#and my work is 10 minutes from the house but his is 30 so we’re like trying to coordinate rides and shit
dangraccoon · 1 year
yo adulting sucks ass
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Oscar Piastri x Fem!Reader , Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warning: cursing, douchebag Oscar, cheating
A/N: I definitely did lie to you guys, I promise you that I am working on TGTSG pt 8, it's just taking more time than I'd like to admit! Sorry and I hope this makes this situation better <3
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Was any of it true? Gazing at me starry-eyed. 
“Oscar, c’mon we’re going to be late!!!” I said ushering my boyfriend out of our bedroom closet. 
A light chuckle left his lips as he emerged from the magical sliding mirror doors “Babe, it’s only the car reveal. It’s okay if we’re a tiny bit late” Oscar said as he walked over to me, rubbing a hand up and down my shoulders
An unamused look became present on my face “Baby, you know how much I can’t stand being just a millisecond off schedule, right now you have us 10 minutes behind! You’re killing me here!!” I added a bit of an exaggerated sigh as I dragged out that last sentence. 
I wouldn’t say I had OCD or whatever but if anything and I mean ANYTHING was just the slightest bit off, I wouldn’t be able to focus on whatever task was at hand before it was fixed. 
“Okay, okay. Let’s go. Thank god you’re dating a Formula 1 driver who knows a thing or two about driving fast. I promise we’re going to be there on time.” A small smile made its way on the corners of Oscars mouth as he grabbed my hand and guided me out of the house and to his McLaren.
And your Jehovah’s Witness suit. Who the fuck was that guy?
We’d arrived at the headquarters just under 2 minutes till Zak had to go up and make his big speech before revealing the 2024 season’s car.
Oscar and I tried to make our quiet entrance as to not draw attention to us being technically 30 minutes late. 
See the drivers and the workers that didn’t help set everything up had to be there at 8:00pm whereas everyone else who had a special invitation had to be there at 8:20pm and then Zak’s speech would take place at 8:30pm but thanks to Oscar just NEEDING to find the perfect outfit himself instead of just putting on the one that his assistant brought him, he made us super late. 
Lando was the first to notice our not so subtle attempt at being sneaky “Mate, if you wanted to shag your girlfriend you couldn’t given me a heads up so I could’ve made up an excuse as to why you weren’t here when you were supposed to.” 
Embarrassment flooded my cheeks at the thought of more than half the people in our vicinity thought that t and I were late because we wanted to have a quick fuck before we left 
“No Lando!! We’re not late because we fucked! We’re late because Oscar here,” I started, gesturing at the handsome man next to me “decided he didn’t like the outfit that his assistant brought for him so he had to spend an hour picking and changing his clothes until he found what he thought was best for him.” 
My answer seemed to satisfy Lando enough because he wiggled his eyebrows at us before nodding, taking a sip of his very much alcoholic drink before walking away from us. 
“Oh my gosh Oscar, never again am I being late with you. I can’t have people thinking we fuck like rabbits all the time!!!” I groaned, rubbing a hand over my face.
You tried to buy some pills. From a friend of friends of mine, they just ghosted you. Now you know what it feels like. 
Oscar left to go get both of us a drink before the lights dimmed and a spotlight was shone on Zak, who was standing at the top of the steps.
Zak looked around to get a good feel of the crowd’s energy tonight “Hey guys, I’m the McLaren CEO, Zak Brown. I’m sure you all know why you’re here tonight but in case you don’t, let me tell you why. You’re all here because you either work here or was invited. Either way, tonight, we’re all going to witness the unveiling of our 2024 seasons formula 1 car! But before we get to that part, I want to call up my two Formula 1 drivers to say a few words. Lando, Oscar, please come up here.” 
And I don’t even want you back, I just want to know if rusting my sparking summer was the goal. 
I clapped and watched as my boyfriend and our best friend walked up to make their speech, Lando being the first to take the mic.
“First I just want to say: Thank you everyone for being here with us today to do this reveal, none of this would be possible without any of you guys and that each and every single one of us here at McLaren are extremely grateful to you guys. Thank you to Zak for believing in me enough to resign me for the next 2 years and uh yeah, I’ll pass it on to Oscar now.” That last part came out with a little awkward chuckle as Lando scanned the room before passing the mic to Oscar 
“Hello, Uh Lando said the majority of what I was going to say but I also want to thank my beautiful, wonderful, loving, thoughtful, talent girlfriend for sticking by my side” Oscar started as he looked deep in my eyes as the crowd around us ‘Aww’ed us “oh and thank you to Y/N for being there too.” he added with a laugh that caused the crowd to also erupt in fits of laughter.
My face turned red and my blood began to boil. Did he really just say that? I mean I could be making this a bigger deal than it is but to me, Oscar just embarrassed me in front of maybe 250+ people, who mind you might do a little ‘story time’ on their experience there and would add that part which means hundreds of thousands of people are going to hear about how Oscar embarrassed me. 
The rest of Oscar’s speech was a blur and I hadn’t even notice that him and Lando had left the top steps until I felt his arms around my waist and my body tensed at the feeling. Oscar’s touch right now made me feel sick, who did he think he was embarrassing me like that in front of hundreds of strangers and then acting like nothing happened? 
And I don’t miss what we had but could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived?
I shrugged Oscar’s arms off of me which earned me a confused glare from him which I quickly shut down
“I’m going to grab another drink. Do you want anything?” It was the best I could come up with. 
It got Oscar’s touch off of me and it gave me some space away from him, which I so desperately needed right now.
“No thank you, just hurry back” Oscar said sweetly as he attempted to place a kiss on my lips that I quickly dodged. 
I saw another look of confused flash across his face but I was too busy getting far away from him as possible to notice how long his face had stayed like that. 
Over at the makeshift bar they had, I poured myself a half cup of punch before making my way to the other end of the bar to fill the rest of my cup up with tequila. I closed my eyes as I took a sip of my alcoholic punch before letting out a satisfied sigh while feeling the drink burn its way down my throat, my solo bliss didn’t last long before I felt the presence of someone near me. Opening my eyes, I was met with one of my dearest best friends: Lando. 
“Having fun?” Lando said as he grabbed himself a cupful of punch awaiting my response 
“So much fun, I totally don’t want to be at home with a (favorite/drink) eating (favorite/food) while watching (favorite/ show) right now.” I said as I let out a sarcastic laugh which earned me a glare “I’m kidding Lando. I’m having a good time, what about you?” 
“Just a good time? Why not an amazing time?” Typical Lando to only catch the first half of my sentence 
“I have a mild headache right now, that’s why it’s just a good time I’m having right now. I didn’t have time to grab or take any medicine so I’m suffering right now.” that was the best lie I could come up with, let’s just hope that he believes it. 
By the look on his face right now, he was starting to believe the lie I just spewed to him. “I think Zak has Ibuprofen in his office, let me ask him to grab you some” before I could protest, he was gone. 
You hung me your wall, stabbed me with your pushpins. 
I realized that I was spending too much time at the bar and that Oscar was going to come looking for me soon so to save him the hassle, I made my way back over to him. 
Turns out he wasn’t going to be looking for me soon because he’s too busy having some blondie all over him. She’s running one of her hands through his hair while the other is resting against his forearm. The sight made bile rise in my throat as my stomach churned, I can’t be seeing this clearly right? Maybe I actually was suffering from a massive headache and that’s causing me to see all these things, right? This wouldn’t be the first time something like this happened, granted I’ve only ever heard of a ‘headache so bad you’re seeing things’ in movies before so I can’t really rely on it being a real thing. 
Once Oscar’s gaze quickly fell on me, he pushed the blonde off of him and quickly made his way over to me. 
“Hey beautiful, you were gone for a while.” He tries to plant a kiss on my lips but I placed a firm hand against his chest to leave a gap. 
Apparently me dodging his kiss for the second time tonight really upset Oscar because he rolled his eyes before bringing his concerns to my attention 
“What is wrong with you? This is the second time you dodged my kiss, what’s going on?” I could tell there was hints of an attitude lacing his words.
“Oh geez Oscar I don’t know, maybe it’s because I come back over from getting punch and I see a blonde girl all over you and you’re letting it happen?” I can’t believe he really has the audacity to question why I’m dodging his kiss when he quite literally was probably cheating on me in public less than 2 minutes ago. 
A scoff left Oscar’s mouth as he rolled his eyes at my comment “You’re kidding right? That’s what this” he gestured in between us, “is about? C’mon Y/N, she literally is my race engineer trainee, we were literally talking about work”
“Oh yeah because talking about work requires her to be handsy with you in public in front of your girlfriend?” I can’t believe Oscar was trying to downplay this right now. 
I watched as Oscar shifted on his feet before crossing his arms “First of all, you weren’t in front of us and second of all, she wasn’t being handsy. Sarah just asked what shampoo and conditioner I used because her brother needed recommendations and I told her the ones you buy me.” 
“That doesn’t give her the right to run her hands through your hair while holding your forearm, are you kidding me?” Everyone around us could feel the tension thickening. It was so thick that you could break 2 machetes trying to cut through it. 
“Go be insecure about our relationship elsewhere, I don’t have time to deal with this right now.” I didn’t even have a chance to get a word in before Oscar stormed away from me, leaving me alone in a crowd full of his co-workers and fans with nothing but my hurt feelings and confused thoughts about what the fuck happened in the last five minutes. There was only one thing in my head right now that was clear: I need to get the fuck out of here now before I make this a bigger deal than it is.
In public, showed me off. Then sank in stoned oblivion cause once your queen had come, you’d treat her like an also-ran. 
I don’t know when I got home nor do I know how I got home, all I know is that I’m home and home is where I’m free to drown my sorrows with a nice bottle of Brothers Bond bourbon in peace. Only, I wasn’t able to have a second of peace because a rapid set of knocks were being banged against my front door which caused me to jump at the sudden sound and tighten my grip on my drink. Walking to the door with an annoyed expression on my face I was met with Lando’s somber expression. 
“Lando, I’m sure you heard about the fight and I just really want to be alone right now.” I said as I attempted to slam the door in his face but was blocked by his foot.
“Ow, I didn’t expect that to hurt that bad.” Lando started as he tried to shake the pain out of his foot “Everyone knows about the fight-” 
“Ugh, great” I scoffed
“That’s not why I’m here though-” Lando didn’t get to finish before I cut him off again
“So why are you here? I mean no offense but I want to be alone right now”
“Stop cutting me off then. I’m here because, gosh I don’t know how to say this to you” He took in a deep breath before letting it out in one long exhale “I’m just gonna show you” I didn’t get to process the words that came out of his mouth before he flipped his phone showing me a video of Oscar and Sarah making out in the corner of the room before Sarah dragged him out of the frame. 
It doesn’t take a genius to know that they we’re going to find somewhere there to have sex. The video was a total of about 10 seconds and by the end of it, tears had already fallen. It’s funny how in a span of ten seconds your whole life could change, one minute I was upset over an argument I had with my boyfriend and the next I’m watching a video of him cheating on me. The sight before me made bile rise in my throat as I felt my heart shatter into a million tiny pieces.  I never knew that loving someone could cause so much hurt, that if they did wrong by you it would feel like you were dying. I couldn’t breathe, it felt like my whole world was caving in on me and I couldn’t do anything to stop it, that I was just there to watch this tragedy unfold. I never knew that someone who claimed to love you until the end of time could do something so terrible to the one person they promised to never hurt, that even after you watched video proof of him cheating on you that you didn’t want to believe it. I shared a lot of firsts with Oscar, the most important being that he was my first love, he took my virginity from me and that’s one that’s one thing I could never get back from him. Despite everything I’m feeling now, I wish there was someone who could tell me why my heart wants to go back to him. My heart yearns for Oscar’s touch, his love, his time, my heart just wants it all, everything Oscar is willing to give it. 
You didn’t measure up in any measure of a man. And I don’t even want you back, I just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal. 
It’d been 15 minutes since I found out about Oscar cheating on me and the whole time Lando’s been holding me as I sobbed into his chest, I was so hurt by Oscar that I couldn’t find any sense of comfort in Lando’s touch. I feared that I wouldn’t be able to find comfort in anyone’s touch because of how bad Oscar hurt me and that’s not how I wanted to live my life. That’s not how anyone should have to live their life, surrounded by so much hurt that you can’t find joy in anything. The pain was consuming me so much that I felt like the only way to make it go away was to drown it in alcohol and that’s what I intend on doing. 
Pulling myself out of Lando’s grasp, I leaned forward and grabbed the bourbon bottle on mu coffee table and brought it up to my lips. I took one big gulp, enjoying the burning sensation I was feeling as the liquid ran down my throat. I took another long sip before the bottle was yanked from my hands. 
“Lando please, give it back I don’t want to feel this. I don’t want to feel anything, I cant live like this.” I started to sob again, hoping he would feel bad enough to just let me drink the whole bottle. ‘
Unfortunately Lando didn’t cave into me “I know it hurts but you have to feel the pain. You have to feel all your emotions in order to get past this, I know Oscar hurt you but I’m here to help you. I’m your best friend and I want everything for you but you can’t drown your feelings in liquor, I love you too much allow that.” I almost wanted to believe the words coming out of Lando’s mouth because I know he’s not Oscar and that I can trust him but a part of me doesn’t want to trust him and Lando could sense that
“Y/N/N, I need you to believe me. I want the best for you and you know that, you know that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you but right now I need you to trust me. Alcohol isn’t the solution.” The look in his eyes were sincere and I knew I could trust him.
I buried my face in my hands as I reluctantly let the bottle go and allowed Lando to take it from my hands to lock it away in Oscar’s liquor cabinet. By the time Lando had returned to the living room   and saw my state he could obviously tell that at any given moment, I would start spiraling again and that was the last thing either of us wanted right now. I felt the sofa dip next to me before abruptly being pulled against a body.
“I’m going to hold you like this and you can talk about any and everything or we could just sit in silence but I can see it in your eyes that you want to be held.” Lando said as he rested his chin against the top of my head which I moved to look at him in his eyes.
I was able to whisper a faint “okay” as I looked in his aquamarine eyes, I never realized hoe beautiful they were until right now. Now that I think about it, everything I’m noticing on his face right now, I never had noticed before. I never realized all these little features in his face that made him beautiful, actually, I never realized how beautiful Lando was until right now. How plump his lips looked, how soft and fluffy his hair must feel against the palm of my skin, how the gap between us seemed to slowly disappear as I looked at him looking down at my lips and how soon the gap between us closed as our lips met. This kiss I was sharing with Lando felt different from all the kisses I’ve ever shared with Oscar, this one kiss alone had butterflies lighting fireworks in my stomach as I felt my broken heart mend. It sounds crazy, I know but something about this moment with Lando felt raw and real, it felt like everything I was missing in my relationship with Oscar was just found. 
The kiss consumed my whole being, I never want this moment to end. Everything felt right and nothing could ruin this moment. 
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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duchess7878 · 1 year
Part 1/2
I saw this request from tumblr user lelandswife and wanted to deliver for you! I hope it’s to your liking :) If it’s too short let me know and I’ll try and write you a longer version :)
Warnings: murder, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome
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The family could only watch as Johnny tore apart the house-shouting and screaming about you. When Johnny had gone to go fetch you for supper, you were nowhere to be found. Not in the house, the barn, the shed, the car graveyard. Anywhere. Johnny at first tried to think rationally, but it didn’t last long. Within 10 minutes of searching, it didn’t take much to piece together what has happened. You left. No-you left him. The rage Johnny felt was like no other. People had gotten away before and it only ever excites him, especially for the chase, but this time was different. He was panting heavily, his chest rising and falling with every breath.
“Nobody escapes me.” He growled and immediately headed out the door in search of you. To Johnny, you were weak and he figured that you wouldn’t make it far before you’d had enough.
Johnny checked around the property for any sign of your footprints. Out by the front driveway, Johnny spotted a small indent in the dirt; one he knew wasn’t there before. He bent down to the print, swiping two fingers across the tracks before smelling it and standing back up.
“I know you’re close my little bunny.” He grinned, bloodlust and lust filling his body simultaneously.
“Why don’t you just come on out and we’ll forget this ever happened?” He lied, but hoping it would work anyway.
He wasn’t going to let you forget. When he got a hold of you, he would make sure that you knew who you belong to and you don’t get to leave. He would tie you down and fuck you for hours until you were begging for him to stop and then he’d fuck you some more. Once he was done, he planned on where he’d be carving his name onto you. Your chest? Your stomach? Leg? Arm? Neck maybe if he was careful? Either way, you’d never forget. Ever. He would make sure of that.
You were crouched down in the shed about 30 feet from where Johnny was standing. You didn’t even make it off of the property before Johnny realized you were gone. You should’ve known better, but you had fallen for him like a complete idiot. He kidnapped you and originally meant to kill you.
This wasn’t a normal relationship by any means. Johnny is dangerous and deadly, but for some reason-you didn’t care. You fell for Johnny not long into your disappearance and for the longest, you didn’t even think about leaving. You were so badly wrapped up in the fantasy world in your head, you didn’t realize you had been gone for almost a year. But it was hard to ignore that part of Johnny when he had come home the night before carrying a corpse, drenched in blood, and wearing the most sadistic smile you had ever seen. The corpse he was holding was another girl your age and it immediately hit you like a train. That was going to be you at first, but something about you was different. However, it didn’t change the fact of what Johnny was-a killer and that’s it. The year that you had spent with him shouldn’t have happened.
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts you hadn’t even noticed the jean-clad legs that had planted themselves in front of you.
“Aw, you leaving’ so soon?” He asked, leaning down and grabbing your hair, yanking you to your feet.
“Johnny wait, please.” You begged, tears streaming down my face in fear of what he had planned.
“Oh no sweet pea, we’re going back home right now.” He ordered and continued to pull you by your hair back to the house. Once there, he dragged you inside and up to his room. He wasted no time and shoved you towards the bed and you stumbled back falling onto it. He stalked towards you and crawled on top of you looking down and studying your face.
“You’re gonna be taught a lesson, one that you’ll never forget.” He leaned down and kissed me harshly biting my lip and panting heavily. You felt his hands viciously roaming your torso, touching and squeezing anything he could reach. You heard his bedside drawer open before you felt something heavy and cold being put around your wrists. He brought your hands above your head and chained you to the bed post.
“Get comfortable darlin’. It’s going to be a long night.” He warned, sitting up to begin disrobing.
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Here’s part two if you’re interested :)
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
Day Off | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x Female Reader
Requested: @megannandrewss
Word Count: 1K
Warnings: Major fluff
A/N: I hope you babes enjoy this. I’ll hopefully be free soon to start taking requests - I will post when you can do so. Much love .xo
It was a Monday, post match day, which means Kylian’s off for two days before he has training. As much as I love having Kylian at home, it sucked that reality kicks in and I have no choice but to study for finals that are in a week’s time. I feel awful deep down to pretty much abandon him for the day, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
I was up by 7:30, the earlier I start then the earlier I would be finished. I groaned and turned over to my bedside table to switch off my alarm, Kylian’s loose grip around my waist had tightened as he pulled me closer against his chest. “Why are you up so early ?” He mumbled into my hair. “I have to study today Ky” I said as I placed my arm over his and played with his fingers. “Noo” he groaned. “Sorry babes” I pouted as I turned around in his grasp to place a kiss on his nose.
“Don’t go yet” he said with his eyes still shut. “Ky I love you but I really have to go study” I pursed my lips. “Studying can wait, these moments are more precious” he said as he tried to pull me closer and held me tighter. I sighed as I gave up arguing with him. “Only 10 minutes” I said which he hummed in reply.
