#and my mom finished the whole platter lmao
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tomboyfriends ¡ 2 years ago
I love cooking without a recipe. It’s like: Step 1: Be Asian Step 2: Impress literally everyone around you
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purplesurveys ¡ 8 months ago
1. Do you enjoy rhododendrons? Why did I think this was a shape? Anyway, I just looked this up and they're very pretty for sure! They *kind of* remind me of peonies, which are my favorite.
2. Have you ever met someone who supports Nazism? I haven't met anyone irl but I've come across brainrotted people on Facebook who've tried to pull off stupid Nazi shit. Filipinos are great at making stuff go viral though lmao so afaik those people have since been suspended.
3. If you’ve ever been to another country, what was the best thing you did there? The obvious answer is going to Thailand to see BTS' Suga in concert. Apart from that, the best thing I've ever done was have local sushi in Japan. I didn't even go to a fancy fine dining restaurant – it was this random diner-like spot we found at a nondescript block at 4 PM. And yet it was the best sushi platter I've ever had.
4. Which is your favorite print: Plaid, animal, stripes, spots, other? I like the look of stripes the most, but overall I'd still avoid print.
5. Have you ever owned a cell phone for over a year? If so, was it still working well? I've never owned a cellphone for less than a year...so, yes. Mine is still working well, but the battery is well under its capacity since I've always had a bad habit of letting it play videos all night long.
6. What’s the worst sickness you’ve ever had? Food poisoning has always been terrible to me. My stint with Covid was also pretty rough. Managed to avoid it for three years, then once it caught up to me it certainly did a great job transforming me into a corpse for a week.
7. What do you enjoy more: Fairs or circuses? Fairs.
8. Is your favorite animal something you can have as a pet? Dogs yes, elephants nope.
9. Are you good at gardening? No, never tried it.
10. What was the last classic novel you read? Did you enjoy it? I started Around the World in Eighty Days but never got around to finishing it. It was nice; I just never had the time to read the whole thing.
11. Do you think you would actually read any of the epic poems, such as Beowulf or The Iliad? We took up both of those – Beowulf for sure, Iliad I'm almost certain we did, if I'm remembering correctly. Learning them both was a fun experience but I wasn't passionate enough to put like 105% into analyzing them lol if that makes sense. I just wanted to do well enough to pass.
12. Are you the type of person who feels guilty after eating junk food? I don't feel guilty but I will feel gross because the oiliness kicks in so fast, lol.
13. Tell me about a time when you felt like you had no real friends: I was in 6th grade, everyone was obsessed with the latest trends and had a Blackberry and were hanging out at Eastwood on the weekend and had a solid set of friends. At that point Angela started finding new friends too and was adjusting so much better than I ever would have at the time; my two next closest friends migrated to Canada and New Zealand in rapid succession; and the only friend I had was super unstable and wasn't exactly the most well-behaved nor the teacher's favorite. I had a shit life at home and my mom was in her peak rage phase...idk. It was a year where I didn't talk very much.
14. Have you ever felt betrayed by someone? If so, what did they do to make you feel that way? Sure, it's happened. Just stuff I don't feel like getting into.
15. Which is better: Xbox 360 or PS3? Or are you someone who doesn’t care? I don't care and don't think of them in terms of which one is better - but in my family we've always had Playstations.
16. Have you gotten registered to vote yet? I registered when I wasn't even 18 yet, haha. I was very excited to be able to vote.
17. What do you like best about your favorite actor? How about favorite actress? I don't have a favorite actor. As for Kate Winslet, girl just knocks it out of the park in everything she's ever acted in. She's just so good at playing roles of unconventional, deeply troubled characters, digging into that character's psyche and creating a personality for it that will be memorably Hers. I'll allllways always always love her.
18. Tell me how you’re feeling in another language: Pagod.
19. Would you rather drink water all day or Coca Cola all day? Water.
20. Name three movies which have a soundtrack you really love: I don't really pay attention to movie OSTs tbh.
21. Do you think Gatorade tastes refreshing or just gross? Haven't had Gatorade in yearsssssssss.
22. What’s the scariest video game you’ve ever played? Not sure. I don't get spooked much by video games.
23. Do either of your parents get angry over small things? My mom does, 100%.
24. What is the most dramatic TV show that you watch? Grey's Anatomy has to be up there, lmao. Queen of Tears was also such a rollercoaster of a watch.
25. Do you still watch VHS tapes? Nope.
26. Have you ever visited one of the states that doesn’t have sales tax? Was it a nice change? I've never been to the States.
27. Have you ever had Dutch Brothers’ coffee? Nope.
28. What are your grandparents like? Are they nice or mean? They are very kind, very loving people – my grandparents on my dad's side are not very verbally expressive when it comes to love, but they definitely show it and they are very sweet in doing so; like my grandma offering to massage my shoulders and braid my hair, and my grandpa making me his signature snacks and meals.
My grandma on my mom's side is far more expressive; she'll call everyday to check on us, say I love you, hug us...but then again we grew up with her so that's probably why it's easier for her to do these things with us. Both are, understandably given their generation, very traditional and having them consider more modern ways of thinking is Actually impossible. LGBT+ anything is always gonna be wrong, divorce is wrong, abortion is wrong, I can't go out wearing shorts, I should find a man who will treat me well, Jesus is the way the truth the life blahblahblahblah...
29. Do you own any pet fish? What kind of fish are they? Nope.
30. Do you have a turntable and vinyls that you regularly play? I do not. I've always wanted one, but I don't think I'd be able to sustain it as a hobby.
31. What is the most irritating thing that a boyfriend or girlfriend has ever done to you? Gaslighting. :)
32. Have you ever thrown up from being so nervous? What was happening that made you so nervous? Nah, but I've cried from nerves. We were having org elections and I was up for a vice-presidential position and it was going to be my first miting de avance...so I ended up having a quick lil breakdown of sorts.
33. Would you rather be uncomfortable but fashionable or comfortable but unfashionable? Uncomfortable but fashionable. It's nice to look cute, at least for me lol. As much as possible I try to balance both, but yeah.
34. When was the last time you took your pet to the vet? What was wrong with it? There was nothing wrong with them; I just needed to get them anti-tick meds because it's required at the dog hotel we were having them board in last week.
35. Have you ever known someone who was in an abusive relationship? Yuh.
36. If you smoke/drink/do drugs, do you feel insulted when someone tells you that it’s bad for you? Well, no, because it's true.
37. Do you like skiing or snowboarding? Have never done either.
38. Do you find government buildings dreary and uncomfortable? Some of them are, but the others are beautifully-made – like our post office and our national museums :)
39. Name the last horror story you read. If you can’t remember any, name the last horror movie you saw. Feng Shui. Hahahaha
40. What happened the last time you were embarrassed? Drew was telling me frankly to get new glasses because he saw mine had a crack.
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bakuvantea ¡ 4 years ago
general relationship headcanons of sung jin-woo with his beloved s/o
- warnings: none! just a tad bit of nsfw implications
- audience: I made this gender neutral, i do hope that’s okay!!
- a/n: hello >:) anonnn (may i call u that? lmao-) here’s your request love!! thank you for your kind words <33 stay heathy, stay hydrated, and always rest up okay? hope you have an amazing day ahead too!!
also idk who jacob is-
: pre-awakened jin-woo (before entering the carthenon temple)
> he was always cautious, he didn't want [you] to hear the whispers going around about how you could've chosen someone better, about how you could've loved someone that was not him. thus, he was very shy and timid, always on edge when he feels the piercing stares from his batchmates -most especially when you try to initiate physical contact with him in your school or in public, you'd see him uncomfortable and so you'd immediately stop (because you respect him, ily). behind closed doors though he would always go above and beyond in pleasing you and making you feel loved, although he always doubts himself so you always make sure to give him praises and assure him that he is the one you love (not that jerk jacob from the class next door).
> he always wears spare hair ties or hair pins around his wrists in case you forget or lose yours. in fact when its weekends -and when he's not out infiltrating dungeons and positively offering his life on a silver platter- he always tries to study new hairdos and hairstyles so he can have more variations and choices when he ties or pins your hair for you. he'd always kiss the top of your head after and you'd feel his smile as he nuzzles your hair, smelling your shampoo. since his hair is also long, you'd also return the favor and tie his hair for him. his favorite would have to be the classic apple look with a pointy lock of hair erect in the middle -he really looks like a shih tzu, adorable-
> he.blushes.so.easily !!! he is very weak to praises and your lil kisses that pepper his face. you can see him glow and you even see his smile evidently becoming wider despite him shying away from you, looking downwards to avoid your loving gaze.
> he may be sht but he is also very playful towards you, teasing you and throwing pillows at you when you’re in his room, what a baby.
> often during dates he'd always need to leave early because he really needs to earn money and g to the dungeons. although you try to offer him some of your savings or your help during the dungeon raids, he'd always reject your offer, thinking of how it may burden you or the dungeon raids may possibly hurt you. you don't listen to him though, you give some of your savings to his sister when you cross paths in your school, and you'd always register after him in raids or call up someone you know to have you join in.
"(name) why are you here?!"
"angel face, i can handle myself just fine. it's my choice to help you and whether you like it or not, i've also been called for this raid. come love, we're going in."
> you'd always take his blue hoodie and wear it. he gets so shy when you smell it.
he gets frantic when you take his hoodie and start sniffing it, exclaiming; "stop! i smell weird."
you raise an eyebrow at him, "woo, you smell fine. i like it."
he tries to stutter a remark but was silenced by your smile.
> you always try to visit his mother with him and his sister, jinah. you always talk to their mother out loud and you'd see jinah smile gently at you and jin-woo trying to stop sniffles from escaping his lips by biting them and covering his face with his hoodie.
jinah: u simp
jin-woo: shut it
> he loved cuddles! but he really likes kissing your cheeks. he loves how soft they are and he loves feeling your cheeks move when you smile or laugh at his cute antics.
> he loves you so so dear
: post-awakened jin-woo (after the events of the carthenon temple)
> oh, dear it's the monarch-
> you weren't with him when he raided the "d-rank" dungeon that then turned out to be,, well pretty much a bloodbath, so you were very worried when you heard word of the news. you and jinah basically ran to the hospital and when you caught sight of him you almost fell down from relief and pure shock in seeing the state he's in. well, not long after though suddenly he's all buff and you were really trying to make sense of what's happening.
you: hello there good sir, what in the name of fck are you doing in my boyfriend’s room all sweaty and half-naked😀
jin-woo: (name) it’s me
you: haha yes, sir ���it’s me’ that’s a pretty weird name but i don't judge, anyways my baby boy is not here uhm haha please get out of my boyfriend’s room
jin-woo: (name) it’s really me!
you: no sir, my woo radiates baby energy, you on the other hand radiates big dilf energy, haha i do not like what i am sensing so please for the life of me leave-
(jinah had to convince you that it is indeed jin-woo, you had her stop you from trying to hold his tiddies)
> you were very happy in seeing how confident he’s become, and you were even more proud with how he still says so humble despite his new accomplishments and title.
> it was obvious that he has become distant with others and have set a boundary between him and other hunters, you accept that part of him though since you know just how much he has gone through. he may act aloof towards others but he’s still very playful and comfortable with you.
> you have also noticed another thing though, he has become a bit possessive or much protective over you and jinah. he’d always have you bring a shadow with you to guard you when he can’t be with you. also, when someone stares at you for far too long, he’d step in and go, “hey there pal” and oh gosh was that enough to get the guy running (pretty damn hot)
> you still visit his mom with him, he doesn’t cry now though.
> when he trains, you’d insist on lying down below him when he does push-ups. you’d kiss him every time he swoops down and you’d hear him laugh which then makes you giggle as you hold his cheeks between your hands
> jinah is sick of the two you, always screaming about how on earth did her brother get an s/o before her, the audacity!
> his shadows adore you, of they’d always try to impress you or get head pats when you tell jin-woo to summon them for you. you live them to bits and always thanks them for a job well done in helping jin-woo with his raids. on the first time you accompanied him for a raid -you had to bribe him with more cuddles- and you were shocked with how his sweet adorable shadows turned a full 180, becoming ruthless towards the enemies. quite a show you’d say. after though, they’re back to flocking over you, even dismissing jin-woo lmao
jin-woo, watching you give each shadows head pats: i hate it here
you: get in line then
> it may be due to his newly acquired talents and his current mental and physical prowess but he has become more perceptive towards you. he can always read you and know just what your mood is and he always tries to make you feel better by giving his whole attention to you.
> of but of course, since dear jin-woo has become quite the looker, you also notice how girls flock over to him. and especially miss hae-in (she’s very sweet yes, but hey that’s your man so like—). the moment you discovered that she left her guild to join jin-woo’s, and then confessed (well basically she did) to your man, well you were upset but really who could blame her? instead of taking your frustrations out on her and your boyfriend, you decided to just talk it out with jin-woo and ask him about how it went. the two of you cleared it out and you got kisses and maybe even more after that ;))
> you and jin-ho are menaces to society when you are together, he hates how endearing and annoying you two can be. i mean, does he really hate it? nope, he absolutely loves seeing you two interact, although his head always throbs when you two start screaming to britney, gaga, and doja.
> a tease, he has become the master of being a tease, you hate it and love it at the same time. he’d trail kisses down your neck to your thighs and leave some marks then he’d suddenly walk away while asking you what take-out you want. rude, that’s what he is. ofc he always finished what he starts tho oop-
> he always randomly bites you now, you don’t know why but it’s really cute when he starts nibbling so you let him be.
> so extra when he tells you that he loves you. he professes it in such weird but adorable ways. one time he had printed out ‘i love you so much’ on a big-ass tarpaulin and had his shadows hold it for him while he’s kneeling down smoldering at you. you hate him so much (you don’t-). or that one time he bought a bouquet basket and had a ring tied to one of the flowers, you had to take the bouquet apart since the damn ring fell to the very bottom.
> sometimes when he gets back to the agency after his dungeon raids you and jin-ho would see him all grumpy and you immediately know that either he wasn’t able to make the enemy his soldier or his coat got ruined.
jin-woo: *sad noises*
jin-ho: that’s okay, you can kill and slaughter the others and take their souls next time
you: jin-ho couldn’t you have worded that better-
over-all, he’s the bestest boyfriend, such a sweet and handsome pretty boy much strong and reliable we love him<333
- a/n: i can add more to this if you’d like!! just hit me up again lmao it’s too long now so-
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t0ngue-tech ¡ 5 years ago
Longing For You | Three
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“’N-No! We’re best friends.’ You chuckled softly. ‘We’ve known each other way before elementary school.’
Hoseok gave you a look of worry as you finished your sentence, but you smiled and shrugged at him. You were used to saying it.”
↠ angsty highschoolAU bestfriendAU ↞
word count: 4.3k
↠ series: 1 | 2 | ↞
A/N: I UPLOADED AGAIN???? WHAT WORLD AM I LIVING IN LMAO??? hennywayz, enjoy the chapter my loves ♡
Hors d'oeuvres . 
Your mother specifically said hors d'oeuvres and you were expecting small sandwiches or a fruit platter, but your mother had you cooling three racks of cookies and deep frying breaded pork chops on the side. Leave it to your mother to make an entire meal as an “hors d'oeuvres .”
One by one, the council members appeared and they each offered to help you in the kitchen. It was starting to look like a normal lunch-get-together with the entire squad and you made a mental note to start the meeting once everyone settled down. 
“We should always have meetings at your house, y/n” One of the members, Jimin, took a nice bite out of a pork chop and made himself comfortable on your couch.
“Yeah! And thanks for the food, y/n.” Nayeon chimed in and took a seat next to you on the floor.
“You’re very welcome. It was my mom’s idea to have this much food and I bet all of you five bucks that she’s going to walk in the door later with either dinner, dessert, or both.” You smiled fondly. Even if cooking and cleaning everything afterwards was tiring, you appreciated your mother’s initiative in taking care of your friends and treating them like her own children.
“Okay everyone, I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but we should get started on this meeting. We have a lot of shit to get through.” You pulled your laptop from the coffee table onto the ottoman in front of you. “And the first order of business is the damn winter formal.”
