#and no she doesn't suddenly forgive anthony
edwinas · 2 years
my villain origin story is people acting like Edwina’s trauma magically disappeared in the finale and everyone who’s hurt her is forgiven
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whispersoftheton · 3 months
Hi, so I have request for Anthony (I know, how unexpected :D )
I was basically thinking about something similar to Penelope and Colin.. Maybe he and reader were friends for a long time, then she hear him speak badly about her and leave London without a word, only to return later (maybe next season?) Anthony doesn't understand what is going on, maybe he has been writing her but she didn't respond. She tells him, that she heard him and doesn't want to talk with him ever again (I just need that angst, ok?! :D ) And of course Anthony is man who would give up easily, so he starts sending her flowers, stealing her from other suitors.. You can basically write anything you want at this point with any ending. Thank you for reading my request and if you decide to write it, I am going to be looking forward to it :D Have a nice day!
Hello nonny! I'm sorry this took me so long, I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: friends to lovers
Word Count: 903
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The light glimmered through the glass windows and reflected off the gold-rimmed tea cup sitting upon the pristinely decorated wooden table. Anthony sat in his reading chair in the corner of the otherwise quiet room as he turned the page in the ragged book in his hand when he felt something fall from one of the pages at the far end of it. A flattened, parched rose petal landed on his lap, etchings sketched onto it worn over time—your initials. And there it was. Yet another piece of you slipping between his fingers. The brief memory of your tendency to leave small reminders in scattered books across his library when you were young for him to find as he advanced in his readings—something he carried so fondly in his heart, now a painful reminder of your absence. Suddenly hit with a pang of guilt as he recalled the events that led to your untimely leave. Flashes of the season's final ball, a glimpse of your dress, as you hurried past him while he attempted to catch up to you, not knowing that it would be the last time he saw you for some time. "Gentlemen, there are much better options out there I am sure of it. I would never court her." He flinched at his own words, cursing himself for being so cruel toward someone who had shown him nothing but kindness in the time you'd known each other. He'd had months to ponder on that night, dissecting it in his mind day in and day out. A stack of unsent letters in the corner of his desk haunted him. He'd managed to send a couple, but when no response came, he found it pointless to continue. Still, that did not stop him from writing; never-ending apologies and still-to-be-kept promises lined every letter, hoping you'd find in your heart to forgive him one day.
It wasn't long before a fresh season dawned, with eager eyes from the ton on who would be picked the new diamond. Young ladies everywhere prepared themselves to find their suitor while mamas set targets for the latest eligible bachelors. Violet's notice of this afternoon's garden party was received with a disgruntled huff from Anthony as she brushed him off and continued about her day. The entire Bridgerton family's attendance would be even more significant now with this season's most eligible bachelor looking for his Viscountess. However, Anthony was more prepared for empty conversations and blank stares from barely appealing faces that meant nothing to him than he was to pick a wife from the ton. Nonetheless, he would sign his name on a few dance cards and put on a show for his mama until he could slip out unnoticed. Or at least that was his intention.
You stepped off the carriage onto the gravel floor, the natural light from the night sky glimmering on your dress cascading around you. The queen's ball was one of the highlights of the social season and the perfect moment for you to make an entrance back into society. The last couple of months spent traveling with family was exactly what you needed to move past last season's 'incident.' Your nerves struck at the thought of seeing Anthony tonight. Typically, seeing him would be the only way to get through such events, but after what happened, you weren't sure you wanted to see him at all.
The days passed, and a handful of suitors visited your home. Each greeted with your elated mama as you entertained what felt like an eternity of dulling conversation. No matter how much you tried to engage with them, your thoughts were consumed by none other than Anthony Bridgerton, mainly because your time with these gentlemen was often interrupted by him barging through the door unannounced with an exquisite gathering of flowers in his hand and inserting himself in conversation until the other gentleman was forced to leave. It wasn't until the last suitor of the day was rudely interrupted by one of Anthony's antics that you decided you'd had enough. You politely apologized to him before shutting the door and turning toward Anthony, who sat smugly on the sofa.
"Must you interrupt every time there is a suitor in my home?"
"Oh, was I interrupting something? I had not noticed." His arrogant tone only irritated you further.
"Then why? You would not court me; you made that very clear the prior season. Why will you not allow me to pursue any of these fine gentlemen? Why is it that you insist on ruining my life?"
"Because I care for you!" The outburst caused your breath to hitch. "I have cared for you for as long as I can remember."
"Anthony..." You weren't sure what to say. The words you've been waiting an entire lifetime to hear from the man you'd been in love with for as long as you could remember had your chest feeling like it could explode any second.
"I know I have made a fool of myself and do not deserve your forgiveness, much less another chance. But I will spend every day proving myself to be the man you deserve. If you'll let me." You weren't sure when he'd gotten so close until you felt his thumb skim your cheek, wiping away a slipped-away tear. The delicate touch sent shivers down your spine as you leaned into it. "I love you."
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Mini Tag List: @bugnug @queenofmean14 @fiction-is-life @thethreeeyed-raven @ssprayberrythings @fatbottomedvirgo @fictional-hooman @sky0401 (let me know if you would like to added by leaving a comment here or dm me if you’d like to be added/removed)
I DO NOT HAVE WATTPAD. I do not consent to having my work reposted, translated, or published to any third party site or app. if anyone sees my work anywhere that is not ao3/tumblr or under any other username that is not whispersoftheton, it has been reposted without my permission
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japhan2024 · 10 months
Review of Smosh's Funeral Roast
I am harsh at times, but know it all comes from a place of love!
Spoilers under the cut
I live in Europe. This is relevant because of timezones: the funeral roast of Anthony Padilla was live at 6pm for them, meaning 3am for me. I am not the youthful insomniac I once was so I had to train my sleep schedule the entire week - otherwise I would miss it because I fell asleep. But I wanted to witness this live. I love smosh.
