#and now even in the face of this knowledge and serious effort to try amd repair what I can
dirt-goth · 4 months
One frustrating phenomenon in my life is describing something I experience daily like "Communicating with people is very difficult and I feel most my relationships are on thin ice because I am never confident I am communicating correctly/clearly/often enough for people to even care about me" and being dismissed with things like "well you are better with people than I am"
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sonic-meme-corner · 7 years
Good friend-Tails LET ME HELP YOU!
A few days after a successful attack on eggmans base you're going about your day heading to the hospital to see if the need any help.(For this story you have a lot of medical knowledge physical and mental plus the others consider you a jack of all trades meaning you're good at almost everything you do plus you're a very self less person who puts all there effort on others and you do your best to make sure the others don’t worry about you) But while you are heading to the hospital you get hit by two cyclists not paying attention and you get badly injured (up to you). You regain your senses shortly after and you see Tails holding your hand extremely worried. “Are you OK?!?" Tails exclaims, "I saw you get hit and I came as fast as I could!” You reassure Tails you're ok but when you try to stand up you fall back down in extreme pain from your bad injury.“I’ll help you get to the hospital!" Tails says while pulling you up. After you get examined the doctor tells you and Tails how bad the injury is and how you’ll be able to head home but it would be best to have someone stay with you due to how bad the injury is and you’ll be left weak from it. Tails looks at you with a scared expression, seeing this you reassure him that you’ll be ok. After getting checked out and head back to your home Tails helps you go to your room and gets you a drink and some food. "I’ll be right back I’ll tell Sonic that I won’t be able to go to the party we had planned."You look at Tails with a surprised expression and say "No it’s ok you don’t need to worry about me I just need to rest”, Tails responds with “you need someone to be here for you so nothing happens with your injury and I’m not gonna let a friend like you try to deal with an injury like this on there own” Tails says with a determined look on his face leaving you rather surprised, you try to bring up other things he had on his schedule but Tails says he could deal with it later or he’ll come up with an excuse.“ What about sonic,"you asked "he’ll be worried about where you are when it’s night”. Tails says “I’ll just have to lie to him if that doesn’t work then I’ll tell him that you asked me to stay cause you needed some help”. “You know that lie might not Work since I never ask for help”. ( forgot to mention you never ask anyone for help either) Tails says “well that’s because you're always doing everything on your own and when we ask if we can help you politely refuse”. You sigh exhausted from today’s events and tell Tails we could continue the conversation later and you take a nap. Meanwhile Tails is doing his best not to raise suspicion on why he can’t help or attend any events for a while because he knows you need to be away from large crowds to recover. After you wake up from a loud noise you stumble to the kitchen and see Tails tired getting some food ready for you. You wake up completely when you see this but when you try to run to see make sure Tails is ok you fall to your knees in pain from the injury. Tails immediately helps you to your bed and before he can head back you grab Tails hand and you see how tired he is. You sit up and say “Tails you need to get some sleep it’s 2am. When Tails tries to pull away saying "I’ll be fine” you nod in disagreement and pick up Tails and tell him he needs to rest. After getting settled in bed you both fall asleep. ( I could stop here but I won't😇) You wake up to here Tails opening the door with a full breakfast for the both of you,“I knew if I didn’t bring food for myself you would not be happy” Tails say nervously laughing. “ I’m glad you're taking care of yourself while looking after me I’d feel guilty if you weren’t looking after yourself for my sake” You said. “Well we let’s eat”! Tails says. After a few days your injuries are slightly getting better which worries Tails because he knows you’ll need more time to heal and the others will be a little suspicious of him when he tries to come up with an excuse and you knew it plus you still needed help to walk around. When Sonic visits Tails barely succeeds in hiding the fact you're injured badly but they started yelling at each other near the end which made