An orchestra of groans floated around your living room and you couldn’t help but laugh. You all have been purposely avoiding planning for the formal because trying to think of a theme has been a train wreck. Everything that you all came up with prior to this meeting all sounded remotely similar to what other high schools were doing or it didn’t have any pizzazz. 
“Can’t we start on the other things?” Hoseok asked from the kitchen.
“I’d love to but Mrs. Kwon is going to grill me if I don’t have the proposal done for the formal by Monday.” You groaned. Being student council president was fun and all, but because of your position, you took the majority of the heat.
The living room fell silent as you all took a brief moment to think of a theme. You thought about all of the failed suggestions and after thinking too hard, your mind wandered off to last night when Taehyung called you a Disney princess. 
“Okay, this may sound cheesy, but hear me out,” You started. “‘A Winter Fairy Tale.’ We could have white and blue decorations and kind of branch off a Disney theme.”
“Oh my god,” Dahyun exclaimed. “That sounds so cute! Everyone is gonna feel like princes and princesses!” She stood up and twirled around in her skirt with a cookie in one hand.
“I’m for it.” Jimin smiled and everyone else chimed in, agreeing and spewing out decoration ideas. 
If only you had thought of this idea sooner then Mrs. Kwon would have spared you the lecture from the previous week.
“Pssst! Y/n.” Nayeon scooted closer towards you while some of the others were in the kitchen stocking up on cookies after working for about an hour and a half. You tore your eyes from your laptop to give Nayeon your undivided attention.
“What’s up?”
“I was wondering…” she started off quietly. “Is Taehyung seeing anyone or likes anybody?”
It felt as if your chest caved in a little.
“Uh, he hasn’t mentioned anything about someone he likes, but he’s currently not seeing anyone either.” It pained you to be honest, but you didn’t own Taehyung. He was your best friend not your boyfriend and he was allowed to date whoever he wanted.
“Oh! Okay. I was wondering if you could put in a good word for me? I always thought he was cute and maybe I could ask him to the dance.” Nayeon stared at you with puppy eyes that gleamed in natural lighting and you felt guilty for even considering lying to her.
There was nothing wrong with Nayeon. She was with the council since last year as secretary, but she decided to be a council helper so she could focus on cheerleading during her senior year. She was trustworthy, reliable, and had an aura everyone loved. There was nothing about her that Taehyung would hate; she was perfect.
“S-Sure, Nayeon. I’ll be sure to work a little bit of magic for you.” You smiled weakly and patted the top of her head.
Her eyes lit up and she squealed in delight. “Thank you so much, y/n! I would have asked someone else from the basketball team, but I know you two are best friends so you know, you know him on a more personal level.”
Yeah.. I do..
“Thanks again, y/n. I’ll get us more cookies.” Nayeon stood up. “How about a refill on juice?”
“Yes please. Thanks.” You watched as she retrieved your glass and walked away with an extra pep in her step.
Ugh. What the fuck am I supposed to do?!
“Did Nayeon just asked to be set up with your Taehyung?” Hoseok whispered and crawled over to sit next to you.
You raised an eyebrow at the “your Taehyung” comment before answering him. “Not exactly. She wants me to put in a good word for her because she wants to ask Taehyung to the formal.” It was clear to Hoseok that your eyes weren’t matching your smile.
“Are you really going to go through with it?”
“I have to, Hoseok. Taehyung isn’t my boyfriend.” You sighed. “Plus, Nayeon is a great girl. Taehyung would like her a lot.” This wouldn’t be the first time a girl asked you to set her up with Taehyung nor would it be the first time he’s had a love interest.
Your movements against your keyboard began to slow down at the thought of Taehyung possibly having another girlfriend. Maybe it wouldn’t bother you as much if Nayeon wasn’t close to you, but that wasn’t the case. 
You were definitely overthinking this whole situation. 
She wasn’t asking you to set her up with Taehyung, she didn’t even ask for his number, but you were taking it to the next level on your own.
How were you supposed to even do this?
The meeting ended around five and your suspicions were right, your mother brought back food for the council members. There were now extra pieces of pork katsu, cookies, boxes of pizza, and a box of custard filled donuts--she wanted to make sure the members had food to take home.
You were in the kitchen with your mother and Hoseok who stayed back to help clean up the dishes and any other mess you all made. Your father was on skype and after catching up with him, your mother went to her room to discuss business matters in private with him.
“Is it lonely since your dad is always away?” Hoseok asked.
“Ehhh...sort of, not really. He calls periodically and texts me every morning so it’s like he’s still here but cooped up in his office 24/7.” You handed another plate for Hoseok to dry off. “I can’t believe you haven’t met him in person yet. I’m pretty sure he would love you just as much as he loves me.”
Hoseok chuckled. “You’re sure about that? He’s not going to accuse me of being the boyfriend of his precious-only-daughter or say anything else?”
“Yes! Trust me. My dad’s brother recently got married to his boyfriend of four years and he’s his number one supporter if that’s what you’re worried about.” You smiled softly at Hoseok and he nodded in relief.
“Ugh, I’ll be back. Bathroom again.” Hoseok winced and darted down the hall.
“I told you to go easy on the donuts and cookies!” You called out after him.
The doorbell chimed and you were already 100 percent sure that it was Taehyung. You sent him a photo of all the food you had and his instant reply was “SAVE ME SOME OR ELSE” with multiple crying emojis at the end.
You opened the door and a blush rose to your cheeks.
Taehyung’s hair was tousled in all sorts of directions and he wore a plain white shirt that you loved seeing him wear. His cheeks were slightly flushed, probably from running to your house and he had a dust of sleep still settled in his eyes.
God, he’s so cute.
“Well, good morning. Tae.” You smiled.
“Food.” He answered instantly.
You moved out of the way and gestured him to walk into the kitchen. “Use one of the plates on the drying rack! I really don’t want to wash a new one.”
Taehyung began ranting about how exhausting his day was. He only meant to drop off his mother to work, but his basketball friends called to have a game at the park. Then, they went to have lunch at the mall so they could set new high scores at the arcade. Before he knew it, Taehyung had to leave to pick up his mother and she needed to do a little grocery shopping. As soon as he got home, he dropped onto his bed and drifted off to sleep before waking up five minutes later to your text message.
“Why don’t you just pack up your food so you can go finish up your nap.” You suggested.
“You see, that’s where your bed comes to play,” Taehyung replied with a mouthful of pizza. “I can take a quick nap here after digesting so that I’m refreshed to do some homework when I get home.”
This would’ve been the perfect opportunity to ask Taehyung what he thought of Nayeon or if he even knew her, but the words were caught in your throat. 
What am I doing? Just say it, y/n! Say it!
“Oh, hey Taehyung.” Hoseok walked into the kitchen wiping his hands on his jeans. You had to admit, you were relieved to see him.
“Hey, Hoseok.” Taehyung waved his pizza slice in the air.
“Is your mom still on the phone? I’d like to say goodbye before I go.” Hoseok quickly helped you wipe down the island counter and put away the leftovers in your refrigerator.
“Yeah, she’s still in her room. I’ll tell her you said bye though.” You smiled at him and handed him his food to take home.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” Hoseok placed his hand on your lower back and Taehyung propped his head up.
“What’s happening tomorrow?”
Hoseok explained that the council finally came to an agreement about what theme to do for winter formal and that while waiting for Mrs. Kwon to look over the proposal, it would be best to at least have an idea on what the layout of the gym would be. Taehyung clasped his hands together and begged the both of you to tell him what the theme was, but no matter how much he begged, you insisted that he waited until the announcement came out for school.
“Aw, I thought we were boys.” Taehyung pouted.
“Sorry, Tae.” You chuckled. “The announcement should probably be out sometime next week.”
“Yeah. I think everyone would love the idea.” Hoseok added. “Alright, so I’ll come by to pick you up around 10:15? Then we’ll go and get Jimin at his house.”
“It’s a date.” You joked and Hoseok rubbed your lower back. “Come on, I’ll walk you to the door.”
Hoseok fist bumped Taehyung and followed right behind you. “See you, Taehyung!”
“Yeah. See you!”
You planned on sleeping by 11 pm, but of course that didn’t happen because Taehyung stayed until 1 in the morning talking with you and having a quick chat with your father via skype. Now you were groggy and starving because you had no time to heat up any leftovers for breakfast. On the bright side, Hoseok picked you up with coffee waiting for you in the cup holder. At least this was going to keep you full until you had time to eat.
The layout of the gymnasium worked perfectly for the “winter fairy tale” theme everyone chose. There was enough room for tables, the dance floor, photo booth, and decorations. Dahyun suggested a carriage near the entrance of the gym as a prop and large pieces of cotton to replicate snow, hence the name winter fairy tale.
After scoping out the gym, the three of you headed off to the council room to do some more planning. 
“We should get started on fundraising for the costs. I mean, we still have enough money from prior fundraisers but we also need money for senior prom and we have to go all out for that.” Jimin suggested.
“Hm, you’re right. We can definitely do the bake sale again. We raised a lot of money from that last year.” Hoseok typed away at your laptop that you brought with you. “Any other ideas, y/n—? Y/n!”
You jolted up from your seat realizing that you had fallen asleep. “Oh, God. I’m sorry.”
“Long night?” Jimin questioned.
“Yeah. Taehyung didn’t leave until one in the morning.” You rubbed your eyes and leaned back in your seat.
“Taehyung? Was he there at the meeting?” Jimin mumbled to himself. “Hey, what is the deal between the two of you anyway? Are you guys dating? You’re together almost all the time.”
“N-No! We’re best friends.” You chuckled softly. “We’ve known each other way before elementary school.”
Hoseok gave you a look of worry as you finished your sentence, but you smiled and shrugged at him. You were used to saying it.
After a little more intricate planning, Mrs. Kwon entered the council to officially approve of the theme for the winter formal. She even took a look at the fundraiser ideas you three brought forward and took the time to fill out the proposals.
Now that the theme was out of the way, this meant you were going to be extremely busy with the rest of the responsibilities that came with the winter formal like money, forms, entertainment—sigh, I feel like death is inching closer and closer to me.
Jimin treated you and Hoseok to lunch at a small burger joint near the school because he could automatically feel the stress weighing on the president and vice president. Even if the three of you tried to avoid the topic of school, it naturally came up because you were seniors who were a part of the student council that had extracurricular activities and had lives that involved family and friends. Although the main topic was school and stress, the afternoon was spent well with good company; it was something all three of you needed.
You ended up staying out a little later than you had planned and it was all thanks to Jimin, who wanted to try out the bakery that opened in the next town. He offered to drive Hoseok’s car and you each gave Hoseok money for gas.
The afternoon was great, but it was even greater going to the bakery and back home; singing your hearts out to Jimin’s playlists, taking the wrong exit, spending a little too much money on baked goods and lattes, and attempting to be friends with stray cats near the bakery.
You haven’t felt this stress-free in weeks.
“Sigh, Hoseok. Today was great.” You sighed happily. Hoseok helped you carry your things onto your porch because he had to get back home to finish up some homework.
“Hell yeah. We should do it again sometime.” Hoseok suggested and you readily agreed.
“Hey, Hoseok.”
You both turned around to find Taehyung standing in your driveway with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his hoodie.
“Oh, hey, Taehyung! Hold on, I’ll be out of your guys’ hair soon—y/n, here’s your satchel.” Hoseok shimmied the strap of your bag off his shoulder to put it over your own. “Alrighty-roo, I’ll see you two tomorrow. Y/n, I’m gonna be about thirty-minutes late to the meeting tomorrow because of science team duties.”
“Yeah, no problem. Drive safe.” You smiled and waved him goodbye. “Taehyung, can you help me?”
Taehyung assisted you up to your room where he propped his entire body down on your bed. You waved the takeout box of almond cookies near his face and he immediately jumped up to snatch the box out of your hands.
“Oh. My. God. Where did you get these?” Taehyung asked with a satisfied groan.
“Jimin, Hoseok, and I went to the new bakery. We have to go there dude! It’s quite the drive, but their mocha lattes are uh-mazing.” You hopped on top of your bed and laid your legs out over Taehyung’s thighs.
“Oh shit, okay!” Taehyung swallowed the rest of his cookie. “When do you want to go?”
“Uhh…” you suddenly remembered how busier you were going to be and frowned. “Ugh, actually, I’m not even sure when. The winter formal is going to keep me extremely busy now that the theme is approved.”
“That’s alright, y/n.” Taehyung reached out to lift your chin up with his fingers. “We’ll figure out a date soon enough.”
Your cheeks instantly burned at the touch of his fingers. How were you going to put in a good word for Nayeon when you felt this way about him? But you thought about all of the good words there were to be said about her and you decided to grow a pair and just do it.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and clenched your bed sheet. “H-Hey, Tae. What do you think of Nayeon?”
“Nayeon?” He repeated with a cookie stuffed in his mouth. “The one from council?”
You nodded your head.
“Hm, I don’t really know her that well. What’s up?”
It pained you staring into his eyes. Taehyung was not your boyfriend. He was not yours.
“Well, she’s honestly a sweetheart a-and…” you bit the inside of your cheek. “And she thinks you’re cute.”
Taehyung smiled and raised his eyebrows. “Really? Wow. She’s a cheerleader too right?”
You nodded again, slowly this time.
“Hm, I guess if I see her tomorrow I’ll say howdy.”
You snorted. “Please don’t say howdy. I’m begging you.”
“Wha—why not?!”
Taehyung playfully argued with you about how his howdy greeting was not as embarrassing as you thought it was. He mimicked the way he used a cowboy accent and tipped an imaginary ten-gallon hat. You laughed until your stomach hurt and tears rimmed your eyes.
Your smile slowly faltered as you thought about how there was no way Nayeon would ever change her opinion about Taehyung. He was goofy, welcoming, and incredibly kind; any girl would be lucky to have him--you were already lucky to know him on such a personal level for so long.
Ugh. People. Communicating. Eye contact. Exerting energy.
It never occurred to you how tired you were until the students in your classes were giving off a lot more energy than what you were used to. They all were laughing and smiling while you were huddled in your seat wanting nothing to do with anybody or anything. The mindset you were having was not good, but in your defense, you didn’t sleep well last night.
You kept tossing and turning thinking about how happy Nayeon and Taehyung were going to be together. They looked like an attractive couple in your head and you were just making it harder for yourself to go to sleep. It was obvious that you were overthinking everything--you’ve been doing since Nayeon asked you about talking to Taehyung. You were constantly reminding yourself that she was only asking you to speak well of her not setting them up for a date, but the war of selfishness and friendship was raging inside of you. How were you supposed to sleep?
Now, here you were, bags under your eyes and a sick feeling in stomach. Even the radiant atmosphere of your council peers couldn’t fully lift up your drained spirit. 
The meeting consisted of designing the form for the winter formal and picking the announcement date; it was a good thing that the winter formal wasn’t as big of an event as senior prom, although the workload was almost similar.
“Okay, Hoseok and I are going to be here early tomorrow so that we could put up some fliers before the entire student body shows up. Dahyun, and Jimin, you three are going to put up the posters tomorrow during lunch. Nayeon, Doyoung, and Wheein, just have lunch in the council room just in case students show up to ask questions on the formal--Mrs. Kwon is going to be here too.” You spoke at the head of the room and scribbled in your notebook, making changes to your schedule. Everyone agreed and you adjourned the meeting to tomorrow.
Your peers all waved goodbye and advised you to get some sleep because the dark circles under your eyes were prominent. After each of them left, you slumped onto one of the chairs and sighed loudly.
“Did you drive to school? I can take you home if you’re that tired.” Hoseok tidied up some of your paper to give you a break from standing up for so long.
“I’m fine Hoseok. I drove today.” You tipped your head back and covered your eyes with your forearm.
“So… did you talk to Taehyung?” Hoseok asked quietly.
“I...did…” you replied softly and brought your head back down. “Heh�� he’s willing to talk to her to, you know, get to know her and stuff.”
Hoseok blew out a breath and stood behind you to stroke your hair. “Hey… it’s alright… I-I’m sorry, I don’t really know what to say.”