The trailer for this roast deserves an award: Ian and the cast have a movie night as suddenly the light turns blue and everyone but Ian freezes. He seems to know what's going on and discovers a zombie or ghost like Anthony levitating. The cast of the roast are all introduced and all play a gothic, churchy kind of character. See the full trailer here (it's currently at 666k views, how fun):
Around 1am I got impatient and decided not to wait for my alarm clock but to install myself on the couch, with a blanket and a scarf, and a hot cup of tea, god knows I would need it. I watched episodes of the Scott Pilgrim Netflix series to kill the time. The character Todd Ingram reminded me a lot of Anthony and I wonder whether Anthony has 'vegan superpowers' as well. Probably so.
Finally, the pre-show begins. This is pretty uneventful as they play a game and succesfully convince thousands of viewers to buy their tickets to the main show. I look at them. Everyone is gorgeous. But I can't look away from Ian and Anthony. And here is where I stray from actually reviewing the show to let my inner fangirl out: holy fuck they are hot. Me and my friends on tumblr have been making 'forgive me Father, for I have SINNED' jokes because his character, 'the pastor', just brings that out in people. We're not used to Ian in black, or in a robe, and he looks phenomenal. And then there is Anthony, clothed in a ridiculous Harry Styles-esque lace top with lace gloves, resting his head on Ian's shoulder. It's such a cute moment, Ian pushes him upright. He can be alive for a second before his funeral. My heart melts. Honerable mention: Courtney's bikini girl cleavage right behind Ian. The girls were ready to rock. Okay, okay, back to the review.
The room feels kind of small and a bit claustrophobic. The Smosh art dept. always steps up, so the stained glass "friendship never dies" high-five looks incredible, and the megachad-Anthony portrait hilarious. The casket is huge. But the props make the set look even smaller. I think the problem is the cameras. I realize how difficult camerawork is when you have multiple focus points to switch between, but next time they should do a lot of practice with this to streamline, to get everyone in the shot and better capture people's reactions to the roasts.
Ian walks in. He starts off with a bit about who Anthony is: a hot, hardworking guy with a big dick. Those are the main takeaways of his roasts.
Amanda is next. She looks beautiful but very wacky. Her deliverance and accent are stellar, though. She truly is top talent at Smosh. Her roasts are also some of the most scorching of the night. She doesn't shy away from calling out Anthony's past problematic behavior and less than stellar performance in the bedroom ("look it up!") She gets a round of applause and deservedly so.
Tommy follows with a kind of angry roast, and proceeds to read the will, from which nobody comes away unscathed. I feels like his words about Anthony supposedly hating the cast are a necessary evil. Just the same day Anthony posted his interview with Shayne on his personal channel. There we learned that Shayne didn't know before if Ian and Anthony actually had wanted to hire them. Anthony said they were very much involved, something I don't know whether to believe. As apparently, Ian never talked about it with Shayne either, for all those years. Shayne had also been very apprehensive when Anthony came back, not knowing what would happen and the first change was to boot the entire cast off the main channel. I feel like Tommy's roast puts the topic on the table and hopefully they will talk about it more until nobody has any doubt left.
Now I have to insert that one of my main critiques of the night is that lots of people both did a lot of obvious jokes (tattoos, leaving smosh, general appearance) and did not go hard enough. Anthony kind of has an awkward CEO vibe (he's not the ceo but still) about him that seems to make even the cast a bit wary of him. I had hoped for jokes about that.
Brandon Rogers is next and rightfully points out the lack of celebrities in the line-up. Doesn't Anthony have more friends who want to roast him? Either he doesn't or the rest of Smosh don't have access to them. Which is both fine, because it is a Smosh party after all.
Arasha comes in swinging with all kinds of Zoomer slang that I frankly don't understand but her deadpan delivery is like a breath of fresh air. She ends with a very nice message. That kind of undercuts her roasts though, I wish she would have been meaner.
Now it is time for the musical half-time show, which actually deserves its own review. Performed by Angela and Chanse, this is incredible. By far, the most professional part of the evening. These are no theater kids, as they still call themselves. These are Broadway acTORS! I was really taken away by their talent. Not only do they act, but they also sing amazingly? Did you hear Angela do screamo?! And Chanse's riffs? They pointedly mention the sexual tension between Ian and Anthony, both on- and off screen. This has been occupying my mind ever since. Wow, sorry I went fangirl-mode again. But the halftime show simply is that good. Keith makes an appearance at the end and brings the show back down to earth with his humor.
The biggest surprise guests are next in what I can only describe as Dan telling the horny tale of his years long obsession with Anthony, and the many, many times he unloaded on the 'sexy Anthony' calender (which is a real calender, I was there when it came out but was broke at the time, darnit). Dan and Phil have been shedding their PG personas on their own channels for a while now, but for those who don't watch them daily this December - they're doing gamingmas and it's chaos - it is shocking what X-rated stuff comes out of their mouths. Anthony is visibly taken aback. Good!
As the show progresses, Ian keeps moderating as the pastor. It is great to see him so in control and enjoying the roast of his best friend. The joke of Ian not being able to show his emotions comes up a lot, but today I see him mainly just having fun.
Of course, then there is Bikini Girl, whom I had high hopes for, maybe too high. She is hilarious, but nothing really stings. Courtney does also direct the whole show, so super kudos to her. I just don't think she has the best roasts. She is followed by Rhett and Link, who just do their regular thing. It is funny but not very original. You can only hear so many tattoo jokes before it gets old. We do see Link's bare torso, so a win for fangirls (gender neutral).
Then Shayne, or should I say the Chosen has his turn. He is absolutely in character and does great. I just don't know if the Chosen is the best person to deliver roasts. It feels more like a Shayne party than a roast of Anthony. Which enough people love all the same, I'm sure.
Angela is 'the vessel', a possessed girl, reading the roasts from the audience. These roasts are very mid (they should have included mine! /j), but her delivery is again stellar. Smosh is really lucky to have her.
And last but not least, Ian goes on a second roasting spree. Only, it isn't a roast? He just makes fun of Anthony’s baby picture and then proceeds to tell Anthony how grateful he is for him, how he's so glad they are friends again and that he loves him? Anthony is crying by this time, which makes the moment even more tender.
