#and my sister said ''Mel I feel like you could have that vibe/style when you transition; you kinda look like that.''
nyctoheart · 9 months
I need to start T soon or imma gonna go acrazy
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sinandredemptionff · 8 years
Chapter 14: Secrets and Betrayal
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Robyn POV:
I stepped onto the plane and took my seat. I waved to Don one final time at the window. He waved back as he wiped his face. Was he crying? I hope not.
"Mrs. Brown, would you like anything to drink?"
"Bring me whatever alcohol y'all have."
After two glasses of vodka and cranberry, I decided to take a nap.
*3 Hours Later*
"We have arrived." The flight attendant said waking me up.
I yawned and looked out the window. I saw our family car and Chris getting out with a bouquet of roses. I unbuckled my seatbelt and hurriedly made my way off the jet and into his arms.
He picked me up and we began having a makeout session. It was getting intense but we didn't care. We're married and we missed each other.
"Man you don't know how happy I am that you're back." He said.
"I think I have an idea."
"I gotta get your ass home. Come on."
"Where are my babies?"
"With my mom. She's had them out all day and they’re staying in a hotel tonight. I didn't tell them that you'd be back today, so it's a surprise."
"I can't wait to see them."
When we got home I immediately went to lay in my bed.
"It feels so good to be back in my own house."
"I bet." Chris said lying next to me.
"Especially being back with my husband by my side."
I cuddled up to him and he began to kiss me as his hands roamed my body. I let out a soft moan and he smiled. I climbed on top of him not breaking from our kiss and unbuttoned his shirt. The doorbell rang interrupting us.
"Fuck, who is it?" He turned the surveillance camera on the tv to see who was at the front door.
It was my girls smiling and making faces at the camera.
"My sisters are here!!" I said excitedly and hopping off of him.
"You really told them you're back already?"
"Oh yea sorry, I actually texted them when we were on our way. I didn't know they would come over."
"Tell them to leave."
"I'm not doing that."
"Unlike some men I love your friends but we haven't seen each other in months, and I missed the fuck out of you. This might be the only time we have to ourselves for a while."
"I missed you too honey but they're here now, and I'm not going to tell them to leave. I'll make it up to you, ok?"
"Fine!" He said and I gave him a quick peck.
"I'm coming bitches!" I yelled as I jogged down the stairs.
I opened the door and hugged everyone individually then we did a group hug.
"We missed you sis." Mel said.
"I missed y'all too. Now pop open that bottle and let's talk."
We got some fruit and wine, and went into the den. We sat on the floor Indian style.
"Tell us everything about NY." Mya said.
“Yes, how did you like my state?” Jessica added.
"Girl there's so much to tell."
"Spill it."
"Here's your phone. I'm going over to Trey's house to meet with the homies." Chris interrupted.
"Thanks and ok let me know when you make it."
"Hey to you too Christopher." Jessica said.
"Umm is someone upset?"
"Yea, he's cranky because y'all interrupted something."
"Oop we're sorry bro, we didn’t know."
"It's cool, bye y'all." He said leaving.
"You didn't tell us that you were about to give up the goods and now he's mad at us. That man is probably so frustrated." Monique said.
"He'll be ok. He waited over 2 months he can wait another few hours."
"Chile I guess, anyway back to New York. What happened?"
I told them every detail about my experience and showed them pictures of the new store.
"How are the people there? Did you make new friends?"
"She better not had replaced us." Mya said.
"I could never. I met a few nice people. What were y'all up to?" I said changing the subject.
"Nah sis you're not getting off that easy. I know you too well and I know you're not telling us something. Who was he?" Mel said and everyone looked at me. I didn't say anything and downed my glass of wine.
"Oh bitch!! See I knew something was up because as much as you talk about Chris I know you would've left us outside for the D. So spill!!" Monique said eating a strawberry.
"Don't tell us you cheated on Chris." Jessica said.
"No! I would never in my life cheat on my husband."
"What happened then because the way you're acting says a lot."
"Nothing happened. I met a guy named Don and we became close. I considered him just a friend, but today when he dropped me off at the airport something seemed off."
"What do you mean?"
