#and ngl if you're down i can see it happening lol
manneatcr · 1 year
@whirling-fangs | cont.
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While Dama initially was taken aback by his feminine features underneath the unsettling mask, she couldn’t help but find the contrast of his abrasive reaction amusing, opting to not take offense to the blatant disrespect since he looked so young.
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“Ah, apologies, I was mistaken.” A dismissive wave of her own statement. Instead of focusing on just how pretty the boy surprisingly was, she figured this conversation would be far more fun in another direction and played along with his antics. “You must be quite fearsome to have such a title; I’d love to know what breathing style you use that’s so befitting a king.”
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natailiatulls07 · 11 months
excitedly waiting for part 2 of party girl already
Party Girl Pt.2
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Arthur Leclerc x Norris!reader Lando Norris & Norris!reader
Summary - Arthur and Y/n, Landos younger sister are getting cozy behind Lando's and Charles’ backs
Warning -
A/n - Thank you for the request, I really appreciate it 🤍
Reader is still 18 years old
Part 1
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Spotted: The formula one drivers should have kept a better eye on their siblings because Y/n Norris and Arthur Leclerc (who also is a formula two driver) are looking cozy at a party in Monaco. How will Charles and Lando feel about the growing chemistry??
Liked username and 5,975 others
username Ngl they’re cute 🤭
username Wait until Lando finds out, he will not be happy oop
username If they ask me to have threesome with them, I would not hesitate 🤤
landonorris right.
= username Watch out we’ll see Arthur running in a sec 😳
username Atleast she’s not one of those fake fame and money grabbing girl
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Real footage of Lando when he found out about his sister and Arthur Leclerc 🔪🔪
Liked by username and 3,686 others
username Yeah did you see his comment on the gossip post?! Landy was not happy 😃
username I think I can see Arthur running across Monaco right now!!
username Well we know that he's a good guy so hopefully Lando will let this happen 🤞🏻
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When you're brother goes from hating your boyfriend to becoming bestfriends with him ☺️
Liked by charles_leclerc and 21,478 others
username I love this so much, they're the cutest 😭
landonorris If anything happens, I will stand by what I said
= username What did Lando say?!
= username No don't leave us guessing please!
= yourusername In summary, my dear brother said 'don't you dare ever break my sisters heart, I know where you live' lol 😂
= username Protective Lando is something we need LMAO
charles_leclerc Photo credits?? 📸
= yourusername Of course, thank you Charles 🙏🏻
= charles_leclerc Anytime little Norris
arthur_leclerc I love you ❤️
= yourusername I love you too 🤍
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Okay, maybe I'll allow you to date my sister but I have my eye on you 👀
Liked by yourusername and 47,857 others
username Y/n Norris, luckiest girl alive!
username The Ferrari and McLaren girl, here she is 🤩
yourusername Thank you Lano
= username 'Lano' thats the cutest thing ever!! 🤭
arthur_leclerc I won't let you down
= landonorris I'll hold you to that
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My party girl 😍
Liked yourusername and 23,576 others
username 'My party girl' Screaming, crying, throwing up!!
yourusername Aww Thur I love you so much 🤍
= arthur_leclerc Yeah not as much as I do
= landonorris Please save this for your own privacy!! 🙈
username Alexa play jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo 😭
landonorris posted a story
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
I have a small[?] request!
I would love to see the reactions of Toman about foreigner!reader who can speak fluent japanese but when one of the toman boys trys to talk to reader they say "can't speak Japanese" in a horrible accent and walk away but then someone they know comes along and they start to speak Japanese like they didn't just say they couldn't 😭😭
reader is just really shy lol and dosent know how to talk to people like hakki lol
Lmao poor guys but ngl the reader is a mood, this is how i think toman would react!
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Mikey- He is dumbfounded by this, did you actually just lie and ignore him???? Thinks you seem pretty interesting since you just did that to toman's leader (typically Mikey's the one doing the ignoring). Basically follows you around after that, pestering you and trying to get you to speak Japanese to him. He treats it like a game and thanks you for playing with him after.
Draken- He's a bit miffed when he realises you were faking not understanding him. Contemplates going over to you and questioning you about it (might do that depending how rude you were) but ultimately he figures he might have intimidated you so leaves it be. If he's interested in you romantically, he'll try to buy you a drink or snack to show you he's actually not going to hurt you and you don't need to be scared of him.
Takemichi- Yells out "HUH!?????" so that everyone turns to look at him. He just can't believe you would do that! Walks away after but mutters about it the whole day.
Baji- Laughs, he's amused but you're definitely not getting away with this. Tells you he's going to show you around but he's actually just messing with you. The whole day he uses a bad version of google translate to speak your language terribly, purposely trying to be bad to see how long you go along with this instead of just switching to Japanese. Actually ends up having fun with you though.
Chifuyu- He's a bit hurt by this, assuming you don't like him or that he looks bad or something. Probably looks in a window shop and tries to re arrange his hair a bit before approaching you again with a big grin. He's determined to show he's not a bad guy.
Mitsuya- Softly chuckles at your little act, he actually guesses correctly that you're a bit shy or overwhelmed. Gets your phone number from your friend so he can text you instead, thinking that might be easier.
Hakkai- Blinks a bunch, he has no idea how to react to this situation. Decides to back down though since you don't seem to like him much (he finally knows what it feels like). Gives you a wave before leaving.
Pah- For a split second he thought he was fluent in your language and you were still speaking it. But quickly realises the truth, storms over to you to question you on why you just did that. (He softens up a lot once he finds out the reason though).
Peh- Loudly asks what's going on, bringing a lot of attention to both you and him. When he sees the worried expression on your face, he assumes it's because you're scared of him. So in attempt to not make you cry (he hates when that happens and Mitsuya will frown at him) he tries to tell you a joke (it's not very funny).
Smiley- Walks straight back over to you and demands to know why you lied (probably threatens you a little too). He thinks this might lead to a fight which excites him but he's also embarrassed and generally curious. Nods when you explain to him then actually feels somewhat guilty.
Angry- Frowns harder, he takes a moment to watch you and try to figure out why you lied. Figures that you must be nervous around him, so he tries to do something nice like give you advice on nice places to sightsee.
Mucho- Raises an eyebrow at you but says nothing. He's intrigued but used to people wary of him because of his size and intimidating aura.
Sanzu- He's disappointed, it's not often that he's interested enough in people to try and talk to them so this disappoints him a bit. Watches you closely and tries to think of another reason to approach you/ talk to you.
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Calling them by their name
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairings: Suna, Oikawa, Bokuto, Atsumu, Osamu, Iwaizumi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Kuroo X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: Some cussing done by me, Suggestive in Iwaizumi's part
Word Count: 1.2K
A/n: It's been a while since I last wrote for Haikyuu so-
This TikTok compilation on YouTube
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"Yamaguchi Tadashi!"
The man looks at you frightened, like he just saw a ghost or smthn lmao, making you Almost feel bad about this prank.
"What? What happened?" "Did you eat all the Ice cream I saved for myself?"
Lmao now he's scared af.
"I-I No I didn't! I put it in the freezer like you told me too!" "Then why isn't it there? You're telling me that the freezer ate it itself?" "IDK!" "Yamaguchi Tadashi!" "BABE STOP CALLING ME BY MY FULL NAME YOU'RE SCARING ME"
Runs to the store to buy you more Ice cream, little did he know you were the one who ate it, but you were too tired to go out so you used this method to make him go out and buy some instead lol
"Tsukishima Kei!"
You really think He's gonna fall for that? huh
He can clearly see how you're carefully watching him to see his reaction. He knows you're up to smthn immediately.
MF ignores you until you call him by his pet name😭
"Tsukishima Kei!" "..." "Tsukishima!" "..." "...Kei?" "..." "Kei Baby?" "What is it?"
"You're no fun" "And you're so dumb" "Hey!" "What? It rhymes! Who's not fun now?"
Just don't play pranks on this guy he will make you regret🤧
Much to your surprise, he has TikTok. Playing pranks on this guy is never successful cuz he's 10 steps ahead of you. Always.