10 minutes had turned into half an hour. I felt time was racing against me and I was losing. It’s as if all these past few days I didn’t get to study as much as I wanted to and procrastinated instead. Now that I felt like I left things for last minute, my anxiety was getting worse.
After some time trying to fight Kylian’s strong grasp, he eventually let me go which I headed straight to shower first. Once I was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt, I quickly ate some breakfast and went to my study corner to get started.
I was at peace for an hour at least until Kylian called my name. “I’m here !” I yelled from the end of the dining table. “Aww… I thought you were joking about studying” he pouted as he stood beside me. “Ky, why would I joke about something like that” I furrowed my brows. “I thought you didn’t want to cuddle” he said. “You know that I never deny your cuddles ! Plus, you know me well by now that I’m not a morning person, why would I set an alarm on for 7:30”
“Ooh I actually forgot about that…anyway, when will you be done ?” “Not anytime soon unfortunately. Please don’t wait on me, you’re more than welcome to go out and leave me” I suggested. “Are you kicking me out of my own house ?” He raised a brow. “What ? No !” I said defensively. “I’m just joking… I’m not going to leave you alone. I planned for us to spend the whole day together. If it means me spending time alone to myself or even watch you study until I’m free, so be it” he shrugged. “Cute. But babe you really don’t have to-“ “I want to. I feel like we’re never alone so I’ll just wait” he sighed. “You’re really the best” I smiled at him as he then pecked my lips. “I know” he grinned before walking away.
I did the 20-10 study method - 20 minutes of studying and 10 minutes of a break - which was very effective considering how my last 4 hours went by so quickly. I was pretty satisfied to be done since I covered 1 whole module in a day. As I was wrapping up my work, Kylian yelled from the hall, “Okay that’s it now ma chérie. I played with Achraf for more than 3 hours now. Call it a day please” he pleaded as he finally stood beside me. “I can’t Kyky, I need to study until the evening before I’m all yours” I lied. “You’re lying” he grinned. “No I’m not” I cracked a smile. “Hmm okay, well I’d like to see you study now” he said before attacking my ribs by tickling me.
“No Ky stop !” I yelled in between a fit of giggles. “Never !” He yelled as he continued to tickle me then moving to my neck. I managed to get up from my seat and ran towards the couch. It was pretty much like a game of tag as he chased me around the lounge. Of course he’s faster than me. Once he caught a hold of me, he threw me over his shoulder and laid me down on the couch whilst straddling me. “Please stop with the tickles, I can’t breathe” I said as I caught a hold of his wrists. “Only if you are done studying for the day” he said. “I’m all yours.”
“That’s more like it” he smiled as he sat beside me and pulled me to sit upright to cuddle him. “So what did you plan for us to do today ?” I asked as I laid my head on his chest. “Well, anything really. Besides spending time with you, I wanted us to do something to relieve your stress” he said as he played with my hair. “Awww Kyky” I sat up and pulled him in for a sweet kiss. He smiled at the gesture before continuing to say, “I know how you are for finals, at the same time I don’t want you overworking yourself, you deserve a break. More importantly, I deserve to spend time with my girlfriend.” “Very very valid” I nodded along to what he said.
When we finally settled on a movie, I murmured “How did I get so lucky ?” “What did you say ?” He asked. “How am I so lucky to have someone like you ?” I pouted. He smiled, “No no ma chérie, I’m the lucky one.” “No, Kylian. I am” I raised my voice and played along. “Babe just shut up, I’m the lucky one. Case closed” he said as he pulled me closer to his chest and placed kisses on my forehead.
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arminsesposa · 1 year
Vampire (Female reader x 1610! Miles Morales)
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Bleeding me dry like a damn vampire
Yes this is based off Olivia Rodrigos New song, I’m incorporating some of the lyrics as well, lyrics in between and in red.
Miles flaking on you on your 1 year anniversary. You just want the truth.🦅
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! :)
As you were getting ready for your 1st year anniversary date with Miles, you were remembering, all your special moments. From when he asked you out, to when you guys would watch movies at your house, or eat dinner at the Morales’s house. You truly loved that boy. Seeing him all the time, spending quality time with him, whether it was chatting or just cuddling and the way you would catch him stare at you. He made your heart flutter. Even despite what’s been happening.
I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes
Lately, you realized Miles has been acting different. Its been killing you deep inside. You loved this boy dearly, only to have him show up 30- or an hour late to important events. The constant lies and excuses when all you asked for was the truth. You were tired of it and part of you wanted to snap. Keeping it deep down wasn’t helping as for you it was your final straw. It’s not that he didn’t love you, but he’s been ignoring you more often lately. You felt like like he’s been hiding something from you. Maybe an after school program he joined? Was it another girl? There is that blonde girl but… Miles wouldn’t. Would he? Those thoughts quickly passed through your head as you finished apply your makeup. Miles was the one to ask you out as he told you he planned something special for your anniversary. So maybe things will be better this time. You hoped.
I loved you truly, Gotta laugh at the stupidity
As you waited for Miles to pick you up, you stood there in front of your house waiting for him. You were dressed pretty fancy, as the neighbors who walked by just stared at you, you cringed deep down. You texted miles hoping he would answer but to your surprise he didn’t answer. 10 minutes passed by, as your legs grew tired of standing. Your older brother came to your rescue, as he offered you by dropping you off where you two were supposed to meet. “Maybe he has something planned for you” your brother said giving you a sense of false hope. You looked outside the window as the sun began to set. A beautiful mix of Orange and purple spread out throughout the whole sky. You had a slight smile as you remembered the numerous times Miles would bring you to his apartments rooftop. The conversations you guys would have up there. About college, life, the universe. Your brother snapped you out of fantasy as he parked his car and turned back to look at you. “We’re here”
Cause I’ve made some real big mistakes
As you entered the busy diner, it was full of romantic couples. Teenagers In puppy love, sharing a basket of fries, Sipping on a vanilla milkshake, as you made your way to the booth where you and Miles had your first date. As the server unironically on roller skates, came by and asked for your order which you politely denied. It was about to 7:30, as you rested your face on your shoulders as Miles was supposed to be there 30 minutes ago. You looked like an idiot. All these tragically in love couples having their most romantic date, as you sat alone in the booth. As you were about to give up your spot on the booth, Miles rushed in messy hair with a bouquet of roses and a polo shirt on as he sat across from you. “Hey” he said out of breath as he handed you the bouquet.
But you make the worst one look fine
The only thing you could do was stare at him as you quietly accepted the bouquet. “I’m sorry I just had to-“ Miles began as inside you snapped. You were tired of him constantly being late. Tired of him making up these excuses. Although he did plan this date, he still managed to show up 30 minutes late and had you wait like an idiot surrounded by all the couples. You wanted the cold hard truth. Although you felt like your heart was about to burst out of sadness you managed to cut him off. “Enough Miles” you managed to say in a whisper as he stared at you in confusion. “Baby what are you talking about?” miles asked in confusion. You felt like the whole diner was staring at you as you began to pour your heart out. “I’m tired of you always being late, tired of the white lies you tell me. I just want the truth. Who’s the girl? Is it that blonde girl you’re always with?” You said as your vision began to get blurry due to your tears. Miles reaction widened as he immediately shook his head in denial. “No baby, I promise you I would never-“ he pleaded. “I’m just tired, Miles” You said as you looked down, you felt your warm tears trickle down your face as you sniffled.
I should’ve known it was strange, you only come out at night.
Miles stared at you heartbroken. He didn’t know how much he was truly hurting you. With juggling being a student, son, Spiderman, and boyfriend, it was overwhelming for him. But he knew that didn’t excuse his actions. Miles felt guilty, he couldn’t tell you that he was Spiderman due to his fear, a villain taking you for hostage or even much worse. Miles didn’t know what to stay as he tried to hold you hand. “I’m not seeing anyone. You’re the only girl I want, the blonde girl, Gwen I can promise you Is just and only a friend” Miles said sincerely as he held your hand tighter. You stared at him with puffy eyes. “Why are you always late? I wait for you all the time, and I’m just tired miles. I want the honest truth now.” You state as you wait for Miles response. His heart drops, knowing that deep down he can’t tell you that he’s Spiderman. He doesn’t want to see you hurt. He would never forgave himself if something were to happen. As a quiet moment happened between you two, Miles spoke up.
I used to think I was smart, but you made me look so naive
“I’m sorry.. I truly can’t tell you. It’s for the greater good” Miles said as he looked down. He couldn’t even make eye contact with you. You looked beyond heartbroken. “Miles, you can tell me anything I promise. I’m here for you” you pleased with him. You just wanted the truth. No matter what it could be. You wanted to be by his side no matter what and whatever he needed to tell you. You were ready. Miles hesitated. He wanted to tell you everything. He wanted to tell you how it all happened. The spider bite, the way he Because Spiderman, the countless times he saved people but yet he didn’t say anything. It was a risk he wasn’t willing to take. “I can’t. I’m sorry, you can’t know” miles said in a serious tone as he looked down. You were beyond angry, as you got up and threw the bouquet of roses at him and stormed off out of the diner.
The way you sold me for parts, you sunk your teeth into me
You were done. Your boyfriend, who you felt so loved and comfortable with him, not telling you what was wrong. You wanted to be there for him, but how could you help someone who doesn’t wanna be helped. As you stormed off, all the lovey dovey couples watched you storm off as Miles grabbed the bouquet and raced after you. “(Y/N), Wait! You don’t understand” Miles begged as you slammed the door. Tears were streaming down your cheek as you felt your heart rip in half. You felt the pain of your heart breaking, as you walked through the crowds on the sidewalk. The boy you loved the most, was lying to your face. You loved him too much, but this was something you couldn’t handle. As Miles tried catching you up, he grabbed your arm and pulled you to an empty alleyway as you glared at him. “What do you want!” You said as you cried out. This wasn’t how you thought your one year anniversary was going to be like. You know deep down you deserved better. “(Y/N), i love you, i really do and you don’t understand how hard this is for me” miles said out of breath as his hands hanged on his sides. “ I want to tell you, I really do, I just.” Miles paused. “I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.” Miles said as he stared at you. He only wanted to protect you. “If you really care, then tell me. Tell me right now. Tell me why you’re always late for anything we plan. Why you’ve been making excuses. Where have you been all this time? Miles Morales, if you truly love me you’ll tell me right now” you declare staring at him making direct eye contact. Miles stays quiet. He can’t ruin your relationship. You’re the only person he can go too, someone he trusts and loves, but it was now or nothing. As miles stared down at the Bouquet, he remembers your first date. After getting the courage to ask you out during AP Spanish, he planned for you two to go to a nearby arcade, until a criminal robbing a nearby bank ruined the plans as the arcade shut down, Miles was disappointed, he couldn’t take you out but you two spent the rest of the evening at the diner, where you split a Oreo milkshake. Miles had to tell you. He didn’t care anymore if it was a risk, as he would be there to protect you. He promised to himself in thought as he knew what must be done.
Bloodsucker, FameFucker
“(Y/N), I’m…. I’m spid-“ Before miles could even finish you cut him off. You saw the guilty look of shame on Miles face as he looked down at the bouquet and it clicked. He was probably seeing someone else. The way his behavior was throughout the whole night and the way he kept avoiding the question, you weren’t ready for your boyfriend to admit he was cheating on you in an alleyway. “I’m sorry miles. I’m done. Talk to me when you get your shit straight” you cussed out in anger and sadness as you walked away, leaving miles alone. It struck him like a truck. He was too much in his head he didn’t realize he left you standing there like an idiot. All he could was watch you fade away as you blended in with the packed crowd. As you stormed off, you were tired. Tired of being lied too, tired of how long you waited for Miles to pick you up, only for him to be late. You were beyond devastated how your 1st year anniversary turned into a disaster. As you walked home with your makeup a mess, your eyes puffy from crying, you couldn’t get Miles out of your head. No matter everything that happened part of you still loved him. As you walked home, maybe it was your puffy eyes from crying, or the overwhelming feeling of being tired since you didn’t notice how colorful everything became all of a sudden sorta in a glitchy way, or how the walls began to look… different. In fact you didn’t realize, until you felt your stomach dropped as you found yourself falling through a portal.
Bleedin’ me dry, like a goddamn vampire
Maybe this’ll get a Part 2 💃🏽
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allthefandomthings55 · 7 months
Life in the Limelight
Chapter 3
Spencer’s POV
After my text conversation with Y/N, I got back to work. All I had to do was hope that we didn’t get a case in two days. I hopped off the elevator and walked to my desk and greeted everybody as I went. As I sat at my desk I started to do paperwork that had been piling up. 
“Hey Reid, my man,” Derek said slapping his hands on my shoulders. 
“Oh no, what do you want, Derek?”
“Nothing, I just think you should come out with me this weekend. Maybe Saturday?”
“I don’t know, Derek, I think I’m busy Saturday.”
“Ok Pretty Boy! What are you doing, hmm? Are you going to watch some obscure movie? Maybe reading a whole bunch of obscure books?”
“Yeah, actually I was thinking about going out and getting lunch after going for a walk in the park then going to an early movie then going home and reading some books.”
Derek, JJ, and Emily seemed surprised for me to have a detailed plan ready. “Ok Reid,” Emily starts, “Are you going with anyone?”
“No, I’m not. I’m actually kind of excited to go out by myself and enjoy life.”
Everyone was staring at me, trying to read my micro-expressions but I knew they couldn’t. “Everyone in the meeting room in five,” Hotch said as he walked passed us. After everyone left to go to the meeting room, I let out a deep breath. I hope this case doesn’t take us out of state and doesn’t take us long. I don’t want to miss my hangout/date with Y/N. I walk up to the meeting room to see everyone sitting there. 
I take my seat and Garcia starts the meeting, “Ok friends we have trouble in our backyard. First victim, Alyssa Caldwater, was last seen leaving her job at 10:30 last Tuesday night. She was found dead two days ago in an alley, and get this, completely naked. Then just yesterday an Amanda Clarke was found in another alley about two blocks from where Miss Alyssa was found. Also they were both strangled to death then stabbed 30 times postmortem.”
“So,” Emily started, “we’re clearly dealing with someone who has extreme aggression problems.”
“Yeah, they might also be impotent. Maybe that’s why he stabbed them,” JJ commented.
“You know, because of the overkill, we’re definitely dealing with someone who is really fit, or is on some kind of stimulant drug that would give them the strength and energy to do something like this,” I said. 
“Well, it seems like this guy is speeding up. One girl dumped two days ago and another one dumped yesterday.” Rossi added.
Hotch spoke up, “Either way we better get down to the D.C. field office and help them figure this out. Everyone at the cars in 10 minutes.”
I got worried because I don’t know if we’ll be done in time for my brunch with Y/N so I decided to call her. 
“Hey Y/N, how are you?”
“I’m good, Spencer, I’m just leaving rehearsal. What about you?”
“Uh, I’m ok. Look I hate to do this, but my team and I just got a case and I don’t know if it will be done by Saturday. Luckily it’s here, well in D.C., but close enough, right?”
“Oh,” she sounded disappointed, “well that’s ok. I mean you can’t just let people die, right? How about this, we’ll play it by ear. What I do for work is really flexible so I can meet you really anytime I want. Within reason though.” She chuckled after that sentence and I liked the sound of it. I honestly didn’t even know what to say. “Spencer? Did I say something wrong?”
“No! I mean no you didn’t. I just haven’t always had people in my life that understood my situation.”
“Oh believe me I get your situation. Don’t be nervous but I really need to tell you something when we do get to meet. It’s nothing bad, but I think it’s important that you know.”
“Ok, yeah no worries right? But I have to get going to solve this and hopefully I can make our time and date.”
“Yeah you go catch a killer, Spencer. Good luck.”
“Thank you. Bye,” and I hung up the phone. I made my way downstairs and before I got off the elevator I took a deep breath and made my face neutral so the team couldn’t read me. 
As I walk out of the elevator I see the team waiting for me. “Petty Boy! What took you so long?”
“Uh, I just had to make a phone call.”
“Really? To whom?” I decided to ignore him and just follow everyone else and get into the SUV.
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captainmalewriter · 2 years
OnlyRentals Ad
Have you ever thought to yourself:
Wow! This OnlyFans creator's content is great, but I really wish I could get a more immersive experience. If only I could get closer to them, that'd be amazing!
Well, your prayers have been answered! Introducing the latest (unofficial) upcoming update to OnlyFans- OnlyRentals! With this update, content creators can opt-in to give their fans an all-immersive experience by giving fans a much closer look at their bodies!
OnlyRentals works by facilitating a body takeover between the fan (the possessor) and the creator (the possessed). For a specified period of time at a set price, the fan can possess the creator’s body and will the liberty to explore their new bodies to their heart’s desire. The possession can last 30 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours or even longer! All of the conditions depend on what the creator and the fan mutually agree upon. The fan gets to enjoy themselves in a new rented out body and the creator gets to enjoy a bigger payout for their services, everybody wins!
Concerned about the safety behind this process? Don’t be! We at OnlyRentals always prioritize customer safety above all else. Using state of the art technology and cutting edge computer programming, OnlyRentals facilitates all interactions and transactions between users to ensure *100% customer safety! 
Still skeptical? We also provide certified customer’s feedback on our website for your viewing so that you can make the informed choice! Let’s have a look at one previous user’s story now:
Jeremy: I’ve been subscribed to Luis’ OnlyFans for a while now. He always makes the best videos, I always cum within minutes of watching his content. But after a while... I felt like I wasn’t getting the full value of my 10.99 per month subscription. I was thinking of unsubscribing, but then the OnlyRentals update came out and I saw that Luis was participating in it! I just had to check it for myself! 
Jeremy: I sent Luis a private message and he got back to me pretty quickly. I told him that I was interested in renting out his body through OnlyRentals. We discussed out the details, and once we agreed upon a deal, we went through with the body rental! I was kinda scared at first, but OnlyRentals makes body possessions as easy as drinking a cup of water! I could feel myself become lighter and lighter until I was basically nothing but mist, then I was instantly teleported into Luis’ room. He was already waiting for me to arrive, just like we had planned. I came in and proceeded to go down Luis’ nose; his chest puffed up as he inhaled my entire spirit into his body. Within a minute, I found myself inside Luis’ body! 
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Jeremy: It felt amazing to move around with a new body! I almost felt like I was dreaming! Luis, the same man I had been admiring from a phone screen for so long, was right in front of me! His sculpted muscles, his deep V-line, his massive pecs, all of it was mine for the next hour! I never even imagined how sensitive Luis’ body was. I was moaning like crazy while I was pinching my new nipples, and that got my new dick hard pretty quick too. I knew I rented out Luis for the hour, but God I couldn’t even last 10 minutes jerking myself off from inside his body. His dick was even longer and girthier in person!
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Jeremy: Yeah, I definitely made the right choice renting out Luis’ body. I honestly don’t regret spending a little more money on an updated service I already paid for anyway. I’m definitely gonna be using OnlyRentals regularly, both with Luis and with other creators I’ve had my eye on for a while! But for now... I’ve still got 40 minutes left before I have to go back to my original body, so I’m just gonna hang out in Luis’ house naked. Thanks OnlyRentals, you made my wildest fantasy come to life!
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Hahaha, you’re welcome, Jeremy! We’re happy to hear you enjoyed using our services! 
Stories like Jeremy’s are exactly why we do what we do here at OnlyRentals. Jeremy had his happy ending, and now you can too! 