“I think he has feelings for me. He didn’t say it but that’s the vibe I got.”
"I don't know what to say."
"Did you do anything to lead him on or think that you were interested?"
"He knows that I'm happily married and have a family. I would go over to his place for dinner sometimes and play with his son. We spent a lot of time together but I was just nice to him."
"Sis you're fine and have a dope personality, niggas are going to fall for you eventually." Monique said.
"What am I supposed to do?"
“I want to know what he looks like.” I pulled out my phone and showed them a picture of us from his son’s birthday party.
“Oh shit he is fine!” Monique blurted out.
“Oops I mean he’s aight.”
“Robyn, do you possibly have feelings for him?”
“Do you have more feelings for him than you’re putting on?” Mel asked.
“Honestly, I thought about it.”
“Giiirrrrl no ma’am. You can’t do that to Chris.” Monique said.
“Real shit Robs because Chris is a good man.” Jessica agreed.
“Y’all think I don’t know how great my husband is? Of course I know. I’m the one with him therefore y’all can’t tell me shit. Excuse me.” I said getting up.
I went to sit in the backyard by myself. I got slightly pissed about them trying to imply that I didn’t value my husband. I’ve been through it all with that man and I know him better than anyone. Those are my best friends and I didnt expect them to come at me like that.
“Robyn, we’re sorry.” I heard them say and I rolled my eyes.
“We didn’t mean to get you upset. We just know how much you and Chris went through to get to this point, and we would hate to see someone come in between that. Can you please forgive us? We love you.” Monique said.
“Ugh I guess I can and I love y’all too.”
“Now what you were saying earlier sis?” Mya said.
“Like I said I thought I had feelings for him but I realized it was only because he was there. I was used to having male attention from Chris every day that it was weird not having it until I met Don. He was there for me the same way Chris is except there was no sexual interactions what so ever, but when I saw Chris at the airport I was reminded why he is the man I married. When I kissed him again I realized there’s no way I can have feelings for another man when all of my heart belongs to him.”
“Damnit sis, you make me sick with this cute shit.” Monique said wiping her eyes.
“Are you crying forreal?”
“Shut up, y’all know I’m sensitive.”
“Girl here’s a napkin, but anyways I understand what you’re saying Robs and it makes sense.” Jessica said.
“I get it too. I mean you’re used to affection and attention, and when Don showed you that you developed a temporary grade school crush. It’s no big deal honestly.”
"Exactly!" I replied.
They shifted the conversation and got on what they've been up to. However, my mind stayed on the one we just had. I can't think about this anymore. Don is a great guy and he'll be perfect for someone else.
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Chris POV:
"Why aren't your women with y'all?" I said when I walked into the den of Trey's house.
"Because they're with Robyn."
"Right and that's the problem."
"Why is that a problem?"
"Nigga probably ain't have the chance to get it in before they came over." Trey said and they all laughed hysterically.
"I'm glad y'all think it's funny."
“Ok y’all, leave a brother alone. It’s hard when a man is going through a drought.” Jermaine said.
“Thank you, at least someone understands my pain.” I quickly go quiet after my last statement.
“Well I’m sorry I can’t relate.” Trey said.
"What about you and Monique?"
"Wait, you just reminded me that we haven't had sex yet, thanks a lot Mijo. Nevermind fam I can relate."
"How is that working out for y'all?" Jermaine asked.
"Pretty well actually, thanks for asking." Trey replied.
"No problem man."
"Back to the subject at hand." I said.
“Seriously all jokes aside bro, I told Monique to not go over there. She’s hard headed.” Trey said.
My mind keeps reverting back to Robyn’s trip and I can’t help but to think she isn’t telling me everything. I know that woman all too well.
“Y’all don’t think Robyn would…?” I can’t even say the word.
“Would what?” Mijo asked confusingly.
“Cheat?” I replied lowly.
“You never know what someone is capable of doing when you’re not around and I don’t put anything past anyone. However, in this case bruh no. That woman loves you too much, she has shown that. Why would you ask that?”
“I don’t know, it was stupid to think anyway. I’m trippin’ but let’s talk about something else. Trey, how is your relationship with Mo going?”