Like when he finds you saying & doing smthn that sounds familiar to him he's like "Oh it's that prank I saw yesterday! She thinks she can fool me? That's cute. Let me mess with her a little bit"
"Suna Rintarou!" "F/n L/n!" "Suna Rintarou this is a serious matter!" "I'm listening F/n L/n!" "Suna why are you doing this?" "I don't know what you're talking about, L/n" "RIN-"
He will be the one who wins in the end. Always.
You sometimes find it tough to hold yourself back from punching him, but you're in love with his punky ass so you have to deal with it.
Cute whiney baby T^T
IDK why I find him so adorable lmao
You don't even have to call him by his full name to upset him. Saying his first name instead of pet names is enough to damage his heart lmao
The guy looks like he's been shot in the heart LMFAO
"Why are ya callin me Atsumu?🥺" "Um... I mean, that's your name, right?" "No! 'm not Atsumu! 'm baby! or Sweety! or Hubby! Who do ya think yer callin Atsumu?"
He won't talk to you unless you make it up to him by extra kisses & smooches cause I'm not kidding, THE GUY IS HURT.
Now he's a bit different from his twin. He will get irritated at first, but as the mf he is, he is gonna make you regret.
He literally stops whatever he's doing, raises his head to stare at you with a blank expression. Maybe you can sense a sharp dagger stabbing your heart lmao.
"Did ya just call me Miya?" "... I..."
Ngl he looks scary af. Though his expression is blank I AM TELLING YOU.
Goes back to his business with the blank expression meanwhile ignoring the fuck out of you for the whole night.
Will not back down unless you're on you're knees begging him to pay attention to you lol
"'Samu!" "What's that sound I'm hearing? Never mind" "SAMU PLEASE I'M REALLY SORRY-"
His reaction is the same as 'Tsumu's but a bit tenser lmao.
His head that was on your chest suddenly raises for you to meet his puppy eyes.
"Suger Cube? Why are you calling me by my name? Did I do something?🥺🥺🥺🥺"
He's innocence is enough for you to feel bad and suffocate him in your arms T^T
"No Mwah* Baby Mwah* I'm sorry it was Mwah mwah* just a prank!"
Just cuddle your baby owl a bit more he deserves it T^T
This mf deserves it.
Fuck him up.
Make him cry.
Choke him. Kill him. Slap him-
Ahem. Where were we?
So yeah basically he's a jerk and he deserves all the pranks in the world lmfao
"Oi Shittykawa! Didn't I tell you to clean your room? Why is it still a mess?"
"BABE WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CALL ME THAT- sighs* Even my own S/o bullies me, what a cruel world indeed"
"Just shut up and do it already" "Babe you're so mean😪" "You deserve it YOU HANDSOME BASTARD-"
This guy is so good. So husband material. So hot. So much in shape. ANYWAYS-
He's surprised. Very surprised.
"Iwaizumi Hajime!"
Looks up from his phone immediately to meet your frustrated expression.
Frustrated by how hard you're trying to hold back your laugh.
"What is it honey?" "Did you forget to wash the dishes?" "No they're all done" "Then did you forget to take out the trash?" "Took it five hours ago" "Then what about... what about..."
Lmao now he gets what's going on.
A smirk appears on his face as he throws is phone on the couch and the next thing you know you're pinned to the cushions with him on top of you.
"What was that about? Are you trying to tease me or something?"
BRUH he looks so hot like this that you're literally unable to talk.
"I- W-Well... what if I am?"
Let's just say that you never dared to play pranks on him again🚶🏻‍♀️
Why you doing this to my cat boy lmao T^T
Pauses his game and turnes to look at you with a HUGE sulk on his face.
"Why did you-" "Kozume? Really?"
Lmao his pouty face makes you chuckle a bit
"That's your name isn't it?" "What happened to baby, sweetheart, love of my life..." "KENMA BABY I'M SORRY-"
God knows why he looks so cute when he's all sulky lmao
Lmao I can never bring myself to mess with him.
Anyway he will get you back, and a thousand times harder.
It's like you called him by his full name once, and ever since then he keeps calling you by your last name lmao.
You come home after a long day? "Well look who it is! The one and only L/n!" "I FUCKING HATE YOU TETSURO-"
This doesn't stop when you're in public. Or in front of your parents.
When your mom's on the other line? "L/n it's your mom she wants to talk to you!"
When you're out with friends? "L/n would you be kind and pass the salt please?"
People keep asking if you got into a fight or smthn LMFAO
So yeah this will go on for a while until he gets tired of it or he hurts your feelings then he will apologize for BEING SUCH A DICK crossing the line a bit too much.
Interactions are appreciated! :)
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toruro · 1 year
hihi ok so i have a request
hear me out lol
so like svt caring for u /taking you home when u go out w friends to a gathering or something and accidentally eat an edible which has u on mars and u don’t know what to do
kinda funny, kinda soft, kinda idk srry
svt + when you're high
a/n: hi anon! i didn't write individual scenarios because i couldn't think of such different and long scenarios for all thirteen of them but i wrote a few and assigned members to them, so i hope that works! anyways i LOVED this prompt LFMAO? this lwk reminds me of the first time i had an edible and i was like.., ok this isn't working and then i ate more and then it felt like i elevated to the subspace so ngl all of these might just be self inserts.
tags/warnings: recreational marijuana use
w/c: 1.1k
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seungcheol, wonwoo, jihoon
he notices you cuddle closer to his side as you and your guys' friends gather by the fireplace, but doesn't think anything of it until he hears you giggling a little too much at a joke he thinks you normally wouldn't find very funny. he’d look down at you and when you look up at him with those dopey eyes he knows something’s up. looking down at the plate on your lap his eyes would widen as he realizes that you ate the edibles. he’d curse himself for not letting you know earlier that they were edibles but realizes that there’s no point in sulking over that now. he would definitely excuse the both of you and take you home but as he tries to get you into the car you’d be incredibly stubborn. “baby get into the car.” you’d literally stomp your feet and shake your head. “no!” he would get slightly irritated, but the look on your face is just so cute that he’s finding it difficult to stay strict. “baby please.” you’d go back and forth for ages, and at some point he thinks he might pull out his hair. safe to say that the next time you’re out with friend, he keeps a close eye on you.
jeonghan, minghao, vernon, chan
he notices you're high right away because you're making zero fucking sense when you speak. like you'll be talking, acting like everything's normal, but then he'd actually listen to what you're saying and you would just be...saying words, not sentences. he would kind of go blank for a second wondering when the hell this happened because you didn't mention anything about wanting to get high tonight, but when he notices the empty plate with a few brownie crumbs left in your hand, he'd put two and two together and figure that you hadn't done this intentionally. he would be slightly upset that no one (himself included) let you know that they were edibles, frowning to himself as he dragged you to the car. you'd get in obediently, still running off your mouth with what nonsense you were going on about earlier, and at some point while driving home, he just really needs you to shut up so he can focus on the gps. he'd pull over so he can reach over to hold your hand, pleading, "babe, please, i love you but i really need you to be quiet. i can't focus on the road." your eyes would well up with tears and he winces as he realizes that he might have just set off a ticking bomb. "you don't wanna hear me talk?" you'd ask quietly voice wavering as he sighs. he'd spend another 15 minutes just trying to convince you that he loves talking to you, he just doesn't want to two of you to die from a car crash.
joshua, jun, mingyu
he's be slightly confused when you go up to him, wide-eyed asking him if he thinks you look pretty tonight because while he knows you love words of affirmation, you usually don't ask for it in social settings. when he'd answer, "of course i think you look pretty," you'd pout and huff and then repeat the question. he'd look at you confused, asking you if you're okay because you're usually not like this. his eyes would flicker around you and your surroundings and that's when he sees the little candy bag that definitely wasn't filled with normal gummies in them. literally will snatch the bag away from you, groaning when he sees it empty. assuming the worst, he would excuse the two of you and take you to the bathroom to talk to you. "how many d'you eat?" you'd give him a funny look. "how many of what?" you'd look so innocent he wants to melt, but he holds up his firm exterior. "the gummies, baby, how many?" you tap your chin funnily before saying, "maybe...one—no wait, like five—honestly i don't know! they were kinda yummy." he sighs, "baby they were edibles." you look at him kind of dumbly. "and? they tasted good." he'd just look at you for a few moments trying to decide what to do with you before piling you into his car to take you home as you run off his ears about how much you love cookies. he wouldn't have the heart to tell you to shut up, because he honestly finds it super cute, but he'd also try his best to keep an eye on you constantly.
