#and my mom got home before I did (gym night) and said they turned the power off and said we have to call an electrician
eastberlin · 2 months
Well we went from not having internet at home to not having power at home, so that’s very exciting. Everybody say “thank you giant tree that snapped in half”!
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
I know Janis's spring fling date has a name but can you do reader is her date and their reaction to Janis babysitting high Regina pls?
Adventures in Babysitting
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Description: Shane basically dumps a very drugged up Regina with Janis and Reader. Chaos ensues.
Warnings: fluff, Regina being high (lmao), Janis being annoyed
"Regina, honey, let me help you."
If you were to ask Janis how her Spring Fling was gonna go, she wouldn't have thought it would be this.
Shane had dumped Regina on her and Y/N, before running off to dance.
Y/N and Regina were close so when the blonde saw Y/N, her eyes lit up.
"Y/N/N! My baby. How are you?"
Janis chuckled at the girl. Regina turned at the sound and her eyes got wide. "Janis! Oh my god, I've missed you so much!" Janis smiled awkwardly at the blonde and they widened as Regina threw herself in to Regina's arms.
Y/N had to stifle a giggle as Janis glared at her, awkwardly patting Regina's back. Y/N softly spoke to Regina. "Hi, sweetie. Are you feeling okay? Do you need your meds or anything?"
Well, that was the wrong thing to say as Regina turned to Y/N with tears in her eyes. Her lip wobbled as she threw herself into Y/N's arms, who welcomed her gladly.
"No! I'm in pain, and Shane left me alone and I just wanna be out of this fucking brace!" Janis felt bad at the blonde's words. She didn't like her but she didn't deserve this.
Janis sighed and said words she'd probably regret.
"We'll hang out with you Regina."
Y/N and Regina looked at Janis shocked. Regina had tears in her eyes again. "Really?" Janis nodded, looking at her girlfriend with an awkward smile. "Yeah, Gina, you can hang out with us! We'll take care of you, sweetie."
The blonde did a little happy dance, before pain shot through her back and she winced. Y/N noticed and gently guided the girl to a chair. "Do you need more meds, Gina?" The blonde nodded to the best of her ability.
"They are in my bag. I think Cady has it." Y/N nodded, pressing a kiss to Regina's head and one to Janis's lips. "I'll be back okay? You guys don't have too much fun without me okay?"
Y/N found Cady with Gretchen at a table on the other side of the gym. Cady happily handed her the bag, before catching something behind Y/N.
Y/N followed Cady's eye line and laughed out loud. Regina must've gotten thirsty so Janis was attempting to help Regina drink out of a cup. It looked like a mother helping her toddler. Y/N pulled out her phone and videoed it.
Janis was holding the cup as Regina slowly swallowed the mouthful of liquid she had. She held her arms out like she was going to ask for another drink, but to Janis's surprise, she pulled her into a hug.
Y/N cackled as Janis awkwardly patted Regina's head. She turned to see Y/N laughing at her and sent her a glare. Y/N stopped recording and made her way to the duo. Janis handed Y/N the cup and playfully glared at her. "Your turn."
The dance dwindled on for a few more hours before everyone started to head out. Y/N had offered to take Regina home so after her and Janis got her in the car safely, they headed to the blonde's house.
Regina had fallen asleep rather quickly in the car so Janis and Y/N talked quietly with each other. "I had a fun time tonight, even if we had to babysit Regina."
Y/N smiled and put her hand on Janis's thigh. "I had fun too baby. Regina happened to be a plus." As if on cue, the blonde mumbled incoherent words and went silent again. The two girls giggled as they sat in comfortable silence.
After dropping Regina off at home, after 10 minutes of her mom talking their ears off, Y/N and Janis got back in Y/N's car. As they drove off, Janis noticed Y/N wasn't driving to her house.
"Uh, babe? We aren't going to my house?" Y/N smirked, placing her hand high on Janis's thigh. "Nope. We are going to my house. My parents aren't home."
Janis blushed and stuttered. Y/N giggled at her reaction.
"The night isn't over yet baby."
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
If you are up to it, could you write the prompth
❛ is that my shirt? ❜ for Aegon? It would allso fit modern!Aegon.
Morden!Aegon it is! Seeing as I rarely give myself the opportunity to do so. (Ngl this was shit.)
Summary: with most of the family out of the house, Aegon decides that now would be the best time to bring you over.
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“Where are they?” Aegon whined, refusing to look at his phone like he had for the past fifth teen minutes, bringing both of his hands to rub away at tiredness within his eyes before letting them drop to be bedding below. Earlier that morning he had been told that he would be having the house to himself for the night. Upon asking why, Alicent told him that herself and Heleana has been invited by Rhaenyra, Baela and Rhaena for a girls night out whilst Aemond had a paper to work on at the public library. This information only told Aegon that none of them would be back until really late or within the early hours of the next day.
At first he was ecstatic with the potential prospects that came with being home alone. He could throw a party, walk about stark naked, whip out his secret weed stash and get high, TP Aemond’s room; The realm of possibilities were endless for Aegon. However when he tried talking Cregan and his nephew Jace into coming over to play games with him. The pair declined, stating that their respective teams had a big game going on that night and that they had already made plans with one another to head to the gym beforehand to get some last minute reps in. Disheartened by the turn of events, Aegon reached out to one last person whom he knew wouldn’t let him down; you.
So when a knock came from the front door Aegon had already bolted out of his bed and down the grand staircase, stopping only to quickly check his appearance in the mirror they had in the foyer, before unlocking the door to usher you inside. “Are you ready to partake in the most banger sleepover ever?” Aegon asked impatiently, eyeing the shoulder bag you had brought as you took off your shoes by the shoe rack, fearing of tracking mud or muck onto the pristine and rigorously polished floors. “Aegon, we’ve had many so called ‘banger’ sleepovers before, how is this going to be any different?” You asked as he slung an arm over your shoulders pressing you into his side, “my sweet, sweet y/n. The difference this time is (a) we’re all alone,” he wiggled his brows suggestively at you only to girlishly squeal when you lightly pinched his side, causing him to flinch away from your side momentarily before continuing.
“(B) we’re alone-“ “you said that twice now- where is everyone?” You cut him off as you tried waiting it out for someone else to appear out of the blue. Normally whenever you came to hang out at Aegon’s, Alicent would be in the bar room, Aemond would either be in the living room or his own private library, mostly reading and Heleana would be in the backyard playing with the dogs or making notes of the plethora of butterfly species that would come visit. The house never felt as spacious as it did with just you and Aegon it almost made you feel small, minuscule even so much so it unnerved you. “I didn’t tell you?” The eldest sibling inquired almost innocently as you shot him a glare. Aegon sighed, knowing that he was partially to blame for being quite vague in his demands for you to hang out, “Mom, Heleana and Aemond are out for the night and…I didn’t want to be alone.”
Aegon could see in your eyes what you were about to ask next and before you could be given a chance to vocalise it, he beaten you to the punch. “Now before you say it, yes I did ask the gym twins but they got their a stupid games tonight. You were the only option I had left…Sorry if that makes me uncool or whatever.” He finished also ashamedly, avoiding your eyes in favour of the money Alicent has left sat on the counter in the case he should get hungry during the night, she took into extreme consideration of the fact her son couldn’t cook for shit, even with a cookbook to guide him; She just didn’t feel like having to deal with the house being set ablaze all because Aegon wanted macaroni and cheese for dinner. You smiled sweetly upon seeing Aegon’s softer, more vulnerable side; He was already quite an emotive man, who was prone to crying out of frustration of his own emotions, but to see him in his natural environment with his guard down made him all the more sweeter in your eyes.
You reached out to grasp his hand in your own, relishing in the warmth it emitted as you squeezed it in means to comfort him. “You could never be uncool to me Aegon,” you reassured him, watching as his pretty doe lilac eyes met your own from underneath his lashes, “now let’s have ourselves the coolest sleeper over ever, yeah?” Just like that Aegon was back to being his normal self as his smile brightly beamed mischievously and his eyes glimmer cheekily under the fluorescent lights. “Hell yeah.” He responded as he swiped the money off of the counter and dragged you up the grand staircase to his room with state of the art LED lights that bathed the room in a deep royal blue.
You’ve been in his room many times before in the past but your eyes never seemed to get use to the colour lighting he chose, you wouldn’t have been able to make out a thing had the glare of his mounted tv not been there to illuminate the unnecessarily large king sided bed pressed up against the left wall; Nor the scattered clothes and other things that littered the floor. “You did happen to bring sleepwear with you, didn’t you?” Aegon asked as he rummaged through his bedsheets, victoriously pull out the remote he was searching for and brings up Nextflix. Whilst he was doing that you rummaged through your bag to find that you had exclusively brought only next day clothes; This technicality wasn’t your fault as you weren’t expecting to be asked to sleepover so late in the night.
To make up for your shortcomings, “Yeah. Got ‘em right here.” You replied as you quickly snatched one of Aegon’s shirt and sleep shorts off of the floor, though not before giving them a quick sniff to make sure that they were clean. “Good, go change in the bathroom whilst I search for a movie for us to watch.” Without needing to be told twice you made your way to bathroom, locking it behind you just incase Aegon got a little cheeky to then removing your clothes and into his grey sleep shorts -which you found were a little big but thank fuck for the existence of drawstrings- and his greyish blue shirt. “You ready yet?!” Aegon yelled from his room, cussing you to flinch slightly at the unexpectedness. “Yeah, yeah I’m ready calm your tits!” You exclaimed, picking up your clothes from the toilet seat, shoving them in your bag.
Aegon made sure to pause the movie of choice just as it was about to get into it’s opening sequence, when he heard you exit from the bathroom and what he saw when you came into his peripherals had the beginnings of a smirk cross his lips. “Is that my shirt? And are those my sleep shorts?” He inquired playfully as you looked down at the captain America; Civil War shirt you were wearing and shrugged. Aegon didn’t need you to tell him anything for he already pieces together everything in his head, which didn’t help his inflated ego anymore then it did make it obnoxiously bigger. His smirk widened as he hopped off the bed to get a closer look at you in his clothes.
“You didn’t have any sleepwear did you?” He asked rhetorically, “So instead of admitting to it, you stole mine and playing it off as though you did. Babe if all you wanted was to wear my clothes, just say so. After all,” his eyes looked you up and down, biting down on his lower lip, “I’m not complaining.” He practically purred which caused a flush of heat to flood your entire body. Which only got made more worse when the platinum haired male got into your personal space and tugged at your (read: his) shirt so you would be chest to chest with him. “Are we gonna watch the movie you spent such a dedicated amount of time searching for? Or are we just going stand here in hopes that something will happen.” You asked, feeding off of the tension building between the two of you. Aegon raises his brows, “I don’t know? Which one do you prefer sweetheart?” He asked in faux innocence as his face edged closer to your own as he whispers, “No need to worry about there being a time limit, we’ve got all night after all.”
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storiesofsvu · 9 months
Solace in Solitude Ch 9
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol consumption, sexual conversations. guys... we're so close. SO CLOSE!
The barrier had been broken and routines began to shift around the apartment as the two of you continued to get comfortable with each other. Emily started staying out in the living room when she would hear your alarm go off on work mornings, she’d time it just right so that the coffee was hot and fresh the moment you got out of the shower. You’d usually brief through your day with her, go through any surgeries you had, especially if you were worried about something. She took it all in and always asked the right kind of questions that helped your brain work around the issues, and you were impressed with just how well she understood most of it.
You’d come home to a quiet apartment while Emily slept, drop your stuff off and then head to the gym most days to make sure you weren’t waking her up, so she got proper sleep. Dinner was usually ready as soon as she was getting up and the two of you would be able to eat together, usually on the balcony as the sun went down. You’d had life chats, tell old stories, stupid jokes, laughter filled the space rather than tension. Emily knew just how to get you to tell a story about your childhood, something relating to family or your mom without you realizing what she was doing, and in turn it was never a sad memory. You discovered Emily was a whiz at poker, but you were the breadwinner when it came to blackjack, that she preferred paranormal horror movies, and you were the one that always cried over cheesy romantic comedies.
There was finally starting to be a balance between the two of you, she wasn’t snarky because you were her doctor and thus caretaker anymore, and you didn’t have to babysit any longer. You took care of each other, Emily holding up her end of the deal by always making sure there were home cooked baked goods to snack on while you made sure vegetables made it into dinner. Emily made the promise to only smoke if you were also smoking, which rarely happened but there was the occasional night that you were having a rough go and needed more than a glass of wine to help cope with everything and there was nothing wrong with that.
You were in the kitchen getting breakfast ready, surprised that Emily hadn’t been in the living room when you’d gotten up that morning. But it would make sense that she just got tired early and decided to marathon tv in bed instead so she didn’t fall asleep on the couch. You were about to toss her breakfast sandwich into a container when the coffee machine beeped loudly and a few seconds later she was coming out of her room.
“Shit…” she muttered under her breath, “sorry. I thought I’d wake up when your alarm went off.”
You looked at her curiously for a moment before your lips twitched up into a smirk, “did you just sleep through the night?”
She stilled, an almost guilty expression on her face, “uh… yeah.” She laughed softly, “guess having to get up early with you to go into the hospital kinda fucked my daytime sleeping thing up.”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, pulling down an extra mug to fill with her coffee, “so I take it the new med adjustment is working?”
“How’d you know about that?” She asked, stepping into the kitchen to accept the steaming beverage and you chuckled.
“I’m still your doctor. I took a look at your scans from yesterday and with that came your file.” You grabbed another plate from the cupboard, putting the extra sandwich on it, “glad it’s working. You wanna eat outside?”
“Yeah.” She nodded, “thanks. And uh, another question for you.”
“What’s up?”
“PT said I should bump up my activity now, and I kinda liked getting out in the morning, the city’s quieter. Do you think it’d be okay for me to tag along with you on your way to work more often?”
 “Yeah, of course.” You replied with a smile, “it’s a lot nicer to not do it alone.”
“You’re a life saver.” She let out a breath, “and I wouldn’t like, follow you around at work or wait for you or anything, probably just grab a coffee and wander back here.”
“If I were you, I wouldn’t even want to see another hospital again.” You replied back with a laugh, relief washing over you when she laughed even harder, shaking her head at you as she picked up her plate, nudging you toward the balcony.
Emily liked her new morning commute, even if it wasn’t starting her workday, it gave her something to do, a proper reason to get out of bed and a way to feel a bit more like a real person again. Most days she’d split off from you a few blocks from the hospital before picking up a coffee or tea to do her people watching in different areas of the city. She’d meander around as the shops opened, checking things out and usually pick up a lunch on the way back home from a local vendor. If she found something she really loved, she’d pick it up again the next day and drop one off at the hospital for you, her way of saying thank you, and apologizing for being the worst patient and roommate you’d ever had.
On days that you didn’t work, the two of you avoided the metro at peak times, opting for lazy mornings with later breakfasts and extended cups of coffee. Some days you played tourist, checking out the sights of the city, other days you just wandered around together. On the rare occasion you had more than three days off in a row you were able to rent a car and head outside the city limits to explore a little bit further.
Some days Emily would join you at the gym, eager to get herself back to the shape she was in prior to everything going down. While she knew it would likely take more than a few months, she had to start somewhere, focussing on strengthening what her PT from the hospital said and taking it up a few notches higher. She did prefer to just use the time you went to the gym to work out at home, she wasn’t the gym type, never had been, but she couldn’t exactly store everything she needed in the small, shared space.
On lazier days, days you were too tired or unmotivated to do anything sometimes Emily would wander alone, some days she would keep you company while you showed her your favourite movie series. And some days, you ended up down the road at one of the smaller pubs where you could swap out the usual wine for cocktails and pretend like you were being social with other people.
