#and neil doesn't even know where nick is now
gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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David Bowie - Low
This was the first of Bowie's Berlin trilogy where he worked with Brian Eno. Influenced by krautrock bands and Eno's own ambient experimentation it is drastically different from anything he'd done before. The first few tracks recall some of the angular rock that was on Station To Station, but the entire latter half of the album is populated by spacey, ambient electronic explorations. The album basically becomes less and less rock and more ambient as it goes on. By the end Subterraneans is just an ambient track. Flickers of ideas pop up and fade away as songs evolve within their musical motifs. It's probably Bowie's artsiest album.
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Cat Stevens - Tea For The Tillerman
I think I like Yusuf/Cat Stevens just fine. His music is good? I'm certain. I dunno it just doesn't do much for me. I can't really identify why. I like a lot of other artists like him so why shouldn't this album be up there with Neil Young or Harry Chapin? Oh well I'm indifferent to Cat Stevens.
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Kanye West - Graduation
After two game changing albums Graduation is absolutely a victory lap. Ye seems content to prove that he could do this as much as he wants and we are just not gonna get sick of it. He's right. Graduation mainly continues what Kanye was doing on his previous two albums, beautiful lush beats with soul samples and strings. That isn't to say that he doesn't innovate on Graduation, in fact the best tracks feature significant electronic influence most notably Stronger and Flashing Lights. In the end we know where the story goes and Ye would not continue on this way, but the bleakness of 808s And Heartbreak only makes Graduation an even more triumphant finale to the trilogy of albums that marks phase one of Kanye West's career.
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Nick Drake - Pink Moon
Nick Drake is kind of a hidden gem among the late 60s folk rock scene. Hipsters love him on account of how he died young and is obscure, but he never hit the mainstream. Drake's delicate airy voice is the aural equivalent of autumn leaves blowing in a gentle wind. He is the sound that old trees make in the winter. And if his previous records with their lush but haunting string arrangements didn't take him into the public eye then Pink Moon definitely wasn't going to. Stripped down to nothing but Nick Drake's voice and guitar Pink Moon is an album that sound like it might fall apart if you so much as breath on it. Gentle arpeggios make up the instrumentation and they are carried by Drake's unique sense of melody that is equal parts folk rock and tin pan alley. The album is stark, stripped down, and speaks of alienation and fear at every turn. It's one of the most beautiful and personal albums of all time and, despite what reviewers at the time of its release said, it's actually quite inviting as long as you meet it on its own terms.
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Björk - Homogenic
Every step in Björk's career is a step towards further weirdness. Homogenic is a defining album in her career as it establishes the point of no return for her experimentation. The trip hop from Post is leaned into harder, but with more strings and crunchier drums. The drums have been fine tuned into a bit crushed nightmare and the cold string and distant vocals make the album feel apocalyptic. Björk albums are, as a rule, bizarre and unsettling but Homogenic manages a cold powerful dispassionate energy unlike any of her other work.
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A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders
The first three albums by A Tribe Called Quest form a sort of stylistic trilogy. Midnight Marauders is the final piece of the trilogy and incorporates bits of both previous records. It's a little looser than Low End Theory and a little tighter than People's Instinctive Travels and I actually think that hurts it a bit. It doesn't manage the jazzy cohesiveness of the former or the free spirited just vibing attitude of the latter. Now being the weakest of the first three is kinda nothing, Midnight Marauders is a nine instead of a ten boohoo. But I might not put it on a top 500 albums list. Either way it's still a fantastic record with that unique A Tribe Called Quest sound, jazzy but not in a new jack swing way. They just kinda bop around dealing with serious and lighthearted stuff alike in a casual conversational style of rapping.
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Sade - Diamond Life
Sade Adu manages to ride such a fine line on her debuted record. She manages to have the best of both the soul and sophistipop with neither of their downfalls. She is suave and sexy with a cool attitude but always avoids the bourgeois pretention of most sophistipop. She can manage lengthy love songs without the occasional tedium of 80s soul artists. She's somehow extremely catchy while also being low key. She manages these sweet bass grooves without it feeling like it's going to become funk or hip hop. She brings everything into her wheelhouse. It's an impressive piece of artistry. A singular vision recognized.
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Pavement - Slanted And Enchanted
Slanted And Enchanted is a fantastic album. The second best of Pavement's output. I support this album being in the list but strongly oppose it being rated higher than Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain. Slanted And Enchanted is the most straightforward Pavement album. It has the quintessential 90s indie sound and it shows in a lot of their contemporaries work. Kind of wistful, thoroughly modern but with one foot in the garage rock of the 60s. Pavement really nail a sound that is exactly one step removed from the mainstream alt rock.