soonyoung, dokyeom, seungkwan
he's the life of the party and he honestly thrives in crowds, so when you feel yourself swaying side to side a little, you aren't sure if you should go up to him and interrupt whatever he's got going on, or just sit tight and hope for the best. of course, right now, you aren't in your right mind and the thought of him being annoyed with you for interrupting him sends you spiraling, although you know it's a very unlikely situation. you kind of just sit in the corner and talk with one of your friends until she has to leave and you start feeling unbearably lonely and finally end up marching up to your boyfriend who's having a conversation with a group. when he notices you by his side, he greets you with a smile, "hey baby." wrapping an arm around you, you try to not get lost in the racing thoughts of your mind, saying, "can we go?" he turns to look at you, a little confused. "is everything alright?" your breath would hitch and you'd feel tears well up in your eyes for no reason. you can't really control it, but him wouldn't understand what's going on and be concerned. "are you mad at me?" you blurt out, not being able to stop yourself. "no—babe, what's going on?" he'd ask, pulling you away from the group to talk to you in a hallway. "baby," you'd whine, "i think i ate an edible and now i don't know what to do." his gaze would soften and he'd laugh a little at your tears—he's not laughing at your sorrow, he just knows that you get emotional when you're high and that this wasn't what he was expecting. "okay baby," he says, taking your hand, "let's go." you turn to look at the other people, "but what about your frie—" he cuts you off, "they don't matter. all i care about right now is you."
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ayyy-pee · 1 year
for the kiss ask game!!
Can I request 22 and 31 with Toji??
ahhh sorry for the late reply but omgggg this will be my first time writing Toji ever ngl lol and it's...a little dirty!
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22. Kisses that leave them all hot and bothered
31. Kisses that shouldn’t mean anything (but end up meaning more than they’d care to admit)
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"Fuckkkkk," Toji groans as he rolls his large body off of yours. Sweat coats his skin, his breaths rush past his lips rapidly, evidence of your previous activities still course through his blood.
Next to him, you sigh contentedly, immediately pulling your phone out. The sudden harsh light makes Toji squint in the darkness of your hotel room.
It's not often you two get a chance to meet up. Both your occupations keep you plenty busy. You're only able to get together when you happen to be in the same city for...work.
Toji can't lie, when he gets a text from you with your code word, he gets a little excited. Mostly because he never knows how the fuck you figure out where he is. It doesn't matter that his information is confidential, hidden under lock and key, protected, you always know where he is. You're the only person who knows and honestly? He doesn't mind it.
The arrangement you have is sweet, casual, easy. You get the hotel room, order in, fuck until morning and then Toji wakes up and you're gone. He likes it that way, even if he's started noticing some shit that's making him feel just a little bit uneasy.
See, lately Toji has noticed that every time his phone buzzes in his pocket, he hopes it's you.
When he gets assigned to a new...mission, he hopes you're nearby.
When he receives one of your code texts, he finds himself hurrying to finish the job so he can get to your location.
And when he wakes up and you're gone in the morning, there's this annoying fucking pang of disappointment that hits him for a few seconds before he brushes it off and enjoys the free ameneties you'd gifted him as thanks for the night before.
He doesn't know what it means, doesn't care to look too deeply into it. All he knows is he likes being balls deep inside of your sweet pussy and he'll be damned if he fucks it up trying to make this more than what it is.
"Ah, damnit," you sigh next to him, fingers flying across your phone screen.
"Hmm," Toji grunts next to you.
"Got a new assignment in Nagasaki. Gotta leave in a bit."
"Damn, you just got here." The words slip out from Toji's lips before he can stop them and the look you give him makes him try to recover quickly. "Just sayin', this work shit never stops."
You give him a strange look, Toji doesn't know what it means but it doesn't matter anyway. You go back to your phone.
"Yeah, it doesn't. But whatever." You toss your phone on the bedside table, throwing your leg over Toji so you can sit on top of him, straddling his hips. "I don't have much time, so fuck the shit out of me again before I gotta go."
Toji sits up on his elbows, a slow grin spreading over his face. "Gladly."
He cups the back of your head, pulling you down to crash your lips into his, the intensity of both your desires instantly setting the mood. His cock sits right beneath your warm core, the place he wants to bury himself inside of most in the world right now. You sit your slick covered cunt right onto his length and rock your hips forward, groaning at the sensation of Toji's thick, veiny cock rubbing along your clit.
This is heaven, Toji thinks as he slides his tongue into the warm cavern of your mouth. Your moans pass into his mouth and he passes his into yours in exchange, his hips coming up to grind into yours until you're both panting. And Toji can't take it anymore.
He rolls you over, climbing on top of you and he takes his time to look at you. This will likely be the last time he sees you for awhile. Or ever. It could always be the last time you two ever see each other in your line of work.
As you gaze up at him with your lust filled, blown out eyes, Toji feels his confusion settle in deeper...and it unsettles him, but he chalks it up to the moment.
The rapid beating in his heart? Well, he's about to fuck you so...of course that's why, right?
The way he can't seem to take his eyes off of you right now? Well, he's memorizing your face, every line and every wrinkle because that's what he's used to in his field of work.
The impending disappointment he's anticipating feeling when he's had his way with you and you with him and you're climbing into the shower, slipping your clothes on and leaving? Well, he has no answer for that one.
"Toji," your voice calls to him and it fucks him up just a little bit more. He watches your chest rise and fall beneath him as you bring your arms up to loop around his neck. "Fuck me."
You pull his lips down to yours as Toji rolls his hips forward, slipping inside of you for the last time tonight.
When Toji wakes up the next morning, you're long gone. You'd said your goodbyes earlier in the night and it's the first time Toji has actually been awake to see you go. His mind dwells on the way you wrapped around him last night, your small body pressed against his and the way your lips fit against his and fuck, he's going insane.
He grabs his phone from the nightstand next to him, quickly sending off a text to his "manager", Shiu Kong.
Toji: Need a new assignment ASAP
He sighs, sending a follow up text.
Toji: Needs to be in Nagasaki
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List of “102 different types of kisses” Ask Game!
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sugarpasteltmnt · 17 days
Just finished reading the new chapter and OH MY GOD??? Ik I already wrote a comment on AO3 but I felt like I had to come yell at you over here too 😜
First of all: that was a phenomenal chapter. I could feel the tension and apprehension right alongside the family - and then Leo's uncontained joy at the end. Gotta say, you write emotions very well
Second: holy shell, where do I even start? That went in a COMPLETELY different direction than I was expecting (which is a GOOD THING). Ngl I was half expecting the destruction of the Key to kill Leo, or maybe just eradicate the Kraang parasite or smth. I was waiting for him to jump into the black hole with the Key, but then the little trinkets he had collected chapters (felt like ages lmao) ago held him down! I honestly cannot wait to see where he goes and what happens next, I'm HOOKED.
But to be fair I've been hooked since I first started, back when chapter 7 or 8 first came out, and I am so thrilled that we're nearing the end!!!
Now all we need is everybody to pass out from exhaustion 🤣
The way you've brought in stuff from other chapters and made them plot relevant is really impressive, it reads as though you had every detail planned out and I LOVE that! I hope I can write like that some day, you're really amazing
I have no doubt that, however you chose to end this story, it will be great. Neon Void is certainly going out with a bang! 🤣
Have a lovely day, lots of love and best wishes from me! 🩷
- 🍁
THANK YOU SO MUCH this was such a delight— i was super worried about the first half, as that was more of a spur of the moment decision rather than the second half which has always been planned lol. Im so so glad you liked it!!
