I will happily revisit the 2005 Japanese version, and I had a hellava fun time watching the latest Chinese version). But! It was the first kdrama I remember watching, and the first step on the slippery slope of eventually becoming a Drama Addict. I mostly remember it being crazy popular on places like mysoju (RIP), and so I checked it out due to curiosity, and the rest, as they say, is history. Or, should I say, almost paaaaradise!
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You’re Beautiful (SBS)
This one I also watched because it became crazy-popular online, and curiosity got the better of me. I really didn’t know much about k-pop prior to dramas, so I had no idea until after this drama that k-pop was more about pretty people in crazy fashion, dancing in syncopation in bizarrely lit rooms, rather than playing instruments. Because it was thanks to this drama that I got my crash-course on k-pop as a phenomenon -- both the fandom side, and the crazy things that artists have to go through to claw their way into the public’s view (nevar 4get the glorious ramen dance). Since Angel was a group that played instruments, and Hongki and Yonghwa were also from groups that played instruments, I assumed that all kpop were groups that played instruments. Oh, sweet summer child...
But it did get me started on my k-pop journey, first falling in love with FT Island and CNBLUE, before falling into the rabbit hole of the other prominent groups of the day. (SNSD! The Wonder Girls! Super Junior! DBSK! SS501! Kara! 2PM! 2AM! Shinee! BEG! Epik High! U-KISS! All the debut groups, like 2NE1, MBLAQ, B2ST, 4Minute, f(x), T-ara, After School... basically 2009 was a magical year in k-pop.)
If I had just watched Boys Over Flowers, I don’t know that I would have become a Drama Addict. But You’re Beautiful pushed me closer to the edge, with the zany humor of the Hong Sisters (and the desire for a pig-bunny of my own!). It would really be Coffee Prince that would push me over the edge, but that aired in 2007 so it doesn’t count for this list. But I had to mention it anyway, because, well, it’s Coffee Prince and where my love for Handsome Oppa began.
2010: More Than Candy
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The Woman Who Wants To Marry (MBC)
A lot of the dramas I watched at first had that typical “Candy” character, the poor-but-scrappy girl who would somehow be saved by the guy and become the Cinderella she never knew she wanted to be. So it was a delight when I encountered women who were not only older than high-school-age or early twenties, but in their thirties, with rich full lives! Plus, this was one of my earliest introductions to the concept of the “noona romance” (a concept that I’ve since heartily embraced, of course). I started it primarily because Kim Bum was my favorite of the Flower Boys, but I stuck with it because I fell in love with the women (and I still have a girl-crush on Bu-ki).
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Harvest Villa (tvn)
This show is insane. But in the good way, the way that the writer intended, and not in the “are a bunch of monkeys typing this script?” train-wreck way. There was basically no buzz about this show, and I feel like I somehow accidentally stumbled over it, but it was love at first sight. I’ve never forgotten the late hours binging it, being so sucked into the story that I absolutely had to finish it as soon as I could, disappointed that there wasn’t more of it to enjoy when I finally finished, bleary-eyed and sleep-deprived, but satisfied.
I then later gobbled down this writer’s next drama, and her next drama, and the next, until everyone else finally realized thanks to Signal that Kim Eun-hee was as amazing a writer as I kept insisting to anyone who would listen (aka no one).
2011: To Binge or Not To Binge?
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White Christmas (KBS)
I did not watch White Christmas in 2011. I actually watched it in 2013. I was always a steadfast binger, preferring to wait until the buzz about a show would sway me into spending my precious free-time watching something that would be worth my while (not that my drama choices were always good, but at least I tried to avoid the duds). I still prefer to binge, since waiting weeks for new episodes is vaguely frustrating when I want to know what happens next, right now! Plus, I’m very good at forgetting that I’m watching a show in the week-long wait for new episodes, and then just... never picking it back up again.
Despite watching White Christmas a couple years after it aired, it remains one of my favorites, and one I love to rewatch, even though I’ve already experienced  whodunnit cliff-hangers and psychological rollercoasters. It became a tradition of sorts here on tumblr for a bunch of us to rewatch it over the holiday season -- alas, I haven’t joined in that tradition for the past couple of years, but I hope that somewhere in this blue hell hole that there are a loyal few keeping the tradition alive.
At least we have this drama to thank for bringing us all the model-actors that were new and clueless in White Christmas, but would later go on to be leading men in their own right. Of course, some of them haven’t exactly made the best drama choices (*cough*SungJoon*cough*), but then there are others (*cough*SooHyuk*cough*) that I’m impatiently waiting for to pick up a new drama so I can see those post-army abs.
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Tree With Deep Roots (SBS)
This is the first drama that I recall live-watching. I vaguely remember regretting it at the time, since it was agony waiting for new episodes, but it was also fun to have a week to speculate and ponder the show. And what a beautiful show to ponder! This was also one of the few sageuks I actually watched, being generally intimidated by anything longer than 16-20 episodes, and my historical knowledge was a little shaky (before embracing my inner nerd and diving into mundane historical stuff just so I could better understand whatever drama I was watching at the time).
I don’t think I intended to continue live-watching shows, preferring the ease of binging at my own pace and schedule. But that was when I was still a casual, innocent addict, and not someone who would eventually make dramas a huge part of her life.
2012: The Joy of Overthinking
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Gaksital (KBS)
Having had a taste of live-watching, I started to live-watch enough dramas to the point where I began to make notes about the premiere weeks. It was only a couple at a time, and binging was still my preferred way to watch, but now I was delighting in being part of the fandom, sharing in speculation each week, posting my thoughts on dramas and analyzing them to my heart’s content -- even though I knew no one except me would read my ridiculous essays.
But I started to feel more comfortable sharing my opinion with the world, interacting with fandom and not merely content to be a consumer, but gradually becoming a producer as well.
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Reply 1997 (tvN)
This is it. This is when I went full-on Drama Addict. This is the tipping point from casual fan who quietly kept to herself, to becoming someone who stood on the mountain top yelling about ALL THE DRAMAS ALL THE TIME. I began to interact with other fans! To swap theories and share squee-worthy moments! I even watched episodes RAW just because of how desperate I was to know what happened, and even though the Busan accent stumped me more than once, it made me realize that my casual study of Korean was something to take seriously since I understood more than I gave myself credit for.
It was also the first time any post I made got more than a handful of notes, since I’d mostly hovered in the “less than 10 notes per post” category at the time. I was so proud of myself back then!
(This drama also notably marks the start of my Hoya obsession, which continues to this day.)
2013: Tumblr Friends (and Foes)
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Flower Boy Next Door (tvN)
Having made myself comfortable on tumblr as a Drama Addict, I then discovered some other dedicated fans -- many of which I still follow to this day and who are now just a permanent part of my dash, no matter what their current interests may be -- in the FBND squad.
But I also discovered Kim Seul-gi as the Webtoon Editor (who I still love and adore and continue to use as my avatar), and her adorable romance with Dong-hoon remains one of my forever OTPs. As much as I enjoyed the drama romances, I’d never fallen so deeply for one to be so obsessed by it as I was Webtoon Editor and Dong-hoon. And tbh I still am. They’re just so adorable and pragmatic and she buys him a bag. Ugh. I love her so much, you guys.
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Heirs (SBS)
Ah, yes. This hot mess.
I don’t know what possessed me to live-blog each episode. But I did. With snarky commentary and terrible screencaps. And suddenly I went from maybe 200 followers to over a 1000. That was a total shock! I met a lot of people because of that (and made some friends, as well as a few enemies who didn’t appreciate my opinion of certain characters), and ensconced myself as part of the drama-blogging crew.
It was from this that someone suggested I apply to be a minion at Dramabeans. Back then, I had a lot more free time than I do now, and I was watching a lot of dramas that Dramabeans didn’t cover, and wished they did so I could read more opinions about those shows. So I thought, “Eh, why not? It can’t hurt to submit something because the worst that would happen is I’d waste their time making them read my take on episode 10 of Let’s Eat.”
I fully expected them to turn me down. No one was more surprised than I was when I found myself agreeing to dive into the world of recapping.
2014: It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
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Trot Lovers (KBS)
Recapping. It seems so easy when you’re reading the recaps. But actually creating them is a bitch. Hours out of my life were spent on this disaster of a trope-laden show with no plot. This was the third show I worked on for Dramabeans, and I hated it to the point where I seriously considered handing in my notice. (Immediately following up this show with the mediocre My Secret Hotel certainly didn’t help matters!)
However, it turns out that what I actually hated was being forced to watch a terrible rom-com and pretend to come up with insightful-or-at-least-neutral thoughts about it (since we were still new and couldn’t go full-on snark yet).
