#and my point about hating himself can also apply to the conductor too bc he has no qualms about committing die in the finale
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majormeilani · 3 years ago
hmm now that i think on the dj grooves thing
i really really do think the awards thing in itself messes with him and makes him act in ways he normally wouldn't. like it's the one thing that REALLY gets to him.
like he'll be relatively fine when he's not thinking about it but when someone mentions the award or anything like that it's what his brain immediately focuses on. since it's probably a huge sore spot for him given he gets second bested nearly every time and with it going on for what seems like years, the numerous fakes in his room (i think it was), ect.
and with how he talks to the award replica in the first act has a bit more edge to how he talks usually and he seems bitter about it almost.
like he probably can be perfectly normal most the time but hyperfocuses on the awards due to feelings of inadequacy and when has the chance to win, he rides on that high because it's probably the best he's ever felt in a long time. and it goes to show he's not any of the things that the conductor said about him in his eyes. and i guess the feeling sent him over the edge bc once he saw the potential a timepiece could grant him, he felt like he had to have it because he felt like his worth hinged on winning.(maybe im projecting a bit here tho....)
but it really seems to me like he had an unhealthy obsession with winning, the conductor always seeming to best him not helping matters at all. the conductor ALSO having the same unhealthy obsession too.
and we can kinda see that he's a little bit unhinged with the stakes he seems to take with the big parade where he starts adding more and more dangerous effects to the movie, some you even see making the moon penguins jump on the rooftops. and MAYBE he doesn't really see that he's doing anything wrong? or at least maybe doesn't realize what he's doing is kinda messed up, since hat kid literally gets injured by the wires he has her cross zapping her, fireworks sparking on the rooftops, moon penguins driving on the roof, firing rockets in the air, the music even speeding up and intensifying the more goes on. which is a stark contrast to how while the conductor makes her go through similar stakes, but he actually acknowledges that he knows it's kinda fucked up what he's doing, by saying that he 1 "doesn't care about the express owls or yourself" and only his train and 2 him cackling manically when you deactivate the bomb bc of the footage he got of her running for dear life.
so while im disappointed in how he kinda gets to that point i can kinda understand that maybe he doesn't perceive his actions as bad bc of the cause it's for. but i cant imagine how much it would crush him once he realizes what he did in the end. and i genuinely think it'd make him feel like he's worthless or something.
and him shouting "I HATE YOU. DAAAARRRLLLIIINNNGGGG...." might have been him submitting to his ideas of self doubt and giving up. he probably doesn't actually hate hat kid, but maybe he just hates himself. bc he seems to put his self worth into the awards and i wouldn't doubt everything he's gone through destroyed his self esteem despite his supposed confidence. he probably just tries to be positive, maybe even a bit of toxic positivity too.
this is like a half incomprehensible ramble but yeah. some thoughts
basically this rant sums up to he doesn't hate hat kid, he hates himself. for not being good enough.
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deobis · 5 years ago
Road to Kingdom Episode 4 Thoughts
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The third challenge was for each group to pick one of their own songs and perform it. I really wish RTK stuck with the “king” theme, but I guess there are only so many challenges they can create revolving that topic. 
DISCLAIMER: I am a lot harsher in this review than any of my other posts. Please know that I do not hate any of the 7 groups and I truly wish the best for all of them. This is just an analysis of the most recent performances.
Anyways onto my rankings!
Enjoyment ranking: 
Pentagon (Wow! For once it’s not TBZ haha)
The Boyz
Golden Child
Objective Ranking:
The Boyz
Golden Child
Prediction rankings:
The Boyz
Golden Child
Put a prediction ranking bc the rankings haven’t been announced yet so we will see tomorrow!
For the first time in forever, TBZ is not first in my book. Shocker I know. That’s not to say that I didn’t like their performance or concept but rather the other groups (PTG and Verivery) did better in my eyes. Let’s talk about TBZ’s Reveal (Catching Fire) perf. I’ll call it RCF for short. TBZ was the only group to continue a story from the second challenge. This gains major points in my book as I love plot driven performances. Anything with a story or clear objective gains brownie points because it’s what makes performances an art. You can dance to a song but if there’s no emotion it stays as a sport rather than a form of artistic expression. TBZ have shown their artistry fully through RTK, something they haven’t really been able to do before. I’m amazed at how they are able to control shock factor so well. I was worried the stunts of Danger would outshine whatever they had to show in RCF but they proved me wrong. There were less stunts this time but they focused on a much larger picture (pun intended). They added backup dancers and allowed the camera to take wider shots to show their formations. I just felt like they lacked a spark this time. If you can’t already tell, I prefer their Danger performance much more. A large part of this is due to the arrangement of Danger. The RCF arrangement was interesting and refreshing but there wasn’t anything really new. Maybe I feel this way because I’ve listened to Reveal too many times who knows. Negatives aside, I have to say I really liked the choreography changes. The part where Haknyeon is center really blew my mind. 