You smiled and stood from your seat. “It’s fine, Hoseok. I’m just overreacting. I don’t own Taehyung. I can’t make his decisions. I’ll be alright.”
Hoseok tried to give you a comforting smile, but you could tell he was hurting for you. He knew you were going to have to brace yourself for conversations with Nayeon about Taehyung and vice versa, he knew all too well how much it hurt to see the person you like go out with a good friend and he just wanted to be there for you.
“Okay…” he handed you your bag. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”
You dragged your feet against the tiles in the hallway while Hoseok had his arm around your shoulders. He was telling you a few stories about his skype dates with Seokjin to cheer you up because you always enjoyed hearing about their relationship. You had to admit, you were a bit jealous but you were extremely happy for them nonetheless. 
“And then he lifts up his burger and goes ‘burger-ndy!’” Hoseok failed to hold in his laugh as he talked about his boyfriend’s puns. “I swear his puns are the worst sometimes, but this burger one was pure gold.”
You laughed full heartedly hearing the delightful squeaky sound of Seokjin’s laughter in your head. “I guess you can say puns are his resPUNSibility.”
Hoseok pulled you into a headlock and you choked on your laughter, apologizing and begging him to let go. “Maybe you should stop talking to Seokjin. His jokes are rubbing off on you and I already have to deal with him, I don’t want to have to--” His voice grew softer and his footsteps halted.
You wriggled out of Hoseok’s, now loose, headlock and questioned why he stopped all of a sudden. He stared off into the distance and you looked forward, breath caught in your throat.
In the distance, you saw Nayeon leaning against the row of lockers with Taehyung standing off to the side. Judging by their smiles, it seemed like they were having a riveting conversation. You watched as Nayeon pointed towards the nearby classroom and Taehyung nodded. She disappeared into the classroom and your heart broke at the sight of him smiling as he watched her go inside.
Suddenly, Taehyung turned his head to find you and Hoseok. He flashed his boxy grin and stuck two thumbs up. Even with tears in your eyes, you grinned and returned the gesture. Hoseok also gave Taehyung a thumbs up and then waved at him after catching a quick glimpse of your facial expression. Hoseok put an arm around you and guided you back towards the other exit of the building.
You walked silently beside Hoseok for a few minutes and before you even reached the exit doors, you stopped walking and felt a tear roll down your cheek and you began to chuckle to yourself.
“Ha.. heh… it’s--why am I crying?” You tried to laugh about it, but all you could see was the pure bliss on Taehyung’s face as he watched Nayeon go into the classroom. “Why am I…?”
Hoseok whispered your name and enveloped you in his arms. He rubbed your back and softly repeated it’s okay, it’s okay.
It wasn’t okay. You were going to have to stand by on the sidelines once again as Taehyung got himself romantically involved with someone, but it was different this time. You knew the girl. She was a dear friend of yours who was perfect in every way possible while all the other girls Taehyung ever dated or had a thing with was someone he knew from another friend of from class; you didn’t know them personally. You had a gut feeling that everything was going to work out perfectly between Nayeon and Taehyung. Why wouldn’t it?
This wasn’t supposed to hurt this much.
It wasn’t okay, but it was going to have to be.
♡ rae jagi
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lavenderlattaes ¡ 6 years ago
smitten. | min yoongi
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⇒ summary: Min Yoongi had been your best friend for as long as you can remember, and he loves spoiling you rotten. Yoongi loves you more than he probably loves his Audi but you’re not so sure about that, yet. Until your friends start pointing it out to the two of you.
⇒ [college! au, rich kid! au, friends to lovers! au]
⇒ pairing: min yoongi x reader
⇒ word count: 12.9k words
⇒ genre: tooth-aching fluff, I suppose and,,, would u consider this slowburn
⇒ warnings: curse words, 12k words of word vomit lmao, and it’s too sweet for diabetic peeps sksk
⇒ note: hello, tumblr. It’s been a while, lmao. This fic wasn’t supposed to be this long, it was supposed to be a drabble idk what happened. ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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You push the car door open, and your beaten-up white Converse hits the gravel as you get out of the car. You close the car door shut behind you, slinging your backpack on your shoulders as you squint up at the massive school buildings standing gloriously underneath the early summer sun. You hear the trunk open and the sound of suitcases hitting the ground snaps you from your daze. You turn around and see your best friend Yoongi unloading your suitcases.
“Oh, sorry!” You apologize, running over to him as you help him unload your suitcases. Yoongi takes his largest suitcase out last, slamming the trunk of his Audi shut, wiping the sweat trickling down his forehead with his forearm. You sigh and pull out your hanky from your pocket as you cup his cheek and wipe the sweat.
“You know that there’s things called towels and handkerchiefs, right? You should know that, you can probably buy an entire department store of it,” you tell him as you finish wiping his face and proceed to fixing his hair.
Yoongi just chuckles as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. You just smile as you finish fixing his hair. If it were some other person, Yoongi wouldn’t have let them touch his hair, but you were Y/L/N Y/N, his best friend, and he loves you a whole fucking lot.
Yoongi takes two of his suitcases in his right hand and holds your hand in his left. You take your suitcases in your left too, and he leads you to the main building where you’ll be getting your dorm keys.
“Are you nervous?” Yoongi leans toward you slightly, noticing your clammy hand as you approach the building and pass by a lot of students. Your shyness tends to resurface in the presence of a lot of people and you were thankful that your best friend was calm, collected, and cool to help you get through it all, ever since you were in high school.
Just as you reach the steps, you hear the familiar loud voices of your other three friends behind you.
“I’m telling you, Hobi, she was looking at ME! I mean, who wouldn’t? I’m obviously the ten out of the three of us here, you and Joon are eights,” the windshield wiper laugh of Kim Seokjin soon follows after his statement, and you and Yoongi turn around to see your friends, Jung Hoseok, Kim Seokjin, and his cousin Kim Namjoon, carrying their own things. Hoseok and Seokjin were both in a very intense conversation about a girl who, according to Seokjin, had the hots for him, despite Hoseok insisting that she was only looking at him because of the amount of pink in his arms. Namjoon, who was shaking his head at his cousin and his other slightly naïve friend, spots you and Yoongi first.
“Hey, Y/N and Yoongi are already here!” He slaps the broad-shouldered guy besides him, who stops talking Hoseok’s ear off before he quickens his pace to greet the two of you. Seokjin and Hoseok follow right behind him. Yoongi lets go of your hand so he can do their handshake, and the boys give you hugs.
“I didn’t think we’d all arrive at around the same time, Seokjin was taking forever,” Hoseok brings up and the boy beside him whips his head to cry out a complaint.
“YAH! I forgot to bring RJ, he was relaxing on my bed and didn’t call out to me, I was starting to think he really didn’t want to come with,” Seokjin hoists the huge, alpaca stuffed toy up higher.
Yoongi rolls his eyes at them. “Whatever. Let’s just go inside and get our keys and room assignments.” The boys nod and Yoongi takes your hand again, leading the way inside.
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You twist the doorknob, and take a peek inside the plain, white room that will ultimately be your new home for the next four years. You step inside fully, pulling your suitcase along behind you. You bring it over to the side and Yoongi follows right behind you, carrying a few of your other things.
“I don’t understand why you didn’t get a roommate, won’t you be scared of sleeping in a room alone?” Yoongi speaks up, his eyes roaming around the room. You sit down on the bed opposite the one you’ve chosen to sleep on as Yoongi closes the door behind him. Your friends were all busy unpacking and while you told Yoongi to do the same too, he insisted on accompanying you to your room, saying he “wanted to make sure my best friend felt comfy in her new room”.
You laugh. “Yoongi, I sleep alone at home, remember?” You pull your legs up, folding them underneath you. Yoongi gives you a look. “You know what I mean. College life is stressful and scary, Y/N. Are you ready to face all of that alone?” Yoongi stresses out, making you snort.
“I’m having my classes in lecture halls, Yoongi. Not my dorm room. Besides, Joon and I share most of the same classes together, so I’m not completely alone. Plus, you talk as if I won’t see you and the others everyday.” You point out, and Yoongi nods and shrugs, getting your point.
He stands up and walks over to sit beside you. You twist your body to look at him and he looks at you, sighing, as he pulls your head in close, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You smile softly at his gentle action, reaching forward to wrap your arms around his waist.
“Promise me you won’t die before the end of the first semester,” Yoongi whispers and you laugh, punching his stomach lightly. “Tell that to yourself, Min.”
Yoongi starts playing some of his songs while he helps you unpack. You talk occasionally but focus on getting the work done first so you can hang out with the other boys.
Min Yoongi had been your best friend from pretty much the moment you were conceived. Your parents – both moms and dads – were college buddies. They were the literal definition of friendship goals. Yoongi was a year older than you, but ever since you were both born, your parents always made the two of you bond together. Yoongi’s older brother hung out with your older brother, but they weren’t as close as you and Yoongi. When you were born, of course Yoongi’s family came to visit you and your mom at the hospital. Yoongi was barely two years old, but the moment his eyes fell on you, he fell in love. You were adorable and Yoongi already wanted someone to protect at such a young age. Yoongi was smitten for you the moment you were born. So, when you were a few months older, your parents organized play dates for the two of you already. Most of the time, you hung out at Yoongi’s place. His house was larger than yours by about two floors, so you had more playing space.
Yoongi was absolutely smitten for you – whatever it was that you wanted, for as long as you both could remember, Yoongi would hand it to you on a silver platter. You remember when you were both around six years old - you wanted to have his stuffed toy poodle, and even though it was Yoongi’s favorite stuffed toy, he didn’t hesitate to give it to you. No matter though, because years later, Yoongi bought an actual toy poodle that he named Holly.
Growing up, you were the loud, outgoing one, while Yoongi was on the quieter side. It wasn’t until high school when you became good friends with Hoseok, Seokjin, and his cousin Namjoon that Yoongi started breaking out of his shell. Hoseok and Seokjin were especially loud and they always made Yoongi laugh. Namjoon was loud too, but because the boy had a thing for destroying things in his path, he chose to be quieter so he wouldn’t attract too much attention from being so loud and breaking everything along the way. It was also in high school when you started to get shy – you were faced with the reality that you were a teenager already and that soon enough, you’d have to face the world without Yoongi by your side. Everything was starting to overwhelm you, so you turned to writing pieces of literary work. You thought back then that you’d end up alone, but you found yourself hitting it off really well with Namjoon, comparing famous literary works, writing your own pieces, and asking for constructive criticism from one another.
Your fun, lovable group of five stayed together all of high school, and now up until college. You were all so excited and happy to get accepted into the same art university, a three hour drive away from home. You’re taking up creative writing with Namjoon, Hoseok will take up dance, Seokjin with theatre, and Yoongi with music, majoring in piano.
In the middle of a Halsey song, Yoongi breaks your line of thought (which was just you singing along to Roman Holiday, anyway). 
“Hey, do you wanna go get some food with the guys? They’re downstairs.” You fix your ponytail and nod, smiling.
“Sure, I’m starving anyway.” Yoongi ruffles your head and grabs his stuff while you do the same. 
“Come on, it’s my treat.” Yoongi opens your door and lets you go out first. 
“It’s always your treat, Yoongi. When was it not?” Yoongi laughs at that. “True.”
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“Make sure to turn them in before the end of next week, okay? I’ll be expecting a lot from you all; you seem like such a promising batch of writers,” Professor Bang says, making you and the rest of the class respond with “yes” and “okay”, just before you stand up to leave.
“Have you thought about what to write for your essay, Y/N?” Namjoon asks you as you both make your way outside the lecture hall along with the other students. 
You purse your lips in thought. Professor Bang wanted to start off the semester by making you write about anything that you were comfortable with. He wanted you to show him the things that you were concerned about, the things that were close to you, and you wanted to make sure you left a lasting impression in his class. Professor Bang was someone you could see yourself remembering for a long time, even if the seasons have changed and the days have gone by. He knew how to teach, not because he was smart, but because he was inspired, because he loves what he’s doing, and he wants to share that with students like you and Namjoon. He was a jolly person, but he also wanted to push you to your limits, something you’ve noticed during the hour and a half class with him that morning.
“Hm, I don’t really know yet. Maybe something about transitioning from being a teenager to an adult, the ups and downs that come along with it, the rush of it all. How about you?” You look up at the tall guy beside you, and he pushes his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose.
“I want to write something about self-love, about what it means to love yourself, despite your flaws and imperfections.” You smile; Namjoon has always been the smartest in your group, always contemplating about things. He had a habit of thinking things through properly, instead of making rash or impulsive decisions.
“Professor Bang makes me want to wear my heart on my sleeve and I don’t know why. He’s that kind of teacher that you want to impress and show all your best sides to, but at the same time, you want to show him all your worst points too, because you know he won’t hold it against you or judge you for it,” Namjoon says your thoughts out loud, making you nod in agreement.
“I really want to do well in his class, I’ve already taken a liking to him,” You reply and suddenly, an arm slings around your shoulder. The familiar smell of his cologne wafts through your nose and you smile, turning to the boy standing beside you.
“Taken a liking to who?” Yoongi asks, raising his free hand up to Namjoon as a greeting. The taller boy raises his eyebrows smiling.
“Professor Bang. He’s like, our favorite teacher now.” You explain and Yoongi lets out an ‘aah’.
“Are you up for some lunch right now? Seokjin and Hobi are at this cool diner ten minutes away from here,” Yoongi asks the two of you and Namjoon shrugs.
“Sure, why not?”
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When you get to the diner, Seokjin and Hoseok are in another intense conversation again. “I’m telling you, Hobi! She was looking at my broad shoulders!” Seokjin explains dramatically, Hoseok’s eyes were wide as saucers as he sipped on his Sprite, listening to Seokjin. Seokjin leans back in his seat and says casually, “She might even be looking for ways to get my number right now.”
Walking up to them, Yoongi places a hand on Seokjin’s shoulder and says, “She was probably staring at the alpacas resting on both shoulders as if they were your devil and angel.” Yoongi pats the alpaca heads sewn on Seokjin’s shoulders. Seokjin had a weird obsession for alpacas, it was insane.
“Why is it that all of you refuse to believe someone’s actually into me? Why do you all keep on insisting that it’s because of my fashion taste? Tsh,” Seokjin complains, scooting over so you can sit next to him. He pats your head and you bump his shoulder in response. Yoongi sits beside Hobi in front of you, and Joon takes the seat at the end of the table.
You give the exasperated man beside you a side hug as he picks up a chicken wing, groaning under his breath. “That’s okay, Seokjinnie. It’s just because they’ve never seen you actually charm the pants off someone,” You try to console him as he pouts while deboning his chicken.
“Oh, don’t boost his ego any further, Y/N,” Yoongi teases, making Hobi and Joon laugh. You pout and give him a look. “I’m not! You guys just don’t appreciate his visuals, right?” You coo and turn to look at Seokjin who finishes his chicken and puts it down, nodding furiously.
“Ah, come here, Y/N!” Seokjin pulls you in, his greasy fingers reaching out for you as you lean back, laughing. He glares at you but still pulls you in, careful to not stain your baby pink blouse. “I only care about Y/N in this friendship now, she’s the only one that can understand me. Look, she’s even wearing my favorite color!” Seokjin’s windshield wiper laugh starts up.
Namjoon throws his head back, Hobi slams his hands on the table, and Yoongi’s shoulders shake as they laugh at their eldest friend’s antics. “Yes, now give me some love and feed me,” You reply, opening your mouth for Seokjin to feed you. The boy stops laughing, a serious look on his face replacing his huge grin earlier.
“Look, Y/N. I know I said I care about you, but this is MY chicken,” Seokjin explains seriously. You pout at that and Yoongi, your ever-loving best friend swoops in.
“Stop asking for food from him! He only cares about RJ, come on, I’ll get you food,” Yoongi stands up and you follow suit.
“Oh come on, why do you always treat Y/N out for food? What about us?” Your friends protest and Yoongi squints his eyes at them. “This is my best friend we’re talking about here,” he says matter-of-factly. “Then what are WE? Are we just trees to you now?” Hoseok whines and Namjoon snorts at that.
