#and no i will never stop giffing that wow fancam
kismetintheuniverse · 4 years
Bucciarati’s Gang + La Squadra Texting HCs
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     𝕭𝖚𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎'𝖘 𝕿𝖊𝖆𝖒
ʙʀᴜɴᴏ ʙᴜᴄᴄɪᴀʀᴀᴛɪ
- Types like your boss.
- ‘Will someone please pick Narancia up from the store? He broke the car.’
- He will say the most outlandish thing in a completely serious tone.
- ‘I’m in the hospital, got shanked by a tweaker.’
- The gang thought he was joking. He was not.
- Uses emojis and slang sparingly. Phrases like ‘omw’ and ‘ty’ are most common. 
- The only emojis he uses often is ‘👍’ and ‘👋’.
- Overall professional and understandable.
- Doesn’t use images, gifs, or videos.
ʟᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴀʙʙᴀᴄᴄʜɪᴏ
- Very sarcastic.
- ‘Oh no im sorry should i come over and kiss your boo-boo?’
- Doesn’t use much punctuation aside from ending punctuation and hyphens. Can’t use commas to save his life.
- No one can tell if he is actually mad or being sarcastic.
- Uses ‘😶’ and ‘🧐’ most often.
- Doesn’t use images/gifs/videos
- Refuses to use dms, and often get made fun of it for it.
- ‘Giorno please im on my knees im begging you please stop being cringe im actually going to cry please ill do literally anything just shut the fuck up.’
ɢᴜɪᴅᴏ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀ
- Types very modern.
- ‘can one of yall pick me up slommy from the store’
- Doesn’t use punctuation and capitalization.
- Constantly quoting memes and being the Funny Man™.
- ‘you smell like ten cans of bounce dat ass’
- All bark, no bite.
- Uses ‘😘’ and ‘😏’ emoji the most.
- Sends this image at least twice a day.
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ɴᴀʀᴀɴᴄɪᴀ ɢʜɪʀɢᴀ
- Types with a lot of slang
- ‘Bro Just Me Or Does Mista Not Know How To Wipe His Mfing Ass’
- Capitalizes every word and often misspells things.
- Quotes memes, but not as much as Mista.
- ‘Foogie Pookie I’m Scared There’s A Wasp In The Citchin’
- Purposely tries to give Fugo a stroke.
- Uses the ‘🧡’ and ‘🍊’ emojis the most.
- Doesn’t send images, but sends gifs.
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ᴘᴀɴɴᴀᴄᴏᴛᴛᴀ ꜰᴜɢᴏ
- Types rather properly, like he’s writing an email.
- ‘Narancia, I found this video to help with your math lesson. I’m proud you’ve gotten to 7th grade level! https://youtu.be/Xb951Vqs4Vc Please use it if you need help. - 🍓’
- Uses a passive-aggressive tone when he gets angry.
- Talks in the group chat the least, prefers to use dms.
- Signs his messages like an old lady.
- Takes a long time to type.
- ‘The meeting is at 4 pm today, correct?’
- Uses the ‘🍓’ emoji exclusively.
- Doesn’t send images/gifs, usually just sends math videos for Narancia.
ɢɪᴏʀɴᴏ ɢɪᴏᴠᴀɴɴᴀ
- Types properly, but not as much as Fugo.
- ‘Abbacchio, I’m sorry but I have some important things to discuss with Capo. :c’
- Always speaks in a polite or serious tone. 
- Doesn’t use emojis, uses ‘:D’, ‘:c’ etc.
- Doesn’t send a lot of images, but might send cute group selfies.
- ‘Uh, I need back up, Narancia is bleeding out on the ground. Please hurry-’
- Will do anything to avoid calling.
         𝕷𝖆 𝕾𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖉𝖗𝖆
ʀɪꜱᴏᴛᴛᴏ ɴᴇʀᴏ
- Doesn’t know how to spell, but still tries his best to be professional.
- ‘PLEASe attend the MEATING at 12, thank youo’
- Auto correct either helps him or hurts him.
- Sends cute images of animals occasionally.
- ‘How do you WORK a phone i need TO know PLEASe’
- Wants to use emojis, doesn’t know how. (Despite Melone showing him multiple times.)
- Bless his poor soul.
- Types properly, but isn’t by any means professional.
- ‘Will you all please shut the fuck up? It’s three am and you are FLOODING the group chat.’
- Doesn’t take any bull from anyone.
