#and now he whales for tsukasa lmao
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Translation: Suspicious ninja shadow in front of Tsukasa!!! x5.5 times (in reference to the story premise tweeted by pjsk's official account. note: the original tweet didn't contain any english, and the phrase could also be interpreted as simply "a suspicious ninja appeared before Tsukasa")
Sasakure.uk is really the Tsukasa oshi of all time. Guy made one song for the boy and decided to adopt him
My favorite reply:
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Translation: sasakure-san, are you okay?
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otakween · 7 years
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.Hack//Sign - Rewatch, Episode 3
The animation in this episode was noticeably better for some reason. Characters looked less off model and more dynamic. The writing however continues to be slower than a snail’s pace. I feel like barely anything happened again.
-Honestly, WTF were they thinking with the guardian’s design? It’s not exactly cool it just looks kinda gross. I like the whale noises it makes tho.
-Tsukasa acted extra derp in this episode. The dialogue was really awkwardly written in the scene between them and Bear “Is this good enough for you? Do you really think you’ve become something great?” (???) especially felt odd to me. I dunno. Just a lot of moments with me thinking “NOBODY talks like that”
-So I did some “research” on Deviantart and Pixiv and found out that Sora is actually a fan-favorite character. Right after I trashed him in the last post lmao. I even read a Sora x Crim doujin (platonic) that endeared me to his character. It’s not really him I hate, it’s just that his design makes my eyes bleed.
-BT’s design is growing on me. One thing I noticed about this show is that it has a nice age-range. Not all high schoolers like most anime. It covers the entire spectrum.
-Sora’s better when he’s interacting with a big group and people call him out on his BS. He needs buffers
-The scene where Tsukasa was like “FETCH! HAHAHAHA. NoW wE cAn Go EvErYwHeRe ToGeThEr” was pretty funny. In an -uncomfortable laughter- kinda way.
Attempt at a Summary:
The gang all kinda meetup for the first time in this episode. Subaru sets up a meeting with everyone that has information on Tsukasa. This includes Sora who knows about the “Key of Twilight.” BT and Bear know that Tsukasa has their guardian thingy and theorize it has something to do with this rare item that can bypass the game’s coding.
They debate over how to solve the mystery behind Tsukasa, realizing they can’t get their personal info for security reasons. BT wants to meet Tsukasa IRL, mostly because she’s intrigued about the rare item. 
The only other things that really happen are Tsukasa gaining control over their guardian (and attempting to show that off to Mimiru) and Mimiru grinding for some reason. It’s also revealed that Mimiru and BT saw the cat avatar. 
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