“You’re my friends, duh?” Yoongi shrugs and you laugh. “Come on, Y/N. You want some milkshake too?” Yoongi turns around.
Namjoon lets out an obvious cough. “Whipped,” he mutters and Hoseok and Seokjin laugh. Yoongi turns back around. “What was that?” he asks, and the boys shake their heads at him.
“Nothing,” Namjoon says casually. Yoongi shrugs, turns back around and pulls you with him to the counter.
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Yoongi: something’s up with you. Meet me in the parking lot, we’re going somewhere
You sigh when you read Yoongi’s text. You text back a simple ‘okay, be there in a bit’, before making your way to the other side of the school. Even though you knew Yoongi your whole life, it still amazes you how much he can sense when something is wrong. You haven’t texted him yet about how terrible your day went, and here he is, sending the first text. You look up and think back to the events that happened an hour prior.
It’s the week after the deadline of your essay for Professor Bang’s class and during class that day, he returned your essays, red writings scribbled onto your notebooks. On top of yours, in a slightly messy handwriting were the words, “good job, y/n, see me after class please”. You smiled gently at that but then saw the long note he wrote on Namjoon’s. You were starting to doubt your work, so when class ended, you hastily made your way to the front of the room.
Professor Bang was fixing his things and you waited for the last student to walk out, giving Namjoon a close-lipped smile to let him know he should go ahead. He nods and you turn back around to face Professor Bang.
“Y/N, please sit down, kid,” Professor Bang tells you when he looks up, and you nod, grabbing a chair in the front row and bringing it closer to Professor Bang’s table. You gulp. Professor Bang was a short man, slightly on the chubbier side and had small eyes that disappeared whenever he smiled. He was absolutely adorable, but right now, you were starting to doubt that.
“Why did you call me over, Professor?” You ask timidly. Professor Bang scrunches his face up, removing his glasses as he sits comfortably. “It’s about your essay, Y/N.” He answers and you sit up straighter. “Um, what about it, Sir?”
“Do you remember what I told you when I gave you this assignment?” Professor Bang asks and you pause for a bit. 
“You, uh, told us to write about anything we were comfortable with; things that we were concerned about, things that were close to us,” You answer.
He nods. “But you know what else I said? I told you to write without restrictions, to write without thinking much about it,” he tells you and you frown lightly.
“I don’t think I quite understand what you mean, sir.” Professor Bang gives you a gentle smile.
“You wrote about something you were concerned about, correct? The transition of being a teenager to an adult,” he begins, and you nod. “You gave a wonderful essay, actually. But it had no soul, Y/N.” He says, leaving you confused. “When I read your essay you know what I thought? ‘This kid is smart, she’s talented, but she’s also trying too hard,” he explains and your heart drops.
Well. That hurt.
“In my class, Y/N, I want you to write for yourself, not for your grades. I want you to write because you want to, not because you want good grades, or because you want me to notice you. Believe me, I notice all of you. I know who you are when I read your essay. I know the kind of person you are, or you want to become. There are things you were keeping from me in your essay. There were also things you shouldn’t have included in your essay. You were keeping your true self from me. I want you to work on that, okay? Stop thinking about things that could happen in the future and start thinking about the things that could happen now. Focus on the now, rather than the later.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” Yoongi’s voice snaps you out of your trance, and you look up, realizing you’ve mindlessly made it to the parking lot, and in front of his car, no less. You sigh and just look at him. Yoongi steps closer to you, extending his arm out to you. He’s wearing all black today, but the rainbow bracelet you made for him during an arts and craft class in the summer when you were only ten rests comfortably on his wrist.
“Come on, just you and me, yeah?” Yoongi asks you gently, and you nod, reaching forward to take his hand in yours. When you look up at him, you see other students from your peripheral vision stopping to look. Yoongi notices and squeezes your hand to get your attention. You look back at him and nod again. “Okay.”
Yoongi leads you over to your side of the car and he opens the door for you. You get in and he closes it behind you, casually walking around to his side. You see him wave to a few girls who soon giggle after the interaction and snort. Yoongi opens the door and gets in. He puts his key in the ignition and starts up the car.
“Who were those girls?” You ask, and Yoongi hums. “Some girls in my class, according to Seokjin they have the hots for me, but I don’t really know what that means.” You laugh as Yoongi pulls out of his parking space and you twist in your seat, folding your legs underneath you.
“Hey, watch it. I don’t want my seat getting dirt on it,” he calls you out, his eyes never leaving the road. You pout at him and drop your legs, a grin spreading across Yoongi’s face. 
“Just kidding. You can pull your feet up. I’ll just have it cleaned if ever, anyway.” You roll your eyes at your best friend.
“Wow, Min Yoongi sure loves flexing his limitless credit card in front of me, his very much broke and short on cash best friend, Y/L/N Y/N.” You proclaim sarcastically, and Yoongi laughs at you, casting you a side glance.
“Hmm, I think it’s more like, Min Yoongi loves flexing his limitless credit card in front of you, his very much broke and short on cash best friend Y/L/N Y/N because he loves you and would spend all of it on you anyway.” Yoongi tips his head at you and you shrug, nodding.
Thirty minutes later, Yoongi stops at a cliff overlooking the entire town. The sun was just beginning to set, so you can just about imagine the beautiful scene painted in front of you.
You slowly make your way to the edge of the cliff and lean against the metal railings. You stare into the horizon, the wind blowing in your face. You soon close your eyes, your worries melting away as you just take it all in. You feel Yoongi’s presence beside you when his cologne wafts through your nose like usual. You hum softly.
“Why did you bring me here?” You ask him quietly, your eyes still closed. 
Yoongi lets out a puff of air and shrugs. “I found this place last week when I didn’t have inspiration for a composition. It helps me clear my mind, you know. Being here. You were going through something, and I just kind of wanted to help ease your worries, I guess.” He explains softly. 
You open your eyes and turn to look at him.
To someone who hasn’t known Yoongi their whole life, he was the dark and always angry sort of guy, because he always gave off a dark vibe, wearing fine, expensive clothing that was most of the time black. He stood out among his friends because Hoseok was loud, bright, and giggly; Namjoon was silent, smart, and reserved; and Seokjin…well, he was loud, funny, and attractive. Yoongi was far too different to be part of their circle if you gave them a once over and left it at that alone. But you knew him your whole life. Yes, he did give off that vibe no matter what he did, yes, he stood out among his friends like a sore thumb, but nobody knew how soft and tender he was when it came to you. His friends feared him at times too; when he was in a particularly bad mood (although it was a rare), but never in life were you ever scared of him. 
Yoongi always made you feel safe.
And when you look at him now, it didn’t matter that he was wearing all black and probably looked like the typical rich kid bad boy in all those cliché teen novellas. It didn’t matter that he would probably punch someone in the face if they dared touch his Audi. Because when you look at Min Yoongi now, you only saw your best friend since diapers, you only saw the guy who promised to care for and protect you no matter what.
“Thank you, Yoongi. I really needed it,” you whisper, and he smiles at you, something other people don’t see often, but something you saw on the daily. He pulls you in for a hug and you rest your head comfortably on his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist as he wraps his around your shoulders.
“Whatever it was that bothered you, you’ll get through it. I know you can. You don’t have to tell me now if you don’t want to. Whenever you’re ready, I’m all ears.” Yoongi tells you and nod. He squeezes you gently and kisses the crown of your head.
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
“Anything for my Y/N.”
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“Hey, guys, where’s Yoongi?” You greet Hoseok and Seokjin, as you and Namjoon sit down beside them at a table in the café your group has been frequenting at lately.
Seokjin stops eating his second serving of the banana muffin to look at you, a disappointed look on his face. 
“Yah, Y/N. Are you going to ask about Yoongi first before the people that actually invited you over?” Seokjin dramatically complains and you roll your eyes at your overly dramatic friend. You move to sit beside Hoseok instead and Namjoon sits beside the drama queen.
Just to spite him, you use Hoseok’s fork and stab a piece of his banana muffin, shoving it quickly in your mouth. You smirk when Seokjin gasps dramatically and faints, resting on Namjoon dramatically. No wonder he’s a theatre major. The younger boy rolls his eyes at his cousin but lets him stay there.
“He’s in one of the studios, he’s busy composing,” Hoseok answers your question. You give him a hug and he giggles at your action. “Thanks Hobi, you’re definitely not like that dramatic hoe across from me.”
Upon hearing you call him a dramatic hoe, Seokjin sits up straight. Just as he’s about to cry out another complaint, three girls walk up to your table, stopping Seokjin.
“Hi, Seokjin,” the girl in the middle greets, a sweet smile on her face. You bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing. Seokjin flashes her a charming smile, which you must admit, does look great on him. 
“Hey, Sana,” he greets coolly. Namjoon and Hoseok just watch, and Seokjin revels in the fact that his friends can finally see him charm a girl.
“So there’s this new movie coming out after finals next week, um, do you maybe wanna watch it together sometime?” She asks as her friends giggle. 
Seokjin casts his friends side glance, smirking. Hoseok scratches the back of his head, that look on his face, and Namjoon just looks back and forth between Seokjin and the girl. 
You can only purse your lips, resisting the urge to laugh.
Seokjin shrugs. “Sure,” Sana bites her lip and smiles. 
“And Namjoon and Hoseok can come along too!” Her other two friends nod eagerly, and yours, Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s jaws drop. 
“Yeah, they’re coming along too,” Seokjin answers for them and all three of you snap your heads to look at him. What the fuck is he doing? Hoseok slaps a hand to his forehead and Namjoon can only hide his face in his hands.
The girls don’t seem to notice their discomfort about the arrangement because they even ask about Yoongi. “Is he coming along too? My other friend really likes him,” Sana says and just as you’re about to say something, Hoseok jumps in. 
“Um, I don’t think Yoongi hyung would appreciate that, he’s already dating someone.” 
You, Seokjin, and Namjoon all whip your heads to look at Hoseok.
“Really? But I’ve never seen him out with someone,” Sana’s friend, asks and Hoseok gulps, nodding. 
“He’s very private about their relationship, you see,” he chuckles nervously. 
The girls pout. “Well, that’s too bad. Anyway, I’ll text you?” Sana turns back to Seokjin who nods. She smiles at him and they say goodbye before walking away. 
Once they’re out of earshot, you turn to each other and both Hoseok and Namjoon turn to Seokjin. 
“What the hell man?!” 
Seokjin raises his hands up in surrender. “In my defense, I scored you guys dates. They’ve been head over heels for you since like, midterms, have you never seen them look at you before?” Seokjin asks and the two groan.
“Of course we have! But we don’t know them!” Namjoon stresses. “Then this is the perfect time to get to know them!” Seokjin rebuts. 
“They’re not our type, hyung. Do you even know who likes who?” Hoseok cries out. Seokjin pauses, then looks up in thought. “Well, no… but—” Hoseok cuts him off.
“See! Why would you go out on a date if you’re not sure whether they like you or your friend?” Hoseok asks him. Seokjin snorts. 
“Yah! At least I didn’t tell them Yoongi was seeing someone when he clearly wasn’t!” At that, you look up from your phone, having given up on joining their conversation earlier.
What a great way to change the topic.
Hoseok sits back and sighs, closing his eyes, knowing he fucked up too. He rubs his temples, clearly exhausted.
“Yeah, what was that about, Hobi?” Namjoon joins in. You can only sit properly in your seat and turn to look at the boy beside you. Hoseok opens his eyes and decides, ‘ah, fuck it’, as he crosses his hands in front of him.
“Yoongi’s not seeing anyone, sure, but he soon will.”
The three of you furrow your eyebrows, not quite sure what Jung Hoseok meant. 
Noticing the confused looks on your faces, he sips his peppermint latte and looks at you. You raise an eyebrow at him and he shakes his head.
“I think it’s obvious enough that he’s smitten for you.” You snort at his statement and turn to look at Namjoon and Seokjin, who both catch on and soon have the same expressions on their faces, one that makes it look like they know something you don’t.
“What are you talking about?” You ask, confused. Namjoon sighs and you turn to look at him. “Yoongi likes you, Y/N. He may not know it right now, but he will.” You laugh nervously and shake your head. “No, he doesn’t. He’s always been like that with me, guys.”
Seokjin shakes his head. “It’s always been you. It’s always been different whenever you were involved. Yoongi’s different when you’re around.” 
“But, how?” You ask, still clearly confused. You honestly didn’t know what they were talking about. Nothing made sense to you; what did they mean by Yoongi being different when you were around? Yoongi’s still Yoongi.
“What’s so wrong with Yoongi liking you, Y/N?” Hoseok asks, placing a hand on your shoulder. You shake your head and shrug. “Nothing, I just don’t quite understand. How can Yoongi be different around me?” Seokjin sighs and fixes his hair.
“You’re both so dense, I don’t know why I’m friends with you,” he complains. “You’ll realize it eventually. I won’t spoon feed you both on this. It’s time for you to figure that part out for yourselves.” Seokjin finishes his muffin.
“Okay, I better get going, I have to meet up with some of my classmates, we’re revising for the finals next week,” Seokjin stands up and pats your head as he grabs his stuff. You all say goodbye to him and he heads out.
The three of you stay for a little bit longer before you decide to head out. The sun was already beginning to set. You say goodbye to Hoseok and Namjoon; Hoseok had to stop by the dance studio and Namjoon was heading for the library.
Finals week is next week but you were in no mood to study and review for it just yet. The events from earlier kept clouding your thoughts and you didn’t know what to think of it all. So, instead of heading for the library, you make your way to the field where you see other students sitting together in groups, talking, studying, and hanging out amongst themselves. 
You make your way under a huge tree and sit down, placing your books and backpack beside you as you lean on the tree trunk. Folding your legs, you wrap your arms around your shins, resting your head on the space between your knees.
You allow your mind to drift off and think of Seokjin, Namjoon, and Hoseok’s words from earlier. Of course Yoongi likes you, you’re his best friend. But Yoongi liking you in a different sense? You weren’t so sure about that. Sure, he’s affectionate and overprotective with you, but that’s probably because he sees you like a little sister.
But then again, you do notice that Yoongi really is different with how he treats you, ever since you were little.
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“Y/N! Come sit beside me, I wanna show you something,” an adorable, 5-year old Min Yoongi with a few missing teeth beckons you to come sit beside him on the piano chair, his small legs dangling underneath him. You make your way over to him, your fingers still slightly sticky from the lollipop you just ate. You clamber up the piano chair, courtesy of the small stool placed next to it.
Yoongi grins at you and you merely look at him, before your eyes drift over to the white music sheets laid out in front of him. Your best friend was a prodigy and you knew that. The slightly shaky handwriting of his musical notes on the sheets were enough evidence for you to know that he composed it himself.
“What’s that, Yoongi?” you finally say, pressing a sticky pointer finger to the white sheet music. Yoongi gently takes your hand off the paper and places it back onto your lap as he looks at you with a bright smile on your face.
“I made this song for you, Y/N! I want you to listen to it carefully, okay?” Yoongi tells you and you grin excitedly.
Yoongi turns to face his piano properly and ever so delicately, he places his fingers on the black and white keys, his fingers dancing over them so effortlessly. It didn’t matter that his hands were still a bit too short for the huge piano, he still hit each and every note with precision. A beautiful melody fills the room and your eyes brighten up at the sound of it.
When Yoongi finishes, you tackle him in a hug, not caring about your sticky face or fingers at all.
“That was pretty, Yoongi!” he giggles at your reaction and hugs you back with the same enthusiasm.
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You smile fondly at the memory, that was the very first song Yoongi ever composed, and he was only five. He made it for you and even named it after you. Up to this day, that was your favorite composition of Yoongi’s.
The wind picks up and your hair blows not so gracefully in your face. You sputter after your hair gets stuck in your mouth and a melodious laughter comes from behind you. You turn around and sure enough, your best friend is standing there, a bright gummy smile on his face. His shoulders are shaking slightly as he laughs at your expression and walks closer to you.
You scoot over and make some space for him. Yoongi flops down beside you, letting out a relaxed sigh after doing so. He gives you a side hug, patting the top of your head and you line your head on his shoulder.