Which was exactly where you were tonight. A basket of fries sitting between the two of you on the bar top while you sipped on drinks. You were seated at the shorter side of the bar, parallel to the space behind the bar, partially so Emily could have her back to the wall and partially because it gave you both the full view of the room. While chatting with the bartender or watching the sports game was fine, you’d both discovered that watching the other patrons was more entertaining.
“It’s got to be a full moon or something.” Emily muttered; her eyes fixed across the room.
“People are particularly wild tonight.” You replied, snagging another fry from the basket.
“I honestly thought that guy was gonna get a glass to the face.”
“It’s what happens when you hit on someone else’s girlfriend like that.” You replied with a shrug, “he was relentless.”
“And the girl’s boyfriend was twice the size of him, what’d he think was gonna happen?” She laughed, pulling one from you as the bartender came over to check on you, offering another round of drinks that you accepted.
“God I can’t believe I used to be that young and dumb. I couldn’t even imagine doing half the shit we’ve seen tonight at our age.”
“We’ve turned into spinsters.” She replied dryly, “it’s honestly amazing we’re out of the house on a Friday night anyways.”
“Yeah but I’m far too lazy to make my own mojitos.” You paused to thank the bartender for the refill, taking a hefty swig.
“I’ll drink to that.” She tilted her glass toward you and you clinked it with yours. “This group at ten o’clock?”
“Yeah?” Your eyes scanned through the room, following her direction until you found them.
“Girl in the pink’s been getting hit on by green shirt and blue shirt all night. Who’s she going home with?”
“Hmm...” Your lips wrapped around your straw for another sip as you surveyed the situation, spinning your own theories onto things, watching the group dynamics.
“Green shirt’s managed to get pretty touchy without any shying away.”
“Yeah but he’s buying her drinks, I’d put up with the flirting for free shit too. Besides, blue’s hotter.”
“You think?” She looked over at you and you shrugged.
“I’m mean, I wouldn’t fuck him, but if I had to pick between the two of them…” you gestured vaguely towards him and Emily tilted her head in recognition.
“He’s too shy.” She muttered, watching the man in blue, “doesn’t have the balls to flirt with her when green’s around and he doesn’t care who sees.”
“Yeah, but that’ll pay off in the long run.”
“Green’s a partier, a fuck boy, he may be flirting with her but he keeps eye fucking everything with a pulse when he thinks she’s not looking. Nice guys don’t always finish last, ya know.” You teased with a smirk and she scoffed, “besides, look at the scar on the back of green’s leg.” Emily’s eyes flicked to the back of his knee, “that’s fresh. I’m sure he’s supposed to be wearing a brace but thought it wasn’t cool, he’s probably still on the painkillers. He’s what?” You eyeballed him for a minute, “5’8’’, 160? With the amount he drank in the last hour, he’ll be three sheets to the wind in the next twenty.”
Emily pulled her gaze away from the group, surveying you for a minute as she took a sip of her drink and then let out a huff, “fuck, sometimes I forget you’re a doctor and you can do shit like that.” You laughed, “my money’s still on drunk-y.”
“Alright.” You replied with a grin and the two of you laughed before distracting yourselves with another group to people watch.
It was almost exactly twenty minutes later when Emily’s eyes circled back over to the original group and she let out a quiet swear. The girl was sitting in a separate booth from her friends, next to blue who had his arm against the back of the booth. Green was attempting to dance with another girl, stumbling so hard the bouncer was already on his way to escort him outside.
“Fuck.” She glanced up to the bartender who was halfway through a conversation with you, “put her next one on my tab.”
“Huh?” You glanced over to her and she nodded in the direction she’d been looking and you burst out a laugh. “Told ya.”
By the time that round of drinks had been finished, blue had made his move and the two of them had yet to stop making out across the bar.
“Jesus Christ.” Emily muttered, “they really don’t care that they’re in public, do they?”
“They’ve gotta come up for air sometime.” You replied and she laughed, “god...” you sighed, your elbow dropping onto the bar top so you could prop your chin up in your hand, “to be that young and just not give a shit….”
“Oh I remember the days.”
“Most of the time they make me cringe, I won’t lie. Half of it was likely just to piss off my mother.”
“They really are going to town…” your brow furrowed, “is his hand up her skirt?”
“Wouldn’t be surprised.”
“Good for them.” You huffed, “lord knows it’s been ages since my last good make out.”
“Yeah?” Emily raised a playful brow, “how long.”
“Well…” you chewed on your lip for a moment, “my ex and I broke up like…almost a year before I moved here...”
“A year?!” She exclaimed, “wait… how long was I under for?”
“Just shy of a month.” You replied, taking another sip of your drink, “got here early March.”
“October is next week!”
“You don’t have to remind me.” You stated with a laugh, picking up the shot Emily had ordered earlier and throwing it back.
“Okay, but relationships fizzle out, you stop having sex near the end of them, sometimes for months. Please tell me you at least had a couple hook ups after that.”
“Nope. Too heartbroken, then too busy with work.”
“So how long for that?”
“I don’t even want to think about it.” You chuckled, “this conversation is making me feel very shrivelled up but the saving grace is that I know you haven’t touched a soul in at least eight months so I feel a little better about that.”
“Glad I could be of service.” She laughed, saluting you before signalling for another round, “you know, there’s a sex toy shop that’s open late around the corner, you could pick something up.”
“Oh?” You raised a brow, “that one of your weekly shopping destinations?”
Emily scoffed, “no! And in my defence, I thought it was a lingerie boutique, figured since I don’t have anything that’s actually my style, I might want to pick something up. Went inside and nope, dildos, everywhere. And a very awkward conversation with the clerk.”
“Yeah? What’d’ya buy?” You asked with a grin.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Emily teased you right back, laughter filling the space between you as the bartender placed down another round of shots.
You were sitting at the breakfast bar, laptop in front of you and completely unaware that Emily was already out of the shower.
“What’re you looking at?” She asked, the tease very present in her voice and you jumped, practically slamming the laptop closed.
“Oh c’mon.” She laughed, flipping it back open, “it’s not like I didn’t already see, I watched you click through three options.” You felt the heat creeping up on your cheeks as she braced herself on the counter, hand half wrapped around you as she peered over your shoulder. “Why bother ordering online, just go to that shop.”
“Well after the raving review you gave I figured an in-person sale might be incredibly awkward. Plus the wrapping isn’t usually discreet and then you’d know exactly what I’d bought and I don’t need that.”
“Did you seriously move across an ocean and not bring any with you, or are you one of those girls who just doesn’t use them?” She asked, her hip coming to lean against the counter as her arms crossed.
“I moved to Paris for an indefinite amount of time, of course I brought some.” You deadpanned, “but it’s just weird to even think about doing anything when you’re in the house, I’ve lived alone so long I usually don’t think about it.”
“Have you seriously not touched yourself since March? No wonder you’re so pent up.”
“You were in the hospital for a long time…”
“Right.” She nodded, understanding what you were getting at, “still… grab a toy, use it. I’ll go out for a drink tonight.”
“That’s still weird though!” You laughed, “then the entire time I’m trying to get off all I’m thinking about is the fact that you’ve purposely left the house and are sitting at some bar wondering how long it will be til you can come home cause you’re thinking about me touching myself. And that’s not gonna help me.”
“Okay, so I’ll start leaving the house more randomly when you’re home.”
“Don’t bother.” You sighed, your chin finding a home in your hand as you redirected your gaze to the computer screen, clicking back a page to see more options, “the vibe died back in April and I’m not big on using the dildo myself, only when it was attached to the ex.”
Emily smirked, suddenly caging you into the counter from behind, “it doesn’t have to be her wearing it.” She laughed, “I can confidently say I know my way around a strap.” Her breath was hot on your ear when she spoke and you nearly choked on air at the tone in her voice. Her fingers brushed across your lower back as she moved around the island, “What?” She raised a brow.
“Nothing.” You shook your head, not daring to look up from the screen.
“Really?” She turned around, pouring out a fresh cup of coffee, “seems like you’re a little flustered, that’s all.” Turning back to you she took a sip, watching the way you shifted in your seat, almost uncomfortably before she barked out a laugh, “I’m kidding!”
“Jesus christ.” You swore, throwing a pen in her direction.
“You should have seen the look on your face.”
“I hate you…”
@momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @its-soph-xx xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @theclassicgaycousin @regalmilfs4me @kalixxh @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @niyizh @inlovewithmiddleagewomen men @tommyriddleobsessed @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @romanoffsho @ratsnestinmyhair @assgardangod @originalbrunettecharacter @elz-artzzz @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @nachofriess @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx
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massivedrickhead · 11 months
hiii if you’re still accepting prompt requests could you please do 14 or 44 from that prompt list? ty!!! really love all your work btw xx
I couldn't think of anything for 44, so I went with 14 🥰Thank you for sending it!
14. “I’ll carry you.”
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
“Okay,” Beca said, returning to the living room holding a baby monitor. “I think she’s down for the night. You should go to bed, Chlo’, you look exhausted.”
Chloe gave a grunt from her spot on the sofa. “I can’t,” she said, stifling a yawn. “There’s still loads to do. I didn’t get, like, any housework or anything done today.”
“I can sort all that,” Beca said. “Go lie down, you were up with her all night, and I know you didn’t get a chance to nap today either.”
“You’ve been at work all day,” Chloe said.
“And so have you,” Beca countered. “And I’m under no illusion who has the harder job.” She sat down on the sofa beside Chloe. “You know when you asked to be a stay-at-home Mom, I didn’t agree because I thought it would mean I’d get out of doing chores and come home to dinner on the table, right?”
“I had all these ideas about what it would be like,” Chloe said. “I thought everything would be perfect and I’d have time to clean and cook, and take her out to the park, and meet up with other Moms and I… I didn’t even get to shower today. I had to hold her while I brushed my teeth because she wouldn’t stop crying.”
“You took care of our daughter on your own all day,” Beca said. “Right now, that’s all you need to focus on. You’re an amazing Mom and an amazing wife.” She kissed Chloe on the top of the head. “And we’re a team, remember? I earn the money, you keep our kid alive when I’m out of the house, and the rest we can do together.”
Chloe laughed and shook her head slightly. “My Mom made it look so easy growing up. Dad brought home the paycheck, and she did everything else.”
“Things were different then,” Beca said. “She did all that because she thought she had to. And just because it’s hard for you it doesn’t mean you’re bad at it. I certainly couldn’t do it all on my own. Plus, you know, we’re both super new at this. It’ll get easier. And, if it doesn’t, you just need to tell me and we can figure it out.”
“I love you,” Chloe said, resting her head on Beca’s shoulder.
“I love you, too,” Beca said. “Now, are you gonna go to bed?”
“I honestly don’t think I can move,” Chloe said, groaning dramatically as she flopped back onto the couch. “I’m so tired my legs have stopped working.”
Beca shrugged. “I’ll carry you.”
Chloe laughed. “Yeah right,” she said.
“You don’t think I can?”
“I’m hardly the skinniest I’ve ever been,” Chloe replied. 
“Like that’s gonna stop me,” she said, waving her off. She slid her arm beneath the crook of Chloe’s knees and put the other arm around her back.
“Oh my god, Beca, don’t!” Chloe squealed, throwing her arms around Beca as she was lifted into the air. “Beca! You’re going to put your back out or something!”
“Please,” Beca said, trying to hide any sound of exertion from her voice. “I bench more than this.”
“You’ve never set foot in a gym in your life,” Chleo said, clinging onto her wife as Beca carried her down the hall towards their bedroom.
“And I clearly don’t need to,” Beca said, dropping Chloe onto the bed, grinning triumphantly. “I’m super strong.”
“I can’t believe you just carried me,” Chloe said, beginning to laugh as Beca flexed in front of her. 
“You must be pretty turned on right now, huh?”
“You’re an idiot,” Chloe laughed. 
“Maybe so,” Beca said, climbing onto the bed beside her. “But I’m your idiot.”
They shared a kiss before Beca pulled away in order to change into her pyjamas. 
“I thought you were going to do the housework?” Chloe asked, eyebrows raised.
“Well I was,” Beca said. “But I think I just hurt my back somehow.”
Chloe swatted her on the arm.
“Ow,” Beca laughed. “I’m kidding. I’ll get right on it.” She kissed Chloe again and left her pyjamas folded on top of the bed. “I’ve got the baby monitor with me. If she cries, I’ll get her, okay?”
“You’re too good to me, Beca Mitchell.”
Beca shrugged. “It’s what you deserve. Now get some sleep.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
It didn’t take Beca long to tackle the dishes and give the countertops a clean. She figured she would tackle hoovering on Saturday, it was too risky to do now while their daughter was sleeping. She poked her head through the door to see their six-month-old still fast asleep, and she couldn’t help but smile. 
She crept out of the nursery, returned to her bedroom, and found her wife asleep in the exact same position. She couldn’t help but smile harder.
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nso-csi · 1 year
230715 oneday cafe event FA
The cafe event place was very small and packed with fans at opening Taemin greeted fans and asked "is it ok? no you can't be~ (then turning a small fan on the table toward the fans) to cool down~"  cr.
fans saying Taemin didn't take the seat prepared by the host but chose to stand throughout the cafe event so even those in the back can see him, made eye contact with each, talked and listened to them without sitting, when asked if it's not hard he said it's ok.  cr.
No birthday party since a place couldn’t be rented but Taemin will do a live on his birthday!  cr.
Mentioning the photo the composers took with Taemin a fan asked if she can anticipate Taemin's solo album coming out this year Taemin smiled and nodded. cr.
Taemin saying he'd come in his own clothes tomorrow many fans asked why he didn't come in the clothes he wore on bubble selfie "someone replied on bubble it looked like mom's..ah although mom's clothes are pretty..6~6" (a fan: it's pretty) "thanks 6v6"   cr.
• Taemin has already received his birthday gifts from his members but he didn't say what he received • Taemin went back to his parents home & his mom wished him a happy birthday already. he asked 'you are already thinking that i am not coming home on my birthday?' • Minho went to the gym with Taemin yesterday after two of them spent 2 hours signing 400 signs and Taemin said Minho was disgusting for that but Minho told him that even so they still need to do it. • the members took ballet lessons before when they were trainees and at every lesson they would jokingly go 'ah teacher, what is this ~~~~!' and the lesson got removed after the 2nd lesson. The members said that the teacher escaped.   cr.
- said he ate chicken breast sandwich for lunch - did oishkunare moe moe kyun - a fan congrats Taem’s birthday using “saenghin” (highly respectful term for birthday) Taemin said it’s 1st time he ever heard that word for him so everyone laughed - asked what 3 wishes he has: 1)b healthy 2)b happy 3)not get old - he makes sure to do aerobic exercise once a day elliptical is good for burning calories “I seek the best efficiency so try it~” - ate lamb skewers last night as reward so exercise today as punishment - to a fan who asked if she can call him oppa taemin: ? I think i am oppa 6v6 - Taemin thinks lilac is his symbolic color - Taemin went to bed at 3 am last night - asked what happened to his rosary ring he said he lost it and doesn’t know when cr.
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dazedstevie · 1 year
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Unlikely Pair - Chapter I | Eddie Munson x Sinclair!Reader
Who: Sinclair!Reader (AFAB), Eddie Munson, brief Lucas and Erica Sinclair
What: Reader is a college freshman who is struggling to find her place in the world. When she runs into Eddie Munson again she sees the opportunity for friendship.
Word Count: 2,253
Triggers: Cursing (I can't write without it because I can't talk without it, whoops), marijuana use, first time poster nerves and (probably) bad writing
Author's Notes: Hiya, Stevie here! This is my very first time ever posting a fic and I'm nervousss. I'm hoping to turn this into a series so please let me know what y'all think! Do not steal, repost, take credit, or any other lame shit. Please DO enjoy!
