#and my shrooms are also individually grown by a woman who fell in love with fungi. so fuck off with your presumtpive bullshit
radmista · 2 years
Leave it to a self proclaimed radfem to blatantly platform a bunch of druggies who get their fix from shit grown and moved with slave labor, almost exclusively women. You and every other junkie should be shot, and so should the men who own you by peddling you their product.
Anon, I'm not even in the fucking United States, the shit I get is grown by solo individuals in their houses. Please enlighten me on how I'm specifically then supporting the slave labor of women to get fucking grass. It's also really presumptive of you to assume everyone in the thread and I use male sellers.
Leave it to an anon coward to use "druggies" and "junkies" as an insult to devalue someone. Newsflash, "junkies" are people too, and they don't deserve less humanity because they have addictions. You sound like an incredibly stable individual who totally doesn't sound like some pearl clutcher pissed that people use recreational drugs and believe its some moral failing that people use them.
Fuck all the way off. You could have idk, been productive and civilly opened a discussion on the very real danger and horror of the drug trafficking circles between the US and Mexico and how cartels own certain towns and their inhabitants in Mexico because the government turns a blind eye. But you'd rather get your rocks off screaming at women using weed that you have no idea where they're sourcing from because it's much easier to pin blame on women than the violence perpetuated by greedy men.
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