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goth-albino-angel · 2 years
Now that it's been nearly a week since the finale aired on the main channel, I can finally fully talk about Valerie's interview. Obviously, I'm going to go through it bit-by-bit soon, but something I want to point out first and foremost is how apt and spot on Valerie's description of Allison is.
In the interview, Valerie describes episode 1 Allison as 'self-centered' and 'mired in her own drama'. For those who might not know what that mean, I looked up the definition so you don't have to (because yeah, I didn't know, oops). Mired means to be 'stuck' or 'caught', making it the perfect word for episode 1 Allison. She is stuck in her own drama. She's living the TV drama life where everything is dank and gray and nobody ever wins. Where even when she tries to do something nice for herself, it never works out without any strings attached. Contrast that to the TV sitcom life her husband is living in which consequences just seem to pass him by. He can trap people in his basement, set light posts on fire, steal street signs, and even shoot someone, and have absolutely no negative consequences befall him. We're talking about a man who ate a key because he couldn't handle the possibility that he's an idiot.
Season 1 Allison is very stuck in a drama, since 'I want to kill my husband' is a very TV drama kind of plot. Even more than that, Season 1 Allison is self-centered. When people think 'self-centered', they usually imagine someone who's arrogant, or narcissistic, possibly cruel to those around them, but that's not entirely right with Season 1 Allison. She's self-centered in that she doesn't think about anyone outside of herself. She's so trapped in the plan to kill her husband that she doesn't think about the consequences for other people.
In Season 1, what harm did she cause? Off the top of my head, she lost Patty business, contributed to an assault that put Patty under suspicion, put even more strain on Sam and Jen's marriage, pushed Nick into losing a job he just got, which in turn caused him to speed up his timetable on killing Kevin, which then got him put in a coma. And might I remind everyone that the only reason she was even visiting Nick in the hospital in season 2 was because she was afraid he would wake up and tell everyone about her involvement.
Season 1 Allison wasn't paying attention to anyone else because she was too focused on what was happening to her. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it could have gotten someone she cared about in serious trouble. Another quick reminder that she specifically told Patty that she was going to put the heavy drugs in a burger she was making for Kevin, and then, without telling Patty, proceeded to leave that same burger where Kevin would find it with Patty's name on it (or possibly just with the implication that it was from Patty). Remember, the audience got to see Patty's reaction to Kevin eating the burger, not Allison. The audience were the ones privy to the information that Patty wholly thought Allison would frame her for murder.
Valerie describing Allison as self-centered is true because in the way Valerie clearly meant it- Everyone who read the article obviously picked up on what Valerie meant, but still- she really was self-centered. She was stuck in her own drama. It wasn't until she had conversations with Neil, Sam, and most importantly, Patty that she realized how self-centered she was and actually set out to try fixing that part of herself.
Part of Allison's story in season 2 was about not being as self-centered and seeing things from other people's points of view, especially Patty's. She didn't need self-worth or self-confidence to get away from Kevin in season 1 because she- and we as the audience- knew that it wouldn't be enough, not with how absolutely Kevin had wrecked her life to keep her dependent on him. She just needed to look at the damage she was leaving in her wake, have that conversation with Sam about how she hasn't changed a single bit, and realize that everything she's done since Kevin broke that table was causing other people harm. She was causing people harm the same way Kevin always has.
Just like Sam realized he was a lot like Kevin, Allison realized she was like Kevin in some ways and she needed to fix that for herself. That's why, when Kevin gave her the police documents, Allison stayed in the sitcom after he left. Because it was finally her own time to wake up and realize what was going on. She returned to the drama the second she threw the docs on the table and her immediate next course of action? "I'll fix it."
It's just such a good way to describe such a complex character as Allison even though it was still in that subtle 'use your intelligence to understand it' way that Valerie put into the rest of the show.
As I said, I'll be going through the rest of the interview, especially the significance of the portion on Neil, Patty, Sam, and what the interview means for Pattison. I just really needed to spill how actually brilliant but lowkey Valerie is when it comes to her main protagonist. Because let's be honest. There are plenty of people who got defensive, protective, and offended when they read that part for the first time. I don't even blame them, but looking at everything around that statement is a clear indication of what Valerie meant.
Anyway, I'm off to draft the next post. Thanks for reading!
(I also promise I'll make sure I spell Neil's name correctly in the post about him, since I've probably be spelling it wrong this whole time.)