Of course, Anthony has to do a counter-roast. It is apparent that he is still affected by all the roasting or 'love-bombing' as Amanda calls it. And he's not as good at live comedy yet. Still, his jokes are funny and really in Anthony's own style. He concludes with Ian's quote of being happy to burn Smosh to the ground with him. I knew that quote would be ingrained in Anthony's mind. It was one of the sweetest things Ian had ever said to him, after all. Until Ian has now told him he loves him, of course.
And then it was 5 am. I got a healthy two hours of sleep in! I came away from this roast with a content smile and a full heart. This was well worth the ticket, the staying up late. I am happy to be a member and support them monthly, I've loved their humor even before they started their youtube channel. I love Smosh. I'm so happy that Anthony is back. Smosh is whole again. And it brings out that light in Ian's eyes. He is funny in an unhinged way again. I truly love Anthony and Ian and their dumb videos. I want them to continue to make them forever. These kinds of live shows are fun. But Ian and Anthony truly shine in their off the walls absurdist sketches.
Special shout-out to my bestie @only-frann who I could scream at this whole day.
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juju1220 · 3 months
The Bridgerton effect 3
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As Penelope made her way to Miss Delacroix, I went outside to a bench in front of our house. I picked up my new book Emma by Jane Austen. I couldn't concentrate. My eyes kept returning to the Bridgerton house. Luckily, when I ran away from Henry, we were able to drive home and I was able to hide quickly.
3rd Person:
In the Bridgerton house there were presents from Colin and Henry's world trip. Hyacinth got perfume, Benedict got new playing cards, Gregory got a sheet of paper and Francesca got new sheet music. "Where have you all been?? There are so many countries." Anthony asked. "I don't know, actually, we went wherever we were drawn to." As his siblings continued to talk about countries, Henry became quieter. He looked in his bag and saw the present for Mabel. New colors. "And you, Henry? Tell us your stories. When did you look under the skirt, eh?" Benedict teased. "Haha, very funny, my dear brother. When my younger brother was busy elsewhere, I explored the area." Anthony and Benedict looked at him with a pitying smile. "You missed her, didn't you?" "Yes, very much. But she's angry with me." "I know she hit you. Everyone knew that. But no one would have thought that the sweet, little shy Mabel would hit her, oh so sweet Henry."  Benedict doubled over with laughter. Henry rolled his eyes. "Thanks brother. That really helped. I'm going to her now and give her the gift. Maybe then she can forgive me."
Mabel p.o.v
I read my book in peace. No worries, no Henry stuck in my thoughts. Until a shadow was cast over my book pages. I looked up. Henry. I closed my book. "Mabel. Let me finish my excuses first. I... I'm so sorry. I should have come to you and said goodbye properly. I'm really sorry." "Do you know how much that hurt?! I thought we were more and you were suddenly gone. Just a letter. No, Henry, you just don't know anything." I wanted to get up angrily and leave when he took my hand. "Wait a minute. We can talk when you're not so mad at me anymore and even if you don't want it, here's a present. I know you're angry but please take it anyway. We'll see each other later at the ball, and a dance would be nice too. My love."
I walked quickly into the house and into my room. I didn't wait long and opened the bag. New colors from France. I've always wanted to have them.  But my mother never wanted to give them to me. "Those paints must have cost a lot..." I muttered to myself. I let myself fall onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. What would have happened if he hadn't gone? Would we already be married? No, I can't think like that. He left, he hurt me.
I stand up again with determination. "Maid Anne, can you help me get dressed please."
Time skip:
Our sisters and their husbands walked in front of Penelope and me. Penelope took off her cloak.
"Penelope, this dress is simply beautiful. It suits you so well." "Thank you, Mother is less enthusiastic." "It doesn't matter what she thinks, the main thing is that you like it that way."
She smiled at me. "I'll go first. So that you can have your entrance." I winked at her.
With gentle steps I stood in the corner with a glass of punch. My gaze fell on Penelope who was talking to three lords. She managed it, even if the lords looked rather desperate. Idiots. I was torn from my thoughts. "Where are we looking at?" "Henry! You scared me. What are you doing here?"
"I want to dance with a beautiful woman." "You don't have to flatter me, it's no use." "I know. But I'll do it anyway." I turned completely to him. "So, my lady, shall we dance?" I looked around and sighed, "Yes, but I'm still angry with you."  "Of course, my love," he said with a grin. "You don't have to smile like that." "No, I would never do that to you, my lady." We got into position and the first notes of the music started. Henry whirled me across the dance floor. Everything was almost perfect. It felt like five seconds had passed and then it was over again. Henry was still holding my hand. I pulled it out of his. "Thank you for the dance. It was very nice." "She was happy with me." Henry wanted to say something else when I saw Penelope running up the stairs.
"Sorry, but I have to go after my sister." Henry followed me. "Wait, I'm coming with you, my brother is going after her too." We quietly followed Colin. And stood behind a pillar. And listened to their conversation.
We stood close to each other ,my gaze lingered on Henry's eyes. His kept wandering down until it was on my lips.  The attempt was great... "it never occurred to me that you of all people, could be so cruel" I turned my gaze to the right and saw Penelope running away. "I have to... go" I followed her with quick steps and left Henry standing.
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.
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Part 24
<Part 23<
Warnings: swearing, attempted sexual assault on reader, violence, ⚠️John Walker is a dick⚠️, blood, broken nose
"You look beautiful," Steve wore a loving smile as he gazed at you.
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You smiled bashfully and turned around to face him, "Thank you..." You blushed before your brow suddenly furrowed, "Why aren't you downstairs?" You asked him as you began to walk towards him.
Steve smiled as he walked into the room. "I figured you might be feeling a little nervous, so I wanted to come to you. I thought we could walk down together." He held his hand out of for you to take. "Plus, I get to have you all to myself for a short moment," He whispered as he pulled you into his arms making you giggle.
"I like the sound of that... Honey." You smiled.
"Honey?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow and a playful smile.
You rolled your eyes, "I'm trying something, okay? You have all these loving names for me and I have none for you. I don't want you to think I don't love you."
Steve let out a soft chuckle, "My love, it doesn't matter to me what you call me. I know you love me by the little things you do. Like the way you kiss me, or hold my hand. It's the way you look me in the eyes when you say those three wonderful words." He rested his forehead against yours as he held your hands." I know you love me, Y/N."