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Misaeng (tvN)
This is what saved me. Being given the chance to immerse myself in such a unique, ponderous, thoughtful show restored my faith in dramas and the drama community. I loved spending hours on this show, soaking up all the little details, and then sharing that love with the world.
Misaeng made dramas magical again.
2015: Fight Me
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Valid Love (tvN)
Realizing that I only seemed to enjoy rom-coms at arm-length, I discovered that my tastes often ran counter to the general drama-viewing public. Not all the drama-viewing public -- I’m not a “not like other fans” kind of fan -- but enough that I began to realize the whether a drama was popular or had good buzz was not necessarily the primary reason to watch it.
I began to have more faith in my own taste, based on past experiences with various writers and directors. Even if the premise (or first couple of episodes) seemed kind of weird and out-there, I at least wanted to give these artists the benefit of the doubt that I would enjoy their work, like I had previously.
So many people seemed to hate Valid Love, but I adored it. Still do (and still desperately wish Kim Do-woo would come out with a new drama -- it has been too long, writer-nim!). There were a lot of opinions about this show, even among people who seemed to enjoy it, but I vividly recall having to repeatedly insist that it wasn’t about the romance and argue that  the knee-jerk infidelity-is-BAD opinions should make space for something more nuanced.
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Ho-gu’s Love (tvN)
DramaFever was a pretty great site. It brought together so many drama fans and gave them a place where they could legally (and without fear of downloading random viruses) watch dramas to their heart’s content. Yes, there may have been some lingering resentment that they were the primary reason that so many amazing other sites were shut down (RIP mysoju and daebaeksubs), but dramas were more accessible than ever!
Eventually, DramaFever started to sub shows themselves and upload them weekly (instead of just using fansubs and uploading older dramas), and while they weren’t the best translations, they were at least better than machine translations from the Chinese subs. As I became more and more familiar with Korean, I found myself more likely to migrate to Viki since I liked the extra detailed translations. I could get the gist of a show without any help -- I wanted to instead delve into the nitty-gritty of the language.
But I never really hated DramaFever or felt they were particularly awful. Until they mistranslated something so terribly that it changed the entire meaning of a scene and ruined people’s perception of a drama, forcing me to continually defend the true translation.
That was the molehill I died on that day, and never again did I touch DramaFever. I feel bad that it eventually got unceremoniously shuttered. But I don’t think I’ll ever forgive them for the “condom” incident.
2016: Free Solo
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Dear My Friends (tvN)
For two years I’d been happily working on one episode a week, sharing a show with someone else, until I was asked if I’d like to tackle a show by myself. I wasn’t sure how I could handle it, but I had the time in my schedule so I said, “Sure, why not?”
I was originally going to recap Another Oh Hae-young, but there was a last-minute switcheroo, and I’m so incredibly glad because this is perhaps my favorite recapping experience of all time, even more so than Misaeng. There was something so special about the luxury of having an entire show to myself, especially one with such a fantastic cast of characters and thoughtful themes. I didn’t have to try and figure out if I agreed with another person’s take -- it could all be my opinion.
Is that arrogant? Perhaps. But it was also therapeutic, as it reminded me once again how incredible and amazing dramas could be, and the privilege I had to share such an exquisite and thought-provoking drama with the rest of the world.
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The Good Wife (tvN)
Surprisingly, this was what I had really wanted to recap that year, and the true reason I got Dear My Friends, since it aired just prior in the same time-slot as The Good Wife. I was desperate to have this show, willing to do anything to get it because I needed to see Jeon Do-yeon back on the small screen, to see Yoo Ji-tae smolder, to know how Korea would adapt such an ambitious show.
And I wasn’t disappointed! This is, perhaps, my favorite adaption of another work of art that I’ve seen in dramaland. It remained true to Korean sensibilities, but it also properly felt like The Good Wife. The cast was phenomenal. The costumes were exquisite. I wished I could spend more time in that world.
But I was also thankful, because without The Good Wife, I would have never have had Dear My Friends. 
2017: Serial-Killers Are Cool
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Voice (OCN)
I can’t remember how I got assigned to this. Maybe it was a scheduling thing. I do know that I really, really wanted it, since it would be Handsome Oppa’s first drama appearance in three years.
But it started me down a road of recapping a lot of serious and serial-killer-centric shows. Except for the times when I’d beg for a break and tackle something lighter, I was generally assigned the darker mystery shows with meaty plots, since apparently I had a knack for condensing complicated shows into something that made sense. (Also literally darker, and I eventually learned to automatically brighten every screencap I posted. You’re welcome.)
Not only did I love working on something with Handsome Oppa, I also had fun recapping the start of what would eventually become OCN’s stock-in-trade -- creepy serial killers. At the time, Voice shattered OCN’s viewer ratings (which would then be shattered again and again as more people would tune in to OCN shows). But Voice really helped put OCN on the viewership map -- as well as catapult Handsome Oppa into the public eye and lead him to a path of getting to choose whatever script he wanted to work on.
(Okay, maybe I made that last bit up, but he did begin to garner a larger following and remind everyone that just because he was gone from dramaland for so long, he hadn’t lost his acting chops -- or charisma -- or cheekbones.)
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Black (OCN)
Oh, this show. It was basically my whole life while it was airing (well, the non-day-job part of my life). Each episode was over an hour long and jam-packed full of details that were pertinent to the story, and I had to somehow condense that all into 3000 words or less (I was not always, ah, successful...). It felt like I was back in recapping bootcamp, but the dial had been turned up to 11.
I’m weirdly proud of what I produced (although you’ll never get me to reread my old work). It was one of the most challenging shows to work on, but in the good way, not the Trot Lovers way.
Until the ending, that is. Sigh. That ending will live in infamy. I still, to this day, will get a few comments on the finale from people who watched it on Netflix, went searching online for an explanation of the end, and then discovered that they were not alone in being confused by the utter wtf-ery of the last twenty minutes.
2018: Fighting For My Love
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Misty (JTBC)
So, Dramabeans kind of disappeared for a few months. Well, the site was still live. There were a handful of recaps. But... it basically just... stopped. 
Those of us on the other side know about as you do as to why that happened. Minions are kept in the dark just as much as anybody, it seems. All we knew is that we weren’t being assigned anything and we seriously wondered if the site was going under, since adsense has become worthless these days.
But Mary and I kept talking about how much we adored Misty and were sad that we couldn’t talk about it with the world (and convince them to watch it with us), so we pleaded and begged and got the go-ahead to do a kind of chatty “open thread” which has apparently been a spring-board format for other shows. We didn’t get paid for this, and we were totally fine with that. We just wanted to provide some kind of content (while swooning over Kim Nam-joo’s pantsuits!).
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Let’s Eat 3 (tvN)
This was my first real assignment after the dead period, and I once again got to do full recaps (with pay!). I started watching, thinking I’d merely tolerate the show (since I loved the first season vastly more than the second season), but it turned out to be my favorite of the three. Plus it felt fortuitous that the series I had submitted my application would be a series I’d work on four years later.
Sometimes it’s nice to spend time with a character you met years ago, to see them grow, to see how they became what they became. Drama trends (and love interests) will come and go, but Goo Dae-young’s love of food (and love of explaining the proper way to eat food) will never change. It was a really comforting drama for me to spend my summer on, and I’ll remember it fondly, even if I’m forever sad that it had to suddenly wrap-up two episodes early.
2019: Ten Years Later
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Item (MBC)
This was the Trot Lovers of 2019. It was a nonsensical disaster.
I also had the added chaos of my real-life job -- one very different from the one I had when I was working on Trot Lovers -- as it began to increase exponentially in responsibilities and in stress. I reached a breaking point where I began to hate opening my computer where I’d have to spend hours attempting to explain a show that I wanted nothing to do with. I was miserable and depressed and couldn’t do it anymore. I never before asked to be taken off a show because I hated it so much, but there’s a first for everything.
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Her Private Life (tvN)
I actually haven’t finished this show -- I’ve yet to watch the last two episodes. But I’m including it because, well, I didn’t finish any other show in 2019 except for Item.
As some of you may know, this has been a difficult year. It started with the unexpected stress of my job, when we suddenly lost one of our directors who passed away, and another director was let go (in a complicated situation that is ongoing, but the important thing is that it was during our busiest time when we really couldn’t afford to lose anyone), and another director left for a different job and I was basically the one to pick up all the pieces she left behind. It was exhausting and we were all past the breaking point but somehow miraculously holding it together.
I was looking forward to finally getting a much-needed vacation in September, and then, well, you all know how that went: the first night, on our layover in New Zealand before what was supposed to be three weeks in Australia, my father was taken to the hospital, and then, two days later, he passed away. Life has gotten even more chaotic and stressful and bizarre since then.