- Has admin in all of the group chats.
- Uses the ‘🙃’ and ‘🖕’ emojis the most.
- ‘You’re all going to hell. 😊👐’
- Gets away with the most bs.
- Doesn’t use images/gifs/videos
- Types angrily.
- Gets annoyed over literally any grammar mistake, so he isn’t very active.
- When he’s around, he tends to gaslight most situations.
- Uses the ‘❄️’ and ‘💙’ emojis exclusively.
- Only ever sends photos to start arguments. (Ex. A picture of Formaggio eating shredding cheese from the fridge at 3 am.)
- Probably shouldn’t be allowed to have a phone.
- Types.. well...
- ‘Ciaooo~ What’s up lgbt community? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧’
- He gets on everyone’s nerves, or helps them out tremendously. It’s a 50/50.
- Will spam any cute gif he sees until he finds a better one.
- Doesn’t use emojis, but instead uses those emoticons.
- He’s the one who makes all the group chats.
- Usually starts fights, but never finishes them.
- (Aka. he ghosts halfway through once someone else joins the argument.) 
- Spams LOONA fancams in chat.
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- Types like a Mista 2.0
- ‘just admit you like feet and move on 🙄‘
- CEO of gaslighting, will 100% make every situation worse then it already is.
- ‘wow so i’m here shitting my guts out and not a single one of yall will come get me tp? woooow. see yall in hell ✌️’
- Loves to make everyone mad, but his target is usually Prosciutto. 
- He uses so many emojis that it’s impossible to keep track of them.
- Spams nasty f*tish art when he’s mad at someone in chat.
- The king of memes. Uses gifs, images, videos, you name it. They tell him to stop but he doesn’t.
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- Types pretty casually.
- ‘Okay so im just curious as to which one of yall clogged the toilet with a FAT log, cause this shit nasty asf’
- Extremely passive aggressive and manipulative, never outright says when he’s mad.
- Only uses the ‘💅’ emoji.
- Gossips 24/7 with Gelato in dms, and has a gc called ‘We love Formaggio.’
- (Hint: All they do is talk shit about him in that gc.)
- Sends so many reaction images it’s not even funny.
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- Types like every teenage girl.
- ‘Hi guys!!! uwu’
- Everyone actually seems to ignore him for no reason.
- He has great ideas, but no one listens. Like, he could make communicating with each other x10 easier, but they just disregard him.
- Hates going into chat for the most part. 
- ‘Guys- formaggio’s cat threw up on the carpet, what do I do?’
- Once was traumatized by a video Formaggio sent of a guy twerking butt-naked.
- Uses the ‘😊’ and ‘🙏’ emojis the most.
- Wants to use images/gifs/videos but yelled at the last time he sent one.
ꜱᴏʀʙᴇᴛ & ɢᴇʟᴀᴛᴏ
- Both type in a similar tone.
- ‘Who the fuck stole my casserole.’ - Sorbet
- ‘who stole my baby’s casserole 😶’ - Gelato
- Gelato doesn’t capitalize his sentences, ever. His nickname in chat is even lowercase.
- Sorbet only uses ‘.’ as punctuation. 
- Gelato starts the most petty bull, Sorbet actually causes issues.
- Both are often kicked from the group chat for being overly affectionate. 
- ‘so i just wanted to mention that im p sure i saw illuso spill cereal on the couch and not clean it up 😁 ’
- vs.
- ‘Illuso split cereal on the fucking couch and didn’t clean up after himself. Nasty fucker.’
- I’m sure you can tell who’s who.
- Sorbet doesn’t use emojis, but like Ghiaccio, he sends images that starts fights.
- Meanwhile Gelato finds it hard to go 30 seconds without using emojis/images.
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leejeongz · 4 years
jealous cravity
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📌omg thank u for the compliment 😭 i hope u like this! also i’m sorry for any repeats of gifs from other reactions!📌
while waiting for serim to finish his game, you decided to watch some videos on youtube to kill time. the first video on your suggested was an allen fancam and being the supportive cravity fan that you are, you put it on. serim could just hear the song and he smiled secretly while facing his PC, he was so happy you liked their music. he stopped his game early just to come and cuddle you for being so cute since you were watching their stuff when he realised what you were actually watching. he pulled back from the hug he was about to give you and sat for a second, contemplating his next move. he wasn’t sure if being jealous was justified right now, but he was. he pouted visibly, rolling over to not face you on his bed and so you asked him what was wrong.