Chapter II
For about the millionth time that night you looked down at the wristwatch you had received as a graduation present the previous summer. If you were late to get your siblings home before their curfew again you would never hear the end of it from your mom and you knew your dad would follow through with his threat of taking your keys. You stomped on the gas as you sped into Hawkins High's parking lot and drove right up to the front doors where your brother, sister, and another person sat on the curb waiting.
You lowered the volume on the radio and yelled out the open window, "Get in! We have ten minutes to get home before Mom and Dad accuse me of forgetting you losers."
"But you did forget us." Lucas grumbled as he slid into the passenger seat.
"Were you off somewhere with Daniel?" Erica mocked as she got into the backseat. "I'm surprised you have any lips left, you two were probably sucking each other's faces for hours."
You ignored her and turned to the older guy who had gotten to his feet at the same time as your siblings. You recognized him immediately as Eddie Munson, the guy in town most people avoided like the plague.
"Thanks." You called to him. "Had some errands to run." You heard Erica scoff and shot her a threatening look in the rearview mirror. "Need a ride? I have get them home now, but I can give you a lift once I've dropped them off." You looked down at your watch again.
"I've gotta ride." The long-haired man nodded toward the only other vehicle in the parking lot, an old van parked way out from the building. "Just wanted to make sure they got picked up."
You nodded your thanks again, stepped on the gas, and peeled out of the parking lot. You didn't speak again until you had pulled into your driveway with three minutes to spare; you turned to face your brother and sister with a stern face.
"There was a traffic jam."
"Yeah, yeah. We won by the way, if anyone cares." Lucas grumbled and got out of the car.
"The hell's his problem?"
"No one went to his game. Mom and Dad had that dinner thing, I had Hellfire, and you had... what? What was so important that you couldn't go, again?" Erica asked with a smug smirk.
As the two of you got out of the car another thought hit you and you wrapped an arm firmly around your sister's shoulders and pulled her close. "You guys hang out with Eddie Munson?"
"Yeah, he's dungeon master for Hellfire. He offered us a ride since we all thought you'd stood us up, but Lucas said you'd kick our asses if you ended up coming and we weren't there." She looked up into your face and saw a bit of curiosity as you tried to recall any memories of him from high school. "You'd like him, he only produces about three thoughts every hour - you have a lot in common." She wriggled her way out of your grip before you could register what she had said and darted into the house.
That following Friday you were dragged by your parents to Lucas's basketball game because he had complained for days about not having anyone there to support him the last time. Erica had one of her Hellfire meetings and had disappeared almost as soon as the three of you had entered the high school. When the game was finally over you left the gym to wait outside for the rest of your family because you needed the fresh air. You didn't do well in crowds but didn't like to draw attention to it, either. As you rounded the corner you saw another door fly open and a group of laughing boys flooded the hall, one who you immediately recognized.
He looked shocked that you had addressed him by name. Among Lucas's friends you weren't necessarily known as the nicest older sister.
"Hey, Erica's in there, it's her week to help Eddie clean." Dustin explained and nervously played with the straps of his backpack.
"Mm." You examined his Hellfire Club t-shirt with a raised brow. "You guys aren't turning my sister into a devil worshipper, are you?"
Dustin shook his head fiercely. "No! Why does everyone think that?"
You pointed to the picture on his shirt, but when he looked down you flicked his nose; he stumbled back a few steps and you laughed. Just then, three more people emerged from the dark room: Mike Wheeler, Erica, and Eddie.
"You two have a ride?" You pointed between Dustin and Mike.
Mike nodded. "Nancy's waiting for us outside." He nudged Dustin and they took off for the doors.
You turned your attention to Erica. "Please go congratulate Lucas, he's still in the gym celebrating." You made yourself look stern as your sister started to protest; she sighed and angrily stomped away.
Eddie chuckled beside you.
"Any tips on how to get her to listen to you?"
You watched him from the corner of your eye. "I taught her everything she knows about being defiant, she has a few ounces of respect for her teacher... but she also knows that I'm not above physical force if and when needed." You added. "We've had our fair share of tussles."
"I didn't know you were related to Lucas and Erica. They're pretty cool kids."
Erica had turned the corner and walked out of sight, so you faced Eddie head on and held out your hand as you introduced yourself.
"I know." He chuckled and shook your hand. "We had some classes together last year. Eddie Munson."
You examined him a bit closer but it wasn't until your eyes landed on the leather jacket and denim vest in his hands that you remembered why he felt so familiar to you.
"You sold to me once!" You exclaimed, then looked around to make sure you were still the only ones in the hallway. "Behind the school, at that picnic table."
His smile grew even wider. "I knew you'd remember!"
You smiled back and pointed toward the doors. "I was on my way out."
"Yeah, right." Eddie pulled on his jacket and vest. "But uh, just wanted you to know... you don't have to worry about Lucas and Erica, I, uh... I wouldn't do anything..."
The sound of a large crowd echoed through the halls - the stampede was coming in your direction. You looked up to see the basketball fans who had finally wrapped up their celebration in the gym; you stepped closer to Eddie and mumbled in his ear.
"Yeah, I know, I just like to give people a hard time. But if you do wanna be a bad influence, at least for a few minutes, could I buy a joint off of you? My guy got his ass arrested."
"How'd you know?"
"You're always in the know when you're in the business." He nodded. "Yeah, I think I could do that."
You smiled. "I'm gonna tell my parents that I found a ride with someone, meet you at your van?"
Eddie nodded again and smiled. He looked up as the crowd drew nearer then made a beeline for the doors. Your family reached you before you could even peel your eyes away from his retreating figure.
"Congrats." You smiled and poked your brother in the chest.
"Thanks." He beamed.
"What're you doing out here?" Your dad asked.
"Waiting for you. Hey, Nancy Wheeler is outside picking up her brother, I think I'm gonna catch a ride with her if that's okay? We haven't hung out in a while."
Erica's eyes narrowed and wandered to the doors Eddie had just walked through. "You haven't hung out with Nancy Wheeler in years." She reminded you.
You gave her a tight-lipped smile. "No time like the present." You retorted.
Your mom sighed when she sensed one of your squabbles on the horizon. "Fine, but make it home in one piece, please. We'll leave the back door unlocked." She gave you a one armed hug, grabbed your dad's hand, and led him and Lucas out of the building.
Erica, however, stayed put.
"Where're you going?"
"To hang out with Nancy, why don't you buzz off?"
"Mhm. Looked like you and Eddie were having a good conversation."
You laughed. "Wow, maybe you are smarter than you look."
She rolled her eyes and purposefully bumped into you as she left.
You waited until you saw your dad's car leave the parking lot before you went outside. You started in the direction of Eddie's van with your head down, mostly to keep people from noticing you, but also to keep the cold night air from freezing your nose as you practically jogged. You jumped into the passenger seat and closed the door quickly behind you. It was quiet as Eddie stared at you, an unrolled joint in his hands.
"Was I not supposed to get in?" You asked, confused.
"No, I mean, yeah! Yeah, of course. It's cold." He turned his attention back to rolling.
"There's an empty house a street down from my place that's for sale - we could smoke in the backyard. There's a porch swing." You suggested. "I've been using it ever since the old owners put it up for sale and hightailed it out of Hawkins."
"We?" Eddie looked up again.
Your face fell. "Unless you don't want you?"
His cheeks went red. "I just... I'd figured you would want to, I don't know, enjoy it by yourself?"
"What's the fun in that?" You asked and rested your head against the seat. You watched the slow procession of cars as they emptied the parking lot. "I think I'm gonna lose my mind if I don't talk to someone my own age instead of my siblings or parents for a change. Ever since the semester started and all my friends went back to their fancy schools I've been stuck here slowly being bored to death."
It was silent in the van until Eddie handed you the perfectly rolled joint with a kind smile. "If you were looking for a friend all you had to do was ask, sweetheart. Which way to this empty house?"
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Eddie's driving was even wilder than yours, so you were happy to find yourself on the porch swing, your legs tucked underneath you and an old moth bitten blanket that Eddie had found in the back of his van pulled around your shoulders. He had offered to save you from freezing to death by just smoking in the van, but you had declined - you liked being outside, especially at night while everyone else was asleep. It was peaceful and gave you some time to think.
You watched as Eddie lit the joint, his puffy lips wrapped around the end and his face still with concentration. He took a long drag then passed it to you and you did the same.
"Why didn't we talk in school?" You asked after a coughing fit.
"You were cooler than me." He stated matter-of-factly.
You shook your head. You had not been unpopular in high school, but you had always considered yourself more of a floater. You could get along with the band members just as well as you could with people like Steve Harrington. Your lack of a true "clique" was partially why you had never felt like you belonged anywhere.
"That's not true."
"Well, there's also the fact that you have this way of looking through people instead of at them." He took the joint from your fingers and you jumped when his hand bumped into yours. "Sorry." He apologized quickly.
"I've heard that before. My dad says that I have a 'zombie stare', I always thought he was just being dramatic or one of those guys who's always telling women to smile." You chuckled. "Can I tell you something? I think you're pretty cool, like how you don't give a fuck what people think. I care what people think and it's probably the dumbest thing someone could do."
He looked down and if the two of you weren't surrounded by darkness with just moonlight and the faintly burning joint to add hints of light you would have seen that his entire face had turned scarlet.
"What's college like?" He quickly changed the subject.
"Junior college." You corrected him with a sigh. "And I feel like I'm just as lost as I was in high school. I have no idea what I'm doing."
"What's your major?"
"Ah, the default." He joked and you shot him a grin.
He started to slowly push his feet against the ground so that the swing moved. He couldn't sit still to save his life, meanwhile you could have sat there in that one spot for hours without getting the urge to fidget. You watched as the wind from the swing pushed his hair back and forth over his shoulders and how his big brown eyes examined the large backyard you had trespassed into.
"Hey, Eddie?"
"I do need a friend. This is me asking nicely."
"Yeah, okay." He almost blinded you with his smile. "Okay. What're you doing tomorrow?"
You let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. "Whatever you're doing."
For the first time in a long time, you were excited for what the next day would bring.
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lover-girl-estxx · 8 months
Don't Worry About It
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*not my gif
Same TW
Part 2
| Same Night |
Ethan was yelling again about the house not being clean or the food not being right something I don't really listen anymore "what?!" he said grabbing both my forearms to the wall "stop your hurting me," he held tighter "Stop!" Axel came from his room ans push his dad as hurt as he could "she said to stop" "who do you think you are huh?" he punched Axe making him fall "Stop! he's bleeding!" I got down and helped him up. Ethan stopped and went back to the living room, he never made Axel bleed never leaving marks on his face "come on" I whispered and pulled him into the bathroom having him sit on the toilet lid while I grabbed a cotton pad to clean his face. "sorry I kept you up" I said "you didn't don't say sorry" I gave a slight smile "you don't have to stand up for me, you shouldn't have to okay?" "I can't just listen".
I got in bed next to Abel wrapping my arms around him Axel on the bed above us "thank you Axe....I love you goodnight" "of course Love you too mom".
| Next Morning |
"people are gonna know I have makeup on" he said as I put it over the purple spot "no they won't" he sighed "i'll do it again before you go to gym" he nodded "mom?" I looked down at Abel "yeah?" "can we go?" I smiled "go wait by the door" Abel smiled and did so "how's he normal?" " your normal to Axel" he didn't say anything.
I dropped Axel off at school did some things around town, when we got back home I pulled my phone and look up the guy from the day before Sean Strickland. 'Current UFC Middleweight Champion of the world' I scroll down more 'Sean Strickland opens up about past trauma on Theo Von Podcast' I hit the clip then I watch his fight Abel in my lap.
"did you shower after school" Sean asked Axel looked at me "no I didn't" "you have a locker, with clothes and stuff go shower come out when your done " "okay thank you" Axel walked to the locker room "you can stay or pick him up in a bit" I nodded "thanks".
| Sean's POV |
The kid came out with a big bruise on his face not as his moms from the day before "what happened to you?" I asked "I fell at school" "did you?" "yeah man I did" I nodded. "go on the Treadmill" I told him getting on one myself next to him, he started when I asked "why are you here?" he looked at me "I've been watching for a whi-" his phone started to ring he didn't say anything but quickly picked it up "hey dad....um i'm just at the after school thing....I don't know I haven't talked to mom today...okay bye" "your dad not know your here" "can you stop asking me shit?" "okay come on" I turned it off and hopped off "what?" "go get you gloves and wraps".
"how much do you weigh?" I asked quickly wrapping his hands "like 125" "K MARK?" the other kid came over "your gonna spar him" mark nodded "I don't know how to fight, hes huge" Axel said "hes 150" "how old is he?" "that doesn't matter".
"what the hell happened?!" his mom said grabbing his chin "I got to spar! it was awesome!" "are you okay though?" "i'm great!" "okay" his mom said unsure "i'll see you tomorrow" I told him he nodded "thanks!".
| Week Later |
"whats up?" I asked Axel who couldn't even keep his eyes open hitting the bag "nothing" "you barely awake" "I was just up late last night is all" "come on" "what?" "take your gloves off take a nap in the office" "no it's fine" "kid...it's fine go take a nap i'll bring you a pillow and blanket" he nodded.
I brought him bedding "you know you can..um you can talk to me about stuff" he shrugged "okay" "you have my number even when your at home" he nodded.
"Hey!" Y/n said holding her younger sons hands with a smile on her face I could barely see under her glasses "Hey!" I gave a smile back "wheres axe?" "hes napping in the office" she nodded "he was pretty tired" I nodded "you can wake him up I got this one" she smiled "okay thanks". I went to step forward to talk to him and he stepped back from me I got down to his level "i'm Sean whats your name?" "..Abel.." "Abel?" he nodded "that's such a cool name" he smiled "really?" I nodded "very cool" he smiled wider "thanks Sean" Y/n said a smile Axel behind her I nodded "see you tomorrow!" Axel said I smiled
| Next week |
It was around 1 when my phone lit up
It's Axel you want to go grab lunch?
S: Sure. You need a ride?
A: yeah if you don't mind
S: send me where
"what happened to your eye?" I asked It was swollen shut "its nothing drive please" I put my truck in drive. "you came to the gym because you know who I am right?" I asked sitting across from him "yeah" "so you've seen my interviews and all the shit I talk about" "yes I have" he grabbed his drink "so I know whats going on" he nodded "I know you do" he whispered "to your mom and your brother?" "my mom" "you have my number you need to call me next time" "to do what make it worse?! we have no where to go" "I can figure that out" he sighed and shook his head "i'm being honest with you Axel"
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drvirgus · 10 months
My Enemy
Yuna X Fem! Reader
Description: Yuna your ex-Girlfriend hates you. Or does she? Why did you break up? What if she wants you back?
Chapter 10:
With a mask on my face, I stepped out of my bedroom. Fully dressed and with a backpack ready, I now stood in the hallway, attempting to put on my shoes. "Where do you think you're going?" Chaewon asked, her forehead wrinkling as she looked at me. Startled, I jumped slightly and glanced at the older woman.
I swallowed as I saw her standing right in front of me with crossed arms, tapping her foot on the floor. "We were really worried. Where were you last night?" she asked as she scrutinized me. "Why are you wearing a mask?" she continued, which made me sigh.
Quickly, I put on my shoes. "I came home late yesterday, and no, it wasn't anything important. Yuna got drunk and called me, so I got worried. I'm wearing the mask because I seem to have gotten sick, but with all our comebacks coming up, I really shouldn't infect anyone. I'm going to the JYPE Building to the gym; I haven't been there in a while," I answered as if I had rehearsed this for hours.
But, in a way, I had. I had thought about what exactly to say yesterday. Although everything would come out eventually, I didn't care for the moment. My members shouldn't worry about me. Chaewon, especially, becomes unbearable. She turns into a helicopter mom, and I definitely didn't want that.