And as for the Krang parasite…. I have a special plan for that ;3
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kisses4lao · 7 months
Hey so I keep seeing your pegging headcanons for the MK1 guys and ngl I am obsessed 👁👁
Idk if you're willing to write for Rain or not, but if so could you please do him as well? I need this man on a biblical level lmao. Thanks in advance!
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Yes honey
I'm gonna be so honest I know rain is in mk1 but the only rain I remember before that was mk9 and I don't remember him being an important character 😭😭😭 he was in the lineup but he was sorta just there
So forgive me if he doesn't have a personality in this I looked up his vls and all he's deadass just there
Tw/cw: the usual, overstimulation if you squint
Not proofread fuck you
Hesitant at first
Like, VERY hesitant
Probably not on board until he does extensive research bc he's like that
And when he does research, he finds it interesting
So is he down? Yes. Will he make you wait a few weeks just so that he can be prepared? Also yes.
Rain would most likely prepare himself weeks in advance, via fingering, that way it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as he can only expect
So when it comes to the scheduled day because of course he scheduled it, he's ready.
So ready in fact that he just has you put it in, what a simple man
Luckily, you can see his face contort in pleasure instead of pain. Once you bottom out, he's completely out of breath
He opted to want to hold your hands while this was happening, wanting to be close because of the unfamiliar sensation
As you began to move, you can feel his hands tighten around yours
Because of how close you are, you can hear him slightly whimpering out, simply just whining and your name
Increasing your speed only made his grip on you tighter as he wraps his legs around you, ankles connecting at your lower back to force you in deeper
His whimpering comes out louder as he can feel the tip of his cock rub against your stomach, creating even more friction as you continuously hit his g spot
He came as tears began to fall from his eyes, lol leaving him a whimpering mess under you as he came down from his high
He rates it a 7.5/10. It was pleasurable, but its a once in a while thing
Also can't walk afterwards
A/n: Im really not a big onion enjoyer, I kind of hate them honestly, but I had an onion ring for the first time last night and it was life changing
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Same thing (I don't know if the last one said 'x reader' or '& reader', but the difference is platonic versus romantic, as an fyi)
Rottmnt & female!reader where Y/N has the sort of big-sis presence April has, but she basically adopts everyone she meets, and her thing is to give them nicknames that relate to something they do or reminds her of them (and she gets mad if anyone else uses them). Torts kinda short-circuit the first time she refers to them by the given nicknames, and she doesn't even realize (but when she does, she kinda blows it off)
~Can be Raph x reader also because he would absolutely melt at a s/o as protective over his brothers as he is~
This is definitely not because I often see Raph angst and think "Nooo bubby it's ok!"
Or Donnie is Tinker. Cuz he likes tinkering
Mickey is also bubby but also lil'Mike
Leo is Baby Blue
Don't bully me this is my head it controls me I don't control it
This is INCREDIBLE Anon! Don't worry, I'm working on your other asks, but this one CALLED to me! (I did make it romantic with Raph, because he is my favorite boy 😌.)
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Leo adores you.
He loves spending time with you,
And it's kinda a competition between him and Donnie to see who can keep your attention.
Raph is winning by default though.
Leo loves that even though you're like a big sister,
You nowhere near as over bearing as Raph.
But he knows you still worry,
So he trys to tone it down a bit.
He gets so genuinly happy when you laugh at his jokes.
Like he will literally, hug you everytime you laugh.
Without fail it makes his day.
As for his nickname,
He's totally not a supporter.
At least that's what he tells everyone.
"Hey, Baby Blue, help me with these boxes, will ya?"
*Dramatic sigh*
Leo goes to you for advice on things he doesn't want the others to know.
Like if he's nervous about how they'll react to something,
He'll go to you.
Because you don't judge.
You just listen, and once he's done talking,
You'll tell him what you think, and how to go about the situation.
Leo loves you, and the second you stepped into their lives, he dubbed you, "Big Sis (Name)."
Donnie likes having you around.
At first he was kinda apprehensive,
But the minute you took on the role of older sister, his vision kinda changed.
He enjoys spending as much time with you as possible.
Mostly because of how good you are at listening.
Never, not once, have you ever interrupted his rambling, or explainations.
You just sit there, and wait untill he's done to ask questions.
And he loves that.
That's another reason why you're the first to see a newly finished project.
Because every single time, you wait for him to stop talking,
Then you tell him how cool it is, and how proud you are, and ask questions about it.
The first time this happened, he teared up.
But don't worry, they were happy tears.
As for his nickname,
He is not a fan,
He will scoff everytime.
"There you are Tinkerbell! I thought I lost ya."
You didn't think I meant an actual scoff did you?
You have to try and keep Donnie from doing stupid stuff to test his inventions.
And if you aren't there to prevent the stupidity,
You're always there to bandage him up, and scold him.
But he doesn't mind, he knows it's just because you care.
Mikey absolutly loves you.
Whenever you come to visit,
He'll stop whatever he's doing to give you a hug.
Doesn't matter what it is he's doing,
You will get that hug.
His favorite thing is drawing you pictures.
You have so many, you can barely see your wallpaper anymore.
But who cares?
You probably have the best decorated room in all of New York thanks to those drawings.
Mikey LOVES his nickname.
It makes him feel special.
"Where's my Little Dumpling!"
"That's me! I'm her Little Dumpling!"
Mikey does his best to impress you,
He just wants to make you proud.
So he likes to show off when your around,
And it scares the crap out of you.
Just make sure you don't turn your back for to long,
Because he will accidentally hurt himself.
You have pretty much taken on the role of mother around Mikey.
The second, Raph met you he was whipped.
Poor boy short circuted for like a full 5 minutes.
He loves how much you care for his brothers like their your own family.
He thinks it's amazing that someone else can love them like he does.
If they ever stress him out,
He'll talk to you about it because he knows you can relate.
The two of you are pretty much parents to three extremely chaotic children.
Raph loves that you give everyone nicknames,
He thinks it's cute.
He loves his nickname,
And he gives you one of your own.
"Big Red! come help me look for my backpack, I lost it!"
"Sure thing Cutie Pie!"
Raph invites you over as often as possible.
Movie nights,
Just some regular old quality time,
Anything he can do to have you over.
He just loves spending time with you.
You two are always trying keep the younger ones from accidentaly killing themselves.
And it is not an easy feat.
But hey,
You two are trying your best.
There you go Anon! I hope I wrote this to your liking. It's kinda rushed, but I personally love it.
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ranboothesillyartist · 5 months
So uhm I created my first TADC au
Jax design:
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I'm going to explain some things so no1 will get confused
A big part of the characters get hungry, can sleep, can get hurt n other things that a living being do. Moon, Sun n Caine are the only ones that don't get hungry
The Moon considers Jax her "son". I dunno how to explain this..
Caine, moon n sun are the only ones who can understand what's Jax saying
Text: red: gangle, orange: raghata, purple: kinger, pink: zooble, Caine: u'll know bc I'll show u n Jax... I don't want to give u spoilers
A very dark night Jax feel's bad n goes outside to crie, he always hide his bad feelings in front of the others.
He sits near the lake, the moon see him crying n asks:
Why are you crying darling?
Jax doesn't answer so the moon sits next to him
Do you feel bad from so many years that you're stuck here?
Jax nods
Well It's probably worse for others,you are being very mean to others...
I'm sorry darling but that's the truth... You need to stop that
I know that there's a good bunny inside you..!
She touches his face (invisible nose lol)
I think that I can change it!
Jax falls asleep
The next morning Jax wake up n feels a bit different, he can't talk, he starts panicking!
Calm down! I did this so you can possibly change! So you can't be mean
(Moon says)
Now Jax can only communicate w... jingles??? What is happening to this story creator???? (I don't fucking know..!)
... Well I wanted to try something different.!
* jingle jingle..* ( u're weird..)
Well now you're my little star!
*jingle* ( k lol I have to accept that)
You can go now, bye!
Now Jax go sneak peek the others but oh raghata saw him n oh gangle too!