But of course, we at OnlyRentals understand why a person can be skeptical about a business practice like ours. We take pride in our work at OnlyRentals, and we are confident you’ll come to love it once you try it.  Which is why on launch day we will be offering all new customers a “free sample” of our service! New accounts will be allowed to contact any participating creator and set up a body possession for free! We’ll take care of the costs for the first possession as a free sample for our customers (because we love you <3 ) 
More details about OnlyRentals’ free trial run will be released as launching day comes closer. Try out OnlyRentals, no purchase necessary and only basic information needed to register for an account! We hope to see you all at launching day :)
*Disclaimer: OnlyRentals is not responsible for any property damage done by the possessor while renting out a body. OnlyRentals also strongly disapproves of permanent body possessions; in the event that a permanent possession should occur, OnlyRentals and its associates cannot be held legally accountable. Sí hablamos español.
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everythingpresley · 2 years
Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 10
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Jessica Anderson is Elvis Presley's assistant and after months of working together, slowly something sparks between them. Friendship? Or is it more? [ Fem!Reader ]
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+), Slowburn
    ||     Word Count: 5,357
Author's Note: My longest chapter yet! I hope you guys like this one, let me know what you thought of the chapter!
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Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 10
I groaned and grunted feeling like my head was going to explode and for some reason something heavy was on my body pressing my back into the bed. I blinked a couple of times, the room was pitch black and I had no idea where I was for a second. Disoriented, I looked down at my chest and saw a head full of hair nuzzled to my breasts. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped seeing Elvis asleep on top of me with his head on my chest and his arms wrapped tightly around my body, our legs entangled together.
What in the world happened last night? 
Gradually, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I remembered where we were. We had just finished our last stop on tour which was in Los Angeles, California. To celebrate the end of our 4 month tour, Elvis decided to throw a party at his Beverly Hills house. 
Now the big question, how did I get into Elvis’ bed with him lying on top of me?
A few hours ago
The party was in full swing. A lot of unfamiliar faces walking in and out of the house. It was nice to be in the Beverly Hills house, it was gorgeous but it wasn’t Graceland. In Graceland you can easily get lost in the acres of land, it really felt like a little piece of heaven on earth. I was not in a party mood, I really wanted to be back in Graceland in my own bed. However, Elvis went full out with this party when I told him he should just relax and sleep after 4 months of hard work. He practically scoffed in my face and told me we can sleep when we’re back in Memphis. God this boy did not know how to relax or take it easy. He is always on the go even when he’s not recording or performing, you’ll find Elvis on his horse or with his karate instructor or doing something stupid that might injure him and the other mafia members. They acted like little boys sometimes and I had to be the mother of the group. 
I walked around the giant house with my Bellini in my hand, feeling lost. Elvis also decided to hire a catering service and a bartender so that was a plus instead of just having drinks directly from a bottle or a can since I wanted something light and fruity. 
“Jerry!” I yelled over the music once I spotted him and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“Jess!” He laughed, hugging me back “I haven’t seen you in so long!” He joked, we had just seen each other a few minutes ago but I really didn’t see any familiar faces for the past 30 minutes. 
I felt someone tug on my dress from the back, jerking me back and away from Jerry’s arms. I turned around with furrowed brows when I saw Elvis with a frown on his face, gripping my dress. 
“Elvis!” I grinned and threw my arms around him.
The expression on his face melted as he laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“What’s up with you?” He asked once I let go.
“I haven’t seen any familiar faces for 30 minutes! I was bored out of my mind.” I replied while both Elvis and Jerry chuckled. 
“Seriously, who are these people?” I asked him.
He shrugged “Friends of friends.”
I did spot a lot of famous musicians and movie stars which was kind of exciting but I would never approach them especially as a fan. People do say you should never meet your idols. 
I gasped and gripped Elvis’s arm “Is that Frank Sinatra?” 
Elvis laughed and nodded “Do you want me to introduce you?” 
I shook my head no “No, no, no.”
“Why?” He chuckled. I was still gripping his arm, staring right at Mr. Sinatra. 
“Because if he’s mean then I can never listen to his music ever again and I love that man.” I replied.
“Relax, don’t go throwing around the L word.” Elvis frowned “You don’t even know the guy.” He muttered.
“But he’s Frank Sinatra!” I looked at him with wide eyes. 
Elvis rolled his eyes then took my hand in his, pulling me towards Frank.
“No, no, no.” I whispered to Elvis, pulling my hand back while he laughed and continued to tug me along. 
“Frank!” Elvis yelled, clapping him on the shoulder with the other hand that wasn’t holding mine. 
“Elvis! How are you?” Frank asked, grinning. I remained standing still, my hands now gripping Elvis’ tightly. 
“I’m good! I’d like you to meet someone.” Elvis said and turned his head towards me “This is Jess, she’s been my assistant for two years and she’s a big fan.”
“Really?” Frank grinned turning towards me. 
I giggled “I am a huge fan Mr. Sinatra, you have an incredible voice!” 
“Why thank you and you can call me Frank.” 
We talked a little about some of his songs and he was very kind.
“Enjoy the party man.” Elvis smiled and tugged me along with him as we left Frank with his friends. I just realized that Elvis hadn’t let go of my hand the entire time. My hands seemed tiny in his big one and for some reason it felt natural to be holding his hand. 
“What was that giggle, Jess? I have never heard you giggle like that before.” Elvis chuckled “And you almost crushed my hand to pieces with how hard you were squeezin’.”  He said, shaking our still joined hands. Realizing I still had my hand in his, I pulled out of his grip. His smile faltered slightly, looking down at his hand.
“He’s my celebrity crush.” I replied, blushing. Admitting this to Elvis made my cheeks flush a deep red.
Elvis pouted and placed his hand over his chest “And you didn’t have a crush on me doll?”
“Who doesn't have a crush on you Elvis?” I replied which made him grin “But I usually crush on way older men. I promise I don’t have daddy issues.” 
Most of my celebrity crushes where older men, I didn’t see Elvis as way older. Yes, there was almost a ten year difference between us but I usually found men who were 20 years older than I am attractive but this wasn't the case in real life. I had never dated anyone who was a lot older than I am and Elvis was the first guy I slept with who was almost ten years my senior.  
“I’m an older man.” Elvis winked.
I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder, with a small smile playing on my lips “You’re not that old.” 
“What are you drinking?” He asked when I sipped my Bellini. 
“Try it.” I said and handed him my drink.
He made a disgusted face and gave it back to me “Way too peachy for my taste.”
“You don’t even like to drink, I thought you’d like this, there’s barely any alcohol in this.” 
Elvis’ eyes focused on something behind me which made him sigh. I turned and saw the Colonel.
“The Colonel wants me to make a speech.” 
“It’s okay just keep it short and sweet and make sure to thank everyone for coming.” I said because I knew he hated making speeches. 
“Here, use my peachy drink to make the toast.” I chuckled, handing him my drink once more. 
“Thanks doll.” Elvis chuckled and took my drink. He headed towards a small stage that was placed in the living room just for the night. 
“Ladies and gentleman!” He spoke loudly into the mic, dragging everyone’s attention as someone lowered the volume of the music “I was told by Colonel Sanders- sorry I-I mean Colonel Parker that I have to make a speech!” Everyone laughed at the Colonel Sanders joke, he really knew how to control a room even when he wasn't singing.
I grinned but I could tell he was nervous because he was bouncing his leg. 
“This tour has been incredible albeit tiring but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” Elvis said and thanked all of the people who made this happen from the band, the sweet inspirations, his friends and family and the Colonel.
“And my lovely assistant Jess.” He smiled at me “Lord knows how you put up with me day and night, thank you for sticking around and always looking out for me.” 
I smiled softly at him, it really touched my heart that he thought to include me in his speech. 
“Cheers! Ignore the crappy pink drink in my hand!” He said and lifted the glass in the air as everyone did the same. 
“That was a very sweet speech.” I said to Elvis once he walked back to where I stood and the music started playing loudly again. 
“Thanks. Here’s your crappy drink.” Elvis said. 
I rolled my eyes, reaching to take the drink from him when he pulled the drink back and took a sip again before handing it back to me. I laughed “So you like it!”
“It gets better with each sip.” 
I finished my drink and placed it on the table next to us. Elvis placed his hands on my shoulders and shook me slightly “Let loose a little!” He yelled over the music “Stop being the mom of the group! I want to see drunk Jess.”
I laughed and shook my head “You do not want to see drunk Jess. She’s a big mess, that’s why I avoid drinking.” 
All of a sudden someone covered my eyes with their hands “Guess who?” The voice behind me said.
I gasped and pulled the hands away from my face “Grace!” I shouted and swiveled around, wrapping my arms around her “I missed you!” 
She laughed and hugged me back “I missed you too! And I missed my husband of course.” Grace said when Jerry cleared his throat, announcing his presence. 
“You came into the house and right away went to Jess instead?” Jerry said his mouth gaping. Grace let go of me and rolled her eyes, pulling Jerry in for a kiss “I saw you recently when you flew in for the weekend. I haven't seen Jess in 4 full months!” 
“Hi Elvis.” Grace smiled and hugged him.
“Hey Grace.” Elvis smiled back and hugged her. 
The Memphis Mafia and their wives were really like all a big family, I love all of them so much and their friendship with Elvis was really sweet. Being on tour was hard for the wives especially the ones that had kids because we were constantly on the move so all of them opted out and didn’t join us on tour which was sad for me since I was surrounded by men, there were no women except the Sweet Inspirations who I adored as well. They really kept me company and were so much fun to be around. Not to mention how talented they are. 
Grace pulled me towards the bar and got us Gin and Tonics, I shook my head no at her “I don’t want to drink.”
“Come on! I’m here! We’re having fun!” Grace replied as we waited for our drinks to be made.
“We can have fun without drinks.” I told her making her roll her eyes at me. 
“So tell me, did you hook up with anyone on tour?” She wiggled her eyebrows. 
“No.” I scoffed “When would I be able to sneak off with a man?”
“We should get you laid tonight!” She shouted over the music. I laughed and shook my head.
“Yes, yes, yes! Drink up Jess!” She handed me my drink. 
I rolled my eyes again and threw my drink back, feeling the G&T burn as it passed down my throat. Grace cheered and proceeded to do the same.
“Whoa! Are you trying to get my wife drunk Jess?” Jerry asked, walking to stand by us.
“Your wife is the enabler here Jerry.” I replied “I’m innocent.”
“Not that innocent.” Grace and Elvis said at the same time. I didn’t notice Elvis walking up to us as well. 
I narrowed my eyes at them. Elvis grinned and winked at me. I knew he was referring to the night we slept together so it made my cheeks flush. 
“I need another drink.” I muttered and turned to the bar to order another Gin and Tonic. 
We drank some more and danced to the music. Charlie was equally drunk and was dancing with Grace and I. It was the most hilarious thing to witness Charlie’s goofy dance moves. 
Slowly, the night started to become a blur with the amount of drinks Grace and I had. I tried to let loose for once, I don’t remember the last time I drank this much. I don't particularly enjoy drinking and I hated the feeling of a hangover, I just thought it wasn’t worth it to feel groggy and sick the next day but since we were celebrating the end of this long and grueling tour I figured why not. 
People had slowly started to filter out of the party as time ticked closer to the morning. Most of the mafia members were on the dance floor with us and I was having the time of my life. 
“Grace, if I don’t say this now. I won’t say it tomorrow because I’ll probably be cursing you instead but thank you. I’m really having fun.” I giggled, slightly slurring feeling foggy. Plus, I know I won’t thank her tomorrow since I’ll be nursing a hangover.
“I’m glad Jess.” Grace grinned.
“Let’s get on the bar!” Charlie yelled, grabbing my hand.
“What?” I laughed, Charlie was killing me. I had never seem him like this before.
“I dare you!” Grace laughed, pushing me.
“Let’s do it!” I grinned. Charlie laughed and got on the bar, helping me up.
Everyone cheered once we got on top. I laughed and wrapped my arms around Charlie’s neck while he placed his hands on my waist, dancing together.
“Strip! Strip! Strip!” Everyone chanted. I looked at everyone with wide eyes and shook my head but Charlie on the other hand threw his jacket to the crowd then pulled his shirt off while I laughed. 
I gripped the bottom of my dress that ended above my knees and pulled it up slightly, making them think I was going to pull it off. 
“Enough!” Elvis growled, appearing in front of the bar and pulled my arm “You’re done! Get down Jess!”
“E.P! Let her dance!” Charlie said and wrapped his arm around my waist “We’re having fun!” 
“Get. Your. Hands. Off. Charlie.”  Elvis glared down at Charlie. Charlie gulped and let his hand slip from around my waist.
“Wow!” I yelped, once Elvis pulled me down by the waist and threw me over his shoulders “Let me down Elvis!”
“You’ve had enough Jess!” He said while people booed him for pulling me off the bar. Charlie on the other hand continued to dance and the party commenced.
Elvis walked into his bedroom and placed me down on my feet.
“Party pooper!” I frowned.
“What the fuck was that Jess?!” He clenched his jaw, getting close to my face. His eyes ablaze, darker blue than usual. He was outraged and breathing heavily.
“I wasn’t actually going to strip! I was kidding!” 
Elvis gripped my arms “What the fuck was that with Charlie?! Do you like him?” 
“Charlie?! No, we were just having fun!”  
“You are so annoying.” He replied. 
My jaw dropped “I am NOT! You’re annoying!”
He exhaled harshly through his nose then he cupped my cheeks and smashed his lips on mine. I moaned against his lips and gripped his shirt, pulling him closer to me. 
Elvis groaned against my lips “I’ve missed your lips.” 
All the food and drinks I had during the night started bubbling up my throat. I pushed Elvis back,  feeling light headed from all the drinks I had and being held upside down over Elvis’ shoulder “Oh god, I’m going to puke.”
I rushed into his bathroom, emptying the entire contents of my stomach into his toilet.
I felt him come up behind me. He held my hair back and soothingly rubbed circles on my back.
I groaned and leaned back against his chest “This is so embarrassing.”
“It’s okay.” He replied, running his hands through my hair. 
“I told you, drunk Jess is bad.” I mumbled, almost falling asleep in his arms on his bathroom floor. 
“Come on, you got some vomit on your dress.” He said, standing up and pulling me along with him.
“Can I take off your dress?” He asked, his expression a complete 180 from a few minutes ago. He was now looking at me with such tenderness, it made my heart melt. His eyes a soft, clear blue. No longer dark and rage infused. 
I nodded. He reached down and pulled my dress up and off of my body. I was left in my bra and panties. I could tell he wasn’t allowing his eyes to linger on my practically naked body out of respect that I was drunk and he was trying to take care of me and my drunken mess.
“Here, turn around.” He said, I turned my back towards him as he helped me shrug on one of his satin robes. Placing his hands on my shoulders and swiveled me around, tightening the sash and tying the knot to cover my body. 
“I need mouth wash.” I felt disgusting right now. Elvis pointed to the mouth wash on his sink and I quickly gurgled the taste of throw up from my mouth. 
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” He said and pulled my by the hand.
“I can go to my room.” I mumbled, my eyes closed as I allowed him to gently pull me along.
“Shh, you can barely walk.” He replied, removing the covers for me to get into his bed. 
“Go to sleep, good night Jess.” He leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead. 
I couldn’t remember what happened last night and how I got into Elvis’ bed. The last thing I remember was getting on top of the bar with Charlie then its all a blur. God, I hated getting drunk. I shouldn't have listened to Grace. Everything hurts, my head hurts and my eyes burned. I also had no idea how many hours I slept.
I tried to get my arms up, since they were pinned down by Elvis.
“Stay still.” He groaned.
“No.” I grumbled “Wake up, what the hell am I doing in your bed?” I asked.
“Sleeping.” He mumbled, not moving. 
I pulled my arms forcefully and tried to push him off by his shoulders “Get up!”
“No.” He replied, tightening his arms around my waist. 
Then it hit me and I gasped loudly “Did we sleep together?” I asked when I saw that I was dressed in one of his satin robes.
“Yes.” Elvis replied. 
“No way.” I said slowly, no way we slept together again after 4 months. We were finally moving forward. I’m not going to lie and say it still didn’t bother me that he slept with other girls but it didn’t bother me as much.
“Relax.” Elvis said “I’m kidding. Nothing happened.” 
“Then why am I in your bed and why are you on top of me?” I asked him, pushing him off. He finally released me and rolled over to the other side of the bed. 
He lied on his side, holding his head up by leaning on his elbow. God, it’s not fair that he looked so good in the morning, having just woken up. 
“And why are you naked?!” I looked at him with wide eyes. 
“I’m in my boxers! And you’re the one that’s in my bed!” He shrugged. 
“Elvis, seriously. I’m freaking out, what happened last night?” I asked, not being able to remember anything. 
He frowned slightly “You don’t remember what happened last night?” 
“Kind of. Some stuff are a bit blurry.” I replied.
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
“Charlie pulling me with him to dance on the bar. Then everything is a complete blur.” 
Elvis sighed and ran a hand down his face. He smiled slightly “Someone partied a little too hard. I’ve never seen you like that Jess.” 
I groaned and covered my face with my hands. 
I gasped again “Oh my god! You saw me puke!”
Elvis chuckled and rubbed my arm “It’s okay.” 
“Why am I in your bed again?” I asked.
“Because you were falling asleep on the bathroom floor and I didn’t want to walk you to your room in a robe.” He shrugged. 
“And why were you on top of me?” I raised both brows. 
“I was asleep, I have no idea how I ended up over there.” He said, his cheeks slightly flushing. 
“Were you comfortable crushing me with your weight?” I smirked. 
“Oh it was amazing honey!” He smirked and lied down on his back, stretching his arms over his head. 
This was so weird. Us cuddling in bed was so wrong. Elvis and I needed boundaries, we were way too comfortable with one another. I know he wouldn’t do this for someone else, he rarely allows people to sleep on his bed.
“My head is going to explode.” I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut.
“There’s water and 2 Advils on the bedside table.” Elvis replied. 
I sat up and I get the overwhelming sensation to cry because he was being so cute. I should also mention that I get super emotional when I’m hungover. I threw back the two pills and took a sip of water, swallowing the pills down.  
“Why are you pouting?” Elvis chuckled. 
“I hate being hungover.” I replied with tears in my eyes.
Elvis threw his head back and laughed at me.
“This is why I don’t drink.” My voice wavered. 
“Awww. Honey.” Elvis laughed and pulled me, hugging me to his bare chest. I laughed slightly with tears streaming down my face, his chest hair tickling my face
“And you doing cute things is not helping.” This made him laugh even harder.
“Me setting pain killers at your bedside is cute?” 
“Yeah.” I chuckled against his chest “You took care of me last night and today.”
“I barely did anything.”
I pulled my face back and looked down at him, our faces barely a few inches from one another “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me doll.” He replied gently, then reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. 
I cleared my throat “I have to go before everyone wakes up. Then it will look bad, me walking out of your room in your bathrobe.” I said and got out of bed. 
Elvis pouted “I wanted to sleep more.”
“Then sleep, there’s still a lot of time before we need to head out.” I replied, picking up my dress from the bathroom. Cringing when I saw the vomit stain on it. 
“I can’t sleep now, the bed is too cold.” He looked at me pointedly, once I exited the bathroom.
“Says the guy who likes to blast his A/C to freezing.” I smirked, placing a hand on my hip.
“See you at breakfast.” I said and walked out, shutting his door behind me. 
If it wasn’t weird I would’ve gladly gotten back in bed to cuddle him and go back to sleep. I was way too comfortable. 
I heard someone at the end of the hallway gasp. My eyes widened and turned to see Grace leaving her room.
“What the!” She shouted when I ran to her and placed a hand on her mouth.
“Shhhh. You’re being too loud.” I whispered. 
“Fuck.” She continued when I dropped my hand from her mouth, but her voice way lower this time. 
I pulled her into my room and shut the door.
“Nothing happened.” I said and went into the bathroom to throw my dress in the hamper.
“Oh I believe you. It’s not like you just walked out of Elvis’ bedroom in his robe at 8 in the morning.”