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Here he is,, here’s Nick
Now known as N. Tangle
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atlanticsea · 3 years
watched kevin can fuck himself and have not stopped thinking about it, so here's my ridiculous interpretation of the last scene of s1. spoilers.
i think the sitcom setting represents, first and foremost, a power dynamic. the sitcom setting is a world in which kevin (and guys like kevin) can and will get away with anything, where they hold absolute power. it's not only made for them, it is made BY them - this is their world, and it follows their lead. we can see this via the laugh track, which i don't see as an audience, but rather as a reflection of kevin & co's perception of the world. they laugh, the audience laughs. they don't laugh, the audience doesn't. most of the sitcom scenes are saturated with canned laughter because everything is laughing matter to the three men, but the serious ones (kevin hearing nick in the house, kevin coming back from the precinct, etc) feature way less of it. kevin doesn't find this funny, so why would the audience? (note: allison's pain/discomfort is laughed at consistently.)
so, as i said: the sitcom is a power dynamic and it represents the way kevin and people like him can move through the world without facing consequences, no matter how their actions affect the world around them. cut to neil choking allison. enter patty with a bottle in her hand. enter the consequence. not even that, really, just a resistance. but that is enough. the dynamic suddenly shifts in favour of allison and patty who now form a strong front with the same goal and a deep connection (sidenote: the sitcom setting, the only medium through which they interacted, only allowed them to perceive each other as the tropes of nagging wife and laid back girl. stepping out of it, as they say so themselves, allows them to see each other as full fledged humans.) that dynamic shift is symbolised by the sitcom breaking, and neil finding himself in a setting where his actions (choking allison) now have consequences (getting a bottle broken over his head), which is inherently incompatible with the multicam. i truly cannot stress enough that neil would have gotten away with it.
also, i think that the sitcom being broken not with kevin but with neil is crucial because neil, although very much part of the problem, is not the crux of it in the show, and he is thus easier to erode at (violence does not shift the dynamic against kevin, as we saw with nick.) i was incredibly excited for the sitcom to break and thought it might happen through allison snapping, as her discontentment showed more and more in the scenes, but the way it was handled felt just perfect. it's grimly hopeful - there IS a way out of here. it is messy and complicated and tough but it is there (and it's only possible with a meaningful connection.)
anyways. i don't know where they're gonna go in s2 (there will be one im willing it into existence) but i sure am excited about it.
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hiii! Im looking for an au where Neil and Andrew are separate cat owners and they take their cats to the vet and the vet calls one of them up by saying: the owner for the stupidly named cat" or smth and then they both stand and ig that's how they meet? sorry this is really badly described and idk if it even exists or if I imagined it but thanks anyway
Hello, friend!  Well, we have a real treat for you: the fic you’re searching for is most likely based on this post by @andrews-nothing.  Instead of just one fic, we have 2 fics and 1 series for you!  Have a great time reading! - S
A Mewment Like This by fuzzballsheltiepants [Rated T/M, 38784 words, Incomplete, Last Updated July 2020]
Part 1: Name Games [Rated T, 2312 words, Complete 2018]
The credit for this fic belongs to @andrews-nothing on Tumblr for their post: Andriel AU where Andrew owns Sir Fat Cat McCatterson and Neil owns King Fluffkins and they meet because they’re both at the vet at the same time. The assistant, an aggravated and annoyed Kevin, announces to the lobby, “will the owner of the cat with the stupid name come back here? Your cat is trying to kill the vet.” And Neil and Andrew both stand up.
Part 2: That Cocky F*%!ing Smile [Rated T, 2222 words, Complete 2018]
A follow up to Name Games, in which Neil and Andrew meet up for coffee. A series of lawyer jokes ensue and Andrew speculates about Neil's overly-involved coworkers.
Part 3: Imagine Me and Mew [Rated T, 2738 words, Complete 2018]
Neil enjoyed getting coffee (it wasn't even coffee!) with his new friend Andrew. His coworkers see it a little differently. Neil has an existential crisis.
Part 4: Too F*%!ing Deep [Rated T, 2694 words, Complete 2018]
Andrew tries to convince himself that he doesn't need more drama in his life. Renee believes otherwise. And Neil is too intriguing for Andrew to walk away.
Part 5: Don't Freak Meowt [Rated T, 3534 words, Complete 2018]
Neil can't figure out what his role is in his own life, but Andrew's role seems to be increasing. Nicky invites Neil over for dinner, and things do not go as planned.
Part 6: Absolutely F*%!ing Ridiculous [Rated T, 3358 words, Complete 2018]
Neil googles the thing Andrew told him not to. Confusing texts, more shared meals, and a trip to a museum result.