So no, I haven’t finished this drama, but it was one of the most wonderful moments of the year for me, watching this fizzy rom-com with my favorite actor, where he got to be charming and handsome and charismatic and finally kiss the girl he loves and have her love him back (and not die or be dumped, as he had been in so many dramas that had gone before). Lion Oppa was everything my heart could desire, and living in his world helped me endure the insanity that I wish I’d known would seem so much more tolerable than what would eventually befall.
Her Private Life reminded me of when I first fell in love with dramas ten years ago, when I would giggle and be delighted by the charming nonsense on screen -- of beautiful people falling in love and fighting against the obstacles between them (some more ridiculous than others, perhaps, but there are always obstacles), and ending up happily ever after. Pure escapism, of the frothiest kind.
A Drama-filled Decade
So, after ten years of dramas, what is the takeaway? What have I learned?
I suppose I’ve learned to trust my instincts and put more faith in writers and directors than actors. That analyzing dramas is fun, and it’s even more fun sharing it with others, and sometimes even more fun if you get paid to do it -- but everyone eventually reaches a breaking point. That I’m too earnest and optimistic to embrace a life of snark. That I want every drama to be good but most of them aren’t, except sometimes they are. That I’m not even sure which genres are my favorite; I just know what I don’t like.
That dramas are best as escapism, and not as work.
I don’t know how many dramas I’ll watch in 2020. I haven’t paid any attention to what’s airing, and I’m okay with that. Perhaps I’m entering a new phase in my life, or perhaps I just don’t have the capacity to escape right now.
But I am pleased to have had dramas in my life, and to have eventually made them my hobby. I’ve met a lot of amazing people and made some genuine friends through a shared love of dramas (or, at times, a shared hatred). I’m honored that all of you are still here and following me, even during this period of fandom silence.
May 2020 treat us all better, and may Kim Do-woo finally write another script.
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go-our-own-ways · 4 years
I just impulsively watched (and finished) Our 30-Minute Sessions and damn... I had no idea how charismatic and charming Makken can be lol I am almost smitten. 
But more than anything, I’m so in awe at Kitamura Takumi’s acting skill... I’m gonna have to go watch the movie that sent him to fame (I Want to Eat Your Pancreas live action)... 
Takumi basically had to play two versions of his character ya’ll like how bizarre but also how amazing is that. And you know what, he totally pulled it off flawlessly. AND what’s more, the movie is about a band so there’s singing...and he sang and I just. I can’t, ya’ll... I love his singing way too much... 
There’s just something about it that is so heavy with emotions, but not in an overbearing way...and it gets sent straight into my heart. 
I was surprised that Makken could sing, and could sing so well, but Takumi’s singing...he blew everyone else out of the water, man. 
I can’t believe myself, but I think I have fully and wholly landed myself back into actor hell. I mean, I’ve always been kinda into the acting scene on the side this whole past year because of getting into Arashi, but this...actors outside of Johnny’s... it’s been a long, long time. 
The last time I vividly remember being knees deep into actors was probably the last time I dropped into the Kamen Rider scene... At the time, Zi-O was the new series, so I guess that was 2018ish? I had finally managed to watch Build as it was wrapping up, and as Zi-O began airing, I started Ex-aid... That was a fun time. (’: 
But yeah... so at the time I was really into the casts of Build and Ex-aid, and was getting somewhat into the cast of Zi-O (though I never quite made it through)... Prior to that, I guess probably was even more years prior, with Watanabe Shu of OOO... (yeah, somehow the screen actors I get into tend to be Kamen Riders LMAO...) Around that time was when I fell deep into the rabbit hole of Amuse actors, which had me kinda split between drama/movie works and stage works of those boys. 
I get into stage actors too every now and then, but those are harder to stick these days because I’m too tired of digging for files and subs... Honestly probably the last time I was really into any stage play folks was my Amuse period. Currently I guess you could say I’m into a limited selection of stage folks, but I can’t watch any of their stuff...so I don’t really know if that can count lol. 
Anyway...since I’m presently in the mood for eye candy and nice stories that maybe make me tear up a little, or make me smile and laugh a lot in a heartwarming way...it seems I’ll be continuing to watch jmovies and jdramas for a while yet, lol. 
I’m kind of bouncing between Kitamura Takumi’s works and Akaso Eiji’s works for now, but I may expand it to other actors I know of, if they’ve got anything recent or new... I’m thinking maybe some of the Johnny’s boys that I’ve been curious about, Kamiki Ryunosuke, or the (very few) Gekidan EXILE members I know of, perhaps. 
It seems Takumi in particular does have a drama that’s about to start airing soon... I’ll wait a few weeks and see if anyone picks it up for subbing. The premise sounds heartwarming (and maybe kind of sad?), so I’m certainly interested, lol. 
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zombiesbecrazy · 6 years
Pity Free Confessions
Summary: Sometimes you play video games with your best friend. Sometimes you blurt out about your unrequited love problems. Sometimes you do both.
Written for DickBabs Week - Day 2 Prompt - Best Friends
Note: OMG, I completely forgot that it was DickBabs Week! I totally don't have time to write anything, yet, here we are. Day 2 Prompt - Best Friends.This stands alone but if you've read any of my other DickBabs fics, this comes six months after Chapter 2 of Five Times with Feeling and directly before Strike, Hit, Throw. Unedited and rushed, but I needed to participate and spread the DickBabs love :)
“I find myself in a bit of a conundrum.”
“Which is?”
“I’m in love with my best friend.”
To Wally’s credit, he didn’t even look away from the screen and continued to mash the buttons on the controller. Hell, he didn’t even blink. They were alone in the Tower today, between missions and everyone else busy in their own cities with their own mentors, leaving the two of them to waste the day away playing video games and eating junk food.
It felt good to relax and ignore a lot of his problems for a while, but there was something that Dick had been unable to ignore for months and if he didn’t say something soon he was going to explode, which is why he had suddenly just blurted it out to Wally.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, because you’re great, but you’re not really my type. I appreciate your interest though.” Wally’s character jumped into a hoard of thugs on top of a building and he was focusing on trying to take them all down in the time limit.
“Gee, thanks. Not you.”
His hands gripped the controller tighter and started moving his arms like he could make his character fight better with sheer will and enthusiasm. “Donna’s like your sister. That would be weird. Don’t be in love with her either.”  
Coughing, Dick choked on the root beer that he was drinking and it almost came out his nose. Damn, that hurt. “Shut up.” Dick punched Wally’s shoulder, making his character fall from a rooftop, die and respawn at the beginning of the mission. That made Wally finally turn and glare at him. “I’m meant Barbara, you butthead.”
“Thought as much, but you should have used her name. You have too many best friends.” Wally hit pause on the game and looked at him. “You should tell her.”
“She’s got other things on her mind.” Dick flopped back on the couch dramatically, sinking into the cushions. What he wouldn’t give for it to come to life and swallow him whole rather than deal with his emotional turmoil. Stupid brain. Stupid heart. Neither of them seemed to be able to just turn off for a while. “More important things than dealing with my unrequited love.”
“How do you know it’s unrequited?” asked Wally, kicking his legs up onto the coffee table in front of them that was littered with their snacks. “She’d be lucky to be in love with you. Anyone would be.”
“I thought I wasn’t your type?”
“Just because the two of us aren’t meant to be it doesn’t mean you aren’t a catch.” Wally looked Dick over and sighed. He pulled the blanket off from behind the couch and put it on top of Dick’s melted form on the couch. Dick must have looked pathetic if Wally was trying to mother hen him like that. “Tell her.”
“It’s not the right time.” A lot had happened in their lives in the past six months. Barbara had been shot. Jason had been killed. Bruce was continuously furious all of the time. No one needed to see him moping around after a girl like a little lost puppy; especially not the girl herself. She was getting her life back together and shouldn’t have to deal with his mini crisis. Why hadn’t he figured this out at a better time? Or why couldn’t he at least still be in denial about it? It would be easier that way. Ahh, blissful denial.
“It’s always the right time to hear that someone loves you. It’s like a big word hug.”
“It’s scary,” groaned Dick back and he pulled the blanket up over his head. He knew he was pouting and whining and acting like a little kid not wanting to eat his vegetables, but that didn’t matter in front of Wally. The good thing about having a best friend was that you could tell them anything.
The worst part was that they would call you on your bullshit even if you didn’t want to hear it. Especially then.