“that’s an allen fancam” he stared as if you didn’t know. “but i’m your boyfriend, you should only focus on me”. he was acting so childish you didn’t even know if he meant it, and to be honest neither did he.
you stopped the video and went to your history, where lots of serim fancams sat. you flung your arm around his chest and showed him your phone with all the videos of him on it, laughing into his ear. “see, idiot, i do watch your stuff” you kissed his cheek “and anyway, why would i watch you when you’re sat right in front of me?”
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“last night, i had a really weird dream” you said while sitting opposite your boyfriend allen. he looked up from his breakfast and indicated for you to tell him what happened.
“well there were these weird robots around and it was terrifying” your hands were flying around everywhere as you got deeper into the story. “but luckily, jungmo was there and he saved me” you smiled and finally put a spoonful of cereal into your mouth, suggesting that you had finished.
“that’s cool,” allen said, no emotion in his voice. he went back to eating in silence. a few minutes passed before he looked up at you again. “why wasn’t i there to save you?” he pouted a little.
you thought for a bit, you weren’t really sure why. he went back to his silent eating, knowing that you had no valid answer. he couldn’t help but be jealous at that time, why wasn’t he the good guy in your dream, why did it have to be jungmo?
later that morning he realised how childish and silly it was for him to get jealous and the silent treatment finally came to an end. he found you wherever you were and kissed you on the cheek, following it up with a sincere apology for his reaction.
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he knew you had a soft spot for seongmin, he did too, that wasn’t a secret either. you were spending this halloween with jungmo and his friends. usually you spent it with your younger siblings yet they felt “too old” to go out trick or treating yet “too young” to go to parties. the boys decided to have a small party, with you and some of their close friends invited. you were already changed in your cute carrot costume (that matched with jungmo’s pea costume) when you arrived, greeted at the door by seongmin, who was also in his costume, of course it was a bunny. it took way too long for the pair of you to realise the connection between your costumes but when you did, you pair wouldn’t shut up about it.
“jungmo, look, a bunny and a carrot!!” seongmin exclaimed, excitement clear in his voice.
“aha cute” he said with a gentle smile. he didn’t want to ruin your excitement so he chose to somewhat play along. you expected him to find it funnier and so you questioned him about it when you were alone later that evening.
“what was that all about?” you asked to which he looked at you in bewilderment “aha cute” you mimicked him.
“your costume goes with mine not his” he said sternly “what was the point in us two matching if you’re just going around telling people you pair have the matching outfits? i’m in a pea costume for goodness sake, you think i wanted to be a pea?” he seemed really worked up about it but looking at his reflection in the mirror of his room made him laugh which was a relieving sight for you.
“please stop telling people about your matching costumes, i wanna make this ridiculous look worthwhile” he pleaded, less angrily this time.
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you were absolutely drenched from an impromptu water fight that lasted pretty much the whole evening. since you didn’t bring any spare clothes with you, woobin said you could grab his t-shirt from the drying rack back at the dorms. when you and your boyfriend got there, he went to his room to give you some privacy while you changed. when you told him you were decent, he came out and saw you stood there in a massive oversized pink t-shirt, minhee’s massive oversized pink t-shirt.
“do you like it, i think it suits me,” you said jokingly while modelling it for your boyfriend. his face said absolutely not, not the reaction you expected to be honest.
“i’m not sure. i don’t think that shirt is for you.” he said without thinking. “can you change? i’m a little uncomfortable''. you had no idea what he was talking about, you thought maybe you stepped out of line. he went back to his room while you changed, putting on a hoodie that you knew was his. meanwhile, what he'd just said hit woobin like a tonne of bricks. he rushed back out (luckily you were dressed enough) “i was uncomfortable because it was minhee’s, not because you didn’t look good. my jealousy took over my mouth, i’m sorry!!” he stopped and looked you up and down “although you do look better in my clothes” he confessed.
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“can i get my cardigan back? i forgot about my interview today” you text him. “sure, it’s in my room on my bed” he replied almost immediately. he was practicing while some of the others slept but you had a key anyway. you let yourself in and went to his room, knocking and entering hoping not to disturb his roommates if they were in there. you began searching through the thousands of clothes wonjin had thrown all over his bed, getting startled when woobin came in. “can i help you, y/n?” he inquired, standing at the doorway. you told him about your cardigan and he began to look with you, although you weren’t really looking, too busy laughing with each other. you never really knew how funny woobin was given that the only time you saw him was at the dorms, and then he was always busy, but he made you laugh until your sides hurt this particular morning. you finally found the cardigan about 10 minutes later, and tidied the room together like the good people you are.
the front door to the dorms shut and you heard around 4 of the boys scurrying around to get some water. you and woobin both stepped out of the room to see what the kerfuffle was when you saw wonjin looking a little down. you went over and discreetly asked him what's wrong.