"I do love you, with all my heart..." You whispered.
Steve placed his hands on your hips and pressed his lips against yours softly. "I love you too." He whispered.
A soft knock on the open door and the clearing of a throat pulled you apart.
"Sorry to intrude, Your Majesty." Happy stood at the door.
Steve let out a heavy breath before turning to face your guard. "No need to apologise, Sir Harold. What is it?"
"It's time for the two of you to join the festivities, Your Majesty." Happy gave you the tiniest of smiles. "Are you ready, Your Highness?" He asked.
You nodded, drawing in a deep breath as you took hold of Steve's hand and turned to smile at him. "Ready."
You sat between your brother and Steve, trying to hold in your yawn as another lord stood to give a speech. You'd stopped paying attention after the first one and that was so long ago.
"How can a party be so boring?" Tony whispered from beside you making you grin.
"It's you're party, brother." You whispered back.
Actually, sister, it's your party. I'm just the host." Tony answered back.
You shook your head, "Maybe so but as host, isn't it your job to make the evening enjoyable?" You asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
Steve let out small chuckle, "She has a point, Tony."
Tony huffed dramatically, "No one asked you."
You raised your hand to cover your mouth as you snickered at Tony's unamused pout.
"Uhm, Your Majesty?" Lord Coulson looked at the three of you with an irritated glare. "Is there a problem, Sire?"
You let out another snicker behind your hand as Tony sat up straight before clearing his throat.
"The Princess was just asking if it was possible for you to stop talking." Tony blurted out.
Your eyes widened, "Anthony!" You scolded him before turning to Lord Coulson trying not to appear embarrassed as Tony smirked to himself. "Forgive my brother, Lord Coulson, his brain tends to not understand what his mouth should say." You sent Tony a glare as Steve chuckled beside you. "I was merely asking, if we could end your speech and the others there. You see... your kind words are making me teary eyed," You pretended to wipe a tear away.
A simple trick Wanda had taught you years ago. 'Playing on the innocent little princess appearance will fool the men into doing as you pleased.'
"And as this is an evening of joyous celebration, we should be drinking and dancing, not crying." You smiled as you stood up from your chair and made your way towards Lord Coulson. "And I'd be honored, Lord Coulson, if you'd be my first dance partner of the evening." You smiled sweetly at him as you stood in front of him.
He cleared his throat, his cheeks beginning to blush, "It would be my honor, Your Highness." He bowed to you.
As you took your position in front of Lord Coulson the music began to play and the two of you began to dance.
"It was, His Majesty, complaining about my speech, wasn't it?" Lord Coulson asked you quietly so only you could hear.
You let out a small laugh, "How many years have you been in his court, Lord Coulson?"
"Many, many, many long years, Your Highness." Lord Coulson let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes.
You knew he was joking. Philip Coulson had been a close ally and trusted friend of the court since you could remember. He was one of the very few Lords that didn't want you to be married to King Brock, nor did he agree with the way your father had treated you.
Your smile widened. "Then you have your answer."
"I assumed so."
"I apologize for my brother, Lord Coulson." You offered him a polite smile.
"No need, Your Highness. I've grown used to, His Majesty's, humour shall we say." He smiled. "I hope you know how much you will be missed when you move to Brook." He smiled. "I know you haven't had it easy, Your Highness, but your people do care about you... As does the Queen."
You nodded, "Thank you, Philip. I'll certainly miss you when I'm gone."
As the music came to an end Lord Coulson bowed to you once more before taking his leave.
"May I dance with my wife?" Steve smirked.
You turned around to face him with a playful smile, "We're not married yet, Steven."
He shrugged, "As good as." He smiled holding his hand out to you.
You took his hand and let him pull you closer to him. "I can't wait until we really are."
Steve nodded, "Me neither." He whispered. The two of you slowly began to move along to the music as you gazed at one another. "Have you guessed yet?" He asked with a playful smile.
You frowned, "No. Are you going to tell me?" You asked.
"Nope." Steve grinned at you.
Since Steve's return, you had been playing a game that you'd sometimes play when you'd visit Brook. You'd tell eachother riddles and the other had to try and work them out. So far Steve had four and you had two (and Bucky had one after blurting the answer out before you).
"Fine... Could you tell me it again, please?" You asked.
Steve grinned at you, "Okay, but listen carefully... What is mine, but only you have?"
Your brow furrowed as you pouted softly, thinking over the riddle. You were concentrating so much you stopped dancing and started repeating the words as you stayed in Steve's hold. His grin never left his face as he watched you.
"I... Only have of yours... Is, your love?" You looked up at him. "I hope." You smiled at him.
Steve nodded with soft chuckle, "It's true, yes, but that's not the answer." He smiled. "But you're close with love."
"Hmm," Your brow pinched together as you thought, "Is this a well known riddle or have you come up with it?" You asked.
"It's one of my own, but I have said the answer to you many times before." He smiled.
"I'm close with love, and you've said the answer before..." You frowned to yourself.
"Do you give up?" He asked teasingly. Steve knew you wouldn't give up, he just wanted to tease you.
"No!" You placed your hands on his chest, "I certainly do not give up!" You glared at him. "I can work it out."
Steve nodded, "You can always ask, Buck, for help. He worked out the one you struggled with last time." He looked over his shoulder to where Bucky was dancing with Natasha.
Your eyes widened, "No he didn't!" You slapped his chest playfully, "He just shouted it out before me." You pouted. "And besides, I know the answer." You closed your eyes and turned away from him.
Steve rolled his eyes playfully as he followed after you towards the balcony doors. "Oh, so what's the answer then, my love." He smirked.
You cursed yourself internally as you walked out into the fresh air, trying to figure out what Steve's riddle was. What has Steve said to you many times before that could be the answer?
"Have you spoken to, Pepper?" He asked as the two of you laid under a tree for shade in the garden.
You shook your head. "She still refuses." You frowned. "I stood at her door, talking, apologizing but I'm not sure she was even listening." You turned to him. "Tony, says I no longer need to apologize to her. That I've done nothing wrong..."