you feel guilty. You decided you would try to convince Tails to go so the others especially Sonic would get suspicious and make Tails stress over them and you. When Tails comes back he apologizes for the yelling, and you look at Tails with a very serious and calm look and say “Tails I thank you for helping me but I think you should head out after today, I don’t want to risk the others getting mad at you because you're hiding my injury and you're looking after me, you’ve done a wonderful job though but with Sonic getting upset because of you hiding my injury I don’t want you to worry about me”. When you look at Tails you are surprised to see him looking at you with a very upset look on his face and with misty eyes. “Tails are you ok I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings but…” “NO!!” Tails exclaims, “I’m NOT LEAVING YOU ALONE, I’m NOT LETTING YOU DEAL WITH THIS ALL ON YOUR OWN LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO LET ME HELP YOU!! THIS TIME YOU NEED MY HELP AMD YOU KNOW IT!!!"😡 Tails yells, while he is letting his feelings out you're left in complete shock by this. "YOU'RE ALWAYS PUTTING OUR SAFETY AND OUR FEELING AHEAD OF YOURS!!” As Tails is telling you this his eyes start to water as do yours. “YOU'RE ALWAYS HELPING US CARING FOR US BUT WHENEVER YOU SEEM LIKE YOU NEED HELP YOU DENY OUR HELP WITH YOUR HEARTWARMING SMILE AND ALWAYS SAY ” “It’s ok I can handle this”, “AND WHENEVER I LOOK AT YOU WHILE YOU'RE HELPING US OR WHEN YOU'RE WORKING YOU LOOK SO TIRED AND SAD ON THE INSIDE AND WHEN WE ASK WHATS WRONG YOU TRY TO REASSURE US EVERYTHING IS OK”!! *sniff* *hic* *hic*, You immediately catch on to Tails crying with streams of tears pouring down his face, “Tails I’m so sorry”, *sniff* this display of emotion from Tails leaves you in shock. Tails continues, *sniff* “When ever you tell us you're ok when we ask what’s wrong we just get more worried about you”. Then Tails ask a question you hoped to never hear. We do you seem so sad? Upon hearing this question you see flashbacks of all of your family members and friends you grew up with dying in your arms. Which upon remembering this makes you sob your heart out and pull Tails in for a full embrace for him telling you how much he was concerned about you.(Another place to stop but for satisfaction of you readers I won’t stop till I finish 😇) Tails returns the embrace and ask “Why are you crying so much now *sniff*” you responded saying “ Tails I need you to promise me to not tell anyone not even Sonic what I’m about to tell you please, you say in a shaky voice and look at Tails in the eyes, Tails looks back at you and says "I promise”. After you hear his answer you tell Tails about your painful past which easily triumphs over how painful shadows past was since you saw all of your loved ones die in your arms. After tell Tails the full story Tails starts bawling and clings on to you in your embrace “IM *HIC* *HIC* S-SO S-SORRY FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU IM SO SORRY *SNIFF* *HIC* *HIC*”! After hearing Tails you cling on to him and tell him *sniff*“ T-There’s no need to be sorry you didn’t know and you couldn’t have done anything to save them. After awhile you and Tails finally fall asleep still embracing each other. (Next day) you both wake up with Tails asking "Do you still want me to leave”? After everything that happened yesterday you tell Tails “no you can stay until I recover I need someone to help me walk around the house and that someone should be a good friend which is you. Upon hearing this Tails exclaims "YESSS THANK YOU” while almost tackle hugging you.😝 you groan in pain but laugh a little just from seeing Tails so happy then he’s ever been the past few days. “Tails you should tell everyone about my injury and how you're taking care of me so no one is worried about us” Tails agrees with a nod but then you both hear knocking on the front door and when you both go to answer it’s ,😱Sonic and knuckles who both seem to be looking at you specifically with a mad expression on there faces along with the chaotix, Amy, Cream, Blaze, and Silver who all look either concerned or mad. After every one came in you and Tails explained the injury and how it occurred but the all said “WE KNOW THATS WHY WERE HERE” you and Tails look at each other knowing full well you're both gonna be getting lectured by everyone. After a full day of lectures and hugging and being taken care of due to how bad the injury is still everyone except Tails and Sonic leave since Tails said he will be taking care of you but Sonic wanted to stay for the night and next day so he can swap with Tails so he can rest.😇
The end.
Submission by @sagawolf710
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