“i made them leave early and rush over here so i could help you look. i didn’t realise you already had assistance” he pointed at woobin who was oblivious to what was going on. “i wanted to help you look. not anyone else” a big pout was present on his face.
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“y/n~” minhee started. you knew when he started a sentence with your name that the question was going to be one that he wanted a specific answer to. “who was your first bias in cravity?” he asked expectedly. you sat and thought for a while. you didn’t know whether to tell him the truth or tease him for a bit. you opted for the latter because why not!?
“serim” you said confidently. he looked around to see if serim was anywhere nearby before going on to jokingly insult him.
“that guy? the guy who’s like 4cm tall? you must be joking me right?” he started to argue. he didn’t pick up on your teasing and started to get quite defensive. “you know i was in cravity from day 1 right? your boyfriend? do you remember me? i was almost the leader, you know?”
as much as he tried to continue with a joking tone, he was actually a little hurt inside, and he didn’t really hide it well. he’d stutter every once in a while and his impulsive way of talking was unusual for him. you knew you should put him out of his misery right away.
“i’m joking. it was actually you!” you hit his arm while saying so.
if looks could kill you’d have been out cold in that moment. “i really thought your favourite was serim for a second then, not that i was sad or close to tears or anything, i’m not bothered, but, wow you really did that to me?”
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”who’s that?” hyeongjun asked while you scrolled through your saved posts on instagram, trying to find the meme you wanted to show him.
you scrolled back up to locate the picture he was talking about. “it’s taeyoung, he literally posted this yesterday” you clarified, tapping it to show him.
he looked at you with his puppy eyes and stuck his bottom lip out “why have you saved a photo of him?”
“uhh” you didn’t want to tell him the truth and expose taeyoung but you felt like you had to at the time “he wanted me to subtly show my friend because he really likes them and he wants them to think he’s cute… i guess” you answered honestly.
hyeongjun let out a huge sigh of relief, he didn’t fully take in what you said but he knew you didn’t save it because you thought he was cute. he never knew he could get so jealous before now, but there was something about seeing another boy in your saved pictures that he just really did not like.
“i really want them to get together to be honest, i think they would look good together, don’t you?” you showed him a photo of your friend who he’d met on multiple occasions.
“huh?” he asked in bewilderment, he really wasn’t listening to your explanation...
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you were sat drawing at your desk in your room while your boyfriend, taeyoung, sat and played his game on your bed. your incoming call did not gain his attention yet the familiar male voice did once you’d answered it.
“who?” he asked quietly, trying to not interrupt your call.
“wonjin” you whispered back to him.
he relaxed himself back onto the bed, yet he was anything but relaxed. what did wonjin want? why didn’t he just call him, he knew you were together. his face didn’t hide his jealousy either, even when you put the phone down.
“what is it” you asked, noticing his disgruntled face.
“why did he call you?” he asked, “seems a little secretive to me” he jumped straight to conclusions. he sat up once again, waiting for an answer.
“it’s not like that and you know it,” you said in response to his outrageous accusation. “if you’re going to be like that, why don’t you just leave” you said in an even pettier tone than his.
“i don’t want to leave” by now, the argument had clearly turned into a joke as his initial jealousy had disappeared.
“good” you said in a sarcastically stern voice.
“good” he replied in the same manner, putting his game away and opening his arms for you to hug him.
(there’s about 4 gifs of him on this whole site omg 😭)
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the boys and some trainees were all sitting in a circle when you arrived with some take out food. there was a clear space between hyeongjun and his friend so you sat there after placing the food in the middle of the circle. seongmin felt a little hurt but he understood why you did that, despite his efforts to force the others to make space for you in your absence. what didn’t sit right however was when he looked up and saw hyeongjun feeding you a piece of food. he attempted to stay quiet, which was successful for about 3 seconds.
“hey” he shouted over to you pair while trying not to cause a scene “what are you doing?” he questioned. he was a little mad, but he still sounded cute.