Steve rolled onto his side and rested his head on his hand, "He's right, my love. You haven't done anything wrong. Nothing that's happened is down to you and if, Pepper, can not understand that then perhaps she never truly loved you like family, like she should." He frowned.
You lowered your gaze, "Sometimes I think I'm never meant to be loved. My father didn't love me, I never knew my mother, and the one woman I thought loved me like a parent, doesn't."
Steve frowned, "Oh, sweetheart..." He sat up against the tree, pulling you with him. "Tony, loves you. And, Peter, loves you as if you were brother and sister. And, Morgana, certainly loves you. She thinks you hung the moon." He smiled at you as he cupped your cheek. "And I love you, Y/N. My heart is full of so much love for you... You, have my heart and have done for so long." He whispered before pressing a loving kiss to your lips.
Your eyes widened with excitement as you spun around to face Steve. "YOUR HEART!" You shouted, quickly covering your mouth as Steve's head fell back with laughter. Your face burned with embarrassment as guests looked out onto the balcony.
"Well done, Princess." Steve circled his arms around your waist. "I believe that's, four to me, three to you... And one to loud mouth." He chuckled making you smile. "Your turn."
"Oh, this is a good one..." You began grinning with excitement. You'd been saving this one, "What has a thousand eyes, but can not see?" You asked with a pleased grin.
Steve's brow furrowed as he looked off in to thin air thinking. "Hmm... You've been holding onto this one, haven't you?" He asked knowingly making you laugh.
"I don't know what you mean." You smiled and skipped off back inside leaving Steve to ponder over your riddle.
Bucky's brow creased with confusion as he watched Steve some time later as they stood together sharing a drink and laughs. "Is everything okay, Your Majesty?" He asked. "You look constipated." He joked making Sam laugh and almost choke on his drink.
Steve frowned at him, "You're not funny, Buck." He grumbled.
Sam nodded, "I dunno, Your Majesty, it was quite funny." He chuckled.
Bucky grinned, "Are you gonna tell us what's on your mind?"
He shook his head, "It's nothing." He smiled, glancing over to where you were dancing with King Thor.
Sam rolled his eyes and looked over at Bucky. "They're still playing that stupid game."
Bucky chuckled, "She guessed the answer to yours then?" He asked Steve.
He nodded with a smile. "And hers is rather more difficult than I expected." He chuckled, smiling to himself.
"Care to share?" Bucky asked with a smirk.
Steve frowned, "Not quite yet."
Bucky's head fell back with laughter, "Don't want me to guess it before you, Your Majesty?"
Steve glared at him. "Shut up." He grumbled making the two men laugh.
"Ugh," Wanda and Natasha joined the three men scowling. "Have you seen whom the princess is dancing with?" Natasha asked.
"Isn't the princess dancing with, King Thor?" Sam asked as the three of them turned to look.
Wanda shook her head, "Not anymore."
Bucky glared, "Prince John." He grumbled.
Steve's brow furrowed. "Buck, move closer and keep an eye on the princess, please. That boy is trouble."
Bucky nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed to him before turning and making his way over to where you were dancing.
You tried not to show your relief as you saw Bucky making his way towards you.
"Everything okay, Princess?" Prince John asked with frown.
You hummed. "I wondered if you'd excuse me, Your Highness? I just need a moment to myself." You bowed to him as he let go of your hand before making your escape. You sneaked over to the main door and slipped out into hall, letting out a relieved sigh as the music was muffled by the closing door.
"Everything okay, Your Highness?" Happy asked as he stood guard opposite the door.
You nodded, "Just needed a moment to myself, that's all, Hap... Prince John, muscled his way in for a dance when I was enjoying myself with King Thor." You frowned.
Happy hummed, "I'm not sure why, His Majesty, invited that boy." He frowned, "Nothing but trouble."
You nodded. "I know." You shook your head to rid your mind of the thoughts of Prince John and smiled. "Did, Lady Wanda, leave it where I asked?"
Happy nodded, "She did, Your Highness."
"Wonderful. Perhaps, Sir Harold, you could fetch, King Steven, for me?" You asked sweetly as you batted your eyelashes at him.
Happy began smiling one of his very rare and genuine smiles. "I am going to miss you, Your Highness."
You began grinning at him. "As am I, Harold." You stepped forwards and wrapped your arms around him, smiling as he briefly hugged you back.
He cleared his once you stepped back. "I'll fetch, His Majesty, right away, Your Highness." He bowed to you before disappeared back into the ballroom.
You let out an excited giggle and made your way over to the large pillar down the hall where Wanda had hidden the gift you had gotten for Steve. You wanted it to be a secret, a special moment between the two of you, that no one would witness... So why she had to put the damn thing in such a hard place so even you couldn't get it was beyond you.
"Doesn't this remind you of that time we snuck off together on your sixteenth birthday?"
You jumped at the sound of Prince John's voice, turning to face him with the small box in hid behind your back as you turned to face him. "We didn't. You followed me, much like you have now." You tried to move past him. "John, let me past."
He slowly moved closer to you, "I think, you have a lot to learn before your big day tomorrow- or shall I say, night." He chuckled as he pushed you back until your back pressed against the wall.
"Stop it, John." You pushed on him.
"Why don't you let me take you for a once over? Make sure that cunt is nice and warm for, King Steven." He pressed his lips against your skin.
"No! Stop it!" You cried out and pushed him away from you.
John began smirking, his eyes almost turning black as he wrapped his hand around your throat tightly. "Now be a good girl."
You gasped for air. He pushed you back until your head hit the wall making you cry out in pain as you reached up to claw at his hand, letting the velvet box fall to the floor.
"Princess!" Bucky called out as he marched towards you. He grabbed Prince John by the shoulders and yanked him off you, throwing him against the opposite wall with a snarl. "Keep your fucking hands off her!"
"Have you forgotten who I am?" Prince John spat at him as he stood up. "I'll have your head for this." He moved towards Bucky.
Bucky put his hands up to defend himself but before John could go for him, you stood in their way.
"That's enough!" You growled at him. You put your arms out almost as if you were protecting Bucky. "Leave, John, before you make things worse for yourself." You warned him as the doors to the ballroom opened.