"Why JYPE?" she asked, which made me hesitate. Nervously, I started to laugh a bit. "I... really don't want to run into Minji," I replied, which only confused Chaewon more. Her forehead furrowed in questioning. "But... you had your date with her just yesterday. You said it was beautiful," the older woman said, clearly puzzled.
I looked at her. Chaewon's eyes widened, and then she seemed to put two and two together. "Don't tell me... You're doing this because of Yuna?" she asked, visibly shocked by the idea. But it was only when I didn't answer that she became certain. Chaewon let out a soft sigh as she looked at me. "You shouldn't avoid Minji... She deserves to know the truth," the older woman said, making me tense up.
My eyes narrowed. "I'm trying!" I replied, now somewhat louder and visibly stressed. Chaewon's eyes widened because I had never raised my voice at her before. I also noticed it as my head hung slightly. "I'm sorry... I should... yeah. See you later," I said quietly as I opened the door.
I turned my head to her. The older woman smiled a bit. "Take care of yourself," she said before disappearing into the living room. I swallowed as I looked after the short-haired woman. I slowly closed the door.
My eyes focused on the people outside as I continued to walk. I had removed the mask, and my AirPods were blasting music into my ears. In my head, though, the events of yesterday played on a loop. My manager hadn't called me yet... did that mean there was no article about me?
I sighed as I glanced down. The bustling crowds on the streets seemed never-ending. It was somewhat ironic. I had never really wanted to be in the spotlight, but now I was, even when I was just going shopping.
These people probably didn't have to look around a thousand times to check if someone was eavesdropping on their conversations or taking recordings...
These people could probably scream or cry whenever they wanted...
But not me, or any other idol. A camera followed us 24/7. It was impossible to escape it... The spontaneity... had escaped my life...
Suddenly, I noticed someone next to the treadmill, their mouth moving, but I couldn't hear anything. Immediately, I positioned my feet at the edge and came to a halt while the treadmill kept running. I removed one of my AirPods, causing the music to stop immediately.
"What are you doing here?" Yeji asked, visibly surprised by my presence. I chuckled as I looked at the older woman. "I'm working out," I replied, stating the obvious, which made Yeji roll her eyes. I laughed a bit, "Well, let's just say I was hoping to run into you here," I asked with a smile.
However, Yeji's eyes widened as she gasped for air. "What happened to your lip?" she asked, making me touch my face. My eyes briefly shifted to the mask in one of the containers, causing me to sigh. I chuckled, "You guys were pretty drunk yesterday. Do you remember anything?" I asked with a light laugh.
I stopped the treadmill and slowly got off. Yeji followed me to the weights shortly after. I settled into the machine and changed the weights, gripping the handles.
"No, not really. But I do know you came," Yeji replied, her hand now between my shoulder blades. This made it easier for me to focus on my form. I breathed in and out periodically as I continued to work out. "I was surrounded by reporters yesterday. I think it was your manager," I said as I continued to train.
However, Yeji looked at me in shock, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open. "Are you... sure?" she asked, which made me release the machine slightly. I turned to Yeji, looking at her seriously. "Yes, pretty sure," I replied. Yeji swallowed, "What exactly happened?" she asked, visibly concerned as she kept glancing at the wound.
Of course, I told her. From the manager's gaze to the reporters' questions. Yeji couldn't believe her own manager would do such a thing. But when I mentioned the manager's name, Yeji's forehead furrowed. Apparently, this manager was new, as Yeji had only met her that evening.
Sighing, I eventually stood up and wiped the sweat from my face and neck with my towel. I hesitated slightly as I looked at Yeji. The taller woman thoughtfully bit her lip. She really couldn't believe it.
"Yuna... how is she?" I asked, causing Yeji to look at me again. She smiled a bit, "She's wondering how she got into bed and if you were in her room yesterday," she said, chuckling lightly. I hesitated. I looked at the older woman. "She... had a blackout?" I asked curiously. Yeji nodded, laughing lightly with her head. I joined in, but it somehow hurt me. 
Even though I already knew...
Title: Unexpected Paparazzi Frenzy: Y/n of Le SSerafim Surrounded by Controversy
Late-night encounter with reporters raises questions about Y/n's relationships
In an unexpected turn of events, Y/n of Le SSerafim found herself at the center of a paparazzi frenzy after a late-night incident outside an entertainment venue. The incident raised questions about Y/n's relationships and brought forth unexpected revelations.
On a late night when most celebrities would prefer to go unnoticed, Y/n was spotted outside a venue, attempting to leave quietly. However, an eager group of reporters descended upon the scene, armed with cameras, microphones, and questions that would soon send ripples through the entertainment world.
The reporters wasted no time, firing off a barrage of questions about Y/n's involvement with the popular K-pop girl group, Itzy. Speculation about a close friendship with Itzy member Yuna fueled the reporters' curiosity, leading to questions about Y/n's romantic inclinations.
Reporters probed Y/n about her relationship with Yuna, questioning whether the two were romantically involved. They cited sources that claimed a romantic outing between Y/n and another K-pop idol, Minji from Newjeans, had occurred earlier that day. The press inquired whether this was indeed a romantic date, implying that Y/n may be romantically involved with both individuals simultaneously.
As the questions continued, an altercation ensued when a reporter pushed a microphone too close to Y/n's face, accidentally striking her lip. The impact caused her lip to split, resulting in visible bleeding. Despite this, Y/n declined to press charges against the reporter, suggesting that no wrongdoing had occurred during the encounter.
While the exact nature of Y/n's relationships remains unclear, this encounter has ignited a media frenzy. Fans and the public alike are left speculating about her personal life, with many intrigued by the possibility of a romantic entanglement.
The late-night encounter between Y/n and reporters has left the public with more questions than answers. As speculation continues to swirl, it remains to be seen whether Y/n will address the controversy surrounding her relationships and set the record straight. In the fast-paced world of K-pop and celebrity gossip, this incident serves as a reminder that even the most private moments can become the center of attention. 
(Username: KpopLover92): Wow, can't believe Y/n had to go through this. She deserves her privacy like anyone else. Let's show her some love and support during this tough time! 💖
(Username: SSeraphimFanatic): Y/n's strength and grace in handling this situation is truly admirable. It's a shame that her personal life is being scrutinized this way. Our queen deserves all the love and respect in the world! 🌟
(Username: ForeverYnStan): The way Y/n handled this is proof of her maturity and professionalism. She's always been there for her fans, and we'll continue to stand by her side through thick and thin! 💪❤️
(Username: SSeraphimSupporter): Sending all my love to Y/n! She shouldn't have to deal with this invasion of privacy. Let's protect her at all costs and respect her personal life! ❤️✨
(Username: YunaYnShipper): I don't care about the rumors. Y/n and Yuna make a great pair, whether as friends or something more. Let's respect their choices and continue supporting them no matter what! 🌈💕
(Username: TrueSSerafimFan): Y/n's well-being should always come first. Let's remember that she's a human being with feelings, and privacy is a basic right. We're here to support her, no matter what! 🙌💖
(Username: YnMinjiShipper): Whatever Y/n's relationship status is, it's her business. Let's not jump to conclusions and give her the space she needs. We love you, Y/n! ❤️💫
(Username: PeacefulSSerafim): This incident is a reminder of how invasive paparazzi can be. Let's stand together as fans and demand better privacy protection for our beloved celebrities, including Y/n. She deserves peace and respect! 🌟❤️
(Username: YnProtectionSquad): It's heartbreaking to see Y/n go through this. We need to be vigilant in protecting her from unwarranted scrutiny and support her choices. Our love for her knows no bounds! 💪💖
(Username: YnForeverSupport): Y/n's strength in handling this situation is commendable. Let's remember to respect her personal life and continue being the supportive fanbase she deserves. Love you, Y/n! ❤️🌈
 Sighing, I returned to our apartment. There, I took off my shoes and slowly made my way into the living room. My eyes landed on Sakura and Eunchae, both of them looking at me. "Take off your mask," Sakura said sternly, causing my eyes to widen. Yes... I had read the article. Most likely, she had too.
I left my backpack on the armchair and knelt down in front of Sakura without a word, slowly removing the mask. Almost immediately, Sakura grasped my jaw and lifted my face. She examined the wound, her expression turning angry. "Which reporter did this?" she asked, her forehead furrowing. Eunchae remained silent the entire time.
The front door opened, and the rest of them walked in. They observed the situation, with Kazuha nodding to indicate she was going to get the newspapers. Sakura, however, raised her hand to stop the younger girl. She looked at me. "Answer," Sakura demanded. God, she was genuinely scaring me right now.
"I don't know. But I won't press charges. It was an accident," I replied, which made Sakura scoff. She stared at me seriously. Yunjin and Chaewon also watched us closely. Kazuha kept gesturing with her finger, as if she was going to spank me when I did something wrong.
"Record, Y/n. You're the only one of us who had to kneel three times in a row. Not even Eunchae managed that," Yunjin remarked, which made me grin slightly. However, the expression on Sakura's face made me stop immediately. Okay... it wasn't the right time for jokes.
Chaewon suddenly left, and all of us looked at her in surprise. She never... just walked away. She hadn't even said anything. That never happened!
I stood up from my kneeling position and looked at the closed bedroom door, my face creasing with concern. "Hey, sit do—" Eunchae began to say, but Sakura stopped her once again. Ignoring everyone, I entered the older girl's room. She was sitting on her bed.
I closed the door behind me and approached her. "Unnie," I said softly, but Chaewon just shook her head. She looked up at me. "Am I such a bad leader?" she suddenly asked, causing my eyes to widen. I quickly shook my head. "No, why would you think that?" I asked, somewhat breathless as I looked at the older girl.
Chaewon took a deep breath. "Then why don't you trust me? Why do I have to find out from Yunjin? And, especially... you probably wanted to keep hiding it, right?" she asked, making me freeze. My mouth slightly agape as I saw her sadly twisted expression. Nervously, I swallowed as my fingers started playing with the fabric of my shirt.
"I... didn't want to make you worry," I replied, pouting slightly. Chaewon sighed. She got up from her bed and took my hands in hers. "But I want to worry about you. All of us do. We're a family, so trust us a little more, okay?" Chaewon asked, looking at me.
I swallowed as I nodded my head. "Okay. I'm sorry," I said quietly, and Chaewon immediately pulled me into her arms. I embraced her just a bit tighter. "You're a good leader, Unnie," I said again, this time even softer, which made her laugh.
"I'm just hard to control, I'm sorry."
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starsarefire824 · 2 years
Ahhh for writing prompts: how does angst sound?? Idk what specific flavor of angst, but i've been craving it lately, and i'm sure you've got some cool take on it brewing in your head :D
“Will!” Mike calls out as the huge metal door of their high school almost hits him in the face. Will shoved it open so hard that it slammed loudly into the brick wall with a heavy thrash. The October night is chilly and Mike shivers when the brisk air hits his cheeks. It’s almost a reprieve from the heat of the gym where their last Homecoming dance was still going on. And when Mike wasn’t tugging at his collar and wiping away sweat from his forehead, he had spent his time trying not to stare at Will; trying not to notice how he had grown more and more upset with each song that played; trying not to notice how he got more and more quiet and avoided his gaze and didn’t laugh when the Party joked around at their table. Tried not to notice the only time he even remotely engaged was when Lucas had slipped the flask Max had stolen from her mom underneath the table. 
It’s quiet outside, the only sound is the rustling of trees in the wind and the dampened beat of a Madonna song thumping from the gym. 
“Will! Come on man. Stop!” Mike quickens his pace, his shoes slapping against the sidewalk loudly when he finally catches up to Will. He tugs at his sleeve and Will shrugs him off, slapping his arm away as he turns forcefully on his heels. 
“No Mike! I just want to go home—-” Mike stops in his tracks when he sees Will’s eyes, red rimmed and tears streaming down his face. He wipes them roughly away with the back of his palms. 
Mike throws his arms out, frustrated. “How are you going to get home right now? You’re being ridiculous.” 
“Ridiculous,” Will scoffs angrily and rolls his eyes, then glares at him. “I’ll walk,” he continues, quickly turning back around and stomping off toward where the fence leads to the woods that lead to his house. 
“Dude, you can’t walk! That’s like a full hour and you don’t have your coat.” 
“Why do you even care, Mike?!” Will challenges bitterly and turns around again to face him directly, his gaze hard and seething under his sadness. Mike tries not to flinch beneath his scrutiny. “Why do you act like that?” Will asks him, motioning towards the gym. 
“Like what?! I was just—” 
“Like what?!” Will interrupts, his laugh filled with acid as he steps closer invading Mike’s space, chin turned up defiantly. He shoves his fingers into his shoulder roughly. “Dancing with El the whole night like you’re still together? Ignoring me in the car, while your Mom was taking pictures at your house, basically forcing me to dance with Stacy???! You couldn’t even sit next to me at the fucking table!” Will looks to the stars. “Why did you even invite me? I didn’t even want to come to this, but you said you wanted us to go….together! You said we would tell Lucas and Dustin tonight! You told me you were ready! And now you’re barely acting like my friend, let alone my boyfriend!”
 Will’s voice is loud and Mike tries not to cower when the word 'boyfriend' echoes through the parking lot. He hates himself for it, but he glances around quickly in search of any people passing by that could hear them, only to find it’s abandoned. Will’s eyes follow his and he swallows roughly before staring back at Mike with wide eyes that declare, “See? Just proved my point.” 
Mike opens and closes his mouth, struggling to find anything to say that will help. He stutters, his voice breaking as emotion sticks painfully in his throat. “I’m—I’m sorry Will.” His shoulders fold in on themselves as he wraps his arms around his torso, the weight of this stupid night finally too hard to hold up anymore. “I just—--I thought I was ready—and I—-” He ducks his head to catch Will’s gaze which hasn’t left the floor. Fresh tears pool in his eyes and he’s roughly working his jaw against a sob. Mike’s fingers twitch at his side with the urge to grab his best friend’s face and pull him close and kiss his mouth, his forehead, kiss away his tear streaked cheeks; taste the salt of him on his lips. 
Instead, he murmurs, “I’m so sorry—-I thought—-” he sighs heavily. “I thought I was ready and I was so excited and I even had a stupid boutonnière I bought you and everything that matches your vest, and then it all started happening and everyone was there and my dad was staring at me standing with El and then he was looking at you and I just couldn’t fucking breathe and I’m a fucking idiot! I know I am—-but I’m sorry Will. I’m. So. Sorry.” 
He reaches out to him, his fingers gently caressing the back of his neck and he slides it lightly over his face, thumbing away a tear. Will works his jaw again, eyelashes thick and wet as he stares down at Mike’s chest. He swallows heavily, slightly leaning into his touch as he finally meets Mike’s gaze. Mike watches his mouth, unable to keep himself from leaning in close, to kiss it all away. But then he feels Will’s hand at the back of his and he’s pulling his hand away, gently placing it back at his side. 
“Mike—” he breathes, voice rough and pained. He shakes his head sorrowfully. “I can’t be your secret anymore. I just—-” he shrugs, completely dejected. “I just can’t.” With that, he’s turning away from Mike again and Mike stands frozen in place, his heart thudding in his chest and his own tears blurring his vision as he watches Will quickly pass through the gate of the metal fence and disappear into the woods that will lead him back to his house.
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inadaydream99 · 2 years
Not In Love
Fake dating, enemies to lovers, college au, fluff, angst, slow burn, mutual pining, BTS Taehyung/ V x fem reader
A/N - Here’s part two. Happy reading!
Summary: Doubts are raised and so are the stakes. It seems that your family aren’t the only ones that Taehyung needs to convince.
Disclaimer: this does not represent any of the members in real life and is for entertainment purposes only.
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Your foot taps anxiously on the worn wooden floor of the cafe, eyes darting around the room as you wait for Taehyung to arrive. Being a Sunday, the quaint little place is buzzing with life, a rich coffee smell permeating the air and feeding into the bright and busy atmosphere.