“Okay I know, it looks bad.” 
“And what the hell was that last night!” She said, siting on the bed “He was outraged seeing you dancing with Charlie.”
I frowned, not really recalling him being mad.
“I saw the way he looked at you when you got up on the bar with Charlie, he was charging over the moment you put your arms around Charlie.” 
“I-I don't know.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair “I need to shower and freshen up.”
“No, tell me what happened later!” 
“I really don’t remember, I just know that I puked which is why I’m in his robe and then I was asleep.” I shrugged.
Grace winced “Maybe I shouldn’t have forced you to drink that much.”
“Believe me, last night was the first and last time you’ll ever see me drunk.” 
“But it’s sweet that he took care of you, I don’t think he’s ever done that with anyone.” 
I ignored how my heart skipped a beat at Grace’s words. I wanted to punch my stupid heart for reacting that way knowing nothing can ever happen between me and Elvis. 
We headed back to Memphis a few hours later, I couldn’t stop buzzing on the flight to get home. I just wanted to get there already, get dressed in a comfortable outfit, put on a face mask and get through this horrible hangover. I was so thankful that the entire Mafia were taking a week off so Graceland wouldn’t be as busy and noisy as usual. It was just Elvis, Vernon, Grandma Dodger and me at home. We got back around 7PM, everyone retreated to their respective rooms. I took a shower and threw on sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt. Heading towards the kitchen to mix up my favorite homemade mask. I whisked 1 egg white with honey and lemon and applied it to my face. 
“What are you doing?” Elvis asked, walking into the kitchen.
I turned and chuckled when I saw him looking at my face with wide eyes. 
“It’s a mask.”
“What does it do?” He walked closer and swiped some of the mask using his finger and then he licked it “Ugh.”
“Ew. Why did you lick it? It has a raw egg.” I said which made him gag even more, he couldn’t stand egg yolks. I laughed at him as he washed his hands in the sink.
“The mask is really good for pores, it helps tighten them.” 
“Huh.” He said and looked at the bowl “I have really bad pores.”
“No you don’t.” I replied.
“You don’t, your skin is amazing. So this is your secret.” He grinned. 
I laughed “You can have some.” 
“Can you put some on my face?” He asked.
“Just dip your fingers and smear it on your face.” 
“I don’t want to touch that raw egg. Please doll.” He pouted. I sighed, rolling my eyes at him and walked over to him. I dipped my hand into the bowl and scooped some of the mask to place on his face, I was standing further away from him which made some of the mask drip on the floor. 
“I won’t bite doll.” Elvis said and pulled me by my sweatshirt closer to him. We were merely inches away from one another. Way too close. Elvis closed his eyes and waited for me to finish smearing the mask on his face. This oddly felt very domestic, as if this was a regular Sunday night with a significant other. 
“You don’t need to close your eyes.” I chuckled as I continued to put the mixture on his face.
Elvis smiled and opened his eyes. He stared intently at me while I tried my hardest to just focus on my hand instead of his eyes.
“Never mind. Close your eyes.” I muttered. I couldn't stand his blue eyes staring at me like that. It was a mix of tenderness and hunger. Elvis chuckled but kept his eyes open.
He hummed slightly as I finished applying the mask “All done.” 
He puckered his lips and moved his face closer to mine.
“Elvis.” I grumbled, taking a step back.
“I’m just teasing doll.” Elvis laughed, opening his eyes. 
“You’re so annoying.” I muttered, washing my hands in the sink. 
“How long should I keep it on?” He asked leaning against the kitchen counter next to the sink.
“30 minutes or so.” 
“Make some popcorn, I’m gonna change and then we can watch a movie till we wait to remove the mask.” Elvis said, heading out of the kitchen. He was still dressed up in black slacks and a button up long sleeve shirt. 
“Be careful not to get the mask on your clothes.”
“I won’t!” He yelled as I heard him pound up the stairs. 
I sat down in the TV room with a big bowl of popcorn and 2 pepsis for Elvis and me. God this felt like a date. Elvis walked in dressed in a matching sweatshirt and sweatpants. 
I laughed “Are you copying me?” He looked really cute in a sweatshirt, I rarely get to see him dressed so laid back. 
“Yes! When I saw your sweatsuit I remembered I had the exact same one, in the exact same color.” Elvis replied. 
“Oh god, we look like a couple.” I joked. 
His smile faltered slightly but he grinned again “We look cute.” 
I bit my lip, he did look cute. 
He narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on his hips “Don’t look at me like that doll. What did I tell you about biting your lips?” He practically growled. 
I tried not to squirm and squeeze my legs together at the raspiness of how he said that so instead I rolled my eyes at him and patted the couch.
“Sit down. Let’s watch the movie before I pass out.” 
He shook his head and plopped down on the couch.
“And I wasn’t looking at you in any way.” I muttered, my eyes on the TV screen. 
He leaned towards me, his breath on my ear making me gulp and close my eyes “You were looking at me the same way you looked at me when we fucked.” He whispered in my ear.
“I think you’re imagining things Mr. Presley.” I replied, opening my eyes and starting at the TV screen. I hated that he still brought up the night we slept together, we agreed to forget it ever happened. I know I didn’t forget it but I can’t help but feel slightly awkward every time it hits me that he’s seen me naked. 
Elvis shook his head, taking a deep breath then leaning back into the couch, spreading his legs wide. 
We watched a romantic comedy movie and for some reason everything was just a bit funnier when you’re with someone, we shared popcorn and laughed together. I was so exhausted so I leaned my head back on the couch, slowly my eyes fluttered shut. 
“Honey.” I felt Elvis run a hand through my hair “I’m so sorry.” He winced “You need to remove the mask then you can sleep as much as you want.” 
I yawned and opened my eyes. I was now on Elvis’ chest and his arm was around my shoulders.
“Oh no, I got some of the mask on your sweatshirt.” I mumbled. 
“It’s okay, thats what washing machines are for.” Elvis smiled softly. I sat up and Elvis’ arm slipped from around my shoulders. 
“You looked so peaceful, I feel so bad for waking you up.” Elvis chuckled.
I smiled and shook my head “It’s okay. I can’t wait to get to bed.” I said getting up “Are you not going to bed?” I asked when I saw that he stayed seated. 
“No, I’m gonna finish the movie.” He replied. 
“Good night Elvis.”
“Good night honey.” 
Taglist: @urrfavvana @girlblogger2002 @butlersluvbot @iheqrtaustin @dramaticpandabear @godlypresley @marie73ep
162 notes · View notes
pariskylar · 2 months
Part 3: Rude
Monday: August 30, 2021
Beatrice, bitch please. you know who I be nothin' else, none other the number one stunner.
she pulled up to The Thrombey Mansion for her second week of work.
working for Harlan has been very uneventful, borderline boring. all she did for the past two weeks was take calls, email business people back and proof reading. proofing was the only part of the job she actually enjoyed.
she entered the house and went straight to Mr. Thrombey’s Office.
“good morning.” she signed her time sheet.
“good morning.” Marta greeted.
and as usual Harlan said nothing.
ignoring that she pulled out her iPad, where she had transferred the planner and began briefing him about his schedule today.
“today you have a doctors appointment at 8:30 AM, a meeting with Mr. Walt Thrombey at the publishing company at 11:30 AM and and dogs have a vet appointment at 1:00 PM.” she read off.
“Marta is taking me to my doctors appointment.” he said while stacking three different piles of papers “these need to be proofed.” he handed them over to her.
she nodded waiting to see of he had anything else to say, but of course he didn’t. she took her assignment out to the front porch. she sat tailored style on the bench pulling out her sticky tabs, red pen, post-its and the matching highlighters .
and began her reading. this is the shit she loved. well introduced characters, well thought out details. this is why she wanted to be an editor.
forty five minutes later she proofed seventy percent of the first chapter and Harlan and Marta came out the house.
“we’re off to the doctor.” Marta said helping Harlan down the steps.
“ok, well be safe.” she said automatically.
pulling out her phone she saw the time read 7:56 AM. she’d been out there for nearly an hour and her bones and joints felt it. she stood from her seat stretching and loosen up her joint.
standing up straight she grabbed all of her supplies and moved to the steps.
after two hours she was finishing up the second chapter when she heard the revving of a car engine. she looked up to see an old school BMW flying up the driveway. she put a tab where she just finished reading sitting up properly, ready to greet whoever the guest was.
when the car door opened out stepped a white man with brunette hair sporting slacks, a striped shirt and sunglasses. he slowly made his way to the house.
“hi, how may i help you?” she asked as he made his way up the steps.
he totally ignored her and went inside. she grabbed her keys that had her mace on them. she sat the papers aside and grabbed the iPad, rushing in after him.
“um, excuse me? sir?” she followed him into Mr. Thombey’s empty office. “um, sir.”
“what?” he turned to her finally acknowledging her existence.
his presence was a bit intimidating, causing her to take a few steps back. he rolled his eyes making an exit from the office.
she switched the latch on the mace.
“um, do you have an meeting set with Mr. Thrombey?” she followed him.
“a meeting?” he asked seemingly confused heading for the stairs
“yeah, like an appointment.” he turned from the second step with the same confused look “you know when you set a time to talk to someone.”
“i know what a meeting is, i’m just confused on why i’d need one. i’m his grandson.”
that’s Ransom?
“oh, the one with the bi-weekly visits.” she closed the mace.
“yeah.” he said with faux enthusiasm
“well Mr. Thrombey had a doctor’s appointment today, but he’ll be back any minute now. you can wait for him in his office.”
he didn’t say anything just going back to his office, slamming the door behind him.
she huffed, snarling. there’s alot of thing she can take, and has, but one thing she can’t stand is an unnecessarily rude person.
there was no reason for him to come in that aggressive and to be that harsh.
she made her way back to the front porch to try and finish up her assignment
her alarm that was set 10:45 went off, but Harlan and Marta wasn't back yet. she didn't have Marta's number so she had no choice but to wait this out. she re-scheduled the meetings and vet appointment, while waiting. she was chewing on her pencil eraser nervous. she was 99 percent sure she was gonna lose her job.
after the most daunting 42 minutes Marta and Harlan finally pulled up.
she stood up from her seat grabbing her bag and rushed to the car. once the car came to a full stop she opened the door and help Harlan out.
“Mr. Thrombey, we’re late for your meeting with Mr. Walt.” she closed the door and walked to her car as fast as she could without dragging him. “i called and rescheduled the meeting for 12:00 and push the vet appointment for 1:30, i just need to get the dogs in the car and we can go.” she tossed her bag in her backseat, before taking off to the backyard.
whistling at them she gained their attention.
“come.” she squatted down waved them over.
they ran up to her.
she stood up straight and began jogging to her car with them her following. when they got there Mr. Thrombey wasn’t in the car.
“what the hell?” she said under her breath.
“i took him to the meeting with Walt.” Marta said from the side of her.
“oh, well thanks.” Jaz nodded "um, can i get you number." her social anxiety began to kick in.
"just so when you take Harlan places i'll know, y'know" she over explained.
"no, yeah, i get it." Marta pulled out her phone handing it over.
"personal or work?" she asked pulling each from her pockets.
Jaz nodded handing them both over.
Jazlyn (Personal): (504)-xxx-xxxx she entered her personal number first then her work number Jazlyn (Work): (857)-xxx-xxxx.
they exchanged phones back.
she looked at the new contact in her phone, Marta :) (857)-xxx-xxxx.
"um, thanks."
"no problem." Marta nodded.
they walked back towards the porch. she took a seat on the bench and Marta went back into the house.
she set a new alarm for 12:30.
the dogs ran up to her, tails wagging.
“hi, babies.” she giggled at them scratching behind each of their ears.
one tried giving her a kiss but she dodged it.
“no kisses, just rubs and hugs.”
she spent the next 50 minutes cuddling the dogs and trying to calm herself down from mini freakout she had.
what the heck bro. that was so rude and inconsiderate. he could've told me that he was going to have Marta take him to the meeting. and why the hell did the receptionist let me change times if he was already there?
while in the midst of another freakout her alarm went off. she sighed getting up from her seat, heading back to the home.
they tried following her in the house.
"sit." she commanded "stay." they obeyed.
she knocked on the office door.
“come in.” he called from the other side of the door.
walking in she saw Harlan and Ransom sitting across from each other.
“um, i’m taking the dogs to their vet appointment.”
Ransom scoffed at her turning back to his granddad.
“ok.” Harlan nodded
“is there anything you need while i’m out?”
she nodded leaving the room. she grabbed the leashes from the hooks on the foyer.
after taking the dogs to the vet and a long day of doing nothing she went back to her townhouse.
"hey, baby." Tia greeted her from the couch.
"hi." she kicked off her shoes at the door.
she sighed flopping next to her, handing over a pint of Ben and Jerry's.
"lemme guess, boring day today?" she grabbed a spoon from the bowl on the coffee table.
for the past week she had been complaining non-stop about how freaking boring it was to work for Harlan.
"no, stressful." Jaz shook her head unbuckled her belt.
"he had a doctors appointment and Marta took him. i was supposed to take him to his meeting at his publishing company, but he had Marta take him." she began to explain taking her pants off. "but he ain't tell me shit, so i'm running around thinking i'm finna get fired. i rescheduled the meeting. they come back talking bout 'i took him.' then his grandson came there almost giving me a heart attack."
"his grandson?" T asked around a bite of ice cream
"yeah, Ransom. he fine, but he rude as hell."
"how fine? you know my fine and your fine are two different fines." Tia pointed the spoon at Jaz.
"as fine as you can get for a white boy." she shrugged pulling her hair back. "i'm finna shower and take this makeup off, then we gon talk about them crazy ass people you work for." she stood up.
"good because bitch i got some shit to tell you."
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thaliaisalesbian · 2 months
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapters: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Chapter 31: could it be easy this once?
“Jon, come on, it’ll be fun.”
“Working at the mall together?”
“Yeah! Nancy said she might if her internship at the paper falls through.” Why Steve is looking at those applications this early, Jonathan’s not sure. The internships are different; everyone knows the mall is going to be desperately hiring when it opens.
“I’ll think about it.” He’s working on getting an internship at the paper, too, though Steve might be right. Don’t malls sometimes have photo stations? He’ll have to look into it. Maybe he’ll find a record shop or something, that might work too.
He and Nancy were really looking forward to working together, though.
They’ve still got time, anyway.
“Are you doing anything for your classes over the summer?”
“No, I don’t think so. I don’t know that it would be a good idea, anyway. Probably better to work and get something saved up.”
For what? As far as Jonathan knows, Steve’s parents aren’t going to kick him out or stop paying on the utilities when he turns eighteen, though honestly it wouldn’t be too surprising if they did.
“My mom called. She talked my dad around, apparently. He’s still upset that I didn’t get into any colleges.”
“Talked him around from what?” Nancy doesn’t even bother knocking anymore; Mom had somehow gotten Steve’s house key and made copies at the same time she made copies of their house key. Jonathan is not going to ask questions.
“He wanted to send me to a military school, though I’m not sure how that would have worked for him after I turned eighteen. After that, the plan was for me to pay the property taxes and utilities.”
“What are you actually going to have to pay for to stay there?” Steve doesn’t even seem upset about this. He must have been expecting worse news.
“Just groceries and gas for my car, still. At least until I graduate high school. Mom’s convinced him to start up my allowance again because ‘at least I’m trying to graduate’. It’s a lower amount, though.”
“How much do you have saved already?”
“I’ve got cash hidden in three spots in my room.” Steve says. “They’re still on my back account, I can’t take them off until I’m eighteen, so if they wanted to shut it down they could. Probably about two grand, total. I don’t know how long it would last me if I needed it. I’d rather have the extra, just in case. If something happens and I have to leave, my dad will shut down my accounts and I’d have nothing.”
Jonathan hasn’t even looked at his bank account in at least a year. He cashes his checks in sometimes, but mostly Mom just takes his to the banks with hers and puts them all in at once.
Though she hasn’t really been doing that for the past year or so; he’ll have to ask why.
“What about the money from Owens?” Nancy paces for a minute. “Where’s that? Mike and I both have some; we can’t access the full amount until we’re twenty-one, but there’s a monthly allowance put into an account our parents don’t know about for us.” When neither of them say anything, she continues. “Jonathan, your mom would probably have yours, because she’s in the know, Steve, you should have at least some of yours.”
“No one ever said anything to me about that.” 
“Really? They talked to Mike and I when we signed the NDAs. I’m planning on using it for college.”
“I’ll have to check with Mom.” Jonathan says slowly. She has been really insistent lately that he doesn’t need to work, but she’s always done that. And there have been some repairs done on the house, but he’d figured some of that was paid for by Owens, after everything. “She hasn’t said anything to me, if that’s the case.”
But then he thinks about some of the art supplies Will has now; how Mom had brought him new film rolls for his camera; they have a new stove, even.
“You should. Steve, you might want to talk to Hopper.” Nancy’s got a plan going already, grabbing paper off of Steve’s desk and writing out the details.
If they have this money, then he can go to college without having to take out loans, probably. Especially if he gets a scholarship.
But then, if they have all of this money, why haven’t they moved? Gotten a bigger house, or added onto it or something?
Mom has to have a reason for that.
He wants to call her right away, but she’s at work, so it’ll have to wait. Jonathan doesn’t want to get her in trouble with her boss.
“What do you want for dinner?” Steve leans into him so that he can whisper and not interrupt Nancy’s muttered calculations and planning.
“How about that pasta bake you were telling me about the other day?”
“Yeah, I can do that. Chicken or ham? We’d have to throw the chicken on the grill, but the ham could just go right in.”
“Ham.” Sounds easier than chicken.
“Nance, you can plot your world domination in the kitchen, we’re making dinner.” Steve pulls her up smoothly, then does the same for Jonathan—only he sends them both to the floor instead.
“Really, Steve?” He kisses Steve’s cheek anyway.
“What, I’m not allowed to help you up now?”
“Not if we both end up on the floor. Did you hit your head?” When Owens and Irene had come by for a check-up last week, they’d told them about the concussion and bruising.
Now, they just have to convince Steve to go in for a bunch of scans to make sure he's okay. Owens said it’d be covered, so he won’t have to worry about his parents finding out through insurance or something.
“Wait, what are you making?” Nancy holds one of Steve’s crutches out to him, looking a little startled when he actually takes it.
“It’s a surprise.” Steve tells her. “You just worry about world domination. Jonathan and I will take care of everything else.”
“Everything else?”
“Yep. Your wish is our command.”
“Just name the time and place.” Jonathan adds. “If you’re going to take over the world, you need minions, right?”
“That’s what the kids are for.” Nancy’s mouth turns up at the corners. “You two wouldn’t be mere minions.”
“Then what would we be, my lady?” Steve asks, more dramatic with every word. “Your harem, kept up in a room for you to admire as you wish? Your enforcers? Arm candy?”
“I’ve heard that you can be quite threatening with that nail bat, Steve.” Nancy muses. “But we can’t have you getting any more injured, so publicly you’ll be arm candy. You’ll be in charge of the kitchen for the appearance of keeping you busy when you’re not with me, and you’ll make me any dessert I request. Jonathan, you’ll be in charge of making sure most of the place looks like it came right out of a photograph, and of course you two will have to switch off on your arm candy duties.”
She pauses at the bottom of the stairs, turning to grin up at them. “And secretly, you’ll be my most trusted advisors.”
“Why secretly?” Jonathan asks. Not that he minds; he doesn’t know of many people who would call him arm candy, especially next to Steve, and, well, he really likes that Nancy does.
“Well, if no one knows you’re my advisors, then why would they target you for anything? You’d just be my pretty boys.”