“Ladies and gentleman, may I present Nightwing, hero and defender of Gotham and Bludhaven. His kryptonite is emotions. Don’t worry though, it was passed down to him from his Bat-father.” He could hear Wally’s voice dripping with sarcasm but didn’t budge from under the blanket. When he didn’t get a reaction, he heard Wally sigh. “You are such a drama queen.” He pulled the blanket back down off of Dick’s face. “Love is a great feeling. It doesn’t have to be scary.”
“Okay fine. Verbalizing it is scary.”
“You just told me that you love her and the world didn’t end.”
“And I was terrified to do that. Telling her is a thousand times worse.” But he had to admit that he felt a little bit better now that he wasn’t the only one in on the secret. “What if she doesn’t feel the same way?”
“Does it matter?”
“I guess not.” It didn’t. Not really. It wouldn’t change anything about the way he felt anyway. “I just don’t want things to change between us and to get all weird. I don’t want to tell her that I love her, hear that she doesn’t feel the same way and then have to see the… the… pity in her eyes when she looks at me.” He sat up but kept the blanket wrapped tight around his shoulders. “Look at Dick, with his silly little crush. He’s a delicate little flower who needs to be tiptoed around and be given gentle hugs and spoken to like he might shatter at any moment.”
“You like hugs.”
“Not pity hugs.”
“She won’t give you a pity hug.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Dude. She just went through something huge. She’s still going through something huge. She understands better than anyone about not wanting anyone’s pity.”
“Not maybe. I’m right.” Wally started to stare very intently at his hands that were fidgeting in his lap. “Did I tell you I went to visit her in the hospital?”
“What? No. Neither of you said anything.” Wally just nodded and he turned a little pink. Dick poked him and he gave a little yelp. “What happened?” prodded Dick.
“She yelled at me for visiting her out of pity.” Dick winced in sympathy. He had been at the receiving end of more than one of Barbara’s anger explosions before and it was never pretty, usually because she was right to be dishing it out. “I deserved it. She wasn’t completely wrong. I didn’t realise it until later, but it was at least a little out of pity,” said Wally before he turned to sheepishly look back at Dick. “She and I are friends, but we aren’t that close. She pointed out that me visiting her in the hospital when I would never have seen her otherwise was more about making myself feel better and she didn’t want that.” Dick understood. She had been upset that he visited her in the hospital the first time when she had explicitly told him not to and she was one of his best friends. He could imagine how angry she’d be about Wally. “So no. She’s not going to give you a pity hug. Even if she doesn’t feel the same way about you, she still cares about you a lot.”
“Have you talked to her since?”
“We’re cool. We’ve texted, which is what I should have done in the first place. We’re texting level friends, not visit in the hospital after you’ve been paralyzed level friends. I’ve been sending her videos of people doing extreme wheelchairing in skate parks. She says she likes them.”
Dick smiled, because while he hadn’t heard about Wally’s visit, she had been sharing the videos with him too; he just hadn’t know the origins. “When did you get so wise?”
“I’ve always been wise, but no one ever listens. It’s a curse.” Wally unpaused the game and started the mission again. “But in this case, I had a feisty red head yell at me.”
“Story of my life. Too many best friends and too many red heads, and all of them yell at me.”
“You should make a Venn Diagram of where those all intersect. It would be an interesting thing to study.”
Dick watched as Wally’s onscreen hero ran through a dark all to pick up a weapon before heading back to the rooftop where he was about to be killed again. He didn’t have enough XP for it to go any other way, but Wally was stubborn. Wally cleared his throat, eyes glued to the screen. “So… Babs,” he began again, not dropping the conversation.
“Babs,” sighed Dick.
“Like, full on love. Not just a crush. Not just ‘hey that girl is swell’. Full on love with a capital L and heart eyes.”
Dick couldn’t hold back a grin even just thinking about how he felt about her. He was so deep down the rabbit hole. “Yep.”
“I repeat, you should talk to her.”
“We’re meeting up tomorrow for some sparring. She’s been doing weapons training now that she’s out of rehab and I want to see how it’s coming along.” She had been talking about her training with Richard Dragon and that she was learning escrima at a higher level, and yes, he did want to see her new skills, but…
“Or you just want to see her.”
Damn, Wally could read him like a book. “Yeah.”
“Because you want to kiss her.” Wally made kissy face noises at him and Dick hit him again, once again making Wally fall off the building again and die. “That was your fault. I had them that time.”
“No, you didn’t. And don’t be crude.”
Wally tossed the controller onto the table and grabbed a bag of chips, tossing one into his mouth and crunching it loudly, purely because he knew the sound of it irritated Dick. “I think it’s sweet that you are still innocent enough that you think I’m crude for mentioning kissing.”
“It’s not that… it’s…” Dick shook his head, embarrassed to be talking about this with anyone. Everyone had emotions. Why was it so weird to talk about them? “I don’t just want to kiss her.”
Wally snorted. “Who’s being crude now?”
“You are officially my least favourite of my best friends,” said Dick, rolling his eyes. “I just want… everything for her. I want her to be happy. I want to be the one to help make her happy. Somehow. In any way possible”
“You are a hopeless romantic to the core.”  Wally sat back on the couch and dropped his arm around Dick’s blanket covered shoulders. “You know my opinion. Just tell her. No risk, no reward.”
“No risk, no heart breakage,” countered Dick.
“Minimal complete heart breakage potential. At absolute worst, she’ll let you down gently and you’ll still be friends. Yeah, you’ll be a down for a while, but that is when we solve your problems with ice cream.”
The worse that Wally suggested sounded terrible and he wanted to avoid it all costs even though he knew that in the grand scheme of issues ‘one of my best friends doesn’t love me as much as I love her’ is pretty minor. Still wanted to avoid it like the plague though. “And best case scenario?”
“That she is hopelessly in love with you too? We celebrate with ice cream. Either way, there will be ice cream. The difference is that celebration ice cream has better topping options.”
“I’ll think about it,” said Dick, chuckling. “Thanks, Wally. I take it back. You aren’t my least favourite best friend. Definitely top three. And not just because you are promising me ice cream.”
“On the podium. I’ll take it.”
Wally was right though. Dick was a vigilante. A hero. He had faced far worse things than being in love every day and had come out unscathed. Well, maybe a little scathed, but still intact. He could do this. He could finally tell Barbara the truth. He was brave enough to face that answer head on.
Maybe it was finally time to take that leap.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
With Every Sip (Part 2)
Camila Cabello was twelve years old. She was twelve years old and she knew she was one of the shortest in her class,  barely passing for a middle schooler. She knew that unlike the other girls her age, she still thought boys were gross and the idea of kissing disgusted her, but Lauren had really nice lips. Not that she wanted to kiss Lauren or anything, no way, definitely not, that would be weird… but she still liked to stare at her lips sometimes. She knew that Wizard of Oz was her favorite film because something about it always made her feel hopeful. She knew that she liked writing almost as much as she liked singing, and that was a lot. She knew that when she got up for school in the morning, four times out of five her mom would still be sprawled out drunk on the living room floor. But what she wanted to be when she grew up? Camila still didn’t know. All she knew was that she wanted to be anywhere but here.
“I remember when you were a baby…” Her mom slurred through forced tears that never actually fell, as Camila tried and failed to pass her to get out the front door. “I would bend my knees like this and sit you on my lap so you were facing me and you would just stare up at me with so much love. You don’t look at me like that anymore, you hate me.”
Camila frowned but didn’t say anything, not because it was true but because she wished it was, she wished she knew how to hate her mom. If she hated her maybe this wouldn’t hurt so much.
But deep down Camila still didn’t believe her mom was all bad, because although they came few and far between, sometimes she had good days. Every once in awhile Camila would come back from a day at school to smiles, a home cooked meal and an almost unrecognizable woman asking about her day. For a second it would make her forget the feeling of fear that usually ran through her veins on the days when she came home to glazed over eyes that looked nothing like the unconditional love she’d been told all her life that parents were supposed to have for their children. It was hard to hate her because deep down she wasn’t a bad mom, sometimes she just had a drink and forgot she was a mom at all.
“Well Camila if you hate me why don’t you just fuck off and live with your dad.” Her mother now spat. Not figuratively but literally, her mouth slightly foaming at the edges. “You think he would take you? No, he fucking left you, just like he left me. He’d rather be with that whore.” Tears began to fill Camila’s eyes as her mom’s only hardened and a sneer took over her face, her mind visibly searching for whatever words it deemed most hurtful. “Nobody would ever want you. You’re a selfish, horrible, little bitch.”
Camila stood in silence, she’d lost the will to fight years ago. Long gone were days where she would try talking the bottle out of her mother’s hand or sense into her mind. It was useless, because when her mom was drunk nothing Camila said ever seemed to register, yet when she was sober she didn’t ever remember the pain she’d caused the night before. She did not have the same memories as her daughter because she was there, but not really there. In her mind it didn’t happen.