You’re not sure what he’s going to say. Not that you expect him to agree to play your fake boyfriend again. He certainly isn’t obligated to and you feel terrible for having to drag him into this continuing mess you’ve caused.
Although he did volunteer the first time… and that reminder has you feeling some hope.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you prepare yourself for the conversation you’re about to have as you spot Taehyung arrive, glancing around the busy cafe until his eyes meet yours.
“Is everything ok?” Taehyung asks as he reaches your table and slides into the chair beside you. He looks worried, his brows furrowed and bottom lip slightly jutted out as he waits for your answer.
You’re incredibly endeared by his concern, although you do understand that your text was vague. All you’d messaged was for him to meet you at the cafe as soon as possible and that it was urgent. You didn’t want to go into too much detail in case it deferred him from coming. This conversation must be carried out in person.
“My mom called this morning…” You inhale a deep breath. Taehyung watches you through large, concerned eyes, intently. “…and she wants to meet us for lunch tomorrow.”
You can almost see the cogs turning inside Taehyung’s mind as he processes this information.
“Us? Like me - your boyfriend - and you?” His unsure voice airs, pointing his index finger between the two of you as he speaks. “Huh…” he mulls when you nod, his gaze casting off to the side in thought.
The seconds that pass seem to drag, leaving you on the edge of your seat for his answer. Your hands begin to fidget with each other where they are placed on the table in front of you. But then Taehyung’s unreadable expression begins to morph into a sheepish grin.
“I guess I made quite the impression then.” His hand extends to cover yours, halting your fingers from their nervous movements.
You forget how to breathe.
“We make a great team.”
Taehyung strides confidently into the locker rooms, a proud smirk etched onto his face as he slugs his gym bag off his shoulder and it thuds onto the wooden bench in front of him.
He doesn’t normally like having to attend practice on a Sunday. But after his meeting with you, he’s been put in a good mood.
“What’s got you looking so smug?” Jimin is the first to notice the captains mood.
The truth is, Taehyung is unbelievably happy to be playing your boyfriend for a second time. After how smoothly your sisters engagement party went and how much he had enjoyed your company, he had found himself arriving home hoping for another opportunity to arise. And it seems that someone has been looking over him and granting his wishes.
He regrets chickening out of kissing you before he said goodbye the previous night, but even more so, Taehyung regrets pushing you away for so long. Particularly now he knows how well you are able to work together.
“I haven’t seen him look like that since he first started dating Elena.” Jin comments, the name of Taehyung’s ex snapping him back into reality.
“Oh yeah - he’s definitely loved up!” Hoseok joins in.
Taehyung rolls his eyes at his friends. He’s not in love. No way. He’s just enjoying your company and helping you out by pretending to be your boyfriend. Definitely not loved up.
But it seems that his teammates are sold by his unusual positivity, the entire room filling with noise as they all begin to share their opinions in one go.
“Hey!” Taehyung bellows, gaining everyone’s attention. “Has it not occurred to any of you that I could just be in a good mood?”
But the responses of his team make him frown.
“Definitely not.”
“Yeah right.”
“Ugh.” He huffs. “Just get outside. Time to practice.” He instructs, walking out to the field with the rest of the group following behind.
Monday rolls around quicker than you want it to, bringing with it the dreaded lunch with your mother.
After receiving a message from Taehyung informing you of his arrival, you quickly finish getting ready before rushing outside of your dorm building. You find him leant up against the red brick wall beside the entrance, occupied by his phone.
Clearing your throat to get his attention, you feel yourself grow shy when his head snaps up and he lets a light “Woah…” escape his lips.
“I didn’t realise it was such a formal occasion.” Taehyung begins. “I would have dressed up more otherwise…” he trails off, looking down at his more casual attire in scrutiny.
Yes, you’d dressed up more formally than one would typically expect for a Monday lunch. But this isn’t just any weekday lunch.
Regardless of Taehyung’s doubt over his outfit, he still looks breathtaking to you and you know that your mother would never hold him to the same nit picky standards she does for you. It was made abundantly clear at the party that she took an instant liking towards Taehyung.
“Where my mother is concerned, there’s no such thing as overdressed.” You joke. “You’ll learn that in time.”
Taehyung simply nods, mouth still ajar. He’s not sure what catches his attention more, how stunningly beautiful you are or the fact that you insinuate there’ll be more times like this ahead.
Meanwhile, you are mentally cringing at yourself for your slip up. It sounded like you have expectations of more to come with your relationship. Which shouldn’t even be entertained considering this arrangement has already lasted far longer than it should have done.
Your mothers face lights up when you arrive. Greeting you both warmly as you approach her table. Your hand slips into Taehyung’s as you get closer, feeling him accept your fingers as they thread between his and squeezing your palm in silent support.
“It’s so lovely to see you again.” She directs towards you both, welcoming you warmly as you take a seat. “Thank you for joining me.”
“It’s our pleasure.” Taehyung beams, putting on the charm for your mother without a hint of hesitation. You have to suppress the shock of how smoothly he is able to transition from the Taehyung you have come to know to Taehyung your boyfriend.
“I must say, I am slightly surprised you turned up together.” You mother begins to laugh, making your posture tense further. “Your sister seemed to be convinced that you’d turn up alone darling.” Your mother directs to you. The way her eyes soften as she admits this makes you feel queasy. You know it’s all for the sake of your boyfriend though, she’s rarely this empathetic.
You look like a dear caught in headlights, frozen in your seat as you comprehend her comment. You feel Taehyung shift in the seat beside you, clearly understanding the dig from your mother and the apparent suspicion from your sister. No amount of faux care can trick him.
“Luckily we have evening classes on a Monday. Right baby?” Taehyung politely informs, managing to control the bitterness that begins to bubble in his stomach from your family’s clear lack of faith in you.
For some reason, he feels protective. Like he wants to swaddle you in cotton wool to protect your delicate ears. It hurts him to see someone else’s parents treat their own child with such ill intentions, purposefully informing them of snarky gossip from other family members. Your mother didn’t need to share your sisters doubts about your relationship. But, either way, Taehyung will not stand for it as long as he is around.
You’re still yet to speak up, forcing yourself to be occupied by the menu as a way to evade the topic of conversation.
You’re incredibly thankful, once again, for Taehyung always sticking up for you. He seems to have noticed fairly quickly that your mother wouldn’t dare question him about your relationship or argue back with him. And in thanks to him, you decide you need to say something to move the conversation onto a more lighthearted topic, adamant on raising above your mothers quip.
“Everything sounds delicious!” You overly enthuse. “Anything taking your fancy Tae?”
Finally tearing your gaze from the menu, you peer innocently towards him.
“Oh I’ve got my eye on something.” He smirks, confidently staring at you.
Whether he is speaking the truth or over-playing the part for the sake of being believable, you’re unsure. All you know is that you are affected by him dramatically.
In all honesty, you feel so stupid for ever thinking that your mother wanted lunch with you because she had taken a genuine interest in your life. It seems that, as always, Ruby is still the one that rules your parents love and support.
Although, you will admit that having Taehyung beside you makes it a million times more bearable. The irony of it all when he’s the one that used to pick on you and make unnecessary comments. Now he’s the one protecting you from them instead.
The remainder of lunch passes uneventfully, which you are thankful for. Taehyung continued to make a show of his affection towards you, and you had fed into it for the sake of believability. However, it’s on the walk back to campus that you notice something is plaguing him.
“Thank you for helping me again.” You voice, a little unsure how to break the silence between you. Taehyung’s stoic expression makes you nervous. He’s intimidating when he’s mad and, unlike before all of this fake relationship when you wouldn’t have cared much, you feel guilty.
“What did your sister say to you at the party that made you turn ill?” He’s stern, the abruptness of his tone making you shudder. You had no idea he’d even noticed your conversation with Ruby. Wasn’t he too preoccupied by your cousins children?
Your mind flashes back to that moment, her words echoing in your head again. He understands you more than even myself… you’re made for each other…
“Just how she thought we made a great couple.” You force yourself to hold his eye contact, worried smile etched onto your face. You’re technically not lying, just not giving away the whole truth. But you fear Taehyung can tell there’s more than you let on.
He’s sure of it.
“And?…” He presses, knowing that you’ll cave in under the pressure. He doesn’t like having to force you to tell him things, but right now it feels necessary.
“Well… it wasn’t really what she said.” You’re cautious. “More how it made me feel.”
By this point, you’ve reached the entrance to your building. However, Taehyung has made no attempt to let you off just because you’ve reached home. No. If anything, it’s making him more persistent.
“How did it make you feel?” He steps up to you. It’s almost torture how close his body is to yours, merely a hairs breadth away but not touching; skin ghosting skin. It makes you weak for him and he knows it.
You want to blurt everything out. How safe you feel when he’s around and how everything seems a little bit brighter because of his presence. How, when he’s gone, you miss him almost immediately and find yourself fantasising about what it would be like to invite him up to your small room, to have him hold you for the sake of wanting to, not because he has to.
“I felt like I wasn’t alone anymore.”
You’re hoping that he understands without the need for any further explanation. That, despite having attended huge family gatherings like that your entire life, you’d always felt so alone until you’d bought Taehyung along.
You don’t expect the kiss that Taehyung presses to your forehead, his hands finally caving in and holding your waist. Even if it is only for half a second.
“Anytime you need me, I’ll be there.” His promise floods you with emotions you’ve never felt before. Maybe Taehyung really does understand you more than anyone else.
It’s been just over a week since you last saw Taehyung. With so many assignments to complete and trying to recover from the aftermath of your family, you feel like time has just flown by.
Of course, while you’ve not seen each other in person for a while, that doesn’t mean you haven’t had any contact. Quite the opposite in fact.
Everyday you spend hours smiling at your phone screen like an idiot, always as the result of receiving a message or stupid meme from Taehyung. He’s been the main reason for your laughter on a daily basis, finding his unique humour and, more generally, the way he views the world so amusing.
Simultaneously, between the pressures of classes and football practice, Taehyung has found your conversations the best way for him to relax. Where things concern you, he’s not the captain of the football team or the wildly popular ‘it boy’, he’s just Taehyung; it’s nice to be seen simply as who he is, rather than who everyone builds him up to be.
Once again, Taehyung has found himself hoping for another opportunity to play your boyfriend. Once again, he continues to scold himself for being too afraid to make a move on you; a real one. He doesn’t understand how he can want to kiss someone so much, desperately wanting to be able to call you his and, yet, he’s unable to fully express his feelings. Especially when he is able to do it while pretending.
But that’s just the thing. Pretending isn’t real. If you were to push his affections away while he’s your fake boyfriend, then at least he can cover it up with the excuse of committing to his role.
What is real, however, is the message that lights up his phone screen. It’s from you. And he almost can’t believe his eyes when he reads what you’ve sent.
You need him to accompany you to a picnic at the weekend. Orders specifically from your mother for Taehyung to attend. He doesn’t think he’s ever smiled as wide as he is now, typing his reply to you.
The universe seems to work in mysterious ways.
The picnic, as it turns out, is an annual occasion reserved for just your parents, your sister and her fiancée and you. Taehyung finds this out once he is already there. He supposes it’s a good thing for your mothers insistence for him to join because it indicates that she believes in your relationship enough for your boyfriend to be included as immediate family.
Sat on the old woollen blanket with your legs outstretched before you, you have found comfort in leaning your upright body into Taehyung’s side. Both of his arms are stretched behind him, palms on the long strands of uncut grass to leverage himself and you.
Your family are currently engaged in a highly competitive game of frisbee; it’s literally the only time of year they play. Competing in your couples, the aim of the game is to catch the other team out. If you throw and they miss, you win a point for your team. With you and Taehyung currently refereeing, the first game is well underway.
“I wish you’d told me it was just going to be the six of us.” Taehyung bows his head a little in order to keep his voice low. He doesn’t want any eavesdroppers, even though your family seems to be intensely occupied by the game.
“Would it have made a difference if I had?” You lightheartedly retort.
“Oh yeah, I would have run a mile.” He teases, body rumbling with laughter as your fist lightly thumps his chest.
“Oh hush,” You reprimand. “What happened to I’ll be there anytime?” You mockingly mimic Taehyung’s words from before.
With your head resting on his chest, you’re unable to see the devilish smirk that plays across his lips. And before you have any time to register what’s happening, Taehyung has grabbed you by the waist and twisted your bodies so you both fall back onto the ground facing each other.
You let out a squeal upon the sudden attack, the side of your body hitting the earth with a thud.
“What was that for!” You try to scold him, but with the coy look on his face, it’s impossible not to find it all amusing.
Taehyung simply shrugs - well, half shrugs - in response, the soft sounds of your giggles the only noise between you.
It’s now that you realise just how close he’s pulled you. How, laying together on the ground, your faces are only a few inches apart. You then feel the urge to reach your fingers out so you can brush the hair that has fallen across his face away. And with the way he watches you so intently, you become increasingly aware of your own heartbeat.
“Hey!” You both jolt, head snapping to find Ruby stood at your feet. She looks wound up. “You didn’t keep count of the scores.”
“Honey, give them a break.” Max approached her side, his hand smoothing over her shoulder. “You remember what it was like to be newly in love.”
Max clearly has a way of making your sister let things go, you’ve never seen her back down so quickly.
“Fine.” She rolls her eyes. “It’s your turn anyway. Up you get!” She bosses, offering her hand out to pull you to your feet.
Reaching your waiting parents, you go to shake their hands, nodding affirmatively before you take your place, ready for the game to begin. You notice Taehyung finding your families seriousness towards a simple game of frisbee quite amusing. Clearly, no one has made him aware of what’s at stake here.
Bragging rights for the next year.
You hear Max count down from three and you spring into action the second you hear him shout go.
It’s intense from the offset. With your father making the first throw go so far you have to sprint to try and catch it before it hits the ground.
Luckily for you, Taehyung is fast on his feet. He manages to catch the frisbee with ease before running back and hurling it through the air in your mothers direction.
The game grows more intense with every passing second and so with it, does Taehyung’s competitive streak. He’s incredible, working with you to try and catch your parents out. On a particularly good throw by yourself, Taehyung rushes over to you, picking you up and spinning you around after your father was unable to catch it.
It’s the most fun you’ve ever had.
A few more turns are taken before the frisbee is sent flying your way again. It takes flight so high in the air that you know you need to make the highest jump you possibly can to catch it.
Zeroing in on the plastic disc, you ready yourself. Bending your knees and jumping with as much force as you can muster into the air.
“Yes!” You hear Taehyung’s deep voice cheer as you regain your balance with the frisbee clutched tightly to your chest. “That’s my baby!”
You’re amazed you actually caught it. But, somehow, your attention is focused more on Taehyung’s competitiveness. Anyone would think you just achieved the impossible judging by his reaction.
“Time!” You hear Ruby shout from the picnic blanket. And then reality comes rushing in.
You won. For the first time ever, you actually won the frisbee match. And it’s all because you had Taehyung.
“We did it!” You cry elatedly, falling into Taehyung’s arms as he gives you the biggest hug possible. “I’ve never actually won one of these before.”
“I told you we make a great team.” He reminds proudly.
You notice how everyone else has already retired to the picnic blankets again once you’ve pulled apart from Taehyung’s embrace. Grabbing his hand, you both rejoin the group with huge grins.
“That was the most intense game I’ve had in ages!” Your father praises. “I’ll have to put in extra practice for next year.”
You hear Taehyung respond to your father as you take a seat, accepting the way he pulls your body into his side and wraps his arm around you.
Next year.
It echo’s your mind, bringing you down from the euphoria of winning to torture you. Then reality sinks back in. That Taehyung isn’t your real boyfriend, that he won’t be joining your family picnic next year…
While your family falls into lighthearted conversation, pouring fresh drinks and enjoying the lovely day, you become more subdued. Folding on into yourself with each passing second until you feel like you can’t handle it anymore. You need some space.