Steve stumbles a little, but Jonathan can’t tell if it’s because of what Nancy said or if it’s because his crutch slipped; he grabs his arm either way.
“You’ll have to tell us more while I—” Jonathan tightens his grip a little as Steve falters again, “while we make dinner. What would you make your little minions do? I can think of a few things for the shitheads.”
“I’m sure we all can think of more than a few. But that’s not the important part… yet. We have to get there first.”
“Whatever you say, High Lady.”
“No, that’s not going to work as a title.”
Their world domination chatter slows as their dinner bakes, and by the time they’re done eating and cleaning up, Nancy and Jonathan have to go home.
It’s a shame, really. Jonathan was looking forward to seeing how many times he and Steve could make Nancy blush with different titles for her new-found position.
finish on ao3 or continue reading
Once she’s safely in her room, Nancy lets herself think a little more about this world domination plan.
Mostly, she lets herself think how Steve had reacted when she’d called them ‘pretty boys’, and although Jonathan had been better at hiding it, she thinks he liked it too.
That just means she’s going to have to use it more often.
“Nancy! Joyce Byers is on the phone for you!” Mom must still be by the phone downstairs. She checks the clock; it hasn’t quite been long enough for Jonathan to make it back home yet, if that’s what Joyce is calling about.
“Hey, Joyce.” She hears her mom get off the line on the other phone.
“Hi, Nancy.” For a minute, she can forget that she’s talking to her boyfriend’s mom. It feels like Barb one of her friends has called and they’re about to talk about their plans. “It’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen you, I just wanted to check in.”
“Oh. You’re—you’re not calling about Jonathan?”
“No, he just pulled in, he’s fine. I know things have gotten busier, and it’s different now that Steve’s not staying with us or with Jim—” She always forgets that Joyce calls Hopper Jim. It is his name, and they’re both adults, so it makes sense, but it still feels so weird to think of him as ‘Jim’. “But we’ve had some good conversations, when we get the chance.”
Most of those are just Joyce giving her advice. Usually about dating her boys.
She hasn’t been wrong yet. Nancy wants to know how Joyce figured all of this out.
“We do.” Nancy agrees. “I miss talking to you, too.” She doesn’t realize how true it is until she says it.
“Well, I have the day off tomorrow—how about a girls’ lunch, and if we feel like it, we can invite the boys for dinner.”
“Girls’ lunch meaning just us…?”
“Max and Jane are included in that.” Jane. Right. That’s the name they’re using for El when they’re not supposed to be talking about her.
Nancy hasn’t found out why; she’ll have to ask. “Just tell me when and where.”
“Jim is dropping Max and Jane off at noon, but you can come by before that if you want. Eleven, maybe?”
“If you’re hoping I can help cook, Jonathan can tell you that I’m hopeless.”
“I’m sure you’re not as bad as I am.” Muffled, she hears, “I’m talking to Nancy, honey.”
“I’m worse, ask him.” Nancy says.
“She is!” Jonathan’s further away, and she just saw him, but hearing his voice makes her smile anyway.
“What do you say, Nancy?”
“Sounds like fun. I’ll bring my nail polish and some dress-up clothes. Max might not be into it, but E-Jane might find something she likes.”
“You’re a good one, Nancy.” She can hear Joyce’s smile in her voice. “Jonathan’s taking the boys to the arcade for most of the day; I think Jim wants to check in with Steve. And then we can have a family dinner afterward.”
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds nice.” Mom’s probably not going to be too happy, but Nancy doesn’t care. Mike won’t be home for dinner either.
“I’ll let you go, then. Don’t stay up too late!”
“I won’t.” She promises. “Have a nice night, Joyce.” Is it wrong that sometimes she wishes Joyce was her mom?
Predictably, her mom comes up to ask what the call was about.
If she was just going to ask anyway, she might as well have stayed on the line.
“Joyce just wanted to know if I wanted to have a girls’ day with her and the girls in Mike’s friend group tomorrow. I’ll be going over around eleven.”
“That’s sweet of her, to give them a break from all those boys.” Nancy wonders if one of them requested it. El might have, but given how attached she is to Steve, it seems more likely that she would have wanted a day with him.
Max… she doesn’t really know Max all that well. She doesn’t know if Max would have wanted a day away from the boys or not. Maybe she’d rather be beating them at arcade games.
“Yeah, it’ll be fun. I’m going to bring some of my old clothes for them to try on. They’ll be out of style by the time Holly is big enough to wear them, Mom.” She rolls her eyes when her mom tries to protest.
“Who are those girls? The redhead and who else? Someone at school?”
Fuck. What is she supposed to say about El?
“No, she doesn’t go to school yet. She’s staying with Chief Hopper for now, she was in a bad situation and school would probably be a little too overwhelming for her yet.”
“Oh, I see.” Her mom doesn’t step into the room, just stays in the doorway. How long is this going to go on? Normally she would have shut the door by now. “Well, you have a good time. Mike’s going to the arcade, and then he’s eating dinner at the Byers’.”
“I’ve been invited to dinner too, if I’m still there.”
“Of course you have. I’ll have to see if there are any movies Holly might like, then, and take her out. Just… you and Mike both be back before nine. Tomorrow’s a school night.”
“I’ll make sure we are, Mom.” She can’t tell what her mom’s thinking. It’s not like she told them she had anything planned for tomorrow; if she had, then Nancy would have declined the dinner invite. Mike would grumble about it a lot, but he’d make sure he was home for dinner, too. “I’m sure you and Holly will find a movie. Or you could bake something together, I remember we did that when I was little. It was always fun.”
That was before Mike was around, and when he was a baby. She and Mom had their special baking time when he was down for his naps, because Nancy had been ‘too big’ for naps.
By the time Mike was three, they’d become a monthly event instead of a weekly event. She’d been in school by then, so that limited their time, but they’d had weekends.
And when her mom found out she was pregnant with Holly, it seemed like the world had stopped. It’d only gotten worse after Holly was born.
It’s like her mom lost a part of herself, or something, and she didn’t know how to get it back but now she’s trying.
But she can’t make up for the years she’d missed, even when she’d been physically present.
Nancy hasn’t thought about baking with her mom like this in a while. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed it.
“I’ll see if she’d like that.” Nancy has to restrain herself from saying ‘she will.’ Holly had been so happy when they’d made cookies with her. “If you want to, Nancy, we could try something a little more complicated now that you’re older. Just you and me, like we used to.”
“Yeah, I would like that. But I’m not very good at baking. Or cooking. Or anything other than mixing.”
“I remember your salty cookies.” Her mom smiles. “It was nice of you to try. I can teach you, you just need practice. I’ll go shopping this week and if you don’t have plans next Saturday, we can do it then.”
She’d been hoping to see Steve and Jonathan next Saturday, but given that she wants to spend pretty much all of her time with them, she’s going to have to disregard that thought for now.
“Next Saturday sounds good, Mom.”
“Good. I’ll set up a play-date for Holly, and talk to Mike about what he’d like to do so we can have the house to ourselves.”
As rough as things have been lately, Nancy’s just glad that her mom is at least trying now.
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jongho-my-beloved · 1 year
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The Incident
Heyy I’m Moon! This is the first fic I’ve written in a very long time so bear with me, but I hope if you read it you enjoy it. This fic is called The Incident because it is based off true events from a night out with my friend, just tweaked to make my delusions come to life. This is gonna be maybe one or two more parts, so there’s not too much going on in this chapter besides set up. Pls forgive me for any errors I wrote this in my notes app. Either way I hope you enjoy it and look forward to more writing from me in the future!!
Special thanks to @yeonjuns-beanie who encouraged me to make my delusions into a fic and for being the best friend ever.
Wonwoo X Female Reader
Word Count: 5.9k words
Warnings: Alcohol/Alcohol consumption, Vaping (mentioned literally once), some awkward flirting.
Your keys jangle in the lock as you open the front door, elated to be home after the shit show you just went through at work. Mrrow! The little ball of fluff greets you immediately in her tiny voice, stretching before prancing over to rub up against your legs.
“Hi my baby.” You smile feeling the stress of your last shift slowly seep out as you scratch behind her ears. “Did you get some good naps in today?”
“I wish I was you.” You speak as if you’re having a conversation with one of your roommates, but judging by the stillness of sound they don’t seem to be home. “Come on my love, let’s get you some dinner.”
Maybe it was a little weird to speak to your animals the way you would a human, but this is your baby, and at least she responds. The kibble clatters into the bowl as she circles you, biting your ankle impatiently when you space out trying to plan for the rest of your evening. “Hey! Be patient it’s right here.” You announce setting the food down as she goes to town.
You should text Lorraine and make sure she’s still down for your plans tonight, which you’re 90% sure she is… but that 10% always gets to your mind. Pulling up your messages you click on the contact reading Wifey 😈💕.
Y/N: Hellooooo loml 🫶🫶🫶🫶 are you still down to get messy and kiss in the club later 🤭
You and your friends are always flirting, this was just your way of asking if you were still going out tonight. It’s just how you express your endearment to each other, but also probably the reason why people seem so intimidated to approach you when you go out together.
Wifey 😈💕: I’ve been waiting all week to get a smooch in, of course I’m still down 🤭💕 Why? Are you still feeling up for it?
Y/N: Of course, you know I just like to check in before I get all sexy for no reason… and because it’s just us tonight, we could wait for the rest of our friends to be free if you want.
Wifey 😈💕: You’re always sexy 😏 also no I am not missing another thirsty thursday! The happy hour prices are too good.
Y/N: Shut the fuck up. I’m gonna kiss you so hard.
Wifey 😈💕: My lips are ready 👄 Anyways what time are we leaving?
Y/N: Up to you my love, it’s Your birthday we’re celebrating.
Wifey 😈💕: I’ll just let you know when I’m on my way over and we can leave from your house.
Y/N: Sounds good, I’m gonna hop in the shower now keep me updated 💕
Wifey 😈💕: Of course, see you soon 🫶
A groan escapes you as you peel yourself up from your bed that you took a quick rest on while texting Lorraine. Knowing the both of you, you’ll probably get there within the last 15-30 minutes of happy hour, but that’s enough time to chug whatever you’ll need after your ritualistic car pregame. You quickly hop in the shower washing away the last of your shitty shift away from your mind as you begin to feel excitement for tonight grow.
It isn’t often that you and Lorraine get to go out and not worry about sobering up and leaving early because either you or someone in your group still has work the next morning. Especially for you, since you’re usually the driver, you stop drinking before everyone and guzzle down some water to make sure that you all get home safe. Tonight both you and Lorraine had no commitments the next day, and that meant you could finally relish in that fuzzy feeling of being drunk for more than just an hour.
Finally stepping out of the shower, you let the steam disperse while you head to your room to find something to wear tonight. Still feeling a bit tired from your shift earlier you decide to go for a combo you know you always feel safe in, big pants little shirt. Finding a pair of ripped jeans that weren’t too baggy in your mess of laundry you said you would fold days ago and some cute corset top, you decided the outfit was good enough. You weren’t really trying to attract too much attention, more focused on spending time with Lorraine, it is her birthday after all and you cherish your friendship with her. You both have grown closer over the last few years and it’s something you’re glad has developed as your friend group grows busier these days. Lorraine would make time to come by just to watch stupid videos and drink on your couch together when you didn’t feel like going out, offer her support when you’re feeling sick or down, make the horrible shifts at work go by faster with your silly joke flirting. You connect on a deep level, a best friend you never want to lose.
Ding Ding!
Your phone brings you back to reality as you were spacing out during your eyeshadow routine. You check the time, later than you planned but still earlier than your usual.
Wifey 😈💕: Just about done. Gonna head over soon, just gotta find me shoes.
Y/N: Okayyy, I’m like halfway done I’ll probably be ready by the time you get here.
Wifey 😈💕: Take your time, this is probably the earliest we’ve gone in a while anyways.
Y/N: True, let me know when you’re here 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Lorraine reacted with a thumbs up and you set your phone down on the counter again to quickly finish the rest of your makeup. Just as you finish coating your lashes in mascara your doorbell rings loud through the empty home. “Hi sexy, come here often?” Lorraine giggles as you let her inside.
“I was here like… less than 48 hours ago,” she picks up Kitty as she runs over to greet her. “Hi you little menace.”
You smile closing the door behind you guys as you head back over to your room. “I’m ready I just need to get dressed. There’s some soju in the fridge for our little pregame if you wanna grab that.”
“Kay! I also brought some!” Lorraine shouts back as you shut your door to change quickly into the outfit you chose earlier. You laugh to yourself knowing you both were definitely in agreement on getting messy tonight. Grabbing some simple accessories and spritzing yourself with perfume you were ready to go.
“Alright let’s go! I’m ready to get fucked up with my wife.” You announce pulling on some boots that compliment your outfit.
“Looking sexy as always.” Lorraine says following your lead as you unlock your car.
“Never as sexy as you.” You wink back as you both burst into a fit of giggles and get into the car.
The car ride to the bar you frequent isn’t long, but long enough for you to shit talk about your annoying coworkers and complain about your daily life. Parking downtown was always a nightmare, but luckily you’d been in this area enough to find a good spot only two blocks away from the bar where you didn’t have to pay. Parking in your usual area you both continue to gossip and show each other new songs you found while passing the bottles of soju back and forth till you both felt you were at a good level. A few more drinks in the bar and you’d both be as inebriated as you were planning for tonight. You decided to leave the bulk of your stuff in the car, taking just your ID, credit card, and keys with you to lighten the load.
The short walk to the bar had you both complaining as it was colder this April than it usually is. “God it’s hard being sexy.” You joke as you make your way inside. Lorraine agrees as you make your way to the bar, opening a tab and ordering four of the fruity cocktails you both enjoyed. “You don’t pay for a thing tonight it’s your birthday!” You laugh trying to close Lorraine’s phone as you catch her trying to send you money for the drinks.
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind.” She hesitates.
“If you send me money I swear to god I’ll break up with you.” You fake threaten trying to hold back your smile.
She gasps and fakes sorrow as she grabs her two drinks, “Please god no!”
You giggle already sucking down your first drink, “Then don’t you dare send me a single penny.”
She nods giving up as she chugs her first drink alongside you. You both toss the empty cup into the trash and decide to head out to the floor with your other drink in hand to get a feel for the night.
It’s crowded and humid in the tiny bar, more people seem to be showing up compared to when you both first started coming here. Despite the crowd and the heat of all the bodies on the dance floor you still liked to come here, avoiding the more exclusive high end clubs deeper in the city. It was familiar and the drinks were cheaper here anyways.
You both surveyed the crowd as you swayed and danced with each other when a song you liked came on. Sharing your thoughts on the attractive people you saw or the regulars you don’t see as often anymore. You could tell by how you both clung to each other that the drinks were already setting in, but this was your chance to drink more. You were dead set on feeling the fuzzy glow of being drunk and dancing with your best friend.
“Do you want to drink more?” Lorraine asked as she tossed the cup of ice was holding the fruity drink long gone now.
“I planned on it.” You answer with a mischievous grin that Lorraine mirrors, happy with your answer. You head back to the bar, ordering another round of drinks the bartender quickly makes for you. “Do you wanna hang out here for a bit until he plays some better music?” You ask motioning to the empty stools.
Lorraine nods, “Yeah I could use a small break from all that must in there.”
As you both settle down and sip at your new drinks, swaying to the music and chatting, you notice Lorraine’s gaze looking behind you for a few moments. “What is it?” You ask curiously noticing a small shift in her smirk.
“So I wasn’t too sure, but there’s this really cute guy here and he’s totally eyeing you babe. Don’t look now though he’s still watching.” She speaks a little more quiet than your previous volume.
“What? Nah, he’s probably looking at you, have you seen yourself?” You compliment seriously, Lorraine was definitely one of your most beautiful friends and you made sure she knew so.
“I’m being so serious right now. I saw him out on the floor and he is definitely looking at you. He’s totally your type too. Tall, kinda big, got these kinda cat like eyes, slut glasses…”
“Slut glasses?” You turn around not so subtly, the drinks definitely taking a toll on your movements. You make quick eye contact with a man far too handsome for your drunk brain to process before he breaks the eye contact nervously acting as if he was just scoping out the bar. His friends laugh, confirming you had just caught him staring. You turn back to Lorraine, your drunken glow heating with the blush forming from your flustered thoughts. He was very much your type, in fact almost to the t. “Raine, there’s no way I could talk to him holy shit.” You babble bashfully as she laughs before you’re cut off by a song you both love. Both your eyes go wide before you’re practically dragging each other out onto the floor again getting lost in the sea of people.
At some point you guys had made it upstairs to the bathroom, taking a break from the crowd as the drinks buzzed through your bodies. You took your ritualistic mirror selfie together, taking a last quick hit of your vapes before deciding to head out and dance for a while longer before heading out. You try to forget the eye contact you made with the handsome stranger, but the intensity of his eyes is burned into your skull. He seemed so mysterious and intimidating, his looks making him seem almost unapproachable. Looking around now it seems like neither he or his friends are still here, not like you would have the courage to talk to him even with the drunks buzzing through your mind.
After some dancing, laughs, and odd people trying to make conversation you and Lorraine were obviously not interested in, you pull out your phone to check the time. It’s almost 1, you should probably start drinking some water and pee so you’re feeling well enough to drive by the time the bar closes at 3. “Let’s go back upstairs, I gotta pee so I can drive soon.” You inform Lorraine tugging lightly on her arm. She nods following you happily, both of you had a great time so far tonight, a successful birthday celebration.
“You should have talked to slut glasses.” Lorraine sighs as she fixes a bit of smudged lipstick in the mirror while you break your seal.
“Okay, yes he was hot, but I’m here with you for Your Birthday. Also I drove, so no way I’m ditching you for a guy I’d probably make a fool out of myself in front of.” You defend yourself as more clarity slowly rushes to you as the alcohol leaves your body.
“I bet he would think anything you do is cute, he could not keep his eyes off of you.” She countered switching spots with you as you washed your hands.
“Well, too bad we’ll probably never see him again.” You state drying your hands and leaning in to fix some of your smudged makeup as well. Lorraine shrugs and you feel around your pockets to find your vape to hit it before leaving the bathroom again, but something is off. Your eyes scan the bathroom trying piece together what’s off.
“What’s wrong? Why are you looking around like that?” Lorraine asks as she notices panic start to shine through your eyes.
“Raine…” You pause slapping your pockets and searching the bathroom frantically, how could you be so stupid? “Raine I lost my fucking keys.”
“What? Your keys?” She asks shocked. You aren’t the type to lose your shit. You’ve always been responsible with your driving duties and making sure everyone was safe, so it was hard to believe you lost your keys. Not to mention how hard it is to loose your keys adorned with many obnoxious keychains.
“Raine for real, I don’t have my keys. I must have dropped them somewhere we gotta go look.” You say trying your best to stay calm, but you’ve never felt yourself sober up so fast.
Lorraine was immediately on the same page finishing washing her hands quickly before you both bust out of the bathroom to start your search mission. You asked the bartender, the bouncer, security, any random person you passed by and no one had seemed to find your keys. Panic was setting in as you even desperately shined your phone’s flashlight into the trash cans thinking maybe you had thrown them away. At this point even a few kind strangers were helping you basically tear this bar apart to find your keys, but as time ticked on it was time to close and you still hadn’t found your keys.
Dejected and definitely sober now that you had run around for two hours searching, you leave your phone number with the bartender incase they find anything and head outside into the brisk air. “Well this fucking sucks. I’m sorry Raine, I’m never this messy, I didn’t mean to kill the mood at the end of the night.” You apologize, coming to terms with the fact that you guys will have to uber home and you’ve wasted the last two hours of your night on a wild goose chase.