So Camila swallowed the lump in throat and left without a word, because no matter what she said, no matter how she cried, in the end the bottle always won.
“I’ll kill myself while you’re at school and it will be all your fault.” Her mom called out across the room. It was an empty threat that Camila had heard too often for it to stop her from shutting the front door behind her, yet one that would still sit nervously in the back of her mind for the rest of the day. Camila thinks that’s maybe why her mom says it. She liked to make sure that even if her daughter’s body could escape the house for six hours of freedom a day at school, her mind would never truly leave the confines of these four walls .
With her mother’s last words still ringing in her ears, Camila locked her biggest secret away behind closed doors, literally and figuratively, and made her way to the spot half way between her house and Lauren’s where they met every morning.
They walked to the bus together, the same as they always did and Camila laughed and smiled the entire way like she hadn’t had to step over her mom’s body to get out of the house that morning. And it wasn’t even that Camila was a good actress, something about Lauren just made it easier to forget. She’d put everything into a box in the corner of her mind and immerse herself in everything that was Lauren Jauregui instead, finding an escape in her words and her eyes and her infectious laughter. Camila might have had a baby face, but her soul was old and tired, mature beyond her years out of necessity rather than choice. Yet here with Lauren, everything felt a little lighter. Brighter. And for once the muscles in her mouth pulled her lips into a shape that resembled a smile without her having to remind them to do so.
Lauren was twelve years old too. She was twelve years old and she knew that Ethan Jamison had a really big crush on her, because Ethan had told Trey, who told Normani, who told Ally, who told Dinah, who told everyone. She knew that her favorite book right now was Thirteen Reasons Why, because she felt like it had a better message than that stupid Twilight one all the other girls in her school were currently reading. She knew that as an unspoken, unexplained rule that her and Camila only ever had sleepovers at her house, never Camila’s. She also knew that some of the girls in their class said that Camila was strange because her shirts were childish and her jeans were too short and they swore they’d seen her staring at Lauren in the locker room whilst she got changed for gym class. But what she wanted to be when she grew up? Lauren didn’t know. All she knew was that she didn’t care what everyone else thought of Camila Cabello, she still wanted to be her friend.
They’re walking home from the bus stop on one hot Tuesday afternoon, both girls not far from turning thirteen, Lauren excitedly filling Camila in on the latest Ethan drama. He’d asked her if she would kiss him behind D-Block during lunch tomorrow and all her friends think she should. Camila responds in the exact way Lauren knew she would, telling her that she really shouldn’t do something just because other people want her too. And Lauren thinks that’s easy for Camila to say because she’s never been popular anyway. She assures her that it’s totally not a big deal because Emily Richards kissed her boyfriend last week, but also, it is totally a big deal because what if she isn’t good at it? Lauren wasn’t used to not being good at things.
“What if I’m completely terrible and he tells everyone?” She sighs, looking over to her friend for some kind of reassurance.
“If he really does like you, why would he want to embarrass you?” Camila frowns. She doesn’t want to say it, but Ethan is definitely the kind of boy who would do something like that, and that’s exactly why she doesn’t think he deserves to be Lauren’s first kiss.
Lauren sighs again, because that’s really not the answer she wanted. Then, without another second’s thought she’s off again on another rant and Camila isn’t really sure exactly where it’s going, but suddenly she’s talking about some R rated 90’s movie called Cruel Intentions that she’d ‘accidentally’ watched all one hour and thirty-seven minutes of when she stayed up late on Friday.
“It was a pretty strange film actually.” Lauren finally paused for a breath. “But there was this part of it where the two friends practice kissing and like, maybe we should just do that.” Lauren finally concludes as casually as if she were just asking borrow a hair tie rather than her best friend’s first kiss.
Camila’s mind freezes, because she likes to stare at Lauren’s lips but she’s pretty sure you’re not really supposed to kiss other girls. And even if it was ok, she still isn’t sure if she even likes the thought of kissing at all, nice touches still felt like quite a foreign concept to her. But Lauren’s eyes are so bright and she’s staring so deeply into her own that Camila can’t bring herself to say no. Plus, she thinks she’d rather be Lauren’s first kiss than let Ethan Jamison undeservingly take the title.  And before Camila knows it, Lauren’s taken her by the hand and they’re making a quick detour to their old den by the park, which was really just a large gap hidden in a bunch of trees and bushes that they used to call ‘the rabbit hole’.
Five minutes later and they’re in the rabbit hole sitting on the fallen log that they used to have tea parties on during long summer days and Camila is fiddling anxiously with her shirt, refusing to look up and meet Lauren’s gaze.
“You really want me to do this? I mean, are you sure you don’t want to ask Lucy or Keana or someone? They’d probably be a lot better than I would.”
Lauren shakes her head. She says she’d be too embarrassed to ask them and Camila doesn’t know if she should be happy because Lauren trusts her or sad because she clearly isn’t as concerned about impressing her as she is with her other much cooler friends.
Before she can come to a conclusion, Lauren tells her they need to hurry up so she can get home before her mom starts to worry. Camila can’t help but wonder what that feels like to have someone worry about you, to have someone care. She wonders if she didn’t come home at all tonight if her mom would even notice. But before she can come to a conclusion about that either, Lauren’s telling her to wet her lips because apparently that’s what they did in that movie she saw and informing her that she has to make the first move because she was obviously playing Ethan in this scenario and Ethan was most likely going to initiate the kiss. Camila doesn’t think that’s really fair since this was all Lauren’s idea anyway, but she doesn’t like to argue. 
She uses her feet placed on the ground either side of the log to scoot herself closer to Lauren as she lets her eyes drop closed, because that’s what they do in every movie kiss she’s ever seen. But besides the eye thing, that was really as far as Camila’s knowledge on kissing goes, she was on her own form there on out.  
Camila is close enough now to feel the other girl’s warm breath on her lips, it kind of tickles. She opens her eyes to check Lauren has definitely got her’s closed too. She does and for some reason the sight makes Camila’s stomach flutter. She looks so peaceful right now, like she could actually be sleeping. Camila glances down from her long dark eyelashes rested against her cheeks,  to her plump pink lips, already slightly parted, just waiting to be kissed.
“Camz, seriously.“Lauren groans impatiently and Camila quickly snaps her eyes shut again, scared of being caught out. 
She takes one last deep breath and leans in, her mouth finding Lauren’s with the type of ease that only comes when you’ve been staring at someone’s lips whilst they talk for as long as Camila has. They kiss and it’s more than the peck that Camila had been expecting but she couldn’t tell you how long it actually lasted because after two seconds her heart sped up so fast in her chest that she started counting the beats rather than the seconds.
Camila kissed Lauren for thirteen heartbeats. She wonders if that was bad luck.
And maybe it was, because when she gets home that evening she doesn’t just have one drunk person to contend with, but two. She finds her mom drinking herself  into oblivion on the living room couch with some scruffy looking guy that Camila has never seen before. 
The sight fills her with anxiety, because these situations never seem end well for Camila. So she keeps her head down and doesn’t even acknowledge the inebriated pair as she quickly walks through to the kitchen.
"You were right, she’s a strange kid.” She hears the man laugh mockingly from the other room.
“She definitely don’t take after me.” Her mother scoffs loudly in return. “I was never that weird growin’ up.”
And usually those kind of words from her mom wouldn’t get to Camila, they were very tame compared to what she knew she was capable of. But just then she feels a pang in her chest similar to the one she felt earlier that afternoon when they broke away from the kiss and Lauren had laughed and said it felt 'weird’. To Camila the only thing that felt weird was the fact that kissing Lauren didn’t feel weird at all. It was actually kind of nice. And she’s never really got the whole 'crush’ thing before but as she stands in her kitchen now, staring blankly into the empty fridge, she’s pretty certain that she has a crush on Lauren. Lauren, the only friend she’s ever really had, the only person she felt like she could trust, the only person who didn’t already think she was 'weird’. But maybe her mom and everyone at school was right, maybe she was strange and these new feelings for Lauren proved it.  
Camila closed the fridge again, accepting the fact that there was nothing for her to eat. It was funny how they were apparently too poor to fill the cupboards and pay the bills, but always seemed to have enough to fill the wine rack in the fridge.
“Hey!” The man called out menacingly as Camila walked back through the living room towards the stairs.
She looked up, acknowledging him with a short but polite nod before scampering away as quickly as she could.
“Hey kid, you deaf?” The man repeated louder this time and before Camila even had a chance to look up, an empty bottle of beer hit the wall just beside her head, smashing into pieces across the stairs. Camila jumped into the air, startled by the sudden crash.