Jax starts running trying to scape from raghata, gangle n now zooble, kinger.. ( Pomni is having another panic attack )
Jax comes across a dead end hallway, now he's cornered! SHIT- he thinks then he looks at the others w a horrified face
We will not hurt you!
Hey can we be friends?
Hey lil fella don't be afraid! I can't hurt you!
Jax feels... Loved? Happy?? I dunno it's a mix of feelings teehee:33
You look like a star! *Hugs Jax*
Well looks like there's a new friend here!
Well uhm Jax takes advantage of them thinking he's a new character n enjoy the moment but then Caine shows up n notice him
Caine: Wait! I don't remember having a new member! Let me see... Wait... THAT'S JAX???
WHAT?! HOW?? everyone screamed
Caine: Jax, who did this?
*Jingle jingle..* (the moon..)
Caine: What? The moon can do that?!
*Jingle jingle?* (as I see yes?)
Caine: I'll have a little conversation with her!
Everyone is surprised, they didn't know that was Jax
Oh! You changed! Pff!
But he still looks like a star.. a cute star..
Uhm pfff well you look cute! *chuckles* (ngl..)
Jax feels a bit uncomfortable.. but he already did a lot of other bad things so he deserves it. Zooble makes fun of him n the others like to hug him bc he's very soft n so cute, they can't be mad at him he's just so cute!
N I'm done for now! that's the story, I want to people give me ideas of what to draw em doing, like.. Jax sleeping w the moon?? Dunno..
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Hellooo!! Could I plz have Hajime Hinata, Kazuichi Soda and Kokichi (maybe) with an reader that acts like Hiyoko?? :3 (doesn't necessarily hate Mikan, they are just mean lol) ty :D
Sure! I hope you enjoy, and thank you for requesting!
Hajime, Kazuichi, and Kokichi with a s/o who's like Hiyoko
Warnings: None
Hajime Hinata
-Bros a bit concerned ngl
-Like, why do you say the things you say? Who hurt you?
-He's conflicted, half of him wants to defend whoever you're attacking, but the other half is really curious how the conversation will play out
-If you're being rude to someone like Maharu or Mikan, he'll probably step in if he feels you've taken it to far because they don't really deserve the shit you give them
-But if you're going after someone like Teruteru or Nagito... he sees nothing
-Living embodiment of "I pretend I do not see"
-Straight up won't let you fight with Akane or Nekamaru, he would rather you stay out of the hospital
-Does try to calm you down in most situations, as he isn't big on conflict and he doesn't want you to insult the wrong person
-He doesn't tolerate people attacking you in return, however he does sometimes remind you that it wouldn't happen if you didn't stir up random fights
-He does feel pretty honored if you start a insulting someone who was dissing him though
-Don't get me wrong, he still dislikes conflict and will try to deescalate the situation, but he might let it go on longer than normal because he enjoys having someone stick up for him
-Hajime isn't the best at standing up for himself, so he feels a little honored that you are so eager to defend him, especially since you don't defend people often
-He's the one person you don't relentlessly insult and he appreciates that
-You guys balance each other out pretty well, the chill boyfriend and his feisty s/o
Kazuichi Souda
-Lowkey kinda scared to piss you off
-He's got low self esteem and you're pretty good at targeting peoples insecurities, so he's careful not to make you mad
-Not that you would target him because you love him too much, but he's still cautious
-Absolutely will not involve himself in any of your fights, he doesn't want to get caught in the middle of it
-It's not because he thinks it's funny to watch your target get verbally decimated definitely not-
-Unless you're bullying Nagito, in which case he will actively participate alongside you
-It's a funny sight to see because he's not great with coming up with meaningful insults on the spot but he tries
-If someone's coming at him he will hide behind you because he knows you'll defend his honor
-And as much as he hates conflict, if anyone says shit about you he will defend you with his life
-The mans a simp, and nobody makes fun of his partner on his watch
-He does appreciate that you're nicer to him then pretty much anyone else, it makes him feel special
Kokichi Ouma
-A match made in heaven (or hell)
-Totally joins in on ganging up on people with you, why bully people by yourself when you can do it with your s/o?
-Makes it a competition to see who can piss off the most people in one day
-He thinks it's funny that you both do the fake crocodile tears thing when people retaliate
-You too will playfully get into fights and insult matches with each other, but it's only for fun, its never malicious
-If your around the same height as Hiyoko, people call you two the ankle biters
-Naturally, you two make a lot of enemies around the school, so you have to defend each other quite often
-If you think Kokichi's mean normally, you should see how bad he gets when someone insults you
-He removes whatever miniscule filter he had before, and he goes in on them HARD
-That person will never bother the two of you again, in fact they probably avoid you two like the plague
-Kokichi definitely recruits you into DICE, most of the members have similar personalities to him, so you all get along quite well
-A terrifying duo, but you love each other and that's all that really matters
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing
Baji: Mikey can you stop staring at Takemitchy for one goddamn second we're literally in a meeting😐
Mikey: shut the fuck up you dumb bitch this isn't dm
Mikey: delete that message rn istg Baji
Draken: bro you're the one who's suppose to be leading this meeting
Draken: i'm so tired of doing shit for you
Mikey: maybe calm down Ken-chin
Mitsuya: why are you all on your phones
Mitsuya: this is serious
Kazutora: what's this meeting even about
Chifuyu: guys...
Takemitchy: guys please Takuya was beaten up again we have to do something
Draken: why does Takuya get into so many fights??
Draken: he seems pretty unproblematic
Takemitchy: he's very pretty 😔
Draken: ...uh, okay
Draken: wait, huh?
Mistuya: yeah i'll agree on that but what does that have to do with him getting into fights
Mikey: lol Takemitchy are you in love with him or something
Mikey: he isn't that pretty to be honest
Mikey: idk he seems kinda twinky
Draken: 😐
Hakkai: context, Takemitchy
Chifuyu: i mean if we were being beaten up for our looks we all know who'd be targeted the most😁
Kazutora: you're actually very ugly Chifuyu
Chifuyu: do you ever blink
Baji: we're not doing this again
Mitsuya: Takemitchy please explain the Takuya thing, he's literally in the hospital every other week
Mistuya: also where are you
Takemitchy: sorry my bad i went to the bathroom
Baji: bet you were shitting huh
Baji: gross
Takemitchy: ....uhm
Draken: leave him alone
Mikey: what's wrong with shitting
Mikey: don't be embarrassed Takemitchy we all poop
Mikey: even me
Kazutora: what are we talking about right now
Mitsuya: can we please stay on topic
Takemitchy: ok so
Takemitchy: lots of guys flirt with Takuya thinking he's a girl
Takemitchy: then when he tells them he's a guy they get really mad
Takemitchy: it happens a lot
Takemitchy: usually we're all there to protect him but yeah
Draken: ohhh
Draken: that's pretty sad actually
Draken: ok so plan of action
Baji: damn
Baji: one of y'all just pretend to be his boyfriend so they can fuck of idk
Chifuyu: *off
Baji: leave me alone
Chifuyu: it's our literature test next week so no, i won't leave you alone Baji-san
Chifuyu: you promised to stop making your mother cry with your grades😕
Mikey: she cries when she see's them???💀
Kazutora: how is the Takuya thing Toman related🗿
Draken: he's our friend
Draken: so it relates
Draken: and yeah maybe Baji's idea would work i genuinly don't know how to solve this
Draken: just look out for it guys
Chifuyu: yeah we gotta protect the littles
Chifuyu: of topic but Takuya is a lil cute ngl
Baji: first of all, you're 5'4, you are the littles😐
Baji: and yeah
Baji: also
Baji: *off
Chifuyu: touchè
Mikey: not cuter than me tho, right Takemitchy?
Baji: he wasn't even part of...
Baji: nvm
Chifuyu: oh he's at the hospital with Takuya, Mikey-kun
Mikey: this meeting was very disorganised, my bad
Mikey: anyway, off to bed, g'night
Draken: it's noon...
Mikey: and?