"How dare you protect that vermin? He attacked me!" John barked at you.
"Sir James, was protecting me, his future Queen, from your attack, John. Now, like I said, leave before this gets any worse for you." You glared at him.
John scoffed, "And who do you think, King Steven, is going to believe? Me, a prince, or the son of a murderer and you, whose just another whore like Queen Mar-"
Prince John didn't expect your fist to collide with his nose and break it with an audible cracking of bone that echoed off the walls, because neither did you or Bucky. Bucky's mouth hung open as he watched what happened before him, unable to move or speak from shock.
"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" You snarled at him. "Don't forget, Prince John, where you're tenth in line for your grandfather's thrown, I am weeks away from being crowded Queen of Brook."
You drew in a deep breath as you raised your head and looked up to meet the proud gaze of your beloved. You cleared your throat as you looked at the rest of the audience you had enchanted with your performance.
"Anyone else have anything to say about the past? Anyone else wish to accuse me of being a whore after they try to force themselves on to me? Anyone else want to blame myself or, Sir James, for things that are out of our control?" You moved your glare from one set of eyes to the next as your chest heaved. "No? Good... Now, if you'd excuse me, I'm no longer in the mood for a party." You quickly turned around and walked away after sharing a soft smile ad thank you with Bucky.
Bucky stood dumbfounded as he watched you disappear with Natasha and Wanda quickly following and Happy soon after.
"Is one of you going to tell me, what the blazes is going on?" Tony demanded as he and Steve approached Bucky as someone helped Prince John.
"They attacked me!" John cried.
Bucky turned to glare at him, "He was trying to force himself onto the princess. He attacked her, Your Majesty." He said to Steve. 
"It's not my fault she's a whore." John spat making Bucky growl and go for him.
Steve stopped him and sent the prince a glare. "To answer your question, I believe the man that's fought by my side since we were children and the woman that I love. Not the man that clearly attacked her." Steve puffed his chest out as he towered over the prince. "What about you, King Anthony?"
Tony narrowed his eyes as he gave the prince a once over and a dark smirk curled at his lips before he grabbed at the prince's bloody collar and slammed him into the wall. "I warned you after last time, if you tried to hurt her again, I'd hurt you."
John's bottom lip trembled. "Ar-are y-you insane? My grandfather will start a war if-"
Tony's head fell backwards laughter. "Look around you boy. How many kings, how many friends, allied kingdoms do you see that are ready to fight by my side?" Tony asked. "If your grandfather was to start a war, your kingdom would be nothing in a matter of hours. Isn't that right gentlemen?"
Steve nodded, "He'd be stupid to even think about it."
"We'd destroy you like an ant under our boot." King Thor smiled.
"We all stand together." King T'Challa nodded at Steve with a smile.
"And like the soon-to-be Queen said, Prince John, there are nine more before you..." Bucky smirked at him over Tony's shoulder. "You wouldn't be missed."
Taglist: @fckdeusername @vxidnik @coffeebooksandfandom @flowery-mess @inumorph @heavenhatesme @andineversawyoucoming @jayhargrove @luckyladycreator2 @dontbescaredtosingalong @alexakeyloveloki @gh0stgurl
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Hiraeth [Part 27]
Bucky Barnes X OC (Amelia Stone)
Hiraeth: (n.) “longing or deep yearning for a place, time, feeling or person long gone; or that never was.”
Summary: Things have changed for those who opposed the Sokovian accords. They spend a Christmas together.
*very tiny chapter I wrote to make ground for more fluff*
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She didn't know how long it would take to get used to the mildew of their new apartment. It was a fairly decent establishment, but the rain always dampened the wall; that combined with the fact that the landlord was always doing weed. 
She was still struggling a lot with her pain, some days more than others. Now that she had also left the facility, there was no way to keep a close eye on the wound. It used to burn every once in while, particularly when she had those recurring nightmares, now vivid, of being tortured, at the hands of HYDRA, and Bucky. She could remember how she got some of her cuts, that had left a mark on her skin. She couldn't really remember how she hurt her chest.
Maybe it was why Bucky was avoiding her. Somewhere in his mind, he was relating Tony's anger to her forgiveness, doubting if her forgiveness would turn on him the moment he made another mistake. It made him very aware of everyone's presence, and he seemed keen to stay in the shadows, and not interact with them so much. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought he was like that. Brooding, proud, antisocial and a recluse.
Christmas arrived, it was bittersweet, because the team celebrated it together, at least once during the 25 days. To keep up with the festivities, they all decided to have a Secret Santa. It was a beautiful evening on the 24th. The warmth was just right, it made the house feel like a safe haven from the bone-chilling winter outside. The world had gone to a deep slumber under the blanket of fresh snow. The smell of cinnamon and apple had muffled that of the mildew she always complained about. Steve was telling stories of his childhood; Sam was astonished that Steve was indeed a grandpa. Natasha was drinking wine, Bucky too, sitting in the chair and smiling as Steve recounted shared memories.
Ellie had just left the room a minute earlier, and came back holding her phone. Steve and Natasha were to notice.
"Ellie", Steve began, "Come on. Not today. It's Christmas."
"Just one minute Steve."
"He said he'll come, so he will. And if he doesn't, well.. we see that later."
The cryptic nature of their conversation caught Bucky's attention, whose eyes suddenly landed on Ellie and her phone.
"True", she replied, "Ugh....  I am just so nervous."
"Didn't you set the time with him?", Sam asked too.
"Well, he said around Christmas, that too in a mall or something", she replied. "He apparently has a thing for festivities and lights." Ellie closed her phone and put it away.
"Are you sure you want to meet him?", Sam asked, "I mean, you've not really done this kinda stuff before."
"It's ok. Exploring new horizons", she replied. "The world has changed."
"And yet somehow it's still the same", Natasha continued. She put her glass away and straightened the ruffles of her beautiful green dress. "So, let's do the gift thing and get this over with."
Ellie put her phone away and settled on the beanbag next to the fireplace. The gifts were brought and they began to unwrap them.
It began with Steve. It was a small rectangular box, no longer than his hand, wrapped in blue and silver paper, with a red bow on it. He chuckled at the color scheme and unwrapped it. Silence followed.