But here’s why I liked Verivery and Pentagon’s performance more: emotion. Pentagon’s is obvious, they used this stage to send off someone they really love. You can really see that the members love Jinho and that they have a deep bond. Pentagon was also the only group to mix two of their songs together, one being a title track and one being a side track (note: PTG and Verivery are the only groups who picked side b’s for their song). Pentagon’s arrangement was impeccable. For me, the new Shine sounded like a Jpop song (mostly because of the rock vibes; if you listen to Jpop you know what I mean), while still retaining the bright theme of Shine. A lot of people might say the performance was too emotional and not professional, but out of all 7 performances, Pentagon’s was the most meaningful and was delivered the best. The message and how they played with the stage was stunning and their little additions and references to other popular Kpop songs makes it so you will notice something new every time you rewatch it. Please watch this video where Hongseok goes into detail about the little easter eggs and the whole purpose behind their performance. I have so much respect for Pentagon and I could write so much more about this performance but I must talk about the other 5 haha (if you want to hear more feel free to ask!)
Verivery. VERIVERY. God DAMN did they really come back and hit hard. They definitely had the clearest and most well thought out performance of all. What differentiates them from TBZ’s story like performance is that TBZ had too much going on in my opinion. They tried to tell us a long story with not enough time. This is why so many fans have vastly different interpretations of their performance. While this can often be a good thing, I think you have to find a balance when doing a storytelling performance. Verivery cleanly executes their narrative of a nightmare and takes the cliche of “it was all a dream” to the max by going “SIKE” at the end. Their choreography was so well planned out and they were honestly very minimalistic about their stage, just like TBZ’s Danger stage. The shock factor is just right (my favorite part being when the backup dancers have the smoke come out of their mouth). Not only that but Photo is a SIDE TRACK. I cannot stress enough how brave of them that is. I legitimately thought it was a title track until I looked at their discography. They arranged their side b to sound like a title track, and not only that, they changed the overall feel of the song as well. If you listen to the original Photo, it sounds more like a bad boy song, but their RTK version is very much so horror/rock themed. I can’t STRESS how good this performance is. Especially because it’s such a contrast from their last performance. Photo is now in my spotify playlist and I have no regrets.
Now onto the last 4 performances. I hate to break it to you all but... I didn’t really like any of them. None of them made me think “wow I could rewatch this so many times.” Lets start with Oneus. LIT is my favorite Oneus song so I highly anticipated this performance. If you didn’t know Oneus before and only watch this stage you might think its a very good stage with a strong traditional theme. I totally agree, the traditional theme is unique to Oneus and I loved the instrumental changes they made so the song would cater more to their theme. The biggest issue I had with this stage was that It literally is just like their music video. If you have seen the LIT mv you will know what I mean. The dragon dance, traditional clothing, theme, sound, everything was too similar. The stage was grand but it just felt like a live version of their MV. 
I know a lot of people liked ONF’s performance. Let me just say first that they killed it and YooA was *chefs kiss* The biggest issue I had with this stage was its message and theme. They seemed to have a conductor/medieval theme but also the masks?? Like what? It felt so out of place and random. I felt like a lot of their stage choices had little to no purpose. I honestly still don’t understand why YooA was there. The duet dance was nice but why? It seemed like they were trying to tell a story but it just wasn’t clear to me. It looked nice and everything but that was about it. In no way am I saying the performance was bad, it’s just there’s nothing that makes me want to go back and watch again. I think the fact that there was a plot but no plot at the same time really bothered me and that’s why I didn’t like it as much. 
TOO has grown a lot since episode one. They are truly experimenting with the stage and I’m very happy to see that. I have the same issue with TOO as I did with ONF. There was a clear theme of “dark vs light” or “evil vs good” but why? What was the point? The theme may have seemed obvious but was it really? Were they trying to convey good vs bad, angel vs devil, justice vs injustice? I couldn’t tell throughout the entire performance. It’s okay to take cliche themes but with a show like RTK, there needs to be something more. I also hate to be harsh but some of their execution just wasn’t as clean. This doesn’t only apply to Chan (I think that’s his name), but the whole performance in general. The most obvious instance is the head twist part. But I applaud Chan for performing with 100% even after his mistake (which, by the way, he made look very natural. I was very sad when he kept beating himself up over the mistake 😞 you did great bb I hope you know that). Even if their age and lack of experience is shown in their performances, I must say they are really stepping out of their comfort zone and learning at a rapid pace. I have high hopes for them.
Now onto the last group. Golden Child. I was very impressed with GolChas first two performances but this one was a disappointment. I appreciate the use of strings and their classical arrangement (as I said in my previous episode thoughts post) but this performance was, well, dull to say the least. The only “shock factor” was the violin solo (which was very good btw), but I think it was too late into the performance. There wasn’t much that made me interested in the performance up to that point. I don’t know. There really just isn’t much for me to talk about because they didn’t really do much.(God that sounds so harsh;; I’m sorry 😭😭) I really think their second performance was highly underrated but all in all this third one was not it. 
As you can see my critiques for this set of performances are, well, a lot harsher. I think it’s because the bar was raised so much higher after the first three episodes. Overall, if I had seen any of these performances outside of the RTK context I probably would have been a lot more impressed and shocked. I wish the best for all the groups and no matter who gets eliminated tomorrow I want all the groups to know that they all deserve a spot in the Kingdom. Mnet is just trash.
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