“y/n wanted a try of my food but i knew they’d take it all without me feeding it to them” hyeongjun jokes. “pig” he said in an unmistakably sarcastic tone while looking at you.
seongmin appreciated the sarcastic comment yet didn’t appreciate the clear flirting hyeongjun was doing. “y/n, you can sit here, jungmo will move, won’t you?” his eyes burning into jungmo’s soul.
you couldn’t not go and sit next to him and he spent the rest of the evening giving hyeongjun the evils.
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gifs aren’t mine
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jisoofilm · 5 years
Can I have a bp reaction where their s.o loses control during sex? not angst please. Also get well! And take your time)
♡ ( a/n ): hey anon! also, thank you - i’ve been feeling better lately. hope this is what you wanted!
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jennie -
sex was something both of you regularly did. it’s intimacy, and she loves being intimate with you, as you do with her. jennie had been on tour for three months, and finally she is returning to you. the only thing about it is that you have grown extremely sexually frustrated within that time. it isn’t her fault, but you’d been keeping track of fancams and performances of jennie that turned you on far too much and found that masturbation wouldn’t fix it, in the end. 
you needed her.
so when the time comes that she returns and the two of you are having sex on the couch in the front room, both taking it slow and kissing each other passionately and open-mouthed, you move your hand beneath the waistband to her underwear, and she gasps a little at the contact as you move your fingers into her vagina, without much warning.
“w-wow, y/n...” she can barely form the words, and at your panicked expression for what you just did, she shakes her head, “n-no don’t stop.” 
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lisa -
sex with lisa is usually rough, but it’s the kind of rough that both of you know what you are doing, and nothing is completely unexpected. morning sex is common with her, because she was easy turned on and you were the biggest tease she’d met.
she moves to be above you, straddling your lap as she kisses down your chest, removing any clothes you slept with on. you pull her closer to you with your leg, and she laughs a little against your skin.
the lust comes over you strong, and you find yourself pushing her roughly to the side, her back to the mattress as you make your way between her thighs, needing her sweet taste on your tongue.
“jagi- holy--” she starts, but can’t end her comment as your mouth meets with her clit, sucking on it roughly as your finger move into her, fast - and unexpected. 
as she meets her high, far too easy with your hooked fingers and the graze of your teeth against her clit, she stares wide-eyed down at you with uneven breaths.
“whatever that was..” she barely chokes out, “you best do it again.”
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rosé -
majority of the sex you and rosé had up until this point was gentle and slow. the two of you enjoyed it like that, though, when it included both of you loving the other's body.
this night though, you lost complete control of yourself and the usual slow pace you went with sex was killing you. one moment, she was kissing round your thighs and nipping at the skin with her teeth, creating marks along the inside and the next, you were pulling her up away from between your thighs and re-positioning with you above her, and you moved her hand to your crotch.
her eyes widen at your sudden loss in control, however she doesn’t retract her hand away from your crotch. instead, she takes her bottom lip between her teeth and drags her fingers slowly across your entrance, feeding into the loss of control that you experienced. you shudder, and mumble ‘please' as you roll your hips a little into her hand, needing something more than just her tease. she laughs at your begs.
“so needy, love...” she murmurs as her fingers ease into you, moving at a steady and fast pace - satisfying your need for her.
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jisoo -
you had seen jisoo earlier that day, and in fact, you had sex with her before she went to rehearse. it relieved her of any tension, to say the least. you arrive to her show as normal in your city, and she had seen you in the front row and grinned her heart-shaped grin. yet throughout the show, every move her body made seemed to turn you on further and further. seeing her perform never made this much of an effect on you, yet tonight... something was different.
you go backstage with ease, as the security know of you being jisoo’s girlfriend, and as she sees you, she rushes over and gives you a warm embrace. but instead of returning it, you lose control, thankful for the privacy in her dressing room and you pin her up against the wall.
she gasps slightly, “what are you-?”
you touch her over the fabric of her clothing, and her breath hitches as she watches you with a sudden lust glazing her eyes, a smirk playing on her mouth as she kisses you passionately, her hand moving to cup your breast.
“missed me that much?” she mumbles against your lips.
( the gifs provided are not mine! )
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minijeong · 5 years
i just read some of your dance analysis posts and whoa you're so cool skdjhsdf !!!!!!! well i was wondering, since fiesta has been out for quite some time and they also posted the dance practice vid, what are your thoughts on it choreo-wise?? u should answer this only if u have time though!!! (ps i love ur posts btw! they inspire me to make gifs too hehe keep it up! ^^)
HAHA thank you!!! i appreciate you appreciating my thoughts adkfjsa come join izonetwork if you want to hear more 🥰
i actually went wild about the choreo when it came out so i guess this is a good opportunity to re-evaluate now that i’m calm LOL. thoughts below the cut!