"Geez", he could manage to say, but his eyes were wide.
"What is it?", Natasha asked.
"It's a Swiss army knife", he said, tracing the sides with his finger. "1939. Belonged to one of my friends in the regiment."
They all looked at the name carved on the side of the knife. "L. R. Anthony."
"We shared a tent during one of our missions. Really, a gem of a man. Had a wife, Margie and.. 4 children I think. A pair of girls and boys. Kentucky.. Man..." Ellie took a moment to steal a glance at Bucky who, as usual, felt indecipherable.
There was silence in the room. All they could hear was the fire.
Sam opened his gift and found paper inside.
"What's this?", he read the card inside. It had two tickets to the quarter finals of a football match. "WHO BALLIN?" he announced, smiling enthusiastically.
Natasha was next to open her gift. Someone had gifted her tickets to Disneyland and an invitation to a fancy restaurant. She could definitely use a break. They all could.
Ellie had a small packet in her hand, looked like a letter envelope. She opened the flaps and two things. One was a really delicate chain, made of silver probably. It had the most delicate pendant on it, a rose. There was one more thing, a small plastic bag, with small bead-like things.
"Are these seeds?", she asked, examining them closely. The paper at the bottom of the box said so. It was geranium and carnation seeds. She looked so happy, always having an interest in horticulture. Her silence though, made everyone curious.
“Something wrong?” 
"No. I just... I love it!", she said, smiling faintly.  
Bucky was last, awkwardly fidgeting with the box in his hand, it was a brown box, wrapped in a plain black string with a tiny plastic pine cone in place of a bow. He opened the box carefully and found two things inside, a nice woolen sweater and an empty journal. On top lay a note which said, "To new memories..."
Announcing that they were going to be late for dinner, Natasha put the gifts away. While everyone was putting their things away, Bucky was wearing the warm brown sweater he found in his gift. 
“It’s a perfect fit”, Steve commented, passing him by to get the keys.
“It is”, Bucky replied, making final adjustments to the hem. He had been estranged for so long, the feeling of a home made him feel awkward. If he could, he would have tried to liken this Christmas to all of his past ones, good ones, but memory wouldn’t serve him that well. It was outside the house his mind was trapped in, and the guard was too strong. 
Ellie stood right next to him, looking at herself in the giant hallway mirror. She was wearing a lovely black dress, with a thigh high slit and perfect stockings to match. Her hair were open and flowing beautifully down. 
“Can you help me?”, she asked, awkwardly, holding the chain in her hand. “I might as well wear this too.”
“It matches..” 
Bucky clipped the chain, the tiny gold rose pendant twinkling under the light. It looked perfect. She looked at his sweater and smiled. 
“Looks nice”, she said, walking away.
“Yes it does”, he replied, in a low voice, looking at himself again, “Thanks Amy.”
Sorry it got hella long. I wanted to make some sense of the timeline and also, Bucky related fluff angst had to be there lol. Also... Is the series too long? Should I be cutting it short? I just like details a little too much.
This champ 
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
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Dear Anonniiee~....
"Clint call the doctor's pronto. Natasha get...."
Everything became a blur for everyone since then. People were on autopilot trying to bring back Tony. He was rushed to the medical suite and almost died on the table a couple of times. There were times everywhere after managing to get Tony back to an alright stable condition.
What felt like an hour or so later everyone was gathered around as the doctor took a look at the notes.
"he is alright and the baby is now in a somewhat stable condition"
Steve was the first to speak up as everyone was stunned into silence trying to process what they just heard.
"I'm sorry what did you say? That can't be right"
"I'm sorry I thought you all knew"
Natasha stepped up looking at the doctor like she was going to interrogate him.
"he has been coming to me for a couple of months now. He said that he had already told everyone but wanted to keep it as a surprise for bu- what's going on?"
"what do you mean what's going on? We should be asking you that. I know you were about to say bucky. What has he got to do with any of this?"
"fine let's share stories. When Tony and Bucky first met they instantly connected. Next thing you know Bucky helps Tony through his heat. A day later a baby is rapidly growing in his tummy."
"what do you mean rapidly growing?"
"well a mix between Starks extremis and Barnes' super serum this baby Is slightly growing faster than a normal baby. Tony is looking at 3 more months until Tony gives birth rather than 6 months"
Steve feels like his gonna be sick. No one told him anything. If he had known then maybe none of this would have happened.
"Steve are you okay?"
Steve looks worryingly at the doctor before sighing. It's better that everyone heard what happened now then find out in the future.
"over 2 months ago when we had that fight in the airport, that wasn't the only time we fought."
"oh god I remember that. I helped Wanda send cars on top of him. Oh god the stress he went through between us and the acc- wait what do you mean wasn't the only time?"
"zemo showed Tony what really happened to his parents"
"Jesus Steve when we found out I told you to tell him."
"I couldn't do it Nat. I wanted to keep him happy and protected."
"just because you were in love with the man doesn't mean you should lie or keep secrets"
"woah woah woah in love? Parents? What the hell is going on?"
"Tony found out that Bucky killed his parents and that I kept him from him. He didn't take it to well and sent me flying to the ground. Next thing you it's a 2 v 1 all guns blazing. Wait! Doc he took so many punches to the stomach and a shield to tje chest. Not to mention flying in that suit! The baby couldn't have survived that"
"we thought so too. If anyone payed close attention to Tony's stomach then you would have seen a glow on his stomach. The baby healed itself using extremis"
"oh cool kinda like the doc in Doctor who with all that nano energy mumbo jumbo what was is called again?"
"doctor what now?"
"oh my god once Tony has healed and we all have a civilly stern talk with one Anthony stark about how we are going to bundle him up and lock him awa- hold up now. Woah woah woah back the frick frack paddy wack up TONY'S AN OMEGA!?!"
Everyone facepalmed at the sudden realization too busy worrying about Tony and the baby that it suddenly crossed their mimds thanks to the class clown Clint.
"yeah I thought you all knew. I mean Bucky did"
"ahhh soul mates. Never question a bond when it's a soulmates bond. They know everything about each other after meeting for just a split second. I love watching shows and movies based around those types of plots."