She frozen to the spot, her heart pounding in her chest for the second time in the last hour. Although this time round feels very different to the first.
“It’s rude not to say hi kid.” The man slurred. Camila could practically hear the smirk on his lips.
“She’s shit scared Donny, leave her alone.” Her mom giggled, her voice taking a tone that sounded more mocking than concerned. “Go to your room Camila.”
With her head down and breath still held in her chest, Camila scurried up the last remaining steps and into her bedroom, the sound of her mom and Donny laughing at her from downstairs finally drowning out the second she closes her door behind her.
Camila takes a moment sitting on her bed to calm herself down, before sliding  her DVD of Wizard of Oz into her old box shaped television set, because usually that movie makes her hopeful. But maybe she’s watched it too many times now, or maybe she’s gotten too old to believe in magic, because for the first time, it doesn’t work. 
She needs something new, a different distraction. And whilst Camila still doesn’t know what she wants to be when she grows up, she knows that she likes writing just as much as she likes singing. So she climbs into bed with her journal resting on her lap and she writes her first song, and the lyrics go something like, ’If only I could get away. If only I could fly. Dorothy escaped over that rainbow. So why, oh why, can’t I?’
If it’s not already obvious this story is going to be a bit darker than my others, although I guess Lifeboat Lighthouse had it’s moments. 
Anyway, I really enjoy writing this, so I hope you like it.
Story also available on my wattpad 
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after all this is happening
me not really giving anything to overwatch because i really dont want all of this drama
and the tf2 comic coming out
i feel bad for how hard I hyperfixate on things because it was such a clean jump for me between tf2 and overwatch and frankly because of all of this ive been interested in tf2 again and like..... why did i ever lose interest in the first place. somehow it was the best “fandom” ive ever been a part of, maybe just because its not new or something stupid shit never went down and there were a lot of really dedicated people just doing their own thing. it was never weird or nasty for me. and the game is still fun even though i went from only tf2 to only overwatch basically, and frankly i still really like a lot of the characters and if fictives/fiction kin had been as big of a thing when i was into tf2 as now tbh i would have been pyro lol.
like idk why im making this post but reconnecting with tf2 is nice and although i never left for any negative reason or whatever (its really just because i hyper fixate and when overwatch got announced i knew that would be my Life for the next good while) its just as refreshing and envigorating to get back into it as it was to get into it in the first place, honestly
i dont wanna say “fuck overwatch” because unless problems dont get solved/blizz fucks up in some other big way its going to be a big part of my life at least for the next few years probably just because im way too deep into the characters and lore and stuff now
but also kind of.... fuck overwatch. for having sloppy lore (yes i know tf2 lore is a different ballgame but they never presented it to be serious just to break their own rules. if anything their rule-breaking is the interesting part of the lore). For having just a totally fucking abhorrent fandom space. For not having dedicated fan content that makes up for that (sorry but shitty meta fics just don’t compare to the cool shit you get from tf2 community. I dont want to emphasize this point too hard because they are just different things and ovw hasnt been out for nearly as long or has really had a chance for that level content, but tbh... a lot of ovw fan content is very predictable bland basic fandom spit). For hyper focusing on some characters while totally ignoring all of the best ones. for presenting a huge, diverse, complex world and then doing totally nothing for it (yeah, even if “its coming” its been over a year since announcement and so far we have only just started to have forward moving content, and there is still so much backup that we need to sort through before we understand the lore or world or characters at all tbh)
like i didnt mean to make this a “shit on overwatch” post because frankly its ignoring a lot of why i am so interested in overwatch and everything i do see it, but its just frustrating and weird to me on a level to realize how deep down the rabbit hole ive ended up and frustration with myself on how much i let that happen
this post isnt supposed to be deep or a commentary honestly its more or less me just saying “fuck it dude”
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luluuu-blog · 5 years
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MANIFESTO GLEITZEIT 2015 BY STELLY RIESLING Featured below is another original art work of mine in homage to THE PIONEER OF INVISIBLE ART — PAUL JAISINI. Forget all the copycats that came after him — Master Paul Jaisini was the *FIRST* of a totally original concept and the *BEST*. My favorite thing about him is that he’s a voice, not an echo, which is quite rare. DISCLAIMER: This is for anyone who is a hater OR wishes to better understand me, what I’m all about, so you can decide whether I’m weird or normal enough for you — a kind of very loose manifesto, rushed and unrevised, full of raw uncut emotion that I don’t like to be evident in my writing as lately I prefer a more professional, formal style, so we can consider this a rough draft of the more polished writing to come when I have extra time. I might return to this text later and clean it up or break it into separate parts. Right now it’s a long-winded hot mess, so if you manage to make any sense of it, BIG PROPS TO YOU. lol …and if you manage to read it ALL, you have my solemn respect!!! in a day when reading has been reduced to just catchy headliners and short captions of images once in a while. The consequence of this one-liner internet culture is non-linear, tunnel thinking, which is baaaaaad. There lives among us a most enigmatic and charismatic creature named Paul Jaisini who led me into the wonderful world of art, not personally, but through descriptions of his artworks in essays written and published online by his friend, which painted the most fascinating images in my mind. Early on as a kiddo, I experimented with photography, simple point and shoot whatever looked attractive to me. Digital manipulation of my photographs with computer software followed… and somehow I learned useful drawing techniques along the way to combine existing elements with nonexistent ones, which allowed me to elevate the context for my ideas. Later, I started creating my own digital art from scratch for my friends and family as a favorite pastime. They would shower me with praise and repeatedly encouraged me to share my “different” vision with the rest of the world… it took a while and wasn’t easy to overcome the insecurity of not being good enough along with a gripping fear of being harshly criticized, but one day I woman-ed up and started publishing my work on the web, reminding myself that my livelihood didn’t depend on a positive reception. Paul Jaisini’s role in all this has been to not disgrace myself, even if what I do is just a hobby. And I would never do him and other genius artists the disservice of calling myself a professional because I know I’ll never be as good as any of the GIANTS of pre-modern history. Be the best or be nothing, no middle ground. People’s jealousy in the past, future and present over my obsessive love of Paul Jaisini, which they are well aware is purely plutonic, has caused them to despise the man and has made many relationships/friendships impossible for me. I refuse to have such people in my life because by harboring any negativity towards Paul, they unknowingly feel that way about me and express it to me. It’s their own problem for not realizing this. Paul’s new art movement, Gleitzeit, shaped me into the allegedly awesome girl I am today, giving my art more edge, more “sexy” because it refined my vision of the world and propelled me to attain the skills necessary to not dishonor my family name through tenacious pursuit of perfection. Since the beginning of my life, I attempted to depict what I saw in visual, musical and literal forms, but continuously failed without adequate training and determination. Paul Jaisini’s Gleitzeit was the answer to my prayers. Who I am today I owe mostly to him and his selfless ideals of the artverse that I’ve given unconditional loyalty to (he has this cool ability for hyper-vision to see whole universes, not itty bitty worlds, hence I call it an artverse instead of art world, with him in mind). So again, anyone who hates Paul Jaisini hates ME because, regardless of what he means to you, he is the most important person in my life for making me ME. The way a famous actor, dancer or singer inspires others to act, dance or sing, Paul inspired me to become a better artist, better writer, better everything. More people would understand if he was a household name because they’re wired to in society. But we’re inspiring each other all the time in our own little communities without being famous, so if someone has the ability to change even ONE person’s life immensely with creativity, it is a massive achievement. And passionate folks like myself are compelled to scream it from the cyber rooftops. So here I am. It’s whatever. Furthermore, I’d like to address here a few pressing matters in light of some recent drama brought on by both strangers and former friends. To start, I never judge the passions, interests or likes of others, which are often in my face all over the place, so likewise they have no right to judge any of mine. It is quite unfortunate and frustrating how very little understanding and education the majority of people have or want to have. Their logic is as primitive as a chipmunk when it comes to promotion of fine art on the web: “spamming, advertising, report!” It’s their own problem that they fail to understand what it’s about due to the distorted lens through which they see the world or inability to think for themselves; an inherent lack of perception or inquisitiveness. Well, guess what? Every single image, every animation, every video, every post dedicated to Mr. Paul Jaisini and “Gleitziet” (to elaborate: a revolutionary new art movement Paul founded with his partner in crime and personal friend, EYKG, who discovered him and believed in him more than anyone) has an important