“I-I’m going to find the restroom.” You suddenly announce, standing from the blanket and hurriedly walking away.
Taehyung frowns as he watches you leave. He’d noticed something was troubling you, but felt he couldn’t press to find out in front of your family, who remained oblivious. But now you’ve walked away, he knows he needs to go after you. He needs to make sure that you are ok.
“Why did you run away?” Taehyung catches up to you, stopping you from walking any further by grabbing onto your arm.
“I think I made a mistake bringing you here.” Your bottom lip quivers. “This isn’t right.”
“What’s not right about it?” His voice is soft, willing you to open up to him. He wants you to be able to tell him anything. He wants to be the person to make all the hurt and upset go away. “It certainly feels right to me.”
“We’re not a real couple Tae!” Your voice comes out more forceful than you intend it to, freeing your arm from his hold from the strength of your exasperation.
“So you think I should stop?” He looks hurt. “That we should just stop this?” His hands gesture between you.
“Yes! No - I don’t know!” You contemplate back and forth aloud before finally casting your sorrowful gaze onto him. “I’m petrified of my feelings towards you.”
“What makes you think that I don’t feel the same?” Taehyung’s question feels like a punch to the lungs, his quick rebuttal catching you so off guard. You stare at him wordlessly, allowing for all the things you said to hang in the air around you.
“Baby, how could you not notice how much I adore you…” Taehyung takes a step towards you, closing off the little space that separates you from him. He’s looking at you like no one else ever has, like you’re the only thing he sees, his whole world.
“How could you not see that I’m in love with you…” You allow his hands to find refuge on your waist.
“That it’s always been you.”
And just like that everything clicks in your mind. His constant watching you, all the comments he’d made to draw your attention onto him, sitting next to you in the classes you shared despite his apparent dislike towards you, his willingness to be your fake boyfriend, to interact with your family and make a show of his affection. Every pet name, every delicate kiss he placed on your skin, every longing look and lingering touch.
With the way you look at him, Taehyung is sure that your eyes hold all the stars in the universe. He knows this is his now or never moment.
So he takes the plunge, diving in head first, capturing your lips in his. You don’t think you will ever be able to find a way to describe how Taehyung truly makes you feel. All you know is that you want him to hold you and never let go; to kiss you and never stop. To be yours forever.
~ Epilogue ~
One year later
“Tae hurry!” The urgency in your voice is mellowed by your uncontainable laughter. You’re unable to keep still as you wait for him by the door, watching as he rushes about to pull his shoes on and grab his jacket. It’s comical how clumsy he is when rushing about. “My sister will never forgive me if we’re late to her wedding!”
“Ok, ready.” He affirms, grabbing your hand as you leave.
The last year has been a whirlwind. After the day of your family picnic, you finally went on a proper date with Taehyung, and it didn’t take you long to become official for real. It was at the end of the academic year when you both decided to find a place together outside of campus and from that moment onwards, you’ve continued to fall in love more and more everyday.
Then there was the matter of bringing a plus one to your sisters wedding. You’d teased Taehyung for days about how you were unsure who to bring as your date. But, don’t worry, he got his own back on you after you began to find the joke boring and actually asked him to go with you (despite both of you knowing he would be going all along).
Reality is, you couldn’t be any happier with each other. So maybe your stupid lie to your parents wasn’t so stupid after all.
[PART 1]
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the-whumpening · 7 months
My Own Worst Enemy, Part 3 [Son of Bat]
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CW: hospital, medical content, vomit/gagging, intubation, trichotillomania, reference to alcohol abuse, thoughts of self harm, mention of past parental abuse
A bright, pinpoint light shone in James' eyes as he woke to a quiet, dimly-lit hospital room. It must still be the middle of the night, he guessed, his head aching but growing slowly clearer. Air was forced in and out of his lungs, and he realized there was a tube down his throat.
He glanced around frantically, searching for some kind of explanation or help. His body was heavy; a groaning fire in his nerves demanded he stayed still. A hand squeezed his fingers.
"James? Can you hear me, baby?" He knew the voice, though his eyes swam, unfocused and unsure, to find her face. The word that came to his mind was 'mom,' though something about that seemed off.
Debby. Of course. She smiled when his eyes landed on her face. She was crying. He wanted to comfort her, but he couldn't find the strength to move yet. He tried to speak, but to no avail; he was only able to gag against the tube.
"It's okay, I'm here. Everyone else is here, too. Vince and Eddie and Molly . . . " She shot a look at someone else in the room and dropped her voice. "Can't we do something about that? Does he still need that tube now that he's awake?"
Someone responded, but James wasn't paying attention. There was too much to take in. This hospital room had been dappled with personal items—things he recognized as his own. Pictures of his friends, his guitar pillow, even a stack of his favorite books. How did they get here? How did he get here?
While he was lost in thought, he felt a tug at the oppressive tube in his throat. Someone turned his head to the side and loosed the tube from his mouth, a coughing spout of vomit following its exit.
Familiar hands gently cleaned his face, but his eyes squeezed shut against the ensuing dizziness. He groaned, the pain in his body finally reaching his consciousness. What happened to him?
A few murmured voices alternated in offering soothing words. When his eyes finally settled and began to focus again, he realized it was his friends. They all looked so tired, so stressed—what the hell's been going on? He tried to piece together his foggy memories; at the moment, all he could recall was driving home from the gym.
"Can you squeeze my hand, sweetie?" Debby asked.
He concentrated, trying to tap back into his lethargic and painful body. His fingers twitched. The control was there somewhere, he just had to find it. Maybe . . . After a moment, he curled his hand around Debby’s and limply grasped. Sighs and breathless laughter of relief circled the room
Through choking tears, Debby said, "That's it—you've got it!" She held his hand tightly in both of hers. "We've been so worried about you, James. It's so good to see you awake."
That's weird . . . I can't have been out for that long . . .
Seeing James' face scrunch in confusion, Vince half-whispered to Debby, "He probably doesn't remember anything. How much can we tell him?"
She pressed her lips in a tight line before quickly returning her attention to James. "We need to step out for a second, honey. Molly and Eddie are right here; I promise we'll be right back." Her cool hands brushed his forehead as she gave it a kiss, then left the room with Vince.
Molly quickly took her place by James' side, Eddie closing the gap on the other and carefully squeezing James’ exposed fingers. James could see the warmth in them light up as soon as they saw him. Truthfully, he felt a little warmer, too.
But mostly, he just felt pain. Being awake meant trying to move—consciously or not—and trying to move meant jostling every broken and bruised part of his body. He swallowed the pain as best he could; he wanted to be awake for just a little longer.
"H–" he started, before realizing his chest was too sore and his throat too raw to speak. He tried to take a deeper breath to whisper, but a sharp pain from his ribs rejected that idea. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't keep the grimace off his face.
Molly leaned in and brushed her fingers against his warm forehead. "It's okay, bud. We'll call the nurse and get you some pain meds soon.”
Confusion still wracked his brain. He was struggling to place the wheres and whens and whys of it all. His body felt foreign and disconnected, trapped in a cocoon of casts, braces, wires, and tubes but somehow still on fire. Every thought was slow and effortful; he'd already forgotten and remembered Molly’s presence twice since she last spoke.
Some memory nagged at the back of his mind, but he couldn’t quite place it—a terrible, familiar dream, maybe? An anxious sadness welled up in his chest, pressing against his sore muscles and broken body from the inside; he needed something specific, someone specific, to help soothe this ache in his heart.
With what little strength he could summon, he returned Eddie’s squeeze on his fingers. His eyes drowsily swam, unfocused and bloodshot, and he mumbled a single syllable: “Mom . . .”
Eddie froze, looking to Molly for help—certainly James didn’t mean his own mother, right? She combed her fingers through James’ hair, and he began to settle under her touch. “Do you want us to get Debby, bud?”
He nodded, a tiny fraction of a movement, closing his eyes as his head began to spin. Eddie loosed his fingers from James’ limp grasp and slipped out of the room. Molly didn’t try to fill the silence; as much as she wanted to pepper James with questions and smother him with affection, she knew it would be better to hold her tongue for now and let him rest. When Eddie returned, Debby and Vince in tow, Debby rushed to his side once more and fumbled for the call button for the nurse.
James’ eyes cracked open once again at the gentle sound of Debby’s voice and her hand on his face.
“Hi, sweetie. I’m here; it’s okay.” She smiled, the lines beside her eyes crinkling softly. “I'm not going anywhere.” As soon as she began to speak, James’ anxiety began to quell. The familiar fruity smell of her shampoo, the quiet hum of her voice; it wrapped him in comfort in a way his own mother never could. (Is that okay? he wondered. Is that normal?) “James, honey . . . Do you remember anything about what happened?”
What did he remember? After he left the gym, it was all flashes—he took the same road he always took, but he never got home, did he? It got dark . . . and his chest slammed against something hard. He remembered fear, the dread deep in his gut that the breath forced out of his lungs would be his last. He remembered a shattering sound, his ears ringing, and pain—blinding, stabbing, searing pain. He remembered the metallic taste in his mouth, a bitter mixture of bile and blood. From there, it was all a blur of colors and sound until his vision finally faded.
He shook his head barely an inch, held in place with the neck brace and his own pain. Even if his memories were more clear, he couldn't communicate them just yet.
"You were in an accident driving home from the gym. You got hurt pretty badly, and you've been in the hospital for a while. The doctor said you might have trouble moving around and thinking clearly for a little bit."
A flood of questions poured into James' head. The noise was overwhelming; he couldn't parse out any singular thought with the static of a dozen others in the way. He squeezed tighter on Debby’s hand, trying to stifle the confusion and panic bubbling beneath the surface, but hoarse and keening groans of pain slipped past his lips against his will. She returned his grasp, rubbing the top of his hand with her thumb.
"I know this is a lot, and I know you must have a lot of questions. But right now, you need to rest." At the flash of panic in his eyes, she continued, "We're not going anywhere, I promise. We'll still be right here. You're just gonna get some medicine to help with the pain, that's all."
He felt like a child, too small and too fragile to face the world. Every wave of emotion hitting him seemed to drown him entirely; he couldn't control his body's reactions to the constantly shifting tides. Whatever growth he'd made since childhood—physically, mentally, and emotionally—seemed to temporarily leave his grasp. He was once again in that tiny, vulnerable body that imprisoned him as a child.
Vince felt sick as he heard James' whimpers and saw the doe-eyed fear in his expression. It had been years since he'd seen James like that—nearly decades, even. He had to turn away to collect himself.
"Why don't I, um, try to find a nurse?" he asked through a choked voice, but his offer was rendered unnecessary almost immediately.
James' eyelids fluttered against the drowsiness of the medicine. Maybe I can just sleep for a little bit, he reasoned. That might . . . be nice . . .
As soon as his eyes closed and his breathing grew slow and heavy, Vince made a beeline for the nearest bathroom and allowed the nausea to take over. In the old days, he'd drown out this nagging guilt and self-hatred with alcohol—or simply pushing it down and ignoring it until it swallowed him whole. The latter had been his way of dealing with the past weeks, and he was exhausted. What little control he had left over himself was waning quickly; in the cramped stall, long-forgotten memories jabbed at his burning throat, the contents of his stomach spilling out violently.
He hadn’t seen James as he was in that hospital room. He saw the brown-eyed little boy who’d sat on his lap and begged for more stories before bed. He was scared of the dark, scared to go to bed alone, and he loved his older sibling more than anyone in the world. He remembered using his lamp to make shadow puppets and soothe the little boy. He remembered the fallout when they were found awake past curfew, and how he taught his brother to sneak and hide like him.
He saw the scared, lonely little brother he’d kept his distance from years ago. The little brother he wanted to protect—desperately—but who he’d let fend for himself far too much. He remembered the day James broke his wrist when they were kids. He remembered how confused and scared James had been, how angry their mother was, how much Vince wanted to hide and avoid her wrath . . . and how relieved he’d been when she left him at home to take James to the doctor.
He remembered that little boy growing up to be big, to be angry, to be hurt by his family and lash out in response. He remembered resenting that big, angry boy for leaving him behind to face their parents alone—but then, Vince wondered over the years with increasing self-hatred, did he not do the same to James? Letting him take the fall and divert attention away from himself, letting him be the scapegoat and the family punching bag just to save himself? Letting James slip from his grasp and wander all on his own, so he could pretend that everything was fine?
He hated every cell in his body for it; he hated that he’d let James down over and over again, and he hated that he could ever resent him for setting himself free. And now, knowing that his neglect of James—I should’ve known; I should’ve noticed he was overworking himself—had once again caused him immense harm . . . the guilt was unbearable.
When the fits of heaving finally stopped, he propped his sweaty head in his hands. His fingers itched to pluck the fine hairs of his scalp—something, anything to distract from the racing thoughts. He roughly scrubbed his scalp with his nails, hoping the scratching would alleviate the temptation at least a little.
Knock, knock.
A timid hand tapped on the stall door. “Vince?”
Was that Eddie? He’d hardly spoken the entire time James was under; Vince was shocked to hear his voice. He cleared his throat and tried to quickly clean his face.
“That you, Eddie?”
“Yeah. Are you okay?”
“Just . . . feeling a little sick, that's all.” He stood up, leaning wobbly against the cubicle walls. “I think I should maybe—maybe go home for a little bit.”
He tried to maintain an air of calm as he unlocked the door and stumbled to the sink; the cold counter beneath his arms helped soothe his feverish skin. Even so, Eddie knew something was off.
“Hey.” He grabbed Vince’s arm as he headed for the door, loosely holding him in place. “I dunno if you should be alone right now, man. You know you can talk to us, right?”
Vince flashed an unconvincing smile and waved him off. “I appreciate it, but really—I’m fine.”
But, as he turned to leave, a sinking feeling weighed deep in his gut. Maybe he’s right. Vince knew his own true intentions; he knew that if he went home, unsupervised in his current state, he would surely end up raiding cabinets for booze or scratching himself raw in an effort to quell his mounting panic.
He stopped, his back still to Eddie. “But let’s say, for argument’s sake, that I wasn’t okay. That, just for example, seeing James hurt and scared like that brought up some really painful memories that I don’t know what to do with. Things that make me feel guilty and ashamed . . . What, um,”—his voice started to waver and caught in his throat—“what should I do?”
Eddie thought for a moment. He knew most of what James and Vince had been through, but he’d never heard much of Vince’s side of things. For him, it had been difficult to see James so vulnerable and small—he’d always been Eddie’s protector, the strong and unshakeable one, still powerful and huge even in his lowest moments. It was strange, unnerving even, for him to whimper and cry rather than rage and scream. But staying by his side, despite that dissonance, made Eddie feel like he could return the favor and protect James, even if only in spirit.
“I think . . . maybe it would help to do the things you wished you’d done before. Like, taking all those old memories, but changing the ending.” He suspected he knew what Vince might have been referring to, but he guessed there were probably a dozen more stories like it in their past. “I think it would mean a lot to him if you were here when he woke up. But I don’t know, this is all hypothetical, of course—if you think you should go home, at least let one of us come with you. Personally, I’m still feeling a little anxious about people driving alone right now . . . ”
Vince knew he was right; Eddie always had a way of finding solutions no one else could. And, as much as he hated to admit it, Eddie often seemed to know James better than him. Maybe because he got to see the happy, unfiltered, unrestrained version so much more—all Vince had ever really known of James before coming back into his life was the suppressed, beaten-down kid that had nearly given up on everything.
“I . . . I’ll stay with him a while.”