Draken: yeah you're right nvm
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inchidentally · 6 months
Ngl little bit sad that you're becoming kinda negative on here. I miss when you used to post those super cool thoughtful discussions and analyses, without the need to trash talk or bash on other ships.
(just to say, I'd normally post something like this behind a cut and I promise I always will in future. it just feels like today in particular is a good moment to state a few of these points. I'm not normally this serious lol I just want to kind of mitigate any more drama.)
I've always posted about wanting rpf to be kept out of the drivers' and teams' public spaces and I've always said it's stupid/unnecessary drama when fans of certain fictional ships get genuinely loudly "competitive" over other fictional ships and I've really always been against people hating on the girlfriends who get caught in the crossfire of the fans who truly believe their two drivers are in a secret gay relationship. it's how I've always personally felt and apart from it being my opinion (which is fair for my blog) I also feel like having even a smidgen of traction on my posts means I can potentially prevent landoscar going down the road of certain ships that have fans who've fully crossed over into aggressive/publicly disturbing territory. and who've been doing so for years and only gotten worse.
hell, I've even always openly hated when Lando's individual content gets taken over by people bringing up Carlos or Daniel or even sometimes Oscar or Max F. the man has a life beyond all of those friendships and he very much deserves for his content to sometimes stay just about him. only people like his family or Jon/Lando's team of 10+ years deserve any significant share of credit for Lando's successes but no one's bothering to bring them up in the comments etc.
also, it's still very early days for landoscar as a ship and we have at least two more years of Lando and Oscar as teammates (fairly likely more) so if we can keep out the element of fans who take rpf into widely public spaces/directly to the people involved, then I'm going to continue to occasionally post about it. those types of fans absolutely hate reality intruding and they hate real life partners even more so I'm absolutely going to post about reality and girlfriends regularly. even apart from the fact that I'd feel weird excluding girlfriends, there's a solid reason to do so.
especially when even apart from rpf, the girlfriends always get shit from people who want the guy for themselves or who have decided they get a say in who he dates. I'm not going to pretend like all of that doesn't happen just to avoid all negativity.
as far as the tricky/controversial asks I get, I always put them fully under a cut and tag appropriately so they're incredibly easy to skip. I also batch them up so one of those posts happens maybe once every couple weeks - if that. my content has always been massively on the side of fun content vs anything drama/wank related.
the one thing I will say is that I'm getting a lot of repeat anons about ship drama that I would otherwise not hear about (I rarely look at twitter and my tumblr dash is lovely and tidy with just a few things blacklisted) so I'm going to write one sort of roundup post to cover any more of those and not answer any more. I'm just repeating myself atp.
I also went on my first ever blocking spree in this fandom today when a post I'd rb had a bunch of ragey hardcore rpf people jump onto it and I also blacklisted a few more things. so that's the last I'm personally ever going to see of that drama myself. I still casually ship carland0 and dand0 as well and a whole lot of us are nothing to do with the people publicly pushing shippy shit or doing the whole - god I cannot believe this still happens - 'my rpf ship is real and yours isn't'. they're also the people who call all girlfriends "escorts" and "beards" so they're easy to identify.
one last thing anon is that I hear you but I've got to mention I delete a LOT of borderline hate asks and I leave a fair amount of trolls frothing by refusing to respond to their asks. so I'm very much always trying to keep the content on my blog free of useless drama or negativity.
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riaaanna · 2 months
Queen Fanclub Convention 2023 Part 6: Greg Brooks (with Q&A re: Sotheby's)
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📸 Ian Knight
I feel like I had to put that in the title to get anyone to even read past the first two sentences. 😂 It's down there, in a bit...!
Now, if you've ever listened to any Queen demos circulating around Youtube, you would've undoubtedly heard the iconic "Property of Queen Productions" watermarked across the audio. That would be the voice of Greg Brooks, Queen's official archivist.
Those rarity gems have been part of my journey in the Queen fandom since late 2018 so it was so surreal to be sitting in the room I've always imagined to be able to sit in and hear these demo recordings directly. (Although ngl, I always thought he'd be watermarking it live into a mic, but no such scene happened unfortunately lol). When the first "Property of Queen Productions" played in the room everyone cheered like greeting an old friend, which was so amusing.
Anyway no you're not going to hear those demos here, duh (but like y'know) so instead I will only list which ones were played:
Flick of the Wrist
Great King Rat (Take 1)
Nevermore (Take 5)
March of the Black Queen (Take 3-5)
Brighton Rock
I Go Crazy
Tie Your Mother Down (Brian's guide vocal)
After consulting with friends with more expertise in this I found out these aren't new and have been played at some point in the previous conventions. There are sites with a good list of these so you can probably look them up (and if you're looking at demos, beware of fake ones cause there are a lot out there!). Nevertheless it was a great experience to listen to them!
Aside from that he also brought some merchandise which are sold for MPT. The first being a Queen vinyl box - leftovers from the archives (on the left 📸 Ian Knight) and the second being this genius pun on a mug which I bought... Proper Tea of Queen Productions!
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Greg took some questions between the demos and here is a transcript under the cut. A bulk of these talked about the extent of the lots auctioned at Sotheby's which he got to see as Queen's archivist, and there's some insight to Queen Productions Ltd (QPL)'s extent of "involvement" with the auction. I asked a question about it myself and I was happy with how much he was able to reveal.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so there are parts that I marked as "indistinct" and the accuracy may not be 100%. This wouldn't be their fault for not pronouncing it clearly, it would be mine for not catching it properly. There are parts I omitted related to the demos cause they wouldn't make sense without listening to them anyway.
Jim Jenkins (J): Okay everybody! Right, this gentleman does not need any introduction. He’s Queen's archivist, he gets involved in everything to do with Queen and he's just done a big job at Sotheby’s. Queen's productions did get involved in Sotheby’s, people think not, but they did. Greg did a stellar work down at the auction house. So, he's going to play us some musical treats, let's bring him on, Greg Brooks! (applause)
Property of Queen Productions!
Greg Brooks (G): Hello everyone! Everything good? Right, I can tell you a few bits, I'll answer some questions and I can play some bits. I've bought mainly rarity outtakes, so from the original sessions, and the way that I've ordered them is starting for the first album, all the way up to, I think, The Game. I'll just play you a few things, I might ask you here and there which one you'd prefer to hear. But I'll start off with some early Queen, if that's alright with you guys. Good! And then, um...
Greg on audio: Property of Queen Productions.
Audience: (big cheers)
G: Oh, I started early there, sorry. (laughter) I wonder where that was coming from, sounded vaguely familiar. I'll start off with this, I'll play a few and I'll answer questions if you want, or I'll play a rarity if you prefer. Got that? Yeah. Okay, let me know if it's not loud enough, just by doing that (gestures hand pointing up) they'll know. So here we go then, I won't announce what it is, but I will tell you, these are all early backing tracks, early run-throughs, the whole band playing live in the studio, but invariably with no vocals. Sometimes there's a guide vocal, okay?
(Demo tape playing)
I was just thinking how nice it is after all this publicity with Sotheby's and Freddie's entire life being sold… it's nice to go back to the important stuff and just hear the music here, isn't it? (applause)
This is what it's all about, isn't it? All that stuff aside, all those possessions, the music and the voice. So, we'll carry on.
(Demo tape playing)
So, we have to mention the dreaded Sotheby's thing, or some people think it's dreaded. How many people managed to get a look? Quite a lot of people. The lyrics, I think, were fantastic. Did you see them all? Yeah. I mean, some of the Queen II stuff was mind-blowing, all those alternative lyrics. Anyway, we’ll carry on.
(Demo tape playing)
(indistinct) He was asking me is that – did they usually put the music down first? They always record the backing track first, they always get that rhythm track which we've been told many times, Brian and Roger always said that Freddie, John, Rog do the backing track and in that case because it's Fred's song he's directing from the piano you can even count in and you know he would be saying, you know, directing really and... because it's his song, in other songs it would be whoever's song it is. Invariably though Freddie directs from the piano and then they'll, Brian will come in and put his guitar and then the last thing will be – even the backing vocals go before the lead vocal so you can hear it, as you hear this stuff you can visualize what's going on.