purpose. Every one of those things you run across is a piece of a puzzle, a move in a game, an inch down a rabbit hole; the deeper you go, the more interesting it gets; the more levels you pass, the more clues unfold, the greater the suspense and nearer the conclusion (yet further). You earn awesome rewards like enlightenment, spiritual revelations, truths, knowledge, wisdom and the most profound reward of all: the drive to improve yourself to the absolute maximum, so an unending, unshakable drive. People often make a wrong turn in this cyber game and go back a few levels or get stuck. Those that keep on pushing, however, will come to find the effort has been worth it. And what awaits you in the end of it all? The greatest challenge to beating the game: YOUR OWN MIND. You will be forced to let go of every belief you held before you had reached the last level, to completely alter your mindset and perception of the world, of life, of yourself. But by the time you’ve gotten to that point, it will be as easy as falling off a cliff! (It is a kind of suicide after all — death and rebirth of spirit.) Paul Jaisini does NOT, *I repeat* does NOT use mystery and obscurity to his advantage as a clever marketing ploy, no, he’s too next level for that with a consciousness so rich, he should wear a radioactive warning sign (he’ll melt your brain, best wear a tinfoil hat in his presence as I certainly would.) The statement he makes is loud and clear, hidden in plain site for those who take the time to connect the dots and have enough curiosity to fuel their journey into unknown territory (an open mind and flexible perception helps a lot). Actually, anyone with an IQ above 90 is sure to figure it out sooner or later. Hint: You don’t have to SEE an extraordinary thing with your eyes to know it exists, to understand it and realize its greatness — you can only feel it in your bone marrow, your spinal fluid, your heart and soul. The moment you do figure it out, as the skeleton key of the human soul, it will unlock the greatness and massive potential buried deep within, changing the doomed direction humanity is undoubtedly headed. I don’t speak in riddles, I speak in a clear direct way that intelligent humans will understand, so I’m counting on them. GIG is an international group of artists and writers that support Paul Jaisini’s Gleitzeit. We started off as an unofficial fan club of Jaisini in 1996, comprised of only 6 individuals spanning 3 countries, and eventually escalated in status to an official fan group across the entire globe. A decade later it had grown to hundreds of fans. Nearly another decade later, there are thousands. Let’s not leave out another delightful group of vicious haters that have been around for nearly as long as us since the late 90s and have also grown in impressive numbers. Now, for the record (and please write this one down because I’m sick of repeating myself), Paul Jaisini himself is not part of our group and has nothing to do with us. He loves and hates us equally for butchering his name and making him appear as a narcissistic nut-job in his own words. He casts hexes on us for the blinding flash we layer over the art that members contribute to GIG — “disgusting-police-lights, seizure-inducing-laser-lightshow, bourgeois-myspace-effects retarded-raver shit” in Paul’s words. Ahh, how we love his sweet-talking us. In a desperate attempt to please him, those among us who make the art and animations have spent countless hours and sleepless nights trying to solve a crazy-complex quantum-physics type of equation = how to not create tacky or tasteless content. He does fancy some of it now, we got better, that’s something! In the reason stated below, our mission just got out of hand at some point. What little is known about Paul Jaisini, even in all this time, is he’s a horrible perfectionist who slaughtered hundreds of innocent babies — I mean — artworks of remarkable beauty created by his own right hand (mostly paintings, some watercolors and drawings). He’s a fierce recluse who wants nothing to do with anyone or anything in life. But those few of us who know of an incredible talent he possesses (one could go as far as calling it a superpower), could not allow him to live his life without the recognition he FUCKING DESERVES more than any artist out there living today and, arguably, yesterday. We use whatever means necessary to reach more people, lots of flash and razzle-dazzle to lure them into our sinister trap of a higher awareness. Mwahaha! The visual boom you’ve witnessed in both cyber and real worlds, that is GIG’s doing — two damn decades of spreading an art virus — IVA. InVisibleArtitis… or a drug as in Intravenous Art. It’s whatever you want it to be, honey. Our Gleitzeit International Group (GIG) started off innocently enough and gradually spiraled out of control to fight the haters, annoying the hell out of them as much as humanly possible. They don’t like what we do? WE DO MORE AND MORE OF IT. But never without purpose, without a carefully executed plan in mind collectively. If we have to tolerate an endless tidal wave of everyone’s vomit — e.g., idiotic memes and comics; dumbed-down one-liner quotes; selfies; so-called “art photography” passed through one-click app filters; mindless scribbles or random splatters by regular folks who have the nerve to call themselves serious/pro artists; primitive images of pets, babies, landscapes, random objects, etc… then people sure as shit are gonna tolerate what we put out, our animated and non-animated visual art designed for our beloved master, Paul Jaisini, who has shown us the light, the right path to follow, taught us great things and done so much for us — and so in our appreciation of him, we stamp his name on everything, for the sacrifices he has made in the name of art, to save our art verse, he’s a goddamn hero. There’s a book being written in his dedication where little will be left to the imagination about him. If Paul Jaisini was as famous as Koons or Hirst, for example, people would know it’s not him posting stuff online with his name on it but fans creating fanart like myself among others. But noooooo, such a thing is unfathomable to most people – the promotion of another artist. Like, what’s in it for us? Uhh, nothing?? This is all NON-PROFIT bitches, the way art should be. It’s a passion FIRST, a commodity/commercial product/marketable item LAST and least. Its been that way for us since the early 90s to this day. Not a single member of GIG has sold an art work (neither has Paul Jaisini who’s a true professional) and we want to keep it that way. We do it for reasons far beyond ego. So advertising? Really? How the hell do you advertise or sell thin air, you know, invisible paintings, invisible anything? Ha ha, very funny indeed. The idea here is so simple, your neighbor’s dog can grasp it. Our motives: replace fast food for the mind with fine art, actual fine art. You know, creativity? Conscious thought? Talent? Skill? Knowledge? All that good stuff rolled into one to bring viewers more than a momentary ooohand aaahh reaction. Replace the recycled images ad nauseum; repetitious, worn-out ideas; disposable, gimmicky, money-driven fast art for simpletons. Stick with the highest of ideals and save the whole bloody planet. Fine art is often confused with craft-making. This often creates bad blood between classically trained artists who put out paintings that leave a lasting impression, that make strong conversation pieces, that are thought-provoking and deep… and trained craftspeople whose skills are adequate to create decorative pieces for homely environments — landscapes, still lifes, animals, pretty fairies, common things of fantasy, and other simplicity. Skills alone are not enough for high art, you need a vision, a purpose, the ability to tell a story with every stroke of your brush that will both fascinate and terrify the viewers, arousing powerful emotions, illuminating. I have yet to see a visible painting in my generation that does anything at all for me, other than evoke sheer outrage and disgust. What a terrible waste of space and valuable resources it all is. Paul Jaisini leads, we follow. He wishes to remain unknown – so do most of us. I’m next in line, slipping into recluse mode, no longer wanting to attach my face, my human image to my art stuff. I wish to be a nameless, faceless artist as well, invisible like P.J., and in his footsteps I too have destroyed thousands of my own artistic photography and digital art made with tedious, labor-intensive handwork. The whole point of this destruction is achieving the finest results possible by letting go of the imperfect, purging it on a regular basis, to make way for the perfect. I love what I do so it doesn’t matter, I know I’ll keep producing as much as I’m discarding, keeping the balance. Hoarding is an enemy of progress, especially the digital kind as there’s absolutely no limit to it. It’s like carrying a load of bricks on your back you’ll never use or need. The watering down of creativity that digital pack ratting has caused as observed over the years is most tragic. For the creative individual, relying on terabytes of stock photos or OSFAP as I call them (Once Size Fits All Photos) instead of making your own as you used to when you had no choice, being 100% original, is a splinter in the conscience. It’s not evil to use stock of, say, things you don’t have access to (outer space, deep sea, Antarctica, etc.), but many digital artists I know today can’t take their own shot of a pencil ‘cause they “ain’t got no time for that!” How did they have time before? Did time get so compressed in only a decade? Ohhhhh, and the edits, textures, filters, plug-ins and what-have-you available out there to everyone and their cats… are responsible for the tidal wave of rubbish that eclipses the magnificent light of the real talents. I can tell you with utmost sincerity there is no better feeling on earth than knowing your creation is ALL yours, every pixel and dot, from the first to the last. It’s not always possible to make it so, but definitely the most rewarding endeavor. I’m most proud of myself when I can accomplish that. Back to Paul Jaisini, from the start there have been a number of theories floating around on what his real story is. One of my own theories is that he stands for the unknowns of the world who can’t get representation, can’t get exhibited at a decent gallery because highly gifted/trained artists aren’t good enough – those kind of establishments prefer bananas, balloon dogs, feces, gigantic dicks/cunts, and all kinds of what-the-fucks… So again, you don’t get the Paul Jaisini thing? That’s your