“Hey it’s okay, I had fun. Shit happens we’ll figure this out.” She comforts you as you stand at the crosswalk waiting for the light to change before deciding to just jaywalk, the streets were empty anyways.
“I know, but I still feel stupid, I’ve never had something like this happen.” You sigh as you guys walk back to where you were parked. You agreed you might as well go check to see if your car or anything inside of it had been stolen with your missing keys.
“Well luckily your car and our stuff is still here. We just gotta call an uber and figure out how to get your car later.” Lorraine reassures you.
“You’re right. I have a spare somewhere at home, I’ll have to dig around and hope my car doesn’t get stolen before I get back.” You sigh defeated as you approach your car and lean on the hood wallowing in self pity for a moment before you download the uber app back onto your phone. As you lie there for a moment, you notice something tucked under your windshield wipers. “Raine what’s that?” You ask standing up now inspecting it.
“A bag?” Lorraine looks around to spot if anyone else is around. Random objects on cars being common to get women to stop before getting in their car so they can be grabbed and trafficked. You’ve been here for a while now though and the streets are basically empty, the thumping of music in clubs open later down the street the only sound floating through the air. Safe to say you weren’t getting trafficked.
You nervously reached out and took the black plastic bag from under your wipers and give Lorraine an incredulous look. “There’s no fucking way my keys are in this bag.”
“What? For real?” She steps closer as you reach your hand in and pull out your obnoxiously keychain adorned keys. “How?”
Possibilities of what could have happened bounce around your brain, but none of it seems to make sense. “I guess someone in the bar found my keys and walked two blocks this way to find my car and not steal anything? God I’m so fucking lucky right now, how the fuck?” Your brain couldn’t even comprehend why someone would even do that for a stranger. As you walk around to open your door you notice a tiny scrap of paper wedged into the space between the glass of your window and the door. “They left a note too?” You announce as both of you settle into the car now.
“What does it say?” Lorraine leans closer as you both look down at the small note. All it had was an arrow pointing to the front of your car and the word keys next to what looked to be somebody’s phone number. “They left their phone number? What if it was that cute guy from the bar?”
Your heart speeds up at the thought of the number possibly belonging to him. “There were so many people there tonight, it could be anyone.” You brush off the idea as you pocket the scrap of paper and start the car. “I miss my bed and my cat lets go home.”
Lorraine giggles noticing your flustered state but agrees. The clock was reaching closer to 4 am and you didn’t want to fall asleep behind the wheel. The whole ordeal sobered you both up quickly and the energy of the night was fading as Lorraine dozed between songs on the ride home. When you got home you made her promise to text you when she was home safe, exchanging a hug and love you’s before going inside to get ready for bed.
As you washed off your makeup for the night and changed into an old shirt to sleep in you remembered the number stuffed in your jean pocket. You grabbed it observing it for a second while you waited for the text from your friend to know she was home safe and decided to send out a quick thank you. Typing the number into your phone and saving it under “Key Savior 🙏” to make sure you remembered who it was if they ever texted back.
Y/N: Hi, uh thanks for finding my keys and my car tonight… I’m glad it was you and not someone who wanted to steal my car lol
You cringed after sending the text, realizing just how awkward you sounded but were quickly distracted when a new text came in from Lorraine.
Wifey 😈💕: Made it home safe 💕 Sleep well 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 oooh and update me on the mystery key person
Y/N: Yaaay! Glad you made it home. I texted a thank you but I doubt I’ll get a reply since it’s like almost 5 am at this point. I’m about to pass out love you 💕
You responded feeling much more secure in going to bed now knowing your friend was safe. You put your phone on the charger, happy you had absolutely nothing to do tomorrow meaning you could sleep well into the afternoon. With the last of your energy depleting quickly you shut your eyes, your brain recalling your messy night before sending you into deep sleep.
You woke up with a warm furry mass tucked into your arms and your body begging for water, but you couldn’t be bothered as you pulled Kitty closer listening to her purrs as she realized you had finally woken up. After a few minutes of cuddling she wiggled out of your arms stretching and running off to cause havoc somewhere in the house. You groaned reaching for the water on your bedside table, thanking your past self for remembering as you chugged it down like a horse. Reaching for your phone you squinted at the screen, the time reading 2:15 PM. You sighed scrolling through the notifications on your phone, texts in the work group chat, texts from Lorraine shit talking whoever was causing shit in said group chat, missed spam calls, and a text from “Key Savior 🙏” that came in almost 4 hours ago. You clicked on the notification quickly, curious to see what they could have said.
Key Savior 🙏: Hey! Happy to hear you got your keys back, I tried to find you in the bar after you lost them but you and your friend disappeared quick. I hope it wasn’t too hard to find them :)
You smile at the awkward reply, you didn’t really know if you were supposed to respond after that. Maybe they just wanted to know you got your keys and that was all. Something drew you to responding anyways, curious as to what kind of person would go two blocks away to find your car and not steal a single thing.
Y/N: I mean, it was just two hours of panicking and searching the bar before we actually went out to my car, but I got a happier ending than most people who lose their keys in a bar. You know you could have left my keys with the bartender and saved me a heart attack right? :p
You got up to get yourself more water and some breakfast for you and Kitty after replying, shocked to see that it didn’t take too long for them to reply back.
Key Savior🙏: Honestly, I wasn’t the most sober myself and after I couldn’t find you my next best option was to go find your car in my brain. Like you said I could have just driven away with your car, at least have a little gratitude 🤨
You giggled at your phone as you sipped on some tea, starting to see some of this person’s personality come out with this text.
Y/N: My bad oh mighty Key Savior! How might I ever be able to repay you for your glorious good samaritan deeds!
Key Savior🙏: Maybe I should have just taken the car…
Y/N: Too late for that now. I am curious if two things though…
Key Savior🙏: What’s that?
Y/N: One, why didn’t you steal our shit? Two, why did you leave your number?
Key Savior🙏: I didn’t really want to steal your car in the first place?? I was trying to find you, like I said earlier, but you disappeared. I left my number because I wanted to talk to you, simple really.
Your eyebrows raise slightly at that last text, they wanted to talk to me?
Y/N: Wait, why did you want to talk to me?
Key Savior🙏: I had to know what kind of person you were to lose keys that obnoxious and jangly.
Y/N: Hey! I love my keychains :(
Key Savior🙏: I’m kidding! Honestly… I was kind of watching you a for a while last night and I think you’re really beautiful. I couldn’t bring myself to approach you and interrupt you and your friend… or girlfriend?? No judgement idk you seemed pretty close…
You laughed at the end of that last message, but started racking your brain to remember anyone who had been watching you last night. Then it hits you, the cute guy in slut glasses? There’s no way.. right?
Key Savior🙏: excuse me?
Y/N: I mean, sorry uh. No we’re not dating that’s my best friend Raine, we were celebrating her birthday… Who are you did we ever like interact? I was… pretty fucked up last night sorry..
Key Savior🙏: Lol no need to apologize.. Uh we didn’t really interact, but I think you caught me staring at the bar..
Your heart froze, it had to be him, he’s the only person you remember making distinct brief eye contact with. Lorraine was going to love this development when you told her. Another text came in.
Key Savior🙏: Would you maybe want to like, video call or something? I want to keep talking to you, but I promised I’d play some games with some of my friends in a few…
You rushed to the mirror and winced seeing your makeup you half ass washed off last night smearing on your face. You took a makeup wipe and tried to make yourself look more presentable, but there was no way you were gonna be able to get a full face back on before he wanted to call. Were you actually going to call? This isn’t something you’d normally allow, your social anxiety ruling over you on most occasions. There was just something about this guy that made you want to talk more, so you grabbed your phone to type out your next reply as you freshened up.
Y/N: Like video games?? Will you stream it to me so I can watch?
Key Savior🙏: I could do that! Uh do you.. have a discord account?
Y/N: Discord.. so you’re that kinda guy 🤨
You giggle as you try not to choke on your toothpaste.
Key Savior🙏: Where else am I supposed to stream video games and video chat at the same time?
Y/N: Fair.. as long as you aren’t playing league of legends you’re safe
Key Savior🙏: …maybe I can stream to you another time?
Y/N: I’ll be the judge of that..
You smile as you send him your discord tag, quickly seeing a new friend request pop up in your notifications that you accept. Not long after you see a private call ringing from him. You take a deep breath and brace yourself, hoping you could fake a little confidence and not make this too awkward before accepting the call. His profile picture of some video game character taking up your screen as the call connects.
“Hello?” A deep voice startles you as it carries from your phones speakers to your ears.
“H-hi. Uh.. I still don’t know your name, sorry.” You could smack yourself with how awkward you already sounded.
The mystery man chuckled and you heard a few clicks as he set up his stream for you. “It’s Wonwoo. What about you?”
“Ah I’m Y/N. Nice to finally put a name to my Key Savior.” You joke cringing at your awkwardness.
The deep laugh shakes you again. “Is that what you’ve been calling me? What else did you call me? Slut glasses?”
“Well, I actually still don’t know if that’s you. I could be placing you with some other dudes face from the bar.” You quickly defend yourself.
“Should we turn on our cameras then Y/N? I’d be happy to see your pretty face again.” He says smoothly.
“Damn, you sure are confident for someone who couldn’t approach me last night.” You tease trying to sound more confident yourself.
“I was trying to be respectful! Turn on your camera, I wanted to talk to you not your Miku profile picture.” He defends himself.
“Fine.” You sigh taking another breath to steel your nerves before pressing the camera button on.
“Wow, you’re prettier than I remember, I don’t know if I’ll be able to focus on the game.” He flirts and you try to hold back the butterflies that swirl in your stomach and formulate a reply.
“Shut up, turn your camera on or I’m turning it back off this is awkward.” You whine failing to hide your desperation to confirm it is who you think it is.
“Fine fine, I’m turning it on.” He replies as his video loads on your screen.
Finally confirming his identity, you gasp. “You are slut glasses!” You spit out smacking your hand over your mouth embarrassed you said that out loud.
He laughs again glancing at you whenever he had the chance to take his eyes off the game to watch as your blush grew reaching up to your ears. “Are these slut glasses? Honestly, I’m just really blind without them. You’re really cute when you blush by the way.” He grins as he watches you squirm from the compliment he tagged onto the end of his reply so nonchalantly.
“Ah focus on your game, you’re getting your ass handed to you right now!” You quickly brush off his comment trying to ignore the way your heart beat just a bit faster.
Wonwoo laughs and focuses more on the screen, not seeming too stressed about his situation. “I’m not that concerned about winning, my friend is just trying to level up.” He barely evaded a hit from the other team and recalls back to the base to heal and grab more items.
“He’d level up faster if you guys win wouldn’t he?” You question, conversation coming easier now that the topic was changed.
“Sure, but where’s the fun if I do all the work for him? What’s in it for me?” He grins looking over to a corner of the screen you’re sure your camera feed is sitting in now.
“You’re cruel!” You smile knowing you’d probably do the same in his position. “You’re not gonna impress me if you don’t win though.” You shoot, surprised at your sudden boost of confidence.
“Oh is that how it is? Thought you didn’t like League gamers?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Well, I’m sitting here watching you, might as well make it interesting and win.” You snap back holding your ground, but you could feel your heart hammering in your chest with anxiety.
“I see… Well I could easily win, but you’ve gotta do something for me if I do.” He states confidently, recalling back to their base and changing his build strategy.
“What would that be?” You ask chewing on your lip to quell the nerves running through you.
“Go on a date with me.” He says simply turning to face the camera more directly watching your face as you process his request. For a moment you were quiet as your brain turned his request over and over in your head, feeling the heat creep up your face. “I mean, if you want to that is..”
“No! I mean!” You smack your face down into your pillows and let out an exasperated sigh. Pull yourself together! “It’s a deal, but it looks like your chances at winning are pretty low now that you’re getting into late game.” You answer after finding your composure.
He chuckles and shifts to pay attention to the game, a newfound look of confidence washing over him made the butterflies become more aggressive in your stomach. “Are you free tomorrow?” He asks calmly as he throws his character into the brute of the fight with the other team, instantly taking out two of them and badly damaging the rest of them.
“Um, yeah I should be.” You answer the anticipation building as he takes out the rest of the team even at lower health before getting healed. “Okay maybe you’re a little too good at this game.”
He smiles, your comment adding fuel to his fire as he rushes the teams base, working in taking out their final turrets. “Only when I want to be. Does afternoon sound okay, like maybe 1 or 2?”
“F-for the date? Is that not too early?” You ask, worried how you’d even survive spending that much time around someone so attractive.
“I have plans and want to spend some time with you. I can always take you home if you want to leave too, I won’t be upset.” He shrugs taking out the last turret as his team immediately attacks the nexus. He turns his attention to you once he’s sure his win is secured, the victory screen flashing across the stream.
“Okay, fine. I mean you won fair and square. Am I allowed to know what these plans are?” You question, already stressing about what to wear.
“Nope, it’s nothing fancy though don’t worry and dress comfortably.” He answers as if he was reading every worried thought that passed through your brain.
You nod gulping down the nerves that continued to creep into your thoughts. “Okay, but I should probably get some stuff done today then. You should ready up for your next game your friends are complaining in chat.” You smile giggling nervously.
He looks a little upset when he hears you’re gonna go but nods and quickly replaces it with a smile. “Sure, I’ll text you though?”
You nod again as your thumb anxiously hovers over the end call button. “For sure, I’ll talk to you soon.”
He grins seemingly pleased with your reaction and leans back in his chair. “Okay, I’ll talk to you soon then Y/N.”
The call ends after your quick goodbyes and you suck in a deep breath before screaming into your pillows. You scramble for your phone quickly dialing Lorraine, she’ll know what to do.
“Good morning sleeping beauty! How’s the hangover?” She answers after a few rings.
“Raine you need to come over right fucking now or I am going to rip my floorboards up.” You rush out already running to your closet to plan an outfit.
“Woah, what happened? Did you not just wake up?” She laughs at your dramatic tone.
“I have a date with slut glasses tomorrow! Come help me before I throw myself off a cliff!” You yell tearing through your closet.
“Oh my god, you’re in a crisis. I’m on my way, but you need to tell me EVERYTHING!” She says shuffling on her end indicating her preparation to leave.
“Of course I will, please just hurry!” You whine squealing as a new text slides down over your ongoing call.
Key Savior🙏: So where should I pick you up tomorrow? :)
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hldailyupdate · 2 years
I’m the oldest sibling, so there’s always been an element of responsibility. It was a big family, we’d have friends over, we were always on top of each other. It was dead loud in our house.
I worked at Doncaster Rovers as the guy you bought the pies off. We had a little scheme. If the pie fell on the floor, even foil side up, it couldn’t be sold. I didn’t have a lot of money at the time, so a lot went overboard, because the pies were banging.
I was the singer in my school band – the Rogue – for two years. We covered Green Day, blink-182, Oasis. I loved performing – even in front of 100 people from my year group – but they formed another band behind my back because the guitarist wanted to be the singer. I’ve had the last laugh.
What does Simon Cowell smell like? The same as me – cigarettes.
It’s so important, mentally, to have breaks from my abnormality, even if that means putting my business head on for 10 minutes.
I’m not the kind of guy who puts my awards up all over his house, but I do give them the credit they deserve. They’re pretty much centre stage in a cabinet.
Who is more likely to get back together: Oasis or One Direction? I’d love to see Oasis, but I’m going to say us fellas.
The weirdest thing I’ve had to sign? A fan’s boobs.
I’ve no idea how many tattoos I’ve got, 30 or more. Two or three are good, the rest are pretty mad. I’ve got them on my arms, feet and one I’m not proud of – a penguin – on my arse. It’s the least sexy thing in world.
My worst fear used to be getting older, but I’m in my 30s now, so I suppose I’m here. Will I still be doing this when I’m 50? I hope so.
I have an incredible skill to sleep on any flight. Whatever time, however long, it doesn’t matter, I will sleep 90%. I think my body is just starved of sleep. I do have to kind of constantly be reminded of what time zone we’re in, where we are. Your head’s a little pickled – you’re detached from the real world. It’s cool to a degree.
I’ve not been on a night out in Doncaster for years. It’s a combination of being too busy and the fact there’s always a chancer who wants to give you a slap. I don’t want to get my head kicked in.
I’m low-maintenance. I don’t have any major diva requests. As long as I’ve got coffee and cigarettes, I’m sound.
I live a pretty happy life. I’m lucky like that. I don’t cry often, but I’m not afraid to.
The worst thing about fame is the judgment, but I get it. I used to be a judgmental little fucker as well.
Louis Tomlinson’s new album, Faith in the Future, is out now
-The Guardian on Louis. (19 November 2022)
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astra90x · 2 years
Flufftober Day 5 - “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Pairing: Sebastian x Reader
Word Count: 1351
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
This is one chapter of an entire linear story! It can be read separately but is better when read as a whole. Enjoy!
You have no idea how a peaceful place like Pelican Town could have such dangerous mines just on the edge of the community. 
You’ve only been in there for three hours, and yet you can already feel yourself on the verge of passing out. This isn’t your first time in the mines, but the deeper you go, the darker and more dangerous they get. You don’t want to give up so early in the day (it’s only 9:30, after all), but you fear that staying any longer might just knock you out. 
Still, it wasn’t a completely pointless trip. Looking into the backpack you have slung around your shoulders reveals a bounty of gems and useful metals that will certainly come in handy. 
One thing, in particular, does stand out to you, though. An icy blue gem in the shape of a teardrop. It’s freezing to the touch, way colder than any of the other minerals in your bag, and it has this mesmerizing aura to it. 
For some reason, it reminds you of Sebastian. 
Maybe he would like something like this, you think to yourself as you step into the mine’s elevator and feel it start to ascend. Would it be weird to give him a gift at this stage in our relationship? I don’t even know if we’re friends, it does feel a little weird. 
Still, you don’t have a use for the gem yourself, and something tells you that Sebastian is going to really like it. Might as well give it to someone who may appreciate it. 
The elevator shudders as it stops at the entrance to the mines, so you carefully step out and exit the cave into the lovely Summer weather. The heat of the sun feels nice on your skin after being in those dingy caverns, and you take a second to pause and just breathe in the nice, fresh air. It’s hard to argue that Summer is one of the nicer seasons. 
Making your way down the mountain path, it only takes a few short minutes before you’re at Robin’s. When you let yourself in through the front door, she immediately greets you with a, “Hey, farmer!”
“Good morning, Robin,” you reply politely. After everything Robin has done for you, you have taken quite a liking to her. She has to be one of your favourite residents of Pelican Town (even if her husband can be a little… well, let’s just say that it’s obvious he has his favourite people).
“What can I do for you this morning?” Robin asks. “I’m free as a bird for the next week if you’ll need something built. Plus, I’ve honestly been aching to use my construction muscles again.” She stretches her arms out in front of her, cracking her knuckles with a broad grin. You almost feel bad that you didn’t come here to request anything of Robin. 
“Actually, I’m just here for Sebastian, is he home?” 
Robin’s grin doesn’t waver, but she rolls her eyes playfully as she says, “He’s always home. You’re welcome to head down to his room, it’s in the basement.” 
You nod, thank Robin, and turn to head a little deeper into the house, where you quickly find a staircase and start to descend. Even a few stairs are pretty hard on your legs after your tough morning in the mines, but it’s nothing that a farmer can’t handle. It’s not like you aren’t used to hard work. 
You’re greeted with a door when you get to the bottom of the staircase, and not just wanting to barge in, you knock lightly and wait for an answer. Silence. You knock again, a little louder this time, and from within you hear a loud groan and then a groggy voice says, “Come in.”