(yall insp me to make gifs too 😭😭)
to sort of premise my thoughts on the dance, i want to say that i really think fiesta set a new standard for gg dances. most of the time, gg dances that are praised are honestly not tHAT interesting to me… not to say that their work is for naught, but as someone who has seen a lot of dances of different levels, gg dances tend to fall flat in choreography and execution. ggs are usually not taught to use grooves or textures as basics, and companies dont want to spend effort teaching them to do so. then they are restricted to choosing choreographers that tend to make choreographies with “arms and legs”, and barely any torso movement besides basic body rolls or chest rolls. on top of that, they are usually given restricted outfits that make the dancing even more underwhelming for me and then i just prefer bgs for dance :( to be honest, even recent gg dances that people have been wowed at have not really been… that interesting for me either because of execution or choreography or both, but i dont want to mention them because i dont want to disregard the work of any idols! i respect them all and hope you will just take my word for it haha
i just watched the dance practice again and honestly the first thing that i think of is that the choreographers really put a lot of time and effort into this. usually to keep things dynamic, i try to change formations every 8-16 counts in a competitive set. this isnt usually something you see in kpop, but the choreographers had a lot of formation changes going on every 8 counts, and most of them werent just simple center or window changes… very nice. the use of stage was nice as well, and varying the number of members on stage at once is a good way to keep things dynamic. there are also points in the choreography that match the lyrics with movements that would normally be cheesy, but it ended up not being cheesy because the formations were so nice e.g. yujin’s first line using a waking up gesture, but having the other girls do level changes and fan their arms out… i enjoy that a lot
another thing i want to comment on about the choreography that is kind of rare to see in gg dances is the use of textures and how the musicality changes. to understand this, the intro is a good example. if you really listen to the music and match it with the choreography, you can tell that the choreographers try to follow a different instrument every 4-8 counts, and this is something i really value and look for as a choreographer. the choreography for fiesta isn’t just a simple one that follows an 8 count strictly (e.g. one that would probably look fine to any song as long as you follow the beat), and i appreciate that a lot
at the same time, izone gets equal credit, because theyre able to see it and interpret the choreography in relation to the music, showing that they have understanding and appreciation of textures and musicality in dance. i think this can be attributed to chaeyeon eunbi and yena and this is an asset in making a dance performance interesting
the only feedback i have about the choreography is that the formations are usually centered and the girls are usually brought up one by one either by walking up or being hidden behind a member that goes down when it is their part. it would be a lot more interesting if the attention was moved around with more variety, like having the attention move from one side of the stage to another. when done well this could be very interesting. the only place i see this happen is minju’s part at the beginning of the bridge
moving away from choreography, and before i talk about the girls, i just want to mention that i feel the stylists are very mindful about izone’s mobility while dancing this comeback. the outfits are generally easy to move in, and the part that stands out to me the most is the shoes. in the comeback show, they were wearing boots, which are easier to dance in than other shoes that ggs usually wear. in the other stages where the stylists have them wear heels, those are the best heels you can wear for dancing lol (boot heels). a lot of dancers i know who have to dance in heels use boot heels because those are the most comfortable to dance in, and give proper ankle support to keep you safe. i also found that the outfits from the comeback show (although many people thought they werent flattering for the girls individually) worked really well with the dance, like when the camerawork showed an arial view
ok now for izone
i think for this comeback, my favourite member to watch is yena. this choreography has a lot more musical complexity this time around, and i think this is yenas greatest strength. to kind of show what i mean, i watch yenas fancam and see how well you can hear the music from her movements, and then watch another member, and it just doesnt match the same. (but also i have a weird thing where i can basically “hear” when someone moves, so it might be a personal thing lol. try it out anyway!). 