Alone with James in the dim hospital room, Vince sat at his side and retrieved the small paperback book from his bag. The spine was cracked and nearly laid flat; the pulpy-thin pages were stained along the edges and fluttered easily to the passage Vince had read time and time again. His quiet voice warbled, a lump pressing painfully in his throat:
"‘We may even get lost and be frozen by frost. We may die in an earthquake or tremor. Or nastier still, we may even be tossed On the horns of a furious Dilemma. "But who cares! Let us go from this horrible hill! Let us roll! Let us bowl! Let us plunge! Let's go rolling and bowling and spinning until We're away from old Spiker and Sponge!’"
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helenaheissner · 7 months
Love During Robot Fighting Time: Chapter 6
Hello, lovelies! Don’t forget you can access 3 advance chapters of this story, plus 20 advance chapters of “A Dream of Summer Rain” and two advance chapters of “Magical Girl Exorcist Squad,” by becoming a paid subscriber either on Substack or Patreon!
I was halfway through my drive home before I realized that I had what could very easily be construed as a date that night. “OH, CRAP!” I screamed while stuck at a red light.
The car in front of me, a red convertible helmed by a gym bro with guns of steel, honked real loud when I did that. In the lane next to me, an old lady in a jeep gave me the finger and shouted, “we’re all gridlocked just the same as you, you little shit!”
I heaved a heavy sigh and drummed my fingers on the wheel until finally, blissfully, mercifully, the light changed and I got to continue my drive home.
My parents were finishing up a sale of a pair of swim trunks to a father and son duo when I marched in. “Hey, kiddo, what’s going on?” Mom asked. 
“I messed up.”
“Is it a legal issue?” Dad asked, not looking up from the abacus he was crunching numbers with. 
“Hm, no, a personal problem,” I said, drumming my fingers rapidly on the front desk. 
“Are you on drugs?” Dad asked. “Because the course of operations depends highly on what drugs we’re talking about-”
“It’s not drugs, either,” I said. 
“Is it a girl?” Mom said, raising both eyebrows and pressing her hands together. 
“A boy, actually,” I said. 
“Ooooohhhhh,” Mom said, smiling. “I see. Didn’t expect this one, but-”
“No, not like that,” I said hurriedly. “Well, kinda.”
“Kinda?” Mom asked. 
“It’s not a date- it’s not supposed to be one, but I’m worried it might be!”
“Do you want it to be?” Mom said. 
I hesitated, ran my top teeth over my lower lip. An image ran through my mind of me in that dress again, my hair done up and makeup on my face, and Underhill… Zeke at the door with a bundle of flowers in his hands, dressed in that tux he’d rocked yesterday, leaning in for a-
BAD! BAD BAD BAD! You don’t like boys! Bad brain! “... No,” I said, in a low, soft voice. 
Mom and Dad side-eyed each other in a way even a moron like me could tell meant they didn’t believe it. Finally, Mom sighed lightly, and said, “Then it’s not a date.”
“It’s not?” I said, hoping they didn’t hear the note of disappointment I detected in my own voice. 
“In my experience, it’s only a date if the girl says it is,” Dad said. 
“But I’m not a…,” I started, before trailing off. I wasn’t sure how to finish. 
“Your father is half right,” Mom said. “It’s only a date if both parties agree it is. You don’t want it to be a date, so it’s not a date. Does this boy want it to be a date?”
“I don’t… I don’t know,” I said. The disappointment rang clear as a bell that time. Did I want it to be a date? No, that’s ridiculous, I’m not gay. 
Wait, no, that’s not… If I am a girl, then that would make me gay.
Okay, so it’s not a date because I’m a lesbian 
Or, I would be a lesbian if I were a girl, which I’m still not one hundred percent sure that I am. 
Mom turned to Dad and said, “Honey-bunch, could you mind the shop for a few minutes while I talk to our daughter upstairs?”
“No problem at all, sweetheart,” Dad said, going back to fiddling with his abacus. 
The warm, fuzzy, rapturous rush of euphoria threatened to boil every last trace of boy out of my brain at the words ‘our daughter.’ They really thought of me as their… They… My own parents were convinced I was a girl. Zeke probably was as well. I was currently the biggest hold out at only like forty… Fifty… Seventy-five percent sure I was a girl. 
Okay, let’s entertain the idea for a moment that I am a girl. As far as Zeke was concerned, he’d gotten brunch with a girl, who’d then asked her to hang out at her place later that night. Said girl was, in his parlance, pretty, and had a bunch of things in common with him. And they’d held hands and shared a milkshake already. 
Okay, the smart thing to do was to make it clear to him that this wasn’t a date. Guys hated being led on- I knew that much from experience- so the intelligent thing, and the moral thing, would be to tell him in no uncertain terms that we were only going to be friends who watched anime and got food together. 
I was so caught up in my own thoughts I barely realized Mom had led me upstairs and was holding dresses in front of me. “Um, what are you doing?” 
“Oh, just experimenting,” Mom said. “Let’s start at the beginning- what’s this boy’s name?”
“Zeke Underhill.”
“Zeke Under- wasn’t he one of those boys who beat you last year in the finals?”
“One of those people- he’s the only boy on the team,” I corrected her. 
“Ah, of course,” Mom said. “You certainly have a history with him- what did you invite him to do with you, exactly?”
I back-filled her with the most recent events pertaining to all this, and she nodded while holding dozens of different dresses in front of me. There was no way she’d made all of these for me, right? Surely not- I’d seen most of these in the display window at some point, but nobody had bought them. I couldn’t imagine why- they were positively adorable. 
We’re using words like adorable now, brain? When did this happen?!
“Hmmm,” Mom said. “Well, I hate to tell you this, but he might think this is a date.”
I sighed. 
“But you can see it as an opportunity instead of that,” Mom said. 
“An opportunity for what?”
“To dress up,” Mom said. “Show your true self- or at least your hidden self- to somebody outside the family, someone who already knows and whom you know is cool with all this. Plus, it’s letting bygones be bygones with someone who you got off on the wrong foot with. And, on top of all that, making friends is always easier when you’re being your most authentic self.”
“Are you saying I should dress up,” I said, taking a sleeveless blue maxi-dress out of her hands and holding it against my stomach. 
“I’m suggesting it, yes,” Mom said. “But only if you want to.”
My hands trembled. 
“I’ll do your makeup for you,” Mom offered. 
I breathed in deep through my nose, out through my mouth. Then I nodded. “Let’s do this.”
The hours flew by as I tried on a dozen different dresses, finally settling on a hot pink shirt-dress that stopped just above my knees. Mom helped me with my hair and makeup, narrating the endeavor as she went so that I could take mental notes in case I ever wanted to do this myself. I watched the process carefully, trying to commit each individual step to memory. 
Finally, when it was over, I took stock of myself in the mirror, and… 
“Whoa,” I said, my eyes going wide at the side of the cute girl in the cute dress with the perfect makeup and the collar length hair brushed out and blown dry and pushed back by a white headband. I was wearing foundation, and red lipstick, and dark eyeshadow, and mascara that made my blue eyes look huge. 
“Thank you, I like to think I do good work,” Mom said. 
“Y-you do,” I said, reaching out and poking the mirror. And the girl in the cute dress did the same. Because that girl was me, and I was… 
And I am-
“Kate, your friend is here!” Dad called from downstairs. 
I gulped, then Mom gestured me towards the door. I moved for it, then she said, “Wait.”
“What?” I said, stopping in the doorway. 
“The piece de resistance,” Mom said, reaching behind her neck and removing the golden butterfly necklace, then putting it around my throat. “Perfect. You look beautiful. My beautiful daughter. All ready for her not-date.”
“It’s not a not-date,” I said. “Wait a minute, it’s not a not-not-”
Mom just laughed, and said, “Go get ‘im, tiger.”
I glided downstairs barefoot, the dress’ skirt bouncing about around my legs, warmth and giddiness bubbling up inside me. Zeke stood in the landing next to the back door, which led to the staircase that brought you to our apartment above the shop. He didn’t bring flowers, but he was holding a big box of pizza, which was even better given how hungry I was. And he wasn’t wearing a tux, but he was clad in a suit jacket over a tight-fitting t-shirt, as well as skinny jeans and converse. His hair was combed, parted to the right, and he had that big, stupid, handsome smile on his face. 
I’m a lesbian, I’m a lesbian, I repeated inside my mind, Or I would be a lesbian if I were a girl, which I’m still not decided if I am-
“Wow,” Zeke said as I met him at the base of the stairwell. “You look beautiful.”
My jaw dropped, and a smile crept onto my face as I broke off eye contact and chuck… Giggled. I didn’t have a chuckle, I had a giggle, apparently. Probably had one my whole life, and nobody had the decency to tell me when it was no doubt exceedingly obvious to anyone who wasn’t me.  “Thank you,” I finally managed to say over the crowd-like scream of my own pulse. “Let’s take things up to my room,” I said, cocking my head back. 
“Forward, aren’t we?” he smirked. 
I blushed, realizing what I’d just said. “Oh, shut up. Come on.”
“Okay!” he smiled. That big, toothy, handsome… Handsome?
Handsome. It was okay for me to admit he was handsome. There was nothing wrong with me acknowledging he was handsome, that didn’t necessarily mean anything, I was allowed to think a guy was handsome as I invited him into my room. A girl was allowed to think a guy was handsome, even if she was a… 
A lesbian, yeah. Yeah. Definitely.
I set up a picnic blanket on the hardwood floor of my room for us to eat on, then went and got some plates and napkins from the kitchen. Zeke made himself at home, sitting on the blanket and looking around. “Nice room. Love all your figures and model kits!”
“Thanks!” I smiled. “My parents got me into making them. They actually met at a model building contest.”
“There are model building contests?” Zeke asked. 
“Yeah, mostly at anime cons,” I said, sitting down next to him.
“Hm, neat. Can’t say I’ve ever been to one.”
“Never?” I balked. 
“Not a once,” Zeke said. “No cons at all, actually.”
“Seriously,” Zeke repeated. “My folks were never big on anything they considered a waste of time. You can imagine how they feel about the whole competitive robot fighting thing.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry,” I said, my brow furrowing and my eyes going wide. “My parents have always been so chill… I can’t imagine what that’s like.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said with a playful wave of his hand. “Maybe we can go to one sometime.”
A gulp caught in my throat. He was asking me to- and that was- planning a second- he couldn’t possibly be- “T-together?” I asked, my pulse quickening. 
“Yeah, all three of us!” Zeke said. “Faith has been saying for a while how much she wants to go to one soon- something about wanting to try cosplay.”
“Oh,” I said, “Right.” I hoped the clear note of disappointment in my voice wasn’t as audible to him as it was for me. All three of us. He wanted us all to be friends- that was probably all he wanted. A thought popped up inside my head, and I tried my best to stomp it out, but it wouldn’t die: I was disappointed that this wasn’t a date. . 
I opened the box of pizza sitting in front of me, and my mouth watered at the sight of it. “Is this… What I think it is?” I said, pressing my hands together and looking at Zeke expectantly. 
“A pineapple, bacon, and jalapeno pizza,” Zeke said with a nod. 
“A PB&J!” I said, bouncing up and down where I sat. 
“You like that? Good,” he said. 
“Love it- it’s my favorite!” 
“Cool! Mine too! I never get to eat them, though.”
“Lemme guess, Faith isn’t a fan?”
“Jalapenos are a no-go-zone for her,” Zeke said as he helped himself to two slices. “Also, she’s skeptical of the concept of pineapple on pizza.”
“Heh, that’s what I call her sometimes too.”
I smiled as a warm fluttering sensation ran through my chest. I wanted to stamp it out, but… I also didn’t. “So, ready to watch some Gundam?”
“Hell yeah I am!”
“You ever seen the OG?”
“Nah. How’s it hold up?”
“Goofy in places, jank as hell in others, but still pretty fun,” I said. 
“Aight then, let’s do this!” he said, raising his hands into the air like a goober. 
We watched the show, and even though I’d already seen every episode twice, I can’t for the life of me recall anything that happened in it that night. I kept looking over at Zeke, seeing his facial reactions and body language, letting that warm feeling I got from sitting next to him and watching him be his goofy self stoke into a full-on fire. It filled me up, and by the end of the night, an entire pizza and two hours worth of anime later, I admitted to myself how much I wanted this to be a date. 
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yourimagines · 7 months
Your life on camera p.8
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Swearing, Sadness, Angst and fluff
Present day
I was cleaning my apartment in Monaco as I got a call from my brother, he had 2 tickets for the Jake Paul vs Nate Diaz fight next week. I declined and told him to bring his wife with him, he didn’t want me to feel bad but I told him it’s okay. I haven’t heard from Nate in 5 years, I tried to text and call but he never replied back to me after I got skipped by him in the lobby after his fight. I was hurt and confused why he acted like that but I didn’t want to give up on him so I texted him for a good solid year before I said to myself that I’m worth more than this. I tried to forget him but I couldn’t even if I wanted to.
I watched his fight in the middle of the night in my bed. Kay texted me after the fight that he’s okay. Like that she knew I was watching, like I always do. I miss them sometimes especially the girls but I have to move on, it was a great time but not meant to be.
I was going back to Stockton to visited my mom and Josh for the holidays so I flew back and was greeted by my mom, she was crying from happiness as I walked out of the gates. “Hi mom.” I hugged her tightly as I haven’t seen her in months. “Oh honey I missed you so much.” “I missed you too.” She kissed my cheek and guided me to her car. “How’s life in Monaco?” “Good, warm.” I said as she smiled at me. “But I’m happy to be back home.” “Good to hear that, I’m happy to have you back home for the holidays.” She drove us back home and Josh was waiting for me. I saw him standing outside and I run up to him, literally jumping into his arms. “I’ve missed you so much big brother.” He laughs and hugs me back. “I missed you too.”
Nate POV
I was holding a bbq party at my house, everyone was here from the gym but also from my family. “How’s your love life.” My aunt asks as I was flipping over the steaks. “I’m single.” “I know but are you trying to get a woman, Nate you’re almost 40.” She complained but I shrugged my shoulders. “And?” “You can’t be like your brother Nate, your parents want to be grandparents.” I rolled my eyes and pointed at my dog. “They already are.” She scoffed and walked away, mumbling about being not mature enough. “Did she bothered you too?” My brother asks as he walk up to me, holding a beer in his hands. “Yeah..” “me too buddy.” I sighed softly and looked at him. “Do you think I should just go out and get a woman.” He shook his head. “No, take your time, find that person and see how it goes.” ‘I know who I want but she doesn’t want me, she’s taken.’ “Yeah…I will.” I went back to the grill, flipping them over again. “She’s back in town, she texted Kay this morning.” He gave me a small pat on my shoulder and disappeared into the crowd. ‘Y/n is back after 5 years..’
I was sitting on the toilet cover, looking at her text messages from 4 years ago. She texted me even I never replied to her back, I wanted to forget about her, not wanting to get even more heartbroken. ‘Should I text her?’ I was hesitating but I send her a text and immediately locked my phone, afraid of her answer. After a solid 10 minutes I felt my phone buzzing, she replied back to me.
Me: hey, I heard your back in town. Wanna catch up?
Y/n: hi, I am. Tomorrow at our spot 🏖️?
Me: sure, see you there at 9am?
Y/n: 👍🏻
I was driving to the beach and hoped he didn’t ditched me again. I parked the car and got out. As I walked towards the beach I saw his truck parked and I felt relieved. ‘He’s here.’ I tucked my hands in my jacket and walked through the sand towards the water were he was standing, his back was facing me. “Hi.” He immediately turned around and smiled. My heart skipped a beat as I still found him attractive after all those years. “Hey. Long time no see.” We both gave each other a small hug and I wish it was a longer one. His warmth and his smell embraced me and it made me a bit emotional. I quickly pushed that all away and smiled at him. “So how’s life.” I ask as we both slowly walked down the beach, talking about our life’s.