You enter the room and gingerly peek your head around the corner, and the first thing you see is Sebastian, still buried under the covers of his bed. You check your watch, which reveals that it’s almost 10:00 at this point. How the hell is he still basically asleep???
Sebastian rolls over so that you can see his dark eyes peeking out from the space between his pillow and his blanket, and they squint before widening slightly at the sight of you. “You’re not my mother.”
“I’m afraid I’m not,” you reply. “But I did, um… well, I brought you something.”
Sebastian’s eyes fill with curiosity as he lifts himself up and props his arm underneath him so that he’s half sitting. You figure that’s as “out of bed” as you’re going to get him, so you take the invitation to come further into the room since it doesn’t look like he’ll be coming to you. 
When you get closer to Sebastian, you remove your backpack from around your shoulders and dig through it until your fingers make contact with that ice-cold gem from the mines. The sharp tip pricks your finger when you wrap your hand around it to pull it out. 
As soon as you’ve removed the gem from the bag and opened your hand to reveal it to Sebastian, his face morphs into something of absolute shock and wonderment. 
“It seemed like something you would enjoy,” you say, thrusting your hand forward a little further to prompt Sebastian into taking the gem. He hesitates, but reaches out and removes it from your grasp. A shiver runs down his body when he makes contact. 
“This is a frozen tear,” he says, turning the gem over in his hand to examine every inch of it. “They’re incredibly rare, where the hell did you find this?” 
“In the mines under the town. I was just there this morning, I found that stowed away in a crate somewhere.”
“You were in the mines this morning?” Sebastian’s voice is filled with something almost like disbelief. “It’s dangerous down there, how did you manage to go so early?”
“Coffee helps,” you admit. “Plus, I’m always up that early. It’s my job, y’know?” 
Sebastian chuckles. “Can’t say I know how you do it.” He looks down at his body, still wrapped in blankets, with an expression of shame. “Most mornings I don’t even know why I should bother getting out of bed.” 
“Well, there’s a whole world to see, isn’t there? I don’t see why I should waste time sleeping when I could be out, experiencing things.” You gesture to the frozen tear still clutched in Sebastian’s hand. “Plus, I wouldn’t have found that if I had decided to stay in bed.”
Sebastian’s eyes travel down to the gem, and a small smile forms on his lips. It’s one of the first times you’ve ever actually seen him smile, and you can’t say that it isn’t a beautiful sight. 
“Thank you,” he says finally after a minute of silence. “It was nice of you to think of me.”
“If it’s something I think you’d enjoy, I’d rather you have it than it just be sitting in a chest back at my house,” you answer, “so there’s no need to thank me. I was more than happy to give it to you.” 
Sebastian clutches the gem a little tighter in his hand, the smile still present on his face. You wish you could take a snapshot of this moment, seeing him so happy like this. It isn’t like he’s the most depressed or negative person in town, but it’s so rare that you see him genuinely happy, except for when you catch him at the saloon on Friday nights playing pool with Abby and Sam. But knowing that it’s you who made him smile, especially. That feels incredible. 
“I should probably get out of your hair,” you say, checking your watch to reveal that it’s already after 10:00. “I’m glad you enjoyed the gift.”
“Right, yeah, thanks again,” Sebastian says. “I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Okay.” You shoot Sebastian a grin, which he returns with a very slight upturn of his lips, and then you leave his room, feeling like nothing in the world could bring your mood down. 
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 17: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 5090
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Notes: This story was written for 2019’s CSSS. (Is it just me, or does 2019 feel like it was about 85 years ago?) It should hopefully be obvious from the story itself, but this is a canon divergence from 3x20.  It’s been a minute, so a quick reminder of what was going on in our favorites’ lives at this point in the story: Zelena cursed Hook’s lips so that the next time he kissed Emma, she’d lose her magic.  She threatened to kill Emma’s family, starting with Henry, if Hook told Emma about the curse.  Hook then decided to send Henry to New York where he’d (hopefully) be safe, but before that could happen, Zelena’s monkeys attacked.  With the help of Emma and the Charmings, Hook was able to defeat the monkeys, but not before Zelena showed up, told everyone about the curse and promised to kill Henry.  Emma and the Charmings are furious at Hook for keeping the curse secret.  This story takes place in the following episode just after Hook and Emma head to the farmhouse to confront Zelena.  Divergences for this story: 1. Snow hasn’t yet gone into labor. 2. Zelena and Rumple aren’t waiting for CS at the farmhouse.  3. It’s Christmas Eve. 4. Blizzard.
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
Emma stomped into the farmhouse, ripping off her thoroughly snow-covered beanie and scarf and tossing them to the floor.  Of course she was trapped in the freaking Wicked Witch of the West’s creepy farmhouse–with Hook–on Christmas Eve–because of course she was!  That’s the way her life worked anymore.  Why’d she ever let Hook talk her into taking that memory potion in New York?  Her life was good there.  No monsters.  No over-the-top fairy tale villains.  No magic.  Just her and her son living their lives and being a normal family.
Granted, none of it had been real, she’d almost gotten engaged to a flying monkey and a part of her, even during the best moments in New York, felt like there was something missing, but that was beside the point!  She and Henry had been happy.  Was it really such a terrible thing to want to be happy?
Why the hell did Hook have to show up and destroy it all?
“We’re in luck, love,” the man himself called out cheerfully as he stepped inside and then, with some difficulty, closed the door against the bitter, howling wind.  “Zelena may be wicked, but at least she’s practical.  She left a nice, neat pile of firewood on the far side of the house.  Perhaps being stuck in a blizzard is’t the ideal way to spend Christmas Eve, but at least we’ll be quite comfortable.”
She rounded on him, wanting nothing more to wipe the smile from his face with a swift right hook.  “Not ideal?  Not ideal?!  Hook, my son, my parents, my baby brother or sister and the whole town are in danger from a crazy witch who wants to go back in time and wipe out my entire family line.  I think we’re a long way past not ideal.”
The smile slid from Hook’s face.  “It was not my intention to be flippant, Swan, but we must deal with the situation at hand.  You will be of no use to your lad or the rest of the town if you freeze to death, and at least we have the means to prevent that.”
“But Henry–”
“Will be fine,” Hook reassured, striding across the room until he could place reassuring hand and hook on her shoulders.  “He’s with Regina, and even at the height of her villainy, she loved Henry.  Protecting him will be her number one priority.”
Loathe as she was to admit it, Hook was right.  After the whole debacle yesterday–the storybook bringing back Henry’s memories, Zelena showing up and exposing Hook’s whole kiss curse situation, Zelena promising to kill Henry, Henry and Regina breaking the curse with True Love’s Kiss, the revelation of how the curse was cast in the first place (she still couldn’t believe her mother had actually crushed her father’s heart to cast it!)–Regina’s first act was to place a number of complex protection spells over Henry and every location he frequented.  Henry would likely suffer no lasting damage.
But Emma hadn’t wanted to take any chances. With Regina protecting Henry, and with Emma’s brother or sister still showing no signs of coming out to greet the world, Emma decided she was done playing defense. It was high time she take the fight to the Wicked Witch.  It was time to end this.  So armed with her magic and her faithful pirate, Emma had stormed out in the direction of Zelena’s farmhouse.
Stormed, it seemed, being the key word.  It began snowing just before she and Hook left her parent’s loft, and by the time they reached Zelena’s place, they were dealing with a full on blizzard.
Really, being home was the least Zelena could do given the fact Emma was giving up Christmas Eve with her son to kick her ass, but no.  She couldn’t even give them that.  There was no telling where Zelena and her Dark One puppet had gone, but it was clear they were not at home.
Emma hoped the witch froze solid in the blizzard.
Killian busied himself arranging the logs in the fireplace and then tried–without success–to start a blaze with the lighter he’d found lying upon the mantle.  Emma watched him struggle for a while, before growling, pushing him aside and calling on her reserves of anger and frustration to produce a fireball that soon had the fire blazing merrily.
“Bloody brilliant, love,” Killian murmured in obvious awe.  Despite herself, Emma felt her confidence soar in the wake of Hook’s constant, never-wavering faith in her.  
“You know Swan, it could be worse,” Hook said with a wicked grin.  “At least you’re trapped with a dashing rapscallion like meself.  There are any number of ways we could find to amuse ourselves that I can promise would be very enjoyable for both of us.”
When he waggled his eyebrows in that ridiculously over-the-top way of his, she lost it.
“Are you freaking kidding me right now?” she nearly shouted.  “We’re stuck here, my family’s in danger, a psycho witch and her equally psycho Dark One sidekick are still on the loose and all you can do is flirt!”
Growling, she turned to the fireplace, and tossed another fireball at the kindled wood for good measure, furious beyond belief at Hook, at Zelena, at the situation and, if she was being totally honest, at herself for the secret thrill that went through her every time he made outrageous or suggestive comments to her while giving her that look.  There was nothing between them!  There never would be.  She wouldn’t let it.
The farmhouse was silent for several moments, save for the crackling of the fire, and Emma eventually turned back toward Hook.  The look he gave her was a little too knowing, a little too understanding.  When he’d come for her in New York, he’d told her he knew her better than she knew herself, and though she hated to admit it, it was true.  It was a little unnerving how very well he understood her.
“Swan, what is this really about?” he asked simply.  
Emma growled.  “What do you mean, ‘What’s this really about?’  Did you forget about a certain green bitch with an insane grudge against her sister?”
“Of course not,” Hook said patiently, “but despite being snowed in, we are in no worse straights than we were yesterday.  You heard it yourself from your mother when you used your talking phone to let her know of our whereabouts.  Your family is fine, and Zelena hasn’t been seen since our confrontation in the boat house.  I reiterate.  What’s this really about?”
Emma glared at him for a long moment, before she finally sighed and dropped rather dramatically onto one of the ornate armchairs before the fire.  “It’s just…it’s just Christmas is Henry’s favorite time of year.  That kid loves Christmas.  Every year back in New York–and then in Boston before that–Christmas Eve was special.  We made a tradition out of it.  We’d sit before the tree drinking cocoa, reading ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’, singing our favorite carols.  Sometimes he even managed to talk me into letting him open a present or two.  It was the one night I never, under any circumstances, accepted a case or worked on one I had ongoing.  Christmas was for us.”
Emma felt the tears threatening at the back of her throat and she swallowed roughly, doing everything she knew to keep them from spilling over.  “And now, here I am on Christmas Eve, separated from him.  The kid’s going to be crushed.”
“Love,” Hook said gently, “the lad has a kind heart and a good head on his shoulders.  He understands the circumstances are beyond your control.  He knows how much spending this night together means to you, and he knows you’d never willingly miss spending it with him.”
“You know what the worst part of it is?” Emma asked bitterly. “The worst part of it is, as you’ve pointed out to me multiple times, none of it was real.  It didn’t happen.  It was nothing but the pleasant fake memories Regina gave us.”
Killian took ahold of her hand, and in a move that shocked even her, she let him.  “This past year, the lost year, was real.  Trust me love, Henry understands why you weren’t with him during the first ten years of his life.  He knows you didn’t abandon him.  He knows you did what you had to do to give him a good life.”
“Maybe,” Emma said, a lone tear breaking free and flowing down her cheek despite herself.
“Definitely,” Killian said with conviction
The lights flickered once and then went off completely, pitching the farmhouse into darkness, save for the flickering light from the fire.  Despite it being merely late-afternoon, the storm outside seems to have eclipsed the sun entirely.
“Fabulous,” Emma said with a groan.  “As if being stuck in a witch’s farmhouse on Christmas Eve wasn’t bad enough, now we’ll probably freeze to death without the heat.”
“I rather doubt that, Darling” Hook said with a flirtatious quirk of his eyebrow.  He slid his tongue along his bottom lip in a way that had Emma’s pulse racing, before invading her space and whispering the last bit.  “I’m sure we can come up with a way to keep warm.”
Emma leaned into him, actually leaned into him for a moment, before shaking herself out of it and taking a deliberate step back.
“Stop, Hook, just…stop!” she said through gritted teeth.  “This whole thing is your fault!  All of it!  We were happy  in New York, and you had to barge in and destroy it for us.  Then we get back here, and you manage to get yourself cursed–joke’s on Zelena by the way.  If she was smart, she’d have chosen to enchant the lips of someone I’d actually kiss.  Then you decide to take matters into your own hand instead of telling me about the threat to my son.  Hell, this is probably part of the plan too, isn’t it?  Get me alone, stranded in a blizzard and then try to seduce me.”
She’d hurt him.  She saw that clearly in his face for the space of two heartbeats, and then that hurt coalesced into anger.  “Despite what you may think of me, Swan, I’ve not yet developed an ability to control the weather.
Without another word, he stomped to the door.
“Where are you going?” she yelled after him, fire still flashing in her eyes.
“To gather more firewood,” he answered, voice hard.
And with a fierce slam of the door, he was gone.
For long moments after the door slammed after Hook, Emma continued to seethe.  Why was her life the way it was?  Why couldn’t she just be normal?  Why couldn’t she go back to her pleasant, comfortable life in New York with her son?  When she told people she was going back after this whole Zelena situation was over, why did they all look at her like she had just stated her plan to kick puppies?  This was her life, and she could live it as she pleased!  It was her prerogative to do what she felt was necessary to protect her son.  Where did Hook get off trying to convince her to stay with her family–and with him?
It’s not like she’d never see her loved ones again.  They’d still visit, and her family was welcome to come visit them.  But she was done.  She was done being the “savior”, done going after psychotic fairy tale villains, done being everything to everybody.  And most especially, she was done dealing with a pirate who made her heart race in a way she couldn’t control.
She’d done the whole “falling in love” thing before, and she had no intention of doing it again.
But as the minutes continued ticking past, Emma’s anger began to fade, and concern took its place.  Hook had been gone a long time; way too long to just gather up firewood.  What if….what if she’d finally driven him away?  What if he’d actually left her this time?  
A sick feeling took up residence in the pit of her stomach at the thought.  She wanted to tell herself she didn’t care; that she was glad he had finally stopped pestering her, but she couldn’t lie to herself anymore.  Hook had become much more than an ally to the heroes’ cause.  He’d become a friend, quite possibly the best friend she had.  He was her confidant, her support.  His endless faith in her gave her confidence when she no longer had faith in herself.  And the fact that he was so drop dead gorgeous and romantic that her insides turned to mush whenever he looked at her couldn’t be denied, at least not in the deep recesses of her heart where the truth resided.
Truth was, he’d been everything she needed during this whole stupid Wicked Witch business.  Despite what she might have said to him, she knew he pushed her not to further his own romantic interests but because he genuinely wanted her to find happiness.
And what did she do?  Time and time again, she pushed him away.  Time and time again she reforged the wall around her heart, trying to drive him away with cruel, cutting words.
Had she actually succeeded this time?  Was he ready to give up on her like everyone else had?  Gods, how was she going to handle it if he had?  Through everything, he’d been a constant in her life.  Why did she always do this?  Why did she always push away the people in her life that meant the most?
A small kernel of hope still lived inside her, reassuring her that he’d never abandoned her before, he wasn’t going to start now.
But that thought brought with it an entirely new concern.  What if something happened to him?  What if he was lost, freezing to death in the blizzard?  What if Zelena was lying in wait for him?  What if…?
As the minutes continued to pass, increasingly more fantastical worries about what may have happened to him took up residence in her mind until Emma feared she’d go crazy with the worry.  She was just on the point of going after him, when suddenly the door swung open, the furious blizzard winds blowing in both Killian and a fair amount of snow.
Without a word, Killian deposited an arm full of firewood beside the fire and then stepped outside to grab one more thing, before firmly closing the door again and shaking his head and shoulders like a wet dog.
The relief that suddenly flooded Emma was so strong that she couldn’t help herself.  She threw herself in his arms and buried her nose in his icy cold neck.  He was here; he’d come back to her.  He was okay.
For a moment, Killian stood still, but then his hooked arm came around her, and he hugged her to himself as tightly as she clung to him.  “Swan?” he asked.
Emma stepped back, wiping at her suddenly damp eyes.  “I’m sorry, okay?” she said, voice wavering with the emotion still at the back of his throat.  “I thought you’d left, and I get it.  The stuff I said to you–it was over the line and I’m sorry.”
Killian took a quick step back, unmistakable hurt back in his eyes.  “You thought I’d left?  Emma, haven’t I proven to you by now that I’d never leave you?”
“I know!” she was quick to reassure.  “It was stupid okay?  I just–I don’t know; I got scared, and when I get scared–” she shrugged.  “Wounds from the past tend to linger.”
His face softened.  “Well they needn’t with me,” he said gently. “I’m not so easily driven away.”
She smiled at him, a small, tenuous thing, but then the item in his hand caught her eye.  “Is that a pine tree?”
Killian smiled again.  “It’s not much, I’m afraid, but it was the best I could find in this tempest.”
“You got us a Christmas tree?”
Killian suddenly turned away, scratching at the back of his ear.  “I thought about what you said, Swan, about the traditions you are missing with your lad today.  I know it’s not the same as spending the day with him, but I thought–” he shrugged self-consciously, “I thought perhaps it would make your holiday marginally less bleak if we recreated some of your favorite traditions ourselves.”
For the second time that evening, Emma threw her arms around Killian.  “That’s one of the most thoughtful things anyone’s ever done for me.”
“I aim to please.”
Two hours later, Emma and Killian sat with each other before the fire, steaming mugs of instant hot cocoa in hand.  Emma smiled, looking over at the tree that they’d managed to decorate with bits and baubles they’d found scavenging through Zelena’s house (and leaving quite a mess in their wake, which felt rather satisfying).  Phase one of “Operation Christmas Cheer”, as Emma decided to call it in honor of Henry, complete, they’d turned their pillaging to the kitchen, managing to put together a haphazard meal of bread and cheese that Killian had toasted over the fire.  It was Emma who found the box of instant cocoa mix in Zelena’s cupboard, and, resourceful as always, Killian had heated it over the fire in a small saucepan.
Meal prepared, they’d raided every bedroom and closet, bringing all the pillows, blankets, comforters and afghans they could find and arranging a nest for themselves before the fire.
“I’m afraid we’ll need to bed down for the night here before the fire, Swan,” Killian said, once again scratching at his neck.  “With the storm still raging fiercely, we’d freeze in any of the bedrooms.”
Truth be told, Emma thought, as she bit into her grilled cheese sandwich, though she missed being with Henry, this Christmas Eve wasn’t turning out half bad.  
They ate in companionable silence, and when the last crumb had been consumed, Killian turned toward her with a smile.  “Are you ready for your story, Swan?”
“Story?” She asked.
“Of course,” he answered.  “That was an integral part of your Christmas Eve tradition, was it not?  Reading with your lad?”
Emma smiled.  “It was, but don’t worry about it.  It would be too much to ask that the Wicked Witch would keep any Christmas books around.”
“No matter,” Killian said, settling more comfortably onto his side of their blanket nest.  “I’ve no need of a book.”
“Oh really?” she grinned.  “How are you going to manage to read me a story with no book?”
“I’ve all I need up here, love,” he said, pointing to his head.  “Sit back and prepare to be transported into the holiday spirit.  ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…”
Emma’s jaw dropped.  “Wait, you know ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’?”
Killian gave her a mock offended look.  “I do read, Swan.  Quite extensively in fact.”
Emma smiled, laying upon her pillow and pulling a comforter up to cover her.  “Well, by all means, then, continue.”
As Killian’s voice droned on, reciting the story of a man awakened by the arrival of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve night, Emma felt her eyelids become heavy, and before she knew it, she was drifting off to sleep, not visions of sugar plums, but visions of a thoughtful pirate that she just might be starting to fall for, dancing in her head.