problem. Don’t hate others for getting it. People are good, very good, at making baseless assumptions and impulsively spewing it as truth. They criticize and judge as if they’re high authorities on the subject yet they clearly lack education in fine art or art history and possess little to no talent or skill to back up their bullshit. My little “credibility radar” never fails. When they say I know this or I know that, I reply don’t say “I know” or state things as fact as a general rule of thumb – instead say “I assume/believe” and state the reasons you feel thus to appear less immature, especially about a controversial topic like invisible art. I have zero respect or tolerance for egomaniacs who think they know it all and act accordingly like arrogant pricks. Who can stand those, right? Once again, a good example would be: I, Stelly Riesling, believe everything I’ve written in this little manifesto to be correct based on personal experience and observation from multiple angles, thorough research and sufficient data collected from verifiable sources (and don’t go copying-pasting my own words back at me, be original). Just because you or I say so doesn’t make it so. Just because you or me think or believe so doesn’t make it true or right. I only ask that my opinions are regarded respectfully and whoever opposes them does so in a mature, civilized manner. We should only be entitled to opinions that don’t bring out the worst in us. I don’t normally take such a position, but the time has come to stand up for what I believe in! It’s quite amusing and comical how haters think calling me names, attacking me or my interests or members of the project I’m part of for years is going to change something. It only makes more evident the importance of what I’m doing so I push on harder still. Words of advise to those who can identify with me, with my frustrations over people’s reluctance to change their miserable ways, with our declining art world… DON’T waste time on people who sweat the small stuff, whose actions are consistently inconsistent with their words. DO waste time on people who always keep their eye on the ball—the bigger picture of life. Paul Jaisini’s invisible paintings are more than hype, more than your lame assumptions. Here’s one I got that’s pure gold: a cult! It started out as A JOKE OF MINE that was used against me. I told a then-good friend that he should come join our little “art cult” in a clearly lighthearted manner, and later he takes this idea I put in his head first and accuses me of being in an (imaginary) cult—the jokes on me eh?. But wait, aren’t cults religious? Our group consists of people around the world of different faiths (or none at all) so how could that ever work? If religion was about making fine (non-pop) art mainstream and bringing awesome, fresh, futuristic concepts to the collective consciousness, the world would not be so fucked up today because talent, creativity, originality and individuality would be the main focus, not superficial poppycock; those things would be praised and encouraged and supported in society by all institutions, not demonized and stigmatized. Here is one thing I CAN state as solid fact: only one person close to Paul Jaisini knows the TRUE story, or at least some of it: EYKG. Everything else that has ever been said about him is myth, legend, gossip, speculation, the worst of which is said by jealous non-artists (wannabes, clones, posers, hang-ons, unoriginal ppl in general) and anti-artists (religious psychos, squares, losers and -duh- stupid ppl). Sadly, people are unable to see the bigger picture by letting their egos run their lives or repeating after others as parrots. Commercial art, consumerism, and ignorance of the masses truly makes me want to curl up in a ball, not eat or drink or move until I die, just die in my sleep while dreaming of a better world, a world where real fine artists rule it with real fine art as they used to and life is beautiful once again…. Well I hope that settled THAT for now, or perhaps inadvertently made matters worse. I hope I didn’t sound too pissed from all these issues that keep popping up like penises on ChatRoulette… just got to me already! Can you tell? I had to put my foot down, stomp ‘em all! To be continued, still lots more ignorance and pettiness to battle… Till then peace out my bambini. MWAH! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MANIFESTO GLEITZEIT 2015 PROLOGUE Paul Jaisini was like a messiah, as you wish, who saw/understood the impending end and complete degeneration of Fine art or Art become and investment nothing more than that. He predicted the bubble pops art when everybody would eventually become an artist, including dogs cats and horses, because they as kids followed the main rule: express yourself without skills or knowledge or any aesthetic concerns. J. Pollack started pouring paints onto canvases; Julian Schnabel, former cab driver from NY, suddenly decided he could do better than what he saw displayed in galleries, so he started gluing dishes on canvases; A.Warhol, an industrial artist who made commercial silk-screen for the factories he worked in, started to exhibit "Campbell’s soup" used for commercial adds… and later the thing that made him an "American Idol": by copying and pasting Hollywood celebrities (same type of posters he made before for movie theaters). When Paul Jaisini stood out against the Me culture in the US by burning all of his own 120 brilliant paintings (according to the then-new director of Fort Worth MoMa Museum, who offered hin an exhibition of his art in 1992, and later the Metropolitan Museum curator, Phillippe de Montebello, in 1994).Paul probably assumed all fellow true fine artists would join him or stand by him against corruption of the art world. And after 20 years of his stand-off…the time has finally come today. Many artists and humanitarians around the world took a place beside him. His invisible Paintings became a synonym for the future reincarnation of fine art and long lost harmony. The establishment is in panic! The "moneybags" (as Paul Jaisini named them) are in panic, because they invested BILLIONS of dollars in real crap made by craftsmen. Now they realize that the reputation of American legends of expressionism was nothing but a copy of Russian avant-garde" Kazimir Malevich, Vasiliy Kandinsky and tens of others from France and Germany.. US tycoon investors were spending billions on "Me more original, than you". "Artist Shit" is a 1061 artwork by the Italian artist Piero Manzoni. The work consists of 90 tin cans, filled with feces. A tin can was sold for £124,000, 180,000 at Sothebys, 2007. EPILOGUE Before I resume promoting and admiring a very important art persona on today’s international art arena, I’d like to clear up some BIG questions; people ask continuously and subconsciously, directly & indirectly: "Why does the name Paul Jaisini, flood the Internet in such "obnoxious" quantities that it’s started suppressing some other activities that my friends might share with the rest of the Internet’s Ego Me only Me www society? I can’t just answer this… so I’ll try to explain why I’m writing this: Jaisini’s followers keep posting art and info about, He IMHO the only hope in quickly decomposing visual fine art. "Paul Jaisini realized many years ago, in 1994, when he declared (at that time to himself only) the start of a New era, a New vision, that he is trying to redirect from the rat race, started by an establishment in post-war New York, long before the Internet culture. Sub related information: Adolf Gottlieb, Mart Rothko, etc (after visiting Paris France in 1933): "We must forget analytical art, we must express ourselves, as a 5 year old child would, without a developed consciousness. Forget about results – do what you feel, EXPRESS yourself with your own unique style" With this statement Mark Rothko starts to teach his students, degeneration of fine art begins, and the generation of war of styles took a start signal of the material race, greatly rewarded by establishment "individual" – eccentric craftsmen – show business clowns. Sub related Information: In the summer of 1936, Adolf Gottlieb painted more than 800 paintings, which was 20X more than he created in his whole art career as a painter, starting from the time of Gottlieb becomes a founding member of "The Ten" group in NYC "Group of Ten" was a very peculiar, enigmatic group… Based on a religious point of view;(where a human figure was prohibited from being created) GLOSSARY IN 1997, Paul Jaisini’s best friend Ellen Y.K.Gottlieb started a cyber campaign by promoting on a very young Internet, back then, Paul Jaisini’s burned paintings as Invisible Paintings, visible only through poetic essays. She and a handful of people saw his originals and were devastated that nobody could ever see them again. "We, his fans, believe that someday Paul will recreate his 120 burned paintings if he has any decency and moral obligation to his fans, who have dedicated decades to make it happen, for their Phoenix to rise from the ashes and the whole world will witness that all these years we spent to get him back to re-paint the Visuals again were not in vain," – said E.Y.K.Gottlieb in 2014 during the 20th anniversary celebration of Invisible Paintings to GIGroup in NYCity. So now, hopefully, this clears up why I and others do what we do – our "cyber terrorism" of good art, dedicated to Paul Jaisini’s return, which is & and was our mission & our goal. We post good art to fight "troll art" which is worthless pics, after being passed through 1-click filters of free web apps. We are, in fact, against this www pops pollution, done with "bubble art" by the out of control masses with 5 billon pics a day: Pics of cats, memes, quotes,national geographic sunsets and waterfalls, not counting their own daily "selfies: and whatever self-indulging Me-ego-Me affairs, sponsored happily by photo gadget companies like Canon, Nikon, Sony…who churn out higher quality madness tools at lower cost. This way Government taking away attention from the real world crisis of lowest morality & economical devastation. The masses are too easily re-engineered/manipulated by the Establishment PopsStyle delivered to them by pop music and Hollywood "super" stars. In 1992 Paul Jaisini’s Gleitzeit theory predict such a massive, pops self-entertain madness, following technological explosion, but not in illusive scales. Uber Aless @2015 NYC USA NOTE Date’s numbers and events can be slightly inaccurate. #gleitzeit #paul-jaisini #invisible #painting #art #futurism #art-news,
Posted by E_Y_K_G on 2015-03-28 04:43:10
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