“Great! She’s given me what I didn’t know I needed in my life.”
“Are you two official yet?” Shad chimed in as he walked in from the kitchen munching on a snack. Trey gave him a funny look and shook his head.
“Just because y’all are my niggas doesn’t mean you all are free to eat me out of a house and home.”
“That’s exactly what it means. Stop trippin’ we’ve been tight since like the third grade. You’re practically my brother, now answer my question about Monique. She’s so damn fine with those slick baby hairs and deep dimples.” Shad continued to egg Trey on.
I don’t know why he likes picking at him. We all know Trey has a temper but he’s being extremely calm right now, thank God.
“To answer your question, no we aren’t official. I actually really like her though. She spends the night and we go out three times a week. Everyone in this room knows that never happens which can make this a good or bad thing.”
“Damn Tremaine I’m happy for you, don’t fuck this up she’s a good girl.  You need to stop playing and officially wife that. She’s smart with a great head on her shoulders. My baby did a great job looking out.” I said.
“She sure did, that’s why I have to thank my sister. Now do y'all want to get on this 2k or poker? Either way I’m dominating, this is my house.” Trey began trash talking, something he is great at. He thinks he can beat us all in every game.
“Nigga you know I’m always ready.” I called his bluff.
“Nah, I’m about to head out. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Jermaine retorts. 
“Where are you going? I drove us here. Jess picking you up or something?” Mijo asked.
“Umm yea. Anyway just play y’all little game and stay out of a grown man’s business.” He chuckled.
He waved his hand in the air before removing his coat from the rack in front of him. I know Jermaine he’s very discrete. He moves very quietly when he’s up to something. We used to joke and call him the silent killer.
“Who’s ready to get their ass whooped in 2k? Come on down to the price is right.” Trey joked.
“Put your money where your controller is then Mr. Neverson. I bet three hundred dollars. Winner takes all.”
“Stop being modest like you aren’t wealthy as fuck over there. I’ll put up eight hundred.” Trey challenged me.
“Cool that’s fair game. Anyone else want in?”
“No thanks, I have a wife and a kid to feed. I don’t have the luxury of throwing money around.” Mijo laughed.
Trey plugged up the system and the game began. This is all or nothing and I refuse to go home empty handed.
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Jermaine POV:
I looked behind me to make sure none of the fellows were watching me. I didn’t drive over here for a reason, I rode with Mijo because I knew I had other plans. I walked a few blocks down from Trey’s house to my destination. I got in the passenger seat of the car that was waiting for me on the corner.
“Hello handsome. To my place or yours?” Her sweet voice sounded in my ear. A smirk formed on my face. When I’m around her I can’t help but smile.
“To my place gorgeous.”
After a ten minute ride in silence we entered the parking lot of my condo. I unraveled myself from the seatbelt as fast as I could. Reaching towards the driver’s seat I grabbed her face and began passionately kissing her. With each kiss our make out session intensified. My breathing was beginning to become heavy and she slightly moaned. I broke from our kiss and her brown complexion was turning red.
“Wow Jermaine that was amazing.” That was the first time we’ve kissed and it felt amazing.
After a couple of months of playing phone tag we started hanging out recently, and it didn’t take long for me to realize I wanted her in the worst way. I feel terrible about doing this to Jessica but I can’t resist her.
“No, you’re the amazing one Mya.”
“Here I was thinking to myself this night better be worth it. I left my girls to be with you. They also questioned me and gave me the third degree. I lied saying I had to get some sleep.”
“Well was it worth it or do I need to kiss you again for an answer?”
“It’s more than worth it. I’m starting to feel you’re worth it. Jessica and I have been friends since middle school and she has had my back ever since. She has always been there for me but I can’t control who I care about. I know I will lose my best friend behind this but I’ve been through so much hell, and you are like a breath of fresh air. I’m tired of hiding us from everyone Jermaine. We are grown as hell and should be allowed to be with whomever we want, no matter the consequences.” I knew eventually she would become frustrated. Women hate to feel they are hidden.