another person i notice is eunbi. normally the choreography and concept is softer or cuter, so eunbi hasnt really been able to show off her strength, but there are parts in this choreo that let eunbi really go off and it feels like she literally slaps me in the face when she hits lol. good example of this is in the comeback show at her last part… that hip hit… i actually felt like she punched me lol… thats when i realized that eunbi could beat me up in an instant she is so strong lol…
other things i noticed… hitomi sakura and nako’s musicality has improved, yujin is learning to dance as a tall person (match your levels with shorter people… it’s a skill LOL), hyewon and nako are learning to put more strength in their movements (my heart flipped when i saw), and izone is really unified when they are in good condition. i say good condition because idk about you, but in the first week of their performances, watching them made me feel kind of uneasy. i could feel their anxiousness from the way they moved and from the looks in their eyes and i could eunbi being dizzy and losing balance and it made me sad… esp compared to comeback show. in comeback show, you can see that they have the same fire in their eyes, that they really are performing as one, and thats honestly what you want to aim for when you are dancing as a group
but for the show, izone really hit different… the fire was coming back and i watched it like ten times… i think the best part is seeing the fire in the eyes of members you dont really see it from, like minju and nako. not to say that they dont perform well because this isnt what i mean at all, but their intensity and focus made me feel their genuine effort on stage and i loved it. theres just a Look that dancers have when their condition is good and they’re performing better than usual. and there’s just this Vibe that a team gives off when things are going Right. it’s really hard to explain because it’s not really something you practice, but it’s just when your hearts match and everyone is on the same page and when you dance with your team the energy you share with your team and the energy you have on the stage is literally TANGIBLE. there is really no other way i can find to explain it, and im honestly normally a super sciency person… but this is just something i will never be able to explain… 
the only thing about that performance was that they performed with such energy and intensity that they kind of lost it after the bridge LOL. there are times in choreographies when you’re really tired and theres a resting point and ur adrenaline dies down a bit and ur like shit im tired LOL. and you can kind of see that happen… yena seems tired, and then the formation kind of gets messy,,, but it’s understandable because that jumping is tiring looool
if i had to give izone some constructive feedback:
the pathing for some of the arms in certain parts of the choreo are not the same, so it gets a little messy and loses effect. i know this is something they can fix if they know how to though, since there are other arm parts that are very clean
the timing for some of the canons need to be cleaned up.. i understand this is very hard though. the choreographers gave them pretty quickly timed canons that dont really follow any part of the music. this is generally really hard on the people in the middle vs. the people at the beginning and end who have it easier knowing exactly when to start and stop their movement (google dance canon if you dont know what im talking about)
it would be best if izone learned to pace themselves throughout the performance while keeping the focus and intensity. e.g. if youre going hard all the time, youll run out of energy real quick, so usually when dancers perform they kind of gauge when they put in 80% effort vs 110%, so the performance can have ups and down, and they wont get tired that much. this is honestly hard though and im still working on it hehe i get excited really easily and then halfway im wheezing like holy shit i shoulda calmed down LOL
to make things cleaner, it would be best if some members adjusted their height more e.g. wonyoung esp when they are near nako LOL it’s tough but yea it’s a skill… i got yelled at for like 6 months before i learned so
some formations need to be adjusted e.g. the last one, yuri and hitomi need to move out a bit to adjust to the formation change for the end formation. sakura is actually quite attentive and readjusts her formation mid movement to fix the line - this just needs to happen on the other side now
some random things i noticed:
yena has clean hands and arms and i appreciate this
their facial expressions change collectively at some parts e.g. minju’s first part, they all start smiling and their dance gets light and it’s cute. also during yenas rap in so curious they collectively get more serious and i like that uwu
if chaewon stomps on me one more time in the beginning ill probably cry 
i really like the crossing behind wonyoung with their arms up (at the beginning) that goes into the hits (yena hits HARD) and then the hair flip canon (this is always so good omg)
my dance friend acknowledged this choreo, like its good can confirm
that leg part where they go down in the chorus is hard lol i was talking to my dance friend like yea if i had to do that in a set id quit like i cant man LOL
i miss chaeyeon’s chest hit that was in the mv during her part she doesnt do it anymore :cry:
more members are figuring out how to spot during spins and SO AM I i feel an emotional connection LMAO
after wizones were worrying about members’ knees, they started being more cautious when doing the floor part and i thought that was the sweetest thing ever
if youre still here, thanks for coming to my ted talk and thanks for supporting my blog and caring if i have time etc etc etc my anons are always always so sweet qq
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minijeong · 5 years
Kudos to you for sleeping, even if it is 8:30am!!! Thank you so much for your incredible hard work this comeback, it's so amazing to have you as a content creator and I know that you're doing tons of work that we aren't seeing on tumblr for izone fans on other platforms. I legit was not expecting to be so emotional about this comeback but I WAS and I love Iz*one so much, my heart feels like it'll burst. Can we get more of your thoughts on the comeback? Thank you so much for everything.