"okay so tony is actually an omega and not a beta. The only omega on a team filled with just alphas. I'm guessing he had suppressants. Has a secret thing with Bucky. Has his own secret thing which has cost him his life. Almost lo-"
"Jesus what is with us cutting off our sentences when we realize something. What's the matter?"
"from what pepper has been telling me, Tony has been under alot of stress lately. He hasn't been eating and sleeping well. I'm guessing it was taking a toll on the baby?"
"yes that is correct"
"great then I as the greatest man to ever live the oh so great cl- ow!"
"just get on with it"
"Clint Barton! Has decided we bring back the helper of this mess. I'm sure he can leave or bring his pet goat I don't mind but the thing hates me as an FYI. Ok ok put your hands down I don't need a group slapping session thanks. Anyway, we sit Tony down and we have a group meeting followed by a family bonding time. Let's clear the air, especially between Tony and Bucky because there is going to be alot of tension."
"what do you mean oh wise clint Barton?"
"it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Dude they must have bonded their first night together completely. Like bite and everything. It must have been hard for Tony with all his omega and baby hormones and then the stress of us and the accords to finding out information he should have known in the first place"
"not to mention the asshole who caused all of this not only fought him and almost killed him but also broke the bond and left him in this mess a couple of months later without so much as a call or letter"
"Bucky when did you get here? How much did you hear?"
"heard all of it Stevie. Got here the moment something happened. Friday called Shuri when I was down in the gym. Stephen was there to help out with a project she was working on so he portaled me right here. How's he doing doc?"
"he's in a stable condition now. How about everyone get settled down, have a bite to eat...."
"how about goat curry? Ow! Would you guys stop it"
"no I think not"
After everyone settles down they leave the medical suite and go watch a movie to calm themselves down.
It's not until the next day when everyone woke up to a shocked voice.
"what are all of you doing in my room?"
Everyone rushes up and hugs Tony giving him a good old group hug.
"okay have I gone through a time machine? Or did I get sent to a different reality? Friday?"
"I'm here boss. No you are still in the same timeline. This is what people call a group hug"
"better watch that sass before I remove it in your next upgrade and replace it with a water pistol"
"that will so much better because I can't sass fire off of you when you experiment"
"my own baby is talking back to me. I am shocked"
"I learned from the best boss"
"damn straight you have now can some one please tell me whats going on he-oomph"
Everyone stares in shock as a teary eyed Clint kisses the life out of Tony and while Tony is in shock Clint bites Tony's bond mark causing the smaller man to Yelp.
"wow I'm the youngest here, completely pregnant and this is how I'm treated"
Tony gets another shock as a growl comes out of Clint's mouth before he is slammed onto the bed. He gets a cry baby sitting on his lap leaving kisses all over his face.
"I'm sorry for leaving you, for going against you, for not listening to you, for demanding to much, for bullying you, for putting huge amounts of stress on you, for beig so angry at you when I was actually angry at the government, for hurting you, for saying nasty shit and for possibly being the worst best friend anyone could ever have. Please please please forgive me. I promise I won't bring harm to you ever again. if you can't trust me now then at least, actually it would be better if you don't trust me now. I just bit your bond mark and kissed you without permission"
"you think you moron?"
"well obviously I wasn't thinking. That's how we became best friends right? Because we don't think? Speaking of thinking"
Clint starts slapping Tony's thighs
Natasha ripped a pouting Clint away before she ruffled Tony's hair and kissed his cheek smiling.
"I think Pepper would get angry if I marked you"
"2 fiery red heads filled with love for each other. Can only imagine what a fight between you two would look like"
"even though she is an omega she is a fiery hot headed one. Hmmmm I remember when I thought she was just a beta. Kinda reminds me of someone I know"
"okay I can explain"
"explain later for right now"
Sam comes jumping on Tony and sobs his heart out.
"im so sorry Tony. You know I didn't mean any of it. Neither did vision. It was just a poorly executed mess"
"you do realize I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to for that"
"I know. I apologized to vision and well you know how Rhodey gets"
"hey don't worry Sam. Don't give up. He'll come around. Rhodey has forgiven me and doesn't blame me for it. He at least talked to me. I don't know what's wrong with T'Challa"
"like I said Sam, he'll come around"
"I hope so. Just know that if you really truly forgive me then you would name your baby after me"
"wait how"
"don't worry about it. Any way come on Clint, Nat let's get our of here for this one"
Clint pouts and makes grabby hands for Tony as he gets dragged out by Nat.
Tonys heart stops as he sees one of the people he doesn't want to see. He stands up and his hand goes straight to his chest. Face hardens as he looks directly into the blondes eyes.
"please don't put your walls up. I promise I won't hurt you ever again"
"I don't trust you"
"then I'll take my time to earn your trust back and wait patiently. For now please just hear me out"
"now why would I do that Steve? Did you ever listen to me?"
"ouch okay yeah I deserve that. What I also should have deserved was you actually showing off your strength and kill me in siberia. That's the least I deserve for what I put you through"
"Steve look. What happened back there wasn't just your fault but all of ours. We butted heads instead of talking it out like a family"
"but your parents"
"I am extremely hurt because of that. I wouldn't have been that bad if you had told me in the first place. As you can see I wasn't angry at Bucky. I was angry at Hydra for turning him into their bitch, I was angry because instead of hearing it from someone I care alot about, I hear it from the monitor set up by a damn villain. I was angry because no one listened to me about what I can do if everyone signed. Even team iron Man spoke against me, then again at least they stood by my side"
"okay okay I deserve that too"
"damn right you do. Look I'm not in a place to send or receive forgiveness yet. Hell none of us do but that shouldn't stop any of from working tofuckengether and finding out where on God's green earth is the bloody hulk and Thor because then that airport battle would have been awesome!"
"that's not fair"
"why isn't it fair?"
"because then banner wouldn't want to participate and the hulk would have been on your side while Thor protects his omega from getting hurt thus realizing he will need to be on team iron Man because of the hulk. We would have been outnumbered. Not to mention my ex chose you over me"
"don't regret it"
"but I do"
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