Part 7: Purrtrait of a Disaster [Rated T, 3479 words, Complet 2018]
Neil, Jean, and Jeremy enjoy trivia night, kinda. Nicky and Erik come over for apology dinner and Neil finds out about Aaron. Andrew is just exhausted.
Part 8: What a F*!%ing Mess [Rated T, 3011 words, Complete 2018]
Andrew's stress level is mounting, so he makes an appointment with Bee and then talks to Attorney Abby Winfield. But he still can't figure out what to do about Neil.
Part 9: Can't Stop The Feline [Rated T, 3777 words, Complete 2018]
Neil keeps getting hit on and he doesn't understand. He seeks refuge with Andrew, but that is no less confusing. Yet another shared meal and an embarrassing confession ensues.
Part 10: Who the F*!% Asked Them [Rated M, 4169 words, Complete 2019]
Andrew is faced with the reality of his impending graduation, and all that comes with it. A trip to the aquarium serves as a bit of a distraction, and an excuse to get to know Neil better.
Part 11: Unfurmiliar Thoughts [Rated M, 7490 words, Complete 2020]
While Andrew is away at an externship, Neil takes the time to get to know Sir, and a bit more about himself. Clubbing with his coworkers leads to a confession...and a discovery.
tw: panic attacks, tw: scars, tw: references to past abuse, tw: references to past csa, tw: implied/referenced noncon
don't worry baby (everything will be alright) by ganseyboii [Not Rated, 7506 words, incomplete, last updated May 2019]
"Neil, baby, how are you?"
"Hey, Ally, I'm fine. You know something about cats right?"
In which Sir is sick and Allison recommends Colombia Animal Clinic. There Neil meets Dr. Aaron Minyard, the no-holds-barred veterinarian, Kevin Day, once rich and famous surgeon now turned rude vet tech, Nicky Hemmick, the peppy receptionist, and Andrew Minyard, the monster of a vet tech that haunts the linoleum halls.
The Cat With The Stupid Name by AnniGrace [Rated G, 803 words, complete, 2018]
Based of the oooooold prompt: "AU where Neil and Andrew meet at the vet when the assistant announces, "will the owner of the cat with the stupid name come here? Your cat is trying to kill the vet."
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rians--world · 6 years
Can you send more kevaaron hc?? i love them ♥
aaaaa!! ok let’s see what i’ve got,
so we got the Roommate Crew tm of nicky, matt, and aaron, and that dorm is where kev and aaron spend most of their off time together
they study together, aaron being a devoted med student and kev’s just a big fucking nerd 
watch chopped, jeopardy (kevin), and maury, forensic files (aaron)
BOARD GAMES, okay these kids are nerds! they love board games! and it gets heated! they get in all-out fights over monopoly and don't talk for days! (all in good fun), b.s. is their card game! passive aggressive bullshit and calling each other out? i think so! 
kevins a health freak so he eats fucking grass only, but even with aaron being a med student and knowing quite well what the fuck he’s doing to his body, he eats, like shit,, its a fucking fight for kevin to get aaron to eat well, like not andrew proportions but STILL, they compromise on smoothies and aaron puts like a shit ton of bananas and cinnamon in them to mask the protein powder flavor 
they both have shit sleeping schedules, kevin just can't sleep a lot of the time (because even with andrew and neil in the room and the years he's spent away from the nest, sleeping alone is still hard for him) and when he does conk out he is Out. his body regulates to his schedule so he wakes up at around the same time usually unless he just, doesn't, sleep until like an hour before he needs to get up. then he sleeps through his alarm
aaron has insomnia and doesn't sleep on the regular. he usually spends most of that time studying/ reading/ playing video games/ etc.
sometimes they meet up and do late late night practice together, just because they both know the other is up and they might as well spend time together/ practice. 
aaron steals Every Last One of kevins sweaters. All Of Them. like he just walks into kandreil’s dorm and grabs shit from kevins drawers, kevin doesn't give a shit, he thinks it's fucking adorable that his clothes swallow aaron whole. he looks like a baby! swaddled in an expensive ass cashmere sweater. the only article of aarons clothes that kevin can does steal, are his socks because aaron collects socks, like actually collects them. has a drawer dedicated to his extensive array of novelty socks!
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SOCKS! it all started when they were first taken in by nicky, nick just got them socks for gifts and stuff because he didnt know them at first and aaron love and saved them all. nicky still gets him a pair every time he sees cool ones at the store. im SOFT
anyway i think thats all i have for now,, but !!! im so glad sent me an ask yo! feel free to add on or come rant at me about these kids im always down 💞✨
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