So we thought we'd stop just for five just in case there’s any questions, I'm happy to take questions.
Question 1: Hi, Greg. I just want to say, so this would’ve been 50 years of the original album, have you suggested or proposed anything to celebrate it at all to the band?
G: Yes, we all – did you hear the question everyone? You need a bit more volume, or you alright? Turn up a bit there guys, if it's alright.
Because it's 50 years of Queen I, yes, some years ago it would have –  it's always about two or three years in advance. We got proposals to the band and the record company and we would have proposed something for Queen I but there isn't anything in the pipeline for the debut album. There's all kinds of discussions about all kinds of products but because of so much stuff going on in the last couple of years, I think the band just decided this year there wouldn't be a major product, as I understand it, and the record label.
So no, there isn't anything in the pipeline for this year, though there are, as there always are, some great things being discussed, some of them look quite certain to me that they're going to happen and they're really exciting, and I mean that.
So you know by that, I'm not talking about having random products, I'm talking about proper Queen. (audience cheers, possible implication that he referred to QAL products) No sniggering! (chuckles) When I talk about Queen I mean, well I regard as the Freddie and John years. So honestly, there's some great stuff in the pipeline and it will soon come around because we've done a lot of research and I'll continue for about three separate products and I have no idea which will come first.
Question 2 (me!): I want to ask more about the auction. Is that OK? I just want to ask, first, how did the communications between Queen Productions and the, I don’t know, Mary or the auction house come about? And second, if you're allowed to tell us if the band is getting anything. Thank you.
G: Well I got the gist.
Q2: Oh, sorry… (apologizing for my bad English or pronunciation, whatever…)
G: I wasn't, on my level as they say, I wasn't privy to anything that was happening on the top level. I was only interested in going along and seeing all the lyrics and the costumes just to see the extent of it. I think – I think, the band stayed out a bit more or less. It was really between Mary and the Sotheby's. I don't know a lot about that. All I know is, you know, it was a good idea for me as the archivist to know the full extent of all the lyrics.
And evidently Freddie kept the lyrics of everything he ever wrote, ever. So for those of you that went to Sotheby's you saw probably five percent of the lyrics. There was something like, I think it was five, six hundred sheets of paper and lots and lots of unreleased songs, unpublished songs, pre-Queen going right the way back to the mid-60s.
And everything he ever wrote for Queen, including many unpublished songs. I saw lyrics for songs that I had not even heard audio outtakes for. So whether he made demos at home, which aren't in the archive, I think that's plausible. But as you know there wasn't any of that. In the auction there was no audio recordings, just lyrics.
But he wrote something like nine or ten sheets of paper for every song he wrote. So you saw for the Bohemian Rhapsody lyrics, they were 15 sheets. And for A Day at the Races, one of my favorite albums, there was 10 or 12 sheets for every song. So if you were lucky enough to purchase that Day at the Races lot, I think it was something like 80 sheets of paper.
(jokingly) I think you bought that, didn’t you Jim? (laughter) I'm not supposed to say that. You got somebody to bid for you for the crown and the cloak as well. (laughter) See we should all have worked for (indistinct) when we had the chance. (laughter)
Question 3: (indistinct, asks something about how the exhibition was because he didn’t go.)
J: You missed out, it was amazing. You could see the costumes, and the lyrics.
Q3: My Question is, I’ve never ever been at the auction, what was it like?
G: Okay, what was it like? (gestures to someone else)That gentleman there would like to ask a question in a minute. That dubious bloke. (laughter) I should be more specific.
To answer your question, if you didn't get to Sotheby's, it was then basically recreating Freddie's house in their main five rooms. And they did a phenomenally brilliant job. So, not that I've ever been to Garden Lodge, but it was as near as you could be to walking into Garden Lodge, lounge, kitchen, all of his furniture, everything really. From his artwork to his lyrics, his costume, the tea sets, the teapots, the tablecloths, the chairs, the wardrobes, everything was there. And it was very evident what impeccable taste he had. And so you walk through and everything on display was extremely beautiful.
And it was very impressive and quite moving, you know, because if you could deal with the fact that you felt like you were intruding in somebody's personal space, which I felt it was a bit, should I really be here? Would he want people in? I don't know, not my call. But since it was public, I went a few times and just took it all in because it was so incredible. Does that answer your Question?
And sorry, just to add to that, the lyrics I asked to see on my own, because I knew that was going to be emotional, so I set myself down in the back room and went through all these lyrics. And for especially Queen II, all the lyrics that he wrote that he didn't use. So he was writing down “Oberon and Titania” and all those things he used. And then on another page was equally brilliant stuff that he didn't use. I took Jim, we sat and looked, didn't we, Jim? And it does bring a lump to your throat. You can't talk while you're looking because you realize you're looking at this man effectively working to perfect that song, you know, and he's working, working, working, working, and he's made every conceivable note you could make before he chooses the words that we all now know. It's really impressive, wasn't it, Jim?
J: Extremely. It was emotional.
G: Yeah. We all think Freddie is a genius, and I know that word is bandied about. I always knew he was a genius and a brilliant, brilliant musician. But the stuff he didn't use was as good, or better in some cases, than the words he did use. Anyway, next question.
Question 4: What's going on Greg? With the rise of AI, and John and Ringo (indistinct) the new Beatles music, will that open up the archives on lesser quality recordings to be reassessed by that?
G: Well, that's a very interesting question. I'm surprised you came up with that. (laughter) I always give him a hard time, I don't even know why, it's just because it's fun. (laughter) And he’s got, he takes it in good spirit. No, it's a good question, I thought about this AI, everybody knows what this AI is capable of now. We hear the Beatles and Freddie singing “The Long and Winding Road” and so on. (indistinct) (laughter)
As I was saying. What was I saying? Oh, there you are. You can hear Freddie singing “The Long and Winding Road”. And some of it is very convincing. You think, Christ, did he record that, really? And then you hear a dodgy bit, and you go, oh no, it's not. But it's only going to improve, isn't it? So there is going to come a time when you choose your artist, and you choose your song, and you want Freddie to sing an Elvis song, or Elvis to sing Somebody to Love, and it will be possible.
But I can only imagine where it's going when you think how brilliant it is at the moment. And it did occur to me the other day that if you can feed in all of Freddie's songs, all the backing tracks, sorry, just the vocal tracks without the music, you could effectively have him singing anything. And then I thought, if you ingest it into a computer, all the interviews he ever did, I wonder if it's conceivable for him to read his own book, which was (indistinct). That would be good, wouldn't it? You can have him reading anything, because it would sound like the real Freddie reading The War of the Worlds by H .G. Wells, or whatever. The possibilities are really endless, so I don't know where it's going.
But it's worrying, really, because next year I could be here playing Freddie singing The Best of Elvis, and it would sound very convincing. Okay, any more questions, or shall I crack on?
Question 5: While you were looking at the stuff at Sotheby's, did you think (indistinct) regarding to I Want it All (Greg’s upcoming book on Queen memorabilia collection), or have you got the stuff you now can add to it?
G: Well, the lyrics, for example, the thing that interests me most… There are lyrics in the I Want it All book, but I didn’t want to fill it – because it's not a lyrics book, so I thought what I'd do, I'd do it once and do it properly. So the album for which we have handwritten lyrics for every single song is The Works. And we also have lyrics for the B-side of Ga Ga, I Go Crazy, as well as Let Me in Your Heart Again. So there's a four-page pullout in the book showing all the lyrics for that album, that’s 12 sheets.
There's a couple of more elsewhere… but to answer your question, you would think that you would want all of the Somebody's Love and Champions and Bo Rhap lyrics in the book like I'm doing, but it would just be too much, so probably down the line there is a book there, obviously, whether it would be our book or Mary's book, who knows, but um… it would be nice to have some of the costumes featured, and I think when we come to do the live (I Want it All) book, volume 2, I'll look into that, because some of those beautiful early costumes would be a wonderful four-page, wouldn’t they, in a book.