“How did composing go?” you bring up and he clicks his tongue. “It went great, I think I’m ready for finals next week. How about you?” Yoongi gives you his full attention. 
You shrug and he nudges you to continue.
“I’m having a hard time in Professor Bang’s class. I’m finding it hard to write anything without it coming off as trying too hard or with no effort at all. He wants me to write about me but I don’t quite get it. It’s been on my mind ever since you brought me to that cliff a few weeks ago. I’m never proud with the things I write and although Professor Bang doesn’t say much anymore, I can still feel that he’s still not contented with my work. He’s still looking for something,” you sigh and Yoongi squeezes your shoulder gently.
“You wanna know my secret?” Yoongi begins and you snort. 
“What are we, five?” Yoongi laughs. “You need to wear your heart on your sleeve. You need to let your guard down, Y/N. That’s how I compose such great songs. Being an artist kind of means like presenting yourself naked to your audience.”
You give him a look. 
“What I’m trying to say is, you shouldn’t hide who you are from your audience. You also shouldn’t try too hard to please or satisfy them. Go for what makes you happy. Go for what makes you sad, or angry, or frustrated, or confused. Don’t go for what makes them happy, sad, angry, frustrated, or confused. Your audience’s feelings will just follow through, you have to make them feel what you feel.”
You look at him in amazement, your lips parting slightly. Yoongi gives you a confused look. “What? Is there something on my face?”
“Now I know why you’re my best friend.” You proclaim and he grins at you.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You better, Min.”
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Later that night, you pull out the worn journal that Yoongi gave you for your thirteenth birthday, something he bought on a trip with his family in Greece. You treasured it so much, because most of your favorite writings were in there and it’s been a witness to your best and worst moments. Your fingers trace the worn out pages, a smile growing on your face as you skim through your writings. 
You didn’t stick to one kind of literary work; you wrote whatever came to your mind. There were scribbles and doodles, and you even found some pages stained with tears, ink, and… chocolate?
Damn, you were quite the messy kid, weren’t you?
You reach a blank page and pull out a random pen - which turned out to have pink ink, from your pouch.
You pull the cap out and stick it in the other end, your hand hovering over the page, hesitating. You remember Professor Bang’s words and Yoongi’s advice from earlier. 
Slowly, you put your pen down and your fingers start writing the first few lines to a new piece.
Maybe it was the way he constantly made me smile,
Maybe it was how he’d always go the extra mile,
“It’s different when you’re involved,” they said,
You started filling up every corner and every crevice of my head.
Was this how it was supposed to be,
Should it have been you and me?
Well, you always left me lost in a trance,
So maybe we should give this love a chance.
You stop writing and your eyes scan what you wrote. Your lips part open slightly at the realization of what you just wrote. Were you writing about Yoongi? Was this what the boys were talking about?
You’re not quite sure about it, but you might just already be in love with Min Yoongi.
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Yoongi was nowhere to be seen, and young little Y/N was already bored to death. You and Yoongi were supposed to be in the middle of a game of snakes and ladders, but the young boy had left the playroom to get something from his room. He hasn’t returned for only five minutes, yet you thought it felt like an entire lifetime.
Getting up from your spot on the floor, you make your way over to Yoongi’s grand piano sat in the corner of the large room. You eye pieces of paper lying on the floor, musical notes scribbled on it. 
Young, 3-year old you knew nothing about music, but the way the notes were scribbled on the paper left you intrigued. You crouched down, picked one up from the pile and brought it back with you to your previous spot, where your crayons were sprawled all over the floor messily.
You flop down with a huff and lies flat on your stomach, the sheet music in front of you . You pick up your chubby red crayon and bring it over the paper, pressing lightly as you start doodling all over Yoongi’s composition.
In the middle of your artwork, Yoongi walks in the room with a pink box and he gasps when he sees his best friend scribble over the composition he just finished yesterday.
“Y/N, no!” He drops the box and runs over to you as fast as his little feet can carry him. 
At the sound of Yoongi’s voice, you stop doodling and turn around, sitting up when you see Yoongi running over to you. Yoongi quickly grabs the sheet, his eyes frantically looking over the sheet music that was now covered with red doodles.
Yoongi’s eyes begin to water and although you didn’t quite understand it all, you knew that your best friend was upset. His bottom lip begins to tremble, and soon, tears flow from his eyes and he lets out a cry as he looks at his destroyed composition.
The sound of footsteps soon come closer and you turn around, seeing your mom and Yoongi’s mom walk in the room with confused looks on their faces. They spot the children sat on the floor and their eyes take in the scene in front of them - Yoongi was clutching a piece of paper in his hands, crying, and you were looking up at them, a confused look on your face mirroring theirs. 
“What happened here?” Your mom asks as they both bend down to you and Yoongi.
Yoongi turns to look at his mom as he cries. “Y/N scribbled all over my sheet music.” He crawls over to his mom and hugs her, hiding his face in her chest as he continues to cry. 
Both his mom and your mom turn to look at you, and it’s then that you realize it’s your fault. Tears fill your eyes as well and you stand up to hug your mom too.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you cry, hiding from Yoongi and his mom, ashamed of what you’d done.
At the sound of your crying, Yoongi stops crying and turns to look at you. He steps away from his mom and waddles over to you, his small hands reaching out to grab your arm.
“No, no, don’t cry, too.” He sniffles and he pulls you to face him. 
Reluctantly, you turn to face him and you try to stop crying as Yoongi squishes your face in his hands.
“It’s okay, I can do it again,” he tells you and you shake your head no.
“I’m sorry, Yoongi! It won’t happen again,” You cry and Yoongi can only nod. He pulls you with him, and he leads the both of you over to the grand piano. Yoongi gives you a side hug and he places his fingers on the black and white keys. Yoongi begins to play your favorite song, the very first one he wrote for you, snot and tears and all that.
You sniffle and calm down when you hear the familiar comforting melody. You wipe your snot away and rest your head on Yoongi’s shoulder.
Your moms watch the scene in front of them, knowing smiles on their faces.
“If our kids don’t end up together, I don’t know what I’ll do,” Your mom whispers to Yoongi’s mom as they leave the room.
Yoongi’s mom snorts. “Don’t worry, because by the looks of it, my son’s smitten as hell and he’s only five.”
Your mom laughs at that. “True.”
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“Woah, are you okay, bubs?” Yoongi asks worriedly when he steps inside your dorm room and takes in the sight before him. 
Books and notebooks are open sprawled around your bed and on the floor, your pens and highlighters open and probably all dried up, your hair was tied up in a messy bun that probably hadn’t been brushed properly since this morning, and your laptop open in front of you while you sit on your computer chair, your left leg folded underneath you and your right leg stretched out all the way to your bed. Your laptop was playing Day6’s Congratulations, and you were furiously typing away, cramming through your essays that were also due during finals week.
Your glasses fall down the bridge of your nose and you sigh, taking them off before you turn around to greet your best friend.
“Hey, Yoons, what’s up?” You smile tiredly at him, reaching over your bed to push away your books and notebooks to make room for your best friend to sit down on.
You chuckle as he sits down, scratching your hair. “Sorry about the mess, I didn’t have the time to fix it earlier.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. But you should really take a break, don’t overwork yourself,” Yoongi smiles and ruffles your hair, making you laugh. You spot the gray flask in his left hand and your eyes widen.
“Is that soju?” You gasp and Yoongi nods. You lean forward and snatch the flask from him, twisting the cap open. You pour some of the alcoholic drink onto the cap and down it all in one go, the strong taste burning down your throat. You think that maybe Yoongi meant to bring this for you and not for him, because it’s your favorite flavor, classic. Yoongi could never tolerate the classic flavor of soju and he always opted for the fresh one.
Yoongi simply watches you take shot after shot of the alcoholic drink and smiles, knowing you’ll get a hangover the next day. Nevermind though, because he’ll take care of you anyway, and your first exam isn’t until 2:00 pm tomorrow. 
Once you’ve finished the entire bottle, you wipe your lips with the back of your hand, grinning drunkenly at your best friend. He smirks at the sight of you and stands up to save your work. He closes your laptop and crouches down to look at you. 
“You’re such an alcoholic, Y/L/N Y/N.” Yoongi comments and you can only giggle.
“Thanks, Yoongi.” You pat his cheek, and knock out dead on your desk, snoring away as your head rests on your laptop. Y/L/N Y/N is out like a light at 5:22 pm.
Yoongi’s gummy smile makes its appearance as you sleep soundly, without a care in the world. He turns around and stares at the mess cluttering around your room. Yoongi bends down and starts cleaning; he picks up your pens and highlighters and puts the caps back on, although he doubts that they’d still work (maybe you bought those kind that would last for up to 48 hours uncapped but he wasn’t so sure, knowing you), and he closes your books, making sure to stick in bookmarks in case those pages were important. He stacks your stuff on the extra table beside your desk and fixes your bed for you to sleep in.
Yoongi turns around and he laughs softly at the sight of your drool running down the side of your arm. Yoongi crouches down and he brushes the hair away from your face. Upon taking a closer look at you, he can see how much you’ve stressed yourself out this week. 
The dark circles under your eyes, the messy hair, and the way you snored were enough to tell Yoongi that you were dead tired. Even your drool told Yoongi that you were exhausted, because you only ever drooled in your sleep when you were worn out.
Yoongi carefully helps you out of your chair and onto your bed, where he tucks you in snugly. He turns the lights off and leaves only your night light on. Yoongi sits down beside you and simply admires the way you sleep (it’s not as creepy as you think it is!).
Yoongi watches the way your chest heaves up and down as your breathe slowly, soft snores leaving your lips. He watches the way a small smile is etched onto your lips, making you look so sweet and so innocent, like you didn’t just down an entire flask of soju in one go. He watches the way you shift to a more comfortable position, pushing your face further into your pillow.
And as Yoongi watches you sleep so peacefully, he realizes that he can get used to this - get used to watching you fall asleep, and maybe, just maybe, fall asleep with you. Yoongi thinks that if seeing you fall asleep makes him want to fall asleep with you, then maybe the idea of waking up with you isn’t so bad, either.
A soft mumble leaves your lips and you start to babble nonsense, things like “after the falling action is the denouement, and yay, the end”, and Yoongi smiles. 
Without realizing it, Yoongi leans forward, and presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Good night, Y/N.”
His heart flutters at his own action, and Yoongi smiles when he realizes it.
“I love my best friend. I love Y/N. I love you,” Yoongi whispers to himself, his eyes never leaving your sleeping form.
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You are never drinking before an exam ever again. 
Your head is throbbing and you can’t move because every small action makes your head feel like it’s about to break. You can totally place the blame on your best friend because he didn’t stop you from downing the entire flask, but at the same time, it’s all your fault for even drinking in the first place when you knew you had an exam the following day.
You close your eyes and shield it with your arm as the 7:00 am sunlight streams in through the bedroom windows. Your stomach is grumbling and you realize that you didn’t even eat dinner last night because you fell asleep at 5:00 pm after drinking.
You badly want to get up and go find something to eat in your stash but like we’ve already established earlier, you can’t. So you endure your hunger until the hangover goes away. If it goes away.
The door opens and your savior walks through the door.
Thank God for Min Yoongi.
“Oh, you’re awake already. I brought you some aspirin and hangover food,” he greets you, closing the door shut behind him gently. Yoongi places his stuff on your chair as he makes his way over to you, helping you sit up. You’re groaning and clutching onto your best friend’s shoulders because you can’t bring yourself to sit up properly. 
Yoongi’s arms wound around your waist and - oh, come on, why now - butterflies erupt in your stomach, along with the acid and the hunger (okay that’s kinda gross). You scoot over to the wall and Yoongi places a pillow behind you to separate your back from the cold, hard wall.
Boyfriend material, anybody?
Yoongi opens the bottled water he bought and places a tablet of aspirin on your weakly opened palm. You take the medicine and finish the entire bottle of water, refreshing yourself completely.
Your head feels a bit better now and the pain is now tolerable. “Ugh, don’t make me drink before an exam again,” you groan and lean forward, clutching onto your stomach as you rest your head on Yoongi’s shoulder. Yoongi chuckles and although your head’s aching at his action, you like hearing his laugh. He strokes your hair gently and you scoot closer to him, practically clinging onto him.
“You wanna eat?” Yoongi asks you and you nod from your place in the crook of his neck. Yoongi reaches over to get your food. He starts feeding you saltine crackers and fruits and coconut milk and you think it’s weird but according to him it’s good for a hangover.
While you take small bites from the banana, Yoongi focuses all his attention on you. The sun shines on you in just the right spot; it hits your eyes perfectly that the natural color pops out prettily. Your cheeks are puffed out slightly and you chew on your banana in complete concentration.
You soon feel his gaze on you and your heart speeds up upon realizing it. Your senses are unbelievably heightened while you’re hungover, apparently. You swallow your last piece of the banana carefully before looking up at Yoongi.
When you do, a smile is on his lips and he looks at you with this strange look on his face; you’re not sure what it is, exactly. You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Yoongi shakes his head and he cups your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb gently along your cheek. His action causes more butterflies to erupt in your stomach, and at this point, you’re not sure if you want to vomit or eat some more.
“You’re so beautiful,” Yoongi whispers, his eyes never leaving yours.
You really can’t understand your best friend right now and you also don’t want to get your hopes up, so you laugh it off.
“I know I am, especially when I’m hungover,” you joke and you think Yoongi’s smile falters a bit, but he quickly covers it up with a grin.
He clears his throat, and stands up. You follow his actions, and he pats your shoulder gently.
“Get a few more hours of rest, you’ll feel better just before your exam, okay?” Yoongi tells you and you pout, making him want to just ditch his 8:30 exam to stay with you a little longer.
“Won’t you stay with me?” You tug on the hem of his yellow hoodie (wow, a change if wardrobe for finals week?), and he shakes his head ‘no’.
“Unfortunately, not everyone has exams that start at 2:00 pm. I’ve got my first one at 8:30 and it’s already 7:45. The building’s three blocks away from here, too.” Yoongi explains and you nod in understanding.
“That’s fine, good luck on your exam,” you reply, and Yoongi leans down to give you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Get some rest, love.” Yoongi whispers, making your heart speed up at the endearment.
“I will.” You assure him and he cups your face in his hands, rubbing your cheeks gently with the pads of his thumbs.
“I’ll call you, okay?” Yoongi asks and you smile, nodding.
He stands back up to his full height and makes his way to the door. He gives you one last smile before twisting the doorknob and stepping out.
The door closes and you wait for a few more beats before you sigh. 
Yes, you were definitely in love with your best friend and it wasn’t the heightened senses that came with the hangover.
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“I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!” Hoseok claps his hands together excitedly, earning an eye roll from Seokjin and a smile from Namjoon. Yoongi can only stare at his friends in confusion.
“What do you mean, ‘I knew it’?” Yoongi asks and the three boys look at each other, sighing simultaneously.
“Hyung, everyone can see how much you’re in love with her, except the both of you. Have you never read those cliché best friends to lovers trope on Tumblr?” Hoseok asks and Yoongi merely shrugs.
“I don’t have time for that shit,” Yoongi deadpans.
“But you have time for Y/N,” Seokjin points out.
“Because he’s whipped, you guys,” Namjoon adds in.
“Whatever,” Yoongi dismisses his friends comments. “All I know is that I love her. I really, really, do.” Yoongi confesses.
“Then tell her!” His friends say in unison.
“I will! I’m just,” Yoongi pauses and they look at him expectantly. 
He looks at them before continuing, “I’m just trying to find the right time to confess, I think she feels the same way.”
Seokjin flips his bangs and sighs. “Not think, but know. It’s obvious how much you both love each other, Yoongi. Literally anyone with two eyes and common sense can see that.”
“Except maybe for those girls the other week,” Namjoon coughs into his shoulder and Hoseok bursts out in laughter, holding his hand up for a high five which Namjoon gladly reciprocates.
“Yah, don’t be mean, I think they’re really nice,” Seokjin defends them and Yoongi shakes his head at them.
Namjoon and Hoseok turn their attention to Yoongi and forget about the handsome elder. 