“Baby girl we will tell them when we are sure it's right. We are grown but I just don’t want to bombard them with this. Jess doesn’t deserve to be hurt and we’ve been together for a long time. I do still love her but it’s something about you that draws me in.”
“I feel the same way about you. I know this is wrong but I can’t help myself. If only you were someone else and not my best friend’s boyfriend everything would be easier.”
“Yea, but I guess anything worth having in life isn’t easy.” I pecked her lips and we headed inside my condo.
Jessica has been my ride or die for a long time and she has my heart. However, Mya is intriguing and I can’t stop myself from thinking about her. I haven’t told anyone about my dealings with Mya because not only do I not want to hurt my girl, I’m not sure how Chris will act.
Mya and Chris haven’t been together in forever, and he’s very much in love with Robyn but he can be very selfish at times. He’s a Taurus, who’s naturally bull-headed. I’m not ready for anyone to fuck up the happiness I feel and I’m not ready for judgement from the rest of the guys. They will rant about how I broke the bro code and say I should feel shameful. Mya is a special person to me in my life. Chris played her if we’re truthfully speaking and we’re not even going to speak on the bastard who put his hands on her. We will tell everyone about our blossoming friendship eventually. I know we need to do this soon before this explodes before our eyes. There will never be a right time to tell them but it has to be done. Either way hearts will be broken. Chris is my brother and I don’t want any bad blood between us. Jessica is my love and I honestly don’t want to lose her, but she needs to know the feelings I have for her friend.
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Trey POV:
As I cleaned up my house two hours later after the intense game challenge, I feel foolish. I lost my money to Chris and I’m certain I won’t hear the last of it. Normally I am the one who is amazing at shit like this but maybe I got too cocky. My doorbell began chiming in the middle of my cleaning session. It’s probably one of the boys. They are always forgetting car keys and cell phones. I opened the door and to my surprise I’m greeted by a petite Monique, who’s wobbling from side to side. She can barely keep her balance.
“Hey, I missed you so I told the cab driver to bring me over. I hope you don’t mind.” She hiccuped making her way through the front door.
“That’s fine babe. I have no problem with that.”
“By the way you owe the cab driver $80.50. I don’t know where I lost my wallet.” Damn I just keep losing money tonight.
I chuckled lowly to myself as I jogged upstairs to get my wallet. I came back down to Monique spinning in my bar stool. I see this is going to be a long night. I walked outside to give the cab driver exactly what he was owed and go back in the house to assist the little drunk one.
“Baby girl, how many bottles of wine did the girls drink?” I picked her up removing her from the bar stool. She needed to change out of these clothes.
“I lost track, we had good girl talk. We talked about everything baby.” She snickered. 
“What did you talk about?”
“We talked about you and how much I like you. We talked about some other stuff too.” I began removing her clothing one by one. I removed her heels from her feet. I took off her shirt replacing it with one of my big T-shirts and I removed her jeans, and swapped them out for some shorts.
“What are you doing Trey?”
“I’m trying to make you feel comfortable that’s all.” I sat on the edge of the bed and placed her in my lap.
I didn’t know what the hell I was doing but I began fondling with her hair to make a bun. Then I remembered the last time she was here she left a bonnet. I quickly went to the master bathroom to get it. Her eyes lit up once I placed it on her head. I have enough aunties and sisters to know that women never sleep without headscarves on. I laid her down on the bed and cuddled up next to her.
“Oh my gosh Trey you put my bonnet on! That is so beautiful!!” Her eyes are beginning to well with tears. Yep someone is definitely out of it. It’s time for bed.
“I’ll do anything for you, never forget that.” I placed kisses on the side of her neck. She giggled like a school girl with a crush. I don’t know what it is about her that makes me want to be all in.
“That’s why I love you Trey.” She mumbled lowly but I still heard her.
It feels like the room is spinning. My heart is pounding fast. I can’t say it just yet. I pretended I didn’t hear it and began kissing behind her ears.
“Just get some sleep little one.”
I know I feel things with Mo that I’ve never felt with other women and it makes me feel good, yet it is also terrifying. I have always had a disconnect from women until she came along and now I think I’m getting cold feet. She is more than a man like me deserves.
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