Christmas morning dawned clear and bright, the blizzard finally at an end.  Emma woke to bright sunshine streaming through the front window.  For a moment, she was disoriented, wondering where she was and how she’d gotten there, but then the previous day rushed back to her.  Going after Zelena, the blizzard, being trapped in the farmhouse, taking out her frustration on Hook, being afraid Hook had left her, being overjoyed when he returned, his thoughtful Christmassy gestures.
Still thinking of Hook, Emma gradually became aware that she was quite warm and comfortable–and that was all thanks to the man who was currently spooning her, his strong arms holding her close.  They’d gone to sleep with a respectable amount of space between them; how did they wind up in each other’s arms?
For a moment, Emma wanted to run.  This was too close, too intimate, too–much.
But the more Emma thought about it, the more she realized she didn’t want to run, not anymore, not from this man.  He’d been proving himself to her over and over again since Neverland.  In the past few weeks alone, he’d been her rock as all this Wicked Witch crap had been going down.  He’d found her in New York–somehow; she was still fuzzy on the details–restored her memories, brought her back to her family, contributed an excellent strategic mind to planning sessions, been one of the best listening ears she’d ever had.
And then the harder to swallow stuff.  In these early morning moments, she could admit to herself that though some of the things he said to her were uncomfortable, they were uncomfortable truths.  Walsh’s presence in her life proved that she couldn’t get away from the fairytale crap, not really.  The fact that Henry had his memories back meant she couldn’t take him back to New York, at least not without a hell of a fight–with him, with Regina, with her parents, with everyone. He’d spoken the truth to her about all of it, even at the risk of her turning on him completely.  It was the mark of someone who truly, genuinely cared.
And all the while, she’d treated him like something nasty she’d stepped in.  She’d pushed, and pushed and pushed, but he’d stayed by her side.  He’d been so patient with her, he really ought to qualify for sainthood.
It was Christmas, the time to be with the ones you loved.  The time to tell them what they truly meant to you.  
She turned over in his arms and ran a hand over his stubbly cheek.  Still caught up in sleep, he mumbled “Swan” on a fond sigh, before opening his eyes–and then jumping to his feet faster than any person she’d ever seen.
“Swan!” he said, face flaming.  “My apologies love.  Not that I didn’t enjoy waking up with you in my arms, but I had no intention of taking advantage.”
Emma smiled, rolling her eyes fondly.  “Sit back down, you Victorian drama queen.  You didn’t take advantage.  Somehow we just–ended up like that over night.  Besides; I kind of liked it.  You’re warm.”
Killian did as she asked, sitting cross legged beside her as she sat up to mirror him.  “Just warm, love?  I’ve it on good authority that I’m hot.”
Emma laughed, playfully swatting his arm.  “Do you ever run out of these cheesy lines?”
“Haven’t yet in my three hundred years of existence.”
They laughed together for a moment, but then Emma turned serious, remnants of her musings of the morning still very much in mind.  “Hook, I think we need to talk.”
The smile slid from his face.  “As stated in Neverland, love, I find when a woman says that, I’m rarely in for a pleasant conversation.”
“You might be surprised this time.”
“Aye?” he asked, brow raising in interest. 
“I just–” she started, not sure how to even go about untangling all of the thoughts twisted up in her head.  “I get it; I get why you didn’t tell me about the lips curse thing.  I get that you were trying to protect Henry the best way you were able in an impossible situation.  I’m sorry I jumped down your throat about it.”
“You were concerned for your lad,” Killian said.  “I quite understand being angry at finding someone was keeping something about his welfare from you.”
“It’s not that,” Emma said, “or at least not just that.  Hook, I trust you; I really do.  I know you wouldn’t deliberately hurt Henry.  It’s just–hearing what Zelena threatened and what she did to you, it just brought it home again that I’m not enough.  Even with the whole savior thing, I can’t do a damn thing to help my family.  Zelena knows if she takes my magic, I’m useless.”
Killian straightened, frowning ferociously down at her.  “I cannot abide that kind of talk about the woman I–well, the woman I care for, particularly when it is blatantly false.  Emma, you are enough.  You’re more than enough, and it’s because she knows it that Zelena is going after you.  She said something similar to me.  She told me that she wants me to take away your magic, the thing that makes you special, but she was wrong as well.  Your magic isn’t what makes you special.  There’s not a bit of you that isn’t extraordinary.  Swan your determination, your goodness in the face of a difficult childhood, your strength and courage.  All of it make you who you are.  All of it convinces me without a doubt that even without your magic, you could defeat Zelena.”
Emma felt like a ball of warmth surrounded her, suffused her at his words.  She loved him.  She’d never admitted it to herself before, but nonetheless it was true.  She loved him, and she was done hiding behind her walls.
And she was certainly done letting villains try to determine her love life.
“Killian, can I ask you a question?” she asked.
“Anything, love.”
“Back in New York, when you first came to my apartment.  That was True Love’s Kiss you tried, wasn’t it?”
There was the scratching at his neck again.  “Aye.  I knew it was a long shot, but I had to try.”
“So you…you love me?”
His eyes widened.  “Swan, if you haven’t realized that by now, I don’t know what to tell  you.”
“No I mean, you truly love me, like curse-breaking true love?”
“For my part, aye,” he said, looking directly in her eyes.  “There’s no doubt in my mind, but for True Love to break a curse, it must be reciprocated.  New York proved that it is not, as is your prerogative, of course.”
Emma was silent for a moment, gathering her courage.  Finally she met his eyes.  “True Love’s Kiss also doesn’t work when one party doesn’t remember the other.”
He stared at her incredulously for a long moment. “Are you saying you think we share True Love?” he began, apparently unable to finish the sentence.
Emma shrugged.  “I mean, I don’t know. How could I?  But–I’m willing to test it out.  Are you?”
He swallowed hard.  “Gods know how badly I wish to kiss you, Swan, but are you sure?  Your magic is part of who you are.  I cannot be the reason you lose it.”
“You won’t,” Emma said, scooting forward and invading his space.  “I think this will work, but even if it doesn’t I know that there’s nothing our family can’t accomplish.  With or without my magic, Greeny doesn’t stand a chance.  So what do you say?  Are you willing to take a leap of faith?”
In answer, Killian leaned forward covering her lips with his own.  Emma sighed into the kiss, everything about it felt right.  Come what may, she was not denying herself this pleasure again.
Emma had just tilted her head to deepen the kiss, when suddenly a shockwave burst forth from their joined lips and suffused the entire farmhouse.  She pulled away.  “Hook–was that–?”
His face a mask of awe, Killian answered.  “I think so.  Give it a try, my love.”
Emma concentrated her emotions, directing them toward the place within her where her magic had always been.  Continuing to focus, she waved her hand, and suddenly a fireball shot forth, reigniting the fire that had burnt down to mere embers.
“True Love,” she said in shock.  “It’s true love.”
“Aye that it is,” Killian said, moving toward her once again.  “The question is, what are we going to do about it?”
“Well, for starters, this,” Emma said, surging forward with enough vigor to knock him to the floor.  Emma took his mouth with the kind of wild abandon she’d never even imagined displaying.  He gave back as good as he got, his hand tangling in her hair and his hooked arm molding her to himself.  
Emma’s hand had just moved to unclasp his vest when suddenly the farmhouse door opened and Leroy burst through, walkie talkie in hand.  “Relax your majesties,” he said.  “I found ‘em.  They’re at the farmhouse sucking face like a couple horny teenagers.”
Emma sighed in frustration before getting to her feet and then offering Killian her hand.
“You know, Swan,” Killian said when he was back on his feet.  “I think someone needs to muzzle that dwarf.”
Emma giggled, as the sound of her father’s shocked “WHAT?!” on the other end of the walkie came through.
She shrugged.  “What can I say?  It wouldn’t be Christmas without a little family drama.”
“True enough, love.  Shall we adjourn to your parents’ loft and face the music together?”
“Absolutely,” Emma answered, taking his hand and lacing his fingers with hers.  “Together is how I see us doing a lot of things in the future.”
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Vocalist Tatiana Shmailyuk of Ukrainian modern metal frontrunners JINJER spoke to Radioactive MikeZ, host of the 96.7 KCAL-FM program "Wired In The Empire", about how she met her husband, former SUICIDE SILENCE and current P.O.D. touring drummer Alex Lopez. She said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I met him through Internet. Of course, he was a famous person in the heavy music industry. So I liked him. And then it kind of happened that they [SUICIDE SILENCE] invited us to be a support act for them in Bratislava, Slovakia back in 2017. So I was, like, 'Well, that's destiny.' We took a picture together after the show. And then we started chatting through Internet. It was not very consistent talk — once a month, once every three months, short [messages]. And then we were talking about us, JINJER, coming to the States, and at that time it seemed impossible to come here, because, oh my God. [Laughs] And a year after, in 2018 I think, we went to the United States supporting CRADLE OF FILTH. And he came to our show to say hi and stuff. And then here and there, that's how it happened. So I think I made it happen. [Laughs]"
When Radioactive MikeZ noted that she was the "aggressive one," Tatiana clarified: "Not aggressive, no. I just was more enthusiastic. You know what I mean. Sometimes women have to do the first step to get what we want. [Laughs]"
Tatiana also talked about what it was about Alex's appearance that first drew her to him. She said: "Yeah, I felt like he looks like me, but like a male version of me. We're both shorties, brown eyes, brown hairs. I love Mexican culture, and he's full-blown Mexican."
Asked how she likes living in Whittier, California, where she shares a home with Lopez, Tatiana said: "Well, I like it because it's in the middle of everything — 30 minutes to downtown L.A., 30 minutes to Laguna Beach, 30 minutes to another beach to another beach and another beach, and then an hour to Big Bear mountains. So it's the perfect location. But I don't go out much because, honestly, I didn't find anything to go out to. [Laughs] And I have a lot of work to do, so I'm just sitting there chilling in the house, enjoying the sun and hummingbirds flying here and there. So, [it's] pretty cool. I love California in general — it's a beautiful place. I don't think there's a big difference between [Whittier] and another small town somewhere in California."
JINJER's 2022 USA headline tour, produced by Live Nation, with direct support from P.O.D., kicked off on October 31 in San Diego, California and will end on December 22 in Los Angeles, California.
JINJER played its first live show since Russia's invasion of Ukraine on June 10 at this year's edition of the Greenfield Festival, which was held in Interlaken, Switzerland. The concert took place just days after it was announced that JINJER had been given permission from authorities to leave their war-torn nation and tour Europe this summer as ambassadors of the country.
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taran-chan · 2 years
on a Wednesday, in a cafe (chapter 21)
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monday lunchbox: grilled eel rice
It’s Gilgamesh’s birthday. It’s his fucking birthday, and he’s standing in his kitchen, making breakfast for them at 6:30 am, wearing nothing but his boxer and his “Kiss The Cook” apron, with a drawing of himself in a cartoonish way that she painted on not so long ago, and looking as delicious as a feast. Thena watches him from the kitchen door, she’s wearing his oversized hoodie and her expression is mixed between frustration and amusement.
“I planned to give you a birthday present in bed, you know,” She uncrosses her arms and walks over to kiss him good morning, “I even set the alarm 30 minutes early. It’s your birthday, you shouldn’t have gotten up this early.”
“I won’t give up any chance to pamper you,” Gil murmurs against her lips, his hands sneaking under the hoodie, “What did you plan anyway?”
Thena rises up on her toes, and whatever that she’s whispering into his ears makes him groan and hide his burning face into her neck, all the while holding her tighter. She’s nearly able to feel the thumping of his heart.
“Can I still collect my gift tonight?” He asks shyly.
“It’s your last chance,” Thena chuckles, rubbing his hair and kissing his reddened ears. Her eyes land on the lunchbox on the table, next to a thermos bottle that contains hot soup.
“You start selling your eel lunchboxes today, right?”
“Yeah, we’re switching to our summer menu from today,” he nods, “I took Makkari’s advice so I’ll just prepare a dozen boxes only. You get the first one.”
“Lucky me.”
Gil began to make lunchboxes for Thena to bring to work last week, after hearing from Kingo that someone at their firm got food poisoning because of the lunch meals at their cafeteria. They went to buy lunchboxes together. Thena chose an oval wooden box, and Gil picked a white wrap cloth with golden star patterns on it. They didn’t forget to buy a new waffle maker because Thena broke his old one when she tried to make waffles and then literally set it on fire. She doesn’t have anything to complain about, really, she’s eating better than ever.
“How many tacos do you think you can get for an eel lunchbox?” She asks while munching on her French toast and raspberries.
“I’m not sure,” Gil rubs his chin, “But definitely it’ll be more expensive than our regular lunch set. And it’s also limited, therefore if Jake and Layla order too late, there won’t be any left for them.”
“I think it could be approximately a special combo in their restaurant,” Thena says, “It’s insanely good.”
She got to try the grilled eel rice once with Sprite, Makkari and Ajak on the day they tried out their summer menu, including other goodies such as Ajak’s orange and guava tea and Makkari’s fruit tart. And after their camping trip, because Steven has excellently completed his mission of watching Arishem (the red iguana even looks chubbier after spending two days at his house), Gil gave him lots of coupons for the rainbow trouts they caught. A few days later, Eternal treated Steven, as well as Marc and Jake, the other two of the triplets, a hearty lunch. Ajak learned that Marc owns a Mexican restaurant three blocks away, she called for Gil and the five of them discussed for about 10 minutes, then agreed to trade food with each other. Two medium-sized drinks equal a large nacho, one slice of cake/pie equals one burrito and a lunch set equals a quesadilla.
Since that day, they’ve been buying lunches and sometimes Sprite’s after-school snacks from Marc’s restaurant. Her final exam is coming so she uses the times when they don’t get many customers to study, and she’s been increasingly asking Thena to teach her maths and physics, to the point the older woman feels like a tutor. She even worries as the exam week is approaching, which is this week.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Gil says, clearing the table, “You two worked very hard for this. It’ll pay off.”
“You too were so worried that you didn’t let her eat eels or anything that has seaweed, because she might “slip and fell”.”
“Hey, I didn’t fail once in my school years thanks to that trick.”
Thena just rolls her eyes, pulling him closer by the straps of his apron and kissing him. Her irresistible dessert. Gil sends her to work with many more kisses, as if he wants to make sure she won’t forget her promise for tonight. It’s a long day already.
The lunchbox is still warm when she opens it at noon. On the soft rice are two big pieces of eel that were deboned, soaked in BBQ sauce and grilled, sprinkled with a thin layer of sesame seeds. On the side is some stir-fried morning glory. The sweet and rich BBQ sauce has combined with the eel meat beautifully, a dot of nutty sesame seed here and there makes her unable to stop her spoon. There’s also hot miso soup to refresh whenever she gets tired of the greasiness. The meal is so good Thena tries to eat it slowly so that it won’t end. She’s talking with Gil over the phone at the moment.
“Have you had your lunch?” She asks.
“We’re waiting for Layla to deliver our lunch,” he sounds like an excited boy, “Turns out two eel lunchboxes can be traded with their special lunch set and drinks! Can you believe that?”
“I told you this morning. It’s incredible, you underestimate yourself this time.”
She hears him laugh, “Are you having lunch as well? Don’t skip your meal, okay?”
“Not a chance. I just call to tell you that Kingo saw my lunchbox when he stopped by my office to deliver some files, then he ran out of the building, I think he’s heading to Eternal.”
“So you call to tell me to leave him a lunchbox?”
“Only because he’s doing a pretty decent job this month. Besides, he’s probably come bearing your gift. Is there any box left?”
“Just one. I’ll save it for him then.”
“Thanks, darling, I’ll try to leave early today,” she purrs.
“Looking forward to it,” he lowers his voice, “I miss you, Thena.”
“Miss you.”
When Thena steps into Eternal’s backyard that evening, she finds Gil and Makkari up to their necks in the kitchen. It looks like there are many customers at the front, they seem to be short of cakes because Gil is making something that looks like a fruit roll cake. She decides not to distract them and steps up the stairs. She used the key he gave her on their one-month anniversary to open the door. The lights are on, Arishem turns his attention to her as she enters the living room. She comes over to the tank, petting and feeding him some dry food and then moves on to the kitchen to find some lettuce for him (Gil always stores at least one or two in the fridge).
On the table is her dinner: spaghetti Napolitan and salad Caesar with a poached egg. There’s also a note from Gil, saying that if she’s back while he’s busy with his shop, she should have dinner first and to apologize, her dessert is in the fridge. She grins when she finds a square container with blueberry tiramisu inside. She washes her lunchbox and thermos bottle, both empty, knowing that Gil would be very happy and proud of himself because she finished the lunch he prepared. Then she brings her dinner and Arishem’s into the living room to eat with the animal, looking at all of the presents that their friends have stopped by and given him during the day. They are stacked on the coffee table, he’s probably too busy and doesn’t have time to put them away. He said he wanted to spend the evening with Thena so they don’t organize a birthday party, yet he still got presents. Ajak gave him a new teapot, Kingo brought a Bluray set of Godfather movies and a thank you note for the lunchbox, Sprite gave him a keychain with a grizzly bear attached, Druig sent a fancy wine bottle, Phastos and his family: a huge flower lego set, Sersi and Ikaris gave him…a set of new pots and pans to replace the ones that have black spots at the bottom that Gil can never scrub clean after their camping trip. Thena’s very happy on his behalf. Her Gilgamesh deserves the entire world for simply existing in it.
“Thena?” Gil calls out the moment he steps inside and sees her shoes. She stands up from the couch and he rushes to her, sweeping her up her feet and into his arms. He kisses her deeply, whispering his apologies for making her wait. Her arms automatically loop themselves around his shoulders and he starts carrying her toward his bedroom.
“Have you had dinner?”
“I have.”
“Good, my turn. I’ve been waiting all day,” he kicks the door shut.
Gilgamesh is lying between Thena’s legs, his head pillowed on her stomach and he exhales a satisfying breath. They’re both sated, sinking into the bed while caressing each other lazily. Gil peppers her stomach with kisses, she slips a hand into his hair and tries to sit up, but he pulls her onto his lap and keeps kissing her. She indulges him for a good while more, then covers his eyes.
“Close your eyes.”
“But I want to look at you,” he pouts.
“How am I supposed to surprise you with your gifts then?”
“You have more gifts for me?”
“Of course. You think I didn’t get you any?”
“But I thought… We just…”
Thena laughs, “My love, you deserve more than one gift from me. Now listen to me and close your eyes.”
He does as told and she climbs off his lap. She opens the wardrobe, retrieving her lavenders and forget-me-nots bouquet and back to bed, reclaiming her position in his lap. She wraps her legs around his torso and he holds her hips, already beaming, “It smells nice. Did you get me flowers?”
“You can look now,” she says.
His smile is brighter when he sees the big bouquet. He can be so delighted with the small things in life, and she loves him for it.
“I think there’s something in the middle,” she points out. He draws out a paper hidden among the lavenders. It’s an advertisement for a seaside resort that Thena printed out from their website.
“I realized we haven’t had a summer vacation to the beach so I deliberately made a reservation. Last weekend of June. Two days and one night but I can extend it if you want,” Thena blushes, “Can you save those two days for us?”
Gil is nodding repeatedly, like a puppet on a string.
“Just you and me?”
“Just you and me.”
“You spoiled me rotten.”
“Don’t be silly, I barely got the chance to,” she disagrees.
“Maybe I’ll get to put sunscreen on you,” he says, moving the bouquet out of the way so they can be pressed against one another. She feels him harden beneath her and moans against his lips.
“I’ll grill lots of seafood,” he goes on, kissing her down the mattress, “Bringing you many rounds of mojito, and making sweet, passionate love to you any time, anywhere you want.”
“Fuck, I love you so much,” she gasps. She can’t wait until the last weekend of June.
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