thanks for your support as always! tbh i was so sure i was gonna sleep instead of staying up bc i went out the entire day... but i couldnt stop thinking about izone...
honestly theres a point in time for kpop groups when they begin to evolve from idols to artists... and i feel like that is starting to happen to izone
im honestly so freaking happy about fiesta because it’s so much more than i imagined it would be. tbh usually when fans freak out about the dance i cant really trust it most of the time, but after seeing wizone reactions to the showcase on twt i really wanted to believe... and im so glad that they delivered
their dancing feels so genuine to me and it feels like theyre all on the same page and there isnt a single member throwing off the balance and they all have the same fire and intention in their eyes. i dont know how to explain it but my heart can feel how much they value respect and take seriously the stage and the music and the fans. and this honestly reflects back into the people that work with them; the staff, videographers, stylists, etc. the video editing was amazing for mv. the outfits were perfect for the dance both visually and as well for comfort for dancing (the boots are comfy to dance in... much better than violeta shoes). 
can you imagine how much further they’ll continue to grow if theyve already improved and achieved this much in this amount of time?
before i go into small and random thoughts i had imma end it off and say 
stream fiesta and listen to my baby’s ballad thx for coming to my ted talk
small random things i noticed:
yenas dancing is absolutely stunning. she always jokes around and get called a joker and a bluffer and then yuri laughs and says yena needs more practice... but to be able to convey through dance and performance at this level you need to think a LOT and work A LOT i love her
eunbi got given parts that made use of her vocal range and her voice came out so strong... and spaceship made me feel things
there are small parts in the choreo that are “between moves” but they keep focus and also kept that clean... they really went to that level of detail...
ahn yujins growth is freaking scary... and she learned how to dance as a tall person to match short members (this is actually a skill LOL i got yelled at in practice for like 4 months straight for it until i learned)
chaeyeon can include head parts in choreography while keeping the camera’s intention is kind of super insane
im worried for some of their knees in that one leg down part (except for chaewon and yujin who are v stable)
when hitomi did textures in her part i fking cheered my heart out even though it was one second LOL
ive never felt an idol step on my so hard until chaewon’s first part when she threw down and stomped girl GET IT. she also looks down on u like ur a piece of shit i love it we love our swearing girl crush legend
i dont know how two people are able to share a dance break when the formation stays the same and they dont share centre but chaewon and chaeyeon did it
yuri at 4s going down wow
there are times when cheonjae ahn yujin really slows her moves down and takes her time and makes us feel it and i love that
theres a part where they throw their arms up and yujin is in the centre and she doesnt throw her arms up all the way to match everyone elses arm height and that was peak intellectual
whoever izones choreographer is theyve been respecting the music since forever and i appreciate that
theres always one idol in a group that doesnt hold the camera long enough at the end of their part and izone used to have that as well but it doesnt happen anymore wtf
the dance lets eunbi show off her strength rather than going for elegance and i think she slapped me a few times and bonked me with her hips a few times but i encourage that
i love yujinnies hair
hitomis stage presence improved so much i freaking love her
i want yena fancam shes so good
u might be wondering why i care about textures so much but textures are THE thing that kpop always lacked which thus took away the meaning from the dance. u cant always punch and u cant always make things soft and izone GETS IT
chaeyeon dancing looks so happy and that makes me happy 
little main vocal nako is my love
wonyoungs vocal improvement is crazy
the way yuri says hwalryeohan in her chorus ohmygoodness
yena’s chorus in spaceship where she showed us vocal prowess by not going falsetto on the high note
yuri spacebuns
mombi in denim
dimple aegyo yujin in spaceship bridge
the way sakura manipulated me into giffing her first
the way my heart screams CUTE whenever i see nako
the thing on yuris ear idk what it is but it cool
that entire choreo is a left butt workout LOL
the way yena runs up to the centre in spaceship chorus
eunbi slapped me again
miyawaki sakura readjusting her positioning at the end to make a perfect diagonal without sacrificing the dance is classic miyawaki pro behaviour
how is minju’s smile so perfect... esp in her first part...
the way yuri smiles in spaceship but also the way yuri smiles in ayayaya 
izone makes their own genre its not cute its not girlcrush its everything mixed together and anything you could possibly want it to be i dont make the rules it just happened this way
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