So the short answer is yes, we will endeavour to show you all that stuff when we can in the coming years, you know, it'd be great, but at the moment it's too soon into the auction, after the auction.
Question 6: Yeah, just while we're talking about the audio lyrics and things, do you actually have the copy of the lyrics for the archive now or is that kind of lost into whoever bought the lyrics?
G: Um, good question again, I don't know how to answer that. (laughter) (indistinct, laughter)
I would think at some point in the future we will see the lyrics. I think one way or the other that they'll be seen. Yeah, because it would have been too upsetting to think that they've all gone to the corners of the earth never to be seen again. That is unlikely.
Question 7: Hi Greg, and one of the things we noticed, because we got pushed around the auction really quickly…
G: Did you?
Q7: Oh, like, people were like, move on, people can’t see, keep walking, so...
G: Did you go out and... Come back in again, though? You can do that.
Q7: No, we already queued. But one of the things we noticed is that on one of the Queen things they had was “Feel the Force”? And we were like, “is there a Freddie version of that that exists?”
G: Not that I can remember.
Q7: Yeah, it was really obscure on a track list, of all the things and then there was “Feel the Force”…?
G: It did occur to me that it must be the case that he had, in his archive, and still does, recordings of songs that we don't have in it, the Queen Archive. And I guess that's probably true of Brian, Roger and John that had their own home recordings. So it's conceivable that that track, for example, but we don't have it that I'm aware of.
But as I said, just to recap, there are lyrics for songs that he wrote that we do not have in the archive. So he must have the recordings, or she must.
Yep, okay Right, I'll play a bit of…
(Demo tape playing)
G: One thing – this “Property of Queen Productions”, quite irritating whoever it is that says that all the way through… (laughter) Just for those who don’t know, that was the band who insisted that we did that, so it would keep from these things from getting ripped off.
(Note: Greg is now promoting the merchandise he brought. I omitted this.)
(Demo tape playing)
J: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, Greg Brooks!
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bomberqueen17 · 10 days
writing etc
Well so I did push through on writing this week. Retrieved my real computer yesterday so I did all of the work on my old laptop, resurrected, short on battery life, unable to charge except for some reason from one particular outlet in the house, who knows why.
But anyhow. I finally got through the block on the next chapter of the Peace-Tied continuity, which-- I just scrolled back in a Discord thread where I'd been discussing it and I got as far as December of 2022 before i was squarely before this point. So it's been a big block for a while. And now I'm like.........
where was I going after this
LOL it's such a weird feeling, to have finally worked past a scene you'd been planning on writing-- and the thing is, I really wasn't sure which direction it would go, my first draft of it was way too much one direction and I'd written it ahead of the setup, and once I did the setup that draft didn't really work anymore, and some of the setup was from ideas I'd had years before, and needed fixing, and anyway it's been many drafts and I wasn't sure where it would come out. And I'm still not sure what it actually means. But now I have to go back and look at what my ideas were for the next bits, and figure out where I'm taking those.
And the chapter isn't even ready to post, i still need to go back and make sure I've walked the fine line between "character doing what I need him to" and "ooc", and I'm ngl I'm a bit resigned to it coming down on the "ooc" side, but I console myself nobody who minds that is still reading along with this unless they're quietly hate-reading in which case you do you, I respect that.
So I'm actually at the point in both ongoing serieses where I'm like...... past a big block I've been trying to strategize around for a long time. And on to a next section I've mostly not let myself write ahead. So it's weird uncharted territory, especially when you're not an outliner. (I can't do outlines, really, I can only speculate about what might happen next, and more often than you'd think I absolutely know where to take things despite not having overtly planned them, but. I secretly suspect this takes up all of the brain space I have, which most people use for like, their daily life, and this is why ADHD meds can't fix me, because my head is entirely full of fictional realities and there's just not room for real ones. IDK. Can I know where I left my keys? No I may not have that information because I filled the place where it goes with different Wet Cat Boy scenarios, sorry.)
anyway I think it's even odds, looking back at the last posted chapter, how many commenters expect this scene to go where it went.
Behind the cut: a snippet of what happens next in Eagle Sable, Lozenge Gules, which left off with Iorveth's Unicorn Badge story which had taken me a couple of years to write too. I will update that chapter soon so don't click if you really want to be surprised I guess, LOL. But I don't realistically know how long the final edits will take me. I'm off to the farm tomorrow probably, and it's three weeks there this time, so. Not a ton of time for writing, coming up. But the hard part's done, I hope.
“You might have to hold the pup’s collar,” Iorveth said, cutting the consonants sharply to punctuate his languid tone, “he seems a bit overexcited.” Roche had forgotten about the dog collar. He’d noticed Gascon was wearing it, but that memory had fallen right out of his head. But there it was, thick and studded, brown leather with sturdy brass hardware, exactly the style of collar Flash and Nosewise had worn. He reached down and cradled Gascon’s jaw, just as Iorveth had done to his. “I don’t think I need to haul on that collar,” he said softly. “I know a good dog when I see one.”  “Takes one to know one,” Gascon said, brash and uneasy. Iorveth clicked his tongue disapprovingly, but said nothing. Roche looked consideringly into Gascon’s face. He wasn’t a bad-looking fellow, really, strong-jawed and young, and even more appealing with the brashness shredded away a little.  “Well,” Roche said, “time to prove it,” and leaned in to press his mouth to Gascon’s. Gascon tasted like wine too, but it tasted different in his mouth than it had in Iorveth’s. Roche pulled from his physical memory and slid his tongue into Gascon’s mouth just as Iorveth had to him, and Gascon made a soft little whimpering noise and opened up to him. 
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
Woo today's my momma's birthday! I apologise if this is short because of it lol Daily Hobie HC! Hobie would be the most gorgeous muse- like he looks good every angle. Your sketchbook is filled with multiple unfinished and finished scribbles of this gorgeous man, and he doesn't mind it at all. He likes seeing the way you'll glance up at him with a small smile as he rambles on about any possible projects he's thinking of pursuing while both of you have hot cocoa, with yours still only having been drank half-way on the bedside table. Hobie knows you're listening by the way you're still able to ask relevant questions, pointing out any possible flaws in his projects when he asks for feedback on his plan so he can completely proof it. All while, your pencil works flawlessly (flaw-fully, in your mind) on your page, outlining every detail, working to add shading and lighting to your messy sketch of him. You look up momentarily, staring closely at his eyes. It flusters him whenever you do so, but he's learned to press it down and keep his nonchalant demeanor..for now. He admires the way you can depict him so perfectly on page, whether your reference is a photo on your phone, or just him moving around and talking. He loves the way you manage to get all the details, such as his dimples whenever he beams at you, or just the way his nose slightly scrunches up when he's slightly groggy. Although you dont have a full proper sketch, he notices your little doodles in the corners of the pages, usually showing him in some more extravagant action that you aren't ready to do a detailed sketch of. Either way, he loves every single one of your pieces, and he will always feel honored that you love to use him as your muse. His favourite piece of yours is one you swear to burn every time you see it..yet it's still in one piece. You had tried to sketch him out playing his guitar, yet it didn't meet your standards. Hobie had to practically pickpocket it out of your hands to prevent you from ripping it. He keeps it as a folded note somewhere hidden in his room, teasing you with it whenever you come to hang out. Every time you draw him, he's learned that he can't properly get how much he loves it across to you with words, so he immediately goes to attack your face with big kisses, not stopping until he hears your laughter and you surrendering, admitting that it's good. AAAAAAAAA- -🐦‍⬛
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO 🐦‍⬛ ANON'S MOM!!! Tell her Happy birthday for me and I wish her lots of 🎂🎂🎂 💕
Daily Hobie HC!!!
This reminds me sm of my older artist! Reader fic right here!!! (I ate here ngl) I bet this is what happened after it!
This is so cute!!!!! I honestly think he'd subtly stop what he's doing and pose for you once he realizes you're drawing him 🥺🥺🥺
Oh him loving every piece of art you do even though you don't has me all 🥰🥰😍😍 (his hand in marriage pls) and Him keeping it all to himself?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I bet he has it all in one box for safekeeping
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