“So, do you need our help with confessing?” Namjoon asks.
Yoongi looks up in thought. “I haven’t really thought that far yet, all I know is that I want it to be something she’ll never forget.”
“You can maybe write her a song?” Hoseok suggests.
“I write her songs all the time,” Yoongi points out.
“Maybe you can take her out somewhere and prepare this really extravagant surprise,” Namjoon tries.
Yoongi shakes his head. “Y/N’s not into that, remember? I need this to be perfect,” he stresses.
Yes, Min Yoongi was hands down whipped for you because instead of worrying about his next exam set to happen in thirty minutes, he’s busy worrying about how he’s going to confess to you.
His friends sigh. 
“Hyung, I think you should take a break. Go prepare for your exams, yeah?” Namjoon suggests and Yoongi gives in.
“You’re right, I have one in thirty minutes.”
Hoseok smiles and stands up. “I’ve gotta go, mine’s in fifteen minutes.”
“And you’re that chill?” Namjoon looks amazed. Hoseok grins.
“The perks of being a dance major, baby,” Hoseok shrugs casually before slinging his backpack over his shoulder and making his way out of the café.
Seokjin lets out a relaxed sigh. “I’m all done for the day, so I’m going to go eat something somewhere and think of how you can confess to Y/N.” Yoongi gives his hyung an appreciative smile.
“Thanks, hyung, but don’t you have exams to prepare for?” Seokjin snorts.
“I studied all of last week, I think I’m all done. One more and I might actually go crazy.” Yoongi and Namjoon laugh at that.
Yoongi makes his move to stand up. “I’ll see you guys later, good luck.” He pats the guys on the back before he leaves.
On the short walk to his building, Yoongi pulls his phone out and presses on speed dial 1, of course, the one and only Y/L/N Y/N.
Y/N picks up after three rings.
“Hey, why’d you call?” Y/N’s sweet voice rings through the phone and a smile automatically makes its way to Yoongi’s face. 
“Hey, how are you feeling, bubs?” Yoongi inquires.
“All better, thanks to you! Although I’m kind of starving, I have an hour and a half before my first test,” Y/N chirps.
“Joon and Jin hyung are at the café, maybe you can go grab something to eat with them, I have an exam in twenty minutes,” Yoongi informs her.
“Okay! Good luck on that, you’ll do great,” Y/N tells him sweetly.
“Aaah, I know I will. You’re my lucky charm,” Yoongi smirks and he can just see Y/N’s blushing cheeks from the way she started to stutter.
“Uh...ha ha, okay, uh, gotta go, Yoons! Bye!” She immediately hangs up and Yoongi chuckles when he hears the line drop dead.
Yoongi shakes his head and slides his phone back into his pocket as he walks inside the music building.
The smile never leaves his face, even as he starts to answer his test all the way until he finishes it. The people he shared that class with started to worry for his mental health, because Yoongi never smiled this much, never smile this genuine. Well, he did smile occasionally, but there was something different with the way Yoongi carried himself that day that left his classmates slightly concerned for him.
“Hey, Yoongi. You alright, man?” Kyungsoo, a friend he talks to occasionally in his class asks.
Yoongi nods, a smile on his lips. “Yeah, why?”
Kyungsoo looks at him weirdly. He laughs it off. “Nothing. Just, if you need someone to talk to, I’m all ears,” Kyungsoo pats him on the back.
It’s Yoongi’s turn to look at him weirdly. “Huh, okay, Soo. Thanks.” Kyungsoo nods and leaves the room, just as a beep comes from his phone.
It wasn’t just any beep, it was your ringtone. Yoongi had set specific ringtones for your texts and calls, so he’d know if he has to answer the call right away or not.
Yes, Min Yoongi was both smitten and biased when it came to you.
lovely best bub [3:07 pm] : hello there
lovely best bub [3:07 pm] : are your exams done? im kinda hungry
Just seeing your contact name — which you set, not him, already sent a smile crawling up his lips.
Yoongi [3:07 pm] : yea, see u
Yoongi [3:07 pm] : hoseok still has one exam left, I’ll meet u and joon there
He begins making his way back to the cafĂŠ, navigating his way through the students and the hallways with his phone in his hands.
lovely best bub [3:08 pm] : it’s just me, joon says he still has something to do
Yoongi wishes he can go give Kim Namjoon a hug (but he would never admit that in front of him) right now.
Yoongi [3:08 pm] : okay lol
lovely best bub [3:08 pm] : see u there :DD
When Yoongi reaches the café,you’re already sitting in your usual spot, going over some of your notes while you sip on your iced latte. Yoongi walks over, a soft smile on his lips. He knocks on the table gentle. You look up, and a smile immediately graces your features.
“Hey, how was your exam?” You greet as Yoongi sits down in front of you.
“It went really well, how about yours?” Yoongi inquires as he reaches forward to hold your right hand, playing with your fingers while he waits for your response.
You blush at the action and Yoongi marvels at your flustered reaction. You soon brush it off like it was nothing and take a sip from your drink to, hopefully, help cool down your flaming cheeks.
“Great, too! I hope I really poured all of my heart into it that Professor Bang will be proud of it,” you reply and Yoongi squeezes your hand gently.
“I’m sure you did, you worked hard last night,” Yoongi reassures you and you laugh.
“I’m pretty sure I got wasted last night, Yoongi.” He laughs at your retort, agreeing with you.
“Yeah, I know, but I think you did study before I arrived with the soju.” Yoongi’s reply makes the two of you laugh.
“Thanks for taking care of me, Yoongi.” You give him a gentle smile.
He returns it with one of his own. “Anything for you, Y/N.”
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Were you dense? Or was Yoongi not obvious enough? No, that can’t be it. He’s very transparent with his feelings for you, right? Min Yoongi can’t seem to understand why you don’t seem to notice his advances on you. At all. 
Finals week was done and over with, and for an entire week Yoongi has been trying to get you to see how much he likes you. Even during the break, Yoong did everything; he took you out on dates, gave you more gifts than usual, paid more attention to you (if he was attentive before, he got even more attentive now), and flirted with you every chance he got.
But it’s the start of the second semester now and he still hasn’t confessed to you yet. 
“I’m telling you, hyung! It’s like she pays no attention to anything I do at all. Are you guys sure she feels the same way?” Yoongi stresses, ranting to the broad shouldered male sat in front of him. The other two younger boys look at each other, giving each other that I’m tired, he’s spewing nonsense again look before grabbing Yoongi’s attention.
“Yes, she does! She probably thinks you’re just being your normal self around her,” Namjoon responds.
“But I’m not being my normal self around her…?” Yoongi trails off.
The boys sigh. “You are, you’re normally affectionate with her, Yoongi. So Y/N thinks you’re just being you,” Seokjin adds.
“Yeah, hyung. Y/N doesn’t think anything’s changed at all. Well, maybe she thinks you’re a bit more affectionate but she’s just probably just brushing it off as you being you.”  Hoseok pipes in.
“Then what do I do?” Yoongi asks, clearly pressed about everything.
Just then, the bell to the café’s door rings noisily and the four turn around to see Y/N rushing over to them. 
“Speak of the devil,” Namjoon mutters and Yoongi stares a him. “She’s not a devil, Joon.” Namjoon slaps his forehead.
“It’s an expression, hyung --” Namjoon’s cut off when you blurt out, “I need food.”
Seokjin raises an eyebrow at you. “There’s food? Over there?” He points toward the cashier. You look over to where his index finger is pointing before turning back to them, shaking your head.
“I have class in like, 15 minutes, but I was hungry so I ran over here - because my building’s all the way on the other side - to buy something but when I was a few steps away from the door I realized I forgot my wallet at the dorms and the dorms are even farther away and I don’t have much of a choice anymore because if I still tried going back that would take me another 10 minutes or so and like I said, I only have 15 minutes and I’m really hungry so I can’t go back anymore and I just really need money for food.” You finish all in one breath, heaving lightly because you’re out of breath from running and explaining yourself.
The four look at you before Yoongi shifts in his seat, pulling his card out for you.
“Here, go buy something,” he holds it out to you. Your eyes lighten, and just as your about to take it, a light bulb goes off in Yoongi’s head and he withdraws his outstretched hand, halting your actions.
“What?” You ask, slightly agitated. 
Yoongi smirks. “Kiss me first.”
Your eyes widen, Kim Seokjin’s eyes widen, Kim Namjoon’s eyes widen, and Jung Hoseok’s eyes widen.
Wait, what?
A blush creeps up your cheeks, your palms start to clam up, and your heart starts beating faster. Oh, and your stomach grumbles for the umpteenth time too.
Yoongi only looks at you, the smirk still on his face, and his credit card resting in between his index and middle finger, just close enough for you to reach if you moved just a tad bit closer.
If you kiss Yoongi, he’ll definitely know your feelings for him. If you don’t it would make things awkward between the two of you. If you kiss him, at least you’d get food, right?
Yoongi’s starting to slightly regret his impulsive decision, but he freezes when you just go for it, and lean down to kiss his cheek, snatching the card in his fingers before you run out.
“What the fuck just happened?” Hoseok manages to speak up and Yoongi snaps out of his trance.
“Dude, what the fuck, go after her!” Hoseok shakes Yoongi who soon realizes what’s really going on. He stands up abruptly and goes after you.
“Wow, they’re a mess,” Seokjin comments as they watch Yoongi through the glass of the cafe.
“Come on, let’s go after them,” Namjoon stands up and Seokjin and Hoseok follow suit.
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“Y/N, wait!” Yoongi calls out to you and when you hear his voice, you skid to a halt in the middle of the field, where some dance majors are running a routine. You attract the attention of the dance majors and they stop dancing to look at you. Clutching Yoongi’s credit card in your hand, you slowly turn around to face him.
He’s running over to you and he’s panting. When he’s close enough, he leans forward and rests his hands on his knees.
“You’re going to be late to class anyway, just, listen to me,” Yoongi wheezes out.
You bite your lip, your heart racing as you stare at the boy in front of you. When he finally catches his breath, he stands back up to his full height and looks at you.
“Yoongi, listen,I--” You begin, but he cuts you off.
“Y/N, I know you’re going to be late, I’m sorry but wait, just...let me get this off my chest because I might explode if I don’t let this out anymore, okay?” He holds you by the shoulders and you can only nod, flustered and confused at the same time.
From his peripheral, Yoongi can see a small crowd starting to form, he can see the boys somewhere too and the dance majors all stopped dancing to look at you both.
Oh, well.
Yoongi breathes deeply before he fixes his eyes on you and on you alone. 
Here it goes.
“Y/L/N YN, I love everything about you. I love the way you eat your ramen with a spoon instead of chopsticks because you’re always complaining about how your fingers hurt because you’re not the best at using chopsticks even though you’re supposed to be good at it, I mean gosh, you’re Korean you’re supposed to know that shit. I love how you can’t fall asleep without your blue and white flannel blanket because it’s the only blanket your body seems to like. I love how even though it’s beginning to smell so bad because of your drool and the food crumbs and the drinks that fall on it you still choose to use it. I love how you also sleep with that one pillow of yours that’s been there the moment I walked into the hospital room to see you bundled up in Auntie’s arms, eyes closed and without a care in the world because you were just born moments ago, and it’s so old that it’s not so fat and fluffy anymore, and oh, it also smells so bad too, seriously what is it with you and your things in bed smelling bad? Can they seriously not get washed? I love how you never use a brush to fix your hair because you’re that kind of person that just runs a hand through their hair a couple of times and you’re already good to go. I love how you scrunch your face up every time you insult one of the boys, every time you want to tease me, and every time you have your way because yet again, I’ve fallen victim to your ridiculous wishes and ideas. I love how every time you put food into your mouth, you’re pouting and chewing at the same, fuck, do you know what that fucking does to me, Y/N? It makes me go crazier and even more head over heels for you. I love how you always come to me for everything because you know that I’d never ever say no to you, it makes me feel like I matter so much to you. I love that you depend so much on me because yes, I want that so much, I want to spoil you so damn much. I love giving you all that you want, I love spoiling with anything that you want and need, no matter how stupid or out of this world or irrational it may be. I love it so much because I love the way your eyes light up like a thousand stars whenever I say yes, and fuck that’s so, so fucking cheesy but I don’t fucking care anymore because I’m pretty sure I’ve said too much that it’s enough to complete one whole damn song and I know I can’t sing but I can play the piano and compose songs so maybe I can rap too? And dammit, Y/N, I’ve loved you so much since the moment I probably first laid my eyes on you, or maybe when I wrote my first song for you and you asked me to play it for you every day. Hell, I may have even started loving you when you scribbled all over my sheet music with your big fat, red crayon. I love how you’re so selfless, how you get along with my boys, how you’re damn smart and ambitious but you’d much rather watch How I Met Your Mother and listen to angsty Day6 songs for hours on end while you wrote equally angsty prose and poetry. I love you every time you get wasted the night before an exam, drinking your stress and worries away with soju, complain about the hangover the next day and do it all over again despite promising to never do it again. I love that even though it gets you wasted because that just gives me an excuse to take care of you and have I told you that I love taking care of you? I love you for everything that you are and I’d fucking say more but dammit, we’re in public and people…people are beginning to record my confession, they were just looking at us…wait what the fuck? And I’m a blushing, stuttering mess and I’ve just poured my entire heart out to you, all these feelings I’ve kept bottled up since I was, I don’t know, five and you were three, and I’m not even fucking sure if you feel the same way but you just kissed my cheek back in the café so maybe that counts for something? Maybe it really was for the food, I don’t know. But god, I love you so much, Y/N and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way but I just want you to know that I don’t want things to ever change between us even if my feelings are out in the open already and I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve because I’m just so damn smitten for you. I love you, Y/N.” 
Yoongi finishes his rant, and he’s breathing heavily and his heart’s beating out of his chest and he doesn’t know what to do next because you’re just standing in front of him, eyes wide, cheeks a dark shade of red, and your heart ready to burst out of your ribcage at his confession.
For someone who’s a creative writing major, for someone who’s so good with words, you’re speechless. For the first time in your entire life, you’re speechless.
“So,” Seokjin shouts from the crowd, effectively catching both yours and Yoongi’s attention, “are you just going to stand there and keep him waiting or will you tell him you love him too?”
The crowd coos, and your eyes dart back to Yoongi’s. 
“Yoongi, I love you too.” You say simply and the crowd interrupts into cheers as Yoongi lets out a relieved sigh, stepping forward and pulling you into his embrace. Yoongi bends down to bury his face in your neck and you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he wraps his around your waist.
“Thank God you love me too, that would’ve been so embarrassing if you didn’t,” Yoongi whispers and you giggle.
You both pull away, and then turn to see that the crowd has dispersed, while your friends shot you thumbs ups before walking away to give you some alone time.
You look up at Yoongi, your smile bright as you see all the love and adoration Yoongi held for you.
“Well, you feed me well, Min Yoongi.” you reply, rising up on your tiptoes to kiss his nose.
“Oh yeah, let’s go get your food, I know you’re hungry.” Yoongi intertwines your fingers with his, leading you both back to the café.
“See, this is why I love you so much,” You grin, swinging your hands together.
Yoongi stops walking and turns to you. He cups your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks softly. “I love you so much, Y/N.” 
You hold onto his wrists and give him a mischievous grin. “More than your Audi?” You challenge, and Yoongi laughs heartily, kissing your forehead.
“A billion times more than my Audi.”
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⇒ let me know what you think or hmu with anything under the sun here!
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jsehq ¡ 5 years ago
HOLLAR it’s ya girl cj, trash for reality tv, rolling up fashionably late bc i was at work all day oops but just wanted to let y’all know how stoked i am to get this going !!! below is a mess of info i slapped together about my boy jesse so enjoy & feel free to hmu / smash that lil heart if you’d like to plot ! 