“Monaco? Expensive.” He says as we both sat down on a rock, looking at the sea. “It is but I love it there.” He hums and looks down at his hands. “Together with your partner?” I laughed and shook my head. “No alone.” He looks up, looking a bit confused. “Oh, where does he live then?” I got confused as he asked that question. “I’m single.” His face fell in a oh and sheepishly looked down again. “Sorry I thought you were in a relationship.” “Me? No the last time I was in a relationship that was when I was studying for videographer.” His head shot up. “For real?” I nodded and he cursed under his breath. “And you, are you seeing someone?” “No…I’m single as well.” I nodded and looked at the sea, hearing the wind softly blowing around us. My hair was blew right up in my face and I giggled, trying to wipe them away. “Here, Let me help you.” Nate moved closer and wiped my hair out of my face. “There, you can see again.” His hand still lingered around my face, softy touching my skin. My heart started to beat faster as he slowly moves closer. “Nate.” I whispered. “Yes?” He whispered back as his eyes moved to my lips and back to my eyes. “Just kiss me this time.” He smiles and softly connects his lips on mine. His hands cupped my face and I felt the butterflies swarming in my stomach. He slowly pulls back and rubs with his thumbs slowly over my cheeks. “I always knew I made a mistake.” ‘Yes you did you idiot.’ I just nodded and he laughs.
We both walked back to our cars while holding each other’s hands, his rough, larger hand was protectively holding my smaller and softer hand. “How long do you stay?” We stopped at my car, my back was leaning against the driver side. “A few days, I leave after Christmas.” He nods and looks briefly away from me. “It’s Jake’s fault, he set me up. I wish I just kissed you back then.” I gently placed my hand on his chest, he looks back at me. “You can’t change the past but you can change the future.” He gently laid his hand on mine and brought it up to his lips, he placed a small kiss on the back of my hand. “You want to give us a chance?” I nodded and shyly looked up at him. “Yes only if you see me as your friend first.” I jokingly said, he rolls his eyes and smiles. “Of course I see you as my friend, I invited you multiple times over to my house.” “Then yes, I give you a chance mr Diaz.” I gently tiptoed on my feet and kissed his cheek. “Text me.”
Nate POV
I was smiling the whole way back to my parent’s house. ‘Finally.’ I got out of my car and went inside. Nick and Kay, Nina and her husband and kids and my parents were sitting in the living room as I walked in. “Hey.” I said a bit more cheerful than usual. “Hey, who got you smiling like that.” My dad asks. I smiled even wider and tried o shrug it off. “Where did you go?” My mom asked me as I sat down. “I went for a walk, nothing crazy.” Nina starts to giggle and my mom stood up, pinching my cheek. “Whatever you say, you want some food.” “Yes please.” She went to the lichten and Nick playfully kicked my foot. “Who? Y/n?” When he said her name I started to blush and looked away, hiding myself from him. “Is it?” Kay asks and I threw my arms over my face. “Stop bullying me.” Kay starts to giggle and Nick kicked my foot again. “What happened between you two.” “Mom! Say to Nick he needs to stop bugging me.” I said with a huge grin on my face. She walks back into the room with a plate for me. “Nick leave your brother alone. Here you go sweetie.” “Thank you mom.” I shoot nick a glare and he throws me the finger.
As the days went by quickly I tried to meet up with her before she went back to Monaco. “I’m going for a walk today.” It was snowing a little bit as I grabbed my jacket and a beanie. “Okay, stay safe honey.” I gave my mom a kiss on her cheek and said goodbye to the rest. “Use protection!” Nick yells as I closed the door behind him. ‘Dickhead.’ I went to my truck and drove to her favourite coffee place.
I parked my truck in front of the building and saw her waiting outside for me. ‘Why isn’t she inside, it’s way too cold out here.’ I jumped out and walked over to her. “Hi.” She chirps and gives me a hug. Her sweet smell filled my nostrils. “Hey, aren’t you cold?” “A little bit.” She admits and I opened the door for her. “Then let’s get inside.” She walks in and I followed her. “Let’s sit over there.” She pointed at a table in the back. “Sure.” I followed her and hung my jacket over my chair, she did the same with hers. She was wearing a familiar dark green sweater and she knew I knew. “Yes this is yours, sorry that you missed it for 5 years or so.” Her cheeks were rosy, probably from the cold but it made her look cute. “It’s okay, I didn’t missed it to be honest.” She grabbed the menu and looked at it. “It’s been awhile.” She mumbles to herself as I was staring at her in awe.
Our food and drinks arrived and she was telling about her new life in Monaco. “Well after your docu got out, a lot of people wanted me to work for them, I got a big sponsor deal with red bull racing, I made content for them, especially for Verstappen. He also lives in Monaco that’s why I live there as well, it’s easier.” I nodded as she was telling me about her daily life. “I travel most of the time with the team, I also have an offer from prime hydration but I don’t think I will do it.” “Prime? From those two fuckers?” She giggles and nods. “How much?” I asks and she comes closer to me. “2 million.” My mouth fell open and she starts to giggle and leans back again. “Do it.” She slaps playfully my hand. “First you insult them and now you know how much you say do it.” I shrugged and took a bite from my sandwich. “I’m not going to do it, I want this to work.” She waved her finger between us as she said that.
“You should come and visited me.” She says as I drove her back home, she walked her way up to the coffee because of the snow. “I will, I want to see that beautiful view you keep telling me.” “It is beautiful.” I briefly looked at her and she looked happy, smiling to herself. “You’re beautiful.” I whispered to myself. I saw her mom’s house and stopped in front and turned around to look at her. “I hope you like it.” She nods as she grabs her purse. “I liked it.” “Good, I’ll text you okay?” “Okay.” She leans forward and place a small kiss on my cheek. “I’ll see you later.” “See ya later.” She smiles and hops out, waving at me as she walks to the front door. I waved back and she disappeared inside. ‘Maybe things do work out for me.’
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demonsocialworker · 2 years
Dork - Robin Buckley
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Female XReader/Fluff/Set in Season 4/Gif Not Mine
Word Count: 1524
TW: None
A/N: finals s u c k e d but whatever at least i didn't fail, i'm gonna try to write another fanfic or maybe a few before my breaks over so if you have any requests lmk! and as always enjoy <3
Joining marching band wasn't your idea of fun, but your best friend Tom had talked you into it. "If you don't join with me then I'm not doing it!", he threatened. "Alright alright fine," you sighed. Now here you were, standing on the bleachers in the lamest uniform in the world, wishing you were anywhere else but at this pep rally. You and Tom were the first ones there and waiting for everyone else was even more boring than playing a damn tuba. Why couldn't Tom have also talked you into choosing an instrument that didn't weigh the same as a small elephant?
"Hey, I know who you'd probably get along with for the rest of the year!" Tom said way too excitedly. "How would I get along with anybody in band?" you asked. Tom tried turning to face you but struggled for a few seconds under the weight of the tuba, he shouldn't have picked it either. "Robin! Remember she hangs out with that Steve dude?" You thought for a minute, trying to figure out if you knew who he was talking about. The gym doors opening snapped you out of your train of thought, and you watched as students flooded into the gym.
After the students came the cheerleaders and then, finally, the other band kids. Tom nudged your shoulder, "See? That's Robin right in the middle," he said as he pointed to her. Now you remembered who she was, you stared at her the entire time you were at Family Video with Tom last week. It was supposed to be your turn to pick for movie night, but you couldn't pay attention to movie titles when she was standing there, so you let Tom pick. Seeing her again made you feel the same way you did at Family Video, shy, out of words, and above all, a total dork. Tom sat there trying to get your attention, "Hey! You see her right?", but it was useless. You couldn't see or hear anything that wasn't her.
You managed to make it through the pep rally with your brain basically working on autopilot. You were ready to leave, that way you could go back to being normal instead of acting like an idiot in front of Robin, but Tom had other plans. While you were trying to make your way out of the gym Tom grabbed your hand, "You two are gonna be friends, cmon let's go," he said as he pulled you toward Robin. "Tom let go! I can't stay and talk dude," you said as you tried to think of an excuse to get out of this. But he let go of your hand, "What? Why?", he asked. "Um- well my mom said she wanted me home right after the pep rally. Some family dinner thing I don't know." This answer was good enough for Tom, "Alright fine. See you on Monday." Tom kept walking toward Robin while you bolted out of the gym.
You sped home, almost hitting your mom's car as you pulled into the driveway. You left your giant tuba in the backseat of your car and ran into your house. Your mom started to greet you, "Hi honey how was the-" but you cut her off. "Great Mom it was really fun," you said as you rushed up the stairs to your room. You walked into your room and slammed the door behind you. After fighting your way out of your band costume, you flopped face down onto your bed. You laid there for a while wishing you would've just gone with Tom and talked to Robin, but you knew you would've just acted like an idiot in front of her. After lying on your bed wondering why you were such a loser and couldn't just talk to a girl that you think is cute, your mom called you downstairs. Assuming it was for dinner you made your way downstairs.
You were halfway down the stairs when your mom called for you again, "Honey! Get down here!" You sighed as you got the last few steps, "Mom I'm right here-", but you couldn't even finish your sentence. Tom, Robin, and Steve were standing at your front door. "Hey Y/N!" Tom started, but you turned around and ran back up to your room, slamming the door behind you. "Oh my god, this can't be happening," you said as you leaned against your bedroom door. "This is a dream and I'm gonna wake up at any second-" but you weren't waking up, instead you were hearing someone knock on your door. "Hey Y/N? It's me open the door." Tom said through the door. Sighing and accepting that this really wasn't a dream, you cracked the door a bit to see Tom. "Why are you here? Why are they here!? I told you I had a family dinner thing-" Tom cut you off this time. "No you don't, your brother's car isn't even here and your dad is still at work so I don't see much family going on right now. Get dressed and come downstairs." Tom closed the door so you couldn't argue with him.
After pulling on your clothes, you headed downstairs. This time everyone was sitting in your living room and your mom had set a bowl of chips on the coffee table. "See I told you guys she'd come out eventually!" Tom joked. Robin and Steve chuckled and everyone stood up to head for the door. "Alright, let's go!" said Tom. "Go where?" you asked. Robin turned to you, "To the movies, did Tom not tell you?" You could feel your face heating up, just having her look in your direction made you lose every thought you had in your head. "U-um no he j-just told me to come downstairs." you stuttered out. Robin turned from you and looked at Tom, "Did you just make us blindside the poor girl?" she said with a laugh. "Well, I knew if I didn't then she wouldn't come with us!" Robin rolled her eyes and Steve jingled his keys, "Okay can everybody stop being awkward? We're about to miss the movie let's go come on!" You called out a goodbye to your mom, then everyone walked outside and piled into Steve's car.
Walking outside you wished you had put on a jacket, you hugged yourself to try to keep warm until you got to the car but Robin noticed. "Hey, I have an extra jacket in the car, I mean um, if you really need it." Before you could respond, Tom jumped in, "Of course she does she always forgets her own. Shotgun!" Oh no, he was going to make you sit in the back with Robin. Now you knew why he showed up at your house like this, he could tell you had a crush on her. You and Robin climbed into the back of the car, she reached into the floorboard and grabbed her extra jacket. "Here, it might be kinda dirty Steve never cleans the car," she said laughing. Steve whipped his head around, "Hey! Don't trash talk the car that you ride to school in every day." Robin smacked him with her jacket, then handed it to you. You stared at it for a minute, you never thought you'd even talk to her, much less be holding her jacket. You realized you probably looked weird just staring at it, so you quickly pulled it on as Steve pulled out of your driveway and onto the road.
As Steve pulled into the parking lot of the movie theater you wished Tom would've at least told you what type of movie you were going to see. Everyone got out of the car and walked into the movie theater, Steve went to go buy the tickets while you, Robin, and Tom stayed behind to get snacks. You and Robin both got pretzels, and Tom got two small popcorns for himself and Steve. You hadn't said anything to Robin since she gave you her jacket, so you were happy when Steve walked back over to break the awkward silence. "Okay, so four tickets to The Eleventh Commandment." Your jaw dropped, "A horror movie!?" Tom turned to Robin, "She's a big scaredy cat, you might have to hold her hand," he said with a wink. You smacked his arm, hoping he would shut up. Robin smiled at you, and you all started to walk to the theater the movie was showing in.
Tom of course made you and Robin sit beside each other. Sitting beside Robin and watching a horror movie made you feel like your heart was going to explode from beating too fast. The first few minutes of the movie weren't that bad, but when the first murder happened you had to shield your eyes. Robin noticed, what doesn't she notice? When you put your hand back on the armrest she placed hers on top of it. You froze, not knowing what to do, but she went further and intertwined her fingers with yours. You smiled and looked over at her. "Dork," she said as she smiled back.
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maletfwitch · 2 years
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I posted 150 times in 2022
That's 3 more posts than 2021!
101 posts created (67%)
49 posts reblogged (33%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 127 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#ask - 50 posts
#reblog - 36 posts
#maletfwitch - 31 posts
#celeb - 22 posts
#body swap - 13 posts
#muscle theft - 12 posts
#fave - 12 posts
#questions for tf fans - 9 posts
#inanimate tf - 8 posts
#request - 7 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
Be careful who you mess with
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Caleb here used to be a skinny little nerd that I would bully until he learned how to do witchcraft.
first, off he used a muscle theft spell to steal all of my muscles along with my dad's then he used another spell to swap ages with my dad, finally he used a spell that changed reality so now my dad is my brother and Caleb is now our stepdad who we're stuck alone with since our mom is always out of town for business.
now he torments us and makes us do all the household chores while he just sits around and watches tv or plays video games, sometimes he'll sit on us or use us as footstools or worse make us wash his feet especially when they're sweaty and smelly in fact, he tends to have a really strong body odor filling up the house with his musk.
our lives are now a living nightmare and we're not gonna be able to go to college to get away from him cause of our low grades and the fact Caleb refuses to pay for it and our mom goes along with whatever he says so we're stuck with him.
Moral of the story: Be careful who you mess with.
223 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
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“once me and my brother are finished draining you of all your muscle we’ll do the same to all your white boy friends” the man on the left said as he continued to drain you of all your hard earned muscle
“than when we’re done growing we’ll find more men like us and have them drain the rest of the guys at your gym, soon it’ll be filled with only Indian studs like us” his brother said before you fell to the ground all skinny and weak.
231 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
I had always been a big fan of Markiplier, my life was pretty hard so i always looked to his videos to cheer me up, one night on my way home from work i saw a shooting star and wished i could be just like Mark, the next morning i woke up in a room unfamiliar to me, i got up and began to examine myself as my body was now different, i than remembered my wish to be Markiplier and realized it worked as i was now in his body.
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Turns out i wasn’t alone as mark was still in his body co conscious with me, at first mark was scared and upset by me accidentally possessing him but soon we grew close and he had no problem sharing a body with me as we would take turns being the one in control, it was perfect since now i got to both be with mark and be him and i wouldn’t have it any other way.
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237 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
"Sorry bud my name is Brody, not Bryan"
"I don't know what you're talking bout I've always talked and dressed this way"
"bud I never even lived in the city I was born and raised here in the south and I wouldn't have it any other way."
Little did brody know that man was telling the truth he used to be a city boy named Bryan who hated the south until one day a man came up to him and changed him.
memories of growing up in the city replaced with him growing up in the south as Bryan was replaced by Brody who liked to wear hats and cowboy boots, drive trucks, and drink beer just like any southern boy should, he also disliked city folk as he thought they were stuck up and not "real men"
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279 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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My dad asked me to help him get in shape and i agreed thinking he meant helping him workout, suddenly my muscles began shrinking and being replaced by fat while the inverse happened to my dad as his body fat began to be burned off and be replaced by the muscles i had just lost.
our body types had been completely switched i now had his slightly overweight body while he had my sexy muscular body i worked hard for
“Thanks for the help son i really appreciate it” he said before flexing while i was too stunned to speak.
373 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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