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❛ dacre montgomery, 24, he/him ❜ jesse wilson just got off the ferry! the heteroflexible cismale is supposedly cheeky and rowdy, but who knows if that’s true. i heard they are into d/s + exhibitionism. they are currently coupled up with rosemary kingsley in cabin 5.
inspiration: stephen bear ( the challenge ), dr will kirby ( big brother )
okay so homeboy is a  playboy  and has had it pretty easy his entire life. his dad works relentlessly as chief of neurosurgery in lower manhattan and his step-mom had worked as a prestigious legal practitioner; one of the most sought out lawyers in the state, and later, a socialite. like the infamous philosopher dr justin roberts once said: “six figures, i was only four”, jesse was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. while most would assume he’s a straight up trust fund punk, though, he inherited his father’s impeccable work ethic to a fault.
as an only child and therefore sole heir to the wilson estate, his parents have been on jesse’s ass his entire life to give his absolute best in everything he does. health, school, sports, friendships, relationships, the whole nine yards. his marks were always near the top of his class, he excelled at his two favourite sports; hockey during the winter, baseball during the summer. but it wasn’t until he hit his mid adolescent years, started developing an interest in girls ( whom he once thought were riddled with cooties ), that his focus faltered a wee bit and good lil jesse started being a teenager.
embracing his lavish lifestyle and all the popularity / opportunities it handed him on a silver platter basically, jesse was ho-ing himself around, partying it up with the elite crowd, earning himself a pretty risque rep among his peers. it wasn’t until he met his first actual serious girlfriend that he did his best to tone it tf down. and it worked, for awhile. but !! of course he fucked it all up and even though what’s done is done, he has big regrets. BIG regrets. mainly bc girl went absolutely wild and took a baseball bat to the ferrari his parents had waiting for him for his 16th birthday yikes.
after graduating high school with exemplary marks, instead of taking the opportunity to potentially thrive in the big leagues of the sports world, jesse opted to stick to his roots, following in his dad’s footsteps. he got accepted into nyu as a pre-med student, studying all the biological sciences, and just finished his senior year last spring. his next big plan is to attend harvard to earn his medical degree and get the ball rollin.
in the meantime though, he caught wind of this dream vacation with a bunch of hotties and a cash prize, and obviously jesse was all over it. all he wants to do is have fun and maybe make some of his own $$$ separate from his family’s fortune, buT......... he also isn’t opposed to potentially finding a gal that can keep his interest for longer than a week sdhufgjkdf 
as for personality, jesse is naturally loud af like…. he just has that thunderous voice that projects half a mile, and he likes to joke a lot about anything / everything so his laugh is even worse lmao. kind of a little shit tbh.. he’s all about entertaining / keeping shit interesting, so will probably annoy a few people oop. he’s a rowdy type, loves to party / have fun. will never turn down a drink. get blackout drunk the night before & turn around and be one of the first ones up the next morning, cooking up something greasy to fight off all the hangovers. a natural flirt, he loves giving & receiving attention so much that it’s probably his number one fault bc he can’t just behave / commit himself to one person, he likes having his fun whenever / wherever he wants it with whoever he wants it with, without worrying about upsetting a significant other. long story short he hates the thought of commitment but he loves the thought of romance lmao he’s a MESS bro. 
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mvlcnes ¡ 6 years ago
hey what’s good hunnies, i’m rollin up late but uh !!  my name’s maia, 25 y/o living it up it up in the ast part of the world and uh listen i don’t have discord bc i’m a literal grandma when it comes to keeping up with all the new means of being social lmao so if you would like to chat and/or plot?? just shoot me an im on here — i’m usually always mobile & i obviously love to talk a lot !  and i’m a heaux for dramatic / angst-fuelled plots .. just a little fyi … i’m excited !! so anyway !!!  onto the Idiot of the Hour you’re actually here to read about; my darling malone. i have a pinterest board for him  HERE  , a playlist for him  HERE  , his stats page set up  HERE  , and a connections page  HERE  which as you can see is bare as all hell so let’s plot !
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i think i just saw  MALONE SINCLAIR  looking down at their phone in the middle of lecture hall . i wonder if they think that will help them get through their  BIOLOGY  major . i’m sure professor baker doesn’t mind , though , especially since  MAL  can be so  + BODACIOUS . then again ,  HE  can be a little  - EVASIVE , so maybe prof b will mind after all . what do you think is catching their attention all of a sudden ? surely it can’t be more pictures of  LUXURY CARS . hey , you know , sometimes they really remind me of  BOYISH CHARM AMPLIFIED BY A ROGUISH GRIN, SPARSELY SCARRED FINGERS CLAD IN GOLD RINGS, THE LINGERING SCENT OF CLIVE CHRISTIAN NO. 1 , but maybe that’s just me . oh well . i hope their  FOURTH  year is treating them well !
chad radwell ( scream queens ) 
chuck bass ( gossip girl )
reggie mantle ( riverdale / comics )
sebastian valmont ( cruel intentions )
okay so homeboy here has had it pretty easy his entire life. his dad works relentlessly as chief of neurosurgery in lower manhattan and his step-mom had worked as a prestigious legal practitioner; one of the most sought out lawyers in the state, and later, a socialite. like the infamous philosopher dr justin roberts once said: “six figures, i was only four”, malone was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. while most would assume he’s a straight up trust fund punk, though, he inherited his father’s impeccable work ethic to a fault.
as an only child and therefore sole heir to the sinclair estate, his parents have been on mal’s ass his entire life to give his absolute best in everything he does. health, school, sports, friendships, relationships, the whole shebang. his marks were always near the top of his class, he excelled at his two favourite sports; hockey during the winter, baseball during the summer. but it wasn’t until he hit his mid adolescent years, started developing an interest in girls ( whom he once thought were riddled with cooties ), that his focus faltered a wee bit and good lil o’malley boy started being a teenager.
embracing his lavish lifestyle and all the popularity / opportunities it handed him on a silver platter basically, mal was ho-ing himself around, partying it up with the elite crowd, earning himself a pretty risque rep among his peers. it wasn’t until he met his first actual serious girlfriend that he did his best to tone it tf down. and it worked, for awhile. but !! of course he fucked it all up and even though what’s done is done, he has big regrets. BIG regrets. mainly bc girl went absolutely wild and took a baseball bat to his ferrari yikes.
after graduating high school with exemplary marks, instead of taking the opportunity to potentially thrive in the big leagues of the sports world, malone opted to stick to his roots, following in his dad’s footsteps. he got accepted into powell as a pre-med student, studying all the biological sciences, and is finally finishing off his last year as a bonafide senior. his next big plan is to attend harvard to earn his medical degree and get the ball rollin.
pitcher for the university’s baseball team, his absolute favourite hobby
future doc in the works, he’s proudly maintaining a 4.0 gpa
distinguishing labels: the casanova, the playboy, the philanthropist
money is no object to him. will relentlessly spoil his current conquests
the second a girl tries to get serious, he ghosts & moves onto the next
fancy social events are his element but he also loves letting loose 
big partier. has gotten mixed up in cocaine & hard liquor many times
his family own several luxury cars, a yacht, have their own private jet
contributes to charitable causes 24/7 but he’s a lowkey narcissist oops 
1) ok so uh he obviously needs his boy(s), 1 or 2 who he’s pretty close with. they travelled together, were each others’ wingmen at one time or another, always have each others’ backs through thick & thin. 
2) he need him some fwb / hook up type deals, whether they be a regular occurrence or a one time thing. if you’re bored with your man or need help getting back at an ex? that’s his specialty hit him up. 
3) while on that note, maybe a fella who’s shown interest in him & mal’s hit on them while drunk?? nothing too serious, just a lil harmless curiosity. maybe they kissed / made out on a dare or some shit at a wild frat party.
4) ex gfs!! i don’t see him having like… a fuckton of exes bc he tries to stay away from relationships but probably anywhere between 1-3?? whether they be on good terms, bad terms, lingering feelings, etc. i’m cool with whatever. 
5) maybe somebody he tutored?? bc while he gives off mad Big Dick energy and tends to think with that head lmao, mal is actually very intelligent. 
6) how about some enemies tho. like… idk man i’m SURE there are ppl he rubs the wrong way bc he’s kind of narcissistic lmao. or maybe they think he’s fake. or maybe there’s some sports rivalry or classic case of polar opposites or he broke ur bff’s heart?? the possibilities are endless.
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bouttogolinkurbitch ¡ 7 years ago
Love Scary: Grayson Dolan
Reverse Scary Love (all credits go to the queen @rockstardolan if you somehow haven’t read the og Scary Love, read this lmao and then go peep her masterlist. Might as well read my bullshit while you’re here <3) this is a huge fucking deal for me because I love Luna and her writing with my whole heart.
Okay so in the original Scary Love, Grayson has blond hair, the razored brow, and the nose ring-but it’s reverse so Y/N has all that. For Grayson, instead just picture ‘No Shave November Gray’ with his dark ass hair that literally makes a bitch drip🤤👀
Warnings: cheating and an abusive relationship between Gray and his girlfriend
Sorry for errors ;))
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"You lost the bet." Jessica chided as I looked at her. She smirked and cracked her knuckles, "And luckily for you, my mom can call some people from the salon, have them come and do everything, and then we're good." She shrugged her shoulders- as if everything she just said wasn't impossible. I scoffed as I paged through the shirts that hung in my closet, "So you expect me to dye my hair, pierce my fucking nose, razor my brow, and try to get in Grayson Dolan's pants all in the span of forty eight hours?" Jess gave me a devilish smirk and I felt my heart plummet into my stomach.
I winced as the needle went through my nose before I was patted on the shoulder. "Take care of it by cleaning it with this." I was handed a bottle of sanitizer. I carried it to the chair where I sat and got my brow razored. Jessica watched with her phone on me as she recorded our adventure. "I want to cry! This bleach is going to ruin my hair." I whined and Jess rolled her eyes. "It actually looks really good. Maybe put it in waves?" I shook my hand through it and I looked at her through the mirror, "Fuck you."
Grayson Dolan has been my crush since the eighth grade. Ever since elementary school when kids had picked on me and Jess, which led Jess and I to have an unbreakable bond, the two stood up for us when no one else would. Two of the kindest souls in our school, the twins, never stopped being nice to us. I had been teased up until the seventh grade when Grayson established we were friends. Ethan blindly tagged along with our banter, and for a bit it was us against the world. Then freshman year hit, the boys got into sports, and suddenly I was a nobody again.
Grayson had even found love, Chelsea Reynolds. All star cheerleader, captain of the volleyball team, and Grayson's loyal girlfriend. They were like peanut butter and jelly to outsiders looking in, but I knew it wasn't as it seemed. Grayson never looked happy anymore. There's only so many football, wrestling, and lacrosse trophies you could win to fill the void. Grayson needed something new, probably wanted something new, and definitely had lust for someone new. I was determined to make that someone me.
Walking into the party with Jess at my side, we had accumulated quiet the crowd. From across the room Scott yelled, "Nice look, Y/N! You look hot!" Many drunken cheers were followed and I sent him a wink before my eyes zeroed in on Grayson. To his side stood his lovely girl, she was chatting idly to Ashlynn. He looked bored and tired, but I had something in mind that could wake him up.
As the party dragged on, Chelsea drank more, and soon she was on jelly like legs. I was standing with a beer in hand, not really drinking as it wasn't something I enjoyed, when I saw it happen. She had bumped into Grayson and he spilled the tray of veggies he was carrying to the kitchen. She stilled and he looked down before he got on the floor to clean it up. She shoved his head hard with her hand before her whiny, shrill voice sounded, "Watch where you're going, dumbass." I glided through the sea of bodies before I was down next to Grayson, scooping up the mess.
"Y/N, you don't have to." I ignored him and threw a carrot onto the platter. His hand came around my wrist, his grip was so soft and gentle, I stilled. When our eyes met he looked defeated, "You don't have to help me. It's my mess to take care of." I shook my head, "Nah, Gray. She's the mess you should be taking care of." He got quiet after my comment and soon the floor was clean. His eyes danced up and down my body before he turned on his heel and left me, my mouth opening slightly like a fish.
Jessica was drinking happily next to me as I listened to the music. "Y/N look." She slurred and my eyes shifted to see Grayson in the corner with Chelsea's paws scrambling up his chest and into his hair, all the while he held a pained expression upon his chiseled and perfect features. I sat the full beer I still hadn't drank on the mantle before I walked over. As I approached, I heard Grayson trying to defuse her ever growing temper, "No, Chels. I don't want to right now." She pouted and dragged her hand down his solid chest. He tried to catch her wrist, but her opposite hand dug into his forearm.
I pulled her arm back and she looked at me, "Can you not fucking hear? Get off of him." She scoffed and stumbled, taking a hold of Grayson for support. "And who the fuck do you think you are?" My brows raised and I tipped my head to the side, "I'm the girl who's gonna kick your ass if you don't lay off. No means no." My arms folded across my chest and I looked down at her. She clenched her fists at her side, "You're just mad Grayson fucks me at night. Grayson is my man, and I know you've been jealous sin-" But I didn't let her finish.
Instead my mind went into autopilot, and soon my fist was connecting with her cheek. She fell abruptly and Grayson looked as if he was going to console her, that is until I laid my hand on his arm. He froze and he watched as I crouched next to her, "Don't ever fucking talk to me like that again. Or I will not stop." I seethed, and she nodded. I'm sure she didn't truly understand, but even a drunk person knows when the fight has ended and the dust has settled.
After the scuffle, many guess started to leave. Ashlynn had dragged Chelsea home long ago. Jessica left me to go get more wine and head over to her boyfriend's house. Grayson was picking up red solo cups when I walked back in. "You didn't have to do that." Grayson's low voice rumbled behind me as I picked up the trash bag Ethan had been using, he left to go throw up and pass out in his room.
I threw some paper plates in the bag and I looked up, "I needed to." His killer watt smile flashed a fraction before he bit his lip. "She doesn't make you happy, Gray." Grayson's eyes shifted from me to the floor, "Not used to you calling me that again." That hurt but I sighed. "She doesn't love you like I could." At this our eyes met again and he damn near dropped the trash bag he kept in a vice grip. I had to swallow the thought of his thick hand around my throat. Tonight was about him, even if he didn't know that yet.
I dropped the bag to the floor and stepped over the rubble. My heels clicked against the wood floors until I was directly in front of Grayson. "Let me love you Grayson. Let me show you what it's like to feel." My hand slid across the warm expanse of chest that was covered in a gentle cotton, long sleeve shirt. His jeans had hugged his thighs and hips dangerously, and the boots he wore made him look rugged and sexy. I felt his heart rate quicken under my palm and I smiled, "You nervous, Gray?" Grayson's Adam's apple bobbed and I smirked.
I pulled him to the counter and I sighed, "You know, I don't think I ate enough at the party. Think I could catch a meal?" I asked as I leaned closer to his neck, my lips centimeters from his skin. "Tell me what you want, baby." The word baby seemed to flip a switch in him because suddenly everything on the island was pushed to the floor and he was sitting up on the granite top. I let my hands rest on his thighs, before I squeezed gently. "Want you to ride my thigh." Grayson gravelly tone made me clench my legs. "Heels on or off, Grayson?" I asked and his dark eyes finally met mine. "Heels on, skirt over your cheeks, panties around your ankles, and if you're wearing a bra, I will fucking ruin you." I bit my lip as I slid the skirt of my dress on my hips, "I like the sound of that."
I climbed on top of him and soon my mouth was pressed to his in a firm kiss. His hand cradled my ass as I sat up slightly. My shaky hands ran under his shirt before I lifted it over his head and threw it behind me. I left open mouthed kissed down his neck and jaw, all the way on to his chest. Half way through my exploration, I dipped my tongue against his skin and I sucked. "Oh fuck. Y/N, please." I sat up and smiled, "I like when you beg, Grayson." His thick lower lip was trapped between his teeth as I kissed his neck. My teeth grazed his skin and I felt him swell against my stomach. "Need you on my thigh."
I turned myself on his chest before I undid his belt and jeans. He lifted himself up as I pulled the tight jeans down to pool at his ankles. I let my panties drop and I stepped out of them before I got back up next to him. I swung my leg over his, and I hovered over his tatted thigh. When I finally made contact with his hot skin, I whined. My nails dug into the expanse of his hip as I let my jaw drop. His leg started to shake and I cried out before I leaned my cheek against his stomach. "Please, Gray." I felt his hands in my hair and I breathed heavily as I moved against his pulsating leg.
I let my eyes roll back and I whimpered before I slid back against his thigh. His legs hairs prickled my heated flesh, but it added to the sensation, and soon I was coming undone above Grayson. His own eyes lulled as I tried to regain my vision. "Fuck me please, Y/N." I moved onto his hips and I leaned down, connecting our lips. As we kissed, I dipped my fingers between my folds and I smirked slightly, "Wanna taste?" He nodded eagerly and whined as I pushed my two fingers into his mouth. His lips sucked around the pads of my fingers before he let them go with a pop. "Taste so fucking sweet." I smiled and kissed him, trying to taste a hint of myself, and I did. When I pulled back, I let my nose bump his, and our eyes locked. "Would you like to taste more?" Grayson nodded frantically and almost whimpered as I shifted myself above his waiting tongue.
I felt his lips wrap around my own and he sucked hard against my skin. I let my palms rest against the counter top as he started to slurp against my heat. "Fuck Gray." I whined as I moved my hips back. His tongue came to a point and ran over my clit, soon I felt him slide two fingers in. "Come on, babe." Grayson teased as he coaxed a reaction from me. I let my jaw fall open as I clenched my eyes, "Fuck!" The vibrations from his laugh made me moan and drag my hand through his hair. His hands came around my cheeks and he squeezed. His nails dug into my skin and I whimpered as he lapped at me more.
When I finally came for the second time, he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me there. "Gonna lick you bone dry." He muttered before I felt his tongue dip into my hole. I whimpered as I rocked back against his waiting tongue. "Please, Gray. Don't fucking stop!" I yelped. As he continued to toy with my clit, I lifted my dress off my body and I threw it to the floor. He moaned against me and I let my jaw drop as I moved my hips against his tongue. When I was about to fall apart again, his languid tongue and lips being the only thing holding me together, he stopped. "What did I say about that fucking bra?" Grayson’s hand was pressed to my spine and I yelped as he turned us quickly.
I felt the cool granite against my skin as he mounted himself above me. My eyebrows scrunched and I pouted. He was about to speak but I silenced him with my palm against his dick. "You know, Grayson, the entire experience was for me to treat you. I don't get punished." I squeezed my hand and his eyes rolled back. "Fine but let's change it up, princess." I was suddenly pressed chest to chest, my lips connecting with his own. I let them drag down his neck and go his prominent collarbones.
Grayson sat down on the couch and laid back, keeping my legs on his hips. He unhooked the bra and threw it back towards the kitchen, "Picture fucking perfect." I quirked my brow before I ran my hand up his chest, to the base of his neck. "How does this make you feel, babe?" I whispered as I started to apply pressure to his thick neck. His eyelashes fluttered as he ran his hands up my thighs.
I kept my hand on his neck as I moved up so he could slide inside of me. His breathy moans made my walls clench, and I started to move gently. His nails bit into the soft skin of my hip as I rocked. "Y/N, princess, fuck me or so help me." I raised my brows as I squeezed his neck firmly, "So help you what Grayson? You're not in control tonight." His dark eyes held mischief as he pushed himself up into me. I bit my lip and I breathed hard through my nose. "Stop, Grayson. Let me make you feel good." He shook his head and rolled us over.
With his arms beside my head, he started to set a much faster pace. I wrapped my legs tight around his hips and back, drawing him closer to me. "Fuck, Grayson, please." I choked out as I dragged my nails across the protruding muscles on his shoulder blades. His delicate lips came into contact with my neck as he bit harshly. "I don't like being weak, Y/N. And I'm just gonna have to fuck you until you remember that." I whined as he started to suck against my hardened nipple. "Every single part of you, mine." He all but growled and I nodded.
My hands squeezed his biceps, "You're mine, Grayson. Chelsea will just have to learn that I don't share." I spat as I rolled us over on the cushions. I pressed my palms to his chest, feeling his erratic heartbeat under my palm, as I started to bounce on his dick. He leaned his head back against the cushion, opening his neck to me. I peppered his skin in heavy breathed kisses as he started to fidget. "Gonna bust, princess. Where do you want me?" I let my lips fall open against his neck before I breathed out, "Inside, please." He nodded and I felt his taught abs tighten under my hands. The warmth that spread between us triggered my own reaction, and soon I was shaking above him.
I was lifted off his dick before I laid down on his chest to catch my breath. Once we regrouped, I walked back to the kitchen to collect my clothes. Grayson stood at the end of his couch, his lower half wrapped in a throw blanket like a towel. I looked over to the counter where I threw my dress, and next to the discarded clothing item, his phone sat. My eyes scanned his screen just in time to see it light up.
Missed call from Chels 💕
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eottoghe ¡ 6 years ago
Little Boxes - Eleven
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A Jeonghceol Domestic AU where they live in suburbia with their six year old son Chan. Jeonghan is an active member of the PTA, a soccer dad and chauffeur, and a supportive parent all around. His loving husband cares deeply for his passions and will follow him to the end of the world if it keeps him and his family happy. Follow their journey as they get caught up in fun and zany adventures when they fall outside of the guide lines of your average neighbor. Don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I want to see how many different domestic prompts I can get out of this AU before I run out of steam.
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
NOTE: This takes place before all the holiday stuff. I just can’t plan for shit and write too slow lmao.
Autumn begins to settle in quickly. Warm sunshine accompanies a light breeze. The leaves start to change color and ever so slightly dangle from their branches, ready to fall. It’s sweater weather and warm tea time, but not quite cool enough for fluffy coats and mittens yet. With the sky being so clear and the temperature being just right, Jeonghan decides to take Chan to the park. Other parents in the surrounding area have noticed the scenic day and have brought their own kids to the playground as well. It’s relatively full. Not too much so that he couldn’t easily keep an eye on his kid, but enough to where the other kids could keep Chan company. Once too many has Jeonghan gotten stuck on a slide because Chan just insists on racing with him. He watches from the sidelines and lets him be a rowdy six-year-old for once.
Of course, it doesn’t take long for Jeonghan to garner some unwanted attention, so he puts on a fake smile to greet a parent that frequents this area. She’s rather distracting and he couldn’t remember her name if he tried, but she doesn’t seem to notice. He doubts she even realizes how annoying she is. Or if she does, she probably finds it charming. Apparently, she is in the PTA too but is a little more reserved so maybe that’s why he doesn’t remember her. He cuts his eyes between her and Chan (they call him overprotective, but he says its just diligence). She mentions something about saving pictures in her phone about some hot dad from the bake sale. Before Jeonghan can effectively pry into her gallery, he hears a shout that sounds all too familiar.
His heart stops, stomach drops, and he hurriedly hops over some children just to get to the source of that scream. He starts panicking once he sees his son on the ground in front of the swing sets. He’s got a skinned-up knee and a bloody palm and his crying echoes through the park achingly. Jeonghan runs over and immediately picks up the boy, checking his face for any life-threatening injuries. He sighs when he sees none. A flurry of questions and hushes come out of Jeonghan, instantly soothing the boy.
“What’s wrong baby? What happened?” He’s bouncing Chan on his hip and through broken cries and hiccupping he hears him say something about a girl pushing him. He connects the dots and sees some long-haired child around his kid’s age swinging merrily back and forth. Once Chan sees her again, he begins to cry more, burying his snot covered nose into Jeonghan’s shoulder. The dad knows he should just take the younger home to get him all cleaned up, but not before giving this brat a piece of his mind.
“Excuse me. Can I speak to you for a moment, sweetie?” It’s clear Jeonghan is a bit upset but tries to keep a calm demeanor so as not to trigger the parent that is sure to be lurking. If they are not monitoring their child like they should be, he’ll take that step for them. If they won’t discipline them, he will. A good scolding is necessary otherwise they’ll never learn. The girl continues to swing but does at least look at him with a bored expression. Kids can be so rude these days. “Now I know you probably didn’t mean it...” Even though Jeonghan knows damn well she is old enough to know better, “ …but it’s not nice to shove others aside to get what you want. Pushing someone off a swing is unacceptable behavior.” She has the nerve to yawn, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want your mom or dad to know what you’ve been up to, but I think it’s best if I talk to one of them.”
Before Jeonghan can even ask for the kid to point out their parent, he hears a vicious voice bark out, “Why are you harassing my daughter?"
Jeonghan is so offended because he’s not the one doing the harassing! “Harrassing?” he begins to tell them off, but when he turns around, it’s like the whole world comes to a full, screeching halt. Fate is on some fuckshit today.
 Jang Doyoon. Age 28. Number 19 on Jeonghan’s hit list.
Don’t be fooled. Just because he’s 19, does not mean there’s any less of a loathing for him. In fact, Jeonghan’s list is quite long so he’s still somewhere around the top 20%. It’s just Jeonghan’s luck that he runs into him after so long. It’s a small world (and at this moment he wishes he was on the opposite side of it).
Once, long before, Jang Doyoon seemed hellbent on ruining his whole life. He’d transferred to the same university as him and maybe it was some kind of territorial defense mechanism that had Doyoon making every encounter absolutely terrible. Jeonghan almost fought him once the other “accidentally” bumped into him with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in his hands. Even more, he didn’t even say sorry after staining his blouse and causing minor burns. Oddly, Jang Doyoon vanished after that. Jeonghan never questioned it, just closed that chapter in his book. Jeonghan hadn’t thought anything else of the boy.
That is… until now.
The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. He mentally rolls up his sleeves, pulls up his big boy pants and prepares to stand up to the bully he never had the chance to.
“When my son was using the swing, your kid pushed him off.” His tone remains polite yet challenging. Jeonghan is a cordial man with a short temper. His soft exterior shields unsuspecting people from his true wrath.
But Jang Doyoon has accepted the challenge. “Well did she have reason to do so?”
Jeonghan is like a cauldron of molten lava now. His brain stutters, not believing the audacity this man has to ask a question like that. “What did you just say?” He raises an eyebrow.
“If your kid is hogging the swings, don’t you think it’s only fair to take turns?” Jeonghan can tell his cattiness has remained intact all these years later.
“I guess delinquency runs in the family.” Jeonghan leans in real close and his voice gets real low. “If you or your spawn of Satan ever comes anywhere near my child again, I will personally hand your ass over to you on a silver platter.”
Jeonghan makes sure he has a firm grip on Chan, the six-year-old still clinging tightly in his hold. He makes a dramatic exit, not once glancing back at the man who triggered his inner Mama Bear. There’s a cloud of dust in his wake and a couple stunned parents fishing for new gossip. If Jeonghan were to retell the story, be sure to expect explosions in the background, fire—lots of it, and a man quaking in fear.
On the walk home, he’s speaking sweet words to the child easily winding him down. Chan’s still shaken up, never really having been the focus of a bully’s rampage. His bawling has now turned into slight sniffling. He’s just too kind for this world. Jeonghan feels awful that someone so mean could target his precious baby. He hopes Chan never has to see her again (and that he never has to see her father).
He sits Chan on the counter of his bathroom once they get home. Chan knows how it feels to get cuts cleaned. It makes him want to cry all over again at the memory of it. It was too similar to his bike accident a few months ago. He never wanted to go through that again, but here he is. His dad reaches toward him with a cotton ball. He knows it isn’t water soaked through it because water doesn’t burn. And the smell is never that strong. He flinches each time it gets closer.
“I need you to be still, baby. It’ll take longer to clean if you keep moving around.”
“But it huuurts…” The pout is so much like Seungcheol’s that Jeonghan has to refrain from rolling his eyes.
“I know. I know. But it’s the only way to make it better. Can you be a big boy for me?” That seems to do the trick as Chan stops fidgeting on the counter and sits up a little straighter. His eyebrows flatten out into a line as he mocks what he thinks determination should look like. He’s already cried so much today. He wants to be a big boy who doesn’t have a fit when the stinging, burning water like thing gets too close. He nods.
But the contact makes all of that go out the window. He yelps and kicks his leg in surprise. His pout has returned and his wide eyes swell with brimmed tears. Thankfully Jeonghan catches his leg before he gets kicked. Holding it in place, he dabs the wounds a few times and fully cleans up any remnants of pebbles and blood. Even when Chan starts crying again and trying to shy away, he holds fast and tries not to let it affect him as much. It’s hard though. Seeing Chan cry and knowing he’s the one causing the pain makes his own heart wrench. He feels so guilty that he wasn’t able to protect his baby in the first place.
“I’m almost done. I’m so so sorry.” Jeonghan croons. The six-year-old’s fists come to tighten in the collar of Jeonghan’s shirt, an attempt to distract himself.
Jeonghan finishes up with Spiderman decorated band-aids. It’s the only good thing of this whole ordeal because Chan finally smiles seeing one of his favorite superheroes. They don’t have any plans for the rest of their day so Jeonghan thinks it’s a perfect time to watch cartoons and let Chan eat snacks and ice cream before dinner for once.
Next Chapter
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keybangs ¡ 6 years ago
Tagged by: MY SAMI SAMI @jinkisbelly it’s been forever since I’ve done a tag thingie so thaaaaaaanks!!!!!! 
RULES: tag ten followers you want to know better
HEIGHT: 5′10″ or 5′11″ ish? honestly no one can give me a straight answer lmaooo
PUT YOUR ITUNES/SPOTIFY ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 4 SONGS THAT POP UP? lol it’s funny though because I havent even heard these songs in forever lmao. shuffle is so weird...
1.Ed Sheeran- Galway Girl
2.The Script- No Words
3.Sublime- Pawn Shop
4.Lil Wayne+Charlie Puth-Nothing But Trouble (Instagram Models)
GRAB THE BOOK NEAREST TO YOU AND TURN TO PAGE 23. WHAT’S LINE 17? “The bravest will go first,” Beocca said to me, “and your father...”
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? not to my knowledge! hahaha
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? this morning in the car after I dropped my mom off at work lmaoo. I was listening to Aerosmith so it’s kind of a requirement. 
WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? HAHAHAHA which one...ummm obviously Kibum, Edgar Ramirez, Norman Reedus, Alexander Dreymon ummmmmmm idk probably dozens other. im a ho
WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE + SOUND YOU LOVE? hmmm honestly it depends, I can have a bad day when literally the sound of people talking makes me want to scream. I hate any loud sound tbh. but a sound I love, now that I can say without a doubt is the sound of the ocean. I don’t love anything more ^-^
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? eh, I really have no opinion one way or another. I can’t see them so I can’t say one way or another if i think there are any.
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? for damn sure! the universe is giant! who knows what else is out there in the infinite unknown. 
DO YOU DRIVE? IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? ye! ummmm well it was a small crash, panic throttled right into this guy in the parking lot at my university. he was speeding down the row after I had already checked for cars and when I finally saw him I accidentally hit the gas lmaooo. took out his whole rear corner panel. 
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? completed? or like currently reading? Last book I finished was My Sweet Audrina by V.C. Andrews. shes my favorite! but I’m currently rereading The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell. 
DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? I used to, now it makes me nauseous.
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? Point Break, the 2015 version. I love it soooooo much...refer back to question 7 LOL but also I just love the premise a lot more than the original. has deeper meaning to me. and I am a certifiable tree hugger and almost Psych expert so it’s a lot more interesting to me...I could go on forever about that movie lmao.
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? hmmmm I was bit by a spider on my knee last year and couldn’t walk for three days. felt like fire in my entire leg. 
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? HAHAHAHAH I’m always obsessed with something, ummm currently obsessed with The Walking Dead. my heart was ripped out last night and fed to me on a silver platter sooooo there’s that lol. 
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? Nah. I let it go. I never forget though. there’s a huuuuuge difference. It’s not worth my energy or mental health to hold a grudge, but people don’t get the opportunity to fool me twice if you know what I’m sayin hahaha 
IN A RELATIONSHIP? Only with like at least four men....in my head. so I guess ummmmm no? hahahaha
oh mannnnn um ok 10 people @menofkpop (DO IT KIM) @ultrakdramamama @moksurideonew @bywater-bree @markwarddimsum @yougotmeyugyeomie and ummmm anyone else that wants to do it just say I